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I think if you succeed every

become a legendary if you feel
just a garbage you know I'm saying
I think everybody has great stories
everybody had a lot of mistakes
everybody have a lot of problems
but very few people listen to you
one day where you become
people listen to you see wow
great I'm not that great I was born a
normal family and I'm not a good
as schooling of course I tried to
hard but as a boy you know my
school was
not that good at that time so I felt
looking for jobs looking for joining
University joining goose goose but
I never give up and I think there's
one thing I learned why why you
should have a chance to be
successful everybody
should get used to be get used to
but not get me used to be accepted
by other people why other people
help you you should earn the right
to be
helped so the thing I learned is that
don't give up my opportunity has
not come yet
when everybody complain that is
the opportunity
I always stop when I was young
when I
was graduated in the high school or
I thought Bill Gates took up my job
know Bill Gates did all the success
of things
Larry arisen from Oracle's they
they took all the wonderful
opportunities IBM
benefit we people have no
and I think I aim too high I should
aim to support and help the people
around me
two tiny things I never thought I
could be today after 18 years
Alibaba become today's size
not because I'm smart I don't think
I'm a smart person
but I have I work with a lot of
people and most of smart people
they always want to do successful
quick easy things and I think it's
easy to be successful quickly every
everything we do we prepare for
10 years
I know what not smart if we want
to be successful
we have to win 10 years later if we
to be successful we have to work
with smart people if we want to be
we should make a lot of mistakes
never give up a lot of people they
make mistake
they're probably give up we never
give up we learn from mistakes
and I think when we film the
message the
experience that I want to give you
the device I want to give you you
judge when this person will be
successful not by where he fell he
thinks is his spot or the other foot
he thinks my field because of the
others this guy has no chance those
people who
feel always think hmm it is my
fault I
did not do it properly I should
change gear change you there
these guys have opportunities so I
learned a lot from those people
who fail
I learn a lot from those people who
made mistakes I learn a lot from
my mistakes
so this is what I when I this is my
attitude when I fail I say see our
when I succeed say well I never
know I
could be successful this make me
very positive and optimistic and
because of so many mistakes too
much of failure
that make me never complain
because I
get used to that we are making
mistake every day even to today
we made stupid decisions almost
day nobody knows we thought is
smart but
finally proves stupid but we learn
we do
again we'll learn will again that's
the way that's the live attitude


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