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Grade and Section: SCORE:
Date: Quarter: Third
Lesson: Prose, Poetry, Literary and Sound Devices Parent’s Signature:

Read the poem below. Highlight and label ONE line that exemplifies each of the following: simile, metaphor,
personification, and alliteration.

I'm part of a family, shining bright.

Our love, long-lasting, like a fortress, strong and bold,
Keeps us together, come heat or cold.
Our laughter, like fireworks, lights up the night,
Filling our hearts with pure delight.
In hugs and kisses, I find my song,
A melody that's warm and strong.
With giggles and games, we pass the day,
A merry band in every way.
Our love, a blanket, soft and kind,
Wraps us tight, leaving worries behind.
Family, my compass in life's great quest,
Guiding me through each new test.
Our love, a beacon in the darkest night,
Guiding me with its gentle light.
1 of the highlighted lines do not 2 of the highlighted lines do not More than 2 of the highlighted
All highlighted lines exemplify
Identification exemplify either of the specified exemplify either of the specified lines do not exemplify either of the
either of the specified devices.
devices. devices. specified devices.
All highlighted lines are labeled 1 of the highlighted lines are not 2 of the highlighted lines are not More than 2 highlighted lines are
correctly. labeled correctly. labeled correctly. not labeled correctly.

A. Revisit the poem above and answer the following questions.

1. How many lines do the poem have? _________________________________________________

2. How many stanzas are in the poem? ________________________________________________

3. Who is the speaker in the poem? ___________________________________________________

4. Who is the speaker talking to in the poem? ____________________________________________

5. What is going on in the poem? _____________________________________________________


6. What symbol is portrayed in the poem? ______________________________________________

II. PROSE. Read the story below to complete the fact file.
Once upon a time, in a small town nestled between rolling hills and whispering forests, there lived a diligent student
named Lily. She was known far and wide for her insatiable thirst for knowledge and her unwavering commitment to
her studies.
One sunny morning, as the birds chirped merrily outside her window, Lily awoke to find herself faced with a mountain
of schoolwork. Papers sprawled across her desk, textbooks stacked high like towers reaching for the sky.
With a heavy sigh, Lily dove headfirst into the sea of assignments, her pen poised like a knight ready for battle. Yet,
no matter how hard she fought, it seemed as though the tide of schoolwork would never recede. Each equation she
conquered birthed three more in its wake, and every essay she completed sprouted new questions like seeds in fertile
As the day wore on, Lily could feel the weight of exhaustion settling upon her shoulders like a heavy cloak. The words
on the page blurred before her eyes, dancing tauntingly out of reach like elusive fireflies. Yet still, she pressed on, her
determination burning bright like a lone candle in the darkness.
Hours passed like seconds, and as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across her room, Lily
finally laid down her weary pen. Though her eyes drooped with weariness and her limbs ached with fatigue, there was
a sense of accomplishment that filled her heart like a warm embrace.
For in the midst of the chaos, Lily had discovered a strength within herself that she never knew existed. She had faced
the onslaught of schoolwork with courage and resilience, emerging victorious against all odds.
And as she drifted off to sleep that night, lulled by the gentle lullaby of crickets outside her window, Lily knew that no
matter what challenges tomorrow might bring, she would face them head-on, armed with the knowledge that within
her beat the heart of a true scholar, unyielding and unstoppable.





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