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Part 1. Called/ miss/ ready/ dinner/ meet

Part 2.
2.1. Instructions for new students
1. You will find these in material links on your home page
2.You can use this card to borrow books from library and access lesson
materials online
3. A member of staff will ask for your name and your address
4.When you arrive at the university, go to the help desk
5. He or she will enter your information into the computer and give you an
identification card
2.2. Key card

- To enter the building and use the lift, you will need your key card
- You will also need to show you identification card
- He or she will make a copy of it and give you a new key card
He or she will ask for your name and your flat numer, and then will write
these down
- If you lose this, you will need to see the staff member at the front desk
Part 3. Topic: volunteering to clean a local park:

A: can't clean the park because of their busy work/ volunteering will help
with future employment

B: the park is a beautiful place to relax/ ask for others to help

C: volunteering is important for students

D: local areas need cleaning/ the cleaning needs to be done regularly

Part 4: Eating in China

1. Regional variations
2. The origins of chinese food
3. Cooking methods
4.. The style of eating
5. The influence of philosophy
5. The style of eating
6. Effects of a changing diet
7. Changes in the Chinese diets


Part 1. Sick/Ringing/Drink/Read/ Meeting/

Part 2.

2.1. A famous football player

- When he was a child, he played for some local teams near his home in
- While he was at that club, people throughout France saw that he was a
- After that, he moved to Italy and Spain, where he finished his playing
- Since he retired from playing, he has worked as a football club manager.
- He then moved away from his home to join Cannes Football Club in the
southern France
2.2. Hand in assignment – nộp bài tập
- First, it is a good idea to check your report and correct mistakes
- Next, complete a cover sheet with your name and your student number, and
attach it to your printed assignment
- When you are sure there are no mistakes left, print out your report
- The staff member will take your report and confirm that everything is
- Bring your assignment with the attached cover sheet to the front desk in the
main hall
Part 3. Topic: a new restaurant.
A: was impressed by the range of appertizers/ thought the music was too

B: didn't eat anything at the restaurant/ enjoyed the atmosphere

C: thought his experience was probably unusual/ the food was of average

D: will definitely not return to the restaurant

A: This is my first time coming to this restaurant. The food is very cheap but
the quality is excellent. I was very surprised with the starter because its
menu is very diverse. but there is one thing that I want the restaurant to
improve. The music was too low and it didn't make the meal atmosphere
lively. Next time turn the music louder, please!

B: This is a very famous restaurant that I saw in the newspaper. Sadly, I

arrived later than the rest of the party, so I didn't get to order dinner.
however, I ordered orange juice and mango juice and they were both
delicious. What about the surroundings? Lively music along with
fashionable and appropriate decor makes me feel very comfortable.

C: I'm not sure if I will return to this restaurant. I think the staff was arguing
when I got there, because the atmosphere here was not very comfortable. As
for the food, I think there's nothing to write about. I ordered fish and chips, it
wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. But many people say that the food here
is fabulous. So, I think I'm an exception.

D: I don't understand why this restaurant is so famous. When I arrived and

saw a menu with lots of different dishes, I saw this as a bad sign.
Furthermore, the menu with traditional dishes contrasting with the modern
decoration style made me feel very confused and strange. The staff here are
also not friendly. This was one of my worst experiences eating at a

Part 4. Tulip

1. Trade across Europe

2. The stock market and economics
3. Trade mechanics
4. Different types of tulip
5. Coming into fashion
6. An object of trade
7. An unexpected turn of events


Part 1: window/watched/buy/market/cake

Part 2:

- When he was young, he bagan writing short stories for a magazine
- this popularity made Tom Harper rich and successful.
- this popularity made Tom Harper rich and successful.
-the characters he imagined were one of the most famous in the world
- he soon wrote regularly for the magazine, but he was not satisfied
- he almost left the magazine, but then he decided to create some unusual
new characters

- The first step is to find out what you know about the problem
- In this way, you can add to your knowledge of the subject for future
- You can also compare your results with expriments in the past
-The next one is to form a hypothesis or an idea based on your information
- Then, you need to perform experiments to see if these ideas are true or not
- You can also compare your results with expriments in the past

Part 3: Opinions on flying: ý kiến về việc bay

A: suggest making flights more expensive/ want to work in other countries
B: visit relatives regularly/ try to protect the environment

C: like relaxing while they travel/ need to fly for their work

D: find flying tiring

Part 4

1. Dicken for our time

2. Bring the books to life
3. Keep the reader guessing
4. Dicken's early success
5. Trying to protect his property
6. Difficulties for modern readers
7. The influence of the media


Part 1: live/cook/share/drive/class/drive/

Part 2:

- When you have completed all deliveries, return to your office
- You must return your keys to the office manager after you get back
- You must follow the route on the map to deliver packages
- You should arrive at the main office by 6.30am and collect your keys
- In the office, you can also collect a map of your route
- When you arrive at the conference hall, give your booking number.
- If you would like to attend his talk, it will take place in the main hall at
- Inside you will find a schedual of events and the information of the key
- A staff member wil note this down and give you a welcome pack
- After he finishes, there will be time for questions

Part 3.Topic: going on holiday

A: holiday requires good weather/ want to go mountaineering trip

B: have never been abroad

C: prefer to stay at home/like going walking

D: like seeing tourist attractions/ going to the beach is boring


1. Achieving the right balance
2. Factors contribuing to inactivity
3. The situation have the potential of being worst
4. The wider effects of regular activity
5. A design for exercise and for study
6. Ways in which environment can influence behaviour
7. The success of a simple idea


Part 1: live/cook/share/drive/class/
Part 2:

- When you arrive at the university, go to the help desk
- He or she will enter your information into the computer and give you an
identification card
- A member of staff will ask for your name and your address
-You will find these in material links on your home page
- You can use this card to borrow books from library and access lesson
materials online
-You will find these in material links on your home page

- The first step is to find out what you know about the problem
- In this way, you can add to your knowledge of the subject for future
- You can also compare your results with expriments in the past
- The next one is to form a hypothesis or an idea based on your information
- Then, you need to perform experiments to see if these ideas are true or not

Part 3: Topic: going on holiday:

A: like seeing tourist attractions/ going to the beach is boring

B: holiday requires good weather/ want to go mountaineering trip
C: have never been abroad
D: prefer to stay at home/like going walking
Part 4:

1.Race to the Pole

2. Less effort needed
3. Why is it so cold?
4. First step on the ice
5. Where is the end of the Earth?
6. Hidden geography
57. Race to the Pole
Part 1: Too/to/ just/ give/ some

Đoạn 1: Go to the – at- end –Choose- When

Đoạn 2: The first – In order to –Other factors – Such- The most important

Part 3: Topic: volunteering to clean a local park

A: the park is a beautiful place to relax/ ask for others to help

B: can't clean the park because of their busy work/ volunteering will help
with future employment
C: local areas need cleaning/ the cleaning needs to be done regularly

D: volunteering is important for students

A: I feel very lucky to have this park here. My family and I often go to the
park because of the natural landscape here. It's different from the city, which
is very busy and full of dust. Unfortunately I am away this weekend so I
cannot help with the cleaning. However, I know my brother and his friends
will be very interested in this cleanup so I will ask them if they can help.
B: I'm a very busy person and I have to spend this weekend with my family
because I only have the weekend as free time. I think young people who
don't have families should help. Besides, students and schools also have
days off on weekends. I think this volunteering will be very helpful for
students' future careers.
C: I think this volunteering is a good idea but it doesn't have a long-term
vision. When volunteers clean up the park, it will be clean, but it will
become busy again after about a month when tourist season arrives. I think
we should clean this park regularly about once a month. Surrounding areas
such as the lake and local forest should also be cleaned up. We should also
have signs telling visitors to clean up their trash. I am very upset when I see
a lot of trash on both sides of the road.

D: My family and I often spend time at the park. My children love going to
the park and they find the park a very interesting place to visit. My son has a
dream of becoming a biologist so I think cleaning up this park will be very
helpful for my son. I think we should pique children's interest in cleaning.
They will be more willing to volunteer and help others.

Part 4
1. Our responsibilities for global
2. Types of Vegetarian
3. Possible to happen
4. Various explainations
5. Respect the life
6. Farming Factory - it is a harmful thing
7. Health gets better with diet
READING 6: Doggett's coat and badge
Part 1: early/sleepy/lunch/car/leave/
Part 2:

2.1: topic: hand in assignment

- First, it is a good idea to check your report and correct mistakes

- The staff member will take your report and confirm that everything is
- Bring your assignment with the attached cover sheet to the front desk in
the main hall
- When you are sure there are no mistakes left, print out your report
- Next complete a cover sheet with your name and your student number, and
attach it to your printed assignment
2.2: topic: key card

- To enter the building and use the lift, you will need your key card
- You will also need to show you identification card
- He or she will make a copy of it and give you a new key card
- If you lose this, you will need to see the staff member at the front desk
- He or she will ask for your name and your flat numer, and then will write
these down

Part 3. Topic: watching a movie:

Anh đã bảo chị dâu anh biết

A: saw the film previously/ found the film scary

B: saw the film at home/ enjoyed the story of the film
C: saw the movies with friends
D: thought the film was too long/read the book of the film
Part4: Doggett's coat and badge
1. The easiest way to travel
2. Not in it for the money
3. Generations of champions
4. A need for change
5. Result of a lucky escape
6. Origins of what the winner receives
7. Earning a reputation

Part1: Friendly- near- practive- read- so
Part 2
a. Đoạn 1: Instructions of sending paper work
1. In your account, press "open a new window"
2.Once you put the files there, press the "send" button
3.Simply drag or drop your files
4. When you do this, a new window will open
5. After you send your work, you should check your email
Đoạn 2: Traffic problem
1. They were long delays
2. Fortunately, in the evening
3. As a result, people didn't go to work on time
4. This created light off
5. Therefore, there were not further delays going back home
Part 3: B-C-D-A-A-D-C
Part 4:
1. The acient origin of coffee
2. Health risks versus health benefits debate
3. A remedy of unjust revenue distribution. A habit that has become a big economy
4. Problems of coffee economy
5. A habit that has become a big economy
6. Coffee encourages
7. The custome of coffee drinking begins to spread
1. clear/ working/ read / Sun/enjoyable/
2. Sắp xếp câu thành đoạn văn
Đoạn 1: Qúa trình nộp báo cáo
Before you start to write your report, you should look at websites for the
information you need.
When you have finished your report, correct all the mistakes
Remember to save links to websites and include them in your report
After you make the corrections, send your report by your email.
You should also include a list of books that you use for reference
Đoạn 2: Qúa trình dùng máy in
First, you need to find an appropriate place to put your printer
When your printer is in place, turn it on using the switch
If the light is green, your printer is ready to use
Before using the printer you need to put papers into
A light comes on at the front of the printer
Part 3: Topic về travelling
A: like the street of the theatre/ enjoy spending money when traveling
B: pay a lot for their meal
C: public transport system was good/ too much walking can cause a problem
D: Like a natural resort/ visit only one part of the city
Part 4: Early Australia
1. Natural barrier to resettlement
2. An alternative history of settlement
3. Lack of knowledge and skills
4. Determination of the explorers through the ages
5. A new evidence that leads to speculation
6. Technology helps uncover the ocean's secret
7. A Journey made by stages

Part 1. Meeting/ Ringing/Drink/Sick/Read/
Part 2.
2.1. A famous football player
- When he was a child, he played for some local teams near his home in
- After that, he moved to Italy and Spain, where he finished his playing
- Since he retired from playing, he has worked as a football club manager.
- He then moved away from his home to join Cannes Football Club in the
southern France
- While he was at that club, people throughout France saw that he was a
brilliant player.
2.2. Hand in assignment
- First, it is a good idea to check your report and correct mistakes
- When you are sure there are no mistakes left, print out your report
- Bring your assignment with the attached cover sheet to the front desk in the
main hall
- The staff member will take your report and confirm that everything is
- Next, complete a cover sheet with your name and your student number, and
attach it to your printed assignment
Part 3. Topic: a new restaurant.
A: was impressed by the range of appertizers/ thought the music was too
B: didn't eat anything at the restaurant/ enjoyed the atmosphere
C: thought his experience was probably unusual/ the food was of average
D: will definitely not return to the restaurant
A: This is my first time coming to this restaurant. The food is very cheap but
the quality is excellent. I was very surprised with the starter because its
menu is very diverse. but there is one thing that I want the restaurant to
improve. The music was too low and it didn't make the meal atmosphere
lively. Next time turn the music louder, please!
B: This is a very famous restaurant that I saw in the newspaper. Sadly, I
arrived later than the rest of the party, so I didn't get to order dinner.
however, I ordered orange juice and mango juice and they were both
delicious. What about the surroundings? Lively music along with
fashionable and appropriate decor makes me feel very comfortable.
C: I'm not sure if I will return to this restaurant. I think the staff was arguing
when I got there, because the atmosphere here was not very comfortable. As
for the food, I think there's nothing to write about. I ordered fish and chips, it
wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either. But many people say that the food here
is fabulous. So, I think I'm an exception.
D: I don't understand why this restaurant is so famous. When I arrived and
saw a menu with lots of different dishes, I saw this as a bad sign.
Furthermore, the menu with traditional dishes contrasting with the modern
decoration style made me feel very confused and strange. The staff here are
also not friendly. This was one of my worst experiences eating at a
Part 4. Tulip
1. Trade across Europe
2. Coming into fashion
3. Trade mechanics
4. Different types of tulip 5. An object of trade
6. The stock market and economics
7. An unexpected turn of events

◄ Gmail


Part 1:enjoyable/working/read/ clear/sun/

Part 2.
2.1 Quy trình nộp report
- Before you start to write your report, you should look at websites for the
information you need.
- After you make the corrections, send your report by your email
- You should also include a list of books that you use for reference
- When you have finished your report, correct all the mistakes- After you
make the corrections, send your report by your email
- Remember to save links to websites and include them in your report
2.2 Quy trình dùng máy in printer
- First, you need to find an appropriate place to put your printer
– Before using the printer, you need to put papers into it.
- When your printer is in place, turn it on using the switch
- If the light is green, your printer is ready to use
- A light comes on at the front of the printer
Part 3. . Topic: visit a city
A: like the public theatre that the city puts on/ usually spend a lot of money
on shopping
B: pay a lot for their meal
C: public transport system was good/ walking too much causes a problem
D: like the natural resort here/ visit one part of the city
A: I went to this city last summer and really liked the atmosphere of this
city. The reason I like the atmosphere here is because it has a lot of public
performances. These performances often take place in front of department
stores. so this prevents me from shopping inside those stores. I was very
surprised when I came home with an empty bag and I didn't buy anything.
B: When I go out, I only care about two things: good food and a good play. I
especially liked the lunch I had in this city, it was delicious and I really want
to come back here next time. However, I guess it's a bit expensive and I have
to walk a long way to get there. However, it didn't matter because I had a
wonderful day
C: When I first came to this city, I felt very scared because this city is very
big. The city has many parts and the shopping part is very far from the green
part. However, we already had the bus route and we signed up to take the
bus for a full day. Buses are very cheap and very convenient. I feel very
lucky to not have to put pressure on my sore feet
D: I don't like big cities and rarely go out. But I go to StevenSon city very
often. I go there about five to seven times a year. There is an area outside the
city. In that area, there are many things that I need. There is a lot of water, a
natural area, a small forest and a special camping area. I really like coming
to this place to rest. It also has a great coffee serving area for visitors
Part 4: Early Australia
1. An alternative history of settlement
2. Natural barrier to resettlement
3. Technology helps uncover the ocean's secret
4. A Journey made by stages
5. A new evidence that leads to speculation
6. Lack of knowledge and skills
7. Determination of the explorers through the ages

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