Analyzing Factors Influencing Continuance Intention of E-Payment Adoption Using Modified UTAUT 2 Model

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2018 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT)

Analyzing Factors Influencing Continuance Intention

of E-Payment Adoption Using Modified
UTAUT 2 Model
(A Case Study of Go-Pay from Indonesia)

Indrawati Dianty Anggraini Putri

Faculty Economic & Business, Faculty Economic & Business
Telkom University Telkom University
Bandung, Indonesia Bandung, Indonesia

Abstract— Online business of Indonesia continuous to value in Indonesia. In 2016, the transaction had reached US $
grow rapidly. This rapid growth encourages developments 4.89 billion, this amount is higher compared to 2015 [1].
for electronic payment systems. Moreover, Bank Online transactions growth has been encouraging the
Indonesia is running a program to increase the awareness developments of payment system technologies. In line with
of society to become cash-less. One of the e-payment that Bank Indonesia program to increase the non-cash payment
emerging in Indonesia is Go-Pay, a Go-Jek payment system instruments usage which is called as National Non-
system. Go-Pay successfully becomes one of the fifth Cash Movement Program or in Bahasa Indonesia is Gerakan
largest e-money in Indonesia less than a year of its Nasional Non Tunai (GNNT), a non-cash community in
operation. Therefore, Bank Indonesia awarded Go-Jek as conducting transactions on economic activities will emerged
the most active company that increase society’s awareness [2]. According to the Indonesia Economic Report, non-cash
in conducting non-cash transactions in 2017. The payment instruments usage continues to increase [3]. The non-
successful of Go-Pay creates opportunities to upgrade the cash payment system index in 2015 was 249, and it reached
positions of Go-Pay service by knowing factors that 288 in 2016. The e-money usage becomes the largest increase
influence its customers in continuing using Go-Pay in non-cash payment index. It indicates that e-money has a
services. This study intended to analyze factors potential power to grow in Indonesia.
influencing continuance intention of Go-Pay adoption in One of the e-money system that is emerging in Indonesia is
Indonesia by using a Modified Unified Theory of Go-Pay. Go-Pay is an e-money system inside the Go-Jek
Acceptance and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) Model application that enables the consumers to conduct financial
with Trust as a new variable. The data were gathered transactions. Go-Jek is Indonesia on-demand mobile
from 507 valid respondents in Indonesia chosen by application that provides various services such as
purposive sampling technique. The result revealed that transportations, payment, logistics, and food delivery. Go-Pay
the factors influence continuance intention adoption of usage has some benefits compared to cash usage namely the
Go-Pay from the highest to the lowest respectively are consumers will be able to get discounts, Go-Points Token, and
Habit, Trust, Social Influence, Price Saving Orientation, vouchers. The best and the fastest growth of Go-Jek services is
Hedonic Motivation, and Performance Expectancy. The Go-Pay [4]. In a short time, Go-Pay successfully become one
model can predict strongly the continuance intention of of the largest e-money in Indonesia according to the number
consumers towards Go-Pay services in Indonesia since the of users, transactions, and usage [5]. Based on the JakPat
R² is 72.8%. This model can be used by Go-Pay survey in December 2016, the Go-Pay usage in Indonesia has
management in making decisions to maintain the reached 27.1 percent is ranked fourth. There is Mandiri
continuance intention of consumers towards Go-Pay eMoney in the first rank (43.8%), followed by Flazz (39.1%),
adoption by paying attention to those factors and their Tcash (29.1%), Rekening Ponsel and Line Pay (15,6%) in the
indicators. fifth rank [6].
Go-Pay users is estimated 1.5 times more than cash users
Keywords—Continuance intention; technology adoption; Go- in Go-Jek users. the Go-Pay growth is described as a Hockey
Pay; modified UTAUT2; Indonesia Stick which increasing sharply in a short time [7]. Moreover,
Go-Jek has received an award from Bank Indonesia as the
most active company in supporting the GNNT Program [8]. In
Indonesian Ministry of Communications and Information the next short time, Go-Pay service is not only for Go-Jek
released data that there was an increase of online transactions application payment, but also for various e-commerce

ISBN: 978-1-5386-4571-0 (c) 2018 IEEE 167

shopping payment [9]. The successful fast growth of Go-Pay
still give the opportunity to upgrade the Go-Pay service in
order to increase the future positions. Therefore, Go-Pay
management needs to always improve the service quality by
analyzing factors influencing continuance intention of
adopting Go-Pay. Moreover, there was no previous studies
which address this phenomenon in Indonesia. Therefore, this
study is necessary to be conducted. The aims of the study are
to know the factors influencing continuance intention of Go-
Pay adoption in Indonesia and to test if there are significant
differences of behavior in terms of age and gender.


Note: Bold Style variable is a new variable proposed in this
The authors used a modified Unified Theory of Acceptance study
and Use of Technology 2 (UTAUT2) Model by Venkatesh, Fig. 1. Modified UTAUT2 Model
Thong, and Xu (2012) [10]. The reasons of using UTAUT 2
Model is this model is the most updated theory in technology There are 9 main variables in the model. The following is
adoption and it has the highest prediction power among others the explanation of each variable, which is adopted from the
[10]. Compare to UTAUT Model, UTAUT 2 Model is a previous published research [10, 16, 17, 21]. Performance
technology acceptance theory in the consumer context, while Expectancy is the degree to which a person believes that using
UTAUT Model is related to the use of technology in the Go-Pay would provide benefits in conducting Go-Jek services
organizational contexts [10]. Compared to UTAUT Model, payment. Effort Expectancy is the degree of ease associated
this UTAUT2 Model produced an improvement in the with the Go-Pay usage. Next, Social Influence is defined as
explanation of Behavioral Intention (56 percent to 74 percent) the extent to which members of social networks, such as
also technology use (40 percent to 52 percent) [10]. Lastly, family, friends, influence one another’s behavior in using Go-
many previous studies also used UTAUT 2 Model in terms of Pay. Facilitating Conditions is the degree to which an
technology adoption, such as [11, 12, 13]. individual believes that an organizational and technical
Some modifications have been made in this study with some infrastructure exists to support the use Go-Pay. Hedonic
reasons, first, Behavioral Intention variable was replaced by Motivation is the degree of fun or pleasure derived from using
Continuance Intention and eliminated Use behavior variable Go-Pay including Go-Pay features such as Discount,
since we want to know the continuance intention of Go-Pay Vouchers, and Go-Point. Price Saving Orientation is defined
consumers in adopting Go-Pay. This is in line with the study as benefit, such as price reduction in using Go-Pay. This
of Xu (2014) [13]. definition was adapted from Jensen (2012) in Escobar-
The second modification is added Trust as a new variable. Rodríguez et. al (2014) [16]. Habit is the extent to which
This addition is done due to the fact that Trust has been people tend to use Go-Pay automatically because of learning.
proven to have a significant influence on mobile payment Trust is the level of consumers can rely on the integrity of the
adoption [11, 14, 15]. The second reasons of adding Trust to Go-Pay promises in offering the services (Kolsaker & Payne,
the model is the fact that based on the preliminary data 2002) [18]. Continuance Intention definition is adapted from
gathering, 38 out of 40 respondents believe that Trust becomes the Behavioral Intention definition of Venkatesh et al., (2012)
the reason of their adoption of Go-Pay. [10]. Therefore, continuance intention is defined as the degree
The third modification is replacing Price Value with Price to which a person has formulated plans to continuously
Saving Orientation. The reason is the usage of Go-Pay does perform some specified future behavior. [17] Based on the
not incur a monetary cost, but enable a lower price. Previous model, there are 8 main hypotheses and 16 sub-hypotheses.
study also has been adapted price value with price saving TABLE I shows the hypotheses in this study. Those
orientation for some technologies, such as website purchasing hypotheses will be tested by using one tail test with a
which does not create a monetary cost, but enables a lower confidence level 95%. A confidence level that usually used in
price (Escobar-Rodríguez, 2014) [16]. business studies are 95% [19].
The fourth modification is this study did not include
Experience as the moderating variable, due to the process of TABLE I. HYPOTHESES
gathering data is not a longitudinal study, but a cross-
sectional study. Therefore, including Experience in the model Performance Expectancy has a positive and significant influence on
is not applicable. Fig. 1. Shows the modified UTAUT 2 Model H1
Continuance Intention.
to be tested. The influence of Performance Expectancy on Continuance Intention is
moderated by age.
The influence of Performance Expectancy on Continuance Intention is
moderated by gender.

Effort Expectancy has a positive and significant influence on are valid with all CITC score are above 0.3. To test the
Continuance Intention.
reliability of the items, Cronbach-Alpha (CA) technique is the
The influence of Effort Expectancy on Continuance Intention is
moderated by age. most widely used [19]. The instruments which have CA > 0.70
The influence of Effort Expectancy on Continuance Intention is can be stated have a good reliability [19]. The result of SPSS
moderated by gender. 23 Software revealed that all the items are valid and reliable.
Social Influence has a positive and significant influence on The valid items are shown in TABLE II.
Continuance Intention.
The influence of Social Influence on Continuance Intention is
moderated by age.
The influence of Social Influence on Continuance Intention is TABLE II. QUESTIONNAIRE ITEMS
moderated by gender.
Code Item of Performance Expectancy
Facilitating Conditions has a positive and significant influence on
H4 PE1 Using Go-Pay increases my productivity.
Continuance Intention.
PE2 Using Go-Pay helps me accomplish payments more quickly.
The influence of Facilitating Conditions on Continuance Intention is
H4a PE3 I can save time when I use Go-Pay in the payment process.
moderated by age.
PE4 I find Go-Pay useful in my daily life.
The influence of Facilitating Conditions on Continuance Intention is
H4b Code Item of Effort Expectancy
moderated by gender.
EE1 Learning how to use Go-Pay is easy for me.
Hedonic Motivation has a positive and significant influence on
H5 EE2 It does not take long time to learn to use Go-Pay.
Continuance Intention.
EE3 I find Go-Pay easy to use.
The influence of Hedonic Motivation on Continuance Intention is
H5a EE4 It is easy for me to become skilful at using Go-Pay.
moderated by age.
The influence of Hedonic Motivation on Continuance Intention is Code Item of Social Influence
H5b SI1 People who are important to me think that I should use Go-Pay.
moderated by gender.
Price Saving Orientation has a positive and significant influence on SI2 People who influence my behavior think that I should use Go-Pay.
H6 SI3 People whose opinions that I value prefer that I use Go-Pay.
Continuance Intention.
SI4 Most of people around me are using Go-Pay.
The influence of Price Saving Orientation on Continuance Intention is
H6a Code Item of Facilitating Conditions
moderated by age.
FC1 I have the resources necessary to use Go-Pay.
The influence of Price Saving Orientation on Continuance Intention is FC2 I have the knowledge necessary to use Go-Pay.
moderated by gender.
FC3 Go-Pay is compatible with other technologies I use.
Habit has a positive and significant influence on Continuance
H7 FC4 I can get help from others when I have difficulties using Go-Pay.
Code Item of Hedonic Motivation
The influence of Habit on Continuance Intention is moderated by age.
H7a HM1 It is fun for me to use Go-Pay.
HM2 Features in Go-Pay (Go-Point Token) entertain me.
The influence of Habit on Continuance Intention is moderated by
H7b HM3 Features in Go-Pay (Discounts) entertain me.
HM4 Features in Go-Pay (Vouchers) entertain me.
Trust has a positive and significant influence on Continuance
H8 HM5 Go-Pay is enjoyable.
HM6 I feel excited in using Go-Pay.
H8a The influence of Trust on Continuance Intention is moderated by age. Code Item of Price Saving Orientation
The influence of Trust on Continuance Intention is moderated by PSO1 I can save money by using Go-Pay.
gender. PSO2 I like to search for cheap deals in Go-Pay services.
PSO3 Go-Pay offers better value of money.
III. MEASUREMENT PSO4 Go-Pay offers valuable promotions for me.
The data to test the hypotheses in this study were gathered Code Item of Habit
by using questionnaire. There are some steps followed to H1 Using Go-Pay has become a habit for me.
H2 Using Go-Pay is something that I do without thinking.
create good questionnaire items namely conducting a content H3 Using Go-Pay is a part of my daily routine.
validity test, expert validity test, readability test, and pilot test. H4 I am addicted to using Go-Pay.
Firstly, in conducting content validity test, the authors adopted Code Item of Trust
and modified the questionnaire items from previous studies T1 I believe that Go-Pay is trustworthy.
that have been published in reputable journals internationally T2 I trust in Go-Pay.
T3 I do not doubt the honesty of Go-Pay.
or nationally. The previous studies are [11, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21,
T4 Even if not monitored, I would trust Go-Pay to do the job right.
22, 23]. The authors validate the items to 4 experts in the Code Item of Continuance Intention
marketing and digital field by giving some questionnaire CI1 I intend to continue using Go-Pay.
improvements. The next step was conducted a readability test. CI2 I will keep using Go-Pay as regularly as I do now.
The result revealed that respondents did not find difficulties in My intention is to continue using Go-Pay than use any alternative
filling out the questionnaire.
CI4 I will strongly recommend that others use Go-Pay.
The next step is conducting a pilot test to makes sure the
items are fulfilled the construct validity and reliability. The IV. DATA COLLECTION, ANALYSIS, AND RESULT
pilot test used data from 40 respondents which were processed
To test the 8 main hypotheses and 16 sub hypotheses, the
by using SPSS 23 Software. The criteria of items validity by
authors distributed the questionnaire through Google Forms to
using the “Corrected Item – Total Correlation” (CITC) score.
collect the main data. The location of the study is in Indonesia
According to Friedenberg and Kaplan suggested that
where the cities that Go-Jek services are available. The period
correlation coefficient is should be higher 0.3 to be considered
of collecting data was from October 27th 2017 - November
valid item [19]. From the validity test result, the overall items

20th 2017. The data obtained from 690 respondents with 507 Based on the descriptive analysis result of Price Saving
respondents declared to be valid. The valid data means the Orientation, the perception of consumers towards this variable
data that has been filled up by the respondents who meet the categorized as a very high. The consumers perceived that price
characteristics of this study. The respondent characteristics are reduction or discounts in Go-Pay brings a very high benefit to
the Go-Pay consumers for at least three months in order to get the them. The highest score comes from PSO2 Item which
more accurate data of the consumer’s assessments and the 86.04% of the respondents perceived that they like to search
consumers who are in the age 15 years – 60 year’s old which for cheap deals in Go-Pay services. Meanwhile, the lowest
is divided in to two categories; young age (15-24 years old), score comes from item PSO4 Go-Pay offers valuable
and adult age (25-60 years old). promotions for the respondents.
The respondent gender dominance by female with 69.23%. The consumer assessment of the Performance Expectancy
It is because the Go-Jek application users itself is dominance factor is categorized as very high. It implies that Go-Pay
by female. This result is in line with a research conducted by brings very high benefits to the consumers. The highest score
by Universitas Indonesia which revealed that Go-Jek users comes from item PE3 which is using Go-Pay helps consumers
came from female with 69% and 31% male [24]. In terms of accomplish payments more quickly. Meanwhile, the lowest
age, this study dominated by the young category, which in the score comes from PE4 which is using Go-Pay increases
Diffusion of Innovation Technology Theory included on productivity.
innovators and early adopter category [25]. Innovators and The assessment of consumers towards Facilitating
early adopters has a similarity where these two category are Conditions factor is high. The lowest score is SI4 related with
brave and has no worries to take a risk on adopting a new respondents can get help from others when have difficulties
technology, including in Go-Pay Adoption. Therefore, in this using Go-Pay. It implies that this service is still need to be
study, the respondents are dominated by young category. For improved in terms of customer service although it is in the
the current residence area of respondent, mostly the high category.
respondents come from Java Island. It is because the Go-Jek The perception of respondents towards Trust to Go-Pay is
service itself is mostly available in cities in the Java Island high. According to the data, 81,14% respondents perceived
which is 30 cities out of 50 cities of Go-Jek operations in that they believe that Go-Pay is trustworthy. Meanwhile, the
Indonesia [26]. lowest score is T4 which is “Even if not monitored, I would
After gathering the data, the authors conducted a descriptive trust Go-Pay to do the job right.” It revealed that Go-Pay
analysis to know the assessment of Go-Pay consumers already build trust among the customers, therefore Go-Pay
towards the factors inside the modified UTAUT 2 Model. The needs always to keep the customer trust in order to always
result revealed that the all the factors are categorized to have engage the customers.
very high and high scores. The consumer’s assessment The consumer assessment of the Continuance Intention
towards factors inside Modified UTAUT 2 Model from the factor is categorized as high. It means that there is a high
highest to lowest score namely Effort Expectancy, Hedonic degree to which a person has formulated plans to continuously
Motivation, Price Saving Orientation, Performance use Go-Pay perform some specified Go-Pay future behavior.
Expectancy, Facilitating Conditions, Trust, Continuance The opportunity for the consumers to use Go-Pay
Intention, Habit, and Social Influence. continuously is High. 77.91% respondents perceived that they
The consumer assessment of the Effort Expectancy factor is intend to continue using Go-Pay.
categorized as very high. All the items scores are in the very The assessment of consumers towards Habit factor is high.
high category. It means that there is a very high level of All the items are categorized as High. 81.34% respondents
easiness in using Go-Pay. Most respondents feel that using perceived that using Go-Pay is something that they do without
Go-Pay is very easy. Meanwhile, for the least score comes thinking. It means that most of respondents use Go-Pay
from item EE1, which is Learning how to use Go-Pay is easy. automatically because of learning since it is very easy to use
Probably, in the beginning of Go-Pay usage, the consumers Go-Pay. It is supported by the data that 76.77% respondents
need more time to adapt with Go-Pay. perceived that using Go-Pay has become a habit for them.
The assessment of consumers towards Hedonic Motivation Meanwhile, item H4 becomes the lowest score while it still in
factor is very high. It means that there is a very high degree of a high category, which is about customer’s perception of the
fun or pleasure derived from using Go-Pay including Go-Pay Go-Pay addiction.
features such as Discount, Vouchers, and Go-Point. The The assessment of consumers towards Social Influence
highest score comes from HM3 which the item is “Features in variable are categorized as high. The least score comes from
Go-Pay (Discounts) entertain me.” It means that mostly the item SI4, which is “Most of people around me are using Go-
respondents were entertained and feel pleasure when they Pay.” While the highest score is SI1, which is “People who are
earned discounts. Therefore, it is important for Go-Pay important to me think that I should use Go-Pay.”
maintain the discounts for the consumers. Meanwhile, the After knowing the consumer’s assessment towards the
lowest score comes from HM2 item. Although it is the lowest factors inside the modified UTAUT2 Model, the authors
score in this variable, but it still categorized as high. This analyzed the valid data. The 507 valid data were analyzed by
HM2 item is about features in Go-Pay (Go-Point Token) using Partial Least Square (PLS) software which is Smart PLS
entertain the consumers. 2.0 M3. There are two steps for processing the data using PLS,

namely assessment of the measurement model (Outer Model) brave and has no worries to take a risk in adopting a new
and assessment of the structural model (Inner Model). The technology, including in Go-Pay Adoption. Therefore, the
first assessment is for making sure that the items are valid and level of easiness does not become a consideration for them to
reliable. Cronbach’s Alpha (CA) and Composite Reliability adopt Go-Pay. This result confirmed the research conducted
(CR) for evaluating the reliability. Cronbach’s Alpha by [12].
Coefficient at least 0.7 shows that the questionnaire has a good In this study, FC has a positive but no significant influence
reliability (Hair et., al 2010; Kaplan and Saccuzzo 1993:126; on Continuance Intention. It may cause by the consumers who
Nunnally & Bernstein, 1994; Pedhazur & Pedhazur, 1991) in already have necessary devices to use Go-Pay. This is in line
[27]. A good CR indicates that the construct indicators with a study by [12].
combine and adequately measure the construct. The value of The second objective of structural assessment model is
CR required a minimum CR value of 0.7 [27]. TABLE III prediction power of the model which is indicated by for
shows that all the items of this research have fulfilled the dependent latent variable. The result 0.67; 0.33; and 0.19
criteria of reliability. indicate that the model is “Good”, “Moderate”, and “Weak”
[27]. The result of bootstrapping shows that the of this
study is 72.8%. Therefore, this study confirmed that the model
TABLE III. THE CA, CR AND AVE SCORES has a strong predictive power. To test the sub hypotheses, this
Variable CA CR AVE study uses group comparison by using Chin Formula that will
PE 0.86 0.91 0.71 result a t-value for comparing paths of each group [27].
EE 0.93 0.95 0.83
SI 0.87 0.92 0.74
FC 0.80 0.87 0.63
HM 0.91 0.93 0.70 T-value for moderating variable
PSO 0.87 0.91 0.73 Paths
Age Gender
H 0.91 0.93 0.78 H -> CI 0.02 0.01
T 0.94 0.96 0.84 HM -> CI 0.06 0.05
In terms of convergent validity, the test was conducted by PE -> CI 0.05 0.00
calculating the Average Variance Extracted (AVE) Indicators. PSO -> CI 0.03 0.05
The AVE score which is more than 0.50 shows that the items SI -> CI 0.05 0.02
T -> CI 0.01 0.02
of a variable has an enough convergent validity (Hair et., al
2010; Ghozali, 2008) in [27]. TABLE III shows that the
The TABLE V shows that Young and Adult category also
constructs used in this study have AVE values above 0.5.
Age and Gender differences do not affect the influence of the
Therefore, each construct meets the requirement of convergent
modified UTAUT2 Model factors on continuance intention of
validity test.
consumers in the context of Go-Pay services in Indonesia. All
The assessment of structural model in PLS which is done
the t-values of comparing paths are below 1.96. It reveals that
first to know the influence of the latent variables towards other
there is no difference perception of respondents in terms of
latent variables by using bootstrapping procedure. The criteria
age and gender. This result is in line with the research result of
used is the t-value of path coefficient from one latent variable
Indrawati & Mansur (2015) in [27]. Fig.2. shows the tested
to another variable should be at least 1.65 to be considered
model for continuance intention to adopt Go-Pay in Indonesia.
significant at 95% confidence level one tail test. Table IV
shows the path coefficient and t-value of each latent variable.


Correlation of Variables Path Coefficient t-value Status
PE→CI 0.07 1.71 H1 accepted
EE→CI -0.06 1.46 H1 rejected
SI→CI 0.09 2.71 H1 accepted
FC→CI 0.02 0.6 H1 rejected
HM→CI 0.09 1.74 H1 accepted
PSO-> CI 0.067 1.81 H1 accepted
H→CI 0.48 10 H1 accepted
T→CI 0.24 4.93 H1 accepted

Based on the results shown in Table IV, the independent

variables which have positive and significant influence on CI, Fig. 2. Tested Model for Continuance Intention to Adopt
respectively from the highest to the lowest are H, T, SI, PSO, Go-Pay in Indonesia
HM, PE. Two variables namely EE and FC have no significant As shown in Fig 2, this study can conclude that the data in
influence on CI. this study support that Trust has a positive and significant
EE has no significant influence on Continuance Intention. influence on continuance intention along with five other
According to the respondent profile, 86.19% respondents of variables from original UTAUT2 Model (PE, SI, HM, PSO, H,
this research are coming from young age category, who are T).

V. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS most of people around them are using Go-Pay. Therefore, Go-
Based on the results and analysis of this research, the author Pay management would be better to have more interactions
draws some conclusions. with some communities or with the one who are important or
key player inside the communities.
A. Conclusion The fourth factor that influence the continuance intention in
There are 6 variables in this study that were proven to have a using Go-Pay services is Price Saving Orientation. According
positive and significant influence on the consumer’s to the score from the descriptive analysis result, the lowest
continuance intention of Indonesia Go-pay adoption. The item score was related with Go-Pay offers valuable promotion
variables were ordered from the highest to lowest affect for the consumers. The suggestion is Go-Pay management
respectively as follows: Habit, Trust, Social Influence, Price could widen the corporations with merchants that is more
Saving Orientation, Hedonic Motivation, and Performance popular with attractive promotions, so then, people willing to
Expectancy. There is no difference perception of respondents redeem the Go-Points with more beneficial vouchers. If there
in terms of age and gender. are many attractive promotions regarding the vouchers also
The proposed model of this research had an R-Square value various merchants, people would like to collect the Go-Point
of 72.8% which means this model has a good predicting power as much as possible to experience the benefits of the valuable
to predict customer’s continuance intention towards Go-Pay promotions then, Go-Pay usage will increase.
adoption. Therefore, this proposed model can be used to be The fifth factor that significantly influence the Continuance
implemented in deciding Go-Pay management marketing Intention to use Go-Pay is Hedonic Motivation. The lowest
program to increase customer continuance intention on Go- item score was about Go-Pay Features (Go-Point) entertain the
Pay adoption. consumers. Therefore, a suggestion related the Go-points
From the results of this research, Go-Pay management is improvements had been formulated. To make the Go-Points
expected to be able to point out and identify factors inside the Token more entertaining, Go-Pay management could improve
modified UTAUT2 Model influencing consumer’s the gifts inside the Token by adding doubled points, triple
continuance intention of Go-Pay adoption. Go-Pay points, so then the Token will become more interesting.
management could make a priority which factors needed to be Performance Expectancy becomes one factors significantly
concerned for the further Go-Pay business strategy influence consumers in using Go-Pay. Since Performance
developments. Therefore, Go-Pay management will Expectancy has the least significant score, Go-Pay
understand more what user’s preferences are. Below are the management just need to maintain the quality of service for
suggestions for the Go-Pay management based on the factors Go-Pay. Go-Pay management also need to conduct a
that has a significant influence towards the consumer’s competitor analysis and ensure that the service is still the best.
continuous intention in adopting Go-Pay: For further research, since this modified UTAUT2 Model
has a strong explanatory power which is 72.8%, further
B. Suggestions research is expected to do a research in the field of e-payment
but with a different research object.
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