Caleb Mission

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God’s strategy to involve youth in end-time evangelism

Our Biblical Mandate

What is Caleb Mission?

Caleb Mission is a volunteer, community service, and witnessing program which challenges
the youth of the Seventh-day Adventist Church to dedicate their summer break or vacation to
do evangelism in places where there is little or no Adventist presence, strengthen the small
congregations, and gain new people for the kingdom of God.
“Since its beginning, Youth Ministry was designed and established by the world church with
clearly defined goals aimed at the growth, consolidation, and salvation of its youth. It was not
established to simply entertain the youth. That means that today, more than ever, the work
with the youth needs to be focused on its main purpose: ‘save the lost and guide them in
service.’” – Enzo Ronald Chavez Idrogo
Caleb has three distinct components:
1. Volunteering
2. Evangelism
3. Community service
• These three components run concurrently. The community service projects are usually
done during the daytime, and the evangelistic services are held in the evenings or
early night.
Important to note:
These evangelistic meetings are planned and conducted by youth, for youth, and operate
through small missionary teams, usually of six to ten persons. Locations should be pre-
assigned by the district or local churches. Each missionary district should have between five
and ten teams canvassing/working the area. Ideally, before the meetings, teams of 2-6 young
people should go out in the neighbourhoods to visit and conduct personal Bible studies. Each
group of six, or more, is supposed to work together on the pre-Bible studies, the community
service projects, and the evangelistic meetings.
Why the name Caleb?
In the Bible we find men and women who left an indelible mark on their generation. Such is
the case of Caleb, son of Jephunneh (Numbers 14:6).
Here are some fundamental reasons why the name of Caleb is very appropriate for this

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1. Caleb was a man who was extraordinarily faithful to Jehovah, his God (Joshua 14:6-
2. Caleb possessed an unusual spirit, a different attitude. He saw high walls and giants
through the eyes of faith (Numbers 14:24).
3. Caleb was an untiring soldier, manifesting strength at all times (Joshua 14:11).
4. Caleb was a man of courage and valor. He was victorious in places with great
challenges (Joshua 14:12; 15:14).
The Challenge
The youth like challenges! A cause to stand for! In all the main events throughout history,
there was always a motivation, a cause—a banner raised high and carried to victory. In this
sense, “Mission Caleb” offers us a banner, a standard for the youth who are a very important
part of the church.
Spirit of prophecy quotes that speak about the need of having young people with
Caleb’s courage:
“We want Calebs now who will press to the front (…) when the selfish, ease-loving, panic-
stricken people, fearing tall giants and inaccessible walls, clamor for retreat, let the voice of
the Calebs be heard, even though the cowardly ones stand with stones in their hands, ready
to beat them down for their faithful testimony.” (Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 383.3).
“While the doubting ones talk of impossibilities, while they tremble at the thought of high
walls and strong giants, let the faithful Calebs, who have "another spirit," come to the front.”
(Testimonies, Vol. 5, p. 380).
“It is when the unbelieving cast contempt upon the Word of God that the faithful Calebs are
called for.” (Selected Messages, Book 2, p. 369).
There are a lot of different reasons why people volunteer. For some it could be because of the
personal benefits it will have on their character, a desire to learn new skills, have fun, or
make a difference. Some are completely devoted to the cause, while others simply just want
to do their bit where they can. However, volunteering with the Caleb Mission is a much more
meaningful experience, taking you further out of your comfort zone and offering far greater
rewards. Caleb Mission is a voluntary program, where youth participate of their own free
will. They dedicate their time—which can be from as short as 7 days to as long as 3 months,
their talents, their professions, and their money to service for the Lord, and for the mission of
the church.
"Christ’s method alone will give true success in reaching the people. The Saviour mingled
with men as one who desired their good. He showed His sympathy for them, ministered to
their needs, and won their confidence. Then He bade them, 'Follow Me.'” Ellen White,
Ministry of Healing, p 143.

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Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, defines community service as donated service or activity
that is performed by someone or a group of people for the benefit of the public or its
institutions.” It further says that, “Community service also reduces the chances of suicidal
actions or questionable behavior in children, teens or young adults”.
Participation in these community projects will contribute to a more complete development of
society, provide relief to those in need, and serve as a visible testimony to the Seventh-day
Adventist Church. It also adds to its relevance to its community. Community service also
inspire in the youth a sense of responsibility and sensitivity to the social needs of their
surroundings and a greater appreciation of life.
Give Youth Responsibility:
Contrary to the thought process of some adults, Youth like to have responsibility. In the area
of Community Service, this means involving Youth in the process from the very beginning.
For instance, when the decision has been made for a Youth service project, let them decide
what the project will be then let them plan the project. This means recruiting and supervising
volunteers (specifically other young people), obtaining resources such as funding and
materials, settling transportation details, and allowing them to lead on the day of the project.
When Youth are involved in the entire process, they have a vested interest and want to be
sure that what has been planned will get done. Youth are more willing to get involved in
service projects that are developed and led by their peers. When Youth are not involved in the
entire process of Community Service efforts, it comes across as a necessary evil. However,
when Youth have a role in the planning, they are very excited about what will happen and can
easily influence their friends to get involved. Youth are also encouraged to be successful
when they are given responsibility. How can it be said that Youth are irresponsible if they are
not given any responsibility?
“… Youth are our future. Community Service helps Youth prepare for the future. Lets
empower our Youth to determine their own destiny”.
On December 19, 1892, Ellen G. White received a message from the Lord regarding the work
for the youth. She wrote from Melbourne, Australia, the following words:
“We have an army of youth today who can do much if they are properly directed and
encouraged. We want our children to believe the truth. We want them to be blessed of
God. We want them to act a part in well-organized plans for helping other youth. Let
all be so trained that they may rightly represent the truth, giving the reason of the
hope that is within them, and honoring God in any branch of the work where they are
qualified to labor,” (General Conference Daily Bulletin, January 29, 1893).
There are different ways to witness and evangelize.
1. Peer Evangelism
Peer evangelism is defined as youth sharing faith with their friends. It is to communicate the
Bible truth to their fellow youth and to show the way on how to become true Bible Christians.
The youth need to be taught, equipped and trained on how to perform it, so they will be
encouraged and have a passion to do it.
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2. Drama Ministry
It is a ministry that has the power to bring people into the knowledge of the Bible by enacting
the life sketches of the Bible characters, Bible stories or the lives of people who were
changed by the Bible teaching.
3. Street Ministry
The youth will spend their time and efforts to share the love of God with people on the
streets, talking with them, distributing tracts, giving Bible studies, praying with the people,
giving them hope, also doing the act of kindness by giving food to the homeless, or adopt a
road to clean and beautify it on behalf of the Adventist Youth.
4. Prayer Walks (Praying for people in the street)
This is a special ministry to be done as the youth in small groups walking with eyes open,
while their hearts are connected to the Heavenly Father in prayer. Many disturbed people are
walking on the street, young people will pray to ask God to direct them to those disturbed
people, and when they meet them, offer them their services of praying with them.
5. Music Ministry
This is a ministry of sharing and spreading the gospel of Jesus through music. Music is not
only done for praising and worshipping God but also to be used for expressing the passion of
the youth to share their faith with their fellow youth. This ministry will provide an
opportunity for the youth to make an impact in the church as well as in the community
through their music.
To achieve success in this project it is necessary to encourage spirituality, honesty, unity,
punctuality, willingness, humility, cooperation, sensitivity, responsibility, and commitment to
God and the mission of the church.

Compiled By

Pastor Kalalambili Rice Simangolwa

Youth Director

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