All Formulas of Electricity

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All Formulas of Electricity:

1) I = Q/t
2) Q = ne
3) V = W/Q
4) V = IR
5) R = Rho x L/A
6) H = V × Q
i) H = VIt
ii) H = I²Rt
iii) H = V²t/R
7) P = W/t
i) P = VI
ii) P = I²R
iii) P = V²/R
8) E = P × t
9) Resistance in Series: Rs = R1 + R2 + R3
10) Resistance in Parallel: 1/Rp = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 (» Reciprocal of R1+R2+R3)

S.I. Units:

Current ( I ) - Ampere
Charge ( Q ) - Coulomb
Time ( t ) - Second
Potential Difference or Voltage ( V ) - Volt
Resistance ( R ) - Ohm Ω
Resistivity ( Rho ) - Ohm meter
Power ( P ) - Watt
Heat = Energy = Work = Joule

Measuring Devices:

Ammeter / Milli Ammeter - for measuring current (always connected in series)

Galvanometer - for measuring small/sensitive currents (we can also get the direction of the current)
Voltmeter - for measuring volts (always connected in parallel)
Ohm Meter - Measures the resistivity

Things to remember:

electron charge = -1.6 x 10¹ C

Coulomb = 6.25 x 10^18 electrons
1A = 1000mA
1 Kw = 1000W

1 Horse Power = 746W

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