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Course Instructor: Dr. Gagandeep Singh Academic Task No.: 01

Academic Task Title: Assignment 01 Date of submission:29-04-24

Student Name: Vishal Singh Section:Q2341

Student’s Roll No: Q2341B35 Student’s Reg. No: 12326363

Evaluation Parameters: (Parameters on which student is to be evaluated- To be mentioned by students as

specified at the time of assigning the task by the instructor)

Learning Outcomes: (Student to write briefly about learnings obtained from the academic tasks)

I declare that this Assignment is my individual work. I have not copied it from any other student’s work or from
any other source except where due acknowledgement is made explicitly in the text, nor has any part been written
for me by any other person.

Student’s Signature:

Evaluator’s comments (For Instructor’s use only)

General Observations Suggestions for Improvement Best Part of Assignment

Evaluator’s Signature and Date

Marks Obtained: _____________ Max. Marks: ___________

Peer Rating

Roll No Name Registration Peer Rating

RQ2341A09 M. Logesh 12305695 10
RQ2341B48 Nikhil Kumar 12311194 10
RQ2341A04 Sruthi 12302086 10
RQ2341B35 Vishal Singh 12326363 07
RQ2341B51 Palak Kumar Singh 12305705 10
TITLE: Factors Influencing Student’s intention to Invest in bitcoin
I. Review of Literature
Ye Title of Auth Objectiv Sample Variable Outcomes
ar Study ors es Size s Used
20 Moderate Huma Investigat 350 Perceived Perceived benefits of cryptocurrency were
20 Ayub
d e the Responde Benefits, found to enhance its perceived value and
Mediatio factors nts Perceived behavioral intention to use cryptocurrency.
n Model influencin Risks,
of Factors g Perceived Social effects and structural provisions were
Influenci individual value, found to have a positive impact on
ng ’s Social behavioral intention to use cryptocurrency.
Intention intention Effects,
to adopt to adopt Attitudes Perceived risk was also identified as a factor
Cryptocu cryptocurr towards influencing perceived value, although it did
rrency ency using not significantly impact behavioral intention
among cryptocurr to use cryptocurrency.
Students ency
20 Factors Chath The 123 Perceived The outcome of the research on factors
20 Affecting urika, objective Responde Usefulnes affecting the intention to use
Intention D.M. of the nts s,Perceive cryptocurrencies among university students
to use study is to d Ease of in Sri Lanka.
Cryptocu investigate Use, The study found that these variables had a
rrencies the factors Intention significant impact on the intention to use
with influencin to Use cryptocurrencies among university students
Special g the Cryptocur in Sri Lanka
Referenc intention rencies
e to the to use
University cryptocurr
Students encies
sin Sri among
Lanka university
students in
Sri Lanka
20 A Dr. Identifyin 164 Govt. Understanding the level of awareness about
20 Garric
research g the level Responde Interventi bitcoins among youth in India, particularly
Study on Hilem of nts on, Initial in Bengaluru.
awarenes awareness Coin Analyzing the factors like age and gender in
s Rauch, and Offerings, relation to knowledge of bitcoin.
regarding perception Awareness Exploring the impact of Initial Coin
cryptocur Schar, of Offerings (ICOs) on future employment and
rency cryptocurr start-up financing.
among nder B ency Investigating investor opinions on
investors among government intervention in developing
individual bitcoin as a legal mode for cashless
s in India transactions.

20 Opportun Syed Understan 135 Complexit Identification of the main challenges faced
22 Bilal
ities and ding the Responde y, Age, in adopting cryptocurrencies in the Indian
Challeng and complexit nts Legality economy, such as lack of technical
es of y of knowledge and awareness among the
ka. M.
Cryptocu investing general population.
rrencies in Highlighting the legal and regulatory
in India cryptocurr framework uncertainties that surround
encies. cryptocurrencies in India.
Analyzing Studying rapid growth of Cryptocurrency in
the India
ce of the
age factor
20 Investigat Farou To study 380 Performa This research reveals the following
21 ing the k the factors Responde nce findings:
factor Alkal that nts expectan Performance expectancy, effort expectancy,
that i influence cy, Effort and social influence were found to have a
influence Moha university Expectan positive and statistically significant
universit med students’ cy, Social influence on the intention to use
y intention to Influence cryptocurrency.
students’ use , Facilitating conditions and financial literacy
intentions Cryptocurr Financial were determined to have no significant
on to use ency. literacy, influence on the intention to use
cryptocur Facilitati cryptocurrency.
rency ng Perceived risk was identified to have a
condition negative and statistically significant impact
s on the intention to use cryptocurrency.

20 Journey Shail Exploring 45 Expectati Cryptocurrency is likely to become the next

22- ak
of the global Responde ons, currency platform due to its increasing
23 Cryptocu cryptocurre nts Spread, volume and adoption.
rrency in ncy market Frequenc Users exhibit a high level of confidence and
India in and the role y trust in using cryptocurrency.
view of of India in Concerns, challenges, and issues exist in
Financial it. many cryptocurrency platforms,
Budget highlighting the need for regulation and
2022-23 control.
The future of the cryptocurrency concept is
promising, with opportunities for positive
changes in e-business and e-payment
20 Romania Vladut Identify 97 Cryptocu The study aimed to identify the associations
22 Faraon
n cryptocurr Responde rrency students have with cryptocurrencies, and
Students’ Alexa ency nts associatio willingness to invest.
Perceptio associatio ns, The study revealed that most students
n of Jelea, ns willingne associate cryptocurrencies with Bitcoin and
Cryptocu between ss to money.
rrency students, invest, While positive association were prevalent,
how perceptio negative perceptions such as scam, money
willing n of laundering and insecurity were also noted.
students Cryptocu
are to rrency
money in

20 Investigat Abdul To 350 Complexi Indicates that performance expectancy,

22 Hamee
ing the investigate Responde ty,Attitud social impact, and effort expectancy factors
Factors Pitafi the factors nts e,Accept have a positive and statistically significant
that that ance influence on users' intention to use
Influence influence cryptocurrency.
Arabian university To study the perceived risk that has a
Students' students' negative and statistically significant impact
Intention intention on users' intention to use cryptocurrency.
to Use to use Facilitating conditions and financial literacy
Cryptocu cryptocurr were found to have no effect on users'
rrency ency. intention to use cryptocurrency.
20 Factors Marya To 350 Social Determining the impact of social
22 m
Influenci investigate Responde acceptanc acceptance, trust, and confidence on the
ng fian the social nts e towards awareness of cryptocurrencies among
Cryptocu factors cryptocur young working adults in Malaysia.
rrency that rencies. The study aims to establish positive
Awarenes influence relationships between social acceptance,
s Among the trust, and confidence with the awareness of
Young awareness cryptocurrencies among the target
Working of demographic.
Adults in cryptocurr
Malaysia encies
adults in
20 Investme Gurba Comprehe 250 Awarenes The research highlighted that the chosen
22 xani &
nt nd the Responde s,Influen factors not only individually influence
Educatio factors nts ce,Educat students' investment decisions but also
n and developed ion,Reco collectively play a crucial role in
Behavior during the mmendat determining the amount they invest
in Covid-19 ions monthly.
Cryptocu pandemic
rrency in The study found that factors like social
Covid-19 media, peer influence, and analysis of
stock/cryptocurrency performance
collectively have a significant impact on the
investment decisions of undergraduate
20 Behavior Kaniz To study 180 Facilitati The study verified that the selected model
22 Farhan
al in Responde ng accurately forecasts students' propensity to
Intention Sarava Malaysia nts. condition make payments with cryptocurrencies.
to Use explored s, Social
Cryptocu iyah why Influence Students' intents were greatly influenced by
rrency as students , their perceptions of utility, simplicity of use,
an might or Perceived social influence, trust, and the availability of
Electroni might not trust. resources
c use
Payment cryptocurr
in ency for
Malaysia payments.
20 Behavior T. To study 480 Intention This research reveals Generation Z's
22 al the Responde to Adopt technological orientation and innovation
Intention n, M. behavioral nts Cryptocu drive their receptiveness to adopting
Towards intention rrency, cryptocurrencies.
Cryptocu of Awarenes Positive attitudes towards cryptocurrencies
rrency university s, play a pivotal role in shaping adoption
Adoption post- Attitude intentions among students.
Among graduate Increased awareness of cryptocurrencies is
Students students linked to greater inclination towards
A Fintech towards adoption among university students.
Innovatio investmen
n t in
20 Using John Researche 322 Students The study highlights the value of teacher
22 Cryptocu rs in Responde Motivatio engagement in the coin's use and suggests
rrency to Vietnam nts n,Demog that it might be utilized for a variety of
Increase are raphic,De educational objectives.
Student exploring sired The concept of student cryptocurrency with
Motivatio a novel Behavior an educational focus was investigated in a
n and approach study. Pupils were excited about the idea
Agency: to boost because they thought it would inspire them
Thoughts student to learn.
from cryptocurr
Vietnam ency.
goals are
to assess
of students
20 The Mary The 385 Attitude, Determining the level of cryptocurrency
22 College objective Responde Adoption awareness and attitude among college
Students’ M,Pan of the nts ,Awarene students
Attitude study is to ss,Trust Study showed that the Identifying factors
and ascertain influencing students' likelihood of adopting
Likelihoo the cryptocurrency.
d perspectiv Providing insights for improving students'
Towards es and attitudes and likelihood of cryptocurrency
Cryptocu inclination adoption
rrency s of Highlighting the potential benefits of
accountin cryptocurrencies over traditional financial
g students services
g the
20 Investigat Muha To study 450 Financial The study revealed that most students
23 mmad
ing the the factors Responde Literacy, associate cryptocurrencies with Bitcoin and
Adoption Nadee that nts Facilitati money.
Factors influence ng While positive association were prevalent,
of university condition negative perceptions such as scam, money
Cryptocu students’ s, laundering and insecurity were also noted.
rrencies intention Perceived
to use risk

20 Investing Ms. Investigat 349 Investme To Study the Behavioral factors such as
23 Zainab
in the e the role responde nt Skills, herding, heuristic, and prospect positively
future: ,Bushr of nts Risk influence investment performance in the
a F
Behavior perception Affinity, context of Pakistan.
al Dr. about Prospect Profit expectation enhances the relationship
influence cryptocurr Factor between the prospect factor and
on and ency as a cryptocurrency investment, indicating that
cryptocur mediating individual behavior of investing is affected
rency factor by profit expectation.
Investme between Social influence and crypto expert
nt personal recommendation play moderating roles in
and the relationship between behavioral factors
behavioral and perception about cryptocurrency, with
factors and varying impacts on the investment decisions
cryptocurr of individuals
20 Factors Ali S. To 344 Performa Factors such as awareness, performance
23 A.
influenci research Responde nce expectancy, effort expectancy, security, and
ng the ri and on the nts Expectan social influence were identified as
behaviora factors cy, Effort important determinants of behavioral
a L.
l Abdull influencin Expectan intention to use Cryptocurrency.
intention g the cy, Social Financial literacy was found to positively
to use behavioral Influence moderate the relationship between
Cryptocu intention ,Facilitati performance expectancy, security, social
rrency to use ng influence, and behavioral intention to use
among cryptocurr Conditio cryptocurrency.
Saudi ency n, The study confirmed the positive impact of
Arbian among awareness.
public Saudi Research based on the modified UTAUT
universit Arabian model.
y students public
20 A study Sudars Studying 120 Educatio Students are more aware of cryptocurrency
23 han D,
on the responde nal Level, through friends and social media.
Awarenes , Patil awareness nts Gender, Most of the students have not invested in
s of of college Future cryptocurrency.
College Walan students Investme Most students have a medium level of
Students about nt awareness about cryptocurrency.
about Vaisha cryptocurr Preferenc Higher educational level students have
li Anil
cryptocur ency e in more awareness about cryptocurrency.
rency and Cryptocu Male students are more aware than female
its rrency, students.
relation Sources Half or the majority of students are
to level of of interested in investing in cryptocurrency
education Awarenes
20 Factors Dhruv To apply 105 Performa The study provided insights into the factors
24 Gupta,
Influenci the Utaut Responde nce, influencing Gen-Z's attitude towards bitcoin
ng the Garg, Model to nts Effort investments.
Decision study the Expectan The research highlighted the importance of
Behavior Prabhj decision cy, Social understanding Gen-Z investors' decision-
of Gen -Z behavior Influence making practices in the cryptocurrency
To Invest Dr. of Gen-Z rs,Behavi market.
in in relation orial The study shows the further investigation
Cryptocu Kaur, to intentions into shifts in Gen-Z's attitudes towards
rrency: cryptocurr cryptocurrencies and how their beliefs and
An Gupta ency risk appetite influence their decision-
Applicati investmen making process.
on of ts.
20 What Yi- how 305 Locus of Locus of control and self-efficacy
24 Shun
Drives variations Responde Control, significantly influence both intrinsic and
People’s Nam in self- nts Self- extrinsic motivations to invest in
Cryptocu efficacy efficienc cryptocurrencies.
rrency , Chia- influence y, Work Both intrinsic and extrinsic motivations
Investme motivation experienc markedly influence the behavioral intention
nt and s and e to invest in cryptocurrencies.
Behavior intentions The study provides important theoretical
Chang to invest in and practical implications for understanding
cryptocurr online cryptocurrency investment
encies. behaviors, offering insights for investors,
regulatory bodies, and academic researchers
II. Research Gap
• The existing research on cryptocurrency adoption among college students often overlooks the detailed
impact of cultural and societal factors specific to the Indian context. While studies conducted in various
regions have shed light on behavioral intentions towards cryptocurrencies, a significant gap persists in
understanding how cultural norms and societal influences shape attitudes and adoption patterns among
Indian students.
• India presents a unique landscape where traditional financial System coexist with rapidly evolving
technological advancements. Cultural beliefs, societal perceptions and regulatory frameworks play
pivotal roles in shaping an individual’s attitudes towards digital assets.
• Trust in financial Institutions is another critical aspect, which can impact willingness to explore
alternative financial avenues such as Digital currencies.
• One of the notable limitations of current research is the absence of a comprehensive exploration of how
these cultural dynamics intersect with individual intention to adopt cryptocurrencies among college
students in India. By overlooking the aspect ,studies may fail to capture the full complexity of decision-
making processes in specific cultural settings.
• Another limitation is the cryptocurrency markets and technologies evolve rapidly. Research Findings
from a few years ago might not reflect current trends or attitudes due to changes in market conditions,
regulatory environments, or technological advancement. Cryptocurrency markets are known for their
volatility that can influence an individual’s perception of cryptocurrencies as viable financial assets and
impact adoption behaviors. Research conducted during periods of extreme market fluctuations may
yield different results compared to studies conducted during stable market conditions.
• Lack of consideration for students financial Literacy levels and awareness of cryptocurrency concepts
could impact the interpretation of a Research. Research on cryptocurrency adoption should also address
ethical considerations related to digital finance ,such as privacy concerns, security risk and potential
misuse of cryptocurrency for illicit activities.
• College Students have Limited Investment experience and may not fully comprehend the potential risks
and rewards of investing in cryptocurrencies compared to traditional asset classes. Lack of investment
experience can lead to impulsive uninformed investment decision driven by speculative trends or social
• Social media Platforms and peer interactions can heavily influence college students’ perceptions and
intention to invest in cryptocurrencies. FOMO(Fear of Missing Out ) driven by social media hype and
peer pressure can lead to irrational investment behaviors and increased susceptibility to investment
scams or Fraudulent schemes.
III. Objectives:
❖ To assess the impact of trust in traditional financial Institution on willingness to adopt Cryptocurrencies.
❖ To investigate how cultural factors influence risk perceptions associated with cryptocurrency adoption.

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