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Session 2 - Analysing Advertisements

- Know: key terms relating to persuasive techniques in advertising, e.g. ‘bandwagon’, ‘association’ etc...
- Understand: that advertises use a variety of persuasive techniques that work together to sell products, feelings
and ideas
- Be able to: analyse an advertisement - identify persuasive techniques and explain the effects

How do advertisements actually work to persuade us? Are you capable of analysing an
advert like this? You will be at the end of these lessons!


1. Warm up: Read page 98 and discuss the questions in box ‘Activity 4.4’ (p99 of textbook) with
your group.

2. Key terms: Start a quizlet set (or add to an existing set) for persuasive techniques used in
advertising. You will encounter a lot today! Read pages 100-102 of your textbook and write
definitions for these words.

3. Going further: Make a copy of this worksheet. Go through the questions at your own pace,
writing your responses where indicated. Another resource: persuasive techniques handout.

- FOA: You could pretend to work at a marketing company, discussing ideas for a new
advertising series for a particular product and audience.

- WT: Advertisements can create some strong reactions in people - anything from fierce loyalty
to vitriolic anger. Why not right a letter to the company / advertiser of today’s texts to show
your emotional reaction?

- Targeted advertising and demographics

- Review today’s materials
- Today we learned a range of persuasive techniques used in advertising. You could hunt for
ads on the Internet and try to identify these techniques in use, evaluating their effectiveness.

- Alternatively, why not find out about newer persuasive techniques used on social media. How
is technology changing adverising?

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