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Seven Foundational Principles of Marriage:

1. Marriage is ordained by God.

Most of us know the word ordain as the ceremony where one priest is officially
given powers to assume office. We talk about ordaining a person as a bishop,
apostle, Reverend etc.
The word ordain in our context however is to sanction, to originate, to appoint
to something or something to exist with one's authority.
Now that we all came and found people marrying and giving in marriage, it is
only natural to think that it originated with us. In fact in many cultures there
are narratives and myths of the origins of marriage.
We also have popular anecdotes about marriage in the modern world. I guess
most of them is a blend of the existing cultural beliefs and modernism
What are some of the myths and beliefs that mill around today?
Let's read Genesis 1:27-28, 2:18, 2:23-24.
2. Marriage is sacred
3. Marriage is not compulsory
4. Marriage is ministry; and ministry is work
5. Marriage is not eternal but it has eternal significance
6. Marriage is still complete without children
7. Christ should be the centre of every marriage relationship.
Marriage is a gift from God.
Paul says,

"l wish all men were as / am. But each man has his own gift from God; one has this
gift, another has that." (ICor.7:7)
He ordained it from the very beginning and gave Adam and Eve the gift of

It is God whß said,

"...Itis not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him."

He proceeded to cause the man to fall into a deep sleep. From one of his ribs, he
created the woman and brought her to the man. The man proclaimed:
Thisis now bone of my bones and flesh of myflesh; she shall be called woman,
for she was taken out of man." (Gen.2:23)
Even before the fall, God had already given the man and woman the gift of
marriage. They lived in perfect harmony until sin came into the world.
The repercussions of the fall are a topic for another day. We however know that
marriage was not spared.
The enemy of our souls has so corrupted the heart and mind of man that we see
varied versions of the corruption of the marriage covenant.
Here are a few of the corruptions to the marriage covenant:
LGBTQ movement
The effects of the feminist movement
Abuse within the marriage institution
Cultural rather than godly marriages
"Contractual marriages" -50/50, accomplishing your own goals, etc.
Separation and divorce
What do the scriptures say?
Jesus refers his listeners to God's original plan in the book of Genesis, before the
fall in Matt.19:4-8:
...But it was not this way from the beginning. "
God has continued to reveal his will as he has ordained it, throughout the
Out of the scriptures, we have what we will call the 5 purposes of marriage.
Purpose No. 1: That the marriage will glorify God
Psalm 119: 91
Marriage is about him and for him. If not, then you may never experience all that
God has ordained for you in marriage.
Purpose No. 2: That the marriage will portray the relationship between Christ
and his church
Eph. 5: 22-33
Purpose No. 3: For Companionship
Gen. 2:23-25
ICor. 7:2-5
Purpose No. 4: To raise a godly offspring
Mal. 2:15
Purpose No. 5: To partner with God to accomplish his purposes for the
redemption of mankind


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