Diet 6

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Q1. In the following which is the richest source of vitamin-A-
• A. Cod liver oil
• B. Halibut liver oil
• C. Cheese
• D. Butter
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Halibut liver oil

Q2. During pregnancy and lactation recommended dietary intake of clacium is-
• A. 600 mg/ day
• B. 400 mg/ day
• C. 1000 mg/ day
• D. 1200 mg/ day
Right Answer is :
✓ D. 1200 mg/ day

Q3. Which of the following trace element is associated with diarrhoea and rash-
• A. Iron
• B. Copper
• C. Zine
• D. Selenium
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Copper

Q4. In the following which is the poor Source of iron-

• A. Green-leafy vegetables
• B. Liver
• C. Pista
• D. Butter
Right Answer is :
✓ D. Butter

Q5. Recommended or acceptable concentration of fluorine in drinking water is-

• A. 1 PPM
• B. 2 PPM
• C. 2.5 PPM
• D. 3.5 PPM
Right Answer is :
✓ A. 1 PPM

Q6. In the following which is the richest source of iron-

• A. Meat
• B. Raisins
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• C. Cashew nut
• D. Pista
Right Answer is :

✓ D. Pista

Q7. Poor source of iron is-

• A. Meat
• B. Milk
• C. Raisins
• D. Soyabean
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Milk

Q8. Deficiency of which vitamin can cause peripheral neuritis-

• A. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
• B. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
• C. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)
• D. Vitamin B9 (Folic acid
Right Answer is :
✓ A. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

Q9. All of the following are extraocular manifestation of vitamin-A deficiency except -
• A. Anorexia
• B. Growth retardation in children
• C. Corneal xerosis
• D. Follicular hyperkeratosis
Right Answer is :
✓ C. Corneal xerosis

Q10. Which is the first clinical symptom of vitamin A deficiency-

• A. Night blindness
• B. Keratomalacia
• C. Xeropthalmia
• D. Bitot's spots
Right Answer is :
✓ A. Night blindness

Q11. Burning feet syndrome occurs due to deficiency of-

• A. Niacin
• B. Vitamin B12
• C. Pantothenic acid
• D. Vitamin-C
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Right Answer is :
✓ C. Pantothenic acid

Q12. Which is the first clinical sign of vitamin-A deficiency-

• A. Bitot's spots
• B. Conjunctival xerois
• C. Keratomalacia
• D. Night blindness
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Conjunctival xerois

Q13. Amino acid methionine is deficient in-

• A. Wheat proteins
• B. Pulse proteins
• C. Egg proteins
• D. Both(a) & (b)
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Pulse proteins

Q14. In a balanced diet of a healthy person, the optimum calorie to be obtained from protein should be-
• A. 10-15%
• B. 20-35%
• C. 15-20%
• D. 25-40%
Right Answer is :
✓ C. 15-20%

Q15. Which mineral element can not be completely supplemented by diet during pregnancy-
• A. Iron
• B. Calcium
• C. Iodine
• D. Zine
Right Answer is :
✓ A. Iron

Q16. Daily energy requirement of an adult women with heavy work is-
• A. 1800 kcal
• B. 2300 kcal
• C. 2900 kcal
• D. 3200 kcal
Right Answer is :
✓ C. 2900 kcal

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Q17. Which of the following is an example of food fortification-
• A. Fortification of vitamin-A & Vit- D in vanaspti ghee.
• B. Fluoridation of water.
• C. Iodization of salt.
• D. All of the above
Right Answer is :
✓ D. All of the above

Q18. Food fortification is an example of -

• A. Primary level prevention
• B. Secondary level prevention
• C. Tertiary level prevention
• D. Permordial level prevention.
Right Answer is :
✓ A. Primary level prevention

Q19. Poor man,s meat is known as-

• A. Wheat
• B. Cereal
• C. pulses
• D. Maize
Right Answer is :
✓ C. pulses

Q20. One of the following food does not have protective action/function -
• A. Green -leafy vegetables
• B. Fruits
• C. Fish
• D. Milk
Right Answer is :
✓ C. Fish

Q21. The following activity is considered as adulteration-

• A. Removal of some vital element
• B. Mixing and addition of toxicants
• C. Concealing the quality
• D. All of the above

Q22. Vitamin was discovered first in-

• A. 1915
• B. 1911
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• C. 1961
• D. 1953
Right Answer is :
✓ B. 1911

Q23. In which types of activity, maximum energy is burnt (used) per hour for an adult-
• A. Running
• B. Swimming
• C. Walking 4 km per hour
• D. Walking upstairs
Right Answer is :
✓ D. Walking upstairs

Q24. Mud, grits, soapstone bits are common adulterants of-

• A. Cereals
• B. Mustard seeds
• C. Pulses
• D. None of the above
Right Answer is :
✓ A. Cereals

Q25. Which of the following formulates the ISI standards-

• A. The govt.
• B. Industry
• C. Consumers
• D. All
Right Answer is :
✓ D. All

Q26. Prevention of food adulteration act was amended in-

• A. 1964
• B. 1976
• C. 1986
• D. all of the above
Right Answer is :
✓ D. all of the above

Q27. PAF (Prevention of food adulteration act) was passed in-

• A. 1954
• B. 1960
• C. 1957
• D. 1953
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Right Answer is :
✓ A. 1954

Q28. Which of the following is an international food standard-

• A. ISI standards
• B. AGMARK standards
• C. CODEX alimentarius
• D. PFA standards
Right Answer is :
✓ C. CODEX alimentarius

Q29. The National Institute of Nutrition (NIN) is located in-

• A. Hydreabad
• B. Luckhnow
• C. Mumbai
• D. Banglore
Right Answer is :

✓ A. Hydreabad

Q30. The growth chart is used for following purpose-

• A. For growth monitoring of children
• B. For diagnostic tool to identify high risk children.
• C. As an educational tool for mother so that they can participate more actively in growth monitoring
• D. All of these
Right Answer is :
✓ D. All of these

Q31. The growth chart recommended by Govt. of India has following number of reference curves-
• A. 4
• B. 3
• C. 2
• D. 1
Right Answer is :
✓ A. 4

Q32. Vitamin was discovered first time by-

• A. Advered hunk
• B. Hunk
• C. Alexander flaming
• D. Robert crow
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Hunk
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Q33. Anemia can occur when there is-
• A. Inadequate dietary intake of iron
• B. Excessive blood loss or severe haemorrhage
• C. Malabsorption
• D. all of these
Right Answer is :
✓ D. all of these

Q34. Which vitamin was discovered first time-

• A. Vitamin B12
• B. Vitamin B1
• C. Vitamin B3
• D. Vitamin B7
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Vitamin B1

Q35. Under ICDS programme supplementary nutrition to children (0-6yrs) pregnant and nursing mothers are
given for-
• A. 200 days in a year
• B. 300 days in a year
• C. 100 days in a year
• D. 250 dyas in a year
Right Answer is :
✓ A. 200 days in a year

Q36. Fish is the rich source of the following nutrients except-

• A. Vitamin-A & vitamin-D
• B. Protein & phosphorus
• C. Calcium & phosphorus
• D. Iodine & carbohydrates
Right Answer is :
✓ D. Iodine & carbohydrates

Q37. Which of the following is the end product following digestion of carbohydrate-
• A. Lactose
• B. Fructose
• C. Glucose
• D. Sucrose
Right Answer is :
✓ C. Glucose

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Q38. Which the following foodstuff is considered as body building food-
• A. Egg's
• B. Meat and Fish
• C. Soya bean and other pulses
• D. All of the above
Right Answer is :
✓ D. All of the above

Q39. Which of the following nutrition component is not included in the ICDS Programme-
• A. Supplementary nutrition
• B. Vitamin-A prophylaxsis
• C. Iron and folic acid distribution
• D. Prophylaxsis against vitamin-D deficiency
Right Answer is :
✓ D. Prophylaxsis against vitamin-D deficiency

Q40. Which of the following fact is ture-

• A. Edible oils are adulterated with mineral oil
• B. Cereals are adulterated with mud, grits etc.
• C. Butter is adulterated with animal fat
• D. All of the above fact are true
Right Answer is :
✓ D. All of the above fact are true

Q41. Mid -day of meal scheme was launched in-

• A. 1961
• B. 1975
• C. 1987
• D. 1995
Right Answer is :
✓ D. 1995

Q42. Which of the following vitamins are affected by cooking-

• A. Vitamin-E & K
• B. Vitamin A& B1
• C. Vitamin C & B2
• D. Vitamin A & C
Right Answer is :
✓ D. Vitamin A & C

Q43. The following is the objective of school lunch Programme-

• A. To prevent malnutrition and improve the health of school children
• B. To attract more children for admission in school.
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• C. To prevent school dropout (to retain children in school) and improve literacy.
• D. All of the above
Right Answer is :
✓ D. All of the above

Q44. Model menu for mid -day school meal include-

• A. Cereals and millets -75 g/day/ pulses-30+
• B. leaf vegetable, other vegetables+pulses-30+30+30 g/day/ child
• C. Oils and fats- 8 g/day/child
• D. All of the above
Right Answer is :
✓ D. All of the above

Q45. Mid day meal programme was launched in-

• A. 1972-73
• B. 1961-62
• C. 1952-53
• D. 1975-76
Right Answer is :
✓ B. 1961-62

Q46. Food standards like Agmark and ISI are beneficial for-
• A. Consumers
• B. Producer
• C. Both (a) and (b)
• D. None of the above
Right Answer is :
✓ C. Both (a) and (b)

Q47. Which of the following foodstuffs does not provide energy-

• A. Fast and Oil
• B. Green leafy vegetables
• C. Cereals and millets
• D. Milk
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Green leafy vegetables

Q48. Main Function of iron in our body is-

• A. Formation of haemoglobin
• B. Metabolism
• C. Transportation of Oxygen
• D. To prevent infections
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Right Answer is :
✓ C. Transportation of Oxygen

Q49. Which of following is not a characteristic feature of pellagra-

• A. Diarrhoea
• B. Dermatitis
• C. Deafness
• D. Dementia
Right Answer is :
✓ C. Deafness

Q50. The National Goitre Control Programme was started by Govt. of india in-
• A. 1962
• B. 1953
• C. 1972
• D. 1985
Right Answer is :
✓ A. 1962

Q51. Which of the following method can be used for imparting nutrition education-
• A. Personal talks
• B. Group discussion
• C. Exhibition and cooking demonstration
• D. All of the above
Right Answer is :
✓ D. All of the above

Q52. Which of the following is a richest source of vitamin-C-

• A. Orange
• B. Guava
• C. Mango
• D. Amla
Right Answer is :
✓ D. Amla

Q53. Which of the following vital statistics is used as an indicator of nutritional status-
• A. IMR (Infant mortality rate
• B. Life expectancy
• C. Rate of LBW babies
• D. All of the above
Right Answer is :

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✓ D. All of the above

Q54. Which of the following anthropometric measurement can be used to assess nutritional status of a child
if mother fails to recall exact chronological age-
• A. Weight for age
• B. Height for weight
• C. Height for age
• D. None of the above
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Height for weight

Q55. For assessment of nutritional status of the population which method is used-
• A. Anthropometric measurement
• B. Clinical examination
• C. Socio-economic assessment and vital statistics
• D. All of the above
Right Answer is :
✓ D. All of the above

Q56. One of the following is not the cause of diarrhoea in infants-

• A. Bacterial and viral infections
• B. Excessive intake of fats and allergy.
• C. Malabsorption syndrome and allergy.
• D. Lactose intolerance and protein energy mal nutrition.
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Excessive intake of fats and allergy.

Q57. Which of the following statement is incorrect-

• A. Colostrum provides antibodies against infections.
• B. Breast feeding should be given whenever baby is hungry
• C. Breast feeding predispose the women to breast cancer.
• D. Breast feeding helps in normal involution of uterus.
Right Answer is :
✓ C. Breast feeding predispose the women to breast cancer.

Q58. According to new guidelines 2010 of ICMR What amount of iron is required daily for a pregnant lady-
• A. 20 mg/day
• B. 30 mg/day
• C. 35mg/day
• D. 40mg/day
Right Answer is :

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✓ C. 35mg/day

Q59. Egg protein is termed as 'Reference protein' because-

• A. Egg protein is best quality protein among all proteins.
• B. NPU of egg is highest (96)
• C. Egg protein has high biological value
• D. All of the above
Right Answer is :
✓ D. All of the above

Q60. Government of India adopted National Nutrition policy in-

• A. 1997
• B. 1995
• C. 1993
• D. 1962
Right Answer is :
✓ C. 1993

Q61. Which of the following is the best source of calcium-

• A. Egg
• B. Pulses
• C. Meat
• D. Milk
Right Answer is :
✓ D. Milk

Q62. Breast feeding should be continued with semi-solid and solid foods upto-
• A. One and half year of age
• B. Six months of age
• C. Three year of age
• D. Five year of age
Right Answer is :
✓ A. One and half year of age

Q63. A man whose body mass index (B.M.I,)is 22,he is-

• A. Overweight
• B. Underweight
• C. Normal
• D. Obese
Right Answer is :

✓ C. Normal
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Q64. The following is true about breast milk-
• A. It provide almost all the nutrients to the infant to meet his requirement
• B. It has anti-infective properties.
• C. It has anti-allergic properties.
• D. All of the above are true
Right Answer is :
✓ D. All of the above are true

Q65. After caesarian section ,breast feeding should be started within-

• A. Half on hour
• B. Two hour
• C. Four hour
• D. Three hour
Right Answer is :
✓ C. Four hour

Q66. Breast feeding should be initiated as son as possible after normal delivery within-
• A. An hour
• B. Half an hour
• C. Two an hour
• D. Two and half hour
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Half an hour

Q67. Energy requirement during infancy (first year of life) is about-

• A. 200 kcal/kg. of body weight
• B. 110 kcal/kg of body weight
• C. 80kcal/kg of body weight
• D. 50 kcal/kg weight
Right Answer is :
✓ B. 110 kcal/kg of body weight

Q68. The requirement of following nutrient does not increase with the increase in the amount of work in
both sex-
• A. Niacin
• B. Thiamine
• C. Riboflavin
• D. Folic acid
Right Answer is :
✓ D. Folic acid

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Q69. Inadequate intake of food during pregnancy may cause-
• A. Premature birth
• B. Low birth weight babies
• C. Intra uterine growth retardation
• D. All of the above
Right Answer is :
✓ D. All of the above

Q70. Which o the following nutrient is required in increased amount by boys (10-12 yrs) as compared to girl
of age-group-
• A. Calcium
• B. Protein
• C. Iron
• D. Vitamin A
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Protein

Q71. How much percent of fluid is found in an infant,s body-

• A. 40%
• B. 60%
• C. 80%
• D. 50%
Right Answer is :
✓ C. 80%

Q72. The following is not the common problem of adolescents-

• A. Anaemia (In girls)
• B. Anorexia nervosa
• C. Obesity and underweight
• D. Cancer
Right Answer is :
✓ D. Cancer

Q73. Which of the following vitamin prevent neural tube defect in foetus-
• A. Vitamin B12
• B. Vitamin K
• C. Folic acid
• D. Panthothenic acid
Right Answer is :
✓ C. Folic acid
Q74. The following nutrient is required in increased amount by girls (10-12 ;years) as compared to body of
same age group-
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• A. Protein
• B. Iron
• C. Calcium
• D. Vitamin -C
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Iron

Q75. Which of the following has highest energy value-

• A. Protein
• B. Carbohydrates
• C. Starch
• D. Fats
Right Answer is :
✓ D. Fats

Q76. Cooking of food by dry heat is known as -

• A. Roasting
• B. Steaming
• C. Baking
• D. Grilling
Right Answer is :
✓ C. Baking

Q77. Bland diet is precscribed for the persons suffering from-

• A. Peptic ulcers
• B. Gastritis
• C. Ulcerative colitis
• D. All
Right Answer is :
✓ D. All

Q78. Which of the following is the objective of diet therapy or therapeutic diet-
• A. To maintain adequate nutritional status of the patient.
• B. To rectify nutrient deficiency state
• C. To provide rest to the body.
• D. All of these
Right Answer is :
✓ D. All of these

Q79. The following foods is not to be avoided in chronic renal failure-

• A. Almonds, peanuts, cashewnuts and walnuts
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• B. Meat, poultry and fish
• C. Extra pulses
• D. Ghee , oil sugar and potatoes
Right Answer is :
✓ D. Ghee , oil sugar and potatoes

Q80. The following foods should not be avoided in obesity-

• A. High fat foods
• B. High carbohydrate foods
• C. High protein foods
• D. Carbonte and malted beverages
Right Answer is :
✓ C. High protein foods

Q81. B.M.I. of an obese person is 35, he is-

• A. Normal
• B. Over weight
• C. Grade first obesity
• D. Second grade obesity
Right Answer is :
✓ D. Second grade obesity

Q82. Which type of diet is recommended for a client with cardiovascular disease and obesity-
• A. High protein diet
• B. High calorie diet
• C. High fat diet
• D. Low fat diet
Right Answer is :
✓ D. Low fat diet

Q83. Low calorie diet is given in the following disease-

• A. PEM
• B. Tuberculosis
• C. Hepatic coma
• D. Increased metabolism
Right Answer is :
✓ C. Hepatic coma

Q84. The following diet is recommended for liver and gall- bladder diseases-
• A. Low protein diet
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• B. High caloried diet
• C. High fat diet
• D. Low fat diet
Right Answer is :
✓ D. Low fat diet

Q85. The following diet is recommended for viral hepatitis, jaundice and chronic renal failure-
• A. High protein diet
• B. High fat diet
• C. Low protein diet
• D. Low calorie diet
Right Answer is :
✓ C. Low protein diet

Q86. To prevent anaemia in pregnancy, iron supplementation should be started from-

• A. First month
• B. Third month
• C. 6 month
• D. Immediately after conception
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Third month

Q87. The recommended level of fluoride in drinking water is-

• A. 0.5 - 0.8 mg/L
• B. 0.8 -12 mg/L
• C. 0.1 -0.5 mg/L
• D. 1.2 -2.5 mg/L
Right Answer is :
✓ A. 0.5 - 0.8 mg/L

Q88. Dalia, khichdi, suji kheer, upma, custard etc. have the consistency of-
• A. Full fluid diet
• B. Soft diet
• C. Semi- solid diet
• D. Both (b) and (c)
Right Answer is :
✓ D. Both (b) and (c)

Q89. Which of the following nutrient can not be completely supplemented by diet in pregancy-
• A. Calcium
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• B. Iron
• C. Zine
• D. phosphorus
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Iron

Q90. How much of the daily requirements should be provided by the basic break fast-
• A. >25%
• B. >20%
• C. >30%
• D. >35%
Right Answer is :
✓ A. >25%

Q91. Which of the following is nearly prefect nature's food-

• A. Meat
• B. Cow's milk
• C. Egg
• D. Both (b) and (c)
Right Answer is :
✓ D. Both (b) and (c)

Q92. Mental deterioration can occur due the deficiency of-

• A. Ascorbic acid
• B. Thiamine
• C. Vitamin D
• D. Pyridoxine
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Thiamine

Q93. Which of the following is a good source of milk protein and calcium-
• A. whole milk
• B. Tonned milk
• C. Skimmed milk
• D. None of the above
Right Answer is :
✓ C. Skimmed milk

Q94. Pulse proteins are deficient in following amino acid-

• A. Lysine
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• B. Leucine
• C. Methionine
• D. Therionin
Right Answer is :
✓ C. Methionine

Q95. Which of the following food has highest protein content 100 gm-
• A. Fish
• B. Meat of goat
• C. Liver of goat
• D. Egg
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Meat of goat

Q96. Fruits are good source of following nutrients excepts-

• A. Vitamins
• B. Minerals
• C. Protein
• D. Fibres
Right Answer is :
✓ C. Protein

Q97. Which of the following is not a good dietary source of iron-

• A. Jaggery
• B. Milk
• C. Liver
• D. Fish
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Milk

Q98. Soyabean lack the following amino acid-

• A. Cysteine
• B. Leucine
• C. Tryptophan
• D. Methionine
Right Answer is :
✓ D. Methionine

Q99. 100 gram soyabean contains-

• A. 19 .5 gm proteins
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• B. 24 .3 gm proteins
• C. 43 .2 gm proteins
• D. 32 .2 gm proteins
Right Answer is :
✓ C. 43 .2 gm proteins

Q100. What percent of loss of water soluble vitamins and minerals occur due to washing of rice in large
quantity of water-
• A. 60%
• B. 40%
• C. 30%
• D. 15%
Right Answer is :
✓ A. 60%

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