Lfi:iaj: @25) Oe) 0®05%5) @ (3o C) en - 63 @oiodo& Cle)

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~m:>0 ~ ~"' 8. d ~:)?5) o@cs, ® q::itrl®C.5 ?.S)t5@ · 25))5:)C., e5@cs,
o>i' o0S2S) Q)0?5) ~es,o?5) @c.,::i §6@®zrl @tsl@®zrl e;~tl)§c., ?.5)6::i
~IID:1 ~O W"(e1 Q)E:}?5) qc.,es,e,?5) @c.,::i @crl'~@0zrl E)e) 0CJ:>?5) 0:JoO:J8?.S)

@i'® ~@ @ @60znmc) 8~ E:)25) Q)E)e)?5) C!)~zn®© eJC90:JOC., e;c.,.

e®® e,(d0::i0c., to::i6ffic.,c.,::ie-cn de;mc., @crl'®0::i6, mawcld, 0::imgdd
~ ~~:l5::i8 "'~®0zn Sc.,00 wmo?.S)a ®Q)~@a?5) wt5®, q~d, ~::i®
~ e-®:f?3! c.,25) o6®::it5d wcl@cl d~mc., @®e-wc.,0zn25)c)~ @erl~
~- ~e,e)@cl d d 8c.,06c.,zrl@ ~ ?.S)@ 8~ ?.S)::i~c.,c.,zrl fS5@®2rl ttS>::i

• Monier Williams, Indian Wisdom: or Examples of the Religious,

Philosophical and Ethical Doctrines of the Hindus, (New Delhi: Cosmo
,.Publications, 1978), p, 306
~ India, literature like the whole face of nature, is on gigantic scale.
. oetry~ born amid the majestic scenery of the Himalayas, and fosteres
• chmate which inflamed the imaginative powers, developed itself with
onental luxuriance."
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asked under what sky the human mind has most fully developed some of
its choicest gifts, has most deeply pondered the greatest problems ofl~e,
and has found solutions of some of them which well deserve the attenti~n
even of those who have studied Plato and Kant- I should point to India.
And if I were to ask myself from what literature we, here in Europe, "";
who have been nurtured almost exclusively on the thoughts of Greeks :Ve
Romans, and of one Semitic race, the Jewish, may draw that correc ore
. h ·
wh1c 1s mo:sL
.n. • •
wanted m order to. make our mner we
more perfect,
. IDt for
. . h a life, no
c~m~rehens1ve, more umversal, m fact more truly ~man, uld paint to
this hfe only, but a transfigured and eternal life- agam I sho
~;le; ~=e!~~ =o~~~
~ 1JGlmoma, ee@<t (98 ~ea,
<i3>M?~, z>~menmtu :tJ7/J Z/aJ?(/JlJJM) ·

"©.>62l2@ffi)a) eJ§®~ e;~mmm~ 8B@e)~ 50 0~

es~0mfil6m ~®m@m~

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@ 9fii:>c,:>d 63~ @trlDoStS)o~:>d@d
0160d @zrldoec:J c,!:Q @md~§.
Soma d.<!'C02:)1 c:lo® c,9do meom®.
..,, ,.. ...,.
,1■ 8a IJIEtJ*--

... Ire•= ~ 20!9

■ ·~ -,11-624--50.J 1-00-9
..nilftillal... ~~-ee eo>Jdezf•< Qt)®dmm '38
• ~-~ ftse,~ .a~eme< Q®®dm~ &3~
@edof' §zrlD~ q-i?rlfJ
qozs, 159/6 CV, oc:>zrlS O:l6p
c~~CC, eoc~('.}0.
~ozs,d2S:> - 081 5 702400
(')12:ifcl - 081 2 205722
e-mail - creativekandyas@gmail.coni

e}~@~ ~~)5:)~%5)25) 88@0~

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C,@.~E).et en~® @v51~®:l,

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