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The goal of this task is to get familiar with the built-in string methods in JavaScript.

The task
can be solved any way you see fit, but you are advised to use built-in JavaScript methods to
solve them.
● Create a function called ​replaceString ​that takes in three parameters ​word,
search ​and ​replaceWith. ​The function would replace all instances of the ​search
parameter with the ​replaceWith ​parameter. Example:
replaceString(‘Abdulqudus’, ‘u’, ‘v’) // Should return ‘Abdvlqvdvs’
replaceString(‘javascript’, ‘a’, ‘o’) // Should return ‘jovoscript’
Hint: ​google javascript replace method
● Create a function called ​changeCase ​that takes in two parameters, ​sentence ​and
case. ​The function would toggle the case of the sentence depending on the value of
the ​case ​parameter. If ​case ​equals ‘upper’, the function should convert the sentence
to uppercase. If case equals ‘lower’, the function should convert the sentence to
lowercase. Example:
changeCase(‘Abdulqudus’, ‘upper’) // Should return ‘ABDULQUDUS’
changeCase(‘ABdUlQudUs’, ‘lower’) // Should return ‘abdulqudus’
Hint: ​google javascript toUpperCase and toLowerCase methods
● Create a function ​trimEdges ​that accepts a parameter called ​sentence ​and returns
a string with all leading and trailing whitespaces removed. Example:
trimEdges(‘ javascript ’) // Should return ‘javascript’
trimEdges(‘hello’) // Should return ‘hello’
Hint: ​google javascript trim method
● Create a function ​extractString ​that takes in three parameters, ​sentence, start
and​ end. ​The function should extract a certain portion of the sentence starting from
the ​start ​parameter and stop at the ​end p ​ arameter. Example:
extractString(‘javascript is awesome’, 4, 13) // Should return ‘script is’
extractString(‘hello there’, 0, 0) // Should return ‘hello there’
Hint: ​google javascript slice, substr, substring method
● Create a function ​getInitials ​that takes in a parameter ​name. ​The function should
return the initials of the ​name ​parameter in uppercase. Example:
getInitials(‘Hello World’) // should return ‘HW’
getInitials(‘Brendan Eich’) // should return ‘BE’
Hint: ​google javascript slice, charAt method

● Successful completion of each task would get attract 1 point
● Using the correct javascript string method indicated on each task would attract 1
● Proper coding style, use of ES6 standards, amongst others could attract additional 3
points to be given at a mentors discretion
● Each task above is 1 point.
● Total => 10 points.

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