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Name: _______________________________________________

IGCSE Biology

Time: 45 minutes

Total marks available: 44

Total marks achieved: ______


(a) Flowering plants need water and minerals to grow.

Complete the sentences describing how plants absorb and transport water and minerals.
In a flowering plant, water and dissolved minerals are absorbed by

the ............................................................................................. .

The water and dissolved minerals are transported through the stem of the plant

by ............................................................................................. .

(b) Aphids are tiny insects that have very sharp mouthparts. They push these mouthparts into the phloem
found in stems. They then feed on the phloem contents.

(i) Name two substances the aphids obtain from the phloem.
1 ..........................................................................................................................................

2 ..........................................................................................................................................

Red blood cells and white blood cells are two of the components found in human blood.

(a) State two other components of blood.

1 ..........................................................................................................................................

2 ..........................................................................................................................................

(b) Some white blood cells destroy pathogens.

The diagram shows four stages in this process.

Describe what is happening in each stage of this process.











(c) The picture shows a human red blood cell.

(i) The actual diameter of this human red blood cell is 8.1 μm.
Determine the magnification of the picture.
[1 mm = 1000 μm]

magnification = ...........................................................

(ii) Patients with reduced numbers of red blood cells are described as anaemic.

In an investigation, scientists measure the percentage oxygen saturation of the blood and the rate of
tissue deoxygenation. The rate of tissue deoxygenation is a measure of how fast oxygen is lost from
the tissues.

They use four groups of patients.

· non-anaemic patients with normal blood flow

· anaemic patients with normal blood flow
· non-anaemic patients with slow blood flow
· anaemic patients with slow blood flow
The table shows the scientists' results.

Discuss the relationships between anaemia, blood flow, percentage oxygen saturation of blood and
rate of tissue deoxygenation.
You should refer to data in the table and use your biological knowledge in your answer.


















The diagram shows a transverse section through a human heart.

(a) (i) Draw an X on the diagram to show the position of the septum.

(ii) State two differences between the composition of the blood in the coronary artery and the
composition of the blood in the coronary vein.
1 ..........................................................................................................................................


2 ..........................................................................................................................................


(iii) Explain the differences between the left ventricle wall and the right ventricle wall.





(b) The development of coronary heart disease is linked to a number of factors.
Explain how these factors can increase the risk of developing coronary heart disease.












The diagram shows the human heart with four blood vessels labelled A, B, C and D.

(a) (i) Which blood vessel brings oxygenated blood to the heart?
(ii) Which blood vessel contains blood at the highest pressure?

(b) (i) Draw a label line on the diagram to show the position of a semi-lunar valve.

(ii) Describe the function of the semi-lunar valves.





(c) In the heart of a foetus, the two upper chambers (atria) are linked by a hole so that blood can pass
between them.
(i) Explain why this hole is normally closed before the baby is born.





(ii) Sometimes the hole does not close.
Explain what effect this will have on the baby.








The diagram shows the position of some hormone producing glands in the female body.

(a) Which of these structures is the adrenal gland?

(b) The adrenal gland is an organ that secretes adrenaline.

Adrenaline is released into the blood when there is danger.

The list gives the effects of adrenaline on different parts of the body.

· dilates the pupil in the eye

· increases heart rate
· narrows small arteries in the intestine
· converts glycogen into glucose in the liver
Explain the advantages of these effects to a person in danger.


















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