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7% Submitted Works database

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Executive Summary

The main purpose of this report is to choose, describe and analyze various aspects of
managing modern healthcare organizations. In recent times, it is considered an important
factor as it helps to manage the workforce efficiently in any sector. However, this study has
chosen ‘Leadership Gap in hospital staff’ as leadership can be taken as one of the major
factors to be considered here. The study has attempted to shed light on qualities of a leader,
particularly in a healthcare organization, that can motivate other workers to perform their job
roles efficiently. Research aims and objectives have been developed here so that those aims
and objectives can satisfy the purpose at the end of this report. However, the report has dealt
with the concept and importance of efficient leadership, the necessity of proper education and
training for leaders in the healthcare industry, and the requirement of improvising healthcare
policies to enhance the overall quality of healthcare services.
This particular study has attempted to produce a clear and systematic understanding of the
chosen issue. Relevant contemporary healthcare policy, information systems, as well as
appropriate leadership theories, have been critically appreciated in this report. Moreover, this
report further highlights the methods that have been used to apply research and theories in
future practice. It further attempts to discuss the effectiveness of engaging advanced IT tools
for improving the leadership approach within a healthcare organization, hence enhancing
employee performance along with patient safety. However, the study has recommended that
the administration of a healthcare organization must select a person, who is capable of
making sound decisions, maintaining a line of communication with other workers of that
organization, and sustaining a level of motivation among them, as their leader. Moreover, the
study has suggested the incorporation of various modern tools and technologies like
"electronic sign out tools", "patient data management system”, “clinical decision support”,
and others to negotiate related issues.

Table of Contents
Executive Summary...................................................................................................................2

1.0 Introduction..........................................................................................................................4

2.0 Description and Analysis: Leadership Gap in hospital staff..............................................4

2.1 Description.....................................................................................................................4

2.1.1 Source 1.....................................................................................................................5

2.1.2 Source 2.....................................................................................................................7

2.1.3 Source 3...................................................................................................................10

Reference list............................................................................................................................12

1.0 Introduction

In recent times, leadership is considered an important factor as it helps to manage the

workforce efficiently in any sector. The healthcare sector is no exception where leadership is
considered as a major factor that can motivate healthcare workers and enhance their
efficiency, hence adding to the overall performance and standard of that organization. If a
leader is incapable of motivating others or lacks the appropriate potential of leadership, the
overall performance of a healthcare organization may suffer (Widyanti, 2020). This report has
particularly underlined various issues related to leadership and its impression on healthcare
standards, the performance of healthcare staff, and the overall healthcare system.
In the healthcare industry, the concept of leadership has gained its impotence from the
organizational needs for managing their workforce efficiently to offer exclusive services to
their patients. As mentioned earlier, the "leadership gap in hospital staff" has been chosen as a
certain issue in the healthcare sector. Here, three authentic sources have been taken,
discussed, and analyzed to shed light on the overall concept of leadership along with the
leadership gap in hospital staff and its impact. However, the key purpose of this report is to
evaluate the role of leadership in managing the workforce of a healthcare organization
effectively (Sfantou et al. 2017). The primary objective of this report is to discuss the concept
of leadership and identify its impact on the employees of a healthcare organization. It is
followed by the need of recognizing the significance of leadership to manage professional
policies and guidelines of the healthcare sector along with its overall standard. It also
attempts to recognize effective solutions for negotiating and resolving the issue of the
leadership gap in healthcare staff (Saygili et al. 2020). However, these objectives have been
considered as they can help to determine the influence of competencies within the concept
and its impact on the performance of healthcare workers.

2.0 Description and Analysis: Leadership Gap in hospital staff

2.1 Description

Three authentic sources have been taken, discussed, and analyzed to shed light on the overall
concept of leadership along with the leadership gap in hospital staff and its impact. However,
the key purpose of this report is to evaluate the role of leadership in managing the workforce
of a healthcare organization effectively. The first source is based on primary research of the

given topic, the second one deals with professional policies, guidelines, and standards. The
third source refers to the importance of healthcare data and the implementation of IT
solutions to mitigate or resolve issues related to leadership gaps in hospital staff.

2.1.1 Source 1

Initial information

This study has been developed by Hargett, Doty, Hauck, Webb, Cook, Tsipis, Neumann,
Andolsek, and Taylor. This article has been derived from Google Scholar and was published
back in 2017. The name of the article, where this article has been published, is “Journal of
healthcare leadership”. This particular study has outlined and developed an effective model
of efficient leadership in healthcare along with a concept mapping approach. It further
outlines the impact of the paternalistic leadership concept, hence maintaining the ethical
environment within a healthcare organization and improving the performance of hospital
The setting of the Paper
It has been observed that the setting of the paper is the healthcare industry and the employees
engaged within the sector. The primary aim of this research article is to identify the bond
between three organizational factors in the healthcare industry that are competencies in
leadership, mapping approach, and the performance of employees in the healthcare industry.
Research Methodology
The researchers have attempted to conduct the research by following an authentic research
methodology. Here, the mixed method has been selected and the data has been collected by
considering focus group discussion. It is so as the group discussion is as an authentic source
and has been done on 92 research participants serving the healthcare industry. The study has
engaged a versatile range of employees that include doctors, nurses, administrative staff, as
well as other healthcare employees responsible for providing healthcare services to their
respective patients.
Data Analysis
Thematic analysis has been conducted here to portray various aspects of this given topic by
analyzing collected data. A set of research questions has been mutually designed by the
researcher and it has been done at an initial stage of the research, hence examining it along
with the research outcomes and findings. However, coding has been used here by the
researchers to generate research themes based on the collected data.

Major Findings
The study has been developed on a detailed study highlighting the connection among shared
leadership models discussed in this research. Moreover, it has been further identified that the
performance of healthcare employees and an efficient leadership approach have also carried a
strong and positive bond between them.
Ethical Issues
This research has maintained all the ethical issues in a true sense as it considered ethics as an
utmost priority. During data collection, the consent of every participant has been collected
while making them aware of the purpose, aims, and objective of this research.
Limitation of the Study
The researchers have faced time and finance-related limitations while pursuing the research.
Moreover, the study has been conducted within particular organizations, hence facing
difficulty regarding the generalization of the outcomes on research populations other than
research samples. It further lacks predictability in considering data sets from secondary
sources, hence finding it difficult to rely on those data.
Summary Table

Authors Methodology Result Recommendatio Credibility Summary


Hargett The The article The One can The journal is

et al. methodology has given recommendation consider based on the
(2017) of this results of for the study is the article competencies
research is a performance that the leaders as credible and
mixed- who work in can maintain an as the efficiency of
method the hospital ethical author has leadership
approach that and it can be environment published and the
the author determined by within the it in a performance
has the hospital and thus credible of the
undertaken organizational increase the and crucial hospital staff.
and the leadership performance of medical The data is
source of the staff so the helpful in the

data is style. service provided journal. conclusion of
primary by them has the topic.
sources. improved.

Table 1: Table of Summary of Article 1

(Source: Created by the learner)

The study has been conducted by Hargett et al. (2020) to identify the bond between three
organizational factors in the healthcare industry that are competencies in leadership, mapping
approach, and the performance of employees in the healthcare industry. It has further
measured the correlation between competencies inefficient leadership and performance of
healthcare employees. However, the relationship among these variables has been considered
significant as per the final outcome of the study.

2.1.2 Source 2

Initial information
This source has been developed by Rahbi, Khalid, and Khan and was published in 2017. It
deals with professional policies, guidelines, and standards, particularly of the healthcare
industry and workers engaged. It has been published in the journal named “Academy of
Strategic Management Journal” and is based on the effects of leadership style on team
motivation. It further investigates the impact of leadership in enhancing organizational
performance along with the whole framework related to healthcare.
The setting of the Paper
It has been observed that the setting of the paper is the perception of leadership among
healthcare employees. It has further addressed team motivation with a particular reference to
the turbulent and ever-changing healthcare sector. It highlights practices necessary to improve

the performance of leaders and other healthcare professionals and highlights the effectiveness
of health policy and dynamic leadership strategy in a cost-effective medical setting.
Research methodology
This study has attempted to investigate the correlation between leadership style and team
motivation in the healthcare industry. Researchers have selected a quantitative research
approach and data has been collected here by using the primary data collection method. A
questionnaire has been designed and distributed among the targeted population to record their
opinion related to the matter.
Data Analysis
Data has been analyzed here by using SPSS to score an authentic result on the impact of an
effective leadership approach on team motivation and employee performance in the
healthcare sector along with a special reference to organizational practices, healthcare
policies, academic purposes, and others.
Major Findings
The study has highlighted the perception of leadership among healthcare employees and team
motivation with a particular reference to the turbulent and ever-changing healthcare sector. It
highlights practices necessary to improve the performance of leaders and other healthcare
professionals and highlights the effectiveness of health policy and dynamic leadership
strategy in a cost-effective medical setting. It has been identified that proper education and
training are required in the healthcare industry to polish the leadership qualities of their
Ethical issues
This research has maintained all the ethical issues in a true sense as it considered ethics as an
utmost priority. During data collection, the primary data collection method has been used and
the consent of each participant has been recorded. The reliability and credibility of the
collected data have formed the key ethical issue here that is negotiated and resolved
thoroughly by researchers.
Limitation of the study
The researchers have faced time and finance-related limitations while pursuing the research.
Moreover, the study has been conducted within particular organizations, hence facing
difficulty regarding the generalization of the outcomes on research populations other than
research samples.
Summary table

Authors Methodology Result Recommendatio Credibility Summary

Rahbi et The research During their The concept of One can The study has
al. 2017 has study and dynamic consider highlighted
considered a internship, leadership is the article the perception
quantitative doctors, required to be as credible of leadership
approach and nurses, and enhanced. The as the among
a primary other existing strategy author has healthcare
data healthcare of education is published it employees
collection professional required to be in a and team
method. A s are modified by credible motivation
questionnaire encouraged considering and and with a
has been to develop improving authentic particular
designed and their healthcare medical reference to
distributed leadership services and journal. the turbulent
among the skills. They policies. and ever-
targeted are further changing
population to encouraged healthcare
record their to develop sector.
opinion. and modify
policies for

Table 1: Summary table of article 2

(Source: created by the author)

The study has attempted to identify personal integrity, allows critical thinking along with an
effective communication strategy, hence ensuring a definite impact of leadership on
employee motivation and efficiency of healthcare employees. However, this study has been
conducted by Rahbi et al. (2017) to highlight the measures of improving healthcare policies
and medical programs to improve services and overall standard of the healthcare industry
while enhancing the efficiency of doctors, nurses, and other healthcare employees.

2.1.3 Source 3

Initial information
This research has been conducted by Feldman, Buchalter, and Hayes, and was published in
2018. The paper has conducted a literature review on health information technology in
healthcare quality and patient safety. The research article has been published on “JMIR
medical informatics” and highlights the role and effectiveness of health information
technology in restricting reportable events before they become or form any issue. Moreover,
it has focused and worked on various events that are considered impossible to be avoided.
The setting of the Paper
The entire healthcare industry has been considered as the setting of this paper from where the
researcher collected necessary data. The study has attempted to examine the interest of using
health information technology for motivating and managing workers of the healthcare
Research Methodology
A qualitative approach has been taken here along with secondary data sources to evaluate the
scenario regarding the importance of healthcare data and the implementation of IT solutions
to mitigate or resolve issues related to leadership gaps in hospital staff. The research has
further considered an inductive thematic analysis and reviewed a total of 41 journal articles
along with other sources. All the journals have been collected from authentic sources and is
reviewed, examined, and analysed to have an appropriate outcome for pursuing this study

Reference list

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Clay-Williams, R., Ludlow, K., Testa, L., Li, Z. and Braithwaite, J., 2017. Medical leadership,
a systematic narrative review: do hospitals and healthcare organisations perform better when
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Al-Habib, N.M.I., 2020. Leadership and organizational performance: Is it essential in
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Yang, M. and Fry, L.W., 2018. The role of spiritual leadership in reducing healthcare worker
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Similarity Report

27% Overall Similarity

Top sources found in the following databases:
24% Internet database 3% Publications database
Crossref database Crossref Posted Content database
7% Submitted Works database

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1 19%
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