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How do you think the USA and Canada benefit from being part of the North American
Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)?

Both the USA and Canada benefit from NAFTA through increased market access, reduced
tariffs, and streamlined trade regulations. This agreement fosters economic growth, boosts
employment opportunities, and enhances competitiveness for both nations. By eliminating
trade barriers, it encourages cross-border investment and promotes efficiency in production
processes, ultimately leading to higher consumer choices and lower prices for goods and

2. How do you think Mexico is affected by NAFTA? (You can use a map of the world to help

Mexico experiences various impacts from NAFTA, including increased exports, job creation,
and industrial development, particularly in northern regions close to the U.S. border.
However, there are also challenges such as displacement of traditional agricultural practices
and income inequality. Despite these issues, Mexico's participation in NAFTA has generally
led to economic growth, integration into global supply chains, and improved infrastructure,
positioning the country as a significant player in North American trade.

3. Why might it be better for European countries to trade with each other rather than trading
with the USA?

Trading within Europe offers several advantages for European countries, including proximity,
cultural familiarity, and reduced transportation costs. Additionally, intra-European trade
facilitates the harmonization of standards and regulations, simplifying business operations
and ensuring compliance. Moreover, trading within the EU promotes regional stability and
strengthens economic ties among member states, fostering a sense of cooperation and
shared prosperity. This interdependence also reduces reliance on external markets like the
USA, mitigating risks associated with geopolitical tensions or policy changes.

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