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Understanding Lightning


Reaktion Book: Lightning

Lc Bogard

Table of Contents

What is Lightning?.......... Page #2

Why is Lightning Important?........... Page #3

How do Meteorologists Forecast Lightning

Storms?.......... Page #4

How Thunder Forms, and How It Relates to

Lightning.......... Page #4

How Lightning Forms.......... Page #6

How to Stay Safe When Lightning Strikes..........Page #7

Conclusion..........Page #9

References.......... Page #10


What is Lightning?
Lightning is a natural phenomenon that usually happens
during thunderstorms when electrical charges
accumulate within clouds. Positive and negative charges
are separated by ice particles in the clouds colliding to
produce them. Electrons move through the cloud and
toward the ground when the charge separation is strong
enough to produce an electric field. There are 2 forms of
re-occurring lightning. In one way, lightning can occur
from the opposite charges within a thunderstorm. The
second way that lightning can occur is through the
opposite charges in the clouds and on land. Lighting is
loud, appealing to the eye, quick, and most importantly,
dangerous if not taken seriously. While being a
dangerous natural occurrence, there are preventative
and in-the-moment measures that can be taken to
prevent any harm.

Why is Lightning Important?

Lightning is important, as it helps the Earth
transferstransfer necessary charges back into the Earth.
Without lightning, the earth would lack an ozone layer,
and cause the planet’s electrical balance to vanish within
five minutes.

Lightning is observed to be awe-inducing, while also

raising cause for concern. Lightning can trigger wildfires,
cause damage to many structures, stress power grids,
and subject risk while in outdoor weather. The heat
originating through the fires, along with thunder can
induce a sense of panic and anxiety in people across the
globe. Power outages caused by lightning can increase
economic damage value, which in turn would destroy a
business, transportation system, or critical infrastructure.

How do Meteorologists Forecast Lightning Storms?


Meteorologists use a vast method of tools to track

lightning. Doppler radar is a way in which they discover
and follow lightning. With the ability to monitor
precipitation and intensity, meteorologists can detect the
chances of lightning. Satellite can also provide the
necessary information to determine the chances of a
lightning strike. Satellites send a sector view of weather
patterns, weather history, and cloud formations over
large distances. More complicated forms of satellite
allow for the observation of cloud characteristics, such its
temperature, moisture, and overall development which
is important for analyzing and predicting lightning
potential. “While the National Lightning Detection
Network uses more than 100 ground-bases stations
across the U.S. to detect cloud-to-cloud and intra-cloud
lightning flashes, the GLM offers much greater spatial
coverage, and in many cases detects lightning flashes
before ground-based lightning detection systems. The
earlier we can detect lightning, the more time
forecasters must monitor lightning storms, and issue
severe weather warnings.” (NESDIS, 2022) In more
recent years, scientists have begun to use artificial
intelligence to predict weather patterns, which includes
lightning strikes. “Scientists are using artificial
intelligence (AI) to predict where GLM will observe
lightning in the future. To accomplish this, a

sophisticated machine-learning algorithm was trained,

using GLM data, to recognize complex patterns in GOES-R
Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) imagery that often
precedes lightning activity detected by GLM... The AI tool
can accurately predict lightning up to 60 minutes before
the first observation of lightning flashes.” With many
ways to track various typesdistinct types of weather,
meteorologists gain the ability to track and predict the
next lightning strike. The data received by these systems
is priceless and helps predict many weather scenarios
besides lightning. This is important because weather
updates can save lives, help the average person prepare
for the day, or even plan for another.

How Thunder Forms and How it Relates to Lightning

Lightning can cause danger, but thunder acts as a
warning for potential lightning strikes. Where there is
thunder, there will almost alwaysalways be lightning.
Before lightning can occur, thunder must develop first.
Throughout the early stagesinitial stages of development,
the sun heats the air near the ground, as warm air
pockets rise into the atmosphere. At a certain level

within the atmosphere, clouds begin to take shape. This

is the first tell-tale sign of a thunderstorm. Next,
precipitation forms in these clouds, with a build-up of
crystalized ice. With a mix of positively charged ice
crystals and negatively charged hail, this causes thunder
to form.

How Lightning Forms

Lightning is a natural burst of electricity in the
atmosphere, or between the ground and atmosphere. Air
serves as insulation between both positive and negative
charges withing the clouds. When the difference of
charge between the clouds and the ground becomes
overwhelming, the insulating properties are disrupted,
releasing a brief discharge of electricity through the air.
(National Geographic,2019). This burst of electricity is
known to most as lightning. Lightning occurs between
opposing charges within thunderstorm clouds or
opposing charges between clouds and the ground.
Within the functions of lightning are sub-categories of
the phenomena that vary by instance.

How to Stay Safe When Lightning Strikes

On average, lightning strikes reach up to 300 million
Volts, which is equivalent to 30,000 Amps. To further the
point of just how strong lightning really is, the typical
household current sits at 120 Volts or 15 Amps. Lightning
has the potential to damage property or cause severe
injury. Due to the reality of lightning inflicted damage,
the Centers for Disease Control and prevention (CDC)
have safety and emergency plans to prevent disaster.
Lightning is attracted to height, shape, and isolation;
therefore, it is important to place yourself within safe
parameters if lightning strikes. “Remember the phrase,
‘When thunder roars, go indoors.’ Find a safe, enclosed
shelter when you hear thunder. Safe shelters include
homes, offices, shopping centers, and hard-top vehicles
with the windows rolled up.” (, 2022) In these
situations, it is advised that a person seek shelter as soon

as possible, though this may not always be an option.

Those who cannot find immediate shelter have limited
ways in which to protect themselves from harm and
hazard. “If you are caught in an open areaan unsecured
area, act quickly to find shelter. The most important
action is to remove yourself from danger. Crouching or
getting low to the ground can reduce your chances of
being struck, but it does not remove you from danger.”
For the best protection, it is recommended to find a safe
and enclosed structure to wait out the storm.

Planning for a Lightning Storm

In the event of an emergency lightning storm, it is
important to plan your method to security and
protection. In the event lightning suddenly strikes,
operate as follows:
When Indoors
 Stay indoors during thunderstorms.
 Avoid contact with electrical appliances, plumbing,
and wiring.
 Use surge protectors to safeguard electronic devices.
 Avoid taking showers or baths during a

 Un-plug electronic devices to prevent damage from

power surges.
When Outdoors
 Seek shelter in a sturdy building or a hard-topped
metal vehicle.
 Avoid seeking shelter under trees, as they attract
 If no shelter is available, crouch down with feetyour
feet close together, minimizing contact with the
 Stay away from water bodies, metal objects, and
open fields.

[Temescal Valley, CA - Photo courtesy of Willi Wilkens]

In summary, lightning can often be nature’s most awe-
inspiring and cinematic displays, displaying sheer power
and complexity. Lightning does this while being one of
the Earth’s greatest mysteries! What humans observe
from the ground is an amalgamation of particle collision
within the clouds, which strengthens electrical charges,
lighting up the sky with ease, and leaving an impression
on those who witness. Beyond lightning being a
spectacle, it requires attention for the dangers which it

poses to everyday people. Lightning is a deadly, yet often

avoidable natural hazard. Proper safety precautions
make a scary natural occurrence much more bearable.
Educating yourself on what lightning is and how it can
strike will prove to prevent damage or possible

1] Tracking Lightning from Space: How Satellites Keep You Safe During Thunderstorms.

2] Lightning Safety Tips. (2014, May 20).

3] Lightning Photos. (n.d.).
4] Lightning facts and information (no date) Environment. Available at: (Accessed: 30 April

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