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MoPH Exam

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Q.1. Opthalmic solutions are not evaluated for:
a. Sterility test
b. Active ingredient
c. Clarity test
d. Pyrogen test
Answer: (d) Pyrogen test
Explanation: Ophthalmic solutions are evaluated for Sterility, Clarity and Active ingredients not for
Pyrogen testing

Q.2. Which among the given is not suitable for controlled release dosase form
a. Diclofenace
b. Nicotine
c. Carbamazepine
d. Fentanyl
Answer: (c) Carbamazepine
Explanation: Carbamazepine is an anticonvulsant drug and not suitable for controlled release dosage

Q.3. Kries test is related to

a. Skin sensitivity studies
b. Identification test of resin
c. Rancidity index
d. Identification test of aloin
Answer: (c) Rancidity index
Explanation: Kries test refers to the spoilage of food such a way that it becomes undesirable for

Q.4. Isoniazid causes hapatotoxicity due to

a. Its metabolite acetylhydrazine
b. Accumulation of isoniazid in hepatic cells
c. Its metabolite acetylisoniazid
d. Deficience of pyrifoxine caused by prolonged isoniazid theory
Answer: (a) Its metabolite acetylhydrazine
Explanation: Isoniazid is an organic compound that is the first line medication for treatment of

Q.5. Which one of the following drug's tablet should be stored in the closely tight container to prevent
loss of potency?
a. Phenytoin
b. Propranolol
c. Nitroglycerine
d. All of these

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Answer: (c) Nitroglycerine
Explanation: nitroglycerine is a heavy, colorless, oily, explosive liquid most commonly produced by
treating glycerol with white fuming nitric acid. It should be protected form light and air exposure.

Q.6. Metabolite of chlordiazepoxide is

a. Nordiazepam
b. Oxazepam
c. Demoxipam
d. All of these
Answer: (c) Demoxipam
Explanation: Demoxipam is a benzodiazipine derivative. it has anticonvulsant properties.

Q.7. Lemon Grass oil is obtained by steam distilation of the

a. Fresh leaves of Eucalyptus globulus
b. Fresh flowering tops of the menths piperata
c. Leaves of aerial parts of the cymopogon citratus
d. Pericarp of the ripe or nearly ripe fruits of citrus limonis
Answer: (c) Leaves of aerial parts of the cymopogon citratus
Explanation: Aerial parts of the cymopogon citratus (lemon grass) are used in soaps, beauty products,
insect repellents etc.

Q.8. Azaspirodecandione agents are primarily used in the treatment of

a. Obsessive-compulsive disorders
b. Schizophrenia
c. Anxiety
d. Mania
Answer: (c) Anxiety

Q.9. Praracetamol is a derivative of:

a. p-amino phenol
b. Aryl acetic acid
c. Aryl propionic acid
d. Anthranilic acid
Answer: (a) p-amino phenol

Q.10. Efficiency of ball mill depends on

a. Rotational speed
b. Density of balls
c. Volume occupied by the balls
d. All of these
Answer: (d) All of these

Q.11. Which of the following properties of a drug is affected by micronisation

a. Flow properties

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b. Chemical stability
c. Therapeutic effectiveness
d. All of these
Answer: (d) All of these

Q.12. The phosphate antiviral agent is

a. Ribavirin
b. Didanosine
c. Ganciclovir
d. Foscarnet
Answer: (d) Foscarnet

Q.13. side effect of drugs is arise due to its intraction to cellular molucules other than the target. these
effect can be minimized by their:
a. specificity
b. Solubility
c. Affinity
d. Hydrophobicity
Answer: (a) specificity

Q.14. Which statement is not correct about levodopa?

a. In perkinsonism, phenothiazines reduce its efficacy
b. It is a prodrug
c. Pyridoxine reduces effect of levodopa in parkinsonism.
d. Domperidone blocks levodopa induced emesis and its therapeutic potential
Answer: (d) Domperidone blocks levodopa induced emesis and its therapeutic potential

Q.15. Most widely used film former in nail lacquer is

a. Ethyle cellulose
b. cellulose acetate
c. cellulose nitrate
d. cellulose acetobutyrate
Answer: (c) cellulose nitrate

Q.16. Which of the following metabolite of cyclophosphamide is responsible for its anti-tumor actitivity?
a. Phosphoramide mustard
b. Acrolein
c. Aldophosphamide
d. 4-hydroxy cyclophosphamide
Answer: (a) Phosphoramide mustard

Q.17. The pH of tears is about

a. 6.0
b. 8.0

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c. 7.4
d. 9.0
Answer: (c) 7.4

Q.18. Food poisoning is caused by :

a. Clostridium tetani
b. Clostridium welchi
c. Clostridium botulinium
d. Clostridium septicum
Answer: (c) Clostridium botulinium

Q.19. Which animal is used for studying insulin preparations?

a. Horse
b. Pigeon
c. Rabbit
d. Chicken
Answer: (c) Rabbit

Q.20. Geiger muller counter is used in :

a. UV specroscopy
b. Ionisation methods
c. IR spectroscopy
d. NMR spectroscopy
Answer: (b) Ionisation methods

Q.21. Antipsychotic drug-induced parkinsonism is treated by

a. Trihexyphenidyl
b. Levodopa
c. Selegiline
d. Amantadine
Answer: (a) Trihexyphenidyl

Q.22. As per drug and cosmetic act 1940 phenobarbitone sodium belongs to
a. Schedule L
b. Shedule X
c. Shedule R
d. Shedule O
Answer: (b) Shedule X

Q.23. Menthol is the main constituent of the volatile oil of

a. Pinus leaf
b. Peppermint leaf
c. Clove buds
d. Rose marry

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Answer: (b) Peppermint leaf

Q.24. The nitrogen in ephedrine is present as a

a. Primary amine
b. Secondary amines
c. Tertiary amines
d. Quarternary amines
Answer: (b) Secondary amines

Q.25. Hardness of water is expressed in

a. mL
b. Dynes
c. ppm
d. Mhos
Answer: (c) ppm

Q.26. Sterilisation of packed food such as milk and meat products can be done by
a. Gas
b. Moist heat
c. Radiation
d. Dry heat
Answer: (c) Radiation

Q.27. Chlorophyll test is positive in

a. Male fern
b. Clove
c. Rhubarb
d. Pale catechu
Answer: (d) Pale catechu

Q.28. Removal of para-nitro group of chloramphenicol may

a. Increases the toxicity
b. Decreases bitterness
c. Decreses potency
d. Increases water solubility
Answer: (c) Decreses potency

Q.29. A process of sepration of molecules through the use of semi-permeable membrane is known as
a. Osmosis
b. Dialysis
c. Seiving
d. Diffusion
Answer: (b) Dialysis

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Q.30. Which one of the following is the initial step in the absorption of the drug from a tablet
a. Deaggregation
b. Diffusion
c. Disintegration
d. Dissolutuin
Answer: (c) Disintegration

Q.31. Fenbufen is used in

a. TB
b. Plague
c. Dengu
d. Inflammation
Answer: (d) Inflammation

Q.32. The female insect Coccus cacti is the source of

a. Honey
b. Canthrites
c. Shellac
d. Colchicine
Answer: (b) Canthrites

Q.33. Tragacanth in water is associated with

a. Plastic flow
b. Pseudoplatic flow
c. Dialatant flow
d. None of these
Answer: (b) Pseudoplatic flow

Q.34. Antioxidants are added in lipstics to

a. Impart pleasant ordour
b. Staining of lips
c. Dissolving insoluble Pigments and dyes
d. Prevent rancidity
Answer: (d) Prevent rancidity

Q.35. Borntrager test is used to identification of

a. Senna
b. Squill
c. Cinchona
d. Digitalis
Answer: (a) Senna

Q.36. Plasma protiens act as

a. Reserve protiens

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b. Immunoglobulins
c. Buffers
d. All of these
Answer: (c) Buffers

Q.37. Ketone bodies are synthesised from the fatty acid oxidisation products by which of the following
a. Brain
b. Liver
c. Skeletal muscle
d. Kidney
Answer: (b) Liver

Q.38. An example of protien denaturation is

a. Dissolving sugar in water
b. Metabolism of meat
c. Heating milk
d. Heating egg
Answer: (d) Heating egg

Q.39. An enzyme catalysed the conversion of alddose sugar to ketose sugar would be classified as
a. Isomerases
b. Transferases
c. Hydrolysases
d. Oxydoreductases
Answer: (a) Isomerases

Q.40. The constituent of essential oil is

a. Polyterpenoid
b. Tetraterpenoid
c. mono and sesquiterpenoid
d. Triterpenoid
Answer: (c) mono and sesquiterpenoid

Q.41. Which of the given combination has an intraction, beneficial for routine clinical use?
a. Hydralazine and atenolol
b. Metochlopramide and levodopa
c. Quinidine and digoxine
d. Furosemide and lithium carbonate
View Answer

Q.42. Hyperuricemia is associated with the the abnormal metabolism of

a. Purine
b. Thiamine

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c. Riboflavin
d. Pyrimidine
Answer: (a) Purine

Q.43. Active immunity is induced by

a. Placental transfer of antibodies
b. Infection
c. Injection of gamma-globulins
d. Injection of antibodies
Answer: (b) Infection

Q.44. HIV infection can be clinical controlled with

a. Ribavirin
b. Ganciclovir
c. Stavudine
d. Acyclovir
Answer: (c) Stavudine
Explanation: stavudine is a nucleoside analogue reverse transcripted inhibitor

Q.45. An anti-arrythmic drug that is also used to control seizures is

a. Lidocain
b. Disipyramide
c. Phenytoin
d. Amiodarone
Answer: (c) Phenytoin

Q.46. Drug of choice for thyroid storm is

a. Carbimazole
b. Radioactive iodine
c. Propyl thiouracil
d. Centimizone
Answer: (c) Propyl thiouracil
Explanation: Propyl thiouracil is used to control hyperthyroidism condition.

Q.47. The cellular organells called 'suiside bags' are

a. Lysosomes
b. Nucleolus
c. Ribosomes
d. Golgi's bodies
Answer: (a) Lysosomes

Q.48. The drug included in 'dope test' for athletes is

a. Propranolol
b. Prazocine

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c. Dexamphetamine
d. Diazepam
Answer: (c) Dexamphetamine

Q.49. Fifth edition of I.P. was published in the year

a. 1985
b. 1996
c. 2007
d. 2015
Answer: (c) 2007

Q.50. List of minimum equipements required for efficient running of pharmacy is given in shedule
a. M
b. N
c. A
d. R
Answer: (b) N

Q.51. one pound apothecary is equivalent to

• 7000 grains
• 6375 grains
• 5760 grains
• 480 grains
Answer (a) 7000 grains
Explanation:The apothecary system of weights is the hystorical system of masss unit i.e pounds
and grains. 1 pound (lb) is equivalent to 7000 grains.

Q.52. Ampoules generally contain

• Single dose parentral product
• multiple dose parental product
• Two or three doses
• none of these
Answer (a) Single dose parentral product
Explanation:Ampoules are hermatically seales, and contain only single dose parentrals.

Q.53. Plasticizers are added in plastic to provide

• Flexibility
• heat stability
• Mechanical strength
• none of these
Answer (a) Flexibility
Explanation:plasticisers are additives to that increase the plasticity (flexibility) or fluidity of the

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Q.54. Which mill is used for size reduction of fibrous material?
• Roller mill
• Hammer mill
• Ball mill
• cutter milll
Answer (d) cutter milll
Explanation:Size reduction is a process of reducing substance to smaller particles. Cutter mill is
used for fibrous material.

Q.55. Ball mill works on the principle of

• Impact
• Compression
• Attrition
• Attrition and impact
Answer (d) Attrition and impact
Explanation:Ball mill works on the both princilpes of Attrition and impact.

Q.56. Micrometrics deals with the study of

• Powders
• Micropores
• small particles
• metric system of measurements
Answer (c) small particles
Explanation:Micrometrics is a science and technology of small particles.

Q.57. Which filter is used for bacterial filtration?

• Filter paper
• Sintered glass filter
• Membrane filter
• none of these
Answer (c) Membrane filter
Explanation:Membrane sepration process operates without heating. Membrane filters are
made up of cellulose nitrate which is highly flammable compound.

Q.58. The extraction process, in which crude drug is kept in contact with menstrum is called
• infusion
• maceration
• percolation
• none of these
Answer (b) maceration
Explanation:Macretion is also a wine making process n which raw, dried or preserved fruit or
vegetables are soaked in a liquid to softened the food or absorb the flavour of the liquid.

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Q.59. Belladonne tincture is prepared by percolation due to its
• Nature of crude drug
• therapeutic value of drug
• chemical properties of constituents
• none of these
Answer (b) therapeutic value of drug
Explanation:Belladona tincture primary used in diarrohea and visceral pain. It contains active
substance to get high yield it is isolated by percolation process.

Q.60. Drug and menstrum ratio of tincture is

• 1:3
• 1:4
• 1 : 10
• 1:2
Answer (b) 1 : 4
Explanation:A tincture is an alcoholic extract of plant or animal material or solution of such or of
a low volatile substance containing 1 part of material in 4 parts of alcoholic solution (menstrum).

Q.61. Fractional distillation is carried out for seprating

• miscible liquids
• Immiscible liquids
• Volatile oils
• hormones
Answer (a) miscible liquids
Explanation:Fractional distillation is a process of seprating two or more liquids from a solution
by heating the solution. As different liquids vaporise at different tempratures.

Q.62. In which dryer, drying takes place at very low temprature?

• Sublimation dryer
• Vacuum dryer
• Fluidized bed dryer
• Rotatory dryer
Answer (a) Sublimation dryer
Explanation:The sublimation of the product is done at -20°ree; C temperature.

Q.63. Sera are used to provide

• Artificial passive immunity
• Artificial active immunity
• Natural passive immunity
• none of these
Answer (a) Artificial passive immunity
Explanation:Artificial passive immunity is aquired through transfer of antibodies or activated T-
cells from an immune host and it short lived. Passive immunity can occurs naturally when
material antibodies are transferred to the fetus through placenta.

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Q.64. The lack of ability to resist infection is
• susceptibility
• Tolerance
• Virulence
• none of these
Answer (a) susceptibility
Explanation:In epidemiology, A susceptible indivisual is member in a population who is at risk of
becoming infected by a disease.

Q.65. Tablet is film coated with

• cellulose acetate phthalate
• Cellulose
• Hydroxy propyle methyle cellulose
• carboxy methyle cellulose
Answer (c) Hydroxy propyle methyle cellulose
Explanation:Hdroxy propyle methyle cellulose is also known as Hypromellose.

Q.66. Which one of these substance can be directly compressed into tablet?
• Paracetamol
• Aspirin
• Indomethacin
• Salicylic acid
Answer (b) Aspirin
Explanation:Aspirin also known as acetyl salicylic acid, can directly compressed into tablet.

Q.67. Slugging is related to

• Wet granulation
• Mixing
• Dry granulation
• Filling of the die
Answer (c) Dry granulation
Explanation:Dry granulation process creates granules by light compacting of the powder blend
under low pressure.

Q.68. The solution of potassium permangnate is filterd through

• Filter paper
• Whatman filter paper
• cotton wool
• Glass wool
Answer (d) Glass wool
Explanation:Potassium permangnate is act as an antiseptic and also a strong oxidising agent.
Due to oxydising nature it can affect paper, cotton etc.

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Q.69. Water attack test is is used to identify the alkalinity in:
• Type I glass
• Type II glass
• Type III glass
• All of these
Answer (b) Type II glass
Explanation:Water attack test is used for Type II glass.

Q.70. Saccharin sodium is used as :

• colouring agent
• Sweetening agent
• Flavouring agent
• none of these
Answer (b) Sweetening agent
Explanation:Saccharin sodium is a artificial sweetner.

Q.71. Which part of prescription contains information regarding the type and quality of dosage form?
• Subscription
• Inscription
• Superscription
• Signature
Answer (b) Inscription
Explanation:The inscription is also called the body of the prescription, and provides the names
and quantities of the chief ingredients of the prescription e.g., tab, cap, suspension, syp.

Q.72. The latin word Pulvis consperus is used for

• Powder
• Paste
• Ointment
• Dusting powder
Answer (d) Dusting powder
Explanation:Dusting powder is represented by Pulvis consperus.

Q.73. Which one if these ingredients used in dusting powder, should be sterilised?
• Starch
• Kaolin
• Zinc oxide
• None of the above
Answer (b) Kaolin
Explanation:Kaolin is rich in kaolinite, also called as china clay. It should be free from microbes.

Q.74. Cataplasma is related to -

• Powder

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• Poultice
• Cream
• Ointment
Answer (b) Poultice
Explanation:Poultice is also called cataplasm, is soft moist mass, often heated and medicated to
treat inflamed/painful part of the body

Q.75. Lemon spirit is used in the mixtures as -

• Vehicle
• Flavouring agent
• Preservative
• None of the above
Answer (b) Flavouring agent
Explanation:Lemon spirit is used in mixtures as a flavouring agent to mask the unpleasant taste
or odour of active ingredients.

Q.76 what is the w/v percentage of sucrose in simple syrup I.P. ?

• 66.7
• 75
• 50
• 40
Answer (a) 66.7
Explanation:As per I.P. simple syrup contains 66.7 % w/v of sucrose.

Q.77. Vehicle present in the linctuses is -

• Syrup
• Aromatic waters
• Water
• None of the above
Answer (a) Syrup
Explanation:Linctus is meant for cough medicine, and formulated as viscous solution which
contains sugar (syrup)

Q.78. The label shake well before use is indicated on the mixture containing -
• Soluble medicaments
• Potent medicament
• Diffusible medicaments
• Miscible liquid
Answer (c) Diffusible medicaments
Explanation:Shaking is required to disperse the solid medicament in suspension, (diffusible

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Q.79. Paracetamol elixir is magenta red in colour due to presence which colouring agent?
• Tartrazine
• Compound tartrazine
• Amaranth
• None of the above
Answer (c) Amaranth
Explanation:Amaranth belongs to Amaranthaceae family and closely related to genous celosia.
It is a colouring agent and magenta in colour.

Q.80 Which thickening agent is inorganic in nature?

• Acacia
• Compound tragacanth powder
• Bentonite
• None of the above
Answer (c) Bentonite
Explanation:Bentonite is an absorbent aluminium phyllosilicate, essentially impure clay
consisting mostly of montmorillonite.

Q.81. Aqueous alcoholic solution of volatile oil is called?

• Aromatic water
• Elixirs
• Tinctures
• Spirits
Answer (d) Spirits
Explanation:Spirits are the alcoholic or hydrolytic solution of volatile substances.

Q.82. O/W and W/O type of emulsion can be differentiated by -

• Miscibility test
• Staining test
• Dye test
• All of these
Answer (d) All of these
Explanation:The type of emulsions can be determined by dye and staining test, miscibility test,
conductivity test etc.

Q.83. Which is an anionic surfactant?

• Sodium lauryl sulphate
• Glycerol monostearate
• Tetradecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide
• Sorbitan mono oleate
Answer (a) Sodium lauryl sulphate
Explanation:Sodium lauryl sulphate is an anionic surfactant, and used in many cleaning and
hygiene products.

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Q.84. The condensed product of oleic acid and ethylene oxide is called -
• Macrogol
• Cetomacrogol
• Polysorbates
• Spans
Answer (c) Polysorbates
Explanation:Polysorbates are the polymers of ethylene oxide with oleic acid. Also known as
tween, canarecel, etc.

Q.85 Name the suspending agent used in calamine lotion?

• ZnO
• Bentonite
• Sodium citrate
• Glycerol

Answer (b) Bentonite

Explanation:Bentonite is an adsorbents, aluminium phyllosilicate used as stabilizing or suspending agent
in calamine lotion.

Q.86 In non-staining iodine ointment, which ingredient is added to bind the iodine?
• Arachis oil
• Yellow soft paraffin
• Methyl salicylate
• None of the above
Answer (a) Arachis oil
Explanation:Arachis oil is also known as peanut oil. This contains unsaturated fatty acids which
combines with iodine.

Q.87 Which fatty base is used in suppositories?

• Witespol
• Massupol
• Cocoa butter
• Soap glycerin base
Answer (c) Cocoa butter
Explanation:Cocoa butter is also called theobroma oil. It is edible vegetable oil extracted from
the cocoa bean and used as base for suppositories.

Q.88. In testosterone propionate injection, vehicle is -

• Apyrogenic water
• Seasome oil
• Polyethylene glycol
• None of the above

Q.89 Which part of pyrogen elevates body temperature?

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• Protein
• Lipopolysaccharide
• Lipid
• None of the above
Answer (b) Lipopolysaccharide
Explanation:Pyrogens are endotoxins or lipopolysaccharides, which elevate body temperature.

Q.90. Mineral oil cannot be used as oily vehicle in injection because

• It is toxic
• It is not absorbed in the body
• It is incompatible
• It is not metabolised in body
Answer (a) It is toxic
Explanation:WHO refers mineral oil as group-1 carcinogens (toxic).

Q.91. If the red blood cells are placed in 5% w/v sodium chloride solution then -
• Hemolysis occurs
• Shrinkage of cell occur
• Cells become more red
• None of the above
Answer (b) Shrinkage of cell occur
Explanation:5% w/v solution of sodium chloride is hypertonic solution, i which shrinkage of
RBCs occurs. 0.9% w/v solution of NaCl is called isotonic with blood plasma. Above this
concentration is hypertonic and below this range hypotonic. In hypertonic solution RBCs gets
shrink and in hypotonic solution hemolysis of RBCs occurs.

Q.92. Henderson - Hassel equation is related to

• Buffer solution
• Osmotic pressure
• Absorption
• Dissolution rate
Answer (a) Buffer solution
Explanation:Buffer solution is used to resist the pH. The Henderson-Hassel equation describes
the derivation of pH as a measure of a acidity in biological and chemical systems.

Q.93. Hydroxymethyl cellulose is added in eye drops to -

• Enhance viscosity
• Maintain pH
• Provide isotonicity
• None of the above
Answer (a) Enhance viscosity
Explanation:Hydroxymethyl cellusose is a semisynthetic, inert viscoelastic polymer, used as an
opthalmic lubricant and to increase the viscosity of the solution.

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Q.94. Contact lenses are made up of -
• Polyvinyl alcohols
• Chitin
• Polymethyl methacrylate
• None of the above
Answer (c) Polymethyl methacrylate
Explanation:Contact lenses are made uplp of hard plastic material called PMMA (polymethyl

Q.95. One fluid ounce is equal to

• 30ml
• 20 ml
• 25 ml
• 50 ml
Answer (a) 30ml
Explanation:One fluid ounce (1 Hoz) is equivalent to 30 ml.

Q.96. Dioctyl sodium sulphosuccinate is used in toothpaste as:

• Sweetening agent
• Surface active agent
• Humectant
• Binder
Answer (b) Surface active agent
Explanation:Dioctyl sodium sulphosuccinate is used as an emulsifying and dispersing agent

Q.97 Sustained released tablet is designed to -

• Disintegrate slowly in G.I. tract
• Release the medicaments slowly
• Reduce toxic effect
• None of the above
Answer (b) Release the medicaments slowly
Explanation:Medicaments released over a long period of time from a sustained release tablet.

Q.98 Adhesion of tablet material to a die wall is called

• Mottling
• Sticking
• Picking
• Capping
× this seems a wrong option
Answer (b) Sticking
Explanation:Sticking refers to a tablet material adhering to the die wall.

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Q.99 Which one of these is an example of 'ayurvedic drug?
• Arks
• Bhasmas
• Asavas
• All of these
Answer (d) All of these
Explanation:Arks, Asavas, Bhasmas, etc are Ayurvedic preparations .

Q.100 Which machine is used for making soft gelatin capsules?

• Dry cota
• Rotary dye process
• Rotary punch machine
• Press cota
Answer (b) Rotary dye process
Explanation:Rotary dye process is used for making soft gelatin capsules. Soft gelatin capsules
consists of a gelatin based shell surrounding a liquid fill.

Q.101 Type of emulsion produced with bees wax is -

• O/W
• W/O
• Both type
• None of the above
Answer (b) W/O
Explanation:Bees wax is used as emulsion stabilizers than agents, used with borax in sodium
cerotate in cold cream (W/O) . It is a natural emulgent.

Q.102 An example of physical incompatibility is -

• Milk + water
• Sugar + water
• Camphor + menthol
• Sodium chloride + water
Answer (c) Camphor + menthol
Explanation:Physical incompatibility accounts to physical changes including liquefaction by
mixing of two or more compounds as in eutectic powders like camphor, menthol, thymol etc.

Q.103 Moist granules are dried at

• 50℃
• 90℃
• 80℃
• 60℃
Answer (a) 50℃
Explanation:To avoid liberation of water of hydration of the drug the moist granules are dried at
low temperature (50℃).

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Q.104 The latin word Primo mane means -
• Every morning
• Early in the morning
• In the morning
• At night
Answer (b) Early in the morning
Explanation:Primo manemeans 'early in the morning',Manemeans 'in the morning'

Q.105 Simple syrup B.P. contains sugar in percenetage is-

• 85%
• 60%
• 75%
• 50%
Answer (a) 85%
Explanation:Simple syrup, USP and BP contains w/v of 85 to 87% w/v of sugar.

Q.106 Which one of these is present in compound sulphur lotion as wetting agent?
• Talc
• Quillaia tincture
• Zinc oxide
• Sodium citrate
Answer (b) Quillaia tincture
Explanation:Wetting agents suitable for lotions include quillaia tincture, as used in compound
sulphur lotion.

Q.107 Which type of surfactants have both hydrophobic and hydrophilic portion?
• Anionic surfactants
• Cationic surfactants
• Non-ionic surfactants
• Sodium soap
Answer (c) Non-ionic surfactants
Explanation:Surfactants are compounds that lower the surface tension between liquids or in
between liquids and solids. Non ionic surfactants have both hydrophobic and hydrophilic

Q.108 Span 80 is name given to -

• Sorbitan mono laurate
• Sorbitan mono stearate
• Sorbitan mono oleate
• None of the above
Answer (c) Sorbitan mono oleate
Explanation:span-80 is an emulsifier often used in cosmetics. It is sorbitan mono oleate. Span-
20 and span-60 are reffered to as sorbitan mono laureate and sorbitan mono stearate,

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Q.109 Hypodermic injection is given in -
• Subcutaneous tissue
• Deltoid muscle
• Subarachnoid tissue
• None of the above
Answer (a) Subcutaneous tissue
Explanation:Hypodermic injections like insulin injection are given in subcutaneous tissue.

Q.110 Pharmagel A is obtained by :

• Acid hydrolysis
• Enzymatic hydrolysis
• Basic hydrolysis
• None of the above
Answer (a) Acid hydrolysis
Explanation:Acid hydrolysis refers hydrolysis via nucleophilic substitution reaction.

Q.111 The temperature at which blood plasma and tears freeze is -

• - 0.122 ℃
• - 0.3 ℃
• - 0.52 ℃
• None of the above
Answer (c) - 0.52 ℃
Explanation:The plasma, blood and tears freezing point is 0.52 ℃.

Q.112 Extraction of vegetables drug with cold or boiling water for short time is called
• Tincture
• Infusion
• Percolate
• Spirit
Answer (b) Infusion
Explanation:Infusion is the process of extracting chemical compounds from plant material such
as water or alcohol, by allowing the material to remain suspended in the solvent over time.

Q.113 in capsules ROTOSORT is used for -

• Filling powders into capsules
• Filling pallets into capsules
• Filling liquids into capsules
• Sorting the unfilled capsules
Answer (d) Sorting the unfilled capsules
Explanation:ROTOSORT is used to seprate unfilled capsules.

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Q.114 Lozenges are also known as
• Buccal tablets
• Pessaries
• Troches
• Pastilles
Answer (a) Buccal tablets
Explanation:Lozenges are small medicated tablets intended to be dissolved slowly in the mouth.

Q.115 Enteric coated tablets are meant for disintegration in -

• Stomach
• Mouth
• Intestine
• None of these
Answer (a) Stomach
Explanation:Enteric coating is a polymer barrier applied on the oral medication which prevents
the disintegration in stomach.

Q.116 Dextrose injection is sterilised by

• Hot air oven
• Autoclave
• Tyndallization
• Pasteurization
Answer (b) Autoclave
Explanation:Dextrose injection is indicated as a source of water and calories. It is sterilised by

Q.117 Talc is used in the preparation of aromatic water as a

• Vehicle
• Distributive agent
• Medicament
• None of the above
Answer (b) Distributive agent
Explanation:Talc is mineral composed of hydrated magnesium silicate. Talc is impregnated with
the essential oils, which aids the solution of the oil by causing its division into very small

Q.118 Amorphous forms of drugs are

• Usually less soluble than crystalline forms
• Usually more soluble than crystal form.
• Also called solvents
• Practically insoluble
Answer (b) Usually more soluble than crystal form.
Explanation:Amorphous forms are also known as non-crystalline forms. This form is more
soluble than crystal form.

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Q.119 Shrinkage of gel by extrusion of liquid is called -
• Dilatancy
• Plasticity
• Ebullition
• Syneresis
Answer (d) Syneresis
Explanation:Syneresis is the spontaneous separation or extraction of the solid and liquid
component of a gel.

Q.120 In situ salt formation is a technique used in drug therapy to overcome -

• Lack of solubility of salt
• Poor absorption
• Chemical instability
• Complexation problems
Answer (c) Chemical instability
Explanation:Chemical instability refers to the susceptibility of the chemical to dangerous

Q.121 Disposable syringes are made up of -

• Polypropylene
• Transparent polystyrene
• Glass
• Poly tetrachloro ethylene
Answer (a) Polypropylene
Explanation:Disposable syringes are made up of polypropylene (plastic).

Q.122 Fine droplets of nasal sprays are produced by using -

• Nebuliser
• Atomiser
• Propellent
• Sprayer
Answer (b) Atomiser
Explanation:Fine droplets of viscous liquids obtained by atomiser.

Q.123 The process of grinding a substance to very fine powder is termed -

• Trituration
• Sublimation
• Percolation
• Levigation
Answer (d) Levigation
Explanation:Levigation is the process of grinding a substance to very fine powder.

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Q.124 The ideal antiseptic concentration of ethyl alcohol is -
• 95%
• 100%
• 70%
• 50%
Answer (c) 70%
Explanation:Ethyl alcohol in the concentration of 70% v/v acts as an ideal antiseptic agent.

Q.125 Urethral suppositories are also called as -

• Pessaries
• Nasal bougies
• Bougies
• Suppositories
Answer (c) Bougies
Explanation:Urethral suppositories are called bougies that are pencil shaped and pointed at one
end to facilitate insertion into male and female urethra.

Q.126 The substance added to form deflocculated suspensions is -

• Suspending agent
• Wetting agent
• Electrolytes
• Dispersing agents
Answer (a) Suspending agent
Explanation:Suspending agents like methyl cellulose, cmc, acacia, gelatin, tragacanth, are used
to prepare deflocculated suspension.

Q.127 Which is not a mineral hydrocolloid?

• Veegum
• Colloidal silica
• Colloidal alumina
• Tragacanth
Answer (d) Tragacanth
Explanation:Tragacanth is a natural gum, obtained from the several species of genus astragalus.
Veegum is an acidic smectile clay.

Q.128 Number of fluid ounce present in one pint is -

• 15
• 20
• 30
• 40
Answer (b) 20
Explanation:1 pint = 20 fluid ounces

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Q.129 The symbol ℞ is written in which part of the prescription?
• Inscription
• Superscription
• Subscription
• Signature
Answer (b) Superscription
Explanation:The symbol ℞ means 'you take' is written before writing the prescription (in

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