Certification - Navalan Tukuran

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This is to certify that on March 13, 2024, Cabatingan Land Surveying Services, represented by
Engr. Arthur Vincent L. Cabatingan, made a diligent attempt, in cooperation with barangay
representatives, to stake-out the corners of the following lots:

1. Lot F-097330-000456, owned by ROSEMARIE CAPA

2. Lot F-097330-000457, owned by BENJAMINE SALVADOR
Both lots are situated in Navalan, Tukuran, Zamboanga del Sur.
During the surveying process, Cabatingan Land Surveying Services faced significant challenges
due to the aggressive behavior exhibited by the Ramos family, who are the previous owners of
the aforementioned lots. Despite our best efforts, some corners of the lots could not be
established and marked with concrete monument markers due to obstruction and interference
caused by the Ramos family.
 For Lot F-097330-000456:
Corners 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 were successfully planted with concrete monument markers.
However, corners 1 and 7 could not be established due to the aggressive behavior of the Ramos
 For Lot F-097330-000457:
Corners 6 and 7 were successfully established with new concrete monument markers.
Unfortunately, corners 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 could not be marked due to life-threatening behaviour
exhibited by the Ramos family.
Cabatingan Land Surveying Services hereby certifies that all necessary measures were taken to
complete the task of staking-out the corners of the aforementioned lots. However, due to the
circumstances beyond our control, particularly the aggressive behaviour and theft of concrete
monument markers by the Ramos family, some corners remain unmarked.
We affirm that this certification is true and accurate to the best of our knowledge and belief.

Engr. Arthur Vincent L. Cabatingan

Cabatingan Land Surveying Services

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