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NITDGP/ BTECH/Reg/Even/2022·23


· Even Semester Mid-Term Examination, 2022~23
Course Code: MEE613 .~ ' Full Marks: 25
Course Name: Advanced Solld Mechanics Time: 90 Minutes

Instructions: Answer six questions. Attempt either question 2 or question 3.

Question Body of the Question Marks Mapped

No. co
1 If A= 2i-6j-3k and B=4i+3j-k, Determine AxB and determine a unit 4 COi
d=>.....,;-'--t vector perpendicular to the. plane of A and B.

Determine the grincipal stre~ and ~!ion _cosine (~ximum 5 CO2

. ~ . =>
principal stres.sJl{lly) and ~~ral ~ s s for the:~~t~-~ s
charact.edzed.Jzy the following stress matrix. ,---

___..:::-- - [:;~ ~iMPa

0 3 4

3 Draw the Mohr's circles for the above state of stress and calculate 5 CO2
maximum shear stresses from the Mohr's circles.

Derive the equations of _:9...uilibrium

. - ·-· . .
tor Cartesian coordinate system.
,._ ~
5 CO2

For parabo!?idal coordinate find out the arc length. For para o oidal 3 CO2
~oordi~ate system:

x = u v cos¢, y = u v sin¢ and z = ..!..(u 2 -v 2 )


Derive the strain compatibility equations from · strain displacement 3 CO2

..._ - • - ,. L "Q,_

> relations.

7 A thick walled tube with an internal radius of 10cm is subjected to an '5 C03
internal pressure 2000kgf/cm2( l 96000kPa). E=2xl 06kgf/cm2
(l 96x 106kPa) and v=0.3. Determine the value of the external radius if
the maximum shear stress developed is limited to
3000kgf/cm2(294xl 06kPa). Calculate the change in the internal radius
due to the pr~ssure. Consider the problem as plane stress problem.

CO 1: Extend their knowledge from vector to tensor, and ~rom isotropic to anisotropic materials
CO2: Apply the knowledge of 3-D state of stress and strain
C03: Apply the concept of thick cylinder theory
C04: Apply the energy principles
COS: Apply the theory of noncircular shaft
Even Semester End-Term Examination, 2022-23
course Code: MEE613 Full Marks: 60
Course Name: Advanced Solid Mechanics Time: 3 Hours

Instructions: Answer total eleven questions (AnsWer either question 4a or question 4b; and either
question 7a or question 7b)
-. -- - - - - - -- - -- - -------- -----,,-- - - ----
Body ofthe Question Marks Mapped
_ s _o_
-- l If TtF1'.J;, and S~1;, then show that Tt1SIJ=O ~ CO 1
fl --1 How the Kron~cker delta and permutation symbol are defined? 3
3 The stress tensor with respect to x-y-z axes are given as: COl
;- 1.. ...,,.·,

23 - 43 -3]
[-3 6 -46 MPa
\ Determine the components of the stress tensor with respect to 1-2-3
coordinate. The rotational matrix from x-y-z to 1-2-3 coordinate system is
Igiven in Table 1.
Table 1

X y z

Fig 1

4.a The normal stresses acting on the surf~ce of a 1.5m x 1.5m plate is shown 14 CO2
in the Fig 1. In addition to normal stresses an in-plane shear stress given
by txr2x2+5y2+4x-y+ l is also ·acting on the plate at every point.
Determine the principal stresses at the point (1.5, 1.5) and draw the Mohr's
circle. No body force acting on the plate.
Or \

CO I: Extend their knowledge from vector to tensor, and from isotropic to anisotropic materials
CO2: Apply the knowledge bf 3-D state of stress and strain
C03: Apply the concept ofthick cylinder theory
CO4: Apply the energy principles 1.
COS: Apply the theory of noncircula( shaft


erive the Green-Lagrange strain tensor for cylindrical coordinate system. 14 CO2

erive the expressions for radial displacement, radial and Hoop stress for - 7 C03
a thick cylinder subjected to internal and external pressure. Consider the
~ -- -- .... ,,.,
lane stress condition.
--r,~ - : - - - - - -.-- - - - - - -- - _ _ _ __

Write the statements of Castigliano's first and second theorems C04

I bent cantilever frame shown in Fig 2 carries a load w at the free end D.- C04
IC.alculate all the syain energy components. Determine the vertical
~1splacement of the free end considering only bending strain energy and ,
r sing Castigliani's theorem. In the figure I, a, and L denote the second I

3L I, a B
; I
Fig2 2L I

I, 4a

L 2I, 2a
w ~


7.b T or the structure as in Fig 3 determine angular, vertical and horizontal 7 C04
r splacement at the point of loading. The flexural rigidity of the structure
s 'EI'. The moment 'M' is acting at point A.
~ hat are the assumptions for the torsion of non-circular shaft? ..___~3- - ~~~
e:5-- - - erive- th; e~p~essions fo~ displacement field for torsio~ of non-circular 3 COS

,~ haft.
@_ rove that-the· ~a~pJ~g f~;,~tion should ·sati"sfy--the Laplac~ equatio~:._and --~6-· -· cos
-r,;:;;; , md _the_condit'.on whi~h warpin~ func~on should •~tisfy_"I th~ boundary. j-,_ _ C~S- __
~____' 1
erive the expression of torque for torsion of non-c_ir; ular shaft. 4 1
1 -7
Odd Semester Mid-term Examination, 2022-23
Course Code: MEE623 Full Marks: 25
course Name: Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer Time: 90 Minutes
Question Paper No. : NITDGP/MEE623 Date of Exam: 22/02/2023
Instructions: Answer question no 'l and any four from rest.

Question Body of the Question Marks Mapped

No. co
1 A rod of 20 cm length is connected ·to two constant temperature 5 CO2 .'
20fiU and 40°c at the two end. Find the rod inside temperature
solving steady heat conduction equation by finite volume
technique._Take/ constant thermo physical property of rod and als9:.
consider three nodes inside the rod. »
2 _What do you mean by developing flow? Give the exam9Ji of ·: COl
uniform flow with elaborate discussion. )-..:. _ ~}?$.~ ,. ~
Convert the 2D mEment~ e_quation ftom dim~nsio~ I
dimensional form considering flow over a flat i:!lat V
-- ' /1, .

Derive the Prandlt boundary layer equation.
- ----- ~ ~ .
'•'. ~~-

- ___,. , """- ~.

Write the difference between Finite vol ~ 5 CO2

difference method with example. .- l~ ~ ··. ·~ . ,$.; ·
6 Define~ continuous arid qiscont · ;t,e the- 5 C01
difference between single 89!· ••u ~ h ,;., ow w,it~ uitable
exam le. · ·,~~;,d;?

tburse Outc"omes
• COl : Umk rstanding the principles of multi-phase flow and heat transfer
• CO2: Relate the fluid-dynamic involved in convection and multi-phase heat transfer.
• COJ : Plan elementary analysis of most gas-liquid two-phase systems.
• C04: Analyze the model 10 a wide variety of complex engineering problems.
NITDGP/BTECH/Reg/Even/End term/2022-23
End term Examination, 2022-23
Course Code: MEE623 Full Marks: 60
Course Name: Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer Time: 3 Hours
Question Paper No.: NITDGP/MEE623
Instructions: Answer any six questions

Question Body of the Question Marks Mapped

No. co
1 a) ~rove the boundary layer thickness is inversely proportional to 5+5 COl
the Re. .
rite the advanta es of non-dimensional ovemin e uation.
2 ..c , .ExQJain the approach of finding the pressure gradient for.sufficient 10 C03
q~a.ntity of gas apd liquid, max1mum gas and' less liquid, ·
maximum li uid and les's!ra?in f l o ~ ,--.,
Explain the different floefregimes of two phase flow in a 10 C04
horizontal tube during the condensation. ...--

Sh~w _that pressure gradient due to inertia force is dependent on 10 C03

mass fraction,"volume fraction and mass flux .
. ~ What is the differenc~ betweenJ;ingle and multipha~w? 2+2+2+ CO2
) What is Continuous flow? , 4
) Define Entrance length.
) Show the slug flow, annular flow and drop flow for channel
sub'ected to constant heat flow.
I I Derive the momentum equation for the stratified flow with the 10 cos
~ condensatiQn effect.
Find the Sonic flow condition for maximum flow rate · in 10 CO4,CO
homo eneous flow. 5

~ ~ ~students toward a clear understanding and firm grasp of the basic principles of multi phase
flow and heat transfer.
• CO2: Understands the fluid-dynamic Involved In convection and multi-phase heat transfer.
• CO3: Performs elementary analysis of most gas-liquid two-phase systems and prepares to use more
advanced models
• CO4: Equips the student with the analytical model to apply the fundamentals to a wide variety of complex
engineering problems, formulate them and Interpret the results
• cos: student can analyze Hydrodynamics of three phase flows and compare two phase flow situations
<'o l oS
Mechan ical Engineering Departm ent
NIT Durgapur
Sub: Advanc ed Solid Mechanics Sub Code: MEE61 3
FM: 15 Time: 2Hours Date: 01.03.2023
1. Derive the Green- Lagrang e strain tensor for cylindrical coordinate system. 5
~ A metallic cylinde r of inner radius 10cm and outer radius 15cm closed at both ends is subjected to an internal
pressure 9MPa. Calcula te (i) principal stresses at the inner and outer surface (ii) draw Mohr's circle for both
the surfaces and identify the most critical location based on maximu m shear stress. (iii) draw stress
distribu tion diagram along the thickness of the cylinder (iv) calculate the percentage error in maximum stress
evaluat ion if thin cylinde r theory is used. Consider plane strain condition. 5
)\ (
'f ,r
,J, .,,
@ ' t.'t
~ . A cast iron cylinder has inner diameter 160mm anp Ruter diameter 220mm. F 9r what ratio external pressure
and intema1 pressure (a) stress cre on the inside sttrface. will be zero (b) stress cr~ on the outside surface will be
' .
zero (c) what will be the value of cre on the out~ide surface in case (a) and that on the inside surface in case
' 1' I I ' I
(b) if internal pressure is 40MPa . ,.,. 5
.., 1: <\
1., •
Mechanical Engineering Department
NIT Durgapur
Sub: Advanced Solid Mechanics Sub Code: MEE613)
FM: 15 Time: 2Hours Date: 08.02.2023
1. The state of stress of a point is given below, calculate the principal stresses and direction cosines of one
.£!incipal plane, Draw the Mohr's circles and calculate the maximum shear ·stresses from Mohr's circles
diagrams. 6

A: last digit of Your Roll No
A+\q!';~-1 ~20 B: Last two digits of Your Roll No
®: B __l~ + I2_A -2 IMPa C: Last digit of your Rofl Nq_~_L.O
~ C~io C-2
. ~ ~
D -3 D: tas( digit of your Roll NO X l.O
<"2_ .::)~
~ - -==---
If your Roll no is 20ME8112, then A=2, B=l2, C=2x2=4 and D=2x3=6
--- ,c::::::: .,.---,
3. A vector 'V' and a second order tensor 'T' are given as: '
V =2ex +5ey +4ez; T =lexex +2eyey +3ezez +4exey +4eyex
If y and z-axes are rotated by e0 about the x axis write down the vector and the tensor with respect to the new coordinate
system. 4
\._ 0: Last three digits of your Roll No-5O
____./ If your Roll no is 20ME8112, then 0=112-50=62°
The state of stress at a point is given as: ..5
X: last two digits of Your Roll No
X Y -U
Y: Last two digits of Your Roll No-2O
Y Z O IMPa- Z: Addition of last three digits X 4:<r( 'J
-U 0 40 U: A<ldition of last three digits
Determine the normal stress and the magnitude and direction of the shear stress \on the
surface ax+ byt cz=K intersecting the point, and which is parallel to the surface 2x-y+3z=9.
Where a, b, c and K are constants. ·
If your Roll no is 20ME81.l2, then X=12, ,Y=12-2O=-8, Z=(l + 1+2)x4.O J 6, U=l + I +2=4 ,.

\ ·,--.__
J O -+ ( rf ~
Mechanical Engineering Department
NIT Dµrgapur
Sub: Advanced Solid Mechanics Sub Code: MEE613)
FM: 15 Time: 2Hours Date: 17.04.2023
Q. 1: Calculate the energy of the structure as shown in Fig 1: Consider all type of energies.
Take shear correction factor ks.
A4, £4, 14, lp4
A3, £3, h. lp3
__L_ L ~
Fig 1 L , Fig2
A2, E2, Ii, lp2 I
2,.,.,,/.,,J,;,,,,/mmff"·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·- ·- ·-i .
At, Et, l1 , Ipt
I . '
! ~ \
s '
Q. 2: An arch in the form of one quadra nt of a thin circular radius R is subjec ted to load as shown in Fig
• Find the vertica l deflect ion under the load. Consid er bendin g energy only and take flexura l rigidity as
,- EI.
Q. 3: Determ ine the deflect ion at the centre C of the beam AB shown in Fig 3.
/4---- -
Mechanical Engineering Dcpartinent
NIT Durgapur
Continues Assessment I
Sub: Advanced Solid Mechanics Sub Code: MEE613
FM: 15 Time: 1 Hour
1. A tube 0.08m inside by 0.12m outsicie·diameter is to be
\ .
reinforced by shrinking on a second tube · of 0.16m
outside diameter. The compound tube is to ·withstanding C
internal pressure of 35MPa · and the shrinkage I

allowances is to be such that the final maximum stress
in each tube is to be the same. Calculate this stress and
show on a diagram the variation of hoop stress in the
two tubes. What is the initial difference of diameters
before shrinking on? . 8
A~ ' >
' rigidity EI is bent and loaded
2. A uniform rod of flexural
by a vertical load P as shown in Fig. 1. Dete1mine the vertical
and horizontal deflection of C. 7


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