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1 Meeshaalee Injinariingii Sooftiweerii

Meeshaan sooftiweerii sagantaa humna namaa tokko tokko ofumaan hojjetudha

bulchiinsa, dizaayinii, koodii, qorannoo, .

inspeekshinii, ykn sagantaalee biroo kunuunsuu.

Meeshaaleen gochoonni irra deddeebi’aman, haala gaariin ibsaman ofumaan akka hojjetaman kan
hayyamu yoo ta’u, kanaanis fe’iinsa hubannoo injinarii sooftiweerii irratti hir’isa.

Sana booda injinarichi adeemsa kana keessatti gama kalaqaa irratti xiyyeeffachuuf bilisa ta’a.

Meeshaaleen yeroo baay'ee malawwan addaa deeggaruuf kan qophaa'an yoo ta'u, fe'iinsa bulchiinsaa
kamiyyuu mala harkaan hojiirra oolchuu wajjin walqabatee jiru hir'isa.

Meeshaalee CASE

CASE jechuun Computer Aided Software Engineering jechuudha.

Jechuunis, gargaarsa meeshaalee sooftiweerii ofumaan hojjetaman adda addaatiin pirojektoota

sooftiweerii qopheessuu fi kunuunsuu jechuudha.

Injinariingii sooftiweerii kompiitaraan gargaarame (CASE) tuuta meeshaalee fi maloota sirna sooftiweerii
irratti hojiirra oolchuu saayinsaawaa ta’ee fi oomishaalee sooftiweerii qulqullina olaanaa qaban, mudaa
irraa bilisa ta’anii fi kunuunfamuu danda’an argachuuf yaadame dha.

Akkasumas malawwan guddina sirna odeeffannoo meeshaalee ofumaan hojjetaman kanneen adeemsa
misooma sooftiweerii keessatti fayyadamuu danda’an waliin ta’uun kan agarsiisudha.

2 Meeshaaleen CASE sirna sooftiweerii hojjechuuf hoggantoota pirojektii sooftiweerii, xiinxaltootaa fi

injinaroonni itti fayyadamu.

Sadarkaalee adda addaa Marsaa Jireenyaa Misooma Sooftiweerii salphisuuf meeshaaleen CASE
baay’inaan jiru kanneen akka meeshaalee Xiinxala, Meeshaalee Dizaayinii, Meeshaalee bulchiinsa
pirojektii, Kuusaa deetaa

Meeshaalee bulchiinsa, Meeshaalee Documentation muraasa maqaa dhahuun ni danda'ama.

Meeshaalee CASE fayyadamuun guddina pirojektii saffisiisuun bu’aa barbaadamu kan argamsiisu yoo
ta’u, sadarkaa itti aanu misooma sooftiweerii keessatti osoo hin deemin dura hanqina mul’atu
saaxiluudhaaf gargaara.

3 Kanaafuu meeshaaleen CASE gulaaltota dizaayinii, galmee jechootaa deetaa, qindeessitoota,

sirreessitoota, meeshaalee ijaarsa sirnaa fi kkf of keessatti qabatu.

ii CASE jechuun malawwan meeshaalee ofumaan hojjetaman fayyadamuun sirna odeeffannoo

guddisuuf damee injinariingii tokkoof of kennan agarsiisa.

CASE irra caalaa software qulqullina qabu kan bu’a qabeessa ta’e hojjechuuf kan ooludha.

Amaloota CASE: 1.1.

1 Meeshaa giraafikii irratti xiyyeeffatedha.

2 Adeemsa diigamuu ni deeggara.

Meeshaaleen CASE idilee tokko tokko:

1 Afaan Moodeela Tokkummaa

2 Meeshaalee moodeela deetaa, fi

3 Meeshaalee dhaloota koodii madda

Meeshaalee CASE Maaliif?

Bulchiinsa Arkiteekcharii

1 Sirna sooftiweerii, fi aplikeeshiniiwwan kompiitaraa moodeela, dizaayinii fi saffisaan ijaaruu.

Bulchiinsa Jijjiiramaa fi Hiikkaa

1 Kenniinsa sooftiweerii fi hordoffii marsaa jireenyaa fooyyessuu, barbaachisummaa irraa kaasee hanga

Bulchiinsa misooma sooftiweerii

1 Pirojektoota oomishtummaa fi tilmaama fooyya’aa ta’eef qindeessuu

Bulchiinsa Qulqullinaa
1 Hojii, amanamummaa fi raawwii sooftiweerii mirkaneessuu

Galmoota Meeshaalee CASE

1 Hojii bu’uuraa dhiyeessuu, hojiiwwan idilee ofumaan hojjechuu. 2Oomishtummaa guddisuu

2 Qulqullina sooftiweerii guddisuu Meeshaalee biroo waliin walitti makamuu

17 Barbaachisummaa DHIMMAA

i)CASE saffisaan sooftiweerii akka hojjetamu kan taasisudha

ii)Sirnoota umurii hojii bu’a qabeessa ta’e dheeraa qaban oomishuuf.

ii)Sirnoota fedhii fi barbaachisummaa fayyadamtootaa baay’ee dhiyeenyaan guutan oomishuuf.

iv)Sirna sanada gaarii qabu oomishuuf.

v)Sirnoota deeggarsa sirnoota xiqqaa barbaadan oomishuuf.

vi)Sirna caalaatti socho’aa ta’e oomishuuf.

1 Software Engineering Tools

A software tool is a program that automates some of the labor

involved in the management, design, coding, testing,

inspection, or maintenance of other programs.

Tools allow repetitive, well-defined actions to be automated, thus reducing the cognitive load on the
software engineer.

The engineer is then free to concentrate on the creative aspects of the process.

Tools are often designed to support particular methods, reducing any administrative load associated
with applying the method manually.

CASE Tools

CASE stands for Computer Aided Software Engineering.

It means, development and maintenance of software projects with help of various automated software
Computer-aided software engineering (CASE) is the scientific application of a set of tools and methods
to a software system which is meant to result in high-quality, defect-free, and maintainable software

It also refers to methods for the development of information systems together with automated tools
that can be used in the software development process.

2 CASE tools are used by software project managers, analysts and engineers to
develop software system.

There are number of CASE tools available to simplify various stages of Software Development Life
Cycle such as Analysis tools, Design tools, Project management tools, Database

Management tools, Documentation tools are to name a few.

Use of CASE tools accelerates the development of project to produce desired result and helps to
uncover flaws before moving ahead with next stage in software development.

3 Therefore, CASE tools include design editors, data dictionaries, compilers, debuggers, system building
tools, etc.

ii CASE also refers to the methods dedicated to an engineering discipline for the development of
information system using automated tools.

CASE is mainly used for the development of quality software which will perform effectively.

Characteristics of CASE:

1 It is a graphic oriented tool.

2 It supports decomposition of process.

Some typical CASE tools are:

1 Unified Modeling Language

2 Data modeling tools, and

3 Source code generation tools

Why CASE Tools?

Architecture management

1 Model, design and rapidly build software systems, and computer applications.

Change and Release Management

1 Improve software delivery and life cycle traceability, from requirements to development.

Software development Management

1 Align projects for improved productivity and predictability

Quality Management

1 Ensure software functionality, reliability and performance

Goals of CASE Tools

1 Supply basic functionality, do routine tasks automatically. 2Enhance productivity

2 Increase software quality Integration with other tools

17 Importance of CASE

i)CASE allows for rapid development of software

ii)Produce systems with a longer effective operational life.

ii)Produce systems that most closely meet user needs and requirements.

iv)Produce system with excellent documentation.

v)Produce systems that needs less systems support.

vi)Produce more flexible systems.

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