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101 Argumentative Article Topics

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101 Argumentative Article Topics Recommended By 101 Argumentative Article Topics Recommended By
The Mafia s Money Laundering

Money Laundering
The term money laundering is said to create from Mafia possession of Laundromats in the United
States. Gangsters there were earning huge sums in cash from extortion, prostitution, gambling and
bootleg liquor. They needed to demonstrate a legitimate source for these monies.
Money laundering is the process by which criminals try to conceal the true origion and ownership of
the proceeds of their criminal activity, allowing them to maintain control over the proceeds and, in the
end, providing a legitimate cover for their sources of income .
In the 1980 s, money laundering was considered only as interest basically with drug trackling
backgrund. It created trouble in western society, because the profit genration was increasing from
criminal activities. Therefore, there was a force from society to take action against drug dealers by
introducing legislation that would remove them of their illegal gains.
Government soon identified that criminal organizations, which made massive profits from drugs,
could corrupt the system of state at all levels.
Money laundering is a worldwide trend, supported by international society which is a 24hrs a day
business. If one closes, another opens for business.
As a 1993 UN Report noted: The essential features of laundering of profits of crime are its global
nature, the flexibility and adapbility of its operations. These make the crime in an organized manner.
Moreover, a very important point which should not be ignored at any cost

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The Tragedy Of My Uncle Khaled And The Gulf War Of 1990-91

The Tragedy of My Uncle Khaled and the Gulf War of 1990 91 In his chapter from On Writing Well
dealing with family history, author William Zinsser has written, Writers are the custodians of memory.
(281) This means that those who write preserve history. I hope to accomplish this here by
remembering my late uncle Khaled s experience of the Iraqi invasion, and occupation of, my native
country of Kuwait. In doing such a nonfiction assignment, it is important to recall something else
Zinsser wrote in his book: The moral for nonfiction writers is: think broadly about your
assignment...Push the boundaries of your subject and see where it takes you. (247) This represents
another key objective for this effort. Thus, if Uncle Khaled s memory is ... Show more content on
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One could even add Syria, a violent enemy of Iraq. This was the normal opinion held by Kuwaitis for
as long as the first two weeks of Iraqi occupation. The opinion increased or decreased in intensity with
statements made at Arab League meetings for and against the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, as well as
strong public denunciations by foreign nations (especially the U.S.) of the invasion or less passionate,
neutral, comments made by other countries (particularly China). As the end of the first month of the
occupation approached with no action taken by the Arab League, nor anyone else, my uncle s opinion
changed along with everyone else s in our tiny country. When he would visit us he would still appear
at least partially optimistic, commenting that The world does not seem ready to take action yet, but it
will. In the meantime, the Iraqis will tire of this game soon enough and leave. Here, again, the
opposite seemed true. As time passed, the Iraqis appeared only to increase the presence of their forces
in Kuwait. Whereas Iraqi forces at first had seemed more scattered in numbers throughout the
neighborhoods of the capital city, perhaps as only smaller squads of men, by the second month they
massed in human blocks that grew in size to companies, or even battalions, of troops.

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A Comparison of The Perfect Storm Movie and Novel Essay

A Comparison of The Perfect Storm Movie and Novel

The Perfect Storm is a novel written by Sebastian Junger, that retells the horrific story of fishermen
and sailors who were caught in the eye of the worst storm in history. The book mainly focuses on the
Andrea Gail, a swordfishing boat, with a crew of 6 men, who disappeared without a trace deep into the
northern atlantic sea. In the year 2000, almost 10 years after the tragic event took place, a motion
picture, perfectly titled, The Perfect Storm which was based on the novel was released. There were
subtle to few changes in the plot line of the story, however there were many differences among the
book and movie. The movie is very intact with the plot and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
The movie didn`t portray an important aspect, when the Andrea Gail was replacing and upgrading its
gears in the beginning, but the book did. That played a key role in why the Andrea Gail was caught in
the storm in the first place. The ice machine had broken down leaving the crew with no choice but to
return home, which meant heading into the storm, otherwise the fish they had worked so hard to catch
would spoil, making a whole waste of the trip. There were also details within the book that offered
much enlightment about the sea, the life of a fisherman, how a person dies, and storms, yet the movie
failed to offer that. That`s just one more argument for the debate of whether its better to read the book
or watch the movie.

There were certain plots that took place in the movie, but wasn`t mentioned in the book, if not then it
was only briefly brought about. When the 6 men were out in the bar drinking and partying the night
before they were off to sea once again, the book mentioned only briefly about Murph, one of the
crewmen, ?he has an ex wife Debra, and a three year old baby, also named Dale, whom he openly
adores?. In the movie, it showed Murph and his son, who wasn`t three years old, but older, in the
movie, bonding that last night. However, the book never mentioned this event taking place. The movie

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Mass Media Censorship In The United States

The 1st Amendment states that Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or
prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of
the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances
(Campbell, Martin, Fabos, 2014). Practicing your right to freedom of speech becomes difficult when
obstacles such as place, time, and manner limitations of free speech are present, which is also known
as censorship. Our 1st amendment is being exercised every single day by the fortunate citizens of the
United States of America while it is also being challenged everyday by its own government. The
government and police force take negative action towards ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Building a sense of direction in life and a personal identity is difficult when society and media creates
unrealistic models on how to live life, how to learn, and how to think. Media manipulation a
constantly around us and needs to be treated as a problem. Media Literacy means attaining an
understanding of mass media and how they construct meaning requires a critical process that takes one
through the steps of description, analysis, interpretation, evaluation, and engagement (Campbell,
Martin, Fabos, 2014). Media is often thought of in broad terms, but it s known that six corporations
owns 90% of media. The six media companies are The Walt Disney Corporation, Comcast, Viacom,
Time Warner, CBS Corporation, and News Corp (Lutz,2012). The Telecommunication Act of 1996
substantially changed the rules concerning ownership of the public airwaves because the FCC
eliminated most ownership restrictions on radio (Campbell, Martin, Fabos, 2014). The Act in which
overhauled the nation s communications regulations, most regional and long distance phone
companies and cable operators, competed against one another to provide connections to the Internet. It
is amazing and frightening at the same time to know that these six corporations will continue to
dominant 90% of everything an American citizen hears, sees, and considers meaningful. When
corporations turn into an oligopoly, corporations lose the original purpose for news, which is to inform
the public with facts and the act of informing and telling the truth is determined by money. These
corporations are more focused on what media gets them more viewers and money Media corporations
distract the public by reporting news cycles that constantly switch every day and bombard the public
with excessive coverage of absurdity news. These corporations cut out contrasting educated opinions,
newsrooms, and

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Stock Market and Great Lakes

Comparative Analysis of Indian Stock Market with International Markets

Debjiban Mukherjee T. A. Pai Management Institute, Manipal, India

Abstract The stock market is witnessing heightened activities and is increasingly gaining importance.
In the current context of globalization and the subsequent integration of the global markets this paper
captures the trends, similarities and patterns in the activities and movements of the Indian Stock
Market in comparison to its international counterparts. This study covers New York Stock Exchange
(NYSE), Hong Kong Stock exchange (HSE), Tokyo Stock exchange (TSE), Russian Stock exchange
(RSE), Korean Stock exchange (KSE) from various sociopolitico economic backgrounds. Both the
Bombay Stock exchange ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Also called the Big Board , it is the largest stock exchange in the world in terms of dollar volume and
second largest in terms of number of companies listed. The Tokyo stock exchange was established on
May 15, 1878 and trading began on June 1, 1878. In 1943, the exchange was combined with ten other
stock exchanges in major Japanese cities to form a single Japanese Stock Exchange. It is the second
largest stock exchange market in terms of monetary volume and currently has 2302 listed companies.
The Hong Kong stock exchange is the 8th largest stock exchange in the world in terms of Market
capitalization. The Hang Sang Index (HIS), was started on November 24, 1969. The Russian stock
exchange was established in 1995 by consolidating the separate regional stock exchanges into one
uniformly regulated trading floor. The Korea stock exchange was created by the integration of the
three existing of the Korean Spots and Futures exchanges (Korean stock exchange, Korean futures
exchange KOSDAQ) under the Korea Stock and Futures Exchange Act.3.5. In this paper, the names of
the countries and the names of the indices of those countries have been used interchangeably. Thus,
the names of the countries represent the indices for the

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The Growing Epidemic Of Divorce Essay

The growing epidemic of divorce in the United States could say that love is dead. Couples are now
divorcing as fast as they marry! Even couples who have been married for decades are separating. The
effects of divorce can be good for a couple or it can be heart wrenching. But more than often, it is the
children who are involved in divorce suffering more than the common eye can see. Not only does ugly
divorces put extreme stress on child, broken families and family members with addiction, disabilities,
and disorders can cause children to suffer from many disorders that can linger into adulthood. Parents
of broken families need to take care of their children because the burden and pain possessed by a child
can be impossible to see therefore it is the responsibility of the parents and the law to ensure that in
extremely difficult times, a child is taken care of either through counseling, therapy, or mediation
sessions with parents and children.
Children of bitter divorces can suffer tremendous outcomes. Yet not every single divorce is traumatic
for a child. It is old news that children are better off with happy separated parents than unhappy
married parents and divorce from a dangerous family member could mean safety and better times
ahead. Though some situations can be traumatic for children of parents who are more than just an
unhappy couple. Young children from toddler to elementary age can suffer from a myriad of
psychological issues with messy divorces and violent

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How Instant Messaging ( Im ) And Texting

Discuss how instant messaging (IM) and texting could be a benefit, or an obstacle, or both, in your
In my workplace, employees are able to connect with colleagues through internal social media and
instant messaging (IM) tools. The social media chat tool affords employees (globally) to connect and
discuss topics such as proposal support, employees with special skillsets, training interest, online
tutorial sessions (i.e., updating resumes, corporate management seminars), shared information
obtained at conferences and/or technology presentations, global engineering industry news, and
individual and team awards and recognition. Although a separate application, messages generated
through the social media tool are displayed in the company s email inbox.

The IM feature is very beneficial because employees can simultaneously review a document or
spreadsheet and communicate/provide input to one another via online IM, instead of over
speakerphone which can be very distracting for employees operating in a cube farm type environment
(common practice within the industry).

To date, I have not viewed the internal social media and instant messaging (IM) tools as obstacles;
however, my email inbox gets very populated by the numerous social media messages from
employees who are sharing information or requesting support.. I don t always find time to review each
message, but I am confident that if my direct assistance is required, I will receive an email requesting
my immediate

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The Individual s Stage Of Cognitive Development

2. If the individual is an infant, test for object permanence (see pp. 101 102 in your textbook).
Describe both the test and the results. If the individual is a child, test his or her conservation skills
using one of the tasks described on pp. 148 151 in your textbook. Describe both the test(s) and the
results. What does performance on the object permanence or conservation task tell you about the
individual s stage of cognitive development in Piaget s theory?

If the individual is a child, adolescent, or adult, ask the individual to draw a picture of what a human
being would look like if he or she had three eyes instead of two. Ask the individual where the third eye
should go and why it should go there. Describe both the test and the results. Scan or take a digital
photo of the drawing and upload the image to your course dropbox along with the submission version
of these forms. What does this drawing tell you about the individual s stage of cognitive development
in Piaget s theory? Can the individual think creatively about possible (hypothetical) worlds or is he or
she stuck in concrete reality?

I told Nina to draw a human with a third eye located anywhere she would like to place it. She decided
to put the eye on the chin so the person could have a broader view and different perspective . Nina is
in the formal operational stage of cognitive development. Instead of placing the eye on the forehead
like a child would do, she placed it on the chin which

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Risk Assessment Of Software And Mobile Application

This is completed after the first final draft has been completed
The rate of technology changes is faster than ever. The new cutting edge technologies in software
world solve many problems and make our life easy. At the same time, they provide many unseen risk.
We need to ensure that steps taken and technology used to build software or mobile application do not
create additional risk in future. Most risk analysis process is based on theoretical concept to identify
and assesses the risk. In this paper we analysis two formula based risk analysis approaches in mobile
and software application namely WHYPER framework and DempsterSchafer theory.
Risk management is a process of risk identification, risk assessment and developing counter ... Show
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Software and mobile applications are integral part of everyday life. With globalization, the 24x7
accessibility of data has increased the threat of data loss because attackers are always ready to steal
your data. Software that we are using, internet banking using a network, a smart phone that we use for
calling and texting, storing data at cloud etc involves risk.
Data is a big factor of risk in software and mobile usage. Many researchers investigated lifecycle of
risk analysis and risk management. With the growing technology in mobile and software applications
the traditional risk management does not solve all the problems associated with modern security
attacks. Many small scale organizations do not implement the risk lifecycle for software or mobile
application because implementing risk assessment is costly.
As a result, not only the organizations which have developed the applications the individual who use
them can fall prey to attackers. The IT organization as well as customer poses a great risk.
In risk analysis my primary goal is to identify the sources of risk, impact of risk as well as assessing
these risks in software and mobile application devices from organization to individual level. The next
step is to estimate the uncertainty and complete the risk analysis model.
Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to study the risk analysis and risk management of software and
mobile device

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My Trip To Disney World In Orlando, Florida

Briskly walking to ride Space Mountain as Disney World opened for the day, I realized that Disney
was my favorite place to visit and my dream vacation spot. My fascination for Disney began when I
was young and helped plan my family s vacation. Experiencing new rides, themed meals, and
breathtaking shows make a trip to Disney a magical experience and unique from other destinations.
Therefore, if I was given a ticket to travel anywhere in the world, I would choose to visit Disney
World in Orlando, Florida. Planning several months in advance is necessary in order to experience
numerous attractions while at Disney. My interest in planning Disney trips was enhanced by watching
YouTube videos of rides and by reading descriptions of the attractions ... Show more content on
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Several attractions including the Seven Dwarfs Mine Train and Splash Mountain would occupy my
time as I entered the park. Following those attractions, I would use the Fastpass reservations that I had
reserved for my favorite rides. Afterward, I would immerse myself with Belle and the Beast and feast
on a delectable lunch inside the his elegant castle at Be Our Guest restaurant. With a belly full of
French food, I would continue to tour the park and ride some of my favorite classic attractions like
Peter Pan s Flight and It s A Small World. After several more rides, I would walk to Adventureland
and get my favorite dessert, a Dole Whip Float, which is an icy cold mouth watering treat of creamy
ice cream and tangy pineapple juice. As the park transitions to nighttime, I would find a bench on
Main Street and watch the vibrant colors burst in the sky to my favorite Disney tunes. The atmosphere
on Main Street during the fireworks show makes Disney an unforgettable experience and unlike
anything else. At the conclusion of the fireworks, I would have to take a picture in front of Cinderella
s glistening castle. After a full day of Disney magic, I would return home from Disney

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The Wonder Wom The Transformation Of The Wonder Woman

Published by All Star Comics on October 1941, the day Marston s creation of the first female
superhero revolutionized the world. From a love triangle surged the greatest representation of a
powerful and independent woman, which shaped American society. Wonder Woman a fictional
character that became an icon of pop culture and women in general. American politics from the years
1890s 1980s faced social reforms and new ideals, a dominant force in Lepore s book prove that more
than a decade of strife , influenced heavily the shaping of Wonder Woman. Diana of Themyscira,
daughter of queen Hippolyta and Zeus would bring hope, beyond the fictional world to the land of the
free and home of the brave. Politics in the United States is one of those topics that can have several
meanings depending on who is defining it, thus because many things can influence the person who is
defining it. In this case, it is to be avoided at all costs definitions or words that are hard enough to
pronounce, that is for the analysts, and political science professors, as it has been scientifically proven
that learning is more captivating when it is tied with something or someone we know or have seen
before. First we are going to start off, by mentioning some of the outstanding political sections from
that time period, before we get to the influence it had on the creation of Wonder Woman. Woodrow
Wilson had been elected as president in 1912, he promised a government based on, democratic

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An Analysis of The Pilgrim’s Progress Essay

A question has arisen concerning the conflicts used in John Bunyan s The Pilgrims Progress; the first
half of the book was originally published in sixteen seventy eight while the second half was published
in sixteen eighty four. Guilt, deception, shame, and fear are all major conflicts the author uses that
challenge the main characters, Christian and Christiana, on their journey to the celestial city. Perhaps
the hardest conflict Bunyan has Christian and his wife face is guilt. John Bunyan s books have been
some of the most popular books in Christian society. The novel itself has even been called second to
the bible. (Second is referring to the number of copies that have been sold.) While the book itself has
Christian represent an ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The modern version of the book is similar to a combination of old world and modern English. Pilgrim
s Progress uses hymns as a foreshadowing event alluding to a minor character s demise or a good
event. John Bunyan starts the book off as if the narrator is sleeping and has a dream. He also uses
imagery from the bible which includes the celestial city and the river of death. Bunyan grew up in a
home that was poor but he still had a love for the gospel. At one point in his life he was arrested for
preaching the gospel without being licensed to preach. The story is written in first person so it is read
like the story is being told to the reader. The limitations of the narrator would most likely be that he is
not able to describe the feelings of the dream characters with enough accuracy. The reason for this is
the narrator is experiencing a dream but he is not actually feeling the feelings that the dream character
is feeling. The language of the book itself started off in old English but has been updated throughout
the ages so that it is in modern English. A limitation the narrator has is he does not know what will
happen in the future and he cannot influence the outcome of the story. An example of symbolism
would be the burden that Christian has to carry on part of his journey. His burden represents the sins
that he has committed and the burden will only fall

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Causes And Disadvantages Of Intercultural Communication

It may seem that communication is not a complicated process because people communicate everyday
and it is nothing special for them. Communication is a process divided into verbal and nonverbal
communication which are included in every kind of communication in intercultural as well. That is
why while speaking about intercultural communication people meet with problems and obstacles. It
comes usually from problems with transmissing the messages. People from the same culture have
same values, behaviours, beliefs and language so when person who receive the message interprate it,
that message is likely similar to the idea of what the person who sent it mean. However, if the reciver
or sender is a person from a different culture who has different ... Show more content on
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Angela K. Y. Leung (2011) singles out two obstacles in the intercultural communication which are the
most major and common among people. First of them is an obstacle called Person Level Obstacle. It
describes that there are two types of people. There are people who has no problem while
communication with people from other culture and they are curious about them and have no problems
with communication however, the group of people who has problems while having a contact with
people with other values, beliefs and from other culture is bigger. Those people often feel distressed
and anxious. Some of people may even experience a cultural shock when it comes to the meeting (A.
K. Y Leung, 2011), (p. 245). It happens because both of them possesses different beliefs, values,
behaviours and even gestures. Another obstacle is close mindedness. According to Leung (2011),
People who are open to experience have a predisposition to learn from new cultural experiences and
engage in intercultural interactions . Those people are curious about people from different culture,
they would like to know it, but there are also people with low levels of openness and they may find
encountering foreign cultures to be overwhelming, shocking and even threathening (A.

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Antartic And Antarctica Similarities

1. Describe three similarities (biotic or abiotic) between the Artic and Antartic tundra. Describe the
difference: course hero
a) Both Arctic and Antarctica have glaciers, icebergs and snowstorms and receive the lowest
precipitation in the world.
b) Both the Arctic and Antarctica have seals, birds, and fish.
c) Antarctica is colder and windier than in the Arctic. The lowest temperature ever measured, 89.2°C,
was registered Vostok in Antarctica on 21 July 1983 (Kranz). The positioning of the Antarctica renders
it lightless since no sun rays reach the region making it extremely cold than the Arctic
d) Antarctica has no mammals that live on land. In the Arctic, several land based mammals can be
found, including reindeer,

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Compare And Contrast Orzco And Frida Kahlo

A while back my uncle took my brother and me to a trip to the Museum of Contemporary of Art in
San Diego. However, on that day, the museum had an event of Mexican heritage artist. I do not
remember exactly all the details on that day, but fortunately, I do remember one painting I was able to
remember, the Flower Seller. At the time, I could not understand why the picture had impact me and
was the only one I can remember well. When I was young, I thought the young girl was decorating,
but now I doubt she was decorating it. Today, I do not know what the girl is doing anymore. Is she
about to carry it? What is in the background? Is she in a market or a field? And why is it that I
remember this painting so well?
Not only have I seen Rivera s painting but also another Mexican artist, for example; Jose Clemente
Orozco and Frida Kahlo. I saw their paintings at the Museum of Art in San Diego. I cannot remember
what pictures I have seen on that day last time I saw it. One of the things I realize is the way they
represent their art. They express their past and their present, the rich culture of the Mexican history,
the way they express their ideology and their political view of their time, and their surrealist dream in
case of Frida Kahlo. One of the remarkable ways they express is by putting their expression on the
wall also known as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
After the conflict, it led to the movement of Mexican muralism, since then many painters and muralist
expand their expression about the struggle that the nation was facing through. It is thanks to the
muralist that the citizens were able to understand what was happening in the country. The Mexican
Revolution impact a new political structure from a dictator to an institute of a ruling party that governs
the country to this date. One of the reasons that muralist expresses to the people that the revolution
was still

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World Bank Reconstruction Role During The Leste s...

World Bank reconstruction role in Timor Leste creating problems (REFERENCE:

http://www.brettonwoodsproject.org/es/2007/01/art 550872/)
The World Bank came to Timor Leste in 1999, when the UN was still planning the intervention
mission. The lack of attention given by the UN Transitional Administration in East Timor to economic
development allowed the Bank to assume a central role. After the end of mass violence, the Bank and
Fund visited Timor Leste and conducted a joint assessment mission. This was done with little
consultation with the Timorese people.
There were several roles played by the Bank in the reconstruction and development effort in Timor
through its supervision of the Trust Fund for Timor Leste (TFET), the Bank funded ... Show more
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This raises serious concerns both about unemployment in the agricultural sector and long term food
The Bank s Community Empowerment Project aimed to establish transparent, democratic, and
accountable local structures in rural areas to make decisions about development projects in a
decentralised fashion. However the programme conflicted with traditional structures.
Even though the Bank argues that its presence has reinforced the position of the government, the
reality is that is has subordinated and marginalised it. Most of the Bank s programme does not involve
the government in the decision making process, undermining the accountability of democratically
elected representatives. In the end, the Bank s presence has created problems rather than solving them.
They could have avoided this by if they had consulted with the Timorese people.
World Bank breaking its promise
Rererene : New York Correspondent, bdnews24.com Published: 2015 04 18 10:27:25.0 BdST Based
on http://bdnews24.com/world/2015/04/18/world bank breaking its promise World Bank has caused
the displacement of 3.4 million people despite its vociferous campaign against harming humans and
nature, a study by 50 journalists from 21 countries has revealed.

A report, in the US based The Huffington Post, says four World Bank projects have led to the
displacement of 84,408 people in Bangladesh alone.
The report, titled How the World Bank breaks its promise to protect the poor , says the

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China s History, Traditions, Geography, And More

Katie Smith
8 24 15

China is known for their interesting history, traditions, geography, and more. Have you ever been
curious about China s history, traditions, geography, and more? If you are curious then this is a perfect
thing to read!
Let s begin with history in China. In the Prehistoric Times original humans began activity in the
Paleolithic Times, and early culture and society forming. The Xia Dynasty was the first dynasty made,
and was established by Qi (son of Yu the Great). It was a country made up of different tribes. The
Shang Dynasty was established by the leader Tang, was also ruled by 31 rulers. Then, it became a
society based on slavery. The Zhou Dynasty originated from the Zhou clan. By the 11th Century BC,
this clan had become very powerful and had extended throughout the present Shaanxi and Gansu
Provinces. Lasting from the 11th century BC to 771 BC, the Western Zhou was established by King
Wu. This dynasty included the reigns of 13 emperors and played a very important role in Chinese
history. With the death of King You, the last king of the Western Zhou Dynasty, the Eastern Zhou
Dynasty began. Xuan Jiu, the son of King You, established the dynasty in 770 BC. The Western Han
(206BC 24AD) was regarded as the first unified and powerful empire in Chinese history. Lasting from
206 BC to 24 AD, it was established by Liu Bang. Regarded as a continuation of the Western Han
(206 BC 24 AD), the Eastern Han (25 AD 220 AD) was established by Liu

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How Did The Opium Wars Affect China

The Opium wars affected China in many positive and negative ways which ultimately led to further
violent uprising and rebellions such as the Boxer Rebellion and the Xinhai Revolution. The 1st Opium
war was fought between China and Britain and the second between China and Britain allied with
France (Robert, 2003). The wars were fought because of China s refusal to enter the family of nations
on a basis of equal trade and equality in diplomatic relations which meant that Britain decided to use
force instead. This war (which was won by the British) lead to the treaty of Nanjing which
conclusively led to the loss of the Chinese emperor s dignity and respect (Fairbank, 1987). The Opium
wars negatively and positively impacted China s political, cultural and economic aspects of life on the
short term and the long term. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Many ports were opened throughout China for Britain to trade and maintain a residence for them
including Shangi, Xiamen, Fuzhou, Ningbo and Guangzhou and that Hong Kong would be given up
Great Britain because of these treaties (Roberts, 2003). All foreigners and Chinese citizens that lived
with them were completely immune to the law (Llanes, 2017). These negotiations allowed Britain to
trade more freely with China and establish colonies within China. Furthermore, since foreigners and
Chinese people living with them were immune to the law China became filled with crime and
permitted Britain to set up spy networks throughout China. Although China suffered major negative
political impacts from the opium wars the list only continues when you look at the impacts on China s

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What Are The Two Main Points From Kathryn Minshew s 1960s

The two main points from Kathryn Minshew s presentation were: 1. How the Muse came to be and
how the early Muse was different from the current Muse. When starting a company, you see the big
picture, where you want to be but the reality is the early stages aren t glamorous. 2. The new rules for
finding the right path, landing the best fit job and advancing your career. In order to find the right
path, you must start with your values and what matters to you. There is no single dream job, but rather
than multiple best fit jobs. Build relationships, manage up and know what your boss expects as you
advance in your career. I will apply this information to my life by using theMuse.com as a resource to
finding my right path and best fit job. As I

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Balance Sheet and Deferred Tax

From its origins in 1914 as a Western Australian farmers cooperative, Wesfarmers has grown into one
of Australia s largest listed companies. Headquartered in Western Australia, its diverse business
operations covers supermarkets and department stores; home improvement and office supplies; coal
mining; insurance; chemicals, energy and fertilisers; and industrial and safety products. Wesfarmers is
one of Australia s largest employers and has a shareholder base of approximately 500, 000.

Subsidiaries of Wesfarmers

Wesfarmers owns vast range of subsidiaries ranging from retail industry to insurance and chemicals
and energy sectors all the below subsidiaries are 100 % owned and controlled by Wesfarmers Ltd
otherwise the controlling ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The carrying amount of deferred income tax assets is reviewed at each balance sheet date and reduced
to the extent that it is no longer probable that sufficient taxable profit will be available to allow all or
part of the deferred income tax asset to be utilised.

Deferred income tax assets and liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the
year when the asset is realised or the liability is settled, based on tax rates (and tax laws) that have
been enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date.
Journal Entries of land where its Fair Value appreciated which creates Deferred Tax Liability is as

Land Dr

Deferred Tax Liability Cr


Subsequently when the liability has been settled with Income Tax the entries would be as follows:

Deferred Tax Liability Dr

Income Tax Expense Cr

In the case of Wesfarmers Ltd it reviews Fair Value of the Assets acquired assets and if the fair value
of the assets is increased it will give rise to Deferred Tax Liabilities which stood at 552 m, However
Wesfarmers have Deferred Tax Assets resulting from decrease in the Fair value of the Different Class
of Assets and increase in Fair Value of Liabilities which was 1027 m which could be net off against
Deferred Tax Liabilities resulting 475 m Net Deferred Tax
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Riverside County Case Study

Riverside County (RC) was first incorporated in 1832, and is currently the fourth most populated
county in California, with 2.3 million residents. RC is a diverse area of urban, suburban, and rural
communities. Geographically, it stretches over 7,200 square miles, including 26 incorporated cities
and 25 school districts. RC is currently divided by two (2) main highways (I 15 and I 10), and two
main freeways (R 91 and R 60). Because of the continuous population surge, as well as the diversity
of terrain, RC face numerous traffic issues. Motor vehicle crashes has continued to be one of the
leading causes of death and injury to RC residents. According to the California Highway Patrol
Statewide Integrated Traffic Records System (SWITRS),

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Essay about United Kingdom

ondon is the capital of the United Kingdom. It ranks as one of the world?s most historic cities, tracing
its roots back nearly 2000 years. London has long been a great world port and trading center. The port
of London consists of two huge docks and 43 miles of wharves along the Thames River. London also
has a remarkable transportation system. Expressways, and underground and surface railways carry
more than one million commuters between the outlying areas and central London each workday. More
than 350,000 commuters travel by subway, about 400,000 take surface trains and more than 100,000
go by bus. About 100,000 people drive their cars to work. The London subway system (the ?tube?), is
the largest subway system in the world. It includes ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The relations between these two countries were strengthened by the UK?s alliance with the United
States during both World Wars, the Korean conflict and the Persian Gulf War. The United Kingdom
and the United States regularly consult on foreign policy issues and global problems. The United
Kingdom is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, therefore its location is ideal for ship transportation.
Shipping is an inexpensive and fairly efficient method of transportation; however, the United
Kingdom also has a large number of airports and railways (see transportation). The United Kingdom is
also located close to France and Belgium, which are two of its main trading partners, resulting in
inexpensive transportation of goods.

he UK has an exceptionally well organized system of government. The United Kingdom is a

constitutional monarchy. Queen Elizabeth II is the head of state; however, a cabinet of senior
politicians, known as ministers governs the country. The prime minister (Tony Blair, elected May
2,1997) is the head of the government. Parliament is the chief lawmaking body. It consists of the
monarch, the House of Lords and the House of Commons. he United Kingdom is said to have an
unwritten constitution as it is not all jotted down on one document. Some of it?s written parts are laws
passed by Parliament, others come from historic documents (Magna Carta), and common law. The
unwritten part contains ideas and practices that British society has developed

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Different Equipment Used At Site Surveying And With That I...

In this Task I will explain the different equipment used in site surveying and with that I will produce a
report based on our task we carried out where we transferred a level from a known benchmark to a
temporary benchmark. (TBM) This will include photos and evidence in regards to what we did and
how we recorded our results.

Before we started our task we created a risk assessment which includes different risks and their
solutions with their risk factor too, before and after.
(The risk assessment is on the next page)

An Ordnance Bench mark is something which is found on bridges/roads and buildings. These are now
available all over UK as to when, The Ordnance survey datum was created around 1920. It is now
located in Newlyn (Cornwall) ( ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Slips, trips and falls Students and staff Low All personnel to wear safety footwear and Hi Visible and
hard hats (Supplied by BB Col) Low
Road safety issues Collisions Students and staff Low Staff to ensure that all students are notified of
road safety issues. Low
Weather Slip/Wet conditions Students and staff Low Make sure correct clothing is worn and
arrangements have been made to solve wet conditions.
Or check the BBC weather if planning for next few days. Low
Violence Staff and Students may suffer stress and/ or physical injuries from aggressive customers
Students, Staff and the general public Medium Staff adheres to legal requirement. Staff to train
students how to be good, use polite behaviour and how to avoid
Confrontation following violence policy when to call police. Low
Fire If trapped somehow anyone could suffer from smoke
Or this

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Why Was The 95 Theses Important

95 Theses Essay:

The 95 Theses on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences are the things that Martin Luther, a priest
and professor of theology, wrote in 1517 to express what he thought was wrong with the Catholic
Church. The 95 Theses were held in one of Europe s largest collections of holy relics, the All Saints
Church in Wittenberg, Saxony, which was part of the Holy Roman Empire. The 95 Theses were lists
of questions to debate upon. These Theses mostly targeted the validity of the indulgences performed
by the Pope, which were sold to people who thought that paying money erased sin, the authority of the
Pope and the nature of which a person confesses to a priest and is given absolution, or penance, and
even baptisms. But they also attacked how much power the Pope had.
He thought that the Bible was the religious answer and that humans could only reach salvation
through faith alone. This was considered the catalyst to the Protestant Reformation which changed
religious and cultural history in the West. The importance of the 95 Theses was that it got word around
that maybe the Pope was wrong and that the Bible was where you needed to go for answers when you
felt sinful. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Then, they would come home to Luther s church, the city church in Wittenberg, and show him the
documents where they had paid for the forgiveness of their sins and therefore did not have to repent,
which upset Martin Luther greatly. The Theses were to be discussed at a public scholarly debate at the
University of Wittenberg, where Martin Luther had been the theology professor since 1514, and were
posted on October 31, 1517 in Latin. It was later translated into German and widely copied and
printed. He also sent a letter to his church superiors, with a copy of the 95 Theses, hoping to get rid of

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Annex Philippines

Should the United States have annexed the Philippines

Abraham Lincoln once said no man is good enough to govern another man without that other s
consent... In this case the U.S. is not good enough to govern the Philippines when the Philippines want
to be independent. The Spanish American war (1898) occurred when a U.S. ship blew up near Cuba
(was trying to gain independence from Spain). Within hours yellow journalists were all over the story
saying that it was a Spanish torpedo, and the U.S. should go to war. The United States government fell
for yellow journalism and went to war. It was an easy win for the U.S. as it lasted only 4 months. As a
result of the win the U.S. got an option on what to do with Philipines( also trying to gain independence
from Spain), annex them, make them independent, or give them back to Spain. At the beginning of the
war the United States said it would free the Philippines, because of all the help the Philippines offered,
however they ended up annexing it. So, should the United States annex the Philippines? No, the U.S.
should not annex the Philippines because it kills the spirit of 1776 and it goes against the golden rule.
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should not annex the Philippines because it goes against the spirit of 1776. We earnestly condemn the
policy of the present national administration in the Philippines. It seeks to extinguish the spirit of 1776
in those islands. (Document A) The U.S. was fighting for its own independence from Great Britain
over 100 years ago, and now Philippines is doing the same thing with Spain. So why doesn t the U.S.
support them on this instead going against it. The only way America is a country now is because it
rebelled against a bad ruler. Philippines is just trying to follow in our own footprints. That is why the
U.S. should not annex the Philippines because it goes against the spirit of

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Creating Solutions Of Standard C

Creating Solutions of Standard Molarity

Krishnaben Patel
Katherine Asibal
CHEM 1251L 027
10 1 2014
Introduction: In this experiment, a series of 〖Cu〗^(2+) solutions of different concentrations were
prepared using the dilution technique. The principles of spectroscopy of and appropriate usage of Spec
20 was taught. The spectrophotometer instrument was used to measure the amount of light that passes
through a solution. Beer Lambert law was applied to determine the concentration of 〖Cu〗^(2+) in
an unknown solution. Serial dilution technique was used to prepare a less concentrated solution from a
more concentrated solution. Molarity (M) and moles of a solute was introduced. Molarity (M) was
determined by diving the moles of solute over liters ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In Part 2: Measuring the Absorbance of Standard Copper (II) Solutions Calibration Curve , the percent
transmittance (%T) and absorbance for the 0.500 M, 0.200 M, and 0.050 M CuSO4 standard solutions
was measured using the calibrated Spec 20. To create the calibration curve for 〖Cu〗^(2+) solutions,
the absorbance values versus the concentration or molarity were plotted.
In Part 3: Preparing Copper (II) solutions of Different Concentrations , 20.0 mL of a 0.500 M solution
was from CuSO4 * 5H2 O was made. The solid was weighted and was added to the 100 mL beaker.
About 15 mL of water was added to the same beaker. The mixture was transferred back and forth
between the graduated cylinder and a beaker to dissolve all the crystals. The solution was transferred
back to the graduated cylinder. The beaker was rinsed well with a small amount of distilled water and
the rinsed solution was transferred to the same cylinder containing the dissolved solid. After adding
the solution, the total volume in the cylinder was about less than 20 mL. With the use of the Pasteur
pipette, the water was added until the volume in the cylinder was 20 mL. This was the first solution.
To create the homogeneous solution, the mixture was transferred back and forth between the beaker
and the graduated cylinder. After the solution was mixed well, small amount of solution was put into
the test tube. The test tube was placed into the chamber of the Spec 20 to measure the percent

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Industrial Revolution And The Industrial Age

The Industrial Revolution affected all aspects of American life, and it provoked more changes than
just those in the factories. How one experienced the Industrial Revolution depended on where one
lived. By 1900, more than a third of America s people lived in cities, and city populations were
growing twice as fast as the population as a whole. Between 1870 and 1920, the number of Americans
living in cities increased fivefold, from 10 million to 54 million. Most of the massive industries of the
Industrial Age emerged in the North. Because the work was there, these cities ballooned into
metropolises. And as the cities of the North grew, economic disparities between the wealthy and the
poor became more pronounced; the corporations of the Industrial Age generated enormous fortunes
for a handful of people, leaving most industrial laborers living in poverty. Most of the people living in
these growing cities were workers working in the new factories of the Industrial Age. The
manufacturers sometimes provided company housing close to the factories so that the entire work
force could walk to work. The independent builders sought quick profits and got away with throwing
up inferior houses because they had no building codes. Those developers also carved up previously
built single family homes into multiple unit dwellings called tenements, which often had thin walls
and frequently lacked windows as well. These kinds of close quarters led to communal childcare
networks, and they also

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Comparing Hinduism And Shintoism

Hinduism, Buddhism, and Shintoism

Both Hinduism and Buddhism originated in India. Hinduism originated first when around 1500 B.C
the Indian civilization was overtaken by an invasion of pastoral nomads from around the Caspian Sea,
north of Persia. These nomads continued to invade the region over several hundred years, conquering
and settling among the native people. As a result of the clashes between these two cultures Hinduism
emerged as a result of the fusion of the beliefs that the native people of India and the new arrivals had.
Hindu priests created a caste system to deal with the problems caused by racial tensions between the
new arrivals and the native Indians. The caste system divided the population into groups in which
highest caste were the Hindu priests, who were followed by the warriors, the farmers and merchants,
the servants and laborers, and ultimately the lowest caste were the war captives and slaves.
The first encounter between Hinduism and Buddhism occurred consequently when Buddhism was
created, since a Hindu prince named Siddhartha Gautama (also known as Buddha or The enlightened )
created ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The first conflict in which there was significant violence occurred in the third century B.C. when the
Mauryan emperor Ashoka embraced Buddhism and banned animal sacrifices. This action angered
many Hindus who in return persecuted Buddhists after the Mauryan Empire fell. After these events the
relationship between Hindus and Buddhists became very hostile until finally in the 13th century
Buddhism became extinct in India, however, Buddhism kept spreading in Asia. Another more recent
conflict between Buddhists and Hindus can be appreciated in Sri Lanka. This conflict was a civil war
between the Sinhalese (which are mostly Buddhist) and the Tamil (which are mostly Hindus) that
started on 1984 and ended in

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Cannery Row Research Paper

There s a reason Monterey is considered paradise by residents and visitors alike. From its rich history
to spectacular views, this central coastal city s attributes are breathtaking and diverse.
Monterey is well known for its marine mammals. Harbor seals can be spotted sunning themselves on
the rocks and buoys just off of Old Fisherman s Wharf and sea lions and sea otters are often seen
bobbing in the water along the coastline. To see more animals, visit the Monterey Bay Aquarium one
of Monterey s best known attractions which is home to hundreds of fish and ocean animals.
While admission is steep, you can spend an entire day exploring the Aquarium. The Open Sea exhibit,
which boasts a 90 foot window, allows you to experience sea life as if you were underwater. Watch in
amazement as vibrant jellyfish and huge tuna swim right by you. In other portions of the Aquarium,
you ll see a kelp forest, penguins, and sea otters. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
These canneries were made famous by Pulitzer Prize winning author John Steinbeck in his gritty
book, Cannery Row. Today the old canning company is an antique mall and the seaside avenue is
lined with eateries, boutiques, hotels and a variety of shops. Even though Cannery Row s industry is
now tourism rather than sardines, it s still worth a visit. Many of the restaurants offer fresh seafood
with the side order of amazing views of the Bay coming at no additional charge. After you shop and
eat, stop by the bronze Cannery Row Monument for a photo with some of Monterey s most historic

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Global Education And Global Citizenship

Global Education and Global Citizenship

Earth, countries, and communities are all composed of individuals, these individuals are formed based
off of their living and learning environment. The term global citizenship can seem confusing and goes
misunderstood at times. It is important to keep in mind that this term is a bit vague and can have
multiple meanings to different people. To sum up the overall meaning of this term, is an individual
that realizes and accept the world and all it s diversity. An individual that takes part of the bigger
picture that contributes to building better communities, intergroup and outer groups that are full of
values, purpose and solutions. My life experienced and my general education courses have had an
immense influence on my identity as well as my view point on what it means to be a global citizenship
According to the video Global Education and Global Citizenship (2011), there are several reasons as
to why educating others on global citizenship important. It stated that the teaching of global
citizenship or global community is being taught to the young students for the reason that it is the
younger generation that has the ability, knowledge power and openness to grasp the concept of
becoming a global citizen. This will ensure that the future of the world s problems as well as the
global development is shared and understood across the globe rather than nationally. The video
express that becoming a part of the global community will provide

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Ethics Paper

Introduction When the stock market goes up one day, and then goes down for the next five, then up
again, and then down again, that s what you call market volatility. Historically, the volatility of the
stock market is roughly 20% a year and 5.8% a month, but volatility keeps on changing, so we go
through periods of high volatility and low volatility. Analysts and experts have different opinions
about what you should do in volatile markets, and how to scope with stock market volatility or the
tendency for share prices rising and falling. Analysts. Justin Stewart, co founder of Seven Investment
Management says: Crashes happen. If you are a longer term investor, you should look straight through
them and remember the power of compounding ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
All the analysts and experts agrees and predicting that gold would continue the bull market and
reaches new highs. Doug Casey, the founder and chairman of Casey Research, a provider of financial
analysis about specific market verticals, including precious metals, says, Gold could hit $5,000 an
ounce in the next couple of years, as paper currencies in the U.S, Europe, and Japan drop in value. Hal
Lehr, the managing director of cross commodity trading at Deutsche Bank, says Gold, which reached
record on May2 2011, may surge a further 30 percent as investors seeks to protect themselves from
economic uncertainty. John Paulson, the founder and president of Paulson Co., Inc. a New York based
hedge fund, predicted that gold would reach $4,000 an ounce over the next three to five years, as the
U.S and U.K flood the money supply. Jim Sinclair, is a precious metals specialist and founder of JS
Mindset, is predicting that gold is targeting $5,000 as a long term objective. Smart investors in
volatility market should make no move waiting for the market to steady it self as volatility doesn t
change stocks valuations. Based on analyst s opinion most of them recommend waiting for the right
time and opportunity that the market offers you, but you have to be prepared, and brave. Smart
investors also should diversify the portfolio. Investors also Refrences.

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Analysis Of Ralph Emerson s Self Reliance

Ralph Emerson states in Self reliance that envy is ignorance and imitation is suicide. One cannot copy
and try to be like another. For if you do, it will only lead to your demise. Envy and imitation of
another individual are like following someone s shadow blindly. One does not know what lies ahead.
When you follow behind someone, you are losing the many opportunities given to you. You reject
other opinions and their morals to follow another and live by society s code. Conforming means to
throw away your nature and follow the guidelines of life. Now, what are these guidelines of life? The
truth is that there are no guidelines to life. So then why are we tied down to act the way that we all do?
Everyone knows that there are things you can do and things you can not. Every day we follow a
routine set by ourselves based off society. We wake up and go out to wherever you must be whether it
be work or school. But why do we do such things? Can we not go do something else rather than
follow a daily routine 365 days a year? No, we must conform to society because if you do not, it will
bite back and hurt you more. Conforming and changing ourselves so that others see us in a positive
light is everywhere. Our families; the people that we spent the most time with having altered our look
on the world s and our beliefs. Your family members have molded and formed what is now you today.
They implanted beliefs, religions, and customs that they were taught from their family

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Difference Between Six Shoetic And Lean Six Sigma

Lean Six Sigma Vs Six Sigma

Abstract This paper deals with understanding DMAIC and lean methodologies; The difference
between Six Sigma and Lean; Tools used for Six Sigma and Lean and where Six Sigma and Lean Six
Sigma methodologies are used.
Keywords Six Sigma, Lean, DMAIC, Tools and Methodologies.
Quality Management is the important process which deals with the quality of delivery product.The
quality of a product is defined as the ability to satisfy the needs and customer expectations.Various
quality strategies exist such as CMMI,SIX SIGMA etc.The most recent quality development strategy
is Six Sigma,Lean Six Sigma. The Six Sigma was developed at Motorola and Motorola is the first
recipient for Malcolm Baldrige ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...


Some of the tools used in Six Sigma DMAIC Methodology

1. CTQ Tree: The critical to quality tree is used in the design phase. It is for brainstorming and
validating the customer needs and requirements.
2. The Process Map: Used in design phase. This Process Map is a diagram of the current steps in the
process targeted for improvement.
3. The Histogram: This is used during analysis stage. It helps the project team to review data collected
during the measure stage.
4. The Pareto Chart: The discrete data is collected and analyzed using Pareto Chart.
5. The Process Summary Worksheet: The goal of project team is to improve efficiency in terms of
labour, cost, time or value. The Process Summary Worksheet is a rollup of sub process map indicating
the steps which add values and other steps that don t add value.

6. The Cause Effect Diagram: This is the important tool to determine the root cause of problem and to
prevent them.

Here we saw 6 major technical tools used for Six Sigma. Not only these 6 tools are used but also many
tools exist.

4.2 LEAN

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The Cause Of Wildfires In The US

In coming breaking news, recently in the past year there has been many wildfires along the coasts and
believe it or not here in the midwest. In fact in this following essay there is more information from this
year compared to last years. Wildfires, they are one of the most catastrophic Natural disasters that
happen throughout the year. In fact what most people don t know is that 10% of the world s wildfires
are created naturally by lightning onto the dry grass after a while of rainfall, volcanoes also have a
play of natural wildfires cause the lava from the eruption spread and creates a fire to all of the grass. In
2015 there were a lot of wildfires that had actually occurred during this tragic year. Sadly over 9.1
million acres of land

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Mao Zedong And The Great Leap Forward

Did you know that Mao Zedong is in fact the greatest mass murderer in world history? On the other
hand, did you know that without Mao Zedong, China would not be the world power with a leading
economy that it is today? These seemingly contradictory statements are only part of the persistent
dispute about Mao s complicated and controversial legacy. The leadership of Mao Zedong in China
from 1921 1976, including the Great Leap Forward, his Five Year Plans, and the Cultural Revolution,
significantly impacted China in both positive and negative ways, leaving him with a very controversial
legacy that is still debated today.
Throughout most of its long history, China was ruled through a series of dynasties characterized by
alternating periods of unity and fragmentation. After the Chinese people overthrew the Qing dynasty
in 1911 during the Chinese Revolution, China became a republic, known as the Republic of China
(Gay 14). In 1921, Mao Zedong became one of the founding members of the Chinese Communist
Party. Through a series of military and political successes, The Chinese Communist Party grew in
power until 1949 when Mao Zedong proclaimed the People s Republic of China, a communist party
led country with himself as its sole ruler.
Once Mao Zedong rose to power, he began implementing his vision of China as an industrialized
nation built on Communist ideals. For example, to further enhance China s reputation and world
presence, Mao signed a treaty with the world s only other

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An Article On The World Anti Doping Agency

On June 9th, 2016, an article written by ESPN Senior Writer, Darren Rovell, was published on
ESPN.com regarding Maria Sharapova s two year suspension over a positive doping test result
(Rovell, 2016). Maria Sharapova, the highest paid female athlete today, announced in March 2016 that
she tested positive for taking meldonium, a banned substance that was recently added to the World
Anti Doping Agency s (WADA) prohibited substance list. Initially, the International Tennis Federation
(ITF) suspended Sharapova for two years but after an appeal to the Court of Arbitration for Sport
(CAS) by the Sharapova team, the Russian tennis star s suspension was reduced to 15 months and she
can return to competition in April 2017. Meldonium is a heart drug that is available for purchase over
the counter in Russia. This drug is believed to help the body produce energy in a more efficient
manner. Sharapova was unintentionally committing a doping violation, which is the ethical issue in
this situation. She had been taking meldonium since 2006 to help her manage multiple health
problems. Sharapova however, was not the only athlete that tested positive for meldonium. There were
around 172 athletes in total, 40 whom were Russian that also failed a drug test for taking meldonium.
This affected Russia s attendance in the Rio Olympic Games as a number of athletes were banned
from participating in the Games for their meldonium intake. Sharapova s ethical orientation affects her
behaviour and the

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Advantages And Benefits Of Stretching

Benefits Of Stretching:

Stretching to increase your range of motion is simple in theory, but it is not easy in practice. It requires
concentration, patience and strength.

Increased flexibility and joint range of motion:

Flexible muscles can improve your daily performance. Tasks such as lifting packages, bending to tie
your shoes or hurrying to catch a bus become easier and less tiring. Flexibility tends to diminish as
you get older, but you can regain and maintain it.


Stretching increases blood flow to your muscles. Blood flowing to your muscles brings nourishment
and gets rid of waste byproducts in the muscle tissue. Improved circulation can help shorten your
recovery time if you ve had any muscle injuries.
Better posture: ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Neck Stretches:

Stretches can be done with self assistance to obtain a more efficient stretch. Here you can learn how to
perform self assisted stretches of the neck. Although the benefits of stretching are many, is not for
everyone. Conditions in which stretching should be avoided include:

Muscle Strains:

People who have suffered an acute muscle strain should avoid placing further stress on the muscle
through stretching activities. The injured muscle should be given time to rest. Stretching muscle fibers
in the acute period can result in further injury.

Fractured Bones:

After breaking a bone, the fracture site needs time to heal. Stretching muscles that surround this
injured area can place stress on the bone and prevent it from healing as well as further displace the
break. Stretching a joint that surrounds a broken bone should never be done until cleared by your

Joint Sprains:

When you sprain your joint, you overstretch the ligaments that help stabilize the bones that form the
joint. For this reason stretching early after a joint sprain should be avoided. As with fractures, these
structures need time to heal and stretching too early in the injury will delay this

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The Importance Of STEM Education

The importance of transforming STEM teacher s professional development (PD) for the middle school
is central to the standard based transformation of STEM education and knowledge based competition
of the global economy. Because the knowledge based competition of the 21st century economy
depends on the competitiveness of STEM education, improvement of STEM education is a national
call. In addition, the needs for improvements in K 12 science education align with the needs for
improvement in science teacher s PD. STEM jobs require higher creativity and innovation, thus
STEM teachers and educational leaders are expected to encourage creativity and innovation in student
learning regardless of barriers. Nevertheless, teachers are expected to overcome all barriers in order to
foster active learning by students (Michael, 2007). In general, STEM education requires teacher s
creativity and flexibility. This urges rethinking of the education leaders and researchers about
identifying effective professional development for STEM teachers.
STEM teacher s professional development is becoming much more important than ever for mainly
three reasons. First, according to recent U.S. Bureau of labor statics, STEM jobs are growing faster
than any other U.S. sector estimated increase by 17% by 2024. Giant technology companies alone
need to fill more than 650,000 new jobs by 2018. Nevertheless, U.S. lags by STEM workforce.
Students academic achievement in STEM fields still lags that of their peers

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The Use of Humor in the Writings of Mark Twain

What is humor? With humor we think of something that is obvious, something that sticks out to us in a
book or in a paper that makes us laugh. Samuel Clemens, better known as Mark Twain, included
numerous occasions of humor throughout his writings, though Mark Twain makes his humor very dry
and sometimes hard to tell that it is even there. Mark Twain, unlike most authors, includes humor in
his writings without it being blatantly obvious. In a small excerpt from an essay by Naomi Hori on
humor in one of Twain s writings, she writes, Let me clarify the features of Twain s laughter. His way
of evoking laughter is apparently by writing a book; there is no interaction between Twain and his
readers. There is a time lag till readers laugh ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He believed that humor was the best way for people to deal with their anger and feelings towards
different problems or issues. One writing that Mark Twain is not as famous for, but is still a well
known piece of work for showing the use of humor in his writings is, The Celebrated Jumping Frog of
Calaveras County . This work starts off slow without much humor until later on in the writing. The
humor picks up as Twain includes bits of sarcasm to the mix. The humor in this short work is not so
hidden or subtle as it may have been in some of Twain s other writings. One example of this sort of
dry humor is, And Smiley says, sorter indifferent like, It might be a parrot, or it might be a canary,
may be, but it an t it s only just a frog. (Jumping Frog). This shows a side and type of writing that is
not usually seen with Twain. Usually the humor in his writings was always sort of hidden away and
harder to pick out, but in this work, it is more obvious that he is trying to make it humorous. The
Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County may not be as widely known as some of Twain s other
work, but it is a good example of how he includes humor into his writings to catch the reader s
attention and to provide some comic relief from, at times, tense situations.
Mark Twain is more known for one of the most controversial novels in American history, The
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. This famous work

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The Technology of Light Detection and Ranging

Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) is considered an old technology, but also a new technology at
the same time. LiDAR has existed for close to 20 years. However the system has only been available
in industry for the past 10 years. This is due to the costs associated with having a functioning system.
There is many applications used by this technology. Some examples of this are survey data, structural
information, speed traps, and mainly survey and topographic data. LiDAR has been around since the
early 1950 s. Once the development of accurate positioning systems took place LiDAR became a
viable option for mapping technology. This system measures distance by targeting an area with a laser
and analyzing the reflected light. This is precision mounted on the underside of an aircraft, the sensor
emits rapid pulses of ultraviolet or infrared light which in turn measures said distances. In turn this
system can target a wide range of materials. From terrain to clouds and gasses. (Ranges are
determined by computing the amount of time it takes the light to leave the airplane, travel to the
ground and return to the sensor. A sensing unit s precise position and attitude, instantaneous mirror
angle and the collected ranges are used to calculate 3 D positions of terrain points. As many as
100,000 positions or mass points can be captured every second.)
Works Cited
BC CARMS. (2006). LiDAR Overview of Technology, Applications, Market Features Industry.
Victoria, BC: BC CARMS.

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Skills For Visual And Written Analysis

Skills for visual and written analysis have emerged to be a central debate in different art societies.
Writing about art has materialized to become a variable way to practice cultural, social, economic and
political aspects. Precisely, a personal response to an art piece increases the understanding of the piece
of art. As such, the role of individuals such as curators has become essential in improving the
understanding of art. Evidence has proved that visual art has far reaching impact in reading, writing,
geometry and science. Visual art creates an innate mental ability that envisions forms and observe
closely different skills. Precisely, visual art is seen as a cultural vehicle that helps culture to share
ideas. The incoming report investigates the works of Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres 29 August 1780
14 January 1867, who was NeoClassical painter. Ingres images perpetuate an alluring and rather
misleading image of the orient. The report will compare a variety of images to provide a more truthful
understanding of the Near East culture.
Orientalism is notable given that it improved the 19th century architecture and decorative art that had
a significant influence on the nature of painting, and graphic arts with photography. The research will
examine Ingres works by drawing an open ended approach to art. Critical emphasis will prove that the
works established a new kind of totality, and a variation that embraced everything from a crude
preliminary sketch to the

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Atticus Finch Argumentative Essay

1) Atticus Finch backs up Tom Robinson and puts his reputation, his friendships, and his career in
harm s way. Atticus does this because Judge Taylor asked him to back Tom up because Taylor knew
Atticus was not racist like other lawyers in the area. Atticus is not prejudice, and so Judge Taylor
thought the only way to possibly prove Tom not guilty was to have a lawyer that would actually try to
help him and not judge Tom before the trial. Also, Atticus agreed to this because he wanted to do what
was right and try to spare Tom s life. I think Atticus risks to much for this trial. For example, before
the trial Scout asks, Atticus, are we going to win it? No, honey (Lee 76). Even before the trial Atticus
was doubtful about Tom being not guilty. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For example, when Atticus knows he is not going to win the trail he says, Simply because we were
licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try to win (Lee 76). Atticus has to
be brave and risk everything, so that he can try to spare Tom s life. Another example, after Mr.Ewell
spit on Atticus s face, Atticus explains, So if spitting in my face and threatening me saved Mayella
Ewell one extra beating, that s something i ll gladly take (Lee 218). Atticus has to be brave standing in
front of Mr.Ewell and not act up. Showing bravery is hard for Atticus to do, but he knows he has to do
it to save Mayella and do right. Also Scout shows this theme, after Mr.Ewell tried to stab scout and
jem got hurt scout said, Atticus, I wasn t scared (Lee 280). This shows great bravery from scout
because she s eight and she almost got killed and her brother is hurt, but she is not scared. She
probably does this to put Atticus s mind at ease. If scout were to have told Atticus that she was very
scared it could end up with Atticus being

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The Immigration And Customs Enforcement Essay

ICE stands for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement, they deal with matters concerning border
control, customs, trade and immigration to insure public safety and homeland security. Their priorities
focus on preventing terrorism and the illegal movement of items, as well as people. Within ICE, there
are three subgroups that fall into specialized tasks for the agency, such as Homeland security
investigations (HSI) and the Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO). Although being a fairly
new agency there has been more than a few controversies on how ICE handles the illegal immigrants,
however, since 9/11 the U.S has been trying to find the most effective ways to stop terrorism. So, that
also means that not everyone would agree with the tactics that ICE used to solve the problem for those
specific cases.
The U.S has been known as the land of opportunities, so of course people from all over the world
would try to leave their countries that weren t thriving economically after World War I, this lead to
immigration into the US to rise significantly. Every year, the State Department issued a limited
number of visas; only those immigrants who had obtained them and could present valid visas were
permitted entry. Because of the limited number of visas, the number of illegal attempts into the
country began to occur. The Border Patrol was established when illegal aliens and entries started
becoming more frequent, the strict guidelines also causing deportation to go on as well.

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Chromatography Of Spinach Leaves

With a given 9.5x14 chromatography paper, the dots were marked by 3 cm from the edge, 7 cm
between 3 cm and 7 cm, and 10 cm between 7 cm to 10 cm within 2 cm from the bottom. Then a line
was drawn from the 7 cm dot to the 10 cm dot. With a coin, the spinach leaf was gently rolled over
covering the two dots in between 7 cm and 10 cm. With a mortar and pestle, 5 g spinach leaves were
ground and poured with 2 g anhydrous magnesium sulfate, 8 mL hexanes, and 2 mL acetones. After
the spinach leaves were ground, the mixture of the liquid became green. Then with a capillary tube,
the tube was dip into the green mixture and made it into the 3 cm dot created the green spot. After
spotting all the dots, a chromatography paper was rolled up into

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Zootopia Film Analysis

Leadership Film Analysis

Disney s Zootopia is a great depiction of James Kouzes s and Barry Posner s Five Practices of
Exemplary Leadership. The main protagonist, Judy Hopps, exemplifies those practices model the way,
inspire a shared vision, challenge the process, enable others to act, and encourage the heart.
The first practice is model the way. According to Kouzes and Posner (2014), in order to model the
way a leader must clarify values by finding your voice and affirming shared values and set the
example by aligning actions with shared values. In the beginning of the movie Judy is putting on a
play and at the end she talks about how Zootopia is a place where you can be anything you want to be.
This is the first time we hear ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
She also enlisted others at the end of the movie when she made her speech. During that speech, Judy
says, try to make the world a better place by accepting and understanding others. By asking the people
of Zootopia to try to understand each other she is appealing to the shared aspiration of making
Zootopia safer and a place where you can be anything you want to be.
The third practice is challenge the process. According to Kouzes and Posner (2014), challenging the
process means to search for opportunities by seizing the initiative and by looking outward for
innovative ways to improve and experiment and take risks by constantly generating small wins and
learning from experience . Judy challenged the process by seizing the initiative and taking the otter
case, even when Chief Bogo didn t want her to take it. She also looked outwards by enlisting Nick. By
enlisting Nick, Judy found an innovative way to take on the case because Nick was a criminal and
thought like a criminal, therefore it gave Judy a new perspective. Judy also challenged the process by
and took a risk by becoming the first ever bunny cop. Judy celebrated every small victory she had, she
celebrated after every little clue they found about the missing otter case. Throughout the whole movie,
Judy was always challenging the process because she was changing the status quo of what a bunny,
and all animals, should be able to do.
The fourth practice is enable

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Hypnotherapy And Social Anxiety

Having a fear of people and their personal judgments against oneself is the worry of social scenarios
in which the communication with other individuals could immediately bring on feelings of intense self
scrutiny where person feel that others are watching their every move. It is also where a person may
feel like they are constantly being evaluated as well as examined adversely others which can bring
about feelings of inadequacy, shame, and embarrassment. One should note that if a person only feels
like they are sitting on pins and needles in social circumstances, and not when no one else is around,
social anxiety should be taken into consideration.

Social anxiousness is a far more common problem than traditionalism has led us to think. Countless ...
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Manual based therapies proposed to individuals or groups have an equal efficiency in the decrease of
anxiety signs in youngsters. How can this be further explained? Perhaps that is because it reinforces
the theory that team vehicles may provide more positive peer modeling chances, reinforcement, as
well as social support.

They are additionally a practical option when it concerns the limited availability of child focused
alternative therapy treatment specialists. Child and adolescent team programs are focused on dealing
with one certain, currently existing stress and anxiety problem. However, the majority of these
programs were created to relieve several disorders with each other in the exact same group. The
Coping Cat program has been the most assessed program for relieving youngsters of getting over their
fear of always being worried about what other people think. It was a four month program planned for
children between eight and also seventeen years of age, and could be made use of as a group program.
The first eight sessions were centered on the basic behavioral therapy ideas. Throughout the
complying with eight sessions, the kid discovers the best ways to make use of new abilities in
different circumstances of stress and

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