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Internship Report on Internal Marketing of

Prime Bank Limited

ID: 2011010015
Major in Marketing
Program: BBA
Leading University

Md. Jahangir Alam
Associate Professor
Department of Business Administration
Leading University, Sylhet

Leading University, Sylhet

Submission Date: 21 November, 2023

I do hereby solemnly declare that the work presented in this Internship

Report has been carried out by me and has not been previously submitted
to any other University/ College/ Organization for an academic

I, TONMOY CHOWDHURY, ID No: 2011010015 declare that the

presented internship report on “Internal Marketing Strategies of Prime
Bank Ltd Bangladesh” submitted as a course requirement for Bachelor of
Business Administration at Leading University was prepared by me.

The work I have presented does not breach any existing copyright and no
portion of this report is copied from any work done earlier for a degree
or otherwise.

I further undertake to indemnify the damage arising from breach of the

foregoing obligations.

Tonmoy Chowdhury.
ID No: 2011010015
Major in Marketing
Department of Business Administration
Leading University, Sylhet


21 November, 2023
Md Jahangir Alam
Associate Professor
Faculty of Business Administration
Department of Business Administration,
Leading University, Sylhet

Subject: Submission of “Internship Report on Internal Marketing of PRIME Bank

Limited Bangladesh”

Dear Sir,

I have prepared my internship report on the topic of “Internal Marketing of PRIME Bank
Ltd Bangladesh (Amberkhana Branch), Sylhet” under your kind supervision as a
requirement of completing the degree of BBA program. I have tried my best to prepare the
report in consistence with the optimal standard under your valuable direction.

I made every effort to reveal greater insight in this report. I hope that this will meet the
standard of your judgment.

Thanking you for your kind supervision.

Sincerely yours

Tonmoy Chowdhury

ID No: 25011010015
Major in Marketing
Department of Business Administration
Leading University


HumanResources Division

HO (HRD)/ 10769 /2023 1 JULY, 2023

Mr. Tonmoy Chowdhury

Student of BBA
Leading University


Dear Mr. Chowdhury,

With reference to your internship application, we would like to inform you that the Competent
Authority of Prime Bank Ltd is pleased to allow you to undertake your internship ) with our Bank.
Accordingly, you are hereby placed at the IBB, Amborkhana Branch, Prime Bank
Limited, Sylhet as an 'Intern' for a period of 90 Dyas with effect from 2nd July 2023 to
30 September 2023.

You are also advised to submit your Internship Report to HR Division after successful
completion of your internship period along with the Performance Appraisal rom concerned
Head of Branch.

Please note that you will be paid Tk. 7000/- (Seven Thousand) only per month as allowance
during your Internship period. For any partial payment, it will be calculated on pro-rata basis
on your attendance considering working days.

SVP & Head - HR Operations

Copy to:

1. The Head of FAD, Head Office, Dhaka.

2. The Head of IBB, Amborkhana Branch, Prime Bank Limited, Sylhet
Prime Bank Limited, Head Office-Adamjee Court Annex Building-2 (3rd Floor), 119-120, Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-
1000.PABX: 880-2-223387265, 223390747-8, Fax: 880-2-55068685, E-mail:, SWIFT:
PRBLBDDH , Website:

It was a great pleasure to prepare Internship report on the Internal Marketing of Prime
Bank Ltd Bangladesh. I would like to thank and convey my gratitude to honourable
Supervisor, Md Jahangir Alam, Associate Professor, Department of

Business Administration, Leading University, for letting me to prepare this

report and I would also like to express my sincere appreciation to him for his whole
hearted support and guidance.

I am also grateful to the management of the Prime Bank Ltd for offering me the
Internship training. I'd like to express my special thanks of gratitude to my honourable
Sir, Misbah Ahmed (Operation Manager)of PBL and convey my best regards to
the respective Hasanuzzaman Akhond Rasel (CSO) Mustaque Ahmed and
Jahanara Begum (SEO) for their able guidance for made my internship journey
successful, therefore I obliged all my heartiest dignity to all of the respective
employees of my branch as well as convey my regard stature to the Managing
directorship of this branch. Thank you all, for praising me and keep faith on me. I am
also owed to each person who provides their cooperation inside of PRIME Bank Ltd,
Amberkhana Branch, in carrying out this report. And finally, I wish all my unwilling
mistakes for example miss presentation of kind of information will be forgiven.


Development of the economy of a country depends on disciplined, modern and dynamic banking
system. Banks are one of the most important balancing tools in economy these days. They ensure that
money from surplus zone can be used in the deficit zone. By ensuring this, banks ensure the smooth
flow in economy, expansion of industry and overall development. Prime Bank Ltd is one of the most
prominent banks in Bangladesh. It is well known for its organizational reputation, expertise,
professionalism. its corporate branch is well known for the way they do business, handle clients and
maintain diversified portfolio. The main goal of this report is to conduct a study on overall internal
marketing strategies on Prime bank Bangladesh and apply the marketing strategy on their employee
connection, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, customer orientation as well as
communication of every mean in internal aspect. During the 3 months rotation for the internship
program, 3 department rotations were mandatory. These departments are – General Banking, debit card
distribution, cheque qualification, daily reconciliation and account opening sector. The scope of
activity and processes of these departments are huge and it is not possible to fathom everything within
such a short period of time. Therefore, the findings and recommendations based on these three months’
rotation can be rather subjective than judgmental. After being attached with PRIME bank for three
months, it was observed that, PRIME bank had a lot of opportunity that they can avail with some
proper marketing strategy and process innovation. The main strength of PRIME bank is Shariah Based
Islami Banking system. It was found that, the promotion activities are not that aggressive as other
commercial banks. With some little cost in promotion and advertisement, PRIME bank can earn much
more than what they are earning now. Apart from the observing the operations, various relevant
information was collected by interviewing the authorized personnel. For secondary materials, previous
records, files, reports and other data have been collected and analysed for the purpose of this report.
Some problems were faced during preparing the report. Not all the data or information was readily
available due to lack of proper documentation. Due to confidentiality reason, other source of
information could not be explored. This final conclusion fits logically to our study results. So that quite
simply we suggested that both the factors of employee communication and employee engagement did
support the presence of organizational power and politics to bring a positive work culture. Further
research on similar factors of internal marketing in the banking sector is useful to understand the scope
of this subject in the present-day competitive business world.


Contents Page No
Student Declaration II
Letter of Transmittal III
Letter of Acceptance IV

Acknowledgement V
Abstract VI

Chapter One: Introduction of the Report

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Origin 1-2
1.3 Problem statement 3
1.4 Objectives 4
1.5 Scope 4
1.6 Methodology 4-5
1.7 Limitations

Chapter Two: literature Review

2.1internal marketing 7
2.2 Job Satisfaction 8
2.3 Organizational Commitment 11
2.4 Customer Orientation 11
2.5 Examples of Internal Marketing 12
2.6 The Benefits Of Internal Marketing 12

2.7 Best Practice for Internal Marketing 12-13
2.8 The Keys to effective Internal Marketing 14-15

Chapter Three: An Overview of Prime Bank Ltd

3.1 Company Vision and Mission 17-18

3.2 The Management Process of PbL 19-20
3.3 A brief of PBL Amberkhana Branch 20
3.4.Marketing Mix of PBL 21-23
3.5 Internal Marketing 22-24

Chapter Four: Internal Marketing Practices on

Prime Bank Ltd

4.1 Why Employee Communications Need Marketing 26

4.2 The Power of Employee Advocacy 27

4.3 Building an Internal Marketing Practice 27

4.4 Research Objective 27

4.5 Research Design 27

4.6 Target Population 27

4.7 Survey Structure and method of evaluation 28-30

4.8 Graphical presentation 30-33

Chapter Five: Outcomes and Discussions

5.1 Result 35

5.2 Discussions 35

5.3 Findings 35-36


Chapter six: Recommendations and

6.1 Conclusion 38

Appendices 39

References 42

Chapter One :

Introduction of the Report

“©Leading University” 1
1.1 Introduction:

Internal marketing stresses the importance of the marketing concept internally, within the firm,
by focusing on the employee and providing a source of competitive. Differentiation is one of
the most critical sources of sustained competitive advantages for business. Therefore, banks
have used several approaches to gain a competitive advantage, such as creative financial
products, customize IT system, alliances and joint ventures. The objective of internal marketing
is to create an internal environment in which customer consciousness proliferates among
personnel. This study sets out to consider the level of internal marketing perception, job
satisfaction, organizational commitment, and customer orientation in banking industry. In any
business there are two types of customers-internal customers and external customers. Internal
customers are the employees who serve the organization and the external customers are the
buyers of organization’s products. Established in 1995, Prime Bank is top-tier private
commercial bank having highly diversified financial services in Bangladesh. With total assets
of US$ 3.50 billion, more than 3,200 employees and over 1 million customers, Prime Bank has
been the most consistently top-rated bank in Bangladesh. PRIME Bank Ltd bank is very old
institution that is contributing toward the development of any economy and is treated as an
important service industry in modern world. Now days the function of bank is not limited to
within the same geographical limit of any country. Due to globalization and free market
economy, this industry is facing severe competition in any country and implementation will
further increase competition. The overall performance of Bank does not only depend upon the
banking industry itself but also on the Performance of economy where it is operating.

In this context, customer-oriented approach which is one of the most requirements of modern
marketing perspective has been shown among significant strategies by firms. However, it has
been seen that some firms perceive customer-oriented approach incompetently and only focus
on external customers while ignoring internal customers. This circumstance which is evaluated
as an important marketing myopia might originate substantial results especially in terms of
service firms. Hence, firms that aim to achieve sustainability within today’s intense competition
environment ought to adopt market-oriented approach and develop internal customer-
oriented policies. It’s known that these two phenomena affect each other considerably and
have an effect on business performance. The Banking sector is one of the major service
sectors in Bangladesh economy. There are several types of banks, which differ in the number
of services they provide and the clientele they serve. Although some of the differences between

“©Leading University” 2
these types of banks have lessened as they begin to expand the range of products and services
they offer, there are still key distinguishing traits. It has become essential for every person to
have some idea on the bank and banking procedure. By an internship program in bank, students
can obtain practical knowledge, which helps to know real life situations, helping them to launch
a career with some practical experience. We focus on analysing the two internal marketing
factors such as employee communication and employee engagement. However, given the
practical difficulties of discussing the opinions of employees on the organization at which they
are working, this study opposed to describe the clear distinction of individual views of
employees but analyse their overall perceptions in percentage to the total sample participated
in this study.

1.2 Origin:

As a prerequisite for the Bachelor of Business Administration Degree of The Leading

University Bangladesh, I was required to complete an internship in a suitable business
organization and submit a report on my findings. I had been selected to work as an Internee in
PRIME Bank Limited, Amberkhana, Sylhet Branch for a period of 3 months from July 02,
2023 to September 30, 2023.. After discussion and getting consent, I started to work on the
project titled “Internal Marketing of Prime Bank Ltd.”.

Without practical exposure, theory can never be fruitful. For this BBA program has been
designed in such a way that a student can get practical knowledge. A student needs to go for
practical orientation in some organization where his/her duty is to bear all some things from
operations and activities of that branch.

1.3 Problem Statement:

PRIME Bank Ltd Limited is one of the leading local private commercial banks in Bangladesh.
This bank has already branches located in different places and also going to establish more
branches. This organization has created a positive image to the customer’s mind by providing
better service. This bank has introduced some modern banking scheme that has got high market
demand. As it maintains the pace with competitive business world, its activities, culture,
philosophy and style leads an intern student to be the best at any field of working life. Though,
the whole ethos of the conventional training and development of planning executives and
market analysts is one of focus on the internal environment of employees, competitors, and

“©Leading University” 3
markets, and the matching of corporate resources to market-place targets. But, the argument of
internal marketing is exploiting the external market-place by ways of serving the customers

1.4 Overall Objectives:

The objective of the study may be viewed as:

· General Objective
· Specific Objective

➢ General Objective:

The general objective of the study to describe internal Marketing conditions of PRIME Bank

➢ Specific Objectives:
· To focus on overall operations with profile of PRIME Bank Limited.
· To provide an overview on the major marketing practices of PRIME Bank Ltd.
· To describe the internal marketing strategies taken by the Bank.
To identify the weaknesses of marketing strategies of the Bank.
· To suggest recommendations to overcome the outcomes of PRIME Bank Ltd

1.5 Scope:

The scope of the study may be stated as under:

· The study would help top management in planning and deciding internal marketing
· The study would help management in identifying the key areas of weakness and

· The study would aware the top management to take corrective and appropriate measure
timely to improve the banks internal marketing and other performance.

· The study would also help the shareholders as a guide to company’s present and
future position (Marketing Position).

1.6 Methodology:

“©Leading University” 4
The report is based on secondary source and primary data collection survey. And the major
source of data for preparing the report is based on secondary information like annual reports
and conductive surveys. In order to prepare the theoretical framework of the study, exiting
published textbooks, related journals, various data and research will be consulted and data will
be collected from primary and secondary sources

✓ Primary Data:

I have collected primary data by interviewing employees of the PRIME Bank Ltd, Amberkhana
Branch by conductive survey questionnaire. I have also included valuable insights of the
employees. These data help me to determine the development trend of the branch. For primary
data, I have conducted a survey of few respondents to collect the observations and analyze the
data for evaluating the internal marketing development trend of the branch.

✓ Secondary Data:

I have used different types of secondary data in completion of my internship report.

Sources of information and collection of data:

· Face to face interactions with clients.

• Information regarding new development.
· Bangladesh Bank Report.
· From Daily Newspaper/ journal/Wikipedia

1.7 Limitations:

By blending all my knowledge, I tried my level best to keep the limitations as short as possible.
But beside all the efforts I faced the following limitations:
· There were scarcity of adequate data and information on the relevant topic as some data
are treated as very much confidential.

· The survey process is lengthy.

· Sometimes the client does not cooperate easily.
· It is time consuming.
· Omission and error may be there due to may lack of experience in preparing a
professional report like this one.

· The officers of a bank are too much busy to provide information and interviews to
my project.
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Chapter 2 ;

literature Review

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2.1: Internal Marketing

Internal marketing is the promotion of a company's objectives, products and services to

employees within the organization. The purpose is to increase employee engagement with the
company's goals and foster brand advocacy. Employees who are enthusiastic about their
company and its offerings are likely to share that enthusiasm with their social networks. As a
result, internal marketing can be an effective part of external branding and marketing efforts.

However, internal marketing can only go so far, since an employee's attitude toward the
organization is affected by every element of that individual's experience working for the

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Therefore, keeping employees happy and engaged throughout their experience with the
business is vital to external marketing efforts as well.
After the stages of “employee motivation and satisfaction”, “customer-orientation”, and
“strategy implementation and management of change”, Rafiq and Ahmed (2000) remarked five
elements of internal marketing as below:

• Employee motivation and satisfaction

• Customer orientation and customer satisfaction
• Coordination and integration among departments
• Marketing-like approach from top to bottom in the organizational hierarchy
• Implementation of corporate and functional strategies

They identified internal marketing as planned efforts which include five elements above. In this
regard, Internal marketing is defined as planned efforts which utilized marketing-like approach
aimed at employee motivation to implement and associate organizational strategies on

2.2 Job satisfaction,

an unquantifiable metric, is defined as a positive emotional response you experience when
doing your job or when you are present at work. Leading organizations are now trying to
measure this feeling, with job satisfaction surveys becoming a staple at most workplaces.
It’s important to remember that job satisfaction varies from employee to employee. In the same
workplace under the same conditions, the factors that help one employee feel good about their
job may not apply to another employee. For this reason, it is essential to have a
multidimensional approach to employee satisfaction, covering the following areas:
• The challenging nature of work, pushing employees to new heights
• A level of convenience (short commutes, access to the right digital tools, and flexible
• Regular appreciation by the immediate management and the organization as a whole
• Competitive pay, which employees maintain a good quality of life
• The promise of career progression in sync with employees’ personal growth targets

The 10 drivers of job satisfaction

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Fig 1. The 10 drivers of job satisfaction

1. Does your company care about its employees?

Remember, it’s not enough to only care – communicate this care regularly to employees
through newsletters, rewards, informal recognition, paid incentives, and other forms of
Companies with a high job satisfaction level, such as Google and Starbucks, also feature
employee happiness and satisfaction stories as part of their communication strategy.

2. Does the workplace have room for employees to engage in their hobbies?

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Today, most of us spend a significant part of the week at work, but this doesn’t mean
we want to ignore our hobbies or personal interests.
A workplace where employees have enough free time to read a book, catch up on the
news, have a pleasant meal, for example – and where such behaviors are not considered
slacking off – will better enable job satisfaction.
3. What is the average interval between promotions?
The current business environment is fast-paced, and employees will switch to greener
pastures if promotions aren’t forthcoming.
A good rule of thumb is to keep the interval between employee promotions below the
average employee tenure. For example, if employees stay with your company for five
years and two months on average, promotions should be scheduled at least at two-year
intervals. If such transitions aren’t possible, provide cross-training programs to give
every employee a chance to explore new roles in the organization.
More importantly, inform your employees about the promotion policies in your
organization so they know what to expect and when to expect it.

4. Do employees feel respected by their peers?

A workplace where employees feel regularly criticized or under some type of scrutiny
is ripe for dissatisfaction. You can detect their dissatisfaction via one-on-one
conversations with employees, or through anonymized data collected via employee
satisfaction surveys and then take appropriate measures to improve their experience in
this area.

5. Is there a culture of two-way feedback?

Employees need regular feedback (both positive and constructive) to know that they are
on the right track.
Also, they want to share their opinions with managers/HR/senior management to guide
the future of the company. This culture of two-way feedback is essential to maintaining
employee satisfaction. It is doubly necessary for you to act on the feedback you receive.
6. Where do you stand on the issue of work-life balance?
Companies must try to build a non-toxic culture of high performance, where
productivity isn’t prioritized over well-being. Positive work-life balance is integral to
7. How do employees rate their relationships with their reporting heads?
We have all heard the axiom that employees don’t quit jobs, they quit bosses. And this
is confirmed by studies – a poll by Gallup found that 75% of voluntary attrition can be
attributed to the behavior of immediate supervisors and not the job itself.

8. Does your organization follow fair and inclusive policies?

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Diversity and inclusion in the workplace have a positive impact on the business bottom
line, while also improving a company’s culture and work environment. By ensuring
fairness toward all your employees, regardless of age, gender, or disability, you can
increase the average level of satisfaction across the company.
9. Can employees nurture their creative instincts in their jobs?
While this depends on your specific industry of operation, employees mustn’t be stifled
when showing a spirit of creativity in their jobs.
In fact, learning and development programs can be deployed to strengthen creative
skills, making your company more innovation-friendly. Otherwise, you risk having a
workforce that feels unheard, with the same rules imposed upon them over and over
10. Do employees feel secure about their role?
Job security is now a major concern as technology upends existing processes, and
automation threatens legacy models of working. As a future-focused employer, you
must clearly explain how an employee’s role will transform over the years and equip
them for this change.
Employees shouldn’t feel insecure about their jobs – you can ensure this by maintaining
a consistent line of communication between frontline employees and senior leadership.
Apart from basics such as compensation, employee benefits, and workplace amenities,
these ten factors go a long way in either improving or negatively impacting employee
satisfaction. And here’s why you can’t afford to have dissatisfied employees.

2.3 Organizational Commitment

In this study, organizational commitment is conceptualized as the strength of the employee’s

emotional identification with an organization and loyalty to that organization. Several studies
demonstrated a significant and positive relationship between internal marketing and
organizational commitments (George and Gronroos, 1989; Tansuhaj et al., 1991; Piercy and
Morgan, 1994; Hogg, 1996; Carruna and Calleya, 1998). Effective commitment focuses on the
emotional attachment of the employee to the organisation and underlines the commitment of
the employee to pursue the goals of the organization (Carruna and Calleya, 1998).

2.4 Customer Orientation

Customer orientation is the sufficient understanding of target buyers to be able to continuously

create superior value for them (Awwad and Agti, 2011). It is the extent to which salespeople
help their customers make purchasing decisions without pressure while satisfying their needs
and increasing customer satisfaction (Saxe and Weitz, 1982). The literature pointed out a
significant and positive relationship between internal marketing and customer orientation
(Kotler and Armstrong, 1991; Gronroos, 1994; Cahill, 1995).

“©Leading University” 11
According to Barney (1991), resources that are rare, valuable, difficult to imitate and non-
substitutable will be the source of a sustained competitive advantage. The role of customer
orientation is critical to competitive advantage. That is, customer orientation focuses on the
interest of customer and understanding their needs and want. It aims of building long-term
relationships with customers, which, enables the company to increase customer satisfaction.

Who executes internal marketing programs?

Internal marketing campaigns are often led by a company's human resources department, which
is responsible for distributing information and providing training on the company's objectives
and strategies.

2.5 Examples of internal marketing

Common internal marketing efforts include:

• Ensuring that all employees know that their contributions are essential to its success.
• Educating all employees about the company's products and services.
• Reinforcing the concept that customers are the source of employees' salaries.
• Providing adequate wages, benefits and incentives and a pleasant work environment.
• Acting on employee suggestions that have merit and publicly acknowledging the value
of the input.
• Confirming that the corporate mandate and objectives are clearly described and
disseminated throughout the organization.
• Providing opportunities for advancement, professional development and promotion.
• Ensuring that the corporate culture promotes work-life balance.
• Fostering internal communications and collaboration among employees through
various methods.

2.6 The benefits of internal marketing

Internal marketing operates on the idea that the opinions of a company's customers are based
on their experiences with the business, not just with the products.By treating employees as
"internal customers," internal marketing helps employees align with the company's vision and
operations. In turn, they provide their customers with a consistent and valuable experience.

Ultimately, a company with high levels of employee engagement is more likely than its
competitors to have higher external customer satisfaction, employee retention and profitability

2.7 Best practices for executing an internal marketing program:

“©Leading University” 12
There are several ways to ensure that internal marketing efforts are successful. Here are some
best practices:

Define the company's internal marketing goals: Before employees can be championed to
achieve a company's strategic objectives, they must first know what they are.

Understand the needs of employees and what motivates them: True employee satisfaction
depends on more than just a paycheck. Employees need to feel like they are part of a team and
that their work is valuable.

Create internal marketing materials that are creative and engaging :Interact with
employees through engaging material such as blogs, newsletters, emails, videos and social
media posts.

Train employees on how to be brand advocates : Teach employees how to be positive brand
ambassadors for the company, both online and offline. This will ultimately help the
organization to build better brand awareness overall.

Encourage employee feedback and act on it promptly; Encourage staff members to give
their input on corporate policies, management and marketing tactics -- including criticism.

Evaluate the results of internal marketing campaigns regularly and adjust: As companies
grow, their internal processes and roles evolve, and so should the internal marketing program.

“©Leading University” 13
2.8 The Keys to Effective Internal Marketing

To enjoy these benefits, you have to build an effective internal marketing strategy. Like any
other marketing initiative, internal marketing requires time, attention, and care if you want your
efforts to be successful. The key components of any internal marketing include:

• A clear strategy for your business as a whole;

• Specific operational goals that support your strategy;
• An open and trusting relationship with employees;
• Honest, clear, and frequent internal communication;
• A high-quality employee experience, from beginning to end.

With these internal marketing foundations in mind, here’s how you can build and implement a
strategy that works well for your business:

Cultivate a Great Marketing Team

Before anything else, you need to cultivate a great marketing team at your organization.
Internal marketing is just as important as external marketing, and you need to find employees
who can make your dream a reality.

You and other company leaders may have been able to build up your business and culture, but
it isn’t enough to just know your company’s brand. When it comes to internal marketing, you
need someone who knows how to properly communicate that brand to others.

Assess Your Current Marketing Strategy

You need to know the state of your current internal marketing strategy before you can create a
new and improved plan. Again, you’ve probably been engaging in some kind of internal
marketing without even realizing it. This passive approach likely isn’t the best plan for your
organization, but you need to know what your current efforts look like and what kind of impact
they’re having. It can help to learn what trends are popular across the marketplace and what is
working for other companies. This may provide insight into how your own organization
compares, and where you have room to be more deliberate with your approach.

After that, you can begin changing and tweaking your plan. Do more of what’s working well
and eliminate practices that aren’t benefiting you or your employees. Further, don’t be afraid
to experiment and try something new, as even unconventional tactics may resonate with your

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Consider Your External Marketing

Similarly, take stock of your external marketing efforts, analyzing what’s working well and
what isn’t. Consider what your current messaging is and if it matches what you hope to project
internally. It’s best to align your internal and external marketing messages, as it creates a
powerful brand identity and allows all of your marketing tactics to work cohesively.

Sending mixed messages to employees and potential customers can come across as
disingenuous, harming your reputation as an employer and as an organization. Additionally, it
presents a missed opportunity to present a strong, unified brand to the public. Simply put, mixed
messaging may not actively hurt your business, but it likely won’t help either.

Encourage Employee Involvement

Internal marketing doesn’t have to be a top-down initiative; it can be an interactive and

collaborative process across your entire organization. Asking your employees what they think
or inviting them to participate shows just how much you value their opinions and contributions
to your business. Not only does this support your efforts to improve engagement and culture,
but it can also lead to innovative teamwork from your employees. Each one of your employees
brings a unique experience and perspective to the table. They may suggest powerful ideas that
you, company leadership, or your marketing team wouldn’t have thought of otherwise.

Further, your employees are on the front lines of your organization — they see what’s actually
going on, both good and bad. They’ll know what people care about and what messaging would
be sincere and helpful for their coworkers. This insight is invaluable to effective internal

Reassess Your Strategy

You aren’t done with internal marketing once you have developed and implemented your plan.
As with external marketing strategies, you need to carefully measure the outcomes of your
internal marketing efforts. Re-think your approach to marketing and look for ways to make it
better. There’s always room for growth and improvement. Your organization is dynamic, so it’s
wise to continually look for ways to respond to any changes and shifts that occur. Keep making
internal marketing a priority to ensure your strategy — and entire business — is as successful
as possible.

It becomes clear that successful marketing can only be implemented if the firm is involved not
only in external but also in internal marketing. The internal marketing concept holds that the
organization’s personnel are the first market of a company. The key motive behind the launch
of internal marketing within banks is the need to achieve attitudinal change among staff towards
service-mindedness and customer focus that will enable the organization to compete more
successfully in the external market place.

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Chapter 3
An Overview of PRIME
Bank Ltd

“©Leading University” 16
Prime Bank Limited is a scheduled commercial Bank under private sector established within
the ambit of Bank Company Act, 1991 and was incorporated as a Public Limited Company
under Companies Act, 1994 on February 12, 1995. The Bank started commercial banking
operations from April 17, 1995 with the inauguration of the Bank’s Motijheel Branch at 119-
120, Motijheel Commercial Area. A huge public response has enabled the Bank to keep up the
plan of expanding its network. Within a span of ten years the bank has been able to deliver
services to its customers through thirty-seven branches. In terms of profitability the bank has
outperformed its peer banks. Operating profit of the bank in the last financial years was Tk.
3257 million. As a fully licensed commercial bank, Prime Bank Ltd. is being managed by a
highly professional and dedicated team with long experience in banking. They constantly focus
on understanding and anticipating customer needs. As the banking scenario undergoes changes
so is the bank and it repositions itself in the changed market condition. Prime Bank Ltd. offers
all kinds of Commercial Corporate and Personal Banking services covering all segments of
society within the framework of Banking Company Act and rules and regulations laid down by
our central bank. Diversification of products and services include Corporate Banking, Retail
Banking and Consumer Banking right from industry to agriculture, and real state to software.
The bank has consistently turned over good returns on Assets and Capital. During the year
2007, the bank has posted an operating profit of Tk. 3257 million and its capital funds stood at
Tk 6382 million. Out of this, Tk. 2275 million consists of paid-up capital by shareholders and
Tk. 2659.21 million represents reserves and retained earnings. The bank’s current capital
adequacy ratio of 11.50% is in the market. In spite of complex business environment and
default culture, quantum of classified loan in the bank is very insignificant and stood at less
than 1.35%. Prime Bank Ltd., since its beginning has attached more importance in technology
integration. In order to retain competitive edge, investment in technology is always a top
agenda and under constant focus. Keeping the network within a reasonable limit, our strategy
is to serve the customers through capacity building across multi delivery channels. Our past
performance gives an indication of our strength. We are better placed and poised to take our
customers through fast changing times and enable them compete more effectively in the market
they operate.

“©Leading University” 17
“To be the best Private Commercial Bank in Bangladesh in terms of efficiency, capital
adequacy, asset quality, sound management and profitability having strong liquidity”

“To build prime Bank Limited into an efficient, market driven, customer focused institution
with good corporate governance structure. Continuous improvement in our business policies,
procedure and efficiency through integration of technology at all levels”
Efforts are focused on
Delivery of quality service in all areas of banking activities with the aim to add increased value
to shareholders‟ investment and offer highest possible benefits to our customers. Strategic
Priorities To have sustained growth, broaden and improve range of products and services. The
company believes that communication with, and feedbacks from its clients help it achieve its
goal of providing world-class products and services. Prime Bank has engaged relationship
officer for each individual customer to address the requirements of the customer. It also
constantly monitors its standards, and strives to exceed clients‟ expectations.

“©Leading University” 18
3.1 The Management Process of Prime Bank Ltd:

For any financial and non financial organization Management is the most valuable and
important resources of any kind of organization. And a well-organize management provides the
organization to reach its ultimate goal. Management means planning, organizing, staffing,
directing and controlling of all financial and non financial resources of an organization.
Different aspects of management practice in PRIME Bank Ltd are discussed below.

a) Planning:
PRIME Bank Ltd has done its planning within the purview of the corporate plan. The
overall planning approach in PRIME Bank Ltd is top-down. Each branch can plan
according to the goal imposed by the corporate level. It doesn’t plan independently. And
PRIME Bank Ltd has a planning division. This department is mainly responsible for the
overall planning.
b) Organizing:
PRIME Bank Ltd is organized as per the existing business locations. It has 146 branches,
each of which is a separate entity. Each unit is responsible for own performance and a Senior
Vice President followed by Manager Heads each. He is directly responsible for the performance
of their unit. Within each branch it is organized functionally.
c) Staffing:
The recruitment in PRIME Bank Ltd is done in two ways. One as a “Probationary Officer”
for the management program and it has a probation period of one year. Another one is non-
management level as “Trainee Officer”. Probationary Officer is recruited in officer category
and their career path is headed towards different managerial jobs.

d) Directing and Controlling:

The Management approach in PRIME Bank Ltd is top-down or authoritative. Information
just seeks through lower management layer. Works are designed in such a way that one
cannot leave without clearing the tasks as he is assigned for a day. Sitting arrangement in
all office is done in a way that the superior can monitor the subordinate all time.
Budgeting, rewarding, punishing, etc. are also practiced as control mechanism.

e) Recruitment Process:
The set-vice rule of PRIME Bank Ltd states the recruitment policy of the bank. In general
the board of directors determines the recruitment policy of bank from time to time. The

“©Daffodil International University” 19

minimum entry level qualification for any official position other than supportive
management is a Bachelors degree. However, informally the management prefers a
minimum master’s degree for the appointed of probationary officers in the Executive officer
position. The recruitment for entry level positions begins with a formal written test. After
successful completion of the written test, a personal interview is conducted for the
successful candidates by a panel of experts comprising of renowned and prominent bankers
of the country.

3.3 A Brief of Prime bank ltd Amberkhana Branch:

I am doing my internship program in Prime Bank Limited, referenced to

Amberkhanaa ,Dorgah Gate, Sylhet Branch. I am working in General Banking,
Debit Card Department, Cheque Book Issuing, Account Opening etc and
observing closely all activity.

Prime Bank Limited Amberkhana Branch, arranged my work place very well.
When I first joined the internship, we had only one officer in customer care. So I
had to do the work of the remaining two officers in customer care and I was
equally involved in everything from account opening to check book distribution
and Completed debit card selection and debit card storage and online based
marketing activities. On top of that, I was trained by my supervisor on how to
interact with customers and encourage them in various banking activities. I had
some responsibilities like setting up daily reconciliations and keeping track of
how many debit cards came in and how many were distributed on an excel sheet.
How many new check books come to the bank and how many check books are
distributed according to the registered customers' signatures and correct
distribution by defying the customers. Moreover, it was my responsibility to
receive the clearing checks from other banks or other customers and conduct the
activities accordingly. If I consider my overall performance and overall aspect I
have not faced any kind of humiliation or any kind of negativity. Every officer
and every duty officer has received me with great respect. They taught me the
things I could not do with sincerity.

“©Leading University” 20
@Leading University

3.4 Marketing Mix of PRIME Bank Ltd:

The marketing mix is the set of controllable tactical marketing tools – Product, Price, Place and
Promotion; that the organization blends to produce the response it wants in the market. The
marketing mix is consisting of everything the organization can do to influence the demand for
its product or services.

Prime Bank Ltd is service oriented organization. For any organization that provides service- it
is important that all the 4 Ps’ of marketing mix are implemented properly.


1. Product 2.
2. Price
3. Place
4. Promotion


Product market Place

Product variety Channels

Quality Coverage

Design Price Promotion Assortments

Features List Price Sales promotion Locations

Brand name Discount Advertising Inventory

Packaging Allowances Sales force Transport

Sizes Payment period Public relation

Services Credit terms Direct marketing

Figure: The four ‘P’ component of the

marketing mix.

The extended Marketing Mixes of Service are:

· People– People all people who directly or indirectly influence the perceived value of the
product or service, including knowledge workers, employees, management and

· Process – Process procedures, mechanisms and flow of activities which lead to an

exchange of value.

· Physical evidence–Physical evidence the direct sensory experience of a product or

service that allows a customer to measure whether he or she has received value. Examples
might include the way a customer is treated by a staff member, or the length of time a
customer has to wait, or a cover letter from an insurance company, or the environment in
which a product or service is deliver.


The Extended
Marketing Mix

3.5 Internal Marketing and external Marketing

Service marketing requires not only external marketing, but also internal and interactive

External marketing: External marketing describes the normal work to prepare, price, distribute,
and promote the service to customers.

Internal marketing: Internal marketing describes the work to train and motivate employees to
serve customers well.

Interactive marketing: Interactive marketing describes the employee’s skill in serving the client.
Service providers must deliver “high-touch’’ as well as “high-tech”

@Leading University


Internal Marketing External Marketing

Employees------------------Interactive Marketing-----------------Customers

➢ Marketing Strategies:

For achieving balanced and sustainable growth, we must satisfy two group’s new customer and
repeat customer. Today, the marketing should be all effort to retain current customers and build
lasting customers relationship. Thus, marketing is service oriented. The service is “a bridge
between products and customer”.

➢ Marketing thus mainly focused as:

· Customer Focus: It also means “the design, creation and delivery of service products
based on meeting customer needs and exceeding their expectations’.

· Co-operation: It implies “Share information and share resources”.

Continuous Improvement: This is the part or marketing research. We take feedback
from the market, we take note of the customers complain and try to improve our product
service on a continuous basis to remain competitive in the market.

Satisfied customer: One satisfied customer will do advertisement on our behalf and
automatically bring chain of new customer. On the other hand one dies-satisfied
customer is enough to ruin our image & good will.

· What Customer Want: They want solution of their problems. We can solve their
problems by way of Analyse, plan and act. Once customer gets solutions to their
problems they will do marketing for us.

The most important factor and crafting a marketing strategy include the following strategies:
· Product Strategy
· Price Strategy
· Distribution Strategy
· Promotion Strategy
· Segmentation
· Targeting
· Positioning Strategy
· Advertising Strategy

Prime Bank Ltd marketing strategy is based on its positioning of different product. On the focus
to customer side the market is mainly upper-middle- and middle-income professional who need
saving with some attractive profit to meet any emergent requirement in future as well as to
develop a sizable amount of money to procure some valuable future earnings. This segment of
market includes individual, having a regular monthly income, male or female, age not blow 18
years and educated or less educated Bangladeshi person.

@Leading University

Chapter 4
Internal marketing
Practices on Prime Bank

Over the last three decades internal marketing was proposed as a solution to the problem of
delivering consistently high service quality. However, despite the rapidly growing literature,
very few organizations actually implement the concept in practice. The lack of implementation
guidelines has also contributed to the low adoption rate by organizations. The current study
tries to figure out the level of internal marketing perception and its implications in banking
industry. When we think of marketing, advertising and branding — creating awareness in the
minds of our target audience — come to mind first. There is another important audience that
marketing often overlooks: The one inside your own offices.

4.1 Why Employee Communications Need Marketing

How often do your leadership messages read like a press release? How many HR
communications are so overloaded with content and links you can’t bother reading it now, if
ever? How many corporate communications messages are worth sharing socially? Are
employees finding out about company news and new products in the media first?
If any of this sound familiar, then your company needs a communications organization to
coordinate these efforts.
HR, leaders and managers, and corporate comms would all benefit from adopting a marketing
mindset. Why? Today’s marketing professionals are focused on using customer research, data
and creativity to define the customer experience at multiple touchpoints in order to capture
attention and build profitable relationships.
Now substitute "employee" for "customer" in that sentence. This is why internal marketing is
important. Marketers simplify complex ideas into compelling emotional arguments. They
know how to use words and images to attract attention and build campaigns to lead people
through a series of steps.
Internal marketing is an opportunity. It is the heart of a coordinated communications
organization. It is about applying the same level of data and creative thinking that you would
for any promotional or advertising campaign for an external audience, where you promote an
idea consistently and repetitively over time in ways to work down a logical funnel from
attention to engagement.
When internal marketing is properly executed, your communications campaigns will improve
the employee experience, boost company loyalty and increase employee engagement, which
ultimately leads to a better-performing business.

@Leading University

4.2 The Power Of Employee Advocacy

Internal marketing can also turn your employees into active brand advocates. As customers
increasingly tune to social media to understand why brands and businesses are doing and why,
the voice of the employee has value.
According to Hinge Research: “A formal employee advocacy program helps shorten the sales
cycle. Nearly 64% of advocates in a formal program credited employee advocacy with
attracting and developing new business, and nearly 45% attribute new revenue streams to
employee advocacy.”
Internal marketing can use stories to connect your workforce with your corporate vision and
values and produce shareable content that harnesses the employees’ own networks and online
channels, maximizing your company outreach.
Internal marketing is about building a consistent company story and aligning your HR,
leadership and corporate communications teams around the same narrative. When employees
buy in, customers buy more.

4.3 Building An Internal Marketing Practice

Whether you call it internal marketing, employee marketing or employee communications,
businesses looking to the future will build a team focused on communications with employees,
with a leader and a coordinated organization designed to knit together the HR, leadership,
corporate news and marketing communications into a unified whole.

4.4 Research Objectives

Several objectives have examined in the current study:
➢ Identify the level of internal marketing perception in Prime bank ltd.
➢ Identify the level of job satisfaction and organization commitment in Prime bank ltd.
➢ Determine the level of customer-oriented culture among bank employees.

4.5 Research Design

A close-ended questionnaire was design to collect the data from employees of customer service
departments in Prime Bank Limited. The respondents were asked to rate their level of
perception of the four variables on five-point Likert scale. In addition, demographic data from
each respondent were collected. Well-known measurements with demonstrated reliability and
validity were used in this study . Internal marketing was examined using 21 items, which
contains five underlying dimensions (i.e. communication, supervisor, intangible benefits,
compensation, and intermediary).
A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to all customer service employees, who have
a direct contact with external customers in banks. Several drafts were evaluated in order to
increase the content validity of the research instrument. Majority of the respondents are
experienced in the banking industry (45% more than seven years).

4.6 Target Population

The general population for this study is composed of Banks Employees Basically these
respondents are asked regarding the current status of services offered by Prime Bank internally
and their personal views about service satisfaction.

4.7 Survey questionnaire structure and methods for evaluation

Methodology By using stratified random sampling technique, a sample of 26 employees at 6
branches of Prime bank ltd in Sylhet is chosen. Employees have demography of male and
female, ages, designations, salary levels, and different educational backgrounds. Besides
collecting the demographic data of sample, a comprehensive questionnaire contains five
sections with 4 items in one section on employee communication and 5 items in the another
section on Supervision and 3 items on Intangibles Benefits,3 items on compensation and lastly
3 items on intermediary, has been prepared to respond on 5 point Likert’s scale ranging from
strongly agree (5) to strongly disagree (1).
However, those items that did not respond by the sample are treated as no response and
therefore counted to the total sample. Simple percentages are used for the purpose of analysis
of data sets in the sections of the questionnaire.

@Leading University

Strongly Mostly Neither Disagree Strongly NR Total No. of

Employee Agre Agree disagree Disagree Responded
communication nor

The bank announces new 21 3 0 0 0 2 26

policies to us by holding
The bank often shares work– 22 4 0 0 0 0 26
related information at
employee events
The bank regularly 18 5 2 0 0 1 26
communicates its philosophy
and values through training
The bank regularly reinforces 24 0 2 0 0 0 26
our identification with the
bank through participation
with external sponsor events.

Strongly Mostly Neither Disagree Strongly NR Total No. of

Supervision Agre Agree disagree Disagree Responded
Our direct supervisor 19 3 0 0 0 4 26
motivates us to give him/ her
best efforts.
Our direct supervisor fully 18 4 2 1 0 1 26
understands our work
Our direct supervisor always 17 7 0 0 0 02 26
tries to proactively
understand if we encounter
job related problems.
Our direct supervisor 23 2 0 0 0 1 26
regularly discusses with us
about our career
Our direct supervisor tries to 25 0 0 0 0 1 26
have us provide feedback
about her leadership
Strongly Mostly Neither Disagree Strongly NR Total No. of
Intangible Agre Agree disagree Disagree Responded
benefits agree
The bank treats employees 23 2 0 0 0 1 26
well with respect
My current job allows me to 20 3 0 0 0 3 26
develop my talents and

The bank tries to provide us 24 2 0 0 0 0 26
with a very comfortable
working environment.

Strongly Mostly Neither Disagree Strongly NR Total No. of

Compensation Agre Agree disagree Disagree Responded

The bank regularly 19 4 0 0 0 3 26

investigates and
understands the employee
benefits of competitors.
The bank regularly 18 7 0 0 0 1 26
investigates and
understands the employee
salary scale of competitors
The bank sets up different 7 18 0 0 0 1 26
incentive programs for
different department
Strongly Mostly Neither Disagree Strongly NR Total No. of
Intermediary Agre Agree disagree Disagree Responded
The bank o announces and 26 0 0 0 0 0 26
shares work-related
with us on the intranet.
The bank provides us with 9 17 0 0 0 0 26
good channels for filing
The bank often sponsors 6 16 0 0 0 4 26
various employee group
activities to gain support
and understanding from the

Figure: Survey Questionnaires and Outcomes

4.8 If we see those outcomes by graphical representation then these five

dimensions would be look like

@Leading University

Employee Communication;


Chart Title





Our direct supervisor Our direct supervisor Our direct supervisor Our direct supervisor Our direct supervisor
motivates us to give fully understands our always tries to regularly discusses with tries to have us provide
him/ her best efforts. work performance proactively understand us about our career feedback about her
if we encounter job development leadership
related problems.

Strongly Agre Mostly Agree Neither disagree nor agree

Disagree Strongly Disagree NR
Total No. of Responded


Strongly Agre Mostly Agree Neither disagree nor agree Disagree

Strongly Disagree NR Total No. of Responded

26 26 26

3 3
2 2
0 0 0 0 0 0 0

The bank treats employees well My current job allows me to The bank tries to provide us with a
with respect develop my talents and potential. very comfortable working







The bank regularly The bank regularly The bank sets up different
investigates and investigates and incentive programs for
understands the understands the different department
employee benefits of employee salary scale of
competitors. competitors

Strongly Agre Mostly Agree Neither disagree nor agree Disagree

Strongly Disagree NR Total No. of Responded

@Leading University







The bank o announces and with us on the intranet. The bank provides us with The bank often sponsors
shares work-related good channels for filing various employee group
information complaints. activities to gain support
and understanding from
the employees.

Strongly Agre Mostly Agree Neither disagree nor agree Disagree

Strongly Disagree NR Total No. of Responded

as we see, there’s the high rate of strongly Agree AND MOSTLY AGREE in all questions
involved in employee communication, Supervision and 3 items on Intangibles Benefits,3 items
on compensation and lastly 3 items on intermediary and involving all parts. Thats normally
indicates the positive implementation of internal marketing condition of Prime Bank Ltd.

Chapter 5

Outcomes and Discussions

@Leading University

5.1 Results

All of the variables were measured using five-point Likert scale ("1" Strongly disagree; to
"5" Strongly agree). The interpretations of the Likert scale results are: scores of 1 to 2.32
indicate low level, scores of 2.33 to 3.65 indicate medium level, and scores of 3.66 to 5
indicate high level. The average score of the twenty-one items of internal marketing is 4.00,
which indicated a high level of internal marketing in Prime bank Limited. Generally, the
results showed a high and level of communication, high medium level of supervision, high
and medium level of intangible benefits, medium level of compensation, and finally, high and
medium level of intermediary.

5.2 Discussion
According to the conceptual model and the results obtained from the path of analysis, it was
found that the results of this research were convergent with those of the previous researches in
terms of the existence of a suitable interaction between internal and external marketing in Prime
Bank. also, research results indicated that internal marketing measures taken by this Bank had
a direct positive and significant effect on the job satisfaction of the employees and then positive
and significant effect on their word of mouth while job satisfaction itself had a direct significant
effect on employees’ word of mouth.
Therefore, implementing internal marketing programs in the form of human resources
management has a very significant effect on employees as they are considered as internal
customers of bank which would turn lead to attracting and keeping them this measure also
affects employees job satisfaction in addition to employees can only provide and desirable
services to external customers of the organisation when the themselves are seen as internal
customers by the bank

5.3 Findings
Following are the main findings of the study.
1. Mostly the employees are agreed to the statements on employee communication system
in the bank.
2. However, few of them are not responded and some of them said that they do not either
agree or disagree to the statements.
3. The similar views are also observed in the statements of employee engagement.
4. Indeed, the internal marketing structure of the organization is highly personalized and
favourable to the employees of the bank.

5. While referred to organizational power politics, this study has a strong view expressed
by the employees that the bank did not have such influences in the workplace.
6. It has been admitted that the employees of Prime Bank Ltd are favourable to the internal
marketing activities of the bank.
7. The negligible percentages of employees were aware of internal marketing practices
adapted by the bank.
8. To unpack the practical implications of internal marketing practices of the bank, this
study found that there were no reasons to step backward to encourage employees to
communicate and engage in their works.
9. All the employees have expressed the positive gestures to achieve greater operational
leverage through their effective communication system and greater engagement
facilities created by the bank.

5.4 Recommendation

The development of the implementation of internal marketing programs requires some

necessary and suitable condition for more and more positive influences, some of which are as

1. Banks should have more relations with universities and other research institutes so that
they can get a better understanding of the principles and concepts of internal marketing.
2. Bank managers and directors must actively take part in seminars and courses related to
marketing and particularly, internal marketing
3. It is necessary for bank supervisors to deeply handles employees’ problems when they
are in need and support their need as much as possible
4. They should create a supportive climate in the organization so that employees would
provide higher quality services to customers and they must advise AND encourage
employees to develop customer-oriented behaviours and act accordingly
5. Organisations communication should emphasize on having a consistent relationship
with its employees and on designing the bank environment in a way that it would
facilitate employee Communications. Additionally, organisation news should be
notified throw official challenge so that this prayer of rumours are prevented.

@Leading University

6. The organisation must hold necessary educational courses based on those skills required
for employees to provide better services to customers such courses should emphasize
on concepts such as customary relationship management market oriented and the
importance of customer etc.
7. A bank or to give its employees necessary authority for solving problems proportionate
to the abilities and interest them with a specific number of responsibilities in accordance
with their skills. Since they have been extensively in terms of how they should confirm
customer problems the bank must allow its employees to use their innovations to solve
problems caused in customer interaction and make suitable decisions.


6.1 Conclusion:

Historically, internal marketing practice in banks appeared to be a way of “manipulating”

employees to engage in behaviours that would enable management to achieve goals that lead
to organizational benefits. This study examined the level of internal marketing, job satisfaction,
organizational commitment, and customer orientation in Prime bank ltd. The findings enhanced
the understanding of how customer service employees perceived internal marketing in banking
industry. The findings will help banks executives identifying the critical dimensions of internal
marketing and customer orientation, which finally affect the competitiveness level of their
Organization is changing their thinking regarding the employees and assuming them an
important and integral part of the organization in the emerging markets and industrial era. To
achieve good service quality in banking industry, internal service providers must have the
freedom and flexibility to adapt the service delivery to meet the needs of their customers. The
mechanistic structure and rigid nature of the internal operations of a bank create discontent and
low staff morale. Increasing internal customer satisfaction, needs to empower employees to go
out of their way to satisfy their fellow employees and subsequently, their external customers.
Commercial banks must develop and manage an effective internal communication system
aimed at creating awareness, and enhancing understanding among staff regarding internal
marketing. commercial banks should convert internal marketing as a strategy into their core
operations and systems to meet employees’ demands and the bank goals. Their employees shall
show their sincere organizational commitment and customer orientation. Effective internal
marketing programs require that the bank is willing to invest in adjusting its culture and in
adopting the concept.

@Leading University



Appendix-2; Survey Questionnaire

Strongly Mostly Neither Disagree Strongly NR Total No. of

Employee Agre Agree disagree Disagree Responded
communication agree

The bank often announces new

policies to us by holding meetings
The bank often shares work–
related information at employee
The bank regularly communicates
its philosophy and values through
training courses.
The bank regularly reinforces our
identification with the bank
through participation with
external sponsor events.

Our direct supervisor should
motivate us to give him/ her best
Our direct supervisor fully
understands our work
Our direct supervisor always tries
to proactively understand if we
encounter job related problems.
Our direct supervisor regularly
discusses with us about our
career development
Our direct supervisor tries to
have us provide feedback about
her leadership

The bank treats employees well
with respect
My current job allows me to
develop my talents and potential.
The bank tries to provide us with
a very comfortable working

@Leading University

Strongly Mostly Neither Disagree Strongly NR Total No. of

Compensation Agre Agree disagree Disagree Responded
nor (Percentages)
The bank regularly
investigates and
understands the employee
benefits of competitors.
The bank regularly
investigates and
understands the employee
salary scale of
The bank sets up different
incentive programs for
different department


The bank often

announces and shares
work-related information
with us on the intranet.
The bank provides us
with good channels for
filing complaints.
The bank often sponsors
various employee group
activities to gain support
and understanding from
the employees.

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