Excellence Academy, A Number 1 Academy in Chandigarh

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No.1 Choice for Industrial Training

Excellence Academy offers a diverse range of digital courses coupled with

industrial trainings to provide students with a comprehensive learning

experience that bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and

practical application. These courses cover a spectrum of in-demand digital

skills, including programming languages like Python, web development,

digital marketing, data science, and graphic design. Through hands-on

industrial trainings, students gain invaluable real-world experience,

working on live projects and engaging with industry professionals. This

unique blend of theoretical understanding and practical exposure equips

students with the skills and confidence needed to excel in their chosen

fields. Whether aiming to pursue a career in technology or enhance existing

skills, Excellence Academy's digital courses with industrial trainings ensure

that students are well-prepared to meet the demands of the ever-evolving

digital landscape and thrive in their professional endeavors.


Excellence Academy's Digital Marketing course in Chandigarh is renowned
for its comprehensive curriculum and industry-focused approach. The
course is structured into modules that cover every aspect of digital
marketing, ensuring students receive a well-rounded education.

The modules include:

1. Introduction to Digital Marketing: Covering the fundamentals and evolution of
digital marketing, setting the groundwork for further exploration.
2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): In-depth training on optimizing websites to
rank higher in search engine results pages, including keyword research, on-page
optimization, and link building strategies.
3. Search Engine Marketing (SEM): Exploring paid advertising on search engines
like Google Ads, including keyword targeting, ad creation, and campaign
4. Social Media Marketing (SMM): Strategies for leveraging social media platforms
like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn to build brand awareness, engage with
audiences, and drive conversions.
5. Email Marketing: Understanding the principles of effective email marketing
campaigns, including segmentation, automation, and measurement.
6. Content Marketing: Creating compelling content that resonates with target
audiences and drives traffic, leads, and sales.
7. Analytics and Reporting: Utilizing tools like Google Analytics to track and
measure the performance of digital marketing campaigns, and using data to
make informed decisions and optimize strategies.

Through a blend of theoretical knowledge and hands-on practical exercises,

students gain the skills and expertise needed to excel in the dynamic field of
digital marketing. Excellence Academy's Digital Marketing course in Chandigarh
empowers individuals to thrive in the ever-evolving digital landscape, making it
the premier choice for aspiring marketers.

Excellence Academy's Web Designing course in Chandigarh is renowned for its
comprehensive curriculum and hands-on approach to training aspiring
designers. The course is structured into modules that cover every aspect of
modern web design, ensuring students receive a well-rounded education.
The modules include:
1. Introduction to Web Design: Providing an overview of the principles and
elements of web design, including layout, typography, and color theory.
2. HTML and CSS: Teaching the foundational languages of the web, including
HTML for structure and CSS for styling, enabling students to create visually
appealing and responsive web pages.
3. JavaScript: Exploring the dynamic aspects of web design, including
interactivity, animations, and form validations, enhancing the user experience.
4. Responsive Design: Understanding how to design websites that adapt to
different screen sizes and devices, ensuring usability across desktops, tablets,
and smartphones.
5. UI/UX Design: Focusing on user interface and user experience design
principles to create intuitive and engaging websites that meet user needs and
6. Adobe Creative Suite: Mastering design tools like Adobe Photoshop and
Illustrator for creating graphics, icons, and other visual elements used in web
design projects.
7. Portfolio Development: Guiding students in building a professional portfolio
showcasing their skills and projects, essential for launching a successful career
in web design.

Through hands-on projects and real-world case studies, students gain practical
experience and the skills needed to excel in the competitive field of web design.
Excellence Academy's Web Designing course in Chandigarh empowers
individuals to unleash their creativity and build stunning, user-friendly
websites, making it the top choice for aspiring designers.

Excellence Academy's Graphic Designing course in Chandigarh is renowned for
its comprehensive curriculum and practical approach to nurturing creative
talent. The course is meticulously structured into modules that cover every
essential aspect of graphic design, ensuring students receive a holistic

The modules include:

1. Fundamentals of Design: Providing a solid foundation in design principles,
including composition, typography, color theory, and layout, essential for
creating visually appealing designs.
2. Adobe Photoshop: Mastering the industry-standard software for image editing
and manipulation, enabling students to create stunning graphics, photo
compositions, and digital artwork.
3.Adobe Illustrator: Exploring vector-based design techniques using Illustrator to
create logos, icons, illustrations, and scalable graphics with precision and
4. Adobe InDesign: Learning layout design principles and using InDesign to
create print and digital publications such as brochures, magazines, and eBooks.
5. Typography: Understanding the art and science of typography, including font
selection, hierarchy, and typographic composition, to effectively communicate
messages through text.
6. Brand Identity Design: Developing skills in creating cohesive visual identities
for brands, including logo design, brand guidelines, and collateral materials.
7. Portfolio Development: Guiding students in compiling a professional portfolio
showcasing their skills and projects, essential for launching a successful career
in graphic design.

Through hands-on projects, real-world case studies, and expert guidance,

students gain practical experience and the skills needed to excel in the
competitive field of graphic design. Excellence Academy's Graphic Designing
course in Chandigarh empowers individuals to unleash their creativity and
pursue rewarding careers in design, making it the top choice for aspiring graphic


Excellence Academy's Full Stack Developer course in Chandigarh is meticulously

designed to equip students with the comprehensive skill set needed to excel in
modern web development. The course is structured into modules that cover
every aspect of full stack development, ensuring a thorough understanding of
both front-end and back-end technologies.

The modules include:

1. Front-end Development: Covering HTML, CSS, and JavaScript fundamentals,

including frameworks like Bootstrap and React.js for building interactive and
responsive user interfaces.
2. Back-end Development: Exploring server-side programming languages like
Node.js and Python, along with frameworks such as Express.js and Django for
building robust and scalable web applications.
3. Database Management: Learning SQL for database manipulation and
management, as well as NoSQL databases like MongoDB for handling
unstructured data.
4. API Development: Understanding RESTful API design principles and
implementing APIs for communication between front-end and back-end
5. Authentication and Security: Addressing security concerns in web
development, including user authentication, authorization, and data encryption
6. Deployment and DevOps: Learning deployment strategies and using tools like
Git, Docker, and Heroku for version control, containerization, and continuous
integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD).

Through hands-on projects, real-world applications, and industry-relevant case

studies, students gain practical experience and the skills needed to thrive as full
stack developers. Excellence Academy's Full Stack Developer course in
Chandigarh empowers individuals to pursue lucrative careers in web
development, making it the top choice for aspiring developers looking to master
the full stack.


Excellence Academy's Data Science course in Chandigarh is tailored to provide

students with a comprehensive understanding of data analysis and machine
learning techniques, essential for thriving in the data-driven world. The course is
structured into modules that cover every critical aspect of data science, ensuring
students gain proficiency in both theoretical concepts and practical applications.

The modules include:

1. Introduction to Data Science: Providing an overview of data science, its

applications, and the role of data scientists in extracting insights from data.
2. Statistical Analysis and Probability: Understanding foundational statistical
concepts and probability theory, crucial for making data-driven decisions.
3. Data Wrangling and Cleaning: Learning techniques to preprocess and clean
raw data, ensuring its quality and usability for analysis.
4. Data Visualization: Exploring tools like Matplotlib and Seaborn to create
meaningful visualizations that effectively communicate insights from data.
5. Machine Learning Algorithms: Studying a variety of machine learning
algorithms, including regression, classification, clustering, and dimensionality
6. Deep Learning: Delving into neural networks and deep learning techniques for
solving complex problems such as image recognition and natural language
7. Big Data and Spark: Understanding how to handle large-scale datasets using
distributed computing frameworks like Apache Spark.

Through hands-on projects, real-world case studies, and expert guidance,

students gain practical experience and the skills needed to excel in the field of
data science. Excellence Academy's Data Science course in Chandigarh
empowers individuals to leverage data effectively and drive informed
decision-making, making it the top choice for aspiring data scientists and

Excellence Academy's Data Analytics course in Chandigarh is meticulously
crafted to equip students with the essential skills and knowledge required to
excel in the field of data analysis. The course is structured into modules that
cover every critical aspect of data analytics, ensuring a comprehensive
understanding of both theoretical concepts and practical applications.
The modules include:

1. Introduction to Data Analytics: Providing an overview of data analytics, its

importance in decision-making, and the role of data analysts in extracting
insights from data.
2. Statistical Analysis: Understanding foundational statistical concepts such
as measures of central tendency, dispersion, hypothesis testing, and
correlation analysis.
3. Data Cleaning and Preprocessing: Learning techniques to clean and
preprocess raw data, including handling missing values, outliers, and
4. Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): Exploring data visually and statistically
to uncover patterns, trends, and relationships that can inform
5. Predictive Analytics: Studying techniques for building predictive models
using regression, classification, and time series analysis to forecast future
trends and outcomes.
6. Data Visualization: Utilizing tools like Tableau and Power BI to create
insightful visualizations that effectively communicate findings to
7. Case Studies and Projects: Applying learned concepts to real-world data
analytics projects, allowing students to gain practical experience and
showcase their skills.

Through hands-on projects, real-world case studies, and expert guidance,

students develop the analytical mindset and technical proficiency needed to
thrive as data analysts. Excellence Academy's Data Analytics course in
Chandigarh empowers individuals to unlock the value of data and drive
data-informed decision-making, making it the top choice for aspiring data

Excellence Academy's Java course in Chandigarh is designed to provide
students with a comprehensive understanding of Java programming language
and its applications in software development. The course is structured into
modules that cover every critical aspect of Java programming, ensuring students
gain proficiency in both fundamental concepts and advanced techniques.

The modules include:

1. Introduction to Java: Providing an overview of Java programming

language, its history, features, and importance in the software industry.
2. Java Basics: Covering fundamental concepts such as variables, data types,
operators, control flow statements, and object-oriented programming
3. Java Syntax and Structure: Understanding Java syntax rules, code
structure, and best practices for writing clean and maintainable code.
4. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): Delving into advanced OOP
concepts such as classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism,
encapsulation, and abstraction.
5. Exception Handling: Learning techniques to handle errors and exceptions
gracefully in Java programs, ensuring robustness and reliability.
6. Java Collections Framework: Exploring the built-in data structures and
algorithms provided by Java- Collections Framework for storing and
manipulating data efficiently.
7. GUI Programming with Swing: Understanding how to create graphical user
interfaces (GUIs) using Swing library for building desktop applications.
8. Database Connectivity with JDBC: Learning how to connect Java
applications to databases using JDBC for performing database operations
such as CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete).

Through hands-on projects, coding exercises, and real-world applications,

students gain practical experience and the skills needed to excel as Java
developers. Excellence Academy's Java Training course in Chandigarh empowers
individuals to pursue lucrative careers in software development, making it the
top choice for aspiring Java programmers.
:Excellence Academy's Python Training course in Chandigarh is meticulously
designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to become
proficient Python programmers. The course is structured into modules covering
every essential aspect of Python programming, ensuring a comprehensive
understanding of both foundational concepts and advanced techniques.

The modules include:

1. Introduction to Python: Providing an overview of Python programming

language, its syntax, features, and applications in various domains.
2. Python Basics: Covering fundamental concepts such as variables, data
types, operators, control flow statements, and functions.
3. Data Structures: Exploring built-in data structures like lists, tuples,
dictionaries, and sets, and understanding how to manipulate and work
with them effectively.
4. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): Delving into advanced OOP
concepts such as classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism,
encapsulation, and abstraction.
5. File Handling: Learning techniques for reading from and writing to files,
handling different file formats, and managing file operations efficiently.
6. Exception Handling: Understanding how to handle errors and exceptions
gracefully in Python programs, ensuring robustness and reliability.
7. Modules and Packages: Exploring the modular nature of Python
programming and how to organize code into reusable modules and
8. Advanced Topics: Covering advanced topics such as regular expressions,
multithreading, networking, and working with databases using libraries
like SQLite and SQLAlchemy.

Through hands-on projects, coding exercises, and real-world applications,

students gain practical experience and the skills needed to excel as Python
developers. Excellence Academy's Python Training course in Chandigarh
empowers individuals to pursue lucrative careers in software development, data
science, artificial intelligence, and more, making it the top choice for aspiring
Python programmers.
Excellence Academy offers the Best Six/6 months industrial training in
Chandigarh for all engineering branches. After spending 3 and half years
in college all you learn is the theoretical part. But life is all about practical.
Your college or your curriculum gives you 6 months to learn things
practically. and have an experience of the industry and learn what exactly
the industry wants from you. So we at Excellence Academy gives you 100%
practical training on live projects. Because 6/six months industrial
training in Chandigarh can change your career. and make you to the part
of best top reputed companies of India and globe.

● Flexibility: Digital courses from Excellence Academy offer the
flexibility to learn at your own pace and according to your schedule,
accommodating busy lifestyles.
● Accessibility: Access the courses from anywhere with an internet
connection, eliminating geographical barriers and allowing
individuals from diverse locations to participate.
● Variety of Subjects: Excellence Academy offers a wide range of
courses covering various subjects, ensuring there's something for
everyone, from programming to photography to business
● Expert Instruction: Benefit from expert instructors who are
knowledgeable and experienced in their respective fields, providing
high-quality education and guidance.
● Interactive Learning: Engage in interactive learning experiences
through multimedia content, quizzes, assignments, and discussions,
enhancing comprehension and retention.
● Cost-Effectiveness: Digital courses often come at a lower cost
compared to traditional classroom-based learning, making
education more affordable and accessible to a broader audience.
● Certification: Upon completion of the courses, receive a certificate
from Excellence Academy, validating your skills and knowledge,
which can enhance your career prospects and personal
● Community Support: Connect with peers and instructors through
online forums and discussion groups, fostering a supportive
learning community where you can exchange ideas and experiences.

PHONE: 93562-55522
WEBSITE: excellenceacademy.co.in

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