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*Walk into frame*

Afternoon, everyone. Well, he’s gone. I’m sure. I checked. Poked him when they called me to
the hospital. I don’t think he’s pretending.

He was my best friend. I’ve known him for.. a long, long time. I consider myself lucky and i’m
grateful to have known such a.. sweet, patient, and understanding person. He was a.. very
sensitive. When he felt something he really felt it. That’s one of the things about him that made
him so wonderful.. and if you disagree, you better watch out cause he might just dramatically
rise from the dead to shake you and tell you to appreciate him. I bet he’s rolling around, dying of
laughter hearing me speak about him like this.

It hurts. It really does hurt every time I am reminded again that he’s gone.. that he isn’t there
anymore to make fun of me and my dumb decisions.. to encourage me and listen. Honestly, I
don’t think I would’ve made it this far in my life without him. He saved me. Helped me realize
that I am worth something.

He was.. no, is such a loving person. He was so full of love. He was one of those people that..
you look at and get reminded that love does exist because this person is so full of it. He wasn’t
just full of it he was.. overflowing.

Can’t believe he left so soon. *Look at the casket* We’re gonna have a real long talk about this
when I get there, okay? I just can’t believe it. How could you?

I’m sure that he loved you all. Well.. maybe not so sure for some of you. *laugh* I’m kidding, If
you cared enough to come here, then I am sure.. that he tolerated you. *laugh again* Joking.

He never wanted any of the people he loved and cared about to hurt. Sometimes, he even went
out of his way to bear problems or pain by himself so as to not burden people. I’m sure he would
want us to live the rest of our lives and be happy.. to go listen or look at art. To love freely and
unafraid. As much as it hurts, I know he would want us to keep celebrating the years ahead
even if it was without him.. and I don’t think his ghost will be able to stop himself from checking
up on our lives anyway. *laugh* We’ll be okay. The hole he left is.. a real big one but we’ll be
okay. He would want us to be.

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