A Consideration of The Structural Design of A Large-Scale Floating Structure

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J Mar Sci Technol (1996) 1:255-267 Journal of

Marine Science
and Technolo :
9 S NAJ 1996

A consideration of the structural design of a large-scale floating


Department of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, University of Tokyo, 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku,Tokyo 113, Japan

Abstract: The land area of Japan, especially flat land, is very mand. The size of these large-scale floating structures is
small compared with its economic size. Large-scale floating in the order of 1 km, and the structures are character-
structures are one solution to satisfy the demand for space by ized by their elastic response, which is different from
utilizing the ocean. This paper presents a general view of the conventional rigid structures.
dynamic response characteristics of large-scale floating struc- First the general dynamic response characteristics of
tures, pontoons and semi-submersibles. For example, it is
a large-scale floating structure in regular waves are ana-
shown that the natural frequencies of eigenmodes are higher
lyzed and discussed using simplified numerical models.
than the natural frequency of heaving motion. The response of
the outer framework of a structure is shown to be generally The models are of an anisotropic plate or beam on an
larger than the response of the central part. Within the limits elastic foundation. In these models, waves are pre-
of our present understanding of the general dynamic response sumed to pass through the structure without deforma-
characteristics of such structures, the design and analysis of tion. This assumption is very conservative in the higher
semi-submersible, large-scale floating structures is discussed. wave frequency range, especially for pontoon-type
For a pontoon-type large-scale floating structure, a type structures. Although one must be cautious in drawing
whose perimeter structure has been modified to become quantitative conclusions, this model gives a general un-
lighter and more rigid is proposed. With this modification, the derstanding and perspective of the elastic response
dynamic response of the whole structure is improved. characteristics of a large-scale floating structure. Based
on the understanding obtained from this model, struc-
Key words: large-scale floating structure, elastic response,
tural planning and design which utilize the advantages
structural design, semi-submersible, pontoon
and avoid the disadvantages of the structure become
The general and qualitative understanding of the dy-
namic response characteristics of the structure must be
Introduction checked by accurate analyses. According to the results
of analysis assuming zero draft, the diffraction force
The land area in Japan is basically very small compared decreases rapidly as the wave progresses into the struc-
with its economic scale. So far the demand for flat land ture. 1-3 However, if the structure is very flexible, e.g., a
has been satisfied by the reclamation of shallow waters thin sheet, it is intuitively clear that waves pass through
for public use and industrial facilities. However, most of the structure without deformation. This means that the
the wide, shallow waters suitable for reclamation have radiation problem must be solved very precisely. It has
now been reclaimed. Recently, large-scale floating been pointed out that added mass is very large for heave
structures have emerged as a promising solution to the motion, l because the flow of fluid induced by heave
problem by utilizing deeper waters, where reclamation motion is all provided from the fluid surrounding the
is not possible, and thereby satisfying increasing de- structure. Precise numerical calculations require a large
amount of element division and are generally inefficient.
The calculation method as a design tool is still at the
research and development stage. 4 A calculation method
Address correspondence to: H. Suzuki has been developed to evaluate the hydrodynamic force
Received for publication on Feb. 14, 1996; accepted on on a semi-submersible. In this method, the problem is
June 3, 1996 treated as a interaction problem among columns and
256 H. Suzuki et al.: Large-scale floating structure

the calculation is efficient, but even for this method a an actual frame structure model can easily be evaluated
conventional computer resources are not enough,s using a finite element model. When the wavelength of
This paper presents further discussion on the dy- the incident wave is twice as long as the column spacing,
namic response characteristics of large-scale floating the calculation error is 50% for displacement and 60%
structures. Based on the understanding obtained from for bending moment. If the wavelength is increased to
the model, a new pontoon-type floating structure with a four times the column spacing, the error is 1.5% and
rigid but light perimeter structure is proposed, and the 19%, respectively. This results shows that the overall
overall response of the structure is improved. response of the structure can be predicted relatively
accurately by the modeling.

Discussion on the response characteristics of a

large-scale floating structure Analytical solution for a beam model

The pontoon and semi-submersibles shown in Fig. 1 are An analytical solution is now obtained for the dynamic
typical types of large-scale floating structure. An aniso- response of a beam on an elastic foundation.6 The solu-
tropic plate or beam on an elastic foundation, as shown tion satisfies both the governing equation and the
in Fig. 2, is the simplest analytical model of the struc- boundary conditions. There are two possible procedures
ture. This model is not necessarily appropriate for for obtaining the solution.
precise analyses of the structure, but is suitable for
1. Find the solution which satisfies the governing equa-
obtaining a general understanding of the dynamic re-
tion from the functions which satisfy the boundary
sponse characteristics of a large-scale floating structure,
and can be used as a decision-making model in struc-
2. Find the solution which satisfies the boundary condi-
tural design.
tions from the functions which satisfy the governing
For a semi-submersible type large floating structure,
the modeling error between a simple beam model and
Modal analysis is used in the first procedure, v in which
Pontoon T y p e I I '7 the response is expressed as a summation of eigen-
modes. One shortcoming of modal analysis is that when
Bending Rigidity: Low the response in the resonance condition is discussed,
Restoring Spring Constant: High accuracy becomes a problem depending on the number
of modes considered in the analysis. Therefore, in this
paper, a solution is derived using the second procedure.
Semi-submersible i,, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I The general solution is expressed as the sum of a par-
Column Footing T y p e s s g_'3 d2] r s #.L.~ d_'~ -=-
ticular solution and several homogeneous solutions.
Bending Rigidity: Low Eight independent homogeneous solutions are suffi-
Restoring Spring Constant: Low cient to give a general solution. By imposing boundary
conditions, the coefficient of each homogeneous solu-
tion is determined. The solution obtained here is a ana-
Semi-submersible i,.. ,. . . . . i, ~ lytical solution and we will not discuss its accuracy. A
L o w e r Hull T y p e '" :: :: :" :: . . . . . . ---
large-scale floating structure, whose structural and
Bending Rigidity: High hydrodynamic properties differ from part to part, can
Restoring Spring Constant: Low be analyzed by segment-wise connection of analytical
Fig. 1. Typical types of large-scale floating structures solutions for uniform structures. By this method, we can
discuss the response of this type of structure.

The governing equation of a beam on an elastic
foundation is given by
Wave mfO +cry + EIw .... + kcw = f sin(kx-cot) (1)
-L/2 L/2 X
! I Ii1:,,..._ where w is the deflection of the structure, m is the mass
and added mass per unit length, c is the damping coeffi-
cient, E1 is the bending rigidity, kc is the spring constant
of the hydrostatic restoring force, and L is the length of
the structure. The analytical solution, i.e., the sum of the
Elastic Beam on Elastic Foundation
particular solution and eight homogeneous solutions, is
Fig. 2. Modeling a large-scale floating structure given by6
H. Suzuki et al.: Large-scale floating structure 257

w(x, t)= { - A c o s k x + Bsinkx}sincot + {Asinkx canceling effect is small and the structure shows a defor-
mation on the wave slope.
+Bcoskx}cosogt + {al$1(x)+ a252(x) In the case of long waves, the structure shows a defor-
mation on the wave slope, and the bending stress of the
+ a303 (x) + a4~4 (x) + a5~5 (X) 'k a6'6 (X) structure is determined from the curvature of the wave
+a7~7(x)+as~)8(x)}sino)t + {al~4 (x) slope. The bending stress is given by
E1 Elao) 4
+ a2~3(x)-a3~e(X)-an~(X)-asOs(x ) o- = - - w " = - sinkx (5)
Z Zg 2
- a6r + a706(x)+as~)5(x)}coso)t (2)
where w is the wave surface elevation given by a sin kx,
a is the wave amplitude, Z is the section modulus, and g
where the homogeneous solutions ~, are given by is the gravity constant (k = ~/g). Stress amplitude is
given by
= sinhcfix cos fllX
Elato 4
~2 = c~ x cos/~x aompV-- Zg 2 (6)
~3 = sinhalx sinfllx
When the wavelength is decreased and the wave fre-
~4 = cosh alX sin fllx quency is increased, the-stress amplitude becomes
~5 = sinha2x cos f12x larger. For shorter wavelengths, the structure is rela-
tively rigid and deformation is very small. In this case,
~6 ----cosh a2 x cos f12x
the bending moment, M, is obtained by solving the
~7 = sinha2x sinfl2x following equilibrium equation
Cs = cosha2 x sinfl2x (3)
M " = EIw "" = k ca cos kx (7)
Coefficients a, are determined by imposing the boun- Bending stress amplitude is given by
dary conditions at both ends of the structure. When the kcag2 (8)
analytical solutions are segmentally connected to each (TampR = Z(D4
other, the boundary conditions at both ends of the struc- The stress amplitude decreases with an increase in wave
ture are free, beam condition and continuity of displace-
frequency. By equating Eqs. (6) and (8), the wave fre-
ment, slope, shearing force, and bending moment is quency which produces the maximum bending stress
imposed for the interconnecting points. amplitude is obtained. This frequency is given by
Characteristic length ( kcg 4 ~8
o9 = ~ - - - ~ ) (9)
At lower frequencies the inertia force is relatively small,
and the quasi-static solution gives a good approxima- The corresponding wavelength is given by
tion. The homogeneous solutions of the quasi-static 1
solution have functions sinh and cosh. These terms
mean that the influence of any disturbance applied to
2z( EIIZ (10)
the structure decays exponentially with distance from
the point where the disturbance is applied. The influ- This means that the bending stress takes its maximum
ence of a disturbance is limited to a particular area, and value when the wavelength is equivalent to the charac-
the size of the area influenced is given by teristic length given by Eq. (4). For waves whose
wavelengths are less than the characteristic length, de-
formation of the structure is small and the bending
A.= 2 (4) stress is also small because of the local cancellation of
the wave load. When the wavelength becomes larger,
Hereafter, this value is called the characteristic length. the bending stress becomes significant. However, after
The influence of any disturbance can be ignored at any the bending stress takes its maximum value, it is deter-
point beyond this length. When a plate is discussed, E1 mined by the curvature of the wave surface, and
is replaced by D. Frequent disturbances at a distance decreases with a decrease in wave frequency.
less than the characteristic length are averaged and they Furthermore, an examination of the stability of the
cancel each other out. In other words, deformation structure shows that the influence of the concentrated
under regular waves is small when wavelength is less force of the waves is limited within a certain area, and
than the characteristic length. For longer waves, the the size of this area is given by 6
258 H. Suzuki et al.: Large-scale floating structure

1 Collecting the sino)t and coso)t terms and eliminating the

Lp = 8.0(---D) ~ (11) 6 phase from these terms, the response amplitude a is
tk<) obtained as
From the quantitative similarity of the lengths 3, Lw,
and Lp, it can be said that the characteristic length is an I{ff fO(x, y)sin(kxx + kyy)dxdy} 2
effective index for discussing and assessing the behavior
of large-scale floating structures.
+{II fO(x, y)cos(kxX+ kyy)dxdy} 2 17
a- (16)
Natural frequency and excitation of eigenmode
From this equation, it can be seen that the response
in the resonance condition is inversely proportional
For an arbitrarily shaped anisotropic plate on an elastic
to the damping coefficient and wave frequency. This
foundation, it can be shown that the natural heave fre-
also depends on the inner product term of the numera-
quency is the lowest natural frequency, and that other
tor, for example, when the wavelength is shorter
natural frequencies of elastic modes are higher. The
than the typical fluctuation length of the excited
proof is shown in Appendix A. For the beam case, the
eigenmode, the response will be very small. In other
same conclusion can be drawn in the same manner.
words, when the structure is relatively rigid and the
Furthermore, it can be shown that a matching of the
wave force is locally canceled out across the structure,
modal shape of the eigenmode and the spatial excitation
the response becomes smaller. This situation corre-
pattern is necessary for a divergent increase in the re-
sponds to the orthogonal case of the eigenmode and
sponse of the structure. This is shown for the case of an
spatial wave excitation pattern. In this case, the inflow
anisotropic plate. The governing equation of an aniso-
of excitation energy is small and the response can be
tropic plate on an elastic foundation is
effectively damped with a dynamic damper, partial
04W O4W modification of the structural properties, or other ap-
mw + Cl++ 0 x - - ~ + 2 ( 0 1 + Oxy ) ~176 2 propriate devices.
The numerator in Eq. (16) can be evaluated for the
- ~ + k<w = f(x, y)sin(kxx + kyy - O)t)
+ Dy -G~4W (12) beam case as shown in Appendix B. The responses at
the center and the ends of the structure in the resonance
where w is the deflection of the plate, k c is the spring condition are given by the following equations. When
constant of the hydrostatic restoring force, Dr, D1, Dxy, an even eigenmode 0(x) is excited,
Dr are the bending rigidities, m is the mass and added
mass of the plate per unit area, and c is the damping Deflection amplitude at center = 0(0)a 3
coefficient, f sin (k# + kyy - ox) is the wave force, m, c,
k<, and f are functions of wave frequency. When the ~. 8 fk 3 sin kL rL
damping is small, the response of the plate in the reso- c O)Lik4-r
4xt ) 2 cos2 (17)
nance condition can be approximated by the eigenmode
~(x, y) of the undamped case. The approximated re-
sponse is - o(L] a
Deflection amplitude at end - ~ 2 ) 3
w = dO(X, y) sin(o)t + 6) (13)
where the natural frequency coincides with the wave
frequency, and a is the response amplitude. Substituting
=c 16fk3 kL rL
COS 2 - - (18)
o)Z(k4 _ r 4) sin 2 2
Eq. (13), which satisfies the governing equation of the
undamped case, into Eq. (12), and assuming q~(x, y) is
normalized, we have When an odd eigenmode ~ x ) is excited, the response is
approximated by
ac O)O(x,y) cos(o)t + 5)= f(x, y)sin(kxx + kyy-o),) (14)
Taking the inner product of both sides with 0(x, y), we Deflection amplitude at center = r 4=0 (19)

ac o)O(x,y)(coso)t c o s S - sino)t sin6) Deflection amplitude at end= I/t/~-Ja 4

\ y
= II f~)(X, y){sin(kxx + kyy)Coso)t
=c 16fk3 kL . rL (20)
- cos(kxx + kyy)sinO)t}dxdy (15) r cOs 2 s i n 2 - -2
H. Suzuki et al.: Large-scale floating structure 259

Examples of the response of large-scalefloating I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

structures - - d y n a m i c cal. : x = 2 5 0 0 m
....................... s t a t i c cal. : x = 2 5 0 0 m
Pontoon-type and semi-submersible large-scale floating ............ I S S C s p , c t r u m ( T z = l O s )
structures were roughly designed and used as models Pontoon T y p e
for calculation. The principal properties of the struc- Wave ~ x=-2500m
tures are given in Table 1. Although hydrodynamic in-
E ~\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'~
teraction among columns is not considered in this
model, the net effect of the interaction is an increase in >
wave force. For semi-submersibles the increase is ap-
Characteristic Frequency
proximately 10%, as a safe side estimate, except for
d. 2
the higher frequency range where eigen responses are
t- Heave Natural Frequency
observed. 8 O

i i i i i I i i ! i i ! i i ! 1
- - d y n a m i c cal. : x = O m
....................... s t a t i c cal. : x = O m
............ I S S C s p e c t r u m ( T z = l O s )
.,,.,, "-,,,,,
/ "'"",,..,,.......... -,,
Pontoon T y p e
3 Wave ~ x=0m I f I I ,,r" I = = i I , I =
15. 1 2
~\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\~ Angular Frequency (rad/sec)
Fig. 4. Frequency response of deflection amplitude at x =
Characteristic Frequency
-2500 m

P0 Heave Natural Frequency

Pontoon-type large-scale floating structures are char-

acterized by low ftexural rigidity and a high spring
constant in the restoring force. The natural heave fre-
1 : '""'"'""'" -. i
quency of a pontoon-type large-scale floating structure
can be as high as 1.18tad/s, and all natural frequencies
of eigenmodes are higher than the natural heave fre-
quency. Using the analytical solution for beam model-
0 i I ~ t : I I i'"'" I ing, the responses of the structure can be calculated.
0 1 2 The deflections at the center and the ends of the struc-
ture are shown in Figs. 3 and 4.
Angular Frequency (rad/sec)
At the lower frequency of 0.1-0.3 tad/s, the structure
Fig. 3. F r e q u e n c y response of deflection amplitude at x = 0 m shows a deflection on the wave slope. In this case, the

Table 1. M o d e l of a large-scale floating structure

P o n t o o n type Semi-submersible type

Length L 5000 m 5000 m

Distributed restoring spring 9800N/m 3 246 N/m 3
constant kc
Bending rigidity E1 8.069 x 101~ 1.068 x 1013Nm
Mass per unit area including
added mass m 7060kg/m 2 8700 kg/m 2
Damping coefficient c 30 Ns/m 3 30 Ns/m 3
Wave-force amplitude f kc kc
Logarithmic d e c r e m e n t gT 0.011 0.026

Values are per unit width

260 H. Suzuki et al.: Large-scale floating structure

deflections at the center and the ends of the structure 20 i ! ! i i I i i i i i i i

are almost same as the wave amplitude. In this fre- - - dynamic cal. : x=-2400m
quency range the quasi-static solution gives a good esti- .......................s t a t i c c a l . : x = - 2 4 0 0 m
...... rigid b e a m approx.
mate of the deformation.6 With an increase in wave E . . . . . . . . . . . . flexible b e a m approx.
frequency, the structure becomes relatively more rigid E Pontoon Type
and the deflection of the structure becomes small. A ~ 15 Wave ~ x=-2400m
deflection larger than the incident wave amplitude is ft. ~ L I

observed at the ends of the structure at a frequency of E

about 0.4rad/s, and at this frequency the possibility of i ~ Characteristic Frequency
slamming occurs. The increase in response is not caused ~ 10
i |~'HeaveNatural Frequency
simply by the coincidence of natural frequency and "-:.
wave frequency, but also by the matching of the elastic E
mode and the spatial wave excitation pattern given by <
Eq. (16).
At larger frequencies the deflection at the center of co
e- 5
the structure becomes very small, but even in this situa-
tion a significant deflection, almost 60% of the wave
amplitude, is observed at the ends of the structure. The
bending stress of the structure shows a peak at 0.4 rad/s,
as shown in Figs. 5 and 6. This can be interpreted as the 0 i
maximum bending stress being transformed into a de- 0 1 2
flection at the ends of the structure, and this deflection Angular F r e q u e n c y (rad/s)
becomes larger. The frequency at which the bending
stress peaks is predicted by Eq. (9), and the correspond- Fig. 6. Frequency response of bending stress amplitude at
ing estimated stress Crampis 14.6kgf/mmL A pontoon- x = -2400 m

type large-scale floating structure may suffer large stress

~N in a swell. The peak stress at these low frequencies can
L.v ! i i i i i ! ! i ] i ! ! ! i i i
,i also be predicted by quasi-static analysis.
,, :: ~ d y n a m i c cal.: x=Om
,D.; .......................static cal.: x=Om At frequencies larger than the natural heave fre-
,i ...... r i g i d b e a m approx.
':,: ............ f i e x I b l e bea m a p p r o x .
quency, resonance peaks are observed in elastic modes.
l: For a divergent response, the matching of the elastic
i Pontoon Type
i ~ x=Om
mode and the spatial wave excitation pattern is neces-
Wave sary, in addition to the coincidence of natural frequency
E and wave frequency. When the damping is increased
from a relatively small 30Ns/m 3 to 100Ns/m 3, the peak
r heights are effectively damped. The response at the
10 ends of the structure is generally larger than the re-
el =t Heave Natur~Frequency
sponse at the center, and an appropriate resonance-
o~ avoidance design will be necessary because there is the
r possibility of slamming.
03 The response of a semi-submersible, large-scale
=c 5 floating structure evaluated from Eqs. (16-18) and (20)
is shown in Fig. 7. The upper bounds of the peak heights
II1 were predicted well. According to these equations, the
response in the resonance condition is effectively low-
L, ered by making the damping larger. By decreasing the
0 1 2
mass or increasing the bending rigidity, El, the denomi-
nator in these equations can also be made larger be-
A n g u l a r F r e q u e n c y (tad/s)
cause rnco2 > kc. The terms sin(kL/2), sin2(rL/2), cos(kL/
Fig. 5. Frequency response of bending stress amplitude at 2), and cos2(rL/2) cannot be made small simultaneously
x=0m by manipulating r.
H. Suzuki et al.: Large-scale floating structure 261

6 A typical deflection frequency response of a pontoon-

- - deflection amp. at x = 0 m type structure is shown in Fig. 8. For a semi-submersible
............ deflection amp. at x = 2 5 0 0 m structure, the deflection frequency response is shown
~3 calculated peak at x = 0 m
calculated peak at x = 2 5 0 0 m in Fig. 9. The natural heave frequency of a semi-
submersible is generally lower than the wave frequency
range, and some peaks of the eigenmode of the elastic
response might be includedin the frequency range. In
~" 4
this case a resonance-avoidance design must first be

3 /
considered. If the resonance cannot be avoided, the
peaks of resonance must be lowered by appropriate

Proposal for a type of large-scalefloating structure

== 2
: . O with modified dynamic characteristics
11o One possible way to improve the response characteris-

, '~ ~:~',~d k.1__./"._ , ~L- ! ~ | I0 = |
tics of a structure is to change the dynamic response

• PontoonType 1
0 .5 1 1.5
Heave Natural Frequency
Angular Frequency (rad/eec)
Deformation on Wave Slope
Fig. 7. Predicted resonance peak heights of frequency re-
sponse of deflection
Resonance of Elastic Mode

Proposal for a p o n t o o n - t y p e floating structure with

modifications to the perimeter structure

From the discussion developed above, some general

dynamic response characteristics were obtained.
Deformation on Wave Frequency Resonance of Elastic Mode
1. The natural frequencies of elastic modes are higher Wave Slope
than the natural heave frequency. Fig. 8. Typical frequency response of a pontoon-type large-
2. Matching of the elastic mode and the spatial wave scale floating structure
excitation, in addition to coincidence of the natural
frequency and the wave frequency, is necessary for
the divergent response to be initiated. l Semi-Submersible Type
3. At lower frequency ranges, this response can be I Deformation on Wave Slope
evaluated by quasi-static calculations.
~ r a l Frequency
4. A characteristic length is determined from the bend-
ing rigidity and the spring constant of the restoring
force of the structure. For waves whose wavelengths
are larger than the characteristic length, the structure Resonance of Elastic Mode
is relatively flexible and shows deformation on the
wave slope. For waves with wavelengths shorter than
the characteristic length, the structure is relatively
rigid and shows little deformation.
An increase in the bending stress is also caused by a
matching of the elastic mode and the spatial wave exci- Deformation on Resonance of Elastic Mode
tation. For a pontoon-type structure, this phenomenon Wave Slope
Wave Frequency
is observed at 0.4rad/s, and the observed increases
in deflection and bending stress are shown in Figs. 5 Fig. 9, Typical frequency response of a semi-submersible
and 6. large-scale floating structure
262 H. Suzuki et al.: Large-scale floating structure

Concentrated Moment to 1 m according to the Design Standard for Construc-

Concentrated Force Lighter tion of Airport Facilities. 9 The thickness of both the
deck plate and the bottom plate of the structure is
30 mm, which is sufficient to take the weight and landing
impact of an airplane. The overall depth of the structure
is 4m. The concrete could be made thinner by using
reinforced concrete, which would reduce the mass, in-
cluding the added mass, of the structure. The mass of
the structure, including the added mass, could also be
Lighter Structure Lighter Structure made smaller by reducing its water plane area.
In measure 4, the structure is modified still further.
This structure is denoted "modified structure 2". The
perimeter, 100m from the edges of the structure, is
modified as shown in Fig. 10. The properties of this
Fig. 10. Proposed large-scale floating structure with damper modified area are a lighter structure with higher natural
frequencies, and by this modification the resonance fre-
quency of the structure is raised. This concept comes
from following a simple analogy. When a small dynamic
system with one degree of freedom is attached to a
properties of the perimeter structure, as shown in Fig. larger system with one degree of freedom, the two natu-
10. In line with the above discussion, the following mea- ral frequencies approach each other when the natural
sures have been devised to improve the dynamic re- frequency of the smaller system is the higher. Con-
sponse of a pontoon-type large-scale floating structure. versely, the natural frequencies diverge from each other
when the natural frequency of the small system is the
1. Increase the bending rigidity and shift the frequency
lower. The latter case corresponds to the case where the
range, where the structure shows deformation on a
mass of the perimeter structure is increased, and it can
wave slope, to a lower frequency range.
be shown that the response of the structure becomes
2. Increase the bending rigidity and increase the cancel-
ing effect of the wave force over the structure to
The Ship Research Institute of Japan has proposed
improve the overall response.
a large-scale floating structure whose perimeter is
3. Make the structure lighter and shift the natural fre-
m o o r e d by tension legs. This structure would respond
quency range of the elastic mode to a higher fre-
differently from the one discussed here, because the
quency range.
structural response would be improved by introducing
4. Change the dynamic response characteristics at
the support on the outer edge. However, this design can
both ends of the structure and use them as dynamic
be interpreted as a modification of the one proposed
here, because the natural frequency of the perimeter
In measures 1-3 the dynamic response of the "origi- structure has been increased. This suggests a new role
nal structure" shown in Figs. 3 and 4 is modified. The for the mooring system when designing the elastic re-
frequency range where the response became smaller is sponse of a large-scale floating structure. However, if
widened. The properties of the modified structure are the perimeter structure is modified to be semi-submers-
shown in Table 2 as "modified structure 1". The surface ible, the response characteristics are degraded and the
of the structure is covered with concrete of thickness up structure is less satisfactory, as discussed above.

Table 2. Modified pontoon-type large-scale floating structure

Modified model 2
Original model Modified model 1 Center Edge
Length L (m) 5000 5000 4800 100
Distributed restoring spring 9800 9800 9800 9800
constant kc (N/m3)
Bending rigidity E1 (Nm) 8.069 x 101~ 1.291 x 1012 1.291 x 1012 1.291 x 1012
Mass per unit area m (kg/m 2) 7060 4560 4560 2060
Damping coefficient c (Ns/m3) 30 30 30 30

Values are per unit width

H. Suzuki et al.: Large-scale floating structure 263

Calculation o f the response o f the modified structure 20 I ] I I I I I I I I

The calculation scheme used to analyze the structure is .......................Dynamic: x=2400m

- - Dynamic: x=0m
that of connecting the analytical solutions of a uniform ~
beam segmentally. A formulation of the method is
Rigid & Lighter Pontoon Type
shown in Appendix C. In the series of calculations, a ~ 15
damping coefficient of 30Ns/m 3 is used. The corre- x=2400m x=0m
sponding logarithmic damping of heave motion, 7T, is ~. Wave ~
7T = 0.011 (21) <

for a pontoon-type structures where T = 2 rc/(co02- 72)m, ~ 10

~' = c/2m = 2.125 x l 0 -3, and 0)02 = k/m = 1.388. The Q-
damping here is assumed to be relatively small, and the <
response of the elastic modes in the higher frequency
range will be less significant in a real system.
The frequency responses of the deflection and bend- ~ 5
ing stress of the "original structure" are shown in Figs. 3 0~
and 4. Lines x = 0 m and x = 2500 m represent the re- "
sponse at the center and the ends of the structure,
respectively. Figures 11 and 12 show the responses of
"modified structure 1" with an increased overall depth 0
of structure. The bending rigidity is 16 times larger than 0 1 2
in the original structure. This structure was made lighter Angular Frequency (rad/s)
by reinforcing the concrete and making the surface thin-
Fig. 12. Frequency response of bending stress of "modified
ner. The response improved, as expected.
structure l"
The frequency range, where the structure shows a
deflection on waves, is determined by the rigidity of the
structure. This frequency range is less than 0.428rad/s
for the "original structure ''6 and less than 0.302 rad/s for "modified structure 1", as shown in Fig. 11. The proper-
ties of the perimeter Structure have little effect on this
frequency. For a frequency range larger than 0.302 tad/
I I I i I I I I I ] [ I I I i I I I I s and less than the natural heave frequency, the deflec-
....................... Dynamic: x = 2 5 0 0 m tion is small owing to the local canceling effect of the
- - Dynamic: x = 0 m wave force. Even in this frequency range, a significant
response is recorded at the ends of the structure. This
Rigid & Lighter Pontoon Type
response can be reduced by increasing the bending
e~ x=2500m x=0rn rigidity of the structure. The response is basically af-
fected by the peak of the natural heave frequency which
| I is close to the frequency range, and in this situation the
~\\\\\\\\\\\'%~ response is not effectively damped by an increase in the
e~ bending rigidity. To effectively damp the response, the
<E natural heave frequency is increased by reducing the
mass of the structure, as in measure 3. The response at
/ \ the ends of the structure is effectively damped, as shown
in Fig. 11. An increase in the bending rigidity is gener-
O \ i i
ally beneficial for the overall response characteristics.
The properties of the perimeter structure are modi-
fied and used as a damper. The properties of "modified
structure 2" are shown in Table 2. The modified part of
the structure is much lighter than the central part. The
I I I I I i I I I
frequency response of the deflection of the structure
1 2 is shown in Fig. 13. By this modification the inflow
of excitation energy is effectively reduced and the
Angular Frequency (rad/sec) response of the structure is well damped. On the
Fig. 11. Frequency response of deflection of "modified other hand, if the mass of the perimeter structure is
structure 1" increased, there is a peak response in the lower fie-
264 H. Suzuki et al.: Large-scale floating structure

i i i i i i i i i I i i i I i i i i i Appendix A
- -
Dynamic: x=2500m
Dynamic: x=Om
Natural frequencies of an anisotropic plate on an
Rigid & Lighter Pontoon Type elastic foundation
with Damper

<E x=2500m x=Orn It was shown that the natural frequencies of an anisotro-
> Wave ~ pic plate on an elastic foundation are higher than the
natural heave frequency. The governing equation for
Q. ~\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'~ the undamped case is
o e
"-,. ~4W
m r b + D x ~ - T +2( D1 + ~ ' ',,)grgr
04w ~ 704w "
/ \ + L', + <w
1 "~ " \
r i -
=0 (A1)
For the undamped case, the conservation law of energy
holds for the vibration of the plate.

0 1 ( mw2+,lOC wl O wO w OlO wl 2
Angular Frequency (rad/sec) 2 [ ~ oax2 J + 2D, oax----
S- Oy--Y + "L ~ )
Fig. 13. Frequency response of deflection of "modified
structure 2" 40 ( O4w ) + -~ kc w 2 dxdy : constant
+ xY~"~ 20y2 ) (A2)

quency range and the overall response of the structure

is worse.
It is assumed that the modal response w(x, y, t) = ~p(x,y)
sino)t is excited. Substituting Eq. (A2) into Eq. (A1), we
Concluding remarks

Summarizing the discussion developed above, the gen-

eral dynamic response characteristics of a large-scale [IIlm~)2(-o2dxdylcos2o)t+[IIIl{Ox(-~2)
floating structure were obtained. The natural frequen-
cies of the eigenmodes were shown to be higher than the
natural heave frequency. The matching of the elastic +2D1 ~ 2 0y 2 FD(O2~I2+4Dxy(~O~@2)
} y ~2)o n x 2
mode and the spatial wave excitation pattern, in addi-
tion to the coincidence of natural frequency and wave
frequency, is necessary for the divergent resonance +lk~)2]dxdylsin2ogt=constant (A3)
response. The upper bound of the response in the reso-
nance condition was predicted precisely. The character-
istic length was defined from the bending rigidity and The next relation is required for Eq. (A3) to be
the spring constant of the restoring force. For waves satisfied.
whose wavelength is longer than the characteristic
length, the structure is relatively flexible and shows
deformation on the wave slope. For waves of shorter
II89176 II
{(/2 2... ax--rey2
wavelength than the characteristic length, the structure
is relatively rigid and shows little deformation.
A pontoon-type large-scale floating structure was
proposed whose outer edges were modified to improve yioax2 ) +4Dxy C & ~ 2 ) 2 } 1 k1~ 2 dxdy (A4)
the response characteristics. The improved response
was confirmed by a series of calculations. The method
of analysis used was to connect segmentally the analyti-
cal solutions of a uniform bean on an elastic foundation. Manipulating this equation gives
H. Suzuki et al.: Large-scale floating structure 265

IS2[ ~.3x2 ) oTx2 # 2

EI )
The eigenmodes are derived by imposing the bound-
4 D xy ~ dxdy ary condition w"(L/2, t) = w"(-L/2, t) = w"(L/2, t) =
"1" Y t 07X 2 ) "1- 07X O~Y
OO2 w'"(-L/2, t) = 0. The following characteristic equation
must be satisfied for the coefficients a2, a6, a3, and a7 to
IS 89m(pZdxdy have non-zero solutions.

ff 0 = cos rL sinh rL + sin - - cosh

2 2 2 2
rL (B4)

SfmO"x"y In this case the response of the structure is given by

w(x,t)=~(x)(a 2 sinoot + a 3 cosoot) (B5)
The first strain-energy term is always positive from its where ~ x ) = cosrx + acoshrx is an even eigenmode and
physical meaning. If the ratio of m to k c is constant a = cos(rL/2)/cosh(rL/2).
throughout the structure, next relation holds. The following characteristic equation must be satis-
fied for the coefficients a4, as, al, and a8 to have non-zero
Oo2 > Sl kc(O2dxdy _ kc solutions:
- flmO2dxdy m (A6)
rL rL rL rL
It can be concluded that the natural heave frequency 0 - cos sinh - sin cosh - - (B6)
2 2 2 2
(kflm) v2 is the lowest natural frequency for an arbi-
trarily shaped anisotropic plate. The natural frequen- The response of the structure is given by
cies of all elastic modes are higher than the natural w(x,t)=ql(x)(a 4 sinoot + a s coswt) (B7)
heave frequency. Even when the flexural rigidity of the
plate differs from one position to another, the strain where ~t(x) = sin rx + fl sinh rx is an odd eigenmode and
energy is positive and the conclusion is valid if the ratio fl = sin(rL/2)sinh(rL/2).
of m to kc is constant. The same conclusion can be The response of the structure in the resonance condi-
drawn for a beam on an elastic foundation. tion, when the wave frequency coincides with the natu-
ral frequency of the elastic mode, is evaluated
approximately. Substituting Eq. (B5) into Eq. (1) and
considering the fact that the solution satisfies Eq. (B1),
Appendix B we have following relation:

Natural frequencies and responses of a large-scale

floating structure
f(sin kx cos cot - cos kx sin rot) (B8)
The response of a beam on an elastic foundation in the
resonance condition is now evaluated. When the damp- Taking the inner product of both sides with eigenmode
ing is small, the response is approximately the same as ~ x ) , and comparing the sin Ootterm and the cos cot term
the eigenmode in the case of zero damping. The on both sides, the coefficients a2 and a3 are obtained. It
eigenmode is derived from the governing equation of can then be seen that a2 = 0 because ~(x) is an even
free oscillation of an undamped system. function:

mf~ + EIw"" + kcw = 0 (B1)

where w is the deflection of the structure, m is the mass fT ~(x)eoskxdx
per unit length, E1 is the bending rigidity, k<,is the spring f -- =/s215
constant of the restoring force, and L is the length of the L
structure. The solutions of the homogeneous equation
4(k3sinkL c o s -rL
- - kZr cos kL sin r_~l
w(x,t)={a2cosrx +a4sinrx +a s sinhrx k4 -r 4 2 2 2
+ a 6 coshrx}sinoot+{a 1 s i n r x - a 3 cosrx L + a 2 L ~ + - l s i n r L c o s -rL
- + -a- 2 sinh -rL
- c o s h - -rL
+a 7 cosh rx + a 8 sinh rx} cos cot (B2)
2 2 r 2 2 r 2 2
= 8fk3 sin kL c o s -rL
- (B9)
where cooL(k4-r 4) 2 2
266 H. Suzuki et al.: Large-scale floating structure

where r is a value which corresponds to the wave num- ture whose perimeter structure has been modified can
ber of the spatial fluctuation of the eigenmode, and k is be analyzed. The governing equation of a beam on an
the wave number of the incident wave. When the struc- elastic foundation is
ture is relatively rigid, k >> r. The upper bound of the
response at the center and the ends of the structure are mfO+cw+ EIw"" + kcw= f sin(kx-o)t ) (C1)
approximated by The analytical solution is expressed as the sum of the
particular solution and eight independent homogeneous
Deflection amplitude at center = ~(0)a 3 solutions. 6

8fk 3 . kL
= , , sin cos (BIO) w(x, t ) = {- A cos kx + B sin kx } sin ogt
co)tlk4 -r 4) 2
+{Asinkx + Bcoskx}coscot +{alr )
-I-a2~2 (x) + a3~3 (x) + a4~4 (x) + a505 (x)
I,ef,ectionamplitudeatend:Ol )a + a6~b6(/) + aTO7(x) + as~8(x)}sinrot
= 16fk 3 kL cos2 r@ (Bll)
co)t(k4 r4 ) sin 2 -


where r = cos rx + a cos h rx is an even function.

where the coefficients a n are determined by imposing
The upper bound of the response when the odd
boundary conditions. The homogeneous solutions G
modal function gt(x) is excited is obtained in the same
have the following forms:
manner, a I is zero because ~(x) is an odd function. The
approximate value of a n is given by
~ = sinhczlx cosfl~x
kL rL = coshalX cos#ix
a4 = ~43_ r 4) c o s - -2 sin - -2
ccoL-(8k (B 12)
r = sinhalX sinfllx
The upper bound of the response at the center and the r = coshalX sinfllx
ends of the structure are approximated by ~5 = sinhaax cosfl2x
~6 = cosho~2X COS#2X
Deflection amplitude at center = I]/(0)a 4 = 0 (B13)
~7 = sinha2x sinfl2x
~8 = c o s h % x sinfl2x (c3)

Deflection amplitude at end= I]/t2Ja 4 Deriving the bending moment and shearing force from
\ /
Eq. (C2), a vector which consists of the moment and
16fk 3 kL r_2@L shearing force is derived from the sin cot and cos o)t
= c o s - - sin 2 (B14) terms.
c0)4k4-r 4) 2
HF(X)+4)F(x)A (C4)
In the same manner, a vector of the displacement and
Appendix C slope of the structure is derived.

Analysis method for a large-scale floating structure (c5)

whose structural properties differ from one part to
where A is a vector which consists of coefficients a n.
Matrices OF and Oo consist of derivatives of the homo-
The analytical solutions 6 derived for a uniform floating geneous solutions. H o is a vector of displacement and
structure are segmentally connected for an analysis of a slope derived from the particular solution. He is a vector
large-scale floating structure whose structural proper- of moment and shearing force, and is also derived from
ties differ from one part to another. A similar method the particular solution. These vectors and matrices are
was formulated by Fujikubo. 1~By this method, a struc- given below.
H. Suzuki et al.: Large-scale floating structure 267

A ~"=[ala2a3a4asa6a7as] (C6)

- A cos kx +Bsin kx )-
Ho= (C7)
( Asinkx +Bcoskx)

H (XoL)
-EIk2( A c o s k x - Bsinkx)
Elk 3(-A sin kx - B cos kx)
n F = (c8)
EIk2(-A sin kx - B cos kx) A2
Elk 3(-A cos kx + B sin kx) +

.An _

(Ol (O2 ~3 (O4 (O5 (O6 (O7 ii ] n(XnL)

~D(x) =
(ol 9 (on r 5 (O6
' ~7
" (O8
(C9) (Cll)
(O4 ~3 --(O2--(Ol--~8 (O7 ~6

EI~" El(o; EI(O3" EI(O4"
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