Metaline XL Series & Resistance Test, 100 XTM & Resistance Test

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Ceramic Repair Compounds

Power Generation, Pulp & Paper, Marine & Off-Shore,

General Industry, Raw Material Extraction,
Heating & Ventilation, Hydro-Engineering,
Mining, Petrochemical Industry, etc.

MetaLine Series XL

Trowelable or brushable
ceramic compounds for the
fast and professional re­
construction of worn surfaces

Since 1960 – Made in Germany

MetaLine Series XL – Product Description

Ceramic Repair Compounds

MetaLine Series XL represents a series of three

modern synthetic repair products designed to solve
maintenance problems like leakage, breakage, ero-
sion, corrosion, cavitation or wear. Internationally
accepted as a leading technology to refurbish and
strengthen impacted metallic structures. Reduces
break-down times and minimizes costs. Perfectly
suitable for:

professional repair work

r econstruction of worn
high-load bondings
chemical resistant linings
wear protective coatings

The concept
For field and „in-situ“ use. No cost-intensive appli-
Material composition
cation specialists are required. USDA approved for
Two component, cold-curing, paste-like or liquid ceram-
incidental food contact.
ic repair compounds. Based on a combination of sol-
vent-free Novolac-Polymers synthesized with ceramic
and non-metallic fillers. Formulated with the MetaLine
experience of over 50 years industrial engineering &
coating installation.

easy to apply Application

fast cure characteristics Applied by trowel or brush in every desired thickness.
Cures within 24 hours after mixing. No shrinkage. Sticks
machinable to most types of surfaces such as iron, (stainless) steel,
aluminum, zinc, brass, enamel and many plastics.
heat resistant up to 200 °C
Wear resistance
corrosion resistant Superior wear-resistant compounds with outstanding
mechanical properties against aging, erosion, corrosion,
withstands deterioration cavitation or impingement. Resists linear or dynamic
impact in dry and turbulent fluid-flow installations. Pro-
vides extraordinary chemical resistance against acids,
caustics, salts, oils or gases. Electrically non-conduc-

P-SeriesXL (EN), February 2020 2

MetaLine Series XL – Product Description

Choice of materials / How to select

MetaLine SXL MetaLine KXL MetaLine CXL

Description Description Description
Trowelable, ceramic-grade Brushable, semi self leveling Trowelable, carbide-grade
for the rebuilding of worn ceramic-grade for the lining of for the protection of dry/wet
areas or the repair of damaged surfaces impacted by liquids surfaces extremely impacted
equipment by solids

Typical applications Typical applications Typical applications

worn key-ways eroded vacuum pumps centrifuges / decanters
scored machine beds cavitated valves turbo separators
cracked engine bodies corroded heat exchangers pulverizing mills / pulpers

Typical work size Typical work size Typical work size

Partial repairs Full linings Partial linings

Working life (at 20 °C) Working life (at 20 °C) Working life (at 20 °C)
20 minutes 30 minutes 25 minutes

Cure time (at 20 °C) Cure time (at 20 °C) Cure time (at 20 °C)
Machinable 2h Machinable 6h Machinable 3h
Full mechanical load 24 h Full mechanical load 24 h Full mechanical load 24 h
Full chemical load 48 h Full chemical load 72 h Full chemical load 48 h

Film thickness Film thickness Film thickness

Minimum: 0.1 mm Minimum: 0.1 mm Minimum: 3.0 mm
Maximum: unlimited Maximum: unlimited Maximum: unlimited
Recommended: > 1 mm Recommended: 1 mm Recommended: > 5 mm

Machinable by Machinable by Machinable by

grinding / milling / lathe grinding / milling / lathe grinding only

P-SeriesXL (EN), February 2020 3

MetaLine Series XL – Product Description

Typical process characteristics

cold curing
no thermal disforming of substrates
pro environment
solvent free and non toxic
polymeric process
no flame or explosion risks
to every desired accuracy
prevents electro-chemical corrosion
mechanical / chemical / thermal load
bonds ferrous to non-ferrous items
long lasting
extend equipment life
cheaper than common repair methods
engineering solution
safes spare-parts and shut down time
State-of-the-art alternatives against impingement forces ...

Process philosophy
a worldwide proven technology for do-it-yourself Eases daily repair demands and quickly solves
linings and professional repair work. Small range most renovative, preventive and constructive
of different material types avoids large inventory. maintenance problems – just over night!
Easy and straight product selection reduces risks
of mis-handling. Always available because of engine bodies butterfly valves
infinite shelf life properties. Exceptional perfor-
cylinders turbine impellers
mance profits due to the inherent, non-corroding
synthetic product nature offering approved tech- shafts / keyways machine beds
nical solutions. keyways heat exchangers
flange areas hydraulic systems
bearing houses valve seats
pump casings tanks and pipes

more versatile ... cooling units ... and much more

more durable ...

more cost effective ...
more professional ...

P-SeriesXL (EN), February 2020 4

MetaLine Series XL – Technical data sheet

MetaLine® Series XL (SXL, KXL, CXL)

Product name MetaLine SXL MetaLine KXL MetaLine CXL
Material basis (2-component material for Polymer-Ceramic Polymer-Ceramic Polymer-Ceramic
manual self-mixing, solvent free with carbide components

Package size 1 kg 1 kg 2 kg

Color dark grey light grey dark brown

similar to RAL 7031 similar to RAL 7035 similar to RAL 8017

mechanical roughening or mechanical roughening or mechanical roughening or

Substrate preparation sandblasting / degreasing sandblasting / degreasing sandblasting / degreasing

Type of application trowel brush / casting / injection trowel

Consistency paste-like (smooth) viscous liquid (self-leveling) paste-like (thixotropic)

Solids content 100 % 100 % 100 %

Mixing ratio 4 : 1 by weight 14,3 : 1 by weight 2 : 1 by weight

(by weight and volume) 3 : 1 by volume no volume ratio possible 2 : 1 by volume

Layer thickness > 0,1 mm > 0,1 mm > 3 mm

recommended * * > 1 mm * 1 mm * > 5 mm

Area weight (Coverage) 1.950 g/m2 2.200 g/m2 2.050 g/m2

(theoretical per mm layer thickness)

Processing time in minutes 20 min 30 min 25 min

(at 20 °C)

Overcoating time 1 h minimum / 6 h maximum 1 h minimum / 6 h maximum 1 h minimum / 6 h maximum

(at 20 °C)

Solidification > 1 day > 1 day > 1 day

(at 20 °C – dependent on stress)

Hardness (A.S.T.M. D2240-68) 95 Shore D 97 Shore D 93 Shore D

9 Mohs (carbide filler)

Density 1,95 g/cm3 2,2 g/cm3 2,05 g/cm3

(DIN 53 479)

Compressive strength 156 N/mm2 141 N/mm2 109 N/mm2

(A.S.T.M. D695)

Tensile bond strength 20 N/mm2 20 N/mm2 21 N/mm2

(on 1.0037 mild steel)

Tensile shear adhesion 21 N/mm2 21 N/mm2 21 N/mm2

(on 1.4301 stainless steel), (A.S.T.M. D1002)

Tensile strength 22 N/mm2 21 N/mm2 not specified

(A.S.T.M. C307)

Flexural strength 68 N/mm 58 N/mm 54 N/mm

(A.S.T.M. D790)

Impact resistance (by IZOD) 36 J/m 66 J/m not specified

(A.S.T.M. D256 „E“)

Temperature resistance +200 °C / +90 °C +200 °C / +60 °C +200 °C / +90 °C

(dry / wet)

Abrasion according to Taber® no measurable loss no measurable loss no measurable loss

(A.S.T.M. D-4060 (NATO) – CS17, dry, 1 kg, 1.000 U)

Coefficient of thermal expansion 23,3 x 10 -6 K-1 16,6 x 10 -6 K-1 25,5 x 10 -6 K-1

linear figure

Chemical resistance usually pH 2-13 usually pH 2-13 usually pH 2-13

see MetaLine Resistance Chart: I061ME.pdf

Mechanical Processing machinable by machinable by only

by Ceramic-Carbide- / Diamond tools grinding / milling / lathe grinding / milling / lathe grinding
Approvals USDA USDA / USDA
Lloyds Shippings BS 6920 (drinking water)
AS/NZS 4020:2005 (drinking w.)

Shelf­life at least 24 months at least 24 months at least 24 months

P-SeriesXL (EN), February 2020 5

MetaLine Series XL – Approvals

Lloyds Register: USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture):

Maritime Approval for MetaLine SXL Food Approval for MetaLine Series XL
In the event of any conflict or ambiguity between this printout and the original electronic document, the electronic document shall prevail.

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Certificate No. MNDE/2017/7840

This certificate is issued to the company named below. Based on the examination of the data submitted the
product described is considered acceptable for use in constructions built under Lloyd’s Register’s survey.
This acceptance is subject to Lloyd’s Register being informed of any changes in or modifications to the
product and the product being used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and with the
relevant requirements of Lloyd’s Register’s Rules and Regulations.


Company Metaline Surface Protection GmbH

Robert – Bosch – Str. 5-11
DE-71157 Hildrizhausen

Application General repair/building compound for rebuilding metal surfaces operating

in fluid environment which have been subjected to erosion / corrosion. The
system may be used subject to the following exceptions:

(a) Any component in rubbing contact with another

(b) Any component subject to dynamic cyclic loading
(c) Any component where the temperature exceeds 60OC

Witnessed test Tensile strength (ASTM C307): 4621.8 PSI

Shore D Hardness: 95 +/-2

Valid until 3rd May 2022

Date 8th May 2017

Lloyd’s R egister and variants of it are trading names of Lloyd’s R egister Group Limited, its subsidiaries and af f iliates. Lloyd’s R egister EM EA
(R eg. no. 29592 R ) is a registered society under the Co-operative and Community B enef it Societies Act 2014 in England and Wales.
R egistered of f ice: 71 Fenchurch Street, London, EC3M 4B S, UK. A member of the Lloyd’s R egister group. Lloyd’s R egister Group Limited,
M Jogia
BSI (British Standards Institution):
Drinking water tolerance in accordance
its af f iliates and subsidiaries and their respective of f icers, employees or agents are, individually and collectively, ref erred to in this clause
as ‘Lloyd’s R egister'. Lloyd’s R egister assumes no responsibility and shall not be liable to any person f or any loss, damage or expense Lead Specialist to Lloyd’s Register EMEA
caused by reliance on the inf ormation or advice in this document or howsoever provided, unless that person has signed a contract with A member of the Lloyd’s Register group
the relevant Lloyd’s R egister entity f or the provision of this inf ormation or advice and in that case any responsibility or liability is exclusively
on the terms and conditions set out in that contract.

with BS 6920 for MetaLine KXL

In the event of any conflict or ambiguity between this printout and the original electronic document, the electronic document shall prevail.

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Conditions (i) All emergency repairs are to be bought to the attention of the LR
Surveyor as soon as practical
(ii) Minor permanent repairs are subject to the discretion of the LR
(iii) Major repairs are subject to individual considerations
(iv) Repairs must not be used as means of making good deficiencies in
(v) The product is to be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions and with any relevant requirements of Lloyd's
Register’s Rules and Regulations.
(vi) Lloyd's Register is to be notified of any changes of plant,
formulation or Quality Control routines introduced during the
validity of this Statement.

P-SeriesXL (EN), February 2020 6

MetaLine SXL (trowelable)

Metaline’s ceramic repair compound SXL adalah bahan keramik 2 komponen yang dapat diproses sendiri,
bebas ferit, untuk rekonstruksi profesional komponen logam aus, sambungan tugas berat, atau lapisan
tahan bahan kimia.

Sifat material: Pasty / Trowelable / Keramik

● Dapat digunakan pada suhu kamar (ketebalan minimum 3 mm (120 mil))
● Bebas pelarut & tidak beracun
● Cold curing tanpa perpindahan panas ke dalam media
● Tidak diperlukan alat atau keahlian khusus
● Melekat pada Baja, Stainless steel, logam lunak /
non-ferrous, paduan (dicor / ditempa / digulung)
● Mengganti struktur logam yang hilang tetapi tanpa
stabilitas statis yang setara
● Tahan korosi sepenuhnya
● Ketahanan aus yang luar biasa
● Tidak ada penyusutan atau ekspansi
● Non-magnetik
● Sifat isolasi termal dan listrik yang baik
● Tahan panas dalam kondisi kering hingga 200 ° C (400 ° F)
● Ketahanan kimiawi yang ekstrim
● Resistensi pelepasan katodik superior
● Tidak bisa dibentuk lagi (kecuali di-grinding)
● Dapat dibentuk
● Overpaintable atau bahkan Chrome-platable
● Layak Laut menurut Persetujuan Llyod’s Register of Shipping

Application Areas
cracks and breakage
undersize / missing tolerance
linear abrasion
misdrilled holes
pitting corrosion
electro-chemical corrosion
casting porosities
crevice corrosion
gap bridging
electrical / thermal insulation
reforming bearing seats
flange restortion
adhesive for metal bonding
MetaLine SXL (trowelable)

MetaLine's ceramic repair compound SXL is a self-processing, ferrite-free, 2-component ceramic
material for the professional reconstruction of worn metallic components, heavy-duty jointing or
chemical-resistant seals.
Material properties: Pasty / Trowelable / Ceramic

 Smoothly applicable at room temperature

 Solvent-free & non-toxic
 Cold curing without heat transfer into the substrate
 No special tools or expertise required
 Adheres to steel, stainless steel, soft-/non-ferrous metals,
alloys (casted / forged / rolled)
 Replaces lost metallic structures but without
equivalent static stability
 Completely corrosion resistant
 Exceptional linear wear resistance
 No shrinkage or expansion
 Non-magnetic
 Good thermal and electrical insulation properties
 Heat resistant under dry conditions up to 200 °C (400 °F)
 Extreme chemical resistance
 Superior cathodic disbonding resistance
 Machinable
 Overpaintable or even chrome-platable
 Seaworthy according to Lloyd's Register of Shipping approval

Application Areas

cracks and breakage

undersize / missing tolerance
linear abrasion
misdrilled holes
pitting corrosion
electro-chemical corrosion
casting porosities
crevice corrosion
gap bridging
electrical / thermal insulation
reforming bearing seats
flange restortion
adhesive for metal bonding
MetaLine KXL (brushable)

MetaLine’s ceramic repair compound KXL adalah bahan keramik 2 komponen yang dapat diproses
sendiri, bebas ferit, untuk lapisan pelindung komponen logam yang disalahgunakan, sambungan tugas
berat atau lapisan tahan kimia.

Sifat material: Cairan / Dapat Disikat / Keramik

- self-leveling pada suhu kamar

Cold curing tanpa transfer panas ke substrat

Melekat pada Baja, baja tahan karat, logam lunak / non-ferro,

paduan (dicor / ditempa /digulung)

ada penyusutan atau ekspansi

si termal dan listrik yang baik

tau bahkan chrome-platable

British Standard BS 6920

Application Areas

cracks and breakage

undersize / missing tolerance
linear abrasion
misdrilled holes
pitting corrosion
electro-chemical corrosion
casting porosities
crevice corrosion
gap bridging
electrical / thermal insulation
adhesive for metal bonding
MetaLine KXL (brushable)

MetaLine's ceramic repair compound KXL is a self-processing, ferrite-free, 2-component ceramic
material for the protective coating of abused metallic components, heavy-duty jointing or chemical-
resistant linings.
Material properties: Liquid / Brushable / Ceramic

 Brushable, castable, injectable - self-leveling at room temperature

 Solvent-free & non-toxic
 Cold curing without heat transfer into the substrate
 No special tools or expertise required
 Adheres to steel, stainless steel, soft-/non-ferrous metals,
alloys (casted / forged / rolled)
 Replaces lost metallic structures but without equivalent
static stability
 Completely corrosion resistant
 Exceptional linear wear resistance
 No shrinkage or expansion
 Non-magnetic
 Good thermal and electrical insulation properties
 Heat resistant under dry conditions up to 200 °C (400 °F)
 Extreme chemical resistance
 Superior cathodic disbonding resistance
 Machinable
 Overpaintable or even chrome-platable
 Potable water approval due to British Standard BS 6920

Application Areas

cracks and breakage

undersize / missing tolerance
linear abrasion
misdrilled holes
pitting corrosion
electro-chemical corrosion
casting porosities
crevice corrosion
gap bridging
electrical / thermal insulation
adhesive for metal bonding
MetaLine CXL (carbide filled)

Metaline’s ceramic repair compound CXL, adalah bahan karbida 2-komponen bebas ferit pemroses
sendiri untuk perlindungan struktural komponen logam terhadap benturan.

Produk ini didasarkan pada komponen keramik, serat aramid dan partikel karbida dari berbagai
dimensi. Permukaan yang terstruktur dengan sendirinya menyebabkan media yang dipompa
melekat pada lapisan. Lapisan pelindung yang efektif dibentuk oleh media itu sendiri, sehingga
memberikan substrat umur pemakaian yang lebih lama. Dalam teknologi permukaan, "proses
perlindungan diri" ini disebut sebagai perlindungan keausan autogenous.

Sifat material: Pasty / High-Coat Trowelable / Ceramic-Carbide

● Dapat digunakan pada suhu kamar (ketebalan minimum 3 mm (120 mil))

● Bebas pelarut & tidak beracun
● Cold curing tanpa perpindahan panas ke dalam media
● Tidak diperlukan alat atau keahlian khusus
● Melekat pada baja, stainless steel, logam lunak / non-ferrous, paduan (dicor / ditempa / digulung)
● Mengganti struktur logam yang hilang tetapi tanpa stabilitas statis yang setara
● Benar-benar tahan korosi
● Ketahanan aus yang dinamis tinggi
● Tidak ada penyusutan atau ekspansi
● Non-magnetik
● Sifat isolasi termal dan listrik yang baik
● Tahan panas dalam kondisi kering hingga 200 ° C (400 ° F)
● Resistensi kimia yang ekstrim
● Resistensi pelepasan katodik superior
● Tidak bisa dibentuk lagi (kecuali di-grinding)

Application Areas

pitting corrosion
gap bridging
electrical insulation
thermal insulation
MetaLine CXL (carbide filled)
MetaLine's ceramic repair compound CXL is a self-processing ferrite-free, 2-component carbide
material for the structural protection of metallic components against impact.
The product is based on ceramic components, aramid-fibers and carbide particles of various
dimensions. The structured surface in itself causes the pumped medium to adhere to the coating.
An effective protective layer is formed by the medium itself, thus giving the substrate a longer
service life. In surface technology, this "self-protection process" is referred to as autogenous wear
Material properties: Pasty / High-Coat Trowelable / Ceramic-Carbide

 Trowelable at room temperature (minimum thickness 3 mm (120 mils))

 Solvent-free & non-toxic
 Cold curing without heat transfer into the substrate
 No special tools or expertise required
 Adheres to steel, stainless steel, soft-/non-ferrous metals, alloys (casted / forged / rolled)
 Replaces lost metallic structures but without equivalent static stability
 Completely corrosion resistant
 High dynamical wear resistance
 No shrinkage or expansion
 Non-magnetic
 Good thermal and electrical insulation properties
 Heat resistant under dry conditions up to 200 °C (400 °F)
 Extreme chemical resistance
 Superior cathodic disbonding resistance
 Not machinable anymore (except grinding)

Application Areas

pitting corrosion
gap bridging
electrical insulation
thermal insulation
MetaLine Series XL – Application Details

leakage breakage wear & tear corrosion erosion cavitation abrasion

1.1. Pipe-work & elbows

Seal leaking tubes

Repair synthetic pipe-materials
Strengthen elbow areas
Protect immersed equipment

Reinforcement plate for high load Pipe repair under field conditions

Non-flammable and
non-sparking process

Resists pressure up to
200 bars

Specific application information

If possible, all pipe repairs should be realized at the
outside diameter of the pipe-work.

Treat the surface by flame or heat to sweat out penetrated

residues (if allowed)

Extend the actual repair area for minimum 100 mm in

all directions and grit blast or roughen it. If necessary use
spark-protected tools. If emptying is not possible, stop
leaking fluids by use of glue or ultra fast curing resin. Clean
with solvent and let it dry

Prepare MetaLine SXL and apply. For pipe diameters

less than 80 mm and low to medium pressure use several
layers of fine metal sieve (mesh) to strengthen the compound.
Wrap it around the pipe and saturate well all reinforcement
material. Finally smoothen the surface

For larger diameters or high pressure applications use

a grit blasted strong metal plate in the form of a half-pipe.
Apply MetaLine SXL and fix immediately with bolts

P-SeriesXL (EN), February 2020 7

MetaLine Series XL – Application Details

leakage breakage wear & tear corrosion erosion cavitation abrasion

1.2. Tanks, containers & vessels

Seal leaking storage tanks

Repair porous oil sumps
Resurface corroded casings
Overcoat leaking welding seams
Repair cracked engines blocks
Mechanical crack preparation Completed repair work

Suitable for internal or

external sealing

Approved for incidental

food contact

Specific application information

If possible, all leakage repairs should be realized at the
inside of the vessel

Treat the substrate by flame or heat to sweat out pene-

trated residues (if allowed)

Grind down all welding seams. Extend the actual repair

area for minimum 30 mm in all directions and grit blast or
roughen it. In case of open cracks, drill holes at each end
of the crack. Stop leaking fluids by use of glue or ultra fast
curing resin. Clean with solvent and dry afterwards

Apply MetaLine SXL. Use several layers of fine metal

sieve (mesh) to strengthen the compound. Saturate well all
reinforcement material and smoothen the surface

In case of bigger cracks or missing structure use a

heavy metal plate instead the mesh. Fix thoroughly with
bolts. This will result in much higher tensile resistance and
restrict expansion

P-SeriesXL (EN), February 2020 8

MetaLine Series XL – Application Details

leakage breakage wear & tear corrosion erosion cavitation abrasion

1.3. Bearings & seats

Seal leaking bearings

Recontur oversized seats
Repair cutlass bearings
Cast line-shaft bearings

Leaking Voith-Schneider ship drive Completed repair work

Oil and salt water


Rebuilding without

Specific application information

Drain of all oil, grease or other lubricants from the bearing

Extend the actual dimension of the seat to a minimum

bearing distance of 1 mm in the radius. Treat the seat by
flame or heat to sweat out penetrated residues (if allowed)

Thoroughly grit blast or roughen. Clean with solvent and

dry afterwards

Isolate the bearing by use of MetaLine Release Agent

Apply or inject (by use of a cartridge) MetaLine SXL into

the bearing seat as well as onto the bearing itself. Insert the
bearing and take care not to pollute it

Adjust the accurate bearing position and fix during the

material cure

P-SeriesXL (EN), February 2020 9

MetaLine Series XL – Application Details

leakage breakage wear & tear corrosion erosion cavitation abrasion

1.4. Flanges & couplings

Rebuild flange areas

Repair drive faces
Contour gasket areas

Flange damage at a steam turbine Completed repair work

Resists high compres-

sion forces

Extremely accurate when


Specific application information

Deepen existing undersize to a minimum of 2 mm. End
all repair areas by a sharp (90 °) contour

Treat the surface by flame or heat to sweat out penetrated

residues (if allowed). Thoroughly grit blast or roughen the
repair area. Clean with solvent and let it dry

Isolate the other flange side (or alternatively a clean

metal plate) by use of MetaLine Release Agent

Apply or inject (by use of a cartridge) MetaLine SXL onto

the roughened flange side. Bolt both flanges together and
remove excessive material (moulding procedure)

Alternatively apply MetaLine SXL and machine it after


P-SeriesXL (EN), February 2020 10

MetaLine Series XL – Application Details

leakage breakage wear & tear corrosion erosion cavitation abrasion

1.5. Casing porosities & voids

Seal porous structures

Create gas-tight linings
Rebuild faulty castings
Repair leaking transformers
Recontur damaged moulds
Casting porosities in a mould Completed repair work

Easy to apply by brush

or trowel

Can be painted or treated

by galvanizing processes

Specific application information

Deepen existing surface irregularities to a minimum of
1 mm. End all repair areas by a sharp (90 °) contour

Treat the surface by flame or heat to sweat out penetrated

residues (if allowed). Thoroughly grit blast or roughen the
repair area. Clean with solvent and let it dry

Trowel-apply or inject (by use of a cartridge) MetaLine

SXL onto the prepared surface

In case of deep marks apply MetaLine KXL by brush

first. Immediately followed by a smoothening coat of paste-
like MetaLine SXL. Avoid to incorporate air pockets

P-SeriesXL (EN), February 2020 11

MetaLine Series XL – Application Details

leakage breakage wear & tear corrosion erosion cavitation abrasion

1.6. Engines & drives

Seal casings cracks

Repair leaking equipment
Stabilize crack sensitive areas
Rebuild stripped threads

Casing crack in a hydralic press Completed repair work

High thermal coefficient

of expansion

Suitable for grey-cast-

iron, aluminum, etc.

Professional crack preparation

Specific application information

Remove existing welding seams by grinding. Drill holes
(diameter 5 mm) at each end of the crack as well as every
50 mm through the crack. Grind along the crack and widen
it in form of a „V“. Place screws in the holes and widen it to
the expected expansion if it arrives to usage temperature

Treat the surface by flame or heat to sweat out penetrat-

ed residues (if allowed). Extend the actual repair area for
minimum 50 mm in all directions and thoroughly grit blast
or roughen it. Clean with solvent and let it dry

Apply MetaLine SXL in a thickness of 5 mm. Use several

layers of fine metal sieve (mesh) to strengthen the com-
pound. Saturate all reinforcement material and smoothen
the surface. Never apply MetaLine SXL beyond the prepared

In case of bigger cracks or high casing thickness use

a heavy metal plate instead the mesh. Fix thoroughly with
screws. This will result in much higher tensile resistance
and restrict expansion

P-SeriesXL (EN), February 2020 12

MetaLine Series XL – Application Details

leakage breakage wear & tear corrosion erosion cavitation abrasion

1.7. Casing breakage

Repair broken gear boxes

Over-bridge missing structures
Rebuild frost damages

Casing breakage at a cylinder head Metallic reinforcement bandage

Resistant against vibra-

tion and thermal shock

Extended application life

for proper installation

Application of MetaLine SXL Completed repair work

Specific application information

Remove existing welding seams by grinding. Check
surface for cracks and treat as indicated in 1.6. Treat the
surface by flame or heat to sweat out penetrated residues
(if allowed)

If the missing structure is still available, reduce it in its

dimensions. Fix with metal bandages and bolts. If the struc-
ture is lost, use a heavy steel plate (thickness minimum 3
mm). Extend the actual repair area for minimum 50 mm in
all directions and thoroughly grit blast or roughen it. Clean
with solvent and let it dry

Apply MetaLine SXL and seal the structure from all

sides. Bolt the steel plate over the repair area. Saturate
all reinforcement material and smoothen the surface.
Never apply MetaLine SXL beyond the prepared area

Consider enough flexibility in the system to balance

thermal expansion in case of higher usage temperatures

P-SeriesXL (EN), February 2020 13

MetaLine Series XL – Application Details

leakage breakage wear & tear corrosion erosion cavitation abrasion

1.8. Machine beds & guides

Repair partial wear on beds

Fill misdrilled holes
Balance undersize tolerances

Worn metal wire tool Completed repair work

Sliding characteristics
(no stick-slip)

Reconstruction without
dismantling of guides

Specific application information

Treat the surface by flame or heat to sweat out penetrated
residues (if allowed)

In case of scored machine beds drill holes along the

wear area (diameter and depth about 2 mm). Distance about
2/3 of the diameter used later to enlarge the repair area

Enlarge the scored area plus 3 mm in all directions by

a second drilling procedure. Clean with solvent and let it

Apply MetaLine SXL about 0,5 -1 mm thicker than re-

quired. Watch out not to incorporate air pockets

After 3-4 hours cure time start machining to final scale.

Use milling, scraping or polishing

P-SeriesXL (EN), February 2020 14

MetaLine Series XL – Application Details

leakage breakage wear & tear corrosion erosion cavitation abrasion

1.9. Shafts, journals & hydraulic rams

Repair worn bearing areas

Rebuild spline couplings
Repair worn key-ways
Seal leaking hydraulic rams

Restructured bearing area Coated journal prior grinding

Machinable by drilling,
milling, grinding, etc.

Matrix-moulding to final
accuracy possible

Shaft protection at a feeding screw Repaired hydraulic ram

Specific application information

Treat the shaft by turning (lathe operation) with great
feed into the form of a thread (15 turns per cm). Exterior
angle about 90°. Cutting depth minimum 1,5 mm. Create a
sharp and rough contoured surface structure

Treat the surface by flame or heat to sweat out penetrated

residues (if allowed). Clean with solvent and let it dry

Rotate the shaft slowly and apply MetaLine SXL about 2

mm thicker than required. Watch out not to incorporate air
pockets. After 3-4 hours cure time start machining to final
scale. Use lathe operation or preferably grinding

Alternatively use two half-shells with an inside diameter

corresponding to the requested outside diameter of the shaft.
Isolate with MetaLine Release Agent. Apply MetaLine SXL to
the prepared shaft as well as to the shells. Install the shells
and press firmly. Adjust thoroughly. Remove shells after
cure and grind down the seams. The final surface quality
correspond to the actual surface quality of the shells

P-SeriesXL (EN), February 2020 15

MetaLine Series XL – Application Details

leakage breakage wear & tear corrosion erosion cavitation abrasion

1.10. Bearing seats

Repair roller bearing seats

Reseat bearing shells
Reform division bar seats
Reform ball joint housings
Realign pins into oversized seats
Rebuilded bearing seat Completed repair work

Cures without swelling

or shrinkage

Securely stops crevice


Scored bearing area Restructured area prior machining

Specific application information

Extend the actual dimension of the seat to a minimum
bearing distance of 1 mm in the radius. Flame treat to sweat
out penetrated residues (if allowed)

Thoroughly grit blast or roughen the surface. Clean with

solvent and dry afterwards

Isolate the bearing by use of MetaLine Release Agent

Apply or inject (by use of a cartridge) MetaLine SXL into

the bearing seat as well as onto the bearing itself. Insert the
bearing and take care not to pollute it

Adjust the accurate bearing position and fix during the

material cure

In case of ball joint housings treat the lower bearing shell

first as indicated above. After cure treat the upper bearing

P-SeriesXL (EN), February 2020 16

MetaLine Series XL – Application Details

leakage breakage wear & tear corrosion erosion cavitation abrasion

1.11. Bushings

Reseat bushes
Create non-metallic bush seats
Restore bronze bushes

Fast cure characteristics


Semi elastic properties

resists cyclic load

Ceramic seat prepared for re-bushing

Specific application information

Extend the actual dimension of the seat to a minimum
bush distance of 1 mm in the radius. Flame treat to sweat
out penetrated residues (if allowed)

Thoroughly grit blast or roughen the seat as well as the

outside of the bush. Clean with solvent and dry afterwards

Apply MetaLine SXL on both parts. Insert the bush with

a light rotating motion. Adjust and let it cure

Due to the electro-chemically isolating properties of Met-

aLine Ceramic Compounds, more abrasion resistant bush
materials can be used which normally would be unsuitable
due to bi-metallic-corrosion

P-SeriesXL (EN), February 2020 17

MetaLine Series XL – Application Details

leakage breakage wear & tear corrosion erosion cavitation abrasion

1.12. Chemical corrosion

Line surface treatment systems

Encapsulate immersed pumps
Coat tanks and structures
Protect de-sulphurisation units

Seamless treatment on
all complex surfaces

Extremely resistant
against chemical attack

Ceramic-like high quality protection

Specific application information

Grit blast corroded surfaces. Steam clean to dissolve
chemical impurities. Flame treat to sweat out deeper pen-
etrated residues and to dry (if allowed)

Thoroughly grit blast the surface again. Use sharp

contoured fresh blasting grit with a mesh-size of 1-2 mm.
Required profile is 50-75 microns and a surface quality of
SA 2 1/2 (Swedish Standard). Vacuum afterwards. Clean
with solvent and let it dry

Apply MetaLine SXL locally in case of leaks. Incorporate

a fine metal sieve (mesh) in case of missing surface strength

Continue wet in wet with a coat of brushable MetaLine

KXL. After the minimum overcoating time as elapsed apply
a second coat MetaLine KXL in 90° application direction to
the first coat

P-SeriesXL (EN), February 2020 18

MetaLine Series XL – Application Details

leakage breakage wear & tear corrosion erosion cavitation abrasion

1.13. Galvanic corrosion

Line condensers
Isolate heat exchangers
Protect vaporizers
Bond steel to stainless steel

Electrically isolating

Extremely resistant
against permeation

Specific application information

Heat exchanger: Use a milling tool and deepen the
plate around all tube ends. Flame treat to sweat out pene-
trated residues (if allowed). Close tubes with rubber plugs.
Thoroughly grit blast the plate as well as all tubes from the
outside. Minimum blasting profile is 50-75 my

Clean with solvent and let it dry

Vertical positioning: Apply MetaLine SXL locally and

re-contour manually to the original shape. Alternatively treat
a heavy metal plate with MetaLine Release Agent. Press it
against the uncured MetaLine SXL and fix with clamps until
the repair compound is completely cured

Horizontal positioning: Apply MetaLine KXL by use of a

cartridge. Use the self-leveling material characteristics to
smoothen the surface

P-SeriesXL (EN), February 2020 19

MetaLine Series XL – Application Details

leakage breakage wear & tear corrosion erosion cavitation abrasion

1.14. Fluid-flow equipment (casings)

Repair flow straighteners

Rebuild eroded pump casings
Re-profile cut-water profiles
Repair split casings pumps
Reduce wear ring clearances
Restore scroll pump bores Trowel application of MetaLine SXL

Exceptional resistance
against erosion

Performance gains up to
4 % on new equipment

Severe erosive damage Completed repair work

Specific application information

Grit blast all surfaces. Steam clean the part (high pres-
surized hot water) in case it has been objected to salt-water
or chemicals before. Flame treat to sweat out penetrated

Thoroughly grit blast the surface again. Use sharp

contoured fresh blasting grit with a mesh-size of 1-2 mm.
Required profile is 50-75 microns and a surface quality of
SA 2 1/2 (Swedish Standard). Vacuum afterwards. Clean
with solvent and let it dry

Apply MetaLine SXL locally in case of leaks or missing

structure. Incorporate a fine metal sieve (mesh) to over-
bridge holes or cracks

Continue wet in wet with a coat of brushable MetaLine

KXL. After the minimum overcoating time as elapsed apply
a second coat MetaLine KXL in 90° application direction to
the first coat

P-SeriesXL (EN), February 2020 20

MetaLine Series XL – Application Details

leakage breakage wear & tear corrosion erosion cavitation abrasion

1.15. Fluid-flow equipment (impellers & mixers)

Repair impeller vane corrosion

Re-contour eroded mixers
Treat mixer blades to non-stick

Low weight gravity reduce

need for balancing

Ecologically friendly and

user-safe technology

Structural metallic reinforcement Completed repair work

Specific application information

Grit blast all surfaces. Steam clean (high pressurized hot
water) in case it has been objected to salt-water or chemicals
before. Flame treat to sweat out penetrated residues

Thoroughly re-blast the surface. Use sharp contoured

fresh blasting grit with a mesh-size of 1-2 mm. Required
profile is 50-75 microns and a surface quality of SA 2 1/2.
Vacuum afterwards. Clean with solvent and let it dry

Apply MetaLine SXL locally in case of leaks or missing

structure. Incorporate a fine metal sieve (mesh) to over-
bridge holes or cracks

Pin-hole like substrates should be treated with brush-

able MetaLine KXL instead, to minimize risk of air pockets.
Continue wet in wet with MetaLine SXL

Continue wet in wet with a coat of brushable MetaLine

KXL. After the minimum overcoating time as elapsed apply
a second coat MetaLine KXL in 90° application direction to
the first coat

P-SeriesXL (EN), February 2020 21

MetaLine Series XL – Application Details

leakage breakage wear & tear corrosion erosion cavitation abrasion

1.16. Liquid ring vacuum pumps (Nash & Elmo)

Repair & protect rotors

Reduce cone clearances
Repair valve plates
Rebuild profile of end covers
Restore accurate tolerances

Thixothropic characteristic
to ease over-head-work

Different colors per coat

(visual life-time indicator)

Specific application information

Grit blast all surfaces. Steam clean (high pressurized
hot water) in case the part has been objected to salt-water
or chemicals before. Flame treat to sweat out penetrated

Thoroughly re-blast the surface. Use sharp contoured

fresh blasting grit with a mesh-size of 1-2 mm. Required
profile is 50-75 microns and a surface quality of SA 2 1/2.
Vacuum afterwards. Clean with solvent and let it dry

Apply MetaLine SXL locally and rebuild missing structure.

Pin-hole like substrates should be treated with brushable
MetaLine KXL instead, to minimize risk of air pockets.
Continue wet in wet with MetaLine SXL

After cure grind down to restore the accurate profile.

Grit blast carefully to reactivate the whole surface. Clean

Apply MetaLine KXL. After the minimum overcoating

time has elapsed apply a second coat MetaLine KXL. After
cure give a lathe or grinding operation to final scale

P-SeriesXL (EN), February 2020 22

MetaLine Series XL – Application Details

leakage breakage wear & tear corrosion erosion cavitation abrasion

1.17. Butterfly & gate valves

Re-profile slides
Rebuild valve bodies
Protect gates

Severe cavitation damage Ceramic protective lining

Gas-tight properties
(low permeability)

Cures in any shape

without surface tension

Specific application information

Grit blast all surfaces. Steam clean (high pressurized
hot water) in case the part has been objected to salt-water
or chemicals before. Flame treat to sweat out penetrated
residues. Grind down edges to a radius of minimum 3 mm.
In case of partial coating work deepen all rebuilding areas
with a sharp 90 ° angel to a minimum of 1,5 mm

Thoroughly re-blast the surface. Use sharp contoured

fresh blasting grit with a mesh-size of 1-2 mm. Required
profile is 50-75 microns and a surface quality of SA 2 1/2.
Vacuum afterwards. Clean with solvent and let it dry

Apply MetaLine SXL locally by trowel or inject with a

cartridge. Rebuild missing structures by use of a precise
metal or wooden stencil. Leave enough off-set for the
following two layers MetaLine KXL

Continue with a coat of brushable MetaLine KXL. After

the minimum overcoating time as elapsed apply a second
coat KXL in 90° application direction to the first coat

P-SeriesXL (EN), February 2020 23

MetaLine Series XL – Application Details

leakage breakage wear & tear corrosion erosion cavitation abrasion

1.18. Water turbines (casings)

Repair cavitation damage

Rebuild guide wings
Protect water outlet areas

Kaplan Water Turbine

Polymeric product matrix

resists cavitation impact

Can be heat treated to

accelerate cure

Completed repair work

Specific application information

Grit blast all surfaces. Steam clean (high pressurized
hot water) in case it has been objected to salt-water or
chemicals before. Flame treat to sweat out penetrated
residues. Grind down edges or sharp contours to a radius
of minimum 3 mm

Thoroughly re-blast the surface. Use sharp contoured

fresh blasting grit with a mesh-size of 1-2 mm. Required
profile is 50-75 microns and a surface quality of SA 2 1/2.
Vacuum afterwards. Clean with solvent and let it dry

Apply MetaLine SXL locally by trowel or inject with a car-

tridge. Rebuild missing structures. Pinhole-like substrates
should be treated with brushable MetaLine KXL instead,
to minimize risk of air pockets. Continue wet in wet with
MetaLine SXL

Continue wet in wet with a coat of brushable MetaLine

KXL. After the minimum overcoating time as elapsed apply
a second coat MetaLine KXL in 90° application direction
to the first coat

P-SeriesXL (EN), February 2020 24

MetaLine Series XL – Application Details

leakage breakage wear & tear corrosion erosion cavitation abrasion

1.19. Water turbines (impellers)

Coat „Francis“ impellers

Rebuild „Kaplan“ impellers
Protect turbine shafts

Note: Not suitable for „Pelton“ turbines

Self-leveling properties
reduce impingement

Applicable in every
desired thickness

Specific application information

Grit blast all surfaces. Steam clean (high pressurized
hot water) in case it has been objected to salt-water or
chemicals before. Flame treat to sweat out penetrated
residues. Grind down edges or sharp contours to a radius
of minimum 3 mm

Thoroughly re-blast the surface. Use sharp contoured

fresh blasting grit with a mesh-size of 1-2 mm. Required
profile is 50-75 microns and a surface quality of SA 2 1/2.
Vacuum afterwards. Clean with solvent and let it dry

Apply MetaLine SXL locally by trowel or inject with a car-

tridge. Rebuild missing structures. Pinhole-like substrates
should be treated with brushable MetaLine KXL instead,
to minimize risk of air pockets. Continue wet in wet with
MetaLine SXL

Continue wet in wet with a coat of brushable MetaLine

KXL. After the minimum overcoating time as elapsed apply
a second coat MetaLine KXL in 90° application direction
to the first coat

P-SeriesXL (EN), February 2020 25

MetaLine Series XL – Application Details

leakage breakage wear & tear corrosion erosion cavitation abrasion

1.20. Solids impingement (centrifuges & decanters)

Repair centrifuges / decanters

Protect feeding screws
Restore pulpers
Rebuild wear plates

Complete protection of a pulper

Resists impacting solids

in dry or wet environment

Easy to repair in case of

partial damage

Repair-work at a decanter

Specific application information

Grit blast all surfaces. Steam clean (high pressurized
hot water) in case the part has been objected to salt-water
or chemicals before. Flame treat to sweat out penetrated
residues. Remove existing welding seams. Grind down
edges to a radius of minimum 3 mm

Thoroughly re-blast the surface. Use sharp contoured

fresh blasting grit with a mesh-size of 1-2 mm. In case of
stainless steel surfaces use non-metallic (ceramic) grit.
Required profile is 50-75 microns and a surface quality of
SA 2 1/2. Vacuum afterwards. Clean with solvent and let it

Apply MetaLine CXL by trowel. Rebuild missing struc-

tures by use of a precise metal or wooden stencil. Press
down firmly to receive a perfect bond and to avoid air en-
entrapment. Recommended material thickness is about
5 mm

P-SeriesXL (EN), February 2020 26


P-SeriesXL (EN), February 2020 27

... from the Experts of
Coating Technology
You will find MetaLine products used worldwide in
various industries such as:
• Aeronautical Engineering • Municipal Technology
• Automation Technology • Nautical
• Automotive Manufacturing • Occupational Safety
• Ceramics Industry • Off-Shore & Marine
• Chemical Industry • Packaging Technology
• Concrete Production • Petro-Chemical
• Conveyor Technology • Pharmaceuticals
• Electrical Engineering • Plastics Processing
• Fertilizer Production • Power Plant Technology
• Foodstuff Processing • Pulp & Paper
• Glass Processing • Recycling Technology
• Metal Foundries • Surface Technology
• Mining Industry and • Textile Machinery Design
Mining Technology ... and much more

MetaLine Surface Protection GmbH | DE-71157 Hildrizhausen (Germany) | Robert-Bosch-Str. 5-11

Tel. +49 (0)7034 3100-0 | Fax +49 (0)7034 3100-5 | |
protect repair save cover improve Subject to technical modifications! Information and application examples in this document are provided to the best of our knowledge. However,
they also apply without guarantee in reference to the exclusive rights of third par ties and do not release the user to check the products and
processes for their suitability and material tolerance regarding their intended use. We do not assume liability for the application results.
P-100XL (EN), February 2020 Copyright by MetaLine Sur face Protection GmbH, DE-71157 Hildrizhausen (1960 - 2017). MetaLine is a registered trademark of our company.
Edition I061ME-7-DE-GB-FR

Resistance Chart
Professional coat-it-yourself technology

Keramik-Beschichtungen Ceramic coatings Revêtements ceramiques

Typ: SXL / KXL / CXL / EXL Type: SXL / KXL / CXL / EXL Type: SXL / KXL / CXL / EXL
Elastomere Beschichtungen Elastomeric coatings Revêtements élastomères
Typ: 590 / 598 / 785 / 795 Type: 590 / 598 / 785 / 795 Type: 590 / 598 / 785 / 795

Die nachfolgend aufgelisteten chemischen The indications for the chemical resistance Les résistances aux produits chimiques in-
Beständigkeiten wurden entweder durch stö- of a coating given in the chart below, are diquées sur la liste suivante ont été détermi-
chiometrische Berechnungen, Laboruntersu- either obtained by theoretical calculations, nées par des calculs stochiométriques, par
chungen oder durch Praxis-Tests ermittelt. laboratory results or actual field testing. des tests en laboratoire ou encore par des
Diese Auflistung kann jedoch keinen Auf- However this list can NOT determine wheth- essais pratiques. La liste présentée ne peut
schluss darüber geben, ob eine Beschich- er a coating is finally suitable for a particular cependant pas donner d‘indications finales
tung für einen bestimmten Anwendungsfall application or not. Further aspects have to sur le fait qu‘une revetêment est adapté à
letztendlich geeignet ist oder nicht. be taken into consideration. une application spécifique ou non.

Da bei vielen chemischen Problemstel- In case of a planed coating work, it is severe- Comme dans la plupart des cas, outre la
lungen neben der reinen Aggressivität noch ly recommended to carry out practical field pure agressivité chimique, d‘autres fac-
andere Faktoren eine wichtige Rolle spielen, testing in advance! Many different physical, teurs à ne pas sous-estimer jouent un rôle
empfehlen wir Ihnen, bei anwendungs-tech- mechanical or chemical circumstances may important, nous recommandons, en cas de
nischen Problemstellungen einen Praxisver- have a dramatic importance for the final problèmes d‘application importants et com-
such durchzuführen. Einen entscheidenden judgement. The following circumstances plexes, de procéder à un test pratique. Les
Einfluss auf die dauerhafte Beständigkeit will have a significant influence on the actual éléments ci-dessous ont une influence déci-
eines Werkstoffes gegenüber chemischen long-term resistance of a coating against sive sur la tenue dans le temps d‘un produit
Substanzen, haben unter anderem chemical impact moléculaire face à des réactions diverses

a) die Temperatur der Chemikalie a) the temperature of the ingredient a) température des produits chimiques
b) der Zustand (fest, flüssig, gasförmig) b) its form (solid, liquid, gas-like) b) état physique (solide, liquide, gazeux)
c) mechanische/physikalische Last c) additional mechanical/physical load c) contraintes mécaniques et physiques

Alle Angaben beziehen sich auf Normbe- All indications given, are based on standard Les indications suivantes correspondent
dingungen für unbewegte Reagenzien bei test conditions at 20 °C for static impact. The à une résistance à des réactifs statiques à
20 °C. Sie sind wie folgt definiert: definition is as following: 20 °C. Leur signification est la suivante:

EX (EXzellent) EX (EXcellent) EX (EXcellente)

Das Produkt ist für alle Einwirkungsarten The coating is suitable for all forms of chemi- Le produit convient pour toutes les sortes
einschließlich vollständiger Eintauchbedin- cal impact including complete immersion. d‘actions, y compris lors d‘une immersion
gungen geeignet. complète.

GE (GEeignet) GE (Suitable) GE (Adapté)

Das Produkt widersteht allen Berührungs- The coating is suitable for all forms of chemi- Le produit résiste à toutes les formes de
formen wie Dämpfen, Spritzern, Verschütten cal impact as fumes, drops including short contact, par vapeurs, projections, contact
sowie kurzzeitiger, vollständiger Eintau- time immersion (NO long time immersion). direct ainsi qu‘à une immersion complète de
chung. courte durée.

NR (Nicht Ratsam) NR (Not Recommended) NR (Non Recommandé)

Das Produkt ist auf Dauer NICHT für einen The product has no resistance if in perma- Le produit n‘est pas conseill‚ pour un contact
direkten Kontakt mit der Reagenzie geeig- nent contact with the chemical regardless direct prolongé avec l‘agent chimique.
net. what form the contact looks like.

Da die tatsächlichen Einsatzbedingungen As practical field conditions may dramatical- Comme les conditions d‘emploi réelles se
unter Umständen drastisch von Laborbe- ly vary to laboratory testing, this resistance différencient drastiquement des conditions
dingungen abweichen können, darf diese chart shall only give rough indications for an de laboratoire, cette liste ne doit être consi-
Auflistung nur als Hinweis auf eine mögliche eventual suitability of the coating. We can déré que comme une indication pour une
Eignung verstanden werden. Wir können NOT accept any liability or responsibility for possible aptitude du produit. Nous ne pou-
keine Verantwortung übernehmen, falls es any damage or loss caused by indications vons donc accepter aucune responsabilité
durch Angaben aus dieser Chemikalien-Be- of this chemical resistance chart. Technical au cas oû des dégâts, de quelque nature
ständigkeitsliste zu Schäden, gleich welcher changes may occour without notice. que ce soit, seraient causés suite aux indi-
Art, kommt. cations de cette liste.

MetaLine Surface Protection GmbH Robert-Bosch-Straße 7-11 DE-71157 Hildrizhausen (Germany) · ·

Phone: +49 (0) 7034 3100-0 Fax: +49 (0) 7034 3100-5 E-mail:
· · ·
Subject to technical modifications! Information and application examples in this document are provided to the best of our knowledge. However, they also apply without guarantee in reference to the exclusive rights of third parties and do not release the user to check the products
and processes for their suitability and material tolerance regarding their intended use. We do not assume liability for the application results. Copyright by MetaLine Surface Protection GmbH, DE-71157 Hildrizhausen (1960 - 2011). MetaLine is a registered trademark of our company.
Edition I061ME-7-DE-GB-FR

Resistance Chart
Professional coat-it-yourself technology

SXL / KXL 590 / 598

German Conc. English French Formula CXL / EXL 785 / 795

Alaun (Kaliumaluminiumsulfat) Alum Alun AlK(SO4)2 EX

Aluminiumchlorid (Pulver) Aluminum Chloride (Dry) Chorure d‘aluminium (poudre) AlCl3 EX GE

Aluminiumsulfat Aluminum Sulfate Sulfate d‘aluminium Al2(SO4)3 EX NR

Ameisensäure < 10 % Formic Acid Acide formique HCOOH GE NR

Ammoniak < 25 % Ammonia Ammoniac NH3 EX EX

Ammoniaklösung < 10 % Ammonia Solution Solution ammoniacale NH4OH EX GE

Ammoniaklösung < 20 % Ammonia Solution Solution ammoniacale NH4OH GE NR

Ammoniaklösung > 20 % Ammonia Solution Solution ammoniacale NH4OH NR NR

Ammoniumchlorid Ammonium Chloride Chlorure d‘ammonium NH4Cl EX EX

Ammoniumhydroxid < 25 % Ammonium Hydroxide Hydroxyde d‘ammonium NH4OH EX

Ammoniumnitrat Ammonium Nitrate Nitrate d‘ammonium NH4NO3 EX NR

Ammoniumsulfat Ammonium Sulfate Sulfate d‘ammonium (NH4)2SO4 EX EX

Amylacetat Amyl Acetate Acétate d‘amyle CH3CO2C5H11 EX NR

Anilin Aniline Aniline C6H5NH2 EX NR

Antimonchlorid Antimony Chloride Chlorure d‘antimoine SbCl3 EX

Arsenige Säure Arsenic Acid Acide arsénique H3AsO4 EX GE

Äthanol (Äthylalkohol) Ethyl Alcohol C2H5OH EX NR

Äthylacetat Ethyl Acetate Acétate d‘éthyle CH3CO2C2H5 EX NR

Äthylamin Ethylamine Ethylamine C2H5NH2 EX

Äthyläther Ethyl Ether Ether éthylique C2H5.O.C2H5 EX GE

Äthylenglykol Ethylene Glycol Ethylique glycol HOCH2CH2OH EX GE

Äthylenoxid (Epoxyäthan) Ethylene Oxide Oxyde d‘éthylène C2H4O EX NR

Azeton Acetone Acétone CH3-CO-CH3 GE NR

Bariumchlorid Barium Chloride Chlorure de baryum BaCl2 EX EX

Bariumhydroxid Barium Hydroxide Baryte Ba(OH)2 EX GE

Barium-Salze Barium Salts Sels barytés EX EX

Bariumsulfat Barium Sulfate Sulfate de Baryum BaSO4 EX EX

Beize Pickle Alum Alun décapant GE EX

Benzaldehyd Benzaldehyde Aldéhyde benzoique C6H5CHO NR

Benzin Gasoline Essence EX GE

Benzoesäure Benzoic Acid Acide benzoïque C6H5CO2H EX NR

Benzol Benzene Benzène C6H6 GE NR

Bernsteinsäure Succinic Acid Acide succinique C2H4(COOH)2

Bitumen Tar Bituminous Bitume EX

MetaLine Surface Protection GmbH Robert-Bosch-Straße 7-11 DE-71157 Hildrizhausen (Germany) · ·

Phone: +49 (0) 7034 3100-0 Fax: +49 (0) 7034 3100-5 E-mail:
· · ·
Subject to technical modifications! Information and application examples in this document are provided to the best of our knowledge. However, they also apply without guarantee in reference to the exclusive rights of third parties and do not release the user to check the products
and processes for their suitability and material tolerance regarding their intended use. We do not assume liability for the application results. Copyright by MetaLine Surface Protection GmbH, DE-71157 Hildrizhausen (1960 - 2011). MetaLine is a registered trademark of our company.
Edition I061ME-7-DE-GB-FR

Resistance Chart
Professional coat-it-yourself technology

SXL / KXL 590 / 598

German Conc. English French Formula CXL / EXL 785 / 795

Bleiacetat Lead Acetate Acétate de plomb EX NR

Bleichmittel < 05 % Bleach Agent de blanchiment GE

Bohremulsion Cutting Oil Emulsion de perçage EX EX

Borsäure Boric Acid Acide borique H3BO3 EX EX

Bremsflüssigkeit Brake Fluid Liquide de frein EX GE

Bromwasserstoffsäure < 20 % Hydrobromic Acid Acide bromhydrique HBrO4 EX NR

Butan Butane Butane CH3CH2CH2CH3 EX GE

Butanol (Butylalkohol) Butyl-Alcohol Alcool butylique CH3(CH2)3OH GE NR

Butylacetat Butyl Acetate Acétate de butyle CH3CO2(CH2)3CH3 EX NR

Cadmiumcyanid (Plattierung) Cadmium Plating (Cyanid) Cyanure de cadmium EX

Calciumbisulfit Calcium Bisulfite Bisulfite de calcium Ca(HSO3)2 EX EX

Calciumcarbonat Calcium Carbonate Carbonate de calcium CaCO3 EX GE

Calciumchlorid Calcium Chloride Chlorure de calcium CaCl2 EX EX

Calciumhydroxid Calcium Hydroxide Hydroxyde de calcium Ca(OH)2 EX NR

Calciumhypochlorit < 05 % Calcium Hypochlorite Hypochlorite de chaux Ca(OCl)2 GE NR

Calciumnitrat Calcium Nitrate Nitrate de calcium Ca(NO3)2 EX EX

Chlorbenzol Chlorobenzene Monochlorobenzène C6H5Cl NR NR

Chloressigsäure Chloracetic Acid Acide chloracétique ClCH2CO2H NR NR

Chlorgas (trocken u. feucht) Chlorine Gas (Dry/Wet) Gaz chloré (sec ou humide) Cl2 EX

Chloroform Chloroform Chloroforme CHCl3 NR NR

Chlorphenol Chlorophenol Chlorophénol ClC6H4OH NR

Chlorsulfonsäure Chlorosulfonic Acid Chlorydrine sulfurique ClSO3H NR NR

Chlortoluol Chlorotoluene Chlorotoluène CH3C6H4Cl NR

Chlorwasser (gesättigt) Chlorine Water (Sat.) Eau chlorée (saturée) GE

Chromchlorid Chromic Chloride Chlorure chromique CrCl2 EX

Chromsäure < 10 % Chromic Acid Acide chromique H2CrO4 NR NR

Dextrose Dextrose Dextrose C6H12O6 EX GE

Diäthylamin Diethylamine Ethylamine (C2H5)2NH NR NR

Dibutylphthalat Dibutyl Phthalate Phtalate de butyle EX GE

Dichloressigsäure < 20 % Dichloro Acetic Acid Acide di-chloracétique Cl2CHCO2H GE

Dieselkraftstoff Diesel Fuel Carburant Diesel EX GE

Eisenchlorid (trocken) Ferric Chloride (Dry) Chlorure ferrique (sec) FeCl3 EX EX

Eisenchlorür Ferrous Chloride Chlorure ferreux FeCl2 EX

MetaLine Surface Protection GmbH Robert-Bosch-Straße 7-11 DE-71157 Hildrizhausen (Germany) · ·

Phone: +49 (0) 7034 3100-0 Fax: +49 (0) 7034 3100-5 E-mail:
· · ·
Subject to technical modifications! Information and application examples in this document are provided to the best of our knowledge. However, they also apply without guarantee in reference to the exclusive rights of third parties and do not release the user to check the products
and processes for their suitability and material tolerance regarding their intended use. We do not assume liability for the application results. Copyright by MetaLine Surface Protection GmbH, DE-71157 Hildrizhausen (1960 - 2011). MetaLine is a registered trademark of our company.
Edition I061ME-7-DE-GB-FR

Resistance Chart
Professional coat-it-yourself technology

SXL / KXL 590 / 598

German Conc. English French Formula CXL / EXL 785 / 795

Eisennitrat Ferric Nitrate Nitrate ferreux Fe(NO3)3 EX EX

Eisensulfat Ferric Sulfate Sulfate ferreux Fe2(SO4)3 EX

Essig Vinegar Vinaigre EX NR

Essigsäure < 10 % Acetic Acid Acide acétique CH3CO2H GE NR

Essigsäure > 10 % Acetic Acid Acide acétique CH3CO2H NR NR

Flourkieselsäure Hydrofluosilicic Acid Acide hydrofluosilicique H2SiF6 NR GE

Flußsäure < 53 % Hydrofluoric Acid Acide fluorhydrique HF NR NR

Formaldehyd Formaldehyde Formaldéhyde CH2O EX NR

Freon 12 Freon 12 Fréon 12 CCl2F2 EX EX

Furfurylalkohol Furfuryl Alcohol Alcool furfurylique EX NR

Gerbsäure Tannic Acid Acide tannique (tannin) EX EX

Glukose Glucose Glucose C6H1206 EX GE

Glycerin Glycerin Glycérine C3H5(OH)3 EX GE

Glykol Glycol Glycol HOCH2CH2OH EX GE

Goldcyanid (Plattierung) Gold Plating (Cyanide) Cyanure aureux EX

Harnstoff-Lösungen Urea Solutions Solutions uriques EX

Heizöl (leicht + schwer) Fuel Oil 1 & 2 Fuel domestique (léger/lourd) EX GE

Helium Helium Hélium He EX EX

Heptan Heptane Heptane CH3(CH2)5CH3 EX GE

Hexan Hexane Hexane CH3(CH2)4CH3 EX GE

Hydraulik-Öl Hydraulic Fluid Huile hydraulique EX EX

Insektizide Insecticides Insecticides NR NR

Isophoron Isophorone Isophorone GE NR

Isopropanol (Isopropylalkohol) Isopropyl Alcohol Alcool isopropylique (CH3)2CHOH EX NR

Isopropylacetat Isopropyl Acetate Acétate d‘isopropyle CH3CO2CH(CH3)2 GE NR

Isopropylamin Isopropyl Amine Isopropylamine (CH3)2CHNH2 NR

Isopropyläther Isopropyl Ether Isopropyle éther [(CH3)2CH]2O EX GE

Kaliumbromat Potassium Bromate Bromate de potassium KBrO3 GE

Kaliumbromid Potassium Bromide Bromure de potassium KBr EX

Kaliumcarbonat Potassium Carbonate Carbonate de potassium K2CO3 EX

Kaliumchlorat Potassium Chlorate Chlorate de potassium KClO3 EX

Kaliumchlorid Potassium Chloride Chlorure de potassium KCl EX EX

Kaliumcyanid Potassium Cyanide Cyanure de potassium KCN EX EX

MetaLine Surface Protection GmbH Robert-Bosch-Straße 7-11 DE-71157 Hildrizhausen (Germany) · ·

Phone: +49 (0) 7034 3100-0 Fax: +49 (0) 7034 3100-5 E-mail:
· · ·
Subject to technical modifications! Information and application examples in this document are provided to the best of our knowledge. However, they also apply without guarantee in reference to the exclusive rights of third parties and do not release the user to check the products
and processes for their suitability and material tolerance regarding their intended use. We do not assume liability for the application results. Copyright by MetaLine Surface Protection GmbH, DE-71157 Hildrizhausen (1960 - 2011). MetaLine is a registered trademark of our company.
Edition I061ME-7-DE-GB-FR

Resistance Chart
Professional coat-it-yourself technology

SXL / KXL 590 / 598

German Conc. English French Formula CXL / EXL 785 / 795

Kaliumhydroxid < 10 % Potassium Hydroxide Hydroxyde de potassium KOH EX GE

Kaliumhydroxid > 10 % Potassium Hydroxide Hydroxyde de potassium KOH GE GE

Kaliumnitrat Potassium Nitrate Nitrate de potassium KNO3 EX EX

Kaliumpermanganat Potassium Permanganate Permanganate de potassium KMnO4 EX

Kaliumpersulfat Potassium Persulfate Persulfate de potassium K2S2O8 EX

Kaliumsulfat Potassium Sulfate Sulfate de potassium K2SO4 EX EX

Kaliumsuperoxid Potassium Peroxide Peroxyde de potassium KO2 EX

Kalkwasser Lime and Water Eau de chaux EX EX

Kaolin Kaolin Kaolin Al2Si2O5(OH)4 EX

Kerosin Kerosene Kérosène EX GE

Kohlendioxid Carbon Dioxide Dioxyde de carbone CO2 EX EX

Kohlenmonoxid Carbon Monoxide Monoxyde de carbone CO EX EX

Kohlensäure Carbonic Acid Anhydride carbonique H2CO3 EX EX

Kohlenstofftetrachlorid Carbon Tetrachloride Tétrachlorure de carbone CCl14 GE NR

Kohlenwasserstoffe (aliphatisch) Hydrocarbons Aliphatic Hydrocarbures (aliphatiques) NR GE

Kohlenwasserstoffe (aromatisch) Hydrocarbons Aromatic Hydrocarbures (aromatiques) EX NR

Kresol Cresol Crésol GE NR

Kresolsäure Cresylic Acid Acide crésylique CH3(C6H4)OH NR

Kupferchlorid Copper Chloride Chlorure de cuivre CuCl2 EX EX

Kupfercyanid (Plattierung) Copper Cyanid (Plat.) Cyanure de cuivre (Plaquage) GE EX

Kupfersaures Bad (Plattierung) Copper Plating (Acid) Bain de cuivrage (Acide) GE

Kupfersulfat Copper Sulfate Sulfate de cuivre CuSO4 EX EX

Linolsäure Linoleic Acid Acide linolénique C17H31COOH EX

Magnesiumchlorid Magnesium Chloride Chlorure de magnésium MgCl2 EX EX

Magnesium-Salze Magnesium Salts Sels de magnésium EX

Magnesiumsulfat Magnesium Sulfate Sulfate de magnésium MgSO4 EX

Maleinsäure Maleic Acid Acide maléique EX

Mangan-Salze Manganese Salts Sels de manganèse EX

Meereswasser Seawater Eau de mer EX EX

Melasse Molasses Mollasse EX NR

Methan Methane Méthane CH4 EX GE

Methanol (Methylalkohol) Methyl Alcohol Alcool méthylique CH3OH EX NR

Methylacetat Methyl Acetate Acétate de méthyle CH3CO2CH3 EX NR

Methylethylketon Methyl Ethyl Ketone Méthyléthylcétone C4H8O GE NR

MetaLine Surface Protection GmbH Robert-Bosch-Straße 7-11 DE-71157 Hildrizhausen (Germany) · ·

Phone: +49 (0) 7034 3100-0 Fax: +49 (0) 7034 3100-5 E-mail:
· · ·
Subject to technical modifications! Information and application examples in this document are provided to the best of our knowledge. However, they also apply without guarantee in reference to the exclusive rights of third parties and do not release the user to check the products
and processes for their suitability and material tolerance regarding their intended use. We do not assume liability for the application results. Copyright by MetaLine Surface Protection GmbH, DE-71157 Hildrizhausen (1960 - 2011). MetaLine is a registered trademark of our company.
Edition I061ME-7-DE-GB-FR

Resistance Chart
Professional coat-it-yourself technology

SXL / KXL 590 / 598

German Conc. English French Formula CXL / EXL 785 / 795

Methylenchlorid Methylene Chloride Chlorure de méthylène CH2Cl2 NR NR

Methylisobutylketon Methyl Isobutyl Ketone Méthylisobutylcétone GE NR

Methylisopropylketon Methyl Isopropyl Ketone Méthylisopropylcétone NR

Milchsäure < 20 % Lactic Acid Acide lactique CH3CH(OH)CO2H GE

Milchsäure > 20 % Lactic Acid Acide lactique CH3CH(OH)CO2H NR

Mineralische Destillate Mineral Spirits Distillats minéraux GE NR

Mineralöl Mineral Oil Huile minérale EX GE

Naphthalin Naphthalene Naphtaline C10H8 EX GE

Natriumacetat Sodium Acetate Acétate de sodium CH3CO2Na EX NR

Natriumbicarbonat Sodium Bicarbonate Bicarbonate de sodium NaHCO3 EX

Natriumbisulfat Sodium Bisulfate Bisulfate de sodium NaHSO4 EX

Natriumbisulfit Sodium Bisulfite Bisulfite de sodium NaHSO3 EX

Natriumbromat Sodium Bromate Bromate de sodium NaBrO3 EX

Natriumcarbonat Sodium Carbonate Carbonate de sodium Na2CO3 EX

Natriumchlorat Sodium Chlorate Chlorate de sodium NaClO3 EX

Natriumchlorid Sodium Chloride Chlorure de sodium NaCl EX EX

Natriumchlorit < 50 % Sodium Chlorite Chlorure de sodium NaClO2 GE

Natriumchromat Sodium Chromate Chromate de sodium Na2CrO4 EX

Natriumcyanid Sodium Cyanide Cyanure de sodium NaCN EX

Natriumdichromat Sodium Dichromate Bichromate de sodium Na2Cr2O7 EX EX

Natriumfluorid Sodium Fluoride Fluorure de sodium NaF EX

Natriumhydroxid <5% Sodium Hydroxide Hydroxyde de sodium NaOH EX EX

Natriumhydroxid < 10 % Sodium Hydroxide Hydroxyde de sodium NaOH EX GE

Natriumhydroxid < 30 % Sodium Hydroxide Hydroxyde de sodium NaOH EX GE

Natriumhypochlorit < 17 % Sodium Hypochlorite Hypochlorite d. sodium NaOCl GE NR

Natriumphosphat Sodium Phosphate Phosphate de sodium NaH2PO4 EX EX

Natriumsulfat Sodium Sulfate Sulfate de sodium Na2SO4 EX

Natriumsulfid Sodium Sulfide Sulfite de sodium Na2S EX EX

Natriumsulfit Sodium Sulfite Na2SO3 EX EX

Natriumsuperoxid Sodium Peroxide Bioxyde de sodium Na2O2 GE NR

Natriumtartrat Sodium Tartrate Tartrate de sodium EX

Natriumthiosulfat Sodium Thiosulfate Thio-sulfate de sodium Na2S2O3 EX EX

Nickelchlorid Nickel Chloride Chlorure de nickel NiCl2 EX GE

Nitrobenzol Nitrobenzene Nitrobenzène C6H5NO2 NR

MetaLine Surface Protection GmbH Robert-Bosch-Straße 7-11 DE-71157 Hildrizhausen (Germany) · ·

Phone: +49 (0) 7034 3100-0 Fax: +49 (0) 7034 3100-5 E-mail:
· · ·
Subject to technical modifications! Information and application examples in this document are provided to the best of our knowledge. However, they also apply without guarantee in reference to the exclusive rights of third parties and do not release the user to check the products
and processes for their suitability and material tolerance regarding their intended use. We do not assume liability for the application results. Copyright by MetaLine Surface Protection GmbH, DE-71157 Hildrizhausen (1960 - 2011). MetaLine is a registered trademark of our company.
Edition I061ME-7-DE-GB-FR

Resistance Chart
Professional coat-it-yourself technology

SXL / KXL 590 / 598

German Conc. English French Formula CXL / EXL 785 / 795

Ölsäure Oleic Acid Acide oléïque C17H33COOH EX GE

Oxalsäure (gesättigt) Oxalic Acid (saturated) Acide oxalique HOOC-COOH NR

Ozon Ozone Ozone O3 EX EX

Palmitinsäure Palmitic Acid Acide palmitique CH3(CH2)14CO2H EX EX

Pentachloräthan Pentachlorethane Pentachloréthane Cl2CHCCl3 EX

Pentanol (Amylalkohol) Amyl Alcohol Alcool amylique CH3(CH2)4OH EX NR

Perchloräthylen Perchlorethylene Perchloréthylène Cl2C=CCl2 NR NR

Perchlorsäure Perchloric Acid Acide perchlorique HClO4 EX NR

Petroleum Coal Oil Pétrole EX GE

Phenol < 10 % Phenol Phénol C6H5OH GE NR

Phenol > 10 % Phenol Phénol C6H5OH NR NR

Phosphorige Säure Phosphorous Oxychlor. Oxychlorure de phosphore H3PO3 EX

Phosphorsäure < 50 % Phosphoric Acid Acide phosphorique H3PO4 GE GE

Phthalsäure Phthalic Acid Acide phtalique C6H4(CO2H)2 EX

Propylenglykol Propylene Glycol Propylène-glycol EX

Pyridin Pyridine Pyridine C5H5N NR

Quecksilber Mercury Mercure Hg EX GE

Rizinusöl Castor Oil Huile de ricin EX EX

Rohöl Crude Oil Huile non-raffinée EX GE

Salizylsäure Salicylic Acid Acide salicylique HOC6H4CO2H EX

Salpetersäure < 05 % Nitric Acid Acide nitrique HNO3 EX GE

Salpetersäure < 10 % Nitric Acid Acide nitrique HNO3 GE GE

Salpetersäure < 20 % Nitric Acid Acide nitrique HNO3 GE GE

Salpetersäure > 40 % Nitric Acid Acide nitrique HNO3 NR NR

Salpetrige Säure Nitrous Acid Acide nitreux HNO2 EX

Salzsäure <5% Hydrochloric Acid Acide chlorhydrique HCl EX EX

Salzsäure < 10 % Hydrochloric Acid Acide chlorhydrique HCl EX GE

Salzsäure < 25 % Hydrochloric Acid Acide chlorhydrique HCl EX NR

Salzsäure < 37 % Hydrochloric Acid Acide chlorhydrique HCl GE NR

Schmieröle Lubricating Oils Huiles de lubrification EX GE

Schwefeldioxid Sulfur Dioxide Anhydride sulfureux SO2 EX

Schwefelige Säure Sulfurous Acid Acide sulfureux H2SO3 EX

MetaLine Surface Protection GmbH Robert-Bosch-Straße 7-11 DE-71157 Hildrizhausen (Germany) · ·

Phone: +49 (0) 7034 3100-0 Fax: +49 (0) 7034 3100-5 E-mail:
· · ·
Subject to technical modifications! Information and application examples in this document are provided to the best of our knowledge. However, they also apply without guarantee in reference to the exclusive rights of third parties and do not release the user to check the products
and processes for their suitability and material tolerance regarding their intended use. We do not assume liability for the application results. Copyright by MetaLine Surface Protection GmbH, DE-71157 Hildrizhausen (1960 - 2011). MetaLine is a registered trademark of our company.
Edition I061ME-7-DE-GB-FR

Resistance Chart
Professional coat-it-yourself technology

SXL / KXL 590 / 598

German Conc. English French Formula CXL / EXL 785 / 795

Schwefelsäure < 10 % Sulfuric acid Acide sulfurique H2SO4 EX GE

Schwefelsäure < 20 % Sulfuric acid Acide sulfurique H2SO4 EX GE

Schwefelsäure < 70 % Sulfuric acid Acide sulfurique H2SO4 EX NR

Schwefelsäure < 98 % Sulfuric acid Acide sulfurique H2SO4 GE NR

Schwefeltrioxid Sulfur Trioxide Anhydride sulfurique SO3 EX

Schwefelwasserstoff Hydrogen Sulfide Acide sulfhydrique H2S GE

Silbernitrat Silver Nitrate Nitrate d‘argent AgNO3 EX EX

Stearinsäure Stearic acid Acide stéarique C17H35COOH EX EX

Styrol Styrene Styrolène C6H5CH=CH2 GE NR

Tallöl Tall Oil Tallol EX

Terpentin Turpentine Thérébentine EX NR

Tetrachloräthan Tetrachlorethane Tétrachloréthane ClCH2CCl3 EX

Thionylchlorid Thionyl Chloride Chlorure de thionyle SOCl2 NR

Tierische Fette Animal Grease Graisses animales EX GE

Titantetrachlorid Titanium Tetrachloride Tétrachlorure de titane EX NR

Toluol Toluene Toluène C6H5CH3 GE

Toluolsulfonsäure Toluene Sulfonic Acid Acide toluique sulfonique CH3C6H4SO3H EX

Transformatorenöl Transformer Oil Huile de transformateur EX NR

Trichloräthylen Trichlorethylene Trichloréthylène ClCH=CCl2 NR NR

Trinatriumphosphat Trisodiumphosphate Triphosphate de sodium Na3PO4 EX EX

Wasserstoff (gasförmig) Hydrogen Gas Hydrogène (gaz) H EX EX

Wasserstoffperoxid < 30 % Hydrogen Peroxide Eau oxygénée H2O2 NR

Weinsäure Tartaric Acid Acide tartrique (CHOH-COOH)2 EX EX

Xylol Xylene (Xylol) Xylène C6H4(CH3)2 EX NR

Zinkchlorid Zinc Chloride Chlorure de zinc ZnCl2 EX EX

Zink-Salze Zinc salts Sels de zinc EX EX

Zinksulfat (Plattierung) Zinc Plating (Sulf.) Sulfate de zinc ZnSO4 EX

Zitronensäure Citric Acid Acide citrique C3H4(OH)(CO2H)3 GE EX

MetaLine Surface Protection GmbH Robert-Bosch-Straße 7-11 DE-71157 Hildrizhausen (Germany) · ·

Phone: +49 (0) 7034 3100-0 Fax: +49 (0) 7034 3100-5 E-mail:
· · ·
Subject to technical modifications! Information and application examples in this document are provided to the best of our knowledge. However, they also apply without guarantee in reference to the exclusive rights of third parties and do not release the user to check the products
and processes for their suitability and material tolerance regarding their intended use. We do not assume liability for the application results. Copyright by MetaLine Surface Protection GmbH, DE-71157 Hildrizhausen (1960 - 2011). MetaLine is a registered trademark of our company.
Chemical Resistant Coating System
Pulp & Paper, Marine & Off-Shore, Natural resources,
Wastewater, Engineeering, Power Generation, Oil & Gas

MetaLine 100 XTM


Self-processable Novolac coating

for long-term surface protection,
against corrosive and
chemical influences

From professionals for professionals

Product description

MetaLine® 100 XTM

Chemical Protective Coating based on Novolac,
against corrosive and chemical influences – applicable directly on site!

MetaLine 100 XTM is a purely elastic novolac/ceramic

coating developed for customer-specific self-processing by
brush, roller or airless-spraying. Alternatively the MetaLine
lowpressure 100XTM Cartridge-Spray-System may also be
used for application.

The main area of application is the long-term protection of

metal or cement-bound surfaces against aggressive chemi-
cal liquid substances, such as acids, dyes or solvents – even
under elevated temperatures.
Leaking protection Corrosion protection
MetaLine 100 XTM adheres durably and absolutely
corrosion-resistant to nearly all hard surfaces. An Chemical resistant
almost impermeable polymer composite with good
Abrasion- & scratch-resistant
chemical resistance forms after solidification. The
protective function covers a broad spectrum of orga- Resistant up to +150 °C/300 °F (dry)
nic and inorganic pure chemicals, mixed products and and +130 °C/270 °F (wet)
production waste on water and solvent base. Tempe- Residual elastic film characteristic
rature resistance amounts under immersed conditions Electrically / thermally insulating
to approximately 130°C (270 °F). Good thermal and
Optionally in an anti-static version
electrical insulation characteristics are given.
Chemical protection
MetaLine 100 XTM with a final thickness of 1.5 mm (60
mils) fulfills corrosion protection requirements of a 10,000
hours salt mist spray test according DIN EN ISO 7253. As Material characteristics
from order quantities of 50 kg (110 lbs) an anti-static product
version is available on demand. MetaLine 100 XTM is a two component duroplastic composite
coating with exceptionally good long-term stability against fluid
influences. It will be applied in 1 – 3 layers up to a thickness of
1.5 mm (60 mils) – no priming needed. The material solidifies at
room temperature without external heat supply. It adheres perma-
nently to (stainless)-steel or concrete and develops exceptionally
good permeation resistance – even with higher temperatures.
Dimensionally stable and pressure resistant up to approximately
100 bar (1,450 psi). It may be repaired and overcoated at any time.

Application areas
For the durable protection of metal and concrete structures against
corrosive, caustic, penetrating or other aggressive influences. It
is suitable for the electrochemical insulation against bimetallic
corrosion. It shall preferably be used for the following:

Paper machines Separators Tanks

Troughs / receptacles Chemical reactors Floors
Reservoirs Filtration equipment Valves
Water boilers Evaporators Pipes
Available pack sizes: 1 kg, 5 kg and 200 kg (2.2 lbs / 11 lbs / 440 lbs) Scrubbers Neutralization tanks ....

MetaLine 100 XTM
MetaLine 100 XTM adalah Sistem pelapis novolac yang elastis untuk sisa yang
dikembangkan untuk pemrosesan mandiri khusus pelanggan dengan sikat, rol,
atau semprotan tanpa udara. Sebagai alternatif, semprotan kartrid MetaLine
APPLICATOR XTM juga dapat digunakan untuk aplikasi.

Area aplikasi utama adalah perlindungan permanen permukaan logam atau

yang terikat semen terhadap zat cair kimia yang agresif, seperti asam, pewarna
atau pelarut - bahkan di bawah suhu yang tinggi.

Bahan non-toksik diterapkan dalam beberapa lapisan dalam kondisi sekitar

dan melekat dengan tahan lama dan benar-benar tahan korosi pada hampir
semua permukaan yang keras. Senyawa serpihan kaca yang sangat kedap air
dengan bentuk ketahanan kimia yang baik setelah pemadatan. Fungsi
perlindungan mencakup spektrum yang luar biasa dari bahan kimia murni
organik dan anorganik, produk campuran dan limbah produksi pada air dan
basis pelarut. Jumlah ketahanan suhu dalam kondisi terbenam hingga sekitar
130 ° C (270 ° F). Lapisan mengakui tekanan hingga 100 bar (1.450 psi).
Karakteristik isolasi termal dan listrik yang baik diperoleh.

MetaLine 100 XTM dengan lapisan pelindung 1,5 mm (60 mil) memenuhi
persyaratan perlindungan korosi tugas berat dari uji semprot kabut garam
10.000 jam. Mulai dari jumlah pesanan 50 kg (110 lbs), tersedia versi produk

Area Aplikasi

 Lapisan pelindung kimia

 lapisan pelindung kimia
 perawatan penyegelan beton
 lapisan tangki
 pekerjaan isolasi elektro-kimia
 aplikasi perlindungan korosi
MetaLine 100 XTM
MetaLine 100 XTM is a rest-elastic novolac coating System developed
for customer-specific self-processing by brush, roller or airless spraying.
Alternatively, the MetaLine cartridge spray APPLICATOR XTM may also be used
for application.
The main area of application is the permanent protection of metal or cement-
bound surfaces against aggressive chemical liquid substances, such as acids, dyes
or solvents – even under elevated temperatures.
The non-toxic material is applied in several layers under ambient conditions and
adheres durably and absolutely corrosion-resistant to nearly all hard surfaces.
An extremely impermeable glassflake compound with good chemical
resistance forms after solidification. The protective function covers a remarkable
spectrum of organic and inorganic pure chemicals, mixed products and
production waste on water and solvent base. Temperature resistance amounts
under immersed conditions to approximately 130°C (270 °F). The coating admits
pressures of up to 100 bar (1,450 psi). Good thermal and electrical insulation
characteristics are obtained.
MetaLine 100 XTM with a protective layer of 1.5 mm (60 mils) fulfill heavy-duty
corrosion protection requirements of a 10,000 hours salt mist spray test. As
from order quantities of 50 kg (110 lbs) an anti-static product version is

Application Areas

chemical protective coatings

concrete sealing treatment
tank linings
electro-chemical insulation work
corrosion protection applications
Spray processing

MetaLine® 100 XTM

MetaLine 100 XTM in a particularly efficient and professional
processing form – the MetaLine Cartridge-Spray-System:

Spraying off directly from the packaging - without any contact

to the application tool. The material is mixed precisely away from
any need for manual weighing. The disposable static mixer serves
as spray nozzle as well. The coating material, unlike ALL other
spraying methods, is not passed through the coating device. This
means absolutely no cleaning of the APPLICATOR XTM. MetaLine is
the first really cleaning-free spraying process for multi-component

The application itself is air atomized in a low pressure process

at only 3-5 bar (40-70 psi) spray thrust. Protruding edges and
exposed areas are evenly covered by the low material pressure
dispersion. NO risk for being scraped off again due to high operati-
onal pressure forces. Apart from this, there is no particular safety
risk for the user, as it is the case with conventional airless spray
systems working at up to 500 bar (7,000 psi).

MetaLine's experience in cartridge spray processing dates back to

the end of the 1990s – our invention and our pride and joy as the
pioneer in cartridge-based spray processing!

NO solvents MetaLine 100 XTM Spray Cartridge

(1.25 kg / 2.75 lbs)
 O spray-gun cleaning
NO mixed waste
NO weighing
NO hand mixing
From professionals
. . . and NO worries!
for professionals
Ballast water piping MetaLine 100 XTM is not a fast do-it-yourself pro-
duct! The professional surface preparation by edge
rounding, gritblasting and degreasing as well as
the even & pore-free application are esential steps
to success. We will not leave you alone! Whether
on site or in the training facilities at our company
headquarters in Southern Germany: Experienced
trainers will take you by the hand and are availab-
le for your personal training or developing special skills on
request – this is how real system partnership works!
Scrubber coatings Storage tanks  3
Technical Data Sheet Data Sheet

MetaLine® 100 XTM

Chemical description Novolac / Ceramic / Glasflake

Color blue gray (sim. RAL 7031)

application brush / roller / spray

Working life 30 minutes at 20 °C / 68 °F

Mixing ratio 4 : 1 per weight not for cartridge packaging

Dry film thickness (depending on load) 0.5 mm to 1.5 mm 20 - 60 mils

Wet film thickness 0.5 mm per coat 20 mils per coat

Number of coats (depending on load) 1–3

Consumption (theoretically) 1.25 kg/m2 per mm thickness 0.25 lb/ft² per 40 mils coat

Hardness 75 Shore D A.S.T.M. D2240

Density 1.25 g/cm3 (0.045 lb/in³) DIN EN ISO 1183-2

Compression strength 65 N/mm2 (9,400 psi) A.S.T.M. C579

Tensile strength 24 N/mm2 (3,480 psi) A.S.T.M. C307

Flexural strength > 40 N/mm2 (> 5,800 psi) A.S.T.M. D790

Tensile bond strength (Steel 1.0037 / ASTM A36) > 40 N/mm2 (> 5,800 psi) A.S.T.M. D4541

Dielectric breakdown voltage > 5 Kv/mm (> 5,000 Volts per 40 mils) DIN EN 60243

Temperature resistance (dry / wet) +150 °C / +130 °C 300 °F / 270 °F

TABER-Abrasion (CS17, dry, 1 kg/2.2 lbs, 1,000 rev.) 55 mg (0.85 grain) A.S.T.M. D4060

Corrosion resistance (salt spray test) passed 10,000 hours DIN EN ISO 7253

Chemical resistance (see I-100XTM.pdf) pH 1 – 14 depending on load

Solids content (by volume) 100 %

Shelf life at least 12 months

Specifications meets DIN EN ISO 12944-9

Overcoating time 4 hours (minimum) at 20 °C / 68 °F

Overcoating time 8 hours (maximum) at 20 °C / 68 °F

Cure time (full mechanical load) > 2 days at 20 °C / 68 °F

Cure time (full chemical load) > 7 days at 20 °C / 68 °F

You will find MetaLine products used worldwide
in various industries such as:

Aeronautical Engineering Nautical

Automation Technology Occupational Safety
Automotive Manufacturing Offshore & Marine
Ceramics Industry Packaging Technology
Chemical Industry Petro-Chemical
Concrete Production Pharmaceuticals
Conveyor Technology Plastics Processing
Electrical Engineering Power Plant Technology
Fertilizer Production Pulp & Paper
Foodstuff Processing Recycling Technology
Glass Processing Surface Technology
Metal Foundries Textile Machinery Design
  Mining Industry and
Municipal Technology ... and many more

With more than 60 years of experience,

MetaLine stands for the protection,
preservation and reconstruction of
contaminated surfaces and components.

... we change surfaces!

MetaLine Surface Protection GmbH | DE-71157 Hildrizhausen (Germany) | Robert-Bosch-Str. 5-11

Tel. +49 (0)7034 3100-0 | Fax +49 (0)7034 3100-5 | |
protect repair save cover improve Subject to technical modifications! Information and application examples in this document are provided to the best of our knowledge. However,
they also apply without guarantee in reference to the exclusive rights of third par ties and do not release the user to check the products and
processes for their suitability and material tolerance regarding their intended use. We do not assume liability for the application results.
P-100XTM (EN), April 2020 Copyright by MetaLine Sur face Protection GmbH, DE-71157 Hildrizhausen (1960 - 2017). MetaLine is a registered trademark of our company.
surface protection
Chemical Resistance Chart
MetaLine 100 XTM (Chemical Protective Coating) Seite, page: 1 / 8

Coatings made in Germany - since 1960


Novolac Beschichtung Novolac Coating Revêtement-Novolac

MetaLine 100 XTM MetaLine 100 XTM MetaLine 100 XTM

Die nachfolgend aufgelisteten chemischen The indications for the chemical resistance Les résistances aux produits chimiques
Beständigkeiten wurden entweder durch of a coating given in the chart below, are indiquées sur la liste suivante ont été déter-
stöchiometrische Berechnungen, Labor- either obtained by theoretical calcula- minées par des calculs stochiométriques,
untersuchungen oder durch Praxis-Tests tions, laboratory results or actual field test- par des tests en laboratoire ou encore par
ermittelt. Diese Auflistung kann jedoch ing. However this list can NOT determine des essais pratiques. La liste présentée
keinen Aufschluss darüber geben, ob eine whether a coating is finally suitable for a ne peut cependant pas donner d‘indica-
Beschichtung für einen bestimmten An- particular application or not. Further as- tions finales sur le fait qu‘une revêtement
wendungsfall letztendlich geeignet ist oder pects have to be taken into consideration. est adapté à une application spécifique ou
nicht. non.

Da bei vielen chemischen Problemstel- In case of a planed coating work, it is se- Comme dans la plupart des cas, outre la
lungen neben der reinen Aggressivität verely recommended to carry out practical pure agressivité chimique, d‘autres fac-
noch andere Faktoren eine wichtige Rolle field testing in advance! Many different teurs à ne pas sous-estimer jouent un rôle
spielen, empfehlen wir Ihnen, bei anwen- physical, mechanical or chemical circum- important, nous recommandons, en cas
dungs-technischen Problemstellungen stances may have a dramatic importance de problèmes d‘application importants et
einen Praxisversuch durchzuführen. Einen for the final judgement. The following cir- complexes, de procéder à un test pratique.
entscheidenden Einfluss auf die dauer- cumstances will have a significant influ- Les éléments ci-dessous ont une influence
hafte Beständigkeit eines Werkstoffes ge- ence on the actual long-term resistance of décisive sur la tenue dans le temps d‘un
genüber chemischen Substanzen, haben a coating against chemical impact produit moléculaire face à des réactions
unter anderem diverses

a) die Temperatur der Chemikalie a) the temperature of the ingredient a) température des produits chimiques
b) der Zustand (fest, flüssig, gasförmig) b) its form (solid, liquid, gas-like) b) état physique (solide, liquide, gazeux)
c) mechanische/physikalische Last c) additional mechanical/physical load c) contraintes mécaniques et physiques

Alle Angaben beziehen sich auf Normbe- All indications given, are based on stan- Les indications suivantes correspondent
dingungen für unbewegte Reagenzien bei dard test conditions at 20 °C for static im- à une résistance à des réactifs statiques
20 °C. Sie sind wie folgt definiert: pact. The definition is as following: à 20 °C. Leur signification est la suivante:

EX (EXzellent) EX (EXcellent) EX (EXcellente)

Das Produkt ist für alle Einwirkungsarten The coating is suitable for all forms of Le produit convient pour toutes les sortes
einschließlich vollständiger Eintauchbedin- chemical impact including complete im- d‘actions, y compris lors d‘une immersion
gungen geeignet. mersion. complète.

GE (GEeignet) GE (Suitable) GE (Adapté)

Das Produkt widersteht allen Berührungs- The coating is suitable for all forms of Le produit résiste à toutes les formes de
formen wie Dämpfen, Spritzern, Verschüt- chemical impact as fumes, drops includ- contact, par vapeurs, projections, contact
ten sowie kurzzeitiger, vollständiger Ein- ing short time immersion (NO long time direct ainsi qu‘à une immersion complète
tauchung. immersion). de courte durée.

NR (Nicht Ratsam) NR (Not Recommended) NR (Non Recommandé)

Das Produkt ist auf Dauer NICHT für einen The product has no resistance if in perma- Le produit ne convient pas pour un contact
direkten Kontakt mit der Reagenzie geeig- nent contact with the chemical, regardless direct prolongé avec l‘agent chimique.
net. what form the contact looks like.

Da die tatsächlichen Einsatzbedingungen As practical field conditions may dra- Comme les conditions d‘emploi réelles se
unter Umständen drastisch von Laborbe- matically vary to laboratory testing, this différencient drastiquement des conditions
dingungen abweichen können, darf diese resistance chart shall only give rough in- de laboratoire, cette liste ne doit être consi-
Auflistung nur als Hinweis auf eine mög- dications for an eventual suitability of the déré que comme une indication pour une
liche Eignung verstanden werden. Wir kön- coating. We can NOT accept any liability possible aptitude du produit. Nous ne pou-
nen keine Verantwortung übernehmen, or responsibility for any damage or loss vons donc accepter aucune responsabilité
falls es durch Angaben aus dieser Che- caused by indications of this chemical re- au cas ou des dégâts, de quelque nature
mikalien-Beständigkeitsliste zu Schäden, sistance chart. Technical changes may oc- que ce soit, seraient causés suite aux indi-
gleich welcher Art, kommt. cur without notice. cations de cette liste.

MetaLine Surface Protection GmbH | DE-71157 Hildrizhausen (Germany) | Robert-Bosch-Str. 5-11

Tel. +49 (0)7034 3100-0 | Fax +49 (0)7034 3100-5 | |
protect repair save cover improve Subject to technical modifications! Information and application examples in this document are provided to the best of our knowledge. However,
they also apply without guarantee in reference to the exclusive rights of third par ties and do not release the user to check the products and
processes for their suitability and material tolerance regarding their intended use. We do not assume liability for the application results.
I-100XTM_DE+EN+FR (March 2021) Copyright by MetaLine Sur face Protection GmbH, DE-71157 Hildrizhausen (1960 - 2021). MetaLine is a registered trademark of our company.
surface protection
Chemical Resistance Chart
MetaLine 100 XTM (Chemical Protective Coating) Seite, page: 2 / 8

Coatings made in Germany - since 1960

ENglish 100 XTM ENglish 100 XTM

Acetic acid EX Dichlorobenzene, ortho EX

Acetone EX Dichloroethane, 1,1- EX
Acetylene tetrachloride EX Dichlorohexane EX
Acetylene trichloride EX Dichloropropane EX
Aluminium silicate hydroxide EX Diesel fuel EX
Aluminium sulphate liquid EX Diethylene glycol phthalate EX
Ammonia solution EX Diheptyl phthalate EX
Ammonium hydrate EX Diisobutyl ketone EX
Ammonium hydroxide solution EX Diisooctyl phthalate EX
Ammonium nitrate solution (93% or less) EX Diisopropylacetone EX
Ammonium polyphosphate solution EX Dimethyl benzene EX
Ammonium sulphate solution EX Dimethyl ketone EX
Amyl acetate EX Dimethylbenzene EX
Amyl ethyl ketone EX Dioctyl phthalate EX
Amylene hydrate EX Dipropylmethane EX
Aromatic hydrocarbons, mixed EX
Ethanediol EX
Calcium hydroxide EX Ethylene dioxydiethanol, 2,2` EX
Calcium nitrate solution (50% or less) EX Ethylene glycol EX
Chlorinated hydrochloric ether EX Ethylene glycol acetate (n) EX
Chlorobenzene EX Ethylene glycol acrylate EX
Chlorotoluene EX Ethylene glycol butyl ether acetate EX
Chromic acid 30% at 60 °C NR Ethylene glycol diacetate EX
Cobalt naphthenate in solvent naphtha EX Ethylene glycol monoacrylate EX
Cyclohexanol EX Ethylene glycol monobutyl ether acetate EX
Cyclohexyl acetate EX Ethylene tetrachloride EX
Ethylene trichloride EX
Dichlorobenzene EX Ethylhexyl acetate-2 EX
Dichlorobenzene EX Ethylhexyl acrylate EX
Dichlorobenzene (all isomers) EX Ethylhexyl acrylate, 2- EX

MetaLine Surface Protection GmbH | DE-71157 Hildrizhausen (Germany) | Robert-Bosch-Str. 5-11

Tel. +49 (0)7034 3100-0 | Fax +49 (0)7034 3100-5 | |
protect repair save cover improve Subject to technical modifications! Information and application examples in this document are provided to the best of our knowledge. However,
they also apply without guarantee in reference to the exclusive rights of third par ties and do not release the user to check the products and
processes for their suitability and material tolerance regarding their intended use. We do not assume liability for the application results.
I-100XTM_DE+EN+FR (March 2021) Copyright by MetaLine Sur face Protection GmbH, DE-71157 Hildrizhausen (1960 - 2021). MetaLine is a registered trademark of our company.
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Chemical Resistance Chart
MetaLine 100 XTM (Chemical Protective Coating) Seite, page: 3 / 8

Coatings made in Germany - since 1960

ENglish 100 XTM ENglish 100 XTM

Ethylhexyl ester-2-bis EX Hydrofluoric acid (30%) NR

Ethylhexyl propenoate, 2- EX Hydrogen sulfide (gaseous) EX
Ethylidene chloride EX Hydroxycyclohexane EX
Ethylidene dichloride EX Hydroxyethoxy ethyl ether-2-2-cis EX
Ethylol EX Hydroxyethyl acrylate EX
Ethyltoluene EX Hydroxyethyl acrylate, 2- EX
Hydroxyethyltrimethylammoniumchlorid EX
Fuel Jet super EX Hydroxymethylbenzene EX
Fuel oil (medium sulphur) EX Hydroxypropane EX

glycerol EX isobutyl acetate EX

Glycol EX Isobutyl methacrylate EX
Glycol - monoacetate EX Isobutyl methacrylate monomer EX
Glycol alcohol EX Isobutyl methyl methanol EX
Glycol bis (hydroxyethyl) ether EX Isobutylbenzene EX
Glycol diacetate EX Isobutylcarbinol EX
Glycyl alcohol EX Isobutylmetylketone EX
Glyoxal solution EX Isodecanol EX
Isodecyl alcohol EX
heptane EX Isododecane EX
Hex-1-ene EX Isoheptane EX
Hexadecyl and icosyl methacrylate mixture EX Iso-Hexene EX
Hexanol EX Isopentane EX
Hexanone EX Isopentanol EX
Hexyl alcohol EX Isoprene EX
Hexyl hydride EX Isopropenylbenzene EX
Hexylactetate EX Isopropyl alcohol EX
Hexylene EX Isopropyl ester of acetic acid EX
Hydrochloric acid (10%) at 50 °C NR Isopropyl toluene EX
Hydrochloric acid (30%) NR Isopropylacetate EX

MetaLine Surface Protection GmbH | DE-71157 Hildrizhausen (Germany) | Robert-Bosch-Str. 5-11

Tel. +49 (0)7034 3100-0 | Fax +49 (0)7034 3100-5 | |
protect repair save cover improve Subject to technical modifications! Information and application examples in this document are provided to the best of our knowledge. However,
they also apply without guarantee in reference to the exclusive rights of third par ties and do not release the user to check the products and
processes for their suitability and material tolerance regarding their intended use. We do not assume liability for the application results.
I-100XTM_DE+EN+FR (March 2021) Copyright by MetaLine Sur face Protection GmbH, DE-71157 Hildrizhausen (1960 - 2021). MetaLine is a registered trademark of our company.
surface protection
Chemical Resistance Chart
MetaLine 100 XTM (Chemical Protective Coating) Seite, page: 4 / 8

Coatings made in Germany - since 1960

ENglish 100 XTM ENglish 100 XTM

Isopropylacetone EX Methyl „cellosolve“ acetate EX

Isopropylbenzene EX Methyl 2-methyl-2-propenoate EX
Isopropylcyclohexane EX Methyl acetoacetate EX
Isopropylcyclohexane 97% (acros organics) EX Methyl acetone EX
Isopropylether EX Methyl adipate EX
Isopropylidenediphenol, 4,4- EX Methyl alcohol EX
Iso-propylol EX Methyl alpha-methacrylate EX
Isopropyltoluene EX Methyl amyl alcohol EX
Methyl amyl ketone EX
Kerosene EX Methyl benzene EX
Methyl butynol EX
Meta Chlorotoluene EX Methyl butyrate EX
Meta-Dichlorobenzene EX Methyl cyanide EX
Meta-Diisopropylbenzene EX Methyl ester EX
Meta-Methylstyrene EX Methyl ester (Biodiesel) EX
Meta-Tolyene diisocyanate EX Methyl ester of acetic acid EX
Metaxylene EX Methyl ester of acrylic acid EX
Methacide EX Methyl ester of methacrylic acid EX
Methacrylate monomer EX Methyl ethanoate EX
Methacrylic acid EX Methyl ethyl carbinol EX
Methacrylic acid - dodecyl ester EX Methyl ethyl ketone EX
Methacrylic acid - lauryl ester EX Methyl glycol EX
Methacrylic acid methyl ester EX Methyl heptyl ketone EX
Methacrylic acid, butyl ester EX Methyl hydroxide EX
Methacrylic acid, ethyl ester EX Methyl iso-butyl carbinol acetate EX
Methane tetrachloride EX Methyl iso-butyl carbinyl acetate EX
Methane tetrachloro- EX Methyl isobutyl ketone EX
Methoxybutyl acetate, 3- EX Methyl ketone EX
Methoxypropyl acetate (tradename BP) EX Methyl methacrylate EX
Methyl „carbitol“ acetate EX Methyl methacrylate EX

MetaLine Surface Protection GmbH | DE-71157 Hildrizhausen (Germany) | Robert-Bosch-Str. 5-11

Tel. +49 (0)7034 3100-0 | Fax +49 (0)7034 3100-5 | |
protect repair save cover improve Subject to technical modifications! Information and application examples in this document are provided to the best of our knowledge. However,
they also apply without guarantee in reference to the exclusive rights of third par ties and do not release the user to check the products and
processes for their suitability and material tolerance regarding their intended use. We do not assume liability for the application results.
I-100XTM_DE+EN+FR (March 2021) Copyright by MetaLine Sur face Protection GmbH, DE-71157 Hildrizhausen (1960 - 2021). MetaLine is a registered trademark of our company.
surface protection
Chemical Resistance Chart
MetaLine 100 XTM (Chemical Protective Coating) Seite, page: 5 / 8

Coatings made in Germany - since 1960

ENglish 100 XTM ENglish 100 XTM

Methyl methacrylate monomer, inh EX Methylbutadiene EX

Methyl oxitol acetate EX Methylbutenes EX
Methyl palmitate EX Methylbutynol EX
Methyl pentyl ketone EX Methylchloroform EX
Methyl phenol EX Methylcyanide EX
Methyl phthalate EX Methylcyclohexane EX
Methyl propenoate EX Methylcyclopentadiene dimer EX
Methyl propyl ketone EX Methylene - bis- Phenylisocyanate EX
Methyl proxitol acetate EX Methylene bis(4-phenyl isocyanate) EX
Methyl salicylate EX Methylene bis-phenylene di-iso-cyanate EX
Methyl styrene EX Methylene diisocyanate EX
Methyl tert-butyl ether EX Methylethylene glycol EX
Methyl tertiary butyl ether EX Methylhexylcarbinol EX
Methyl tert-pentyl ether EX Methylisoamyl acetate EX
Methyl toluene EX Methylisobutylcarbinol EX
Methyl trimethylene glycol EX Methylisobutylcarbinol acetate EX
Methyl-1,3-Butylene glycol acetate EX Methylisopropylbenzene EX
Methyl-1,3-cyclopentadiene dimer EX Methyl-n-amylketone EX
Methyl-1-pentene, 2- EX Metylbenzene EX
Methyl-1-propyl acetate EX
Methyl-2-hydroxy-3-butyne, 2- EX N-Amyl alcohol EX
Methyl-2-methyl propenoate EX n-Amyl propionate EX
Methyl-2-propenoate EX Naphthalene EX
Methyl-2-propyl-1-acetate EX n-Dodecyl alcohol EX
Methyl-3-methoxy butyl acetate, 3- EX n-Heptane EX
Methylacetate EX Nitric acid NR
Methylacrylate EX Nitrobenzene EX
Methylalcohol EX Nitroethane EX
Methylamyl acetate EX n-Propyl acetate EX
Methylamyl alcohol EX n-Propyl alcohol EX
Methylbenzene EX

MetaLine Surface Protection GmbH | DE-71157 Hildrizhausen (Germany) | Robert-Bosch-Str. 5-11

Tel. +49 (0)7034 3100-0 | Fax +49 (0)7034 3100-5 | |
protect repair save cover improve Subject to technical modifications! Information and application examples in this document are provided to the best of our knowledge. However,
they also apply without guarantee in reference to the exclusive rights of third par ties and do not release the user to check the products and
processes for their suitability and material tolerance regarding their intended use. We do not assume liability for the application results.
I-100XTM_DE+EN+FR (March 2021) Copyright by MetaLine Sur face Protection GmbH, DE-71157 Hildrizhausen (1960 - 2021). MetaLine is a registered trademark of our company.
surface protection
Chemical Resistance Chart
MetaLine 100 XTM (Chemical Protective Coating) Seite, page: 6 / 8

Coatings made in Germany - since 1960

ENglish 100 XTM ENglish 100 XTM

Octanol EX Potassium hydroxide solution EX

Propanone EX
Pentane EX Propenenitrile EX
Pentanol - 1 EX Propenoic acid methyl ester EX
Perchloroethylene EX Propenoic acid nitrile EX
Perchloromethane EX Propenyl alcohol EX
Perhydronaphthalene EX Propenylbenzene, iso- EX
Petrol EX Propionic ester EX
Phenol Formaldehyde Resin GE Propionic ether EX
Phenyl chloride EX Propyl acetate EX
Phenyl hydride EX Propyl alcohol EX
Phenyl methane EX Propyl carbinol EX
Phenylethane EX Propyl ester EX
Phenylethylxylene EX Propyl methyl ketone EX
Phenylmethane EX Propylacetate EX
Phenylpropane EX Propylbenzene, n- EX
Phenylpropene, 2- EX Propylcarbinol EX
Phenylpropylene EX Propylene / Butylene copolymer EX
Phenylxylylethane EX Propylene carbonate EX
Phosphoric acid, tris (methylphenyl)ester EX Propylene chloride EX
Phthalic acid EX Propylene dichloride EX
Polyglycerol EX Propylethylene EX
Polyglycol EX Propylheptanol EX
Polyolefin (molecular weight 300+) (n) EX
Polyolefin ester (C28-C250) EX soaplye glycerine EX
Polyoxpropylene glycol EX Soda ash EX
Polyoxyethylene EX Sodium acetate solutions EX
Polyoxyethylene polyglycol EX Sodium alkylbenzene sulphonate EX
Polyoxypropylene glycol EX Sodium aluminosilicate slurry EX
Potassium hydrate solution EX Sodium benzoate EX

MetaLine Surface Protection GmbH | DE-71157 Hildrizhausen (Germany) | Robert-Bosch-Str. 5-11

Tel. +49 (0)7034 3100-0 | Fax +49 (0)7034 3100-5 | |
protect repair save cover improve Subject to technical modifications! Information and application examples in this document are provided to the best of our knowledge. However,
they also apply without guarantee in reference to the exclusive rights of third par ties and do not release the user to check the products and
processes for their suitability and material tolerance regarding their intended use. We do not assume liability for the application results.
I-100XTM_DE+EN+FR (March 2021) Copyright by MetaLine Sur face Protection GmbH, DE-71157 Hildrizhausen (1960 - 2021). MetaLine is a registered trademark of our company.
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Chemical Resistance Chart
MetaLine 100 XTM (Chemical Protective Coating) Seite, page: 7 / 8

Coatings made in Germany - since 1960

ENglish 100 XTM ENglish 100 XTM

Sodium bisulphide EX Tetrachloroethylene EX

Sodium carbonate solution EX Tetrachloromethane EX
Sodium chloride solution EX Tetradecylbenzene EX
Sodium hydrate EX Tetradecylbenzene EX
Sodium hydrate solution EX Tetradecylbenzene EX
Sodium hydrogen sulphide EX Tetraethylene glycol EX
Sodium hydrosulfide solution (Merichem) EX Tetrahydrothiophene -1, 1-Dioxide EX
Sodium hydroxide 35% solution EX Tetrahydrothiophene-1 EX
Sodium hydroxide 50% solution EX Tetramethylbenzene EX
Sodium hypochlorite solution EX Toluene EX
Sodium mercaptan EX Tolyethylene EX
Sodium mercaptide EX Tolylenediisocyanate EX
Sodium monosulfide EX trans-1,3-Pentadiene EX
Sodium naphthenate (aqueous) EX Transformer oil EX
Sodium silicate solution EX Tributyl ester of phosphoric acid EX
Sodium sulfhydrate EX Tributyl phosphate EX
Sodium sulfide solution EX Trichlorethene EX
Sodium sulphate solutions EX Trichloro trifluorethane EX
Solvent naphta EX Trichlorobenzene EX
Soya bean oil EX Trichlorobenzene EX
Sulphuric acid (20%) at 70 °C EX Trichlorobenzene (technical grade) EX
Sulphuric acid (36%) at 50 °C EX Trichloroethane EX
Trichloroethylene EX
Tert-Amyl alcohol EX Trichloropropane EX
tert-Amylenes EX Trichloropropane EX
tert-Butanol EX Trichloropropane, 1,2,3- EX
tert-Butyl alcohol EX Tridecyl acetate EX
Tetrachlorethane, 1,1,2,2- EX Tridecyl alcohol EX
Tetrachlorethene EX Tridecylbenzene EX
Tetrachlorethylene EX Triethylbenzene EX
Tetrachloroethane EX Triethylene glycol EX

MetaLine Surface Protection GmbH | DE-71157 Hildrizhausen (Germany) | Robert-Bosch-Str. 5-11

Tel. +49 (0)7034 3100-0 | Fax +49 (0)7034 3100-5 | |
protect repair save cover improve Subject to technical modifications! Information and application examples in this document are provided to the best of our knowledge. However,
they also apply without guarantee in reference to the exclusive rights of third par ties and do not release the user to check the products and
processes for their suitability and material tolerance regarding their intended use. We do not assume liability for the application results.
I-100XTM_DE+EN+FR (March 2021) Copyright by MetaLine Sur face Protection GmbH, DE-71157 Hildrizhausen (1960 - 2021). MetaLine is a registered trademark of our company.
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Chemical Resistance Chart
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Coatings made in Germany - since 1960

ENglish 100 XTM ENglish 100 XTM

Triflurotrichloroethane EX Vinyl acetate EX

Trihydropropane EX Vinyl trichloride EX
Trihydroxypropane EX Vinylidene chloride monomer EX
Trimethyl cyclohexenone EX Vinyltoluene EX
Trimethyl pentene EX Virgin olive oil EX
Trimethylbenzene EX
Trimethylbenzene (all isomers) EX Water of ammonia EX
Trimethylene chloride EX White caustic EX
Trimethylene dichloride EX White spirit (G) EX
Trimethylolpropane polyethoxylated EX
Trimethylphenylmethane EX Xylene (mixed isomers) EX
Trimethyltrimethylene glycol EX
Tri-o-cresyl phosphate EX Zinc bromide drilling brine EX
Tri-o-cresyl phosphate EX
Triophan sulphone EX
Tri-o-tolyl phosphate EX
Tri-p-cresyl phosphate EX
Tripropylene EX
Trixylenyl phosphate EX
Tritolyl phosphate EX
Turpentine oil EX

Unleaded gasoline (oil tanking) EX

Urea solutions EX
UN1219 (Tank code LGBF) EX
UN1245 (Tank code LGBF) EX
UN2055 (Tank code LGBF) EX
UN2370 (Tank code LGBF) EX

MetaLine Surface Protection GmbH | DE-71157 Hildrizhausen (Germany) | Robert-Bosch-Str. 5-11

Tel. +49 (0)7034 3100-0 | Fax +49 (0)7034 3100-5 | |
protect repair save cover improve Subject to technical modifications! Information and application examples in this document are provided to the best of our knowledge. However,
they also apply without guarantee in reference to the exclusive rights of third par ties and do not release the user to check the products and
processes for their suitability and material tolerance regarding their intended use. We do not assume liability for the application results.
I-100XTM_DE+EN+FR (March 2021) Copyright by MetaLine Sur face Protection GmbH, DE-71157 Hildrizhausen (1960 - 2021). MetaLine is a registered trademark of our company.

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