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ENGL 1302 Research Position Outline Assignment

Instructions: Organize your claims and supporting evidence for the argument of your researched position paper.
Complete each chart with information from your “moving from subject to thesis statement” worksheet and
“BEAM worksheet” in order to plot what you need to discuss in each section of your essay.

Section 1: Introduction

A. Provide relevant Information (with citations) on Topic to Set up Research Question:

Topical “Overpopulation and abandonment of pets are long-standing and burgeoning concerns that
Information involve uncontrolled breeding and selling, illegal trafficking, overpopulation, and pet safety
and well-being issues” (Perdomo et al. 1).
- Provides background on why adoption is a topic that needs to be considered.

“result in hundreds of healthy, adoptable companion animals being euthanized each year due
to lack of available space, financial issues, and a lack of resources” (Kay et al. 375)
- Background info shows the reason why hundreds of animals are victims of
unnecessary euthanasia

B. Describe Research Question as a Statement of Uncertainty, Doubt, or a Gap in Knowledge:

Research Does exiting abandonment and overpopulation preventative measures and research provide
Question enough…
Have existing preventative abandonment and overpopulation measures from both adopters
and shelters solved their purpose?

C. Identify your (arguable) Answer to the Research Question, your Thesis Statement:
Thesis Possible Scripts: This paper argues that [assertion] because [reason]. Or This paper argues
Statement that [reason]. Therefore, [assertion].
This paper argues that preventative abandonment and overpopulation measures have yet to
solve their problems because research has shown that abandonment and overpopulation are
still ongoing issues in the pet market.

Section 2: Body Paragraphs

Sub-Claim A
A. Describe the main point for section #1, a sub-claim that helps you prove your thesis statement:
Sub-Claim 1 - Bias in selection on the adopters side.

B. List paraphrases / quotations + citations from your sources as best evidence supporting the point you are
making in this section:
Quoted / Possible script: As [scholar last name] explains, …. (#).
Paraphrased - Adopters tend to look for certain breeds, personalities, coat colors, etc.
Evidence 1 - The age of an animal may cause an adopter to avoid a large group of animals.

C. Describe how each piece of evidence supports the main idea for sub-claim 1:
Explanation 1 Evidence proves that their is a distinct selection bias when adopters select an animal. This
may cause potential adopters to seek backyard breeders which significantly impact the
market in a negative manner. Backyard breeding promotes unethical forms of breeding and
causes shelters to increase in population. Shelters can combat this by informing adopters
abount why selecting specific breeds may not be their best option. They can also create
promotions on animals that are older or looked down on.

Sub-Claim B
A. Describe the main point for section #2, a sub-claim that helps you prove your thesis statement:
Sub-Claim 2 - Reasons for abandonment and surrenders/Adopters should research before

B. List paraphrases / quotations + citations your sources as best evidence supporting the point you are making in
this section:
Quoted / - Adopters find that they are not able to financially care for animals after adopting and
Paraphrased committing their responsibilities to another dependent in their household.
Evidence 2 - Some find that the experience of caring for an animal is not what they had expected.
- Others may not like the personality or behavior of the animal they have adopted.

C. Describe how each piece of evidence supports the main idea for sub-claim 2:
Explanation 2 This evidence supports the reasons for abandonment and surrenders. Most of the time, these
surrenders after adopting are due to animal and owner incompatibility. These issues can be
solved through research from the adopter side. The shelters can solve these issues by
conducting interviews and good introductions with the adopter to ensure they understand
what they desire.

Sub-Claim C
A. Describe the main point for section #3, a sub-claim that helps you prove your thesis statement:
Sub-Claim 3 -

B. List paraphrases / quotations + citations from your sources as best evidence supporting the point you are
making in this section:
Quoted /
Evidence 3

C. Describe how each piece of evidence supports the main idea for sub-claim 3:
Explanation 3

Sub-Claim D
A. Describe the main point for section #4, a sub-claim that helps you prove your thesis statement:
Sub-Claim 4

B. List paraphrases / quotations + citations from your sources as best evidence supporting the point you are
making in this section:
Quoted /
Evidence 4

C. Describe how each piece of evidence supports the main idea for sub-claim 4:
Explanation 4

Section 3: Conclusion

A. Reiterate thesis statement:

Thesis Possible Script: As this paper has shown, [reason]. Therefore, [assertion]. Or As this paper
Statement has shown, [assertion] because [reason].
As this paper has shown, abandonment and overpopulation is an ongoing societal issue.
Therefore, existing preventative measures must be researched and enforced to solve the

B. Addresses the significance of your argument:

Importance The adoption market has many issues, such as overpopulation, abandonment, unnecessary
euthanization, and underfunding of shelters. These issues significantly affect society by
causing stress for all parties involved and many

C. Describe what readers should do with this knowledge:

Implications - Do extensive research before adopting
- Contribute to solving the existing issue
- Help fund or volunteer to help shelters thrive

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