Bus Operator

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In my current position at Tidbinbilla providing exceptional front line customer service is what I excel

at day in day out. My skill set is backed up by training and over two decades of hospitality
experience. Over time I have developed skills and wisdom from countless interactions with people;

I previously worked as a Customer Service Assistant (CSA) for Transport Canberra. This was also a
front line customer service role much like being a bus operator; I’m the most frequent point of
contact to customers and the public, the ‘Face” of Transport Canberra.

At Tidbinbilla I communicate professionally and confidently face to face, over the phone and radio
and by email as part of my daily work, I conduct ranger guided activities and work in conjunction
with external businesses such as Wildfest. Due to my personality traits, behaviour and other highly
developed communication skills as mentioned above I have created an extremely good report and
working relationship with all people I have been involved with at Tidbinbilla.

Whilst doing this job and from working at money interchanges I saw firsthand what the drivers do, I
took a great interest in this and would communicate daily to drivers as well as constantly observe
bus timings and schedules.

I have always had a very good sense of direction in general and working at Tidbinbilla I would need
to navigate fire trails and paths when I was giving Ranger Guided activities (RGS’s), as well as use a
range of maps which I excelled at. I also ensured I followed schedules and used time-keeping skills to
manage plan my day in advance where needed to ensure I was never late to give talks and ranger
guided walks etc.

When I was a CSA I was very frequently reading maps, giving directions, setting up routes and
journeys for customers. This also gave me an excellent view of what drivers do and how their routes
and schedules operate.

I go above and beyond in relation to customer service and I have a passion for helping vulnerable
people and those that may require extra attention. For example, I speak Spanish at an intermediate
level and use this skill frequently at the information centre. On one occasion a person from South
America had locked his keys in the boot of his car. His English was poor and in what ended up being
a potentially complex interaction to help him, as the roadside assist he thought he had as part of his
travel insurance did not actually exist, was made simple by me translating for him. I also
communicated the situation with the late ranger and asked if they would come down and check on

My demonstrated understanding of and commitment to the behaviors and values of Respect, Equity
and Diversity and Workplace Health and Safety are shown at a much deeper level than most, due to
my extensive training, many years in the workforce and having worked in a number of places in
Australia and overseas, with much of this time spent working in the hospitality industry, no other
industry comes close with regards to seeing how the principles of respect, equity and diversity work
in action because of the sheer number of different people you are constantly interacting with.

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