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Class – XI Physics Theory – 042
Pre Session Ending Examination – 2023-24
Time – 3.00 Hours Maximum Marks-70
General Instructions-
1. There are 33 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.
2. This question paper has five sections. Section A, B, C, D and Section E.
3. All sections are compulsory.
4. Section A contains sixteen questions, Twelve Multiple Choice questions and Four Assertion
Reasoning based of One mark each, Section B contains five questions of two marks each,
Section C contains seven question three marks each, Section D contains two case study –
based questions of four marks each and Section E contains three long answer type
questions of five marks each.
5. There is no over all choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in one question
in Section B, one question in Section C, one question in each case study – based in Section
D and all three question in Section E. You have to attempt only one of the choices in such
6. Use of calculator is not allowed.

Section A

1. The linear momentum of the body is increase by 10% . The percentage change in its kinetic 1
energy is
(a) 10% (b) 20% (c) 21% (d) none of these
2. The bodies of mass m and 4m are placed at a distance of 6 m apart. P is the point on the line 1
joining two bodies where gravitational field is zero. The gravitational potential at this point is
(a) – (3/2) Gm (b) – (5/2) Gm (c) – (9 /2) Gm (d) – (7/2) Gm
3. Which is correct order for ascending order of mega, kilo, hecto, giga ? 1
(a) mega,kilo,hecto,giga (b) kilo,hecto,giga,mega (c) hecto,kilo,mega,giga (d) none
4. Energy not carried by? 1
(a) Longitudinal progressive wave (b) Electromagnetic wave
(c) Transverse progressive wave (d) Stationary wave
5. A particle executes SHM with a frequency f . The frequency with which its kinetic energy 1
(a) (b) (C) (d)

6. The ratio of two specific heats of CO (Carbon Mono Oxide) is 1

(a) 1.33 (b) 1.40 (c) 1.29 (d) 1.66

7. Two bodies of mass 1 kg and 3 kg have position vectors ̂ ̂ ̂ and 1
̂ ̂ ̂ respectively. The magnitude of position vector of centre of mass of this
system will be
(a) √ (b) √ (c) √ (d) √
8. A horizontal force of 980 N is required 1200 kgf over a flat surface. What will be the coefficient 1
of friction for the surface ?
(a) 0.72 (b) 0.83 (c) 0.50 (d) 0.46

9. The young's modulus of a wire of length L and radius r is Y N/ m2 . If the length and radius are 1
halved, then what will be its young's modulus?
(a)Y/2 (b) Y (c) 2Y (d) 4Y

10. How many rectangular components are possible of a vector in a plane 1

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) Infinite
11. If 150 J of heat is added to a system and the work done by the system is 110 J, then change in 1
internal energy of the system is
(a) 260 J (b) 150 J (c) 110 J (d) 40 J

12. Two solid spheres of same metal but of mass M and 8M fall simultaneously on a viscous liquid 1
and their terminal velocities are v and nv, then value of n is
(a)16 (b)8 (c)4 (d)2
Read the two statements marked A-Assertion and R-Reason carefully to mark the correct option out of the
options given below:
(A) If A-Assertion is true, R-Reason is true; R-Reason is correct explanation for A-Assertion.
(B) If A-Assertion is true, R-Reason is true; R-Reason is not correct explanation for A-Assertion.
(C) If A-Assertion is true, R-Reason is false.
(D) If A-Assertion is false, R-Reason is false

13. Assertion: When a body is projected at an angle of 450, its range is maximum. 1
Reason: For maximum range, the value of sin 2θ should be equal to one.
14. Assertion: A spring has potential energy, both when it is compressed or stretched. 1
Reason:In compressing or stretching, work is done on the spring against the restoring force.
15. Assertion: Escape velocity is independent of the angle of projection. 1
Reason : Escape velocity from the surface of earth is 2gR where R is radius of earth.
16. Assertion : It is harder to open and shut the door if we apply force near the hinge. 1
Reason : Torque is maximum at hinge of the door.
Section B
17. Find the potential energy of a system of four particles each of mass m placed at the 2
vertices of a square of side l.
18. A man of mass 70 kg, stands on a weighing machine in a lift, which is moving 2
(a) Upwards with a uniform speed of 10 ms-1..
(b) Downwards with a uniform acceleration of 5 ms-2. What would be the readings on the scale
in each case?
A bullet of mass 0.04 kg moving with a speed of 90 m s–1 enters a heavy wooden block and is
stopped after a distance of 60 cm. What is the average resistive force exerted by the block on
the bullet?
19. Find the dimensions of a × b in the given equation: where ‘P’ is the power, ‘x’ 2

is the distance and ‘t’ is the time.

20. Explain why 2
(a) The coolant in a chemical or nuclear plant should have high specific heat.
(b) Air pressure in a car increases during driving.
21. Assuming the earth to be a sphere of uniform mass density, how much would a body weigh half 2
way down to the centre of the earth if it weighed 250 N on the surface ?

Section C

22. Prove that for oscillations of small amplitude, the motion of simple pendulum is S.H.M. 3
Obtain expression for its time period.
23. (a) “The distances traversed, during equal intervals of time, by a body falling from rest, 3
stand to one another in the same ratio as the odd numbers beginning with unity [namely,
1: 3: 5: 7…...].” Prove it.

(b) Using graphical method establish the kinematics equation

24. Write first law of thermodynamics. Using this law prove that CP -CV=R, where symbols 3
have their usual meanings.
25. A 3m long ladder weighing 20 kg leans on a friction less wall. Its feet rest on the floor 1 m 3
from the wall. Find the reaction forces of the wall and the floor.
A metal bar 70 cm long and 4.00 kg in mass supported on two knife edges placed 10 cm
from each end. A 6.00 kg load is suspended at 30 cm from one end. Find the reactions at
the knife-edges.(Assume the bar to be of uniform cross section and homogeneous.)

26. Up to what temperature the hydrogen gas initially at 3270C should be cooled so that root 3
mean square velocity of its molecules becomes half of its initial value? The pressure
remains constant.

27. (a) Derive an expression for excess pressure inside a liquid drop. 3
b)A small hollow sphere which has a small hole in it is immersed in water to a depth of 40 cm
before any water is penetrated into it. If the surface tension of water is .073 N/m, find the radius
of the hole.
Explain capillarity with illustration and deduce ascent formula

28. Obtain an expression for the maximum speed with which a vehicle can safely negotiate a 3
curved road banked at an angle θ. The coefficient of friction between the wheels and the
road is µ.

Section D
29. Two friends Rohit and Anupam were plan to visit a water fall on upcoming Sunday. Rohit 4
covered first half distance of water fall with average speed 40 km/h and second half
distance of water fall with average speed 60 km/h. While Anupam covered first half time
with average speed 36 km/h and second half time with average speed 60 km/h.

1. Who reached the water fall earlier?

(a) Rohit (b) Anupam (c) Both reached in same time (d) Data are insufficient
2. The mean speed of Rohit is
(a) 50 km/h (b) 48 km/h (c) 60 km/h (d) 36 km/h
3. The mean speed of Anupam is
(a) 50 km/h (b) 48 km/h (c) 60 km/h (d) 36 km/h
4. The mean speed may be
(a) Arithmetic mean (b) Harmonic Mean (c) Both (a) & (b) (d) None of these

30. Work is said to be done by a force acting on a body, provided the body is displaced 4
actually in any direction except in a direction perpendicular to the direction of the force
mathematically, W = Fs cos θ, whereas energy is the capacity of a body to do the work and
Power is the rate at which the body do the work. Both, work and energy are measured in
Joule while power is measured in watt.
(i) If a box is pushed through 4.0 m across a floor offering 100 N resistance then the work
done by the applied force is
(a) 100 J (b) 0 J (c) 400 J (d) 25 J
(ii) In the above case, the work done by the gravity is
(a) 981 J (b) 0 J (c) 400 J (d) 25 J
(iii)SI unit of the power in terms of joule is
(a) J.s (b) J.s-1 (c) J.m (d) J m-1
(iv) A truck draws a tractor of mass 1000 kg at a steady rate of 20 m/s on a level road. The
tension in the coupling is 2000 N, then the power spent on the tractor is
(a) 400 kW (b) 40 kW (c) 2000 kW (d) 1000 kW
(v) From the above question, the work done on the tractor for 2 minute is
(a) 2400 kJ (b) 4800 kJ (c) 2000 kJ (d) 1500 kJ
Section E
31. 1. At what displacement, a particle in S.H.M. possesses half K.E. and half P.E.? 5
2. A wave travelling along a string is described by, y(x, t) = 0.005 sin (80.0 x – 3.0 t), in
which the numerical constants are in SI units . Calculate
(a) the amplitude, (b) the wavelength, (c) the period and
1. Write Newton’s formula for the speed of sound wave in air. What are the limitations of this
formula? Explain how Laplace corrected this formula and derive the expression for the
corrected speed of sound in air.
2. At what temperature in air the speed of sound will become twice its speed at 00C.

32. 1. State Stoke’s law. Derive an expression for terminal velocity of a spherical body falling 5
through a viscous medium.
2. What is the pressure inside a drop of mercury of diameter 6 mm? Surface tension of
mercury is 0.465 Nm-1.
1. State and prove Bernoulli’s theorem.
2. In a car lift compressed air exert a force on a small piston having a radius of 5 cm. This
pressure is transmitted to a second piston of radius 15 cm. If the mass of car to be lifted is
1350 kg. What is the force on car applied by second piston.

33 A) Establish from velocity time graph for a uniform accelerated motion? 5

B) A player throws a ball upwards with an initial speed of29.4m/s.
(a) What is the direction of acceleration during the upward motion of the ball?
(b) What are the velocity and acceleration of the ball at the highest point of its motion?
(c) To what height does the ball rise and after how long does the ball Return to the players
hands? (Take g = 9.8m/s2 and neglect air resistance).

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