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International Journal on Architectural Science, Volume 4, Number 3, p.

141-146, 2003



C.L. Chow and W.K. Chow

Department of Building Services Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong, China

(Received 26 February 2003; Accepted 21 July 2003)


The construction industry all over the world is moving towards constructing ‘green’ or ‘sustainable’ buildings.
To satisfy the proposed assessment criteria, new architectural features and concepts, new mechanical and
electrical systems, and appropriate energy and environment management scheme have been proposed. However,
fire safety aspects have not yet been assessed properly. There had been numerous ‘conflicts’ between the ‘green
or sustainable building design’ and ‘fire safety provisions’.

In this paper, an assessment scheme on whether the fire safety provisions have been designed and operated by
paying attention to criteria for green or sustainable buildings based on the following is proposed:

 Passive building construction.

 Active fire protection system.
 Fire safety management.

Total mark of the scheme is 100, with 50 marks allocated to items on fire safety management, 25 marks to
passive building construction, and 25 marks to active fire protection system. Views from local professionals are
now sought. Marks for each item are then tuned after summarizing their feedbacks.

1. INTRODUCTION There had been numerous arguments on whether

building assessment methods should be focused on
Most of the professionals in the construction environmental performance or sustainability [e.g.
industry are dealing with green buildings or 2,4]. However, the most important part on the
sustainable buildings in advanced countries ‘safety’ aspect has not yet clearly spelled out [5].
including Hong Kong. ‘Green buildings’ are of Note that most likely, prescriptive fire safety codes
great interest to advanced countries towards the end are not updated frequently. In fact, some new
of the last century. Now, this is extended further to buildings with ‘green’ features had failed to satisfy
‘sustainable buildings’ [e.g. 1]. Although the those prescriptive codes in the past few years. The
concepts behind the two are different as green hidden adverse effects on safety of those ‘green
building deals with ‘relative scale’ to a typical building’ designs in Hong Kong had been pointed
building in a region, and sustainable building is out [e.g. 6]. Similar to any other design [7] for fire
more ‘absolute’ on controlling energy and mass safety provisions, three areas have to be considered
flows internationally, the assessment procedure is also for ‘green buildings’ or ‘sustainable buildings’
roughly the same [2]. [8]:

Basically, works should be carried out in three  Passive building construction

areas [e.g. 3] to provide ‘green’ or ‘sustainable’
buildings: Passive building constructions such as
compartmentation, fire resistance construction,
 Architectural features including building means of escape for occupants and means of
construction element. access for firefighters have to be provided for
fire protection. The objectives [9-11] are to
 Electrical and mechanical systems to give
reduce the chance of having an accidental fire
comfortable environment, but the system
by making the building materials and
would use energy, directly or indirectly.
components difficult to ignite. Even if the
 Management including energy management, material is ignited, small amount of heat will
environmental management and fire safety be given out at the early stage of a fire. If a
management. fire occurs, the spreading rate should be slow.

International Journal on Architectural

It is targeted to confine the fire within the technology. For example, it is difficult to allocate
place of origin without affecting the adjacent spaces in old buildings to house a sprinkler water
areas. The building structure should be able tank if such facility is suddenly required.
to stand the fire for some time so that
occupants can evacuate. In this paper, how fire safety provision can cope
with ‘green or sustainable buildings’ design criteria
 Active fire protection system following the above three areas is highlighted. An
assessment scheme is proposed for judging whether
Active fire protection systems are for the fire safety design complies with the green or
detecting a fire, giving early warning and sustainable building design criteria. Further field
reporting to the management and fire brigade, surveying studies should be carried out.
and also attempting to control the fire. Three
terms [e.g. 12] should be distinguished clearly:
‘control’ means the heat release rate of fire is
not allowed to grow with a rapid rate;
‘suppression’ means the heat release rate is
reduced; ‘extinguishment’ means the burning It was proposed recently [8] that ‘green buildings’
is stopped. Systems for achieving the criteria can be satisfied by taking appropriate
objectives as in above have to be clearly actions as:
spelled out, especially in tall buildings where
only fire alarm and detection system, fire  For passive building construction
hydrant system and hosereel system are
normally required [e.g. 13]. Water is used - Recycling waste materials might give
extensively and must be designed to satisfy adequate fire resistance period for
the water conservation criteria for green compartmentation.
buildings. Smoke management system - Evacuation paths can be integrated with
necessary for basements, car parks or big halls vertical shafts for providing natural
should be design carefully as smoke ventilation in highrise buildings with air
discharged would give environmental adverse flow driven by stack effect.
effects. Gas protection systems should be
designed carefully, but might only be installed
- Application of nanocomposites as
intumescent fire retardants (IFRs) [e.g. 16]
in buildings of special uses. Even so, total
would reduce using excessive amount of
flooding system with agents giving
halogen to stop key combustion reactions
greenhouse effects (measured by global
in the burning process.
warning potential GWP) and damaging the
upper atmospheric ozone layer (measured by
 For active fire protection system
ozone depletion potential ODP) should be
- Substitution of halon gas protection
 Fire safety management system by water mist fire suppression
system [e.g. 12] would give better
Passive building construction and active fire environmental protection and reduce the
protection system are the ‘hardware’ amount of water used in traditional
provisions as in a computer system. These sprinkler systems.
might not necessarily provide adequate fire - Clean agents with zero ODP and low
safety. Good ‘management’ [14] schemes GWP such as heptafluoropropane [e.g 17]
(like good software in a computer system) should be considered.
should be provided in a ‘total fire safety - Recycling water to be used for traditional
concept’. Basically, a fire safety plan [e.g. 15] water systems.
can be prepared by the building operation
team, which includes a maintenance plan; a - Using intelligent fire detection systems
staff training plan; a fire prevention plan; and integrated with local application system
a fire action plan. instead of total flooding system can
determine the type of accidental fire and
The first two areas are similar to ‘computer calculate the adequate amount of
hardware’ in information technology. The last area extinguishing agent, which would help in
is similar to ‘software programming’. Good design limiting the use of agent and reducing the
of safety management scheme can give adequate potential damaging effect to the
fire safety eventhough the ‘hardware provisions’ environment.
are not updated to match with the advances in fire

International Journal on Architectural Science

 On fire safety management

- Air flow paths for providing natural
Preparing a good fire safety plan [14,15] with ventilation [21] integrated with evacuation
design [9,10].
clear procedures on maintenance plan, staff
training plan, fire prevention plan and fire
 Water consumption
action plan would reduce the chance of
having an accidental fire. Even when such a
fire occurs, good fire safety management - Use less amount of water to suppress a fire
would ensure that the fire can be confined by a water mist system.
within a small area. Appropriate amount of - Use of waste or recycle water for
fire suppression agents would be discharged traditional water systems.
at the right time. Toxic gases such as carbon
monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2) and  Environment protection
nitrogen oxides (NOx) generated would be
limited to low level with little damaging - Reduce the level of pollutants such as CO,
effect to the environment. CO2 and NOx discharged from a fire.
- Use of clean agents such as
Taking the above suggested actions [e.g. 8] on the heptafluoropropane.
three aspects would satisfy the following criteria on - Use less amount of extinguishing agent by
‘green buildings’ [e.g. 18,19]: designing the system properly without
oversizing the requirement.
 Energy saving - Use of halogen-free IFRs [16].
- Reduce the amount of fire retardants by
- Reduce the use of energy for operating the nanocomposites.
mechanical heating and cooling systems
with better building thermal insulation  Waste management
(such as reducing the overall thermal
transfer value OTTV in Hong Kong) [20]
of the building envelope; but transition to
- Recycling more waste materials for
construction elements with adequate fire
flashover in case of an accidental fire
resistance period [e.g. 11].
while using those thermal lagging designs
must be considered.
A pictorial presentation is shown in Fig. 1.

 Use of waste materials for
 compartmentation to have
 adequate fire resistance period
  Nanocomposites as fire
Passive Building
Construction  retardants
Software  
 Integration of evacuation path
with openings for natural
 ventilation provision
 Reduce the chance of fire
occurrence  Fire Safety   Using less amount of water by
 Management 
 Limit the fire size water mist system
 Reduce the emission of   
CO, CO2 and NOx  Use waste or recycle water for
 traditional water systems
 
 Active Fire   Use clean agent with zero ODP
Protection System  and low GWP
  Local application system instead
 of total flooding system

 Intelligent fire detection system
 to discharge adequate, not more

nor less, agents

Fig. 1: Overall view of fire safety on green building designs

International Journal on Architectural

3. PROPOSED MARKING SCHEME through interviews. The proposed assessment

scheme is now presented for further comments
To assess whether the fire safety provisions are from the general public. The marking scheme will
designed with reference to green or sustainable be revised according to the comments and feedback.
building criteria, a marking scheme is proposed as
in Table 1. Note that all the items as suggested in A total mark of 100 is recommended. Since
above were allocated with marks based on fire software management is so important, therefore it
professional experience, local demand, views from is assigned with 50 marks. On the hardware
building owners and occupants, feasibility of provisions, equal marks of 25 are allocated to the
implementation, ease of operation, disturbance to two items on passive building construction and
normal operation of the building and of course, the active fire protection as they are of equal
associated cost. This scheme had been discussed importance.
preliminarily with some building professionals

Table 1: Mark distribution

Item Action Point

Hardware: 50 Passive building  Use of waste materials for compartmentation 10

construction: 25 to give adequate fire resistance period
 Integration of evacuation path with openings 10
for natural ventilation provision
 Nanocomposites as fire retardants for 5
protecting insulation materials with foam
 Use of asbestos for fire protection or thermal -5
Active fire protection  Using less amount of water by water mist 5
system: 25 system
 Use waste or recycle water for traditional 5
water systems
 Use clean agent with zero ODP and low GWP 5
 Local application system instead of total
flooding system 5
 Intelligent fire detection system to discharge
adequate, not more nor less, agents 5
 Use of chemical agents with ODP
 Oversize the water system -5
 Design of smoke exhaust system without -5
smoke treatment plant -5

Software: 50 Fire safety  Good maintenance plan to ensure passive 10

management: 50 building construction elements are in proper
order; and active fire protection systems are
checked regularly
 Reduce the chance of fire occurrence with 10
proper fire prevention plan
 Limit the fire size with good fire action plan 10
 Reduce the emission of CO, CO2 and NOx by 20
adequate staff training in order not to use the
wrong system

 Storage of excessive combustibles with -10

potential to give big fire, if the building is not
used as a godown

International Journal on Architectural Science

Note that the marks allocated are for assessing Actually, all the items can be divided into design
whether the fire safety provisions are designed with and operation issues with responsibilities taken care
consideration to green or sustainable buildings. of by the building designer and the facilities
That does not imply that buildings with low scores managers respectively.
are not safe. This is only a reflection that more
attention can be paid on improving the green or
sustainability aspects. Because of that, negative
marks are proposed for fire safety provisions with
potential damage to the environment. Using
chemical agents such as halon for gas protection An assessment scheme is proposed for inspecting
systems is an example. whether fire safety provisions in buildings satisfy
the criteria for ‘green or sustainable buildings’.
Basically, a fire safety plan should be worked out Both design consideration and operation schemes
as described in above. In the fire prevention plan, are included. Areas of interest to the building
there should be management schemes in reducing services engineering industry, i.e. environment
the chance of having an accidental fire. All the protection, energy saving, water conservation and
items such as low-cost power supply adaptors for waste management are outlined.
converting voltage from 110 to 220 V or vice versa,
should be replaced regularly. In the staff training Basically, three aspects [e.g. 3,7,8] on passive
plan, staff should be trained not to use the wrong building construction, active fire protection system
extinguishers nor discharging too much agents. and fire safety management should be considered.
This would also reduce the emission rate of gases Fire safety management [14,15] is even more
such as CO, CO2 and NOx. A good fire action plan important than the other two [9-11,13]. The
would ensure that staff can take appropriate action concept is analogous to using good ‘software’ in
to limit the fire size. controlling ‘hardware’ in a computer system. Note
that staff training is a key element.
On the passive building construction design, use of
waste materials with appropriate fire retardants The proposed scheme would help the industry in
would give construction elements such as partition designing and operating fire safety provisions for
materials with adequate fire resistance. Natural buildings towards the green or sustainable criteria
ventilation provision is now commonly designed in [1,2,18]. Once again, those buildings with lower
green buildings. Some of the air flow paths would grades do not mean they are not safe in a fire. This
be constructed in the vertical directions for tall is a measure on the design towards green or
buildings. Evacuation paths can be integrated with sustainable buildings. The attributes concerned and
those vertical ventilation shafts. weighting of each parameter are just proposed for
writing up a more detailed marking scheme.
On the active fire protection systems, adequate Comments are welcome and in fact, the decision
water, not more nor less, should be used. Water making depends on the policy of the authority,
mist fire suppression system is a good candidate, responsibilities of the professionals and as well, the
though it should be assessed properly as an ill- demand from the society. As stated in the literature
designed system would not be able to extinguish a [e.g. 1], collective action of attempting to protect
fire rapidly. It might even ‘enhance’ combustion the environment, even for controlling big fires with
while acting on some fuels. Large quantity of small chances to occur, would make the earth clean
water would be required for traditional water and continue to survive as a ‘living planet’.
hosereel or fire hydrants systems in comparing with
water mist system. Alternative sources such as
waste water, recycle water and rain water should be REFERENCES
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