Offer Letter

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Dear Dika Novianti Yesnhoretd Sinaga,

Jl Pelita IV, Kamp Pelita, Batam

PT. Migo Commercial Indonesia is delighted to offer you the Full Time position of Live
Streaming Staff with an anticipated start date of June 5th, 2023.

Working hours are from 08:00 – 18:00 (WIB), 5 days on A week and 6 days on B week.

The starting salary for this position is IDR 4,500,000 per month. Payment is on the 20 of each
week by bank transfer, starting on June 20th, 2023.

Your employment with PT. Migo Commercial Indonesia will be on an at-will basis, which
means you and the company are free to terminate employment at any time, with cause or
advance notice. This letter is not a contract indicating employment terms or duration.

Please confirm your acceptance of this offer by signing and returning this letter by June 4th,


Operational Specialist
PT. Migo Commercial Indonesia

Candidate Signature: ______________________________

Candidate Printed Name: ______________________________

Date: ______________________________

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