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Joash the boy king 2 Kings 11:1-12:21

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1 Both Judah and Israel

had many evil kings.
When King Ahaziah of
Judah died, his mother
Athaliah wanted to be
queen. So she ordered
all her grandsons be
killed so she could rule.

2 However one of the

grandsons, a one-year-
old child called Joash,
escaped the killings. His
aunt, Jehosheba, the
wife of Jehoiada the
priest, saved Joash by
keeping him hidden in
one of the room of the
Temple for six years.

3 When Joash became

seven, Jehoiada carried
out a plan to make the
young boy king.
Protected by soldiers, he
crowned Joash as king
by anointing his head
with oil. Everyone
shouted, ‘Long live the
4 Hearing the noise,
Athaliah hurried to the
Temple. When she saw
Joash she torn her
clothes and shouted,
‘Treason!’ Soldiers were
ordered to lead her out
of the Temple to be

5 Jehoiada the priest had

the boy king Joash and
the people of Judah
make a covenant with
the Lord. They promised
again that they would
love and obey the Lord

6 Then the people went to

the temple of Baal and
smashed it down. They
destroyed the altars and
broke the idols into
pieces. The false priests
of Baal were killed in
front of the altars.

7 After several years Joash

decided to repair the
Lord’s temple. He
ordered priests to collect
money for making the
repairs. However many
years passed and no
repair work was done.

8 Finally Joash decided he

must do something, so
he had a large box
placed by the Temple
gate. When the people
came to offer sacrifices,
they were encouraged
to put their gift of
money into the box.
9 The money collected
was used to pay the
carpenters and
stonemasons and metal
workers to repair the
temple. Before long, the
Temple was looking as
clean and beautiful as

10 As long as Jehoiada the

priest was alive,
sacrifices were made in
the temple every day.
But when he died, the
people stopped going to
the Temple and tuned
back to their evil ways.
They began worshipping
the goddess Asherah.

11 The Lord sent Zechariah,

the son of Jehoiada to
warn King Joash. He
announced, ‘As you
have forsaken the Lord,
he has forsaken you.’
This made Joash very
angry and he ordered
Zechariah to be taken
out and stoned to death.

12 Later that year, the

Syrian army attacked
Judah and Jerusalem.
King Joash was wounded
in the battle. While
recovering from his
wounds in bed, he was
murdered by two men
who had been friends of


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