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Vocabulary – grade 10 Ms.




1. Passionate/ˈpæʃənət/: adj Having or showing strong feelings of sexual love or of anger, etc; đam
mê, say mê
2. Passion (for something) N a strong feeling of liking something; a hobby, an activity...that you like
very much
3. pas·sion·ate·ly adv /ˈpæʃənətli/ in a way that shows strong feelings of sexual love or of anger, etc
4. plat·inum/ˈplætɪnəm/ un noun (symbol Pt) a chemical element. Platinum is a silver-grey precious metal,
used in making expensive jewellery and in industry. Bạch kim
5. platinum disc noun a platinum record in a frame, given to a singer ect. who has sold a very
high number of records
6. de·ceive/dɪˈsiːv/ verb 1. to make somebody believe something that is not: lừa dối
deceive sb into doing sth 2. deceive (somebody) to make somebody have a wrong idea about
somebody/ something SYNONYM mislead
7. de·ceiver /dɪˈsiːvə(r noun a person or thing that makes somebody believe something that is not true
8. Deceiving (adj) Có tính lừa dối
9. debut (also début) verb BrE 1. [Intransitive] (of a performer or show) to make a first public
/ˈdeɪbjuː/; NAmE /deɪˈbjuː/ appearance.
2. [transitive] debut something (especially North American English,
business) to present a new product or advertising campaign to the market
10. Debut album Album đầu tay
11. tal·ent noun /ˈtælənt/ [countable, uncountable] a natural ability to do something well
12. tal·ent·ed adj BrE /ˈtæləntɪd/ having a natural ability to do something well
13. in·cred·ible adjective /ɪn 1. impossible or very difficult to believe SYNONYM unbelievable
ˈkredəbl/ 2. (informal) extremely good or extremely large
14. in·cred·ibly adverb /ɪn 1 extremely SYNONYM unbelievably
15. sin·gle noun /ˈsɪŋɡl/ 1. Music: [countable] a piece of recorded music, usually popular music,
that consists of one song; a CD that a single is recorded on The band
releases its new single next week. COMPARE album
2. Ticket: [countable] (British English) a ticket that allows you to travel
to a place but not back again COMPARE return
16. ver·sion noun /ˈvɜːʃn/ 1. a form of something that is slightly different from an earlier form or
from other forms of the same thing -> Beta version
2. a film/movie, play, piece of music, etc. that is based on a particular
piece of work but is in a different form, style or language SEE ALSO
Authorized Version, cover version
17. smash noun /smæʃ/ (also smash hit) a song, film/movie or play that is very popular
18. fran·chise noun /ˈfræntʃaɪz/ Formal permission given by a company to somebody who wants to sell its
goods or services in a particular area; formal permission given by a
government to somebody who wants to operate a public service as a
a franchise agreement/company: một hợp đồng/ công ty chuyển giao
19. fran·chise verb /ˈfræntʃaɪz [usually passive] franchise something (out) (to somebody/something)
to give or sell a franchise (1) to somebody
20. fran·chisee noun /ˌfræntʃaɪˈziː/ a person or company that has been given a franchise
21. fran·chiser (also fran·chisor) a company or an organization that gives somebody a franchise
noun /ˈfræntʃaɪzə(r)/
22. fran·chis·ing noun the business or activity of giving or selling franchises to people
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23. air verb BrE /eə(r)/ ; NAmE radio/TV programme: air (something) to broadcast a programme on the
/er/ radio or on television; to be broadcast
24. au·di·tion noun /ɔːˈdɪʃn/ a short performance given by an actor, a singer, etc., so that somebody can
decide whether they are suitable to act in a play, sing in a concert, etc
25. au·di·tion verb /ɔːˈdɪʃn/ 1. Audition (for something) to take part in an audition.: thử giọng, thử
2. audition sb (for sth) to watch, listen to and judge somebody at an
26. audi·ence noun /ˈɔːdiəns/ 1. [countable + singular or plural verb] the group of people who have
gathered to watch or listen to something (a play, concert, somebody
speaking, etc.)
2. [countable] a formal meeting with an important person
an audience with the Pope
27. spec·ta·tor noun /spekteɪtər/ a person who is watching an event, especially a sports event
28. view·er noun /ˈvjuːə(r)/ a person watching television
29. con·test noun 1. a competition in which people try to win something a singing contest
BrE /ˈkɒntest/ ; NAmE /ˈkɑːntest/ 2. contest (for something) a struggle to gain control or power
to enter/win/lose a contest a hotly/fiercely/keenly contested game (= one in which the players try
very hard to win and the scores are close)
30. con·test verb /kənˈtest/ contest something to take part in a competition, election, etc. and try to
win it
31. con·test·ant noun /kənˈtestənt/ a person who takes part in a contest
32. fan noun /fæn/ a person who admires somebody/something or enjoys watching or
listening to somebody/something very much
33. fan verb /fæn/ 1 fan somebody/something/yourself to make air blow onto
somebody/something by waving a fan, your hand, etc: quạt
2 fan something to make a fire burn more strongly by blowing on it
3 fan something (literary) to make a feeling, an attitude, etc. stronger
SYNONYM fuel -> Idioms: fan the ˈflames (of something): to make a
feeling such as anger, hatred, etc. worse
Phrasal Verbs: fan out | fan something out: to spread out or spread
something out over an area
34. fan·at·ic noun /fəˈnætɪk/ a person who is extremely enthusiastic about something SYNONYM
35. fan·at·ic·al·ly advb /fəˈnætɪkli/ in a way that involves extreme or dangerous opinions
36. fan·ati·cism noun /fə [uncountable] (disapproving) extreme beliefs or behaviour, especially in
ˈnætɪsɪzəm/ connection with religion or politics SYNONYM extremism
37. elim·in·ate verb /ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt/ to remove or get rid of something/somebody
To be eliminated from bị loại khỏi
38. elim·in·ation noun /ɪˌlɪmɪ elimination (of something/somebody) (from something) the process of
ˈneɪʃn/ removing or getting rid of something/somebody completely

39. in·nov·ate verb /ˈɪnəveɪt to introduce new things, ideas or ways of doing something
40. in·nov·ation noun /ˌɪnəˈveɪʃn/ [countable] innovation (in something) a new idea, way of doing
something, etc. that has been introduced or discovered
41. in·nova·tive adj /ˈɪnəveɪtɪv/

42. in·nov·ator noun a person or company that introduces new things, ideas or ways
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/ˈɪnəveɪtə(r)/ of doing something

43. an·them noun /ˈænθəm/ a song that has a special importance for a country, an
organization or a particular group of people, and is sung on
special occasions
44. an·them·ic adj /æn (formal)(of a piece of music) that makes you feel happy and
ˈθiːmɪk/ enthusiastic
45. prod·igy noun /ˈprɒdədʒi/ a young person who is unusually intelligent or skilful for their
(plural prod·igies) age a child/an infant prodigy
46. pro·di·gious adj /prə [usually before noun] (formal) very large or powerful and
ˈdɪdʒəs/ causing surprise or admiration SYNONYM colossal,
47. Prodigiously adv /prə (formal) extremely, in a way that causes surprise or admiration
48. re·nown noun /rɪˈnaʊn/ fame and respect because of something you have done that
people admire
49. re·nowned adjective /rɪ famous and respected SYNONYM celebrated, noted
50. prom·in·ent adjective 1. important or well known
/ˈprɒmɪnənt/ 2. easily seen SYNONYM noticeable
3. sticking out from something
51. prominence n BrE [uncountable, singular] the state of being important, well
/ˈprɒmɪnəns/ ; AmE known or noticeable
52. prom·in·ent·ly adv BrE 1. in a way that is easily seen or noticed
/ˈprɒmɪnəntli/ ; NAmE 2. in a way that deliberately gives a lot of attention to
/ˈprɑːmɪnəntli/ somebody/something and makes them important or
53. con·quer verb BrE 1. conquer somebody/something to take control of a country
/ˈkɒŋkə(r)/ ; NAmE or city and its people by force -> conquered
/ˈkɑːŋkər/ peoples/races/territories
2. conquer somebody to defeat somebody, especially in a
competition, race, etc
3. conquer something to succeed in dealing with or
controlling something
Mount Everest was conquered (= successfully climbed) in
4. conquer something to become very popular or successful
in a place
54. con·queror n BrE a person who conquers
/ˈkɒŋkərə(r)/ ; NAmE
55. com·pel verb /kəmˈpel/ to force somebody to do something; to make something
56. com·pel·ling adj /kəm 1. that makes you pay attention to it because it is so interesting
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ˈpelɪŋ/ and exciting

2. so strong that you must do something about it a compelling
57. com·pel·ling·ly adv /kəm 1. in a way that is so strong that you must do something about
ˈpelɪŋli/ it compellingly attractive.
2. in a way that makes you pay attention to something because
it is so interesting and exciting a compellingly entertaining
58. vocal noun BrE /ˈvəʊkl/ [usually plural] the part of a piece of music that is sung, rather
/ˈvoʊkl/ than played on a musical instrument: đoạn xướng âm
59. bal·lad noun /ˈbæləd/ 1. a song or poem that tells a story a medieval ballad about a
knight and a lady
2. a slow song about love
60. bal·lad·eer noun /ˌbælə a person who sings or writes ballads
61. Back (v.) [transitive] back something to play or sing music that supports
the main singer or instrument music
62. accompany somebody to play a musical instrument, especially a piano, while
(at/on something) somebody else sings or plays the main tune
63. biog·raphy noun /baɪ [countable, uncountable] (plural biog·raphies) the story of a
ˈɒɡrəfi/ person’s life written by somebody else; this type of writing
COMPARE autobiography
64. autobiography n /ˌɔːtəbaɪ [countable, uncountable] (plural auto·biog·raphies)
ˈɒɡrəfi the story of a person’s life, written by that person; this type of
65. biographer noun /baɪ a person who writes the story of another person’s life
66. biographical adj /baɪə (of a novel, film etc. ) telling the story of a person's life
67. com·pose verbBrE /kəm [transitive] compose a letter/speech/poem to write a letter, etc.
ˈpəʊz/ ; NAmE /kəmˈpoʊz/ usually with a lot of care and thought
68. com·posed adj /kəm be composed of something: to be made or formed from
ˈpəʊzd/ ; NAmE /kəm several parts, things or people
69. com·poser n BrE /kəm a person who writes music, especially classical music
70. global adjective BrE [usually before noun] 1. covering or affecting the whole world
/ˈɡləʊbl/ ; NAmE /ˈɡloʊbl/ global issues
2.considering or including all parts of something

71. globalization (BE also - [uncountable] the fact that different cultures and economic
isa·tion) noun BrE systems around the world are becoming connected and similar
/ˌɡləʊbəlaɪˈzeɪʃn/ ; NAmE to each other because of the influence of large multinational
/ˌɡloʊbələˈzeɪʃn/ companies and of improved communication
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72. glob·al·ize (British [intransitive, transitive] globalize (something) (economics) if

English also -ise) verb BrE something, for example a business company, globalizes or is
/ˈɡləʊbəlaɪz/ ; NAmE globalized, it operates all around the world
73. glob·al·ly adv BrE 1. in a way that covers or affects the whole world.
/ˈɡləʊbəli/ ; NAmE 2. in a way that considers or includes all parts of something
74. globe n BrE /ɡləʊb/; 1. [countable] an object shaped like a ball with a map of the
AmE /ɡloʊb/ world on its surface, usually on a stand so that it can be
2. the globe [singular] the world (used especially to
emphasize its size)
75. idol noun BrE /ˈaɪdl/ 1. a person or thing that is loved and admired very much
2. a statue that is worshipped as a god
76. idol·atry noun BrE /aɪ 1. the practice of worshipping statues as gods
ˈdɒlətri/ ; NAmE /aɪˈdɑːlətri/ 2. (formal) too much love or admiration for
77. idol·iza·tion (BE also - great admiration or love for somebody worship (2)
isa·tion) noun /ˌaɪdəlaɪ
78. idol·ize (BE also -ise) verb idolize somebody to admire or love somebody very much
BrE /ˈaɪdəlaɪz/ SYNONYM worship
79. judge noun BrE /dʒʌdʒ/ a person in a court who has the authority to decide how
criminals should be punished or to make legal decisions
80. judge v BrE /dʒʌdʒ/; 1. form opinion: to form an opinion about
somebody/something, based on the information you have
2. judge (somebody) to give your opinion about somebody,
especially when you disapprove of them
81. judge·ment (also the ability to make sensible decisions after carefully
judg·ment especially in considering the best thing to do
North American English) Idioms: sit in ˈjudgement (on/over/upon somebody) to
noun /ˈdʒʌdʒmənt/ ; decide whether somebody’s behaviour is right or wrong,
especially when you have no right to do this

82. re·lease verb 1. set somebody/something free (release somebody/something

BrE /rɪˈliːs/ ; NAmE /rɪˈliːs/ from something); stop holding something
2. release something to stop holding something or stop it from
being held so that it can move, fly, fall, etc. freely
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SYNONYM let go, let loose

3. make less tight: release something to make something less
tight You need to release the tension in these shoulder
4. make available: release something to make something
available to the public
to release a movie/book/CD
83. re·lease noun 1. setting somebody/something free: release (of somebody)
BrE /rɪˈliːs/ ; NAmE /rɪˈliːs/ (from something) the act of setting a person or an animal
free; the state of being set free
2. making something available: the act of making something
available to the public
3. [countable] a thing that is made available to the public,
especially a new CD or film/movie the latest new releases
4. from unpleasant feeling: the feeling that you are free from
pain, anxiety or some other unpleasant feeling a sense of
release after the exam
SEE ALSO press release
84. reˈlease candidate noun a version of a product, especially computer software, that is
BrE /rɪˈlɪːs kændɪdət/ (abbre fully developed and nearly ready to be made available to the
RC) public. It comes after the beta version.
85. nu·ance noun BrE [countable, uncountable] a very slight difference in meaning,
/ˈnjuːɑːns/ ; NAmE sound, colour or somebody’s feelings that is not usually very
/ˈnuːɑːns/ obvious: sắc thái
86. ce·leb·rity noun /səˈlebrəti 1 (informal celeb, informal sleb) [countable] a famous person
(plural ce·leb·rities) 2 [uncountable] the state of being famous SYNONYM fame


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1. ad·ver·tise·ment noun (informal ad) (also British English, informal ad·vert) advertisement (for
BrE /ədˈvɜːtɪsmənt/ ; something) a notice, picture or film telling people about a product, job or
NAmE /ˌædvərˈtaɪzmənt/ service
Put an advertisement in the local paper to sell your car.
- SYNONYMS: publicity ad commercial promotion trailer
2. ad·ver·tiser noun BrE a person or company that advertises
3. ad·ver·tis·ing noun [uncountable] the activity and industry of advertising things to people on
BrE /ˈædvətaɪzɪŋ/ ; NAmE television, in newspapers, on the Internet, etc A good advertising campaign will
/ˈædvərtaɪzɪŋ/ increase our sales.
4. ad·ver·tise verb BrE intransitive, transitive] to tell the public about a product or a service in order to
/ˈædvətaɪz/ encourage people to buy or to use it
5. an·nounce verb to tell people something officially, especially about a decision, plans, etc
BrE /əˈnaʊns/ ; NAmE /ə announce that… We are pleased to announce that all five candidates were
ˈnaʊns/ successful.
state/ indicate/ announce
These words all mean to say something, usually firmly and clearly and often in
6. an·nounce·ment noun [countable] a spoken or written statement that informs people about something
BrE /əˈnaʊnsmənt/ to make an announcement
7. an·noun·cer noun a person who introduces, or gives information about, programmes on the radio
BrE /əˈnaʊnsə(r)/ or television
SEE ALSO host, presenter
a person who gives information about something in a station, an airport, etc.,
especially through a loudspeaker
8. apply verb for job/course: [intransitive, transitive] to make a formal request, usually in
BrE /əˈplaɪ/ writing, for something such as a job, a place at college, university, etc You
should apply in person/by letter.
 apply for something to apply for a job/passport/grant
 apply to somebody/something (for something) to apply to a
 apply to do something He has applied to join the army.
9. ap·plied adjective [usually before noun] (especially of a subject of study) used in a practical way;
BrE /əˈplaɪd/ not theoretical applied mathematics (= as used by engineers, etc.)

10. ap·pli·ca·tion noun for job/course: [countable, uncountable] a formal (often written) request for
BrE /ˌæplɪˈkeɪʃn something, such as a job, permission to do something or a place at a college or
11. applicant /ˈæplɪkənt/ (for something) a person who makes a formal request for something (= applies
for it), especially for a job, a place at a college or university, etc
12. dis·ad·van·tage verb disadvantage somebody/something: to cause problems and tend to stop
BrE /ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒ/ somebody/something from succeeding or making progress
Some pension plans may disadvantage women.
OPPOSITE advantage
13. dis·ad·van·tage noun [countable, uncountable]something that causes problems and tends to stop
BrE /ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒ/ somebody/something from succeeding or making progress
14. dis·ad·van·taged 1. not having the things, such as education, or enough money, that people need
adjective in order to succeed in life
BrE /ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒd/ 2. the disadvantaged noun [plural] people who are disadvantaged
SYNONYM: deprived

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OPPOSITE advantaged
15. dis·ad·van·ta·geous disadvantageous (to/for somebody) (formal) causing somebody to be in a
adjective worse situation compared to other people
BrE /ˌdɪsædvænˈteɪdʒəs/ The deal will not be disadvantageous to your company.
OPPOSITE advantageous
16. con·cern verb BrE /kən 1. to affect somebody/something; to involve somebody/something
ˈsɜːn/ 2. concern yourself with/about something to take an interest in something
He didn't concern himself with the details.
17. con·cern noun [uncountable, countable] a feeling of worry, especially one that is shared by
18. BrE /kənˈsɜːn many people concern (about something/somebody)
There is growing concern about violence on television.
19. cre·ate verb create something to make something happen or exist
BrE /kriˈeɪt/ Synonym
Make/ do/ create /develop/ produce/ generate/ form
These words all mean to make something from parts or materials, or to cause
something to exist or happen.
20. cre·ation noun uncountable] the act or process of making something that is new, or of causing
BrE /kriˈeɪʃn/ something to exist that did not exist before
21. cre·ative adjective [only before noun] involving the use of skill and the imagination to produce
BrE /kriˈeɪtɪv something new or a work of art
22. cre·ative noun 1. [countable] a person who is creative
BrE /kriˈeɪtɪv/ The exhibition features the paintings of local creatives.
2. [uncountable] creative ideas or material
23. cre·ative·ly adverb in a way that involves the use of skill and the imagination to produce
BrE /kriˈeɪtɪvli/ something new or a work of art
to think/work creatively
24. cre·ativ·ity noun [uncountable] the ability to use skill and imagination to produce something new
BrE /ˌkriːeɪˈtɪvəti/ or to produce art; the act of doing this
Creativity and originality are more important than technical skill.
25. dedi·cate verb to give a lot of your time and effort to a particular activity or purpose because
BrE /ˈdedɪkeɪt/ you think it is important
SYNONYM devote
dedicate yourself/something to something
She dedicates herself to her work.
26. dedi·cated adjective working hard at something because it is very important to you
BrE /ˈdedɪkeɪtɪd/ SYNONYM committed
a dedicated teacher
dedicated to something She is dedicated to her job.
27. dedi·ca·tion noun [uncountable] dedication (to something) (approving) the hard work and effort
BrE /ˌdedɪˈkeɪʃn/ that somebody puts into an activity or a purpose because they think it is
SYNONYM commitment
28. de·velop verb grow bigger/stronger: [intransitive, transitive] to gradually grow or become
BrE /dɪˈveləp/ bigger, more advanced, stronger, etc.; to make something do this
Make/do/ create/develop/ produce/ generate/ form
29. de·veloped adjective 1. (of a country, society, etc.) having many industries and a complicated
BrE /dɪˈveləpt/ economic system financial aid to less developed countries
The average citizen in the developed world uses over 155kg of paper per year.
COMPARE underdeveloped
2. in an advanced state
children with highly developed problem-solving skills
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30. de·vel·op·er noun [countable] a person or company that buys land or buildings in order to build
BrE /dɪˈveləpə(r)/ new houses, shops/stores, etc., or to improve the old ones, and makes a profit
from doing this property developers
31. de·vel·op·ing adjective [only before noun](of a country, society, etc.) poor, and trying to make its
BrE /dɪˈveləpɪŋ/ industry and economic system more advanced
32. de·vel·op·ment noun [uncountable] the gradual growth of something so that it becomes more
BrE /dɪˈveləpmənt/ advanced, stronger, etc
33. de·vel·op·men·tal 1. in a state of developing or being developed
adjective The product is still at a developmental stage.
BrE /dɪˌveləpˈmentl/ 2. connected with the development of somebody/something
34. de·vel·op·men·tal·ly in a way that is connected with the development of somebody/something
adverb The majority of these children were developmentally delayed.
BrE /dɪˌveləpˈmentli/
35. for·tu·nate adjective having or bringing an advantage, an opportunity, a piece of good luck, etc.
36. BrE /ˈfɔːtʃənət/ SYNONYM lucky
OPPOSITE unfortunate
37. for·tu·nate·ly adverb by good luck
BrE /ˈfɔːtʃənətli SYNONYM luckily
I was late, but fortunately the meeting hadn't started.
Fortunately for him, he was very soon offered another job.
OPPOSITE unfortunately
38. for·tue NAmE /ˈfɔːrtʃən/ [uncountable] chance or luck, especially in the way it affects people’s lives
39. hope·less adjective if something is hopeless, there is no hope that it will get better or succeed
BrE /ˈhəʊpləs/ SYNONYM terrible
40. hope·less·ly adverb with no hope that a situation will get better or succeed
BrE /ˈhəʊpləsli/
41. hope·less·ness noun [uncountable] the feeling of being without hope
BrE /ˈhəʊpləsnəs a sense/feeling of hopelessness
42. hope·ful adjective [not usually before noun] (of a person) believing that something you want will
BrE /ˈhəʊpfl/ happen
SYNONYM optimistic
hopeful (that…) I feel hopeful that we'll find a suitable house very soon.
hopeful (about something) He is not very hopeful about the outcome of the
hopeful (of doing something) (British English) She is hopeful of returning to
work soon.
OPPOSITE pessimistic
43. hope·ful noun a person who wants to succeed at something
BrE /ˈhəʊpfl/
44. hope·ful·ly adverb used to express what you hope will happen
BrE /ˈhəʊpfəli Hopefully, we'll arrive before dark.
45. hope·ful·ness noun [uncountable] the feeling of having hope, believing that something you want
BrE /ˈhəʊpflnəs will happen
46. em·ploy verb to give somebody a job to do for payment employ somebody
BrE /ɪmˈplɔɪ/ How many people does the company employ?
47. em·ploy·ee noun a person who is paid to work for somebody
BrE /ɪmˈplɔɪiː/
48. em·ploy·er noun a person or company that pays people to work for them
BrE /ɪmˈplɔɪə(r)/ OPPOSITE unemployment
49. em·ploy·able adjective having the skills and qualifications that will make somebody want to employ
BrE /ɪmˈplɔɪəbl/ you

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50. em·ploy·ment noun [uncountable, countable] work, especially when it is done to earn money; the
BrE /ɪmˈplɔɪmənt/ state of being employed
- SYNONYMS: Work/ employment/ career/ profession /occupation/ trade
These are all words for the work that somebody does in return for payment,
especially over a long period of time.
OPPOSITE unemployment
51. do·nate verb donate something (to somebody/something) to give money, food, clothes, etc.
BrE /dəʊˈneɪt/ to somebody/something, especially a charity
He donated thousands of pounds to charity.
52. do·na·tion noun [countable, uncountable] something that is given to a person or an organization
BrE /dəʊˈneɪʃn/ such as a charity, in order to help them; the act of giving something in this way
53. donor noun a person or an organization that makes a gift of money, clothes, food, etc. to a
BrE /ˈdəʊnə(r)/ charity, etc
international aid donors (= countries which give money, etc. to help other
She is one of the charity's main donors.
54. volunteer noun /ˌvɒlən a person who does a job without being paid for it
55. vol·un·teer verb [intransitive, transitive] to offer to do something without being forced to do it
BrE /ˌvɒlənˈtɪə(r)/ ; or without getting paid for it
 volunteer to do something
Jill volunteered to organize a petition.
 volunteer (for/as something)
Several staff members volunteered for early retirement.
 volunteer something (for/as something)
56. vol·un·tary adjective done willingly, not because you are forced a voluntary agreement
BrE /ˈvɒləntri/ Attendance on the course is purely voluntary. OPPOSITE compulsory
57. vol·un·tar·ily adverb 1. willingly; without being forced
BrE /ˈvɒləntrəli/; NAmE He was not asked to leave—he went voluntarily.
/ˌvɑːlənˈterəli/ 2. without payment; free
58. chance noun [countable, uncountable] a possibility of something happening, especially
BrE /tʃɑːns/ ; NAmE /tʃæns/ something that you want
59. chance adjective [only before noun] not planned
BrE /tʃɑːns/ ; NAmE /tʃæns/ SYNONYM unplanned By chance: tình cờ, ngẫu nhiên, do may mắn
60. char·ity noun 1 [countable] an organization for helping people in need Many charities sent
BrE /ˈtʃærəti/ ; NAmE money to help the victims of the famine.
/ˈtʃærəti/ (plural char·ities) The concert will raise money for local charities.
2 [uncountable] the aim of giving money, food, help, etc. to people who are in
need Most of the runners in the London Marathon are raising money for
61. inter·act verb 1. intransitive] interact (with somebody) to communicate with somebody,
BrE /ˌɪntərˈækt/ [ especially while you work, play or spend time with them
Teachers have a limited amount of time to interact with each child.
2. interact (with something) if one thing interacts with another, or if two
things interact, the two things have an effect on each other

62. inter·action noun 1. [uncountable, countable] interaction (between A and B) interaction (of A)

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BrE /ˌɪntərˈækʃn/ ; NAmE (with B) the act of communicating with somebody, especially while you
/ˌɪntərˈækʃn/ work, play or spend time with them the interaction between performers and
their audience
2. interaction (between A and B) interaction (of A) (with B) if one thing has
an interaction with another, or if there is an interaction between two
things, the two things have an effect on each other
63. inter·active adjective 1. that involves people working together and having an influence on each other
BrE /ˌɪntərˈæktɪv/ The school believes in interactive teaching methods.
2. (computing) that allows information to be passed continuously and in both
directions between a computer and the person who uses it interactive
64. inter·active·ly adverb 1. (computing) in a way that allows information to be passed continuously and
BrE /ˌɪntərˈæktɪvli/ 1 ( in both directions between a computer and the person who uses it
Users can interactively view the 3D content on the web.
2. in a way that involves people working together and having an influence on
each other
65. bene·fit noun an advantage that something gives you; a helpful and useful effect that
BrE /ˈbenɪfɪt/ ; something has
66. For special benefit of Vì lợi ích riêng của
67. bene·fi·cial adjective beneficial (to something/somebody) (formal) improving a situation; having a
BrE /ˌbenɪˈfɪʃl/ helpful or useful effect SYNONYM advantageous, favourable
68. bene·fi·cial·ly adverb in a way that improves a situation or has a helpful or useful effect
BrE /ˌbenɪˈfɪʃəli/ ; SYNONYM advantageously, favourably OPPOSITE detrimentally
69. bene·fi·ciary noun beneficiary (of something) a person who gains as a result of something
BrE /ˌbenɪˈfɪʃəri/
70. bene·fit verb benefit somebody to be useful to somebody or improve their life in some way
BrE /ˈbenɪfɪt/
71. ob·vi·ous adjective obvious (to somebody) (that…) easy to see or understand
BrE /ˈɒbviəs/ SYNONYM clear
72. ob·vi·ous·ly adverb used when giving information that you expect other people to know already or
BrE /ˈɒbviəsli/ agree with SYNONYM clearly
73. ob·vi·ous·ness noun the fact of being easy to see or understand
BrE /ˈɒbviəsnəs/
74. ig·nor·ant adjective lacking knowledge or information about something; not educated an ignorant
BrE /ˈɪɡnərənt/ ; person/question
75. ig·nor·ant·ly adverb without knowing about something
BrE /ˈɪɡnərəntli/
76. ig·nore verb ignore something to pay no attention to something
BrE /ɪɡˈnɔː(r)/ SYNONYM disregard
77. ig·nor·ance noun ignorance (of/about something) a lack of knowledge or information about
BrE /ˈɪɡnərəns/ something
78. ˌnarrow-ˈminded not willing to listen to new ideas or to the opinions of others
adjective SYNONYM bigoted, intolerant a narrow-minded attitude
OPPOSITE broad-minded, open-minded
79. narrow-ˈminded·ness a lack of willingness to listen to new ideas or to the opinions of others
noun SYNONYM bigotry, intolerance (1)
OPPOSITE broad-mindedness, open-mindedness
80. in·come noun the money that a person, a region, a country, etc. earns from work, from
BrE /ˈɪnkʌm/ investing money, from business, etc
people on high/low incomes
81. income tax noun the amount of money that you pay to the government according to how much

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you earn
82. non-ˈprofit adjective (British English also ˌnon-ˈprofit-making)
(of an organization) without the aim of making a profit
83. fa·cil·ity noun facilities [plural] buildings, services, equipment, etc. that are provided for a
BrE /fəˈsɪləti/ particular purpose
84. fa·cili·ta·tor noun a person who helps somebody do something more easily by discussing
BrE /fəˈsɪlɪteɪtə(r)/ ; problems, giving advice, etc. rather than telling them what to do
85. fa·cili·tate verb to make an action or a process possible or easier
BrE /fəˈsɪlɪteɪt/ ;
86. fa·cili·ta·tion noun the process or fact of making something possible or easier
BrE /fəˌsɪlɪˈteɪʃn/ ;
87. re·li·able adjective that can be trusted to do something well; that you can rely on
BrE /rɪˈlaɪəbl SYNONYM dependable
88. re·li·ably adverb in a way that can be trusted or relied on
BrE /rɪˈlaɪəbli/ ;
89. re·li·abil·ity noun the quality of being able to be trusted to do what somebody wants or needs
BrE /rɪˌlaɪəˈbɪləti/ ; SYNONYM dependability
90. goal noun something that you hope to achieve
BrE /ɡəʊl/ SYNONYM aim /target/objective/ goal/ object /end
These are all words for something that you are trying to achieve.
91. avail·able adjective that you can get, buy or find
BrE /əˈveɪləbl/
92. avail·abil·ity noun the fact that something is possible to get, buy or find
BrE /əˌveɪləˈbɪləti/ the availability of cheap flights
93. avail verb 1 [transitive] avail somebody (something) avail something (formal or old-
BrE /əˈveɪl/ fashioned) to be helpful or useful to somebody
2 [transitive, intransitive] (Indian English, non-standard) to make use of
something, especially an opportunity or offer
94. re·cede verb 1 [intransitive] to move gradually away from somebody or away from a
BrE /rɪˈsiːd/ previous position The sound of the truck receded into the distance.
She watched his receding figure.
2 [intransitive] (especially of a problem, feeling or quality) to become gradually
weaker or smaller
95. shore·line noun ˈʃɔːlaɪn/ the edge of the sea, the ocean or a lake a rocky
96. shore noun the land along the edge of the sea or ocean, a lake or another large area of water
BrE /ʃɔː(r)/ a rocky/sandy shore
97. symp·tom noun a change in your body or mind that shows that you are not healthy flu symptoms
BrE /ˈsɪmptəm/ - SYNONYMS: sign/indication/ symptom/ symbol/ indicator/ signal
These are all words for an event, action or fact that shows that something exists,
is happening or may happen in the future.
98. symp·tom·ize verb to be a sign or symptom of something
BrE /ˈsɪmptəmaɪz/ ;
NAmE /ˌsɪmptəˈmætɪk/
99. symp·tom·at·ic adjective being a sign of an illness or a problem a symptomatic infection
BrE /ˌsɪmptəˈmætɪk/ ;


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1. in·ven·tion /ɪnˈvenʃn/ n Sự phát minh
 in·vent·ive /ɪnˈventɪv/ a SYNONYM imaginative
 in·vent·ive·ly /ɪnˈventɪvli/ adv SYNONYM imaginatively
 in·vent·or /ɪnˈventə(r) n Nhà phát minh
2. bulky /ˈbʌlki/ A to lớn, kềnh càng
 bulk /bʌlk/ V,n
3. earbuds /ˈɪəbʌdz / n tai nghe
4. portable a dễ dàng mang, xách theo
5. patent /ˈpætnt/ n,v bằng sáng chế; được cấp bằng sáng chế
6. laptop /ˈlæptɒp/ n máy tính xách tay
7. headphones /ˈhedfəʊnz/ n tai nghe qua đầu
8. fabric /ˈfæbrɪk/ n vải, chất liệu vải
9. principle /ˈpɔːtəbl/ n nguyên tắc, yếu tố cơ bản
10. submarine /ˌsʌbməˈriːn/ n tàu ngầm
11. velcro /ˈvelkrəʊ/ n một loại khóa dán
12. Generous /ˈdʒenərəs/ a hào phóng
 gen·er·os·ity /ˌdʒenəˈrɒsəti n
 gen·er·ous·ly /ˈdʒenərəsli/ adv
13. Portable /ˈpɔːtəbl/ a Có thể/ dễ mang theo
 port·ab·il·ity /ˈpɔːtəbl/ n
14. Economical /ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪkl/ A tiết kiệm
 eco·nom·ic·al·ly /ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪkli/ adv
 eco·nom·ic /ˌiːkəˈnɒmɪk/ n
15. Versatile /ˈvɜːsətaɪl/ A đa năng
 ver·sa·til·ity /ˌvɜːsəˈtɪləti/ n
16. video game n a game in which players control and move images on a
screen (video: film or image; game: something you play for
17. smartphone n a mobile phone that has some functions of a computer
(smart: intelligent, computer-controlled; phone: a
18. laptop a portable, small computer that can work with a battery
(lap: top part of your leg; top: upper surface
19. e-book a book that is displayed on a computer screen or an
electronic device (electronic: using microchips to control a
small electric current; book: a written work)
20. email a way of sending messages to other people by using a
computer (electronic: using microchips to control a small
electric current; mail: post, letters)
21. food processor máy nghiền thức ăn
22. in·spire /ɪnˈspaɪə(r) V tạo cảm hứng
 in·spir·ation /ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃn/ N
 in·spir·ation·al /ˌɪnspəˈreɪʃənl/ A

23. fastener /ˈfɑːsnə(r)/ N Khóa, móc, chốt

 fas·ten /ˈfɑːsn/ v
24. fab·ric /ˈfæbrɪk/ n vải
25. hook /hʊk/ V,n Móc, bản lề, lưỡi câu
26. loop /luːp/ V,n Vòng, thòng lọng, khuyết áo
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27. spacesuit n đồ du hành vũ trụ

28. lighthouse N Ngọn hải đăng
29. goldbrick N Người lười nhác tránh làm việc (hay giả vờ ốm)
30. moving van N Xe chở đồ nội thất, chở hang
31. tallboy N Tủ ngăn kéo cao (quần áo)
32. access to sth N Phương tiện đến gần hoặc đi vào nơi nào, sự tiếp cận
33. reward N Sự thưởng, sự đền ơn, phần thưởng
34. wing N Cánh (động vật), chái nhà
35. imitate V Bắt chước
 imi·ta·tion /ˌɪmɪˈteɪʃn/ N
 imi·ta·tive /ˈɪmɪtətɪv/ A
 imi·ta·tor /ˈɪmɪteɪtə(r)/ n
36. smooth A Vải trơn, nhẵn, lặng, bằng phẳng
37. cling V Bám vào, dính lấy, níu lấy
38. solid A Thể rắn
39. multi-layer A Có nhiều lớp
40. dimension N Chiều, kích thước, khổ, cỡ
41. collapse V Đổ, sụp đổ
 collapsible A Có thể gập lại được
 col·lapse /kəˈlæps/ N
 col·lapsed /kəˈlæps/ a
42. paddle-wheel N Bánh guồng tàu thủy
43. fossil N Hóa thạch
44. congestion /kənˈdʒestʃən/ N Sự đông nghịt, sự tắc nghẽn, sự xung huyết
 congested A
45. observe V Quan sát
 ob·ser·ver /əbˈzɜːvə(r) N Người quan sát
 ob·ser·va·tion /ˌɒbzəˈveɪʃn/ N Sự quan sát
 ob·serv·able /əbˈzɜːvəbl/ A Có thể quan sát
 ob·serv·ably /əbˈzɜːvəbli/ adv 1 cách có/ có thể quan sát
46. grad·ual /ˈɡrædʒuəl/ Dần dần, từ từ
 grad·ual·ly /ˈɡrædʒuəli/


Cho một cộng đồng tốt đẹp hơn
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1. advertisement /ədˈvɜːtɪsmənt/ (n): quảng cáo, rao vặt

2. announcement /əˈnaʊnsmənt/ (n): thông báo
3. apply /əˈplaɪ/(v): nộp đơn xin việc
4. balance /ˈbæləns/ (v): làm cho cân bằng
5. by chance /baɪ - tʃɑːns/ (np): tình cờ, ngẫu nhiên
6. community /kəˈmjuːnəti/(n): cộng đồng
7. concerned /kənˈsɜːnd/ (a): lo lắng, quan tâm
8. creative /kriˈeɪtɪv/ (a): sáng tạo
9. dedicated /ˈdedɪkeɪtɪd/ (a): tận tâm, tận tụy
10. development /dɪˈveləpmənt/ (n): sự phát triển
11. disadvantaged /ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒd/(a): thiệt thòi
12. donate /dəʊˈneɪt/ (v): cho, tặng
13. employment /ɪmˈplɔɪmənt/ (n): việc tuyển dụng
14. excited /ɪkˈsaɪtɪd/(a): phấn khởi, phấn khích
15. facility /fəˈsɪləti/ (n): cơ sở vật chất, trang thiết bị
16. fortunate /ˈfɔːtʃənət/ (a): may mắn
17. handicapped /ˈhændikæpt/ (a): tàn tật, khuyết tật
18. helpful /ˈhelpfl/(a): hữu ích
19. hopeless /ˈhəʊpləs/ (a): vô vọng
20. interact /ˌɪntərˈækt/ (v): tương tác
21. interested /ˈɪntrəstɪd/ (a): quan tâm, hứng thú
22. interesting /ˈɪntrəstɪŋ/ (a): hay, thú vị
23. invalid /ɪnˈvælɪd/ (n): người tàn tật, người khuyết tật
24. leader /ˈliːdə(r)/ (n): người đứng đầu, nhà lãnh đạo
25. martyr /ˈmɑːtə(r)/ (n): liệt sỹ
26. meaningful /ˈmiːnɪŋfl/ (a): có ý nghĩa
27. narrow-minded /ˌnærəʊ ˈmaɪndɪd/(a): nông cạn, hẹp hòi
28. non-profit /ˌnɒn ˈprɒfɪt/ (a): phi lợi nhuận
29. obvious /ˈɒbviəs/ (a): rõ ràng, hiển nhiên
30. opportunity /ˌɒpəˈtjuːnəti/ (n): cơ hội, dịp
31. passionate /ˈpæʃənət/ (a): say mê, đam mê
32. patient /ˈpeɪʃnt/ (a): kiên trì, kiên nhẫn
33. position /pəˈzɪʃn/ (n): vị trí, địa vị, chức vụ
34. post /pəʊst/ (n): vị trí, địa vị, chức vụ
35. priority /praɪˈɒrəti/(n): việc ưu tiên hàng đầu
36. public /ˈpʌblɪk/ (a): công cộng
37. remote /rɪˈməʊt/ (a): xa xôi, hẻo lánh
38. running water /ˈrʌnɪŋ ˈwɔːtə(r)/ (np): nước máy

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