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Antonio Ruiz


S.O.S .meteor : Mortimer in Paris is the eighth laughable book in the Blake and Mortimer
serial publication by Edgar P. Jacobs .It was first published in Tintin magazine .== Synopsis
== The human beings ’ s atmospheric condition has gone mad .professor Roger de Mortimer
responds to an invitation by his friend professor Labrousse .While travelling to take in his
friend , Roger de Mortimer 's cab crashes and he finds himself a freshly dangerous
undertaking rightfield on his friends doorsill .== plot == While western EU suffered for
various months from atmospheric condition calamity , Mortimer arrives in French capital to
match his French friend meteorologist Professor Labrousse .In a cab that takes him to Gare
des Invalides through the royal Street , Mortimer and the driver witness a serious chance
event caused by a dark Ford usage .Then at the place of Versailles - Rive Gauche , a taxicab
sent by Labrousse and led by a certain Ernest takes him to the destination , the instructor 's
house in Jouy-en-Josas .However , on the route , the headlight of the railcar failed while the
black nighttime fell .Fortunately , a postman named Louis offers them to survey him , but
ends after a few minutes .Ernest confused the headlights of the postal truck with those of
the Blue impost .The excessive upper of the car bandits causes an accident with the hack
that plunged it into a pond .Ernest then tries to find out relievo , Mortimer falls in the water
system and narrowly escape cock drowning .Having reached the mainland , hitchhiking
allows him to reach his destination .There , after reports of his adventures to his friend , he
gives his supposition about the drive of climate consequence : having noticed that only
Western Europe is affected by these disasters , he deduces that it is the work of enemy of
the Dame Rebecca West and not from nature .The next twenty-four hour period , the two
graphic symbol learn of the law that the taxi was found in É tang de la Geneste and Ernest
was not found .Mortimer , Labrousse and he then travel to a place where multitude are
mysterious .Roger de Mortimer then identifies the downcast Ford usance prowler hear the
rue Royale .Then , after a abbreviated investigation , he discovers that the accident could not
have happened in Geneste pool and therefore concludes that mortal sought to move the
location of the fortuity .He finally discovers that the cab returned to the Park at Troussalet
Castle .There , he recognizes the pond of the fortuity , before being kidnapped by cloaked
men .The next day in Paris , at the Ministry of the interior , William Blake helps
Commissioner Pradier , header of the DST , to contend against a extraneous spy network
operating in France .While studying the letter of the Paris headquarters of the Swedish firm
Scandinavia , whose leader is a Per Enrik Quarnstron , he discovered a microfilm hidden in
the header .It is the Professor Labrousse who translates the code .Indeed , this message is
simply a weather report which promises significant dislocation for the evening .All of this
reinforces the theory of Mortimer .If Labrousse came , it was to peach to Blake about
Mortimer 's mysterious disappearance .Blake and Labrousse then leave for Jouy-en-Josas
but first exit to Labrousse 's apartment at Vaugirard Street .They then meet the Swedish
neighbour Labrousse , Mr. Henry , very embarrassed when he learns that Labrousse thought
he saw his usage near Geneste pond .Then Blake and Labrousse arrive at Jouy-en-Josas
where Blake , discovering that the telephone and the railroad car were sabotaged , seeing a
blue usage is parked outside the menage and learning that Mr. William Henry 's real number
epithet is Per Enrik Quarnstron , concluded that Mr. Joseph Henry is head of the network of
spies and that the occupant of the customs will do everything to prevent them from
contacting Paris .Blake initially tries to conjoin the station Jouy but having been spotted by
Sharkey and Freddy , the occupants of the custom , he steals the postal truck of Louis and a
expectant pursuit between Peugeot and American elevator car in which the police will also
participate then begins .Finally , Blake takes the power train to Massy Palaiseau and it 's on
the train and then the tube that the quest continues .Blake manages to circumvent his
chaser and returned in Mr. Henry 's flat , who is none other than Olrik .Sharkey and Freddy
are there and Blake foliage .Then it was the crook of Olrik , Sharkey and Freddy being sued
because Pradier and his valet arrive at Vaugirard Street , but the three robbers manage to
escape through the roof thanks to significant affray predicted by the code .After returning to
the ministry , Blake , Pradier and Labrousse intercept a new cod message : a large fog will
cover the entire western sandwich EC in two days , perfect weather for an intrusion .The
DST therefore has two days to find Olrik .Meanwhile , at Troussalet rook , the meshing
center , Mortimer was presented to professor Miloch Georgevitch who shows him the
command center of a atmospheric condition station on the cirrus net .Miloch explains that
while this station and all those of the cirrus cloud network decide the weather on western
Europe for calendar month and excuse the cognitive operation .Then Mortimer is back to his
mobile phone where he will await his exile to the foreign power is behind it all .Two days
later , on the 13th , Blake finally discovered that the network mall was the Troussalet Castle
and acquaintance leave the ministry when they discover that the daze has become
stultifying .William Blake , Pradier and a few valet , all equipped with gas masks , thus
moving towards the castle and reach Satory , where soldiers who are protected too , link
them .Meanwhile , Roger de Mortimer found Ernest , who was also captured .Together they
escape and accidentally trigger the self-destruction of the base .They then managed to lead
the castle and find William Blake , Pradier and others .Since the station 001 at Troussalet
castling is the central station of the cirrhus electronic network , the fog disappears and
Western Europe is saved .The whole crowd , including Olrik , was captured , only Miloch is
missing .== English people issue == The commencement publication in side was by
Cinebook Ltd in Sep 2009 .

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