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Which percent loss of protein occur due milling process of rice-

• A. 60%
• B. 15%
• C. 30%
• D. 5%
Right Answer is :
✓ B. 15%

Q02. 100 gm cereals provide about -

• A. 250 kcal energy
• B. 150 kcal energy
• C. 450 kcal of erngy
• D. 350 kcal of energy
Right Answer is :
✓ D. 350 kcal of energy

Q03. The following is a millet-

• A. Wheat
• B. Rice
• C. Maize
• D. Jawar
Right Answer is :
✓ D. Jawar

Q104. One of the following is not a millet-

• A. Jawar
• B. Bajra
• C. Lentil
• D. Ragi
Right Answer is :
✓ C. Lentil

Q05. About the 90% death under the age of 1 year, occur with the birth weight-
• A. Below 2.5 kg
• B. Below 3.0 kg
• C. Below 2. 0kg
• D. Below 1.5 kg
Right Answer is :
✓ C. Below 2. 0kg

Q06. Which of the following is a food additive-

• A. Vanilla essence
• B. Safron
• C. Saccharin
• D. All the above
Right Answer is :
✓ D. All the above
Q07. Epidemic dropsy which is frequently reported in India is caused by contamination of mustard oil with-
• A. Sesame oil
• B. Argemone oil
• C. Corn oil
• D. Coconut oil
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Argemone oil

Q08. When one or more nutrients are added to the food, this is known as-
• A. Food adulteration
• B. Food fortification
• C. Food contamination
• D. Food abstraction
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Food fortification

Q09. Which of the following toxin found in khaseri dhal-

• A. Beta oxaly amino alanine (BOAA)
• B. Aflatoxin
• C. Ergot
• D. None of the above
Right Answer is :
✓ A. Beta oxaly amino alanine (BOAA)

Q10. Which of the following is a food toxin-

• A. Aflatoxin
• B. Ergot
• C. Beta oxalylamine alanine
• D. All the above
Right Answer is :
✓ D. All the above

Q11. Which of the following is the best indicator to assess nutrition status of an infant -
• A. Height
• B. Wight
• C. Chest circumference
• D. Head circumference
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Wight

Q12. Which of the following vitamins affects by cooking-

• A. Vitamin A and Vitamin C
• B. Vitamin A and Vitamin B1
• C. Vitamin C and Vitamin B2
• D. Vitamin E and Vitamin K
Right Answer is :
✓ A. Vitamin A and Vitamin C
Q13. What should we do to prevent vitamins loss in food-
• A. Always wash fruits and vegetables before cutting or peeling and not afterwards.
• B. avoid cutting into small pieces as more surface area is exposed
• C. Cook in minimum quantity of water and use shortest cooking time
• D. All of the above
Right Answer is :
✓ D. All of the above

Q14. Which of the following statement is correct regarding PEM-

• A. PEM is primarily due to an inadequate intake of food both in quantity and quality
• B. Nearly 80 percent of PEM in pre- school children is often unrecognised.
• C. In pre- school children, nutritional marasmus is more frequent than kwashiorkor
• D. All of the above statement are correct
Right Answer is :
✓ D. All of the above statement are correct

Q15. Which of the following is not the most common form of malnutrition-
• A. PEM (Protein energy malnutrition)
• B. Kwashiorkor
• C. Marasmus
• D. Beri-Beri
Right Answer is :
✓ D. Beri-Beri

Q16. Which of the following is not the household (Domestic) method of preservation and storage of food-
• A. Salting & pickling
• B. Smoking
• C. Refrigerators
• D. Irradiation
Right Answer is :
✓ D. Irradiation

Q17. Rice should be cooked by using water equal to-

• A. Two times the volume of rice
• B. Half the volume of rice
• C. Equal volume of rice
• D. Three times the volume of rice
Right Answer is :
✓ A. Two times the volume of rice

Q18. In the following which edible oils yields highest quantity of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA)-
• A. Coconut oil
• B. Soya bean oil
• C. Sunflower
• D. Groundnut oil
Right Answer is :
✓ C. Sunflower
Q19. Coking the food below the boiling point of water is known as-
• A. Boiling
• B. Simmering
• C. Roasting
• D. Baking
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Simmering

Q20. Which of the following are not affected much by heat-

• A. Proteins
• B. Fats
• C. Carbohydrates
• D. Vitamins
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Fats

Q21. Sunken features, loss of subcutaneous fat, muscle wasting and body weight below 40%are the features of -
• A. Renal tumor
• B. Tuberculosis
• C. Marasmus
• D. Scurvy
Right Answer is :
✓ C. Marasmus

Q22. Kwashiorkor is primarily-

• A. Protein deficiency disease
• B. Carbohydrate deficiency disease
• C. Vitamin- A deficiency disease
• D. Vitamin K deficiency disease
Right Answer is :
✓ A. Protein deficiency disease

Q23. Marasmus is a-
• A. Bacterial borne disease
• B. Nutritional deficiency disease
• C. Vitamin A deficiency disease
• D. Respiratory disease
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Nutritional deficiency disease

Q24. In following which is not a nutritional deficiency disease-

• A. Marasmus
• B. Kwashiorkor
• C. Obesity
• D. Scurvy
Right Answer is :
✓ C. Obesity
Q25. Excess administration of the following vitamin is a waste because it is not stored in the body and gets excreted-
• A. Vitamin-A
• B. Vitamin-B-complex
• C. Vitamin-D
• D. Vitamin- K
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Vitamin-B-complex

Q26. Hypervitaminosis due to excess storage can result due to administration of the following vitamin-
• A. Vitamin-C
• B. Vitamin-A
• C. Riboflavin
• D. Folic acid
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Vitamin-A

Q127. Retinoic acid used in acne (pimples) is -

• A. Vitamin -C
• B. Vitamin-A
• C. Vitamin-D
• D. Vitamin-E
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Vitamin-A

Q28. Vitamin B12 is also called-

• A. Niacin
• B. Biotin
• C. Cyanocobalamine
• D. Pyridoxine
Right Answer is :
✓ C. Cyanocobalamine

Q129. Regulation of sodium and water in the body occurs through which of the following mechanism-
• A. By aldosterone
• B. By thirst mechanism
• C. By ADH (antidiuretic hormone)
• D. All of the above
Right Answer is :
✓ D. All of the above

Q30. The average total water loss from the body daily is-
• A. 1500 ml
• B. 1800 ml
• C. 2400 ml
• D. 2000 ml
Right Answer is :
✓ C. 2400 ml
Q131. The Principal cation in intracellular fluid is-
• A. Calcium
• B. Sodium
• C. Pottasium
• D. Chloride
Right Answer is :
✓ C. Pottasium

Q32. The most common cation in extracellular fluid is-

• A. Calcium
• B. Sodium
• C. Pottasium
• D. Chloride
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Sodium

Q33. Insensible water loss from the body occurs through-

• A. Urine
• B. Lungs
• C. Skin
• D. Both 'b' and 'c'
Right Answer is :
✓ D. Both 'b' and 'c'

Q134. Out of total body water, the intracellular fluid contains-

• A. 70% water
• B. 50% water
• C. 80%water
• D. 60% water
Right Answer is :
✓ A. 70% water

Q35. The plasma contains-

• A. 70% water
• B. 85% water
• C. 80% water
• D. 92%water
Right Answer is :
✓ D. 92%water

Q36. The average water loss in urine by adult human is-

• A. 1500 ml
• B. 1000 ml
• C. 500 ml
• D. 2500 ml
Right Answer is :
✓ A. 1500 ml
Q37. Which of the following is correct about BMI (Body mass index)-
• A. Weight kilograms /Height in meters
• B. Weight in kilograms/Height in centimeters
• C. Weight in kilogram/Height in meters
• D. Weight in kilogram/(Height in centimeters)2
Right Answer is :
✓ C. Weight in kilogram/Height in meters

Q38. How much extra kcal of energy is required in a lactating mother from 0-6 mother of nursing child-
• A. +300 kcal
• B. + 350 kcal
• C. +550 kcal
• D. + 600 kcal
Right Answer is :
✓ D. + 600 kcal

Q39. How much extra kcal of energy is required in a pregnant mother -

• A. +300 kcal
• B. + 350 kcal
• C. + 550 kcal
• D. + 450 kcal
Right Answer is :
✓ A. +300 kcal

Q40. How much energy is recommended for a reference Indian man (55 kg) doing heavy work-
• A. 3000 kcal
• B. 3300 kcal
• C. 2730 kcal
• D. 3490 kcal
Right Answer is :
✓ D. 3490 kcal

Q41. The recommended energy requirement in reference Indian woman (45 kg- moderate work is -
• A. 1900 kcal
• B. 2230 kcal
• C. 3000 kcal
• D. 2800 kcal
Right Answer is :
✓ B. 2230 kcal

Q42. The recommended energy requirement in reference Indian man (55kg, moderate work ) is-
• A. 2200 kcal
• B. 2400 kcal
• C. 2730 kcal
• D. 3500 kcal
Right Answer is :
✓ C. 2730 kcal
Q43. The following mineral element is essential for the synthesis of insulin and its deficiency cause growth failure,
sexual sexual infantilism in adolescents, and delayed wound dealing -
• A. Copper
• B. Zinc
• C. Cobalt
• D. Chromium
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Zinc

Q44. Milk is a very poor source of -

• A. Calcium
• B. Vitamin -C
• C. Iron
• D. Both (b) $ (c)
Right Answer is :
✓ D. Both (b) $ (c)

Q45. Which of the following mineral element cause pathological changes in bones and teeth in its deficiency as well as
in excess
• A. Chlorine
• B. Zinc
• C. Iodine
• D. Fluorine
Right Answer is :
✓ D. Fluorine

Q46. Supplementary feeding to a baby should be started from the age of

• A. 2-4 Months
• B. 4-6 Months
• C. 6-8 Months
• D. After the age of one year
Right Answer is :
✓ B. 4-6 Months

Q47. The storage form of iron is

• A. Heam proteins
• B. Cytochromes
• C. Ferritin and haemosidern
• D. All of these
Right Answer is :
✓ C. Ferritin and haemosidern

Q48. Which of the following is the richest source of pottasium

• A. Lentils
• B. Leafy vegetables
• C. Coffee, tea, and cocca
• D. Dry peas
Right Answer is :
✓ C. Coffee, tea, and cocca

Q49. The richest source of calcium (1800 mg/100 gm) is

• A. Small fish dried
• B. Skimmed milk powder
• C. Sesame seed
• D. Sebania leaves
Right Answer is :
✓ A. Small fish dried

Q50. The structural component of bones and teeth is

• A. Calcium
• B. Phosphorus
• C. Magnesium
• D. All of these
Right Answer is :
✓ D. All of these

Q51. In following which is not a trace element

• A. Sodium
• B. Iodine
• C. Fluorine
• D. Zinc
Right Answer is :
✓ A. Sodium

Q52. Daily requirement of iodine for pregnant and lactating woman is

• A. 50 mcg
• B. 100-120 mcg
• C. 250 mcg
• D. 150-200 mcg
Right Answer is :
✓ C. 250 mcg

Q53. According to ICMR daily recommended allowances of iron in pregnancy is

• A. 15-20 mg
• B. 25 mg
• C. 30 mg
• D. 35 mg
Right Answer is :
✓ D. 35 mg

Q54. According to ICMR the daily requirement of calcium for pregnant and lactating woman is
• A. 400-500 mg
• B. 600 mg
• C. 1200 mg
• D. 1000 mg
Right Answer is :
✓ C. 1200 mg

Q55. According to ICMR the daily intake of calcium for adult should be of
• A. 300 mg
• B. 600 mg
• C. 1000 mg
• D. 100-200 mg
Right Answer is :
✓ B. 600 mg

Q56. Daily requirement of vitamin B12 for normal adults is

• A. 0.5 mcg
• B. 1.0 mcg
• C. 1.5 mcg
• D. 2.5 mcg
Right Answer is :
✓ B. 1.0 mcg

Q57. Daily requirement of folic acid for adult is

• A. 200 mg
• B. 300 mg
• C. 100 micro gram
• D. 200 micro gram
Right Answer is :
✓ C. 100 micro gram

Q58. The estimated daily requirement of vitamin C for adult is

• A. 30 mg
• B. 40 mg
• C. 40-50 gm
• D. 50 mg
Right Answer is :
✓ D. 50 mg

Q59. A vitamin generally used therapeutically in nausea and vomiting of pregnacy is

• A. Niacin
• B. Pyridoxin
• C. Riboflavin
• D. Folic acid
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Pyridoxin

Q60. Symptoms like cheilosis, glositis, red and shining lips, inflammation and burning of eyes and scrotal dermatitis
indicate deficiency of
• A. Vitamin B6
• B. Vitamin B1
• C. Vitamin B2
• D. Vitamin B12
Right Answer is :
✓ C. Vitamin B2

Q161. Which of the following is provitamin A

• A. Retinol
• B. Carotene
• C. Retinal
• D. Retinoic acid
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Carotene

Q162. Which of the following vitamin function like a steroid hormone

• A. Vitamin-A
• B. Vitamin-B
• C. Vitamin-D
• D. Vitamin-C
Right Answer is :
✓ A. Vitamin-A

Q63. The function of vitamin-C includes

• A. It helps in the absorption of iron from food
• B. It helps in wound healing
• C. It acts as an antioxidant
• D. All of the above
Right Answer is :
✓ D. All of the above

Q64. Korskoff's psychosis and wernick's encephalopathy occurs due to deficiency of

• A. Niacin
• B. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
• C. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
• D. Vitamin B12
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)

Q65. Which deficiency disease is also known as "rice eater's disease"

• A. Beri-beri
• B. Scurvy
• C. Rickets
• D. Pellagra
Right Answer is :
✓ A. Beri-beri

Q66. Megaloblastic anaemia occur due to deficiency of following vitamin

• A. Vitamin-B6
• B. Folic acid
• C. Niacin
• D. Vitamin-B2 (Riboflavin)
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Folic acid

Q67. Which of the following vitamin is essential for the maturation of red blood cells (RBCs) in bone marrow
• A. Vitamin-C
• B. Folic acid
• C. Vitamin-D
• D. Vitamin-A
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Folic acid

Q68. Which vitamin is not found in food of vegetable origin

• A. Vitamin-C
• B. Vitamin-B
• C. Vitamin-B12
• D. Niacin
Right Answer is :
✓ C. Vitamin-B12

Q169. Which of the following is the best source of calcium

• A. Egg
• B. Milk
• C. Pulses
• D. Meat
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Milk

Q70. Daily requirement of protein of moderate worker (45kg) pregnant mother is

• A. 50 gm
• B. 70 gm
• C. 78 gm
• D. 65 gm
Right Answer is :
✓ C. 78 gm

Q71. How much extra proteins is required for a lactating woman in first 6 months in addition to recommended daily
allowance of 1 gm/kg of body weight
• A. 10 gm
• B. 23 gm
• C. 19 gm
• D. 30 gm
Right Answer is :
✓ C. 19 gm
Q72. One of the following is not a typical feature of marasmus
• A. Severe muscle wasting and loss of subcutaneous fat
• B. Growth failure
• C. Moon face
• D. Sign of dehydration and mental changes
Right Answer is :
✓ C. Moon face

Q73. The typical feature of kwashiorkor is

• A. Growth failure
• B. Oedema on limbs and face
• C. Skin and hair changes
• D. All of these
Right Answer is :
✓ D. All of these

Q74. The current recommendation for breast feeding is that

• A. Exclusive breast-feeding should be continued till 6 month of age followed by supplementary foods
• B. Exclusive breast-feeding should be continued till 4 month of age followed by supplementary foods
• C. The baby should be allowed to breast feed till 9 months of age
• D. Colostrum is the most suitable food for a newborn baby but it is best to avoid in first 3 days
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Exclusive breast-feeding should be continued till 4 month of age followed by supplementary foods

Q75. Proteins of cereals and pulses are

• A. Complete protein
• B. Incomplete protein
• C. Partially complete protein
• D. None of these
Right Answer is :
✓ C. Partially complete protein

Q76. Atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease may occur because of

• A. Excessive intake of dietary fibre
• B. Excessive intake of dietary fat
• C. Deficient intake of protein
• D. High dietary intake of vitamins
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Excessive intake of dietary fat

Q77. Cereals are deficient in following amino acid

• A. Lysine
• B. Tryptophan
• C. Therionine
• D. Both A and C
Right Answer is :
✓ D. Both A and C
Q78. All protein sources provide biologically complete proteins except one
• A. Milk
• B. Fish and meat
• C. Cereals
• D. Eggs
Right Answer is :
✓ C. Cereals

Q79. The following food contain first class protein/complete protein

• A. Eggs
• B. Cereals
• C. Pulses
• D. Nuts and oil seeds

Right Answer is :
✓ A. Eggs

Q80. The proteins that contain all EAA (Essential Amino Acids) in sufficient amount and proportions to meet body's
need is
• A. Second class protein
• B. Partially complete proteins
• C. Incomplete proteins
• D. Biologically complete proteins
Right Answer is :
✓ D. Biologically complete proteins

Q81. Which of the following essential amino acid is deficient in pulses protein
• A. Tryptophan
• B. Methionine
• C. Threonine
• D. Both A and B
Right Answer is :
✓ D. Both A and B

Q82. One of the following is not essential amino acid (EAA)

• A. Alanine
• B. Threonine
• C. Phenylalanine
• D. Methionine
Right Answer is :
✓ A. Alanine

Q183. Which of the following is a semiessential amino acid

• A. Leucine
• B. Lycine
• C. Isoleucine
• D. Cysteine
Right Answer is :
✓ D. Cysteine

Q84. According to ICMR recommendation daily intake of dietary fat should not be more than
• A. 20%
• B. 10%
• C. 40%
• D. 50%
Right Answer is :
✓ D. 50%

Q85. Vitamin B12 is not found in

• A. Milk
• B. Egg
• C. Meat
• D. Soya bean
Right Answer is :
✓ D. Soya bean

Q86. In the following which edible oils yields highest quantity of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA)
• A. Cononut oil
• B. Soya bean oil
• C. Sunfolwer oil
• D. Groundnut oil
Right Answer is :
✓ C. Sunfolwer oil

Q187. Cereals proteins are deficient in following amino acid

• A. Methionine
• B. Lysine
• C. Threonine
• D. Both B and C
Right Answer is :
✓ D. Both B and C

Q88. Which of the following combination is incorrect regarding nutritional value of different foods
• A. Spinach- rich in iron and folic acid
• B. Guava and orange- rich in vitamin-C
• C. Banana- rich in sodium and deficient in pottasium
• D. Raisins- rich in energy and iron
Right Answer is :
✓ C. Banana- rich in sodium and deficient in pottasium

Q89. Cholesterol is the precursor of

• A. Steroid hormones
• B. Vitamin-D
• C. Bile acids
• D. All
Right Answer is :
✓ D. All

Q90. In the following which statement is correct about cholesterol

• A. Cholesterol is a precursor of all steroid hormones
• B. It is a essential for formation of bile
• C. It is an essential constituent of cell membranes
• D. All of the above statement are correct
Right Answer is :
✓ D. All of the above statement are correct

Q91. Which of the following is not a polyunsaturated fatty acid

• A. Linoleic acid
• B. Linolenic acid
• C. Oleic acid
• D. Archidonic acid
Right Answer is :
✓ C. Oleic acid

Q92. Which statement is true about lipids

• A. Organic compound made up of fatty acid and sterol (Generally glycerol)
• B. Soluble in organic solvents
• C. Insoluble in water
• D. All of these
Right Answer is :
✓ D. All of these

Q93. In GI tract dietary fats are emulsified by

• A. Salive
• B. Bile salts
• C. Gastric juice
• D. Pan creatic juice
Right Answer is :
✓ B. Bile salts

Q94. Which of the following vegetable oils contain highest percentage of EFA (essentail fatty acid)
• A. Sunflower oil
• B. Soyabean oil
• C. Safflower oil
• D. Corn oil
Right Answer is :
✓ C. Safflower oil

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Q95. The most important essential fatty acid is
• A. Linoleic acid
• B. Linolenic acid
• C. Archidonic acid
• D. None of these
Right Answer is :
✓ A. Linoleic acid

Q96. The normal blood cholesterol level is

• A. 100-150 mg%
• B. 150-250 mg%
• C. 50-100 mg%
• D. 250-300 mg%
Right Answer is :
✓ B. 150-250 mg%

Q97. Minimum daily requirement of carbohydrate is

• A. 100 gm
• B. 200 gm
• C. 500 gm
• D. 1000 gm
Right Answer is :
✓ A. 100 gm

Q98. Cholesterol is a
• A. Phospholipid
• B. Glycerol + lecithin
• C. Fatty acid + amino acid
• D. Steroid
Right Answer is :
✓ D. Steroid

Q99. Fat and oils are

• A. Simple lipids
• B. Compound lipids
• C. Derived lipids
• D. Sterols
Right Answer is :
✓ A. Simple lipids

Q100. Egg contains all nutrients except

• A. Carbohydrates and vitamin-C
• B. Protein and calcium
• C. Fat and vitamin-C
• D. Protein and iron
Right Answer is :
✓ A. Carbohydrates and vitamin-C

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