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Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion
1. Use the module with care. Do not put SPECIALIZED SUBJECT
unnecessary mark/s on any part of the Applied Economics
module. Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
2. Use separate sheet of paper in Business Marketing
answering the activities. Business Enterprise Simulation
3. Read the instructions carefully before
doing the tasks. ELECTIVE SUBJECT
4. Observe honesty in doing the tasks. Foreign Language (Japanese)
5. If you encounter any difficulty in
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not hesitate to ask your subject
6. Always remember, you can do it!

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
1. Explain the forms and functions of state and non-state institutions

Most often, states and nations are confused or used as if they are
interchangeable. On the most basic level, nations are commonly defined as
cultural entitles, that is, groupings of people bound together by shared
values and traditions. In particular, nations share a common language,

religion, history, and usually occupy the same geographical area, but to
define a nation in this manner is rather problematic.
First, nations exist in varied contexts and have distinct histories that
makes the task or identifying shared commonalities among its people
applicable to almost all cases difficult if not impossible. Second, the cultural
unity that is central to nations lacks objective criteria. Ultimately, nations can

only be defined ‘subjectively’ by their members, not by any set of external
factors (Heywood 2003).
For example, in terms of common language, there are people who
share the same language but not common national identity. Americans,
Australians, and New Zealanders may speak English as a first language but
they would not consider themselves as members of an “English Nation”.
Others have enjoyed a substantial measure of national unity without
possessing a national language as in the case of Switzerland (Ibid).
In terms of religion, people may speak the same language but are
divided along religious lines as in the case of Northern Ireland. Nations are
also based on a sense of ethnic or racial unity as exemplified by Germany
during the Nazi period. But ethnic does not necessarily lead to national
identity (Ibid).
Finally, while nations share a common history and traditions based
on shared memories or a common past, cultural unity may have little to do
with it. In the US, national identity has been forged out of common
commitment to the constitution and the values of liberal capitalism for which
the US stands rather than on common history and traditions (Ibid).
Reedier and Enloe (1969, 143 cited in Oommen 1997, 18-9) noted
the difference between a nation and a state as: “’state’… is primarily a
political-legal concept, whereas ‘nations’ is primarily psychocultural. Nation
QUARTER 4 (WEEK 1 – 6) and state may exist independently of one another, a nation may exist
without a state, a state may exist without a nation. When the two coincide,
the result is the nation-state.” According to Oommen (1997), a state is a
legally constituted entity which provides its citizen protection both from
internal and external insecurity and aggression.

Understanding Society, Culture and Politics – Quarter 4 1

A state has four essential elements, namely, people, territory, imposed upon the people by those who possess the power or
government and sovereignty. Among these four elements, sovereignty is the authority of prescribing them
ultimate and the defining feature of every state.
Recognition: A community may have all the requisites for a state to
Like political ideologies, the “sovereign” state was also not spared
exist. It may already have its people, a territory, a government and
but the wide-ranging implications of globalization. Globalization has also
sovereignty, however, until it is recognized, it shall remain to be only a
challenged the relevance and salience of the state in today’s highly
de facto state. It has to be a member of the family of nations, that is,
globalized world. Like the “end of ideology” problem of political ideologies,
nations that recognize each other. To become a member of this family
states also face the same dilemma, the “end of the nation-state” in the
or circle of nations the de facto must be recognized. Recognition then
context of globalization.
refers to the act, made by the family of nations that renders a state its
A State is a community of persons, more or less numerous,
international status.
permanently occupying a definite portion of territory, independent of external
control, and possessing an organized government to which the great body Where did the State originate?
of inhabitants render habitual obedience. The following are the theories on the origin of the State:
1. Divine Right Theory – It holds that the origin of the state is of divine
A State is composed of four elements which must all be present for a State creation and the ruler is ordained by God to govern the people
to exist. 2. Necessity and Force Theory – It maintains that the state must have
1. People: refers to the inhabitants or population of a particular territory. been created as a product of the existence of the strong and the weak
There is no specific number required in terms of the population. It is in society, and as a result of their struggle against each other wherein
only given emphasis that the population must be sufficient. That it is those who are strong are able to dominate and impose their will upon
enough to ensure a permanence of existence but not too much that it the weak.
is difficult to govern. The people that make up a state are usually 3. Patriarchal Theory – It attributes the origin of the states to the
called as the nation or nations. enlargement of the family which remained under the authority of the
Nation: a union of a society of inhabitants of the same country, father or mother. By natural stages, the family grew into clan, then
speaking the same language, governed by the same laws, connected developed into tribe, which broadened to a nation, and the nation
by identity of origin, physical characteristics and moral dispositions, by became a state
a community of interests and sentiments and a fusion of existences 4. Social Contract Theory – It asserts that the early states must have
formed over the lapse of centuries (Pradier-Fodere). been formed by deliberate and voluntary agreement among the
2. Territory: a definite portion of the surface of the earth which is the people to form a society and organize a government for their common
subject of the jurisdiction and sovereign rights of a state in accordance good.
with the international law. 5. Instinctive Theory – It holds that the state is founded out of man’s
The territorial domains are: a. terrestrial (land) b. fluvial (water) which natural instinct for association.
includes maritime and c. aerial (air). It consists the land within its 6. Economic Theory – It believes that the state must have been
boundaries, the air space above the land, the inland waters and all the founded to take charge of man’s various needs that must be
natural resources therein, and the sea beyond the state’s coastlines, continuously and consistently satisfied.
including its seabed and subsoil. In the case of archipelagic states this 7. Historical Theory – It asserts that the state is product of human
territorial sea stretches to 12 miles (19kms) from the coastlines to the development.
open sea. It is not known exactly which of the above theories is the correct one.
3. Sovereignty: the supreme power to command and enforce History, however, has shown that the elements of all the theories have
obedience, the power to which, legally speaking, all interests subdue played an important part in the formation and development of states.
and all wills subordinate.
There are two aspects of sovereignty, (a) Internal sovereignty is Forms of States
the supreme or absolute power of a state to enforce its will on the States come in a variety of forms that vary on who holds power, how
people within its territory; and (b) External sovereignty refers to the positions of leadership are obtained, and how authority is maintained. These
independence of a state from control by any other state. are:
4. Government: an institution or aggregate of institutions by which an
independent society makes and carries out those rules of action a. Authoritarian Government Authoritarian governments differ in who
necessary to enable men to live in a social state, or that which are holds power and in how control they assume over those who govern.
An example of this type is Monarchy.
Understanding Society, Culture and Politics – Quarter 4 2
Monarchy is a form of government in which supreme power is NON-STATE INSTITUTIONS
absolutely lodged with an individual, who is the head of the state, Non-state institutions are people and/ or organization that
often for life or until abdication. The person who heads a monarchy is participate in international affairs and relations but are not affiliated with any
called a monarch. Some monarchs hold unlimited political powers state or nation. These non-state institutions include the following: bank and
while many constitutional monarchies, such as the United Kingdom corporations, cooperatives and trade unions, transnational advocacy
and Thailand. Currently, 44 nations in the world have monarchs as groups, and development agencies and international organizations. These
head of state. non-state institutions are equally capable of influencing policy formation and
TOTALITARIANISM is a political system that strives to regulate a. Banks. Bank is a financial institution licensed to provide several
nearly every aspect of public and private life. It theoretically permits no financial services to different types of customers. Banks are in
individual freedom and that seeks to subordinate all aspects of operation mainly for their deposits and lending functions. Customers
individual life to the authority of the state. Modern examples of are allowed to deposit their money to banks which grow through an
totalitarian states include the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin, Nazi interest rate. Banks also provide loans, with an interest to customers
Germany under Adolf Hitler, the People’s Republic of China under who need money either for personal consumption or for investment
Mao Zedong, and North Korea under the Kim Dynasty. and businesses. Banks may be categorized into major forms such as
b. Oligarchic Government An oligarchy is a form of government in commercial banks and investment banks.
which power effectively rests with a small-elite segment of society b. Corporations It is a form of business operation that declares the
distinguished by royalty, wealth, family, military, or religious business as a separate entity guided by a group of officers known as
hegemony. An oligarchy does not have one clear ruler, but several the Board of Directors. They were created by individuals, stockholders
powerful people who rule. One common example is theocracy. or shareholders, with the purpose of operating for profit. They have all
Theocracy is a government by divine guidance or by official who are legal rights of an individual, except for the right to vote and certain
regarded as divinely guided. Leaders are members of the clergy, and limitations. They are given the right to exist by the state that issues
the state’s legal system is based on religious law. Contemporary their charter. Corporation example includes General Motors
examples of theocracies include Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the Vatican. Corporation an icon of American craftmanship, Apple Corporation as
c. Democratic Government Democracy is a form of government in one of the famous tech companies, Amazon Corporation founded by
which the right to governs is held by the majority of citizens within a Jeff Bezos is the world’s leading eCommerce and innovation
country or a state. The two principles of democracy are that all company, Domino’s Pizza is a global food chain company delivering
citizens have equal access to power and that all citizens enjoy quality food worldwide.
universally recognized freedoms and liberties. People can either c. Cooperatives. Cooperatives are people-centers enterprises owned,
become country leaders through electoral process or elect leaders controlled and run by and for their members to realize their common
who represent the core values and beliefs. There are 99 democratic economic, social, and cultural needs and aspirations. Cooperatives
nations globally. Examples of democratic nations are Philippines, are businesses governed on the principle of one member, one vote.
Norway, New Zealand, United States of America, Canada, Columbia, There are several common types of co-ops, including cooperatives
Italy, and South Africa. owned and operated by:
1. The people working there (worker cooperatives);
Roles of the States 2. The people buying the co-op’s goods or services (consumer
1. State provides security against external aggressions and war. For this cooperatives)
purpose, the state maintains an army. 3. The people collaborating to process and market their products
2. State ensures security against internal disturbances disorders and (producer cooperatives); and
crimes. For this purpose, the state maintains police. 4. Groups uniting to enhance their purchasing power
3. State legally grants and guarantees the rights of the people. (purchasing cooperatives)
4. The state issues and regulates currency and coinage. Cooperatives play a critical role in building community wealth for
5. State undertakes steps for the creation of necessary conditions for the several key reasons:
socio-economic-politico-cultural development of the people. 1. They often provide quality goods and services to areas that
6. State grants citizenship and protects their interests and rights. have been shunned by traditional businesses because they
7. State conducts foreign relations, foreign trade and economic relations. are deemed less profitable
8. State secures the goals of national interest in international relations 2. They typically invest in local communities

Understanding Society, Culture and Politics – Quarter 4 3

3. Since most cooperative members are local residents, specific methods, and activities. TAGs serve as international catalysts
business profits remain and circulate in the community for change, aiming to achieve international changes towards policies
4. Cooperative membership builds social networks and and practices. The very essence of TAGS is the formation and
strengthens social cohesion which are essential elements of a development of their advocacies and campaigns that represent
strong, healthy communities by connecting diverse community causes, ideas, values, and beliefs.
residents Human Rights Watch and Amnesty are active in the human
5. Purchasing cooperatives help small, local businesses remains rights field. Oxfam and Save children deal with humanitarian issues.
competitive within markets dominated by large, national Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth represent environmental
retailers concerns.
6. Worker cooperatives create quality, empowering jobs for f. Development Agencies. Development Agencies have been
community members established to develop the cooperation between the public sector,
d. Trade Unions/Labor Unions. Trade Unions are organizations formed private sector, and civil society. These are organizations with specific
by workers from related fields that work for common interest of its aims and goals. The common denominator among these
members. They help workers in issues like fairness of pay, good organizations is the term development. These agencies concentrate
working environment, hours of work and benefits. They represent a on the growth, progression, and advancement of specific concerns,
cluster of workers and provide a link between the management and which can be infrastructure or social institutions.
workers. Types of Development Agencies:
The purpose of these unions is to look into the grievances of International Organization is an institution with membership
wagers and present a collective voice in front of the management. It drawn from two or more countries. Its activities transcend national
acts as the medium of communication between the workers and boundaries as it facilitates cooperation among its members in the
management. Among these trade unions that exist in the Philippines performance of one or more tasks.
are the Federation of Free Workers (FFW), Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU) The international organization can be public or private.
and the Trade Union Congress of the Philippines (TUCP). A public organization is an international government
Functions of Trade Unions: organization (IGO) with states as its members. Prominent examples of
1. Advocating for fairness and equality for workers’ compensations IGOs are United Nations, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
2. Securing better working conditions for workers (NATO), International Monetary Fund (IMF), European Union (EU),
3. Trade Unions will organize strikes and demonstrations on behalf Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), and World Health
of worker demands Organization (WHO).
4. Fight for social welfare for workers A private organization has a membership of individuals or
5. Promote and advocate for education and proper training for groups and is an international nongovernment organization (INGO)
workers that originate for reasons other than politics such as International
6. Advocate and fight the government for legislative protections of Criminal Police Organization (Interpol). INGOs may lobby or work
the workers regularly with the government and IGOs. Non-government
7. Promote and advocate for organizational growth and stability Organization is a non-profit group that functions independently of any
8. Trade Unions acts as representatives of workers in national and government. It serves the social or political goals such as
international forums. humanitarian and environmental causes. Most NGOs aim to promote
9. Involved in collective bargaining agreements and disputes with the practice of democracy among societies and social change through
management to settle any conditions on employment their initiatives and organizational methods. Many NGOs have
10. Advising management on correct personnel policies and targeted their efforts toward population groups that tend to be
procedures 11.Involved in collective and personal collective underserved by governmental programs, including women, the aged,
grievances between management and workers. physically and mentally disabled persons, the poor, and various social
e. Transnational Advocacy Groups. Transnational Advocacy Groups groups that have been marginalized by virtue of race, religion,
(TAGs) play an increasingly important role in international and ethnicity, caste, and social class.
regional politics and have contributed to changing policies of
multilateral organizations and states. They are particularly visible in Interrelationship of Government and Non-state Institutions
contentious areas as human rights, environmental issues, Government rules society. This reflects how powerful government
international peace, and women’s rights. They have specific roles to institution can be. If nonstate institutions interfere with the governing body,
partake that can be achieved through effective measures, case- two possible things can happen:
Understanding Society, Culture and Politics – Quarter 4 4
1. Integration among these two institutions may take place to achieve QUARTER 4 – WEEK 2
precise solution towards development
2. Conflict and tension may also arise because one could exceed the THE FUNCTIONS AND IMPORTANCE OF
other in terms of societal control and influences (Penninx, 2013).


ACTIVITY 1 By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
1. Examine the functions and importance of education in the society.
Directions: Unscramble the Letters Direction: Unscramble the letters to
identity the concepts being described. Write your answers in yellow paper.
Scramble Letters Description Answer
Education is defined as the process of enhancing the holistic
1 An organized political community
abilities of an individual toward becoming a responsible citizen. This brings
ATEST acting under a government and
advancement to human intellect and behavior as one gains knowledge,
united by common set of laws
skills, and values.
2 A form of business operation that Education should remain state-of-the-art amidst the changing
declares the business as a
society. It should remain relevant to the needs of the people and society.
RANIOTROCP separate entity guided by a group Thus, the State is mandated to establish a complete, adequate, and
of officers known as the Board of integrated system of education encouraging even non formal and informal
Directors learning systems aside from the customary formal; education (Article XIV
3 The governing body of the state or Section 2).
nation Education is the social institution through which society provides its
4 A financial institution licensed to members with important knowledge, including basic facts, job skills, and
SKABN provide several financial services cultural norms and values (Macionis, 2012). Education is the acquisition of
to different types of customers knowledge, habits, skills, and abilities through instruction and training or
5 Organizations formed by workers through self-activity. It is systematic training of the moral and intellectual
DETRAONUNI from related fields that work for faculties of the mind. It is the process of transmitting to the young, the vital
common interest of its members cultural heritage of a group.
6 Businesses governed on the
principle of one member, one vote TYPES OF EDUCATION
7 It is a government by divine In general, there are three types of education, these are:
guidance or by official who are 1. Formal education. This refers to the hierarchically structured,
YHOCTRECR regarded as divinely guided. chronologically graded educational system from primary school to the
Leaders are members of the university, including programs and institutions for full time technical and
clergy, and the state’s legal system vocational training. At the end of each level, the learners must obtain
is based on religious law certification in order to enter or advance to the next level. Formal
8 It is a form of government in which education shall correspond to the following levels in basic education:
supreme power is absolutely a. Elementary Education
lodged with an individual, who is Elementary education involves compulsory, formal education
the head of the state, often for life primarily concerned with providing basic education, and usually
or until abdication. corresponds to a traditional six grades or seven grades, and in
9 It is a political system that strives to addition, to preschool programs. Such preschool education normally
regulate nearly every aspect of consists of kindergarten schooling but may cover other preparatory
public and private life. courses as well.
10 LEOPEP Refers to the inhabitants or At the basic education level, the Department of Education
population of a particular territory (DepEd) sets overall educational standards and mandates
standardized tests for the K to 12 basic education system, although
private schools are generally free to determine their own curriculum in
accordance with existing laws and Department regulations.
Understanding Society, Culture and Politics – Quarter 4 5
b. Secondary Education socalled “normal” individuals, such that they require modification of school
Secondary education, public schools and private schools, is practices to develop their potential. Special education provides distinct
concerned primarily with continuing basic education of the elementary services, curricula, and instructional materials geared to pupils or students
level and expanding it to include the learning of employable, gainful who are significantly higher or lower than the average or norm. SPED aims
skills, usually corresponding to four years of junior high school and to develop the maximums potential of the child with the special needs to
two years of senior high school. enable him/her to become self-reliant and take advantage of the
c. Tertiary Education opportunities for a full and happy life.
Institutions of higher education may be classified as either
public or private college or university, and public institutions of higher Functions of Education in the Society
education may further be subdivided into two types: state universities As British sociologist Herbert Spencer explains, functions are
and colleges and local colleges and universities. important to be performed as they make the society whole. If each function
Most institutions of higher learning are regulated by the is working well, society attains progress. He lays down the functions of
Commission of Higher Education (CHED). Colleges typically offer 1 or education as follows:
more specialized programs while universities must offer at least 8 or 1. Productive Citizenry
more different undergraduate degree programs in a wide array of Education systems enable citizens to be productive members
subjects and at least 2 or more graduate programs. of a society, as they are equipped with knowledge and skills that could
Public universities are all non-sectarian and offer a wide- contribute to the development of their society’s systems and institutions.
range of programs, with English as medium of instruction. Public This highlights the importance of formal and non-formal education in the
universities are government funded, with the largest, the University of development of oneself and the society. Consequentially, it is crucial for
the Philippines, receiving a substantial amount from the annual educational systems to adapt to the changing demands of the
budget. There are also several private tertiary institutions, sectarian or environment to efficiently capacitate individuals.
non-sectarian as well as for profit or not-for-profit. Being a productive citizen requires critical thinking. One must
2. Non-formal education. It refers to any organized educational activity have the ability to understand his or her duties and be able to respond
outside the established formal system to provide selected types of to them by making decisions. Through education, individuals are
learning to a segment of the population. As a concept, non-formal introduced to concepts concerning democracy, power, inequality, and
education emerged in response to the world crisis in education identified the like. This promotes greater awareness in his or her society. It
by Philip H. Coombs in 1967, who argued that the formal education encourages vigilance and participation. Educational attainment does not
system have failed to address the changing dynamics of the only contribute to the individual’s success but also to the betterment of
environment and the societies. The skills that are needed to foster his or her environment.
economic development are lacking due to untrained labor force that is 2. Self-actualization
not able to access formal education. Non-formal education enables a Education develops one’s sense of self. As a huge part of the
student to learn skills and knowledge through structured learning discovery process of oneself, education encourages having the vision to
experiences. A student learns his/her values, principles, and beliefs and become self-actualized. Moreover, it enables one to see your strengths
undergoes lifelong learning. and maintain them. It enables one to determine weakness and adjust to
3. Informal education. It is a lifelong process whereby every individual them. This helps one reach full potential and establish oneself as a
acquires from daily experiences, attitudes, values, facts, skills, and whole.
knowledge or motor skill from resources in his or her higher According to Abraham Maslow, self-actualization is the highest
environment. form of human need. It was defined as “to become more and more what
It offers alternative learning opportunities for the out of school one is, to become everything that one is capable of becoming.”
youth and adults specifically those who are 15 years old and above and The concept of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is once that level is
unable to avail themselves of the educational services and programs of fulfilled the next level up is what motivates us, and so on
formal education. It reaches out to citizens of varied interests, a. Physiological needs - these are biological requirements for human
demographic characteristics, and socioeconomic origins and status. Its survival, e.g. air, food, drink, shelter, clothing, warmth, sex, sleep. If
primary objective is to provide literacy programs to eradicate illiteracy. these needs are not satisfied the human body cannot function
Special Education.
b. Safety needs - protection from elements, security, order, law,
Special Education refers to the education of persons who are
stability, freedom from fear.
physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, or culturally different from

Understanding Society, Culture and Politics – Quarter 4 6

c. Love and belongingness needs - the need for interpersonal instruction. Informal education comes about indirectly, the learner often
relationships motivates behavior Examples include friendship, unaware that he is having a learning experience.
intimacy, trust, and acceptance, receiving and giving affection and The primary function of education is the socialization of the new
love. Affiliating, being part of a group (family, friends, work). members of the society. The late president Ramon Magsaysay aptly
d. Esteem needs - which Maslow classified into two categories: (i) observed that “education is the greatest equalizer of opportunities” for
esteem for oneself (dignity, achievement, mastery, and everybody. Other most important objectives of education are:
independence) and (ii) the desire for reputation or respect from 1) Teaching basic skills, such as reading, writing, and arithmetic.
others (e.g., status, prestige). Maslow indicated that the need for 2) Helping children develop skills in abstracting thinking and problem
respect or reputation is most important for children and adolescents solving.
and precedes real self-esteem or dignity. 3) Transmitting the cultural heritage, from which individual may develop
e. Self-actualization needs - realizing personal potential, self- an appreciation of their society.
fulfillment, seeking personal growth and peak experiences. 4) Communicating to children the basic value of the society.
5) Teaching the special aspects of the culture, such as art, music,
literature, drama, science, technology, and sports.
6) Teaching vocational skills that help individuals enter the job market.
7) Training citizens for life within the political system of their society.
8) Preparing children to live long and form meaningful relationship with
other human beings.

Primary Education as a Human Right

Primary education is essential in the early stages of human life.
Humans need education to enable them to adapt to the dictates of their
society. The United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) declare that education is a fundamental human right and
essential for the exercise of all other human rights. It promotes individual
freedom and empowerment and yields important development benefits. Yet
millions of children and adults remain deprived of educational opportunities,
many as a result of poverty.”
Normative instruments of the United Nations and UNESCO lay
down international legal obligations for the right to education. These
instruments promote and develop the right of every person to enjoy access
to education of good quality, without discrimination or exclusion. These
However, through education, humans are empowered to experience
instruments bear witness to the great importance that Member States and
and learn their true capacities that lead to self-actualization. Humans also
the international community attach to normative action for realizing the right
tend to find boundless enthusiasm in learning outside the classroom, which
to education. It is for government to fulfil their obligations both legal and
is basically through experience. With this, it becomes easier for them to
political in regard to providing education for all of good quality and to
socialize, to identify a career path, to create self-identity, and the like. They
implement and monitor more effectively strategies.
will tend to have the ability to analyze, evaluate, and decide on their own.
Education is a powerful tool by which economically and socially
To others, education takes place both in and outside schools. It
marginalized adults and children can lift themselves out of poverty and
functions to preserve and transmit the culture. It is, as Durkheim wrote: “the
participate fully as citizens.
means by which society perpetually recreates the conditions of its very
Although the UN is such powerful global actor that can mandate its
existence.” Defined in the most general sense, education can occur
member to follow its structure, education deprivation still persists in most
anywhere, in any setting, through any experience. Thus broadly conceived,
societies. This exclusion is socially constructed in unequal settings.
education has the same meaning as socialization, the internalization of
Formal education suggests studying in a school or university where
culture, and learning human behavior.
everything is systematic. A teacher or professor explains, while a student
Whether it takes place in or outside of the school system, education
listens and understands. For that, the student pays the teacher. The last
is of two kinds, formal and informal. Formal education is imparted by direct
relates primarily to the struggles between social classes. Formal education,
in particular tries to keep pace with the changes in the economy, as can be
Understanding Society, Culture and Politics – Quarter 4 7
observed in the constant tuition fee increases in institutions of higher QUARTER 4 – WEEK 3
The issue on education taps economical aspect of the society, as CONCEPT, CHARACTERISTICS AND
classism stands as a barrier to the social development of humans. This also
digs on the impact of social inequality, as a systematic oppression lies
especially on the lower class. They experience discrepancies in educational YOUR LEARNING OBJECTIVES
opportunities due to financial problems. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
1. Examine the concept, characteristics, and forms of stratification systems using sociological

Directions: Answer the following questions briefly but substantially.
Write your answer in a separate sheet of yellow paper. Your answers
Social stratification is an inherent character of all societies. It is
will be scored based on the rubrics below. (10 pts each)
historical as we find it in all societies, ancient and modern; and it is universal
Criteria 10 7 5 Score as it exists in simple or complex societies. The social differentiation on the
Focus/ Main The essay The essay is The essay basis of high and low is the historical heritage of all societies.
Point reflects clear focused on poorly
insight and topic and addresses Meaning and Nature of Social Stratification
relevant includes few and includes Sociologists use the term social stratification to describe the system
ideas to the related ideas irrelevant of social standing. There are various meanings of social stratification and is
topic. ideas to the defined as follows:
topic.  It refers to what sociologists call it as “institutionalized inequality” of
individual or “social injustice” due to social categories (Ariola, 2012).
1. Education aims at the all-round development of individual, what does  It is an institutionalized pattern of inequality in which social categories
it means? (10 pts) are ranked on the basis of their access to scarce resources
2. Why education is essential for every society and individual? (10 pts) Brinkerhoff & White, 1988).
3. Education is the most crucial aspect of society. What does it means?  It is the way people are ranked and ordered in society (Cole, 2019).
Elaborate. (10 pts)  It is a system whereby people rank and evaluate each other as
superior or inferior and, on the basis of such evaluation, unequally
reward one another with wealth, authority, power, and prestige. One
result of each differentiation is the creation of a number of levels
within the society. (Hebding & Glick, 1992)
 It is the hierarchical arrangement and establishment of social
categories that evolve into a social group together with statuses and
their corresponding roles. (Panopio el al., 1994)
 It is the differentiation of a given population into hierarchically
superposed classes. It is manifested in the existence of upper and
lower social layers. Its basis and very essence consist in an unequal
distribution of rights and privileges, duties and responsibilities, social
values and privations, social power and influences among the
members of a society (Sorokin, 1927).
Social Stratification is Distinguished from Social Differentiation
Social differentiation refers to how people can be distinguished from
one another. People in a group may differ in skin color, hair color, race,
mental and physical ability, and the like.
Social stratification refers to the ranking of people in a society. In
closed stratification, people cannot change their ranks while those in open
social stratification, people can change their ranks. In short social
Understanding Society, Culture and Politics – Quarter 4 8
stratification is the separation of people into social categories and these Acquired wealth is achieved through ones effort either by talent,
categories are ranked as higher or lower. income or by marriage. Income refers to the amount of money a
person receives.
Indicators of Social Stratification
2. Occupation. What people do for a living determines, to a large extent,
There are some people that are treated in another way because of
the social position of the person. Occupation may be classified into
the social status, power, income, prestige and among others that they hold
professionals, non-professionals (clerks, drivers, etc) proprietors of
in their society (Arcinas, 2016).
small business, skilled workers, semi skilled workers, and unskilled
The individual’s position in the social structure is called status. The
higher or lower positions that come about through social stratifications are
Examination of the mentioned occupations indicates disparities in
called statuses. Statuses are not the same. One may get different statuses
prestige, income and power.
in different ways. They can be ascribed or achieved. Ascribed statuses are
3. Education. Educational attainment of a person may be categorized
assigned or given by the society or group on the basis of some fixed
as masteral or doctoral degree holder, college graduate, high school
category, without regard to a person’s abilities or performance. These
graduate, elementary school drop-out, among others. Possession of
include sex, family background, race, and ethnic heritage. You did nothing
the person of any of these educational backgrounds may characterize
to earn these statuses; you have no control over these characteristics and
the person’s status in the community.
no opportunity or chance to choose your family, your sex, and your race. In
4. Types of house dwellings. Dwellings can be categorized as
the Philippines, the children of Ayala’s and the Zobel’s have ascribed
permanent house (concrete and excellent in appearance), semi-
statuses (Zulueta, 2006). Whereas, achieved statuses are earned by the
permanent house (semi-concrete and very good in appearance and
individual because of his or her talent, skills, occupation and perseverance.
construction), temporary house (wood and fair in appearance and
These include degree or educational attainment, promotion, position, earned
construction), and poorly constructed house (houses found in squatter
wealth and the like. For example, Nora Aunor has moved up in the social
areas, or those considered below-the-bridge houses).
ladder because of her beautiful voice and singing talent. Prestige refers to
5. Location of residence. Power, prestige and wealth are also attached
the evaluation of status. You have prestige according to your status. For
to the location of residence. There is disparity of social status when
example, being the president of the Supreme Student Government of your
one residence is located in Forbes Park, White Plains, squatter area,
school, you have the prestige of a president whether or not you perform and
mountainous-rugged area, in subdivision and non-subdivision area.
carry out well the duties and responsibilities of SSG president (Baleña,
6. Kinship or family. In the Philippines, when a person belongs to the
Ayala’s, Soriano’s, Zobel’s, Villar’s, that person is regarded as
According to Max Weber, most societies would favor those with
belonging to the upper class (rich) status. Children of sultans and
power, prestige, status, wealth or class. According to Weber’s Component
datus are highly regarded as rich. If a person is from a family whose
Theory on Social Stratification, these three would determine a person’s
house is situated in the squatter’s area, that person is regarded as
standing in his/her community:
poor or belonging to lower class status.
1. Power refers to the ability to influence other people. It is getting what
they want despite the unwillingness of others to give in to their
Types of Social Stratification and their Characteristics
Generally, there are three (3) known types of social stratification:
2. Prestige refers to the person’s position in the society. This refers to
open systems, closed systems and ethnic systems ( Ariola, 2012).
having a certain status that enables someone to have resources or
Sociologists distinguish between two types of systems of
stratification – open system and closed system. For the anthropologists,
3. Wealth refers to the amount of resources that a person has (Arcinas,
they include ethnic system as another type of social stratification
A. Open System
As mentioned by Ariola (2012) in his book, one may be viewed as General Characteristics Categories
belonging to the upper social strata or lower social strata depending on the The class structure is 1. Upper Class – The people in this class
following dimensions: an open system. It have great wealth and sources of income.
1. Sources of Income. There are different sources of income. These encourages people to They constitute the elite wealthy group in
are the inherited wealth, earned wealth, profits, professional fees, strive and achieve the society. They have high reputation in
salaries, wages, private relief, among others. Wealth is everything that something. terms of power and prestige. They live in
is owned by a person. Inherited wealth is acquired since birth and People belonging to exclusive residential area, belong to
without effort. one social class have exclusive private clubs, and may have
similar opportunities, strong political influence in the system of
Understanding Society, Culture and Politics – Quarter 4 9
similar lifestyles, government. They own several cars and accommodates little stratification system in which people can do
Attitudes, behavior properties and their children may study in change in social position. little or nothing to change their social
and possibly similar exclusive schools. They do not allow people standing. Social contact is rigid and clearly
socio-economic positions. 2. Middle Class – The people in this class to shift levels and do not defined. People are born and die in their
It is based on may belong to the upper-middle class permit social caste. Contact between and among the
achievement; allow which is often made up of highly educated relationships between caste is minimal and governed by a set of
movement and interaction business and professional people with high levels. rules – especially those who belong to the
between layer and incomes, such as doctors, lawyers, lower degree, as this will tend to bring
classes. One person can stockbrokers, and CEOs or to the lower- them down.
move up or down to class middle class often made up of people with We do not practice caste system in the
through intermarriages, lower incomes, such as managers, small Philippines. It existed for centuries in India
opportunities, or business owners, teachers, and and this includes the Brahmans who are
achievement. People Secretaries. Aside from generally command associated with the priesthood, the
have equal chance to of high income, people belonging to the Kahatryias (the warriors), the Vaishyus (the
succeed. Whether people upper-middle class often have college businessmen and traders), and the
do something to improve education, live in comfortable homes, own Shudrus (the servants).
their lives or not this properties, have some money savings, and 2. Estate System – It is somewhat a closed
greatly depends active in community activities. People in the system in which the person’s social
on them. lower-middle class have not achieved the standing is based on ownership of land,
same lifestyle of the upper –middle class birth, or military strength. Individuals who
but somehow have modest income and live were born into one of the estates remained
in simple life. there throughout life but in extreme cases
3. Lower Class –The lower class is typified there is social mobility that is people could
by poverty, homelessness, and change their status. In the middle ages
unemployment. The people in this class there are three (3) major estates in Europe
belong to the bottom of socio-economic – nobility, clergy, and the peasants.
ladder. They may be categorized into two: C. Ethnic System
upper-lower class and lower-lower class. In General Characteristics
the upper-lower class, people are This type of social stratification is based on national origin, laguage
considered as the working class or and religion. Ethinicity sets segments of society apart and each group has a
laborers. They have acquired little sense of identity. People interact more freely with those people belonging to
education, little time to be involved in civic the same ethnic category. During the Spanish and American colonial
and community activities. Some of them are systems in the Philippines, the colonizers perceived themselves to be
underemployed, have many socio- occupying the upper social class than the Filipinos or the natives whom they
economic problems, with little or no luxuries called as Indios.
at all. The people in the lower-lower class Immigrants usually belong to a lower status than the inhabitants.
are unemployed, or no source of income The Gaddangs, Itawis, Ituweraw, Ilonngots, and other ethnic minority groups
except by begging or dependent from are considered inferior than the others.
private and government relief. Many of
them live in squatter areas, under the Social Stratification and Social Mobility
bridge, in street corridors, or with no house Social mobility refers to the movement within the social structure,
at all. Many of them are liabilities of society from one social position to another. It means a change in social status. All
because they may be involved in drug societies provide some opportunity for social mobility. But the societies differ
addiction and criminalities. from each other to extent in which individuals can move from one class or
B. Closed System status level to another.
General Characteristics Categories Thus, people in society continue to move up down the status scale.
Closed system 1. Caste System – It is regarded as closed This movement is called ‘social mobility’. For example, the poor people may
become rich, the bank peon may become bank officers, farmers may
Understanding Society, Culture and Politics – Quarter 4 10
become ministers, a petty businessman may become a big industrialist and inevitable.
so on. At the same time a big businessman may become a bankrupt and Stratification results from lack of opportunity
ruling class may be turned out of office and so on. Conflict and from discrimination and prejudice against
the poor, women, and people of color. It is
Kinds of Social Mobility neither necessary nor inevitable.
In a democratic state like the Philippines, a person can improve his Symbolic - Interactionism Stratification affects people’s beliefs, lifestyles,
social status but the degree of mobility varies. In an open system, every daily interaction, and conceptions of
individual is provided equal opportunities to compete for the role and status themselves.
derived regardless of gender, race, religion, family background and political
inclination. There are three (3) types of social mobility: social mobility, In sociology, the functionalist perspective examines how society’s
geographical mobility, and role mobility. parts operate. It is a macro analytical view that focuses on the way that all
1. Social Mobility refers to the movement upward or downward among aspects of society are integral to the continued health and viability of the
the social positions in any given social stratification. It may be upward whole. Structural- Functionalism recognizes that all societies maintain some
(vertival) mobility and downward (horizontal) mobility. Vertical mobility form of social stratification, and therefore, social stratification must have
refers to the movement of people of groups from one status to important functional consequences. According to Davis & Moore (1945),
another. It involves change in class, occupation or power. For different aspects of society exist because they serve a needed purpose.
example, the movement of people from the poor class to the middle They argued that the greater the functional importance of a social role, the
class. Horizontal mobility is a change in position without the change in greater must be the reward. The theory posits that social stratification
status. It indicates a change in position, within the rage of the status. represents the inherently unequal value of different work. Certain tasks in
A change in status may come about through one’s occupation, society are more valuable than others. Qualified people who fill those
marrying into a certain family and others. For example, an engineer positions must be rewarded more than others.
working in a factory may resign from his job and join another factory. Conflict theory focuses on the creation and reproduction of
2. Geographical Mobility is otherwise known as physical mobility. It inequality. Conflict theorists are deeply critical of social stratification,
may be a voluntary movement of people from one geographical area asserting that it benefits only some people, not all of society. Conflict
to another due to change in residence, commuting from home to theory’s explanation of stratification draws on Karl Marx’s view of class
office, making business trips, and voluntary migration from one societies and incorporates the critique of the functionalist view mentioned
country to another. It may be also a forced migration which include above. Many different explanations grounded in conflict theory exist, but
forced relocation or residence, eviction, dispossession of unwanted they all assume that stratification stems from a fundamental conflict between
people, and transportation of slaves. the needs and interests of the powerful, or “haves,” in society and those of
3. Role Mobility is the individual’s shifting from role to role. Every the weak, or “have-nots” (Kerbo, 2009). The former take advantage of their
member of a society has roles to play. Different situations call for position at the top of society to stay at the top, even if it means oppressing
enactment of various roles. For example, the father is the bread those at the bottom. At a minimum, they can heavily influence the law, the
earner of the family but may be a teacher in school, or the leader at media, and other institutions in a way that maintains society’s class
home or a follower in the school or office. A daughter may be structure.
submissive at home but very active and active as a campus student Symbolic-interactionism is a theory that uses everyday interactions
leader. A teacher may have varied roles such as being a mother, a of individuals to explain society as a whole. Symbolic interactionism
wife, a guidance counselor, a community leader and many more examines stratification from a micro-level perspective. This analysis strives
(Ariola, 2012). to explain how people’s social standing affects their everyday interactions.
Consistent with its micro orientation, symbolic interactionism tries to
Theoretical Perspective and Analysis of Social Stratification understand stratification by looking at people’s interaction and
Social stratification can be examined from different sociological understandings in their daily lives. Unlike the functionalist and conflict views,
perspectives—structural-functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic- it does not try to explain why we have stratification in the first place. Rather,
interactionism. it examines the differences that stratification makes for people’s lifestyles
Theoretical Perspective Major Assumptions/Analysis and their interaction with other people. In most communities, people interact
Stratification is necessary to induce people primarily with others who share the same social standing. It is precisely
Structural - Functionalism with special intelligence, knowledge, and skills because of social stratification that people tend to live, work, and associate
to enter the most important occupations. For with others like themselves, people who share their same income level,
this reason, stratification is necessary and educational background, or racial background, and even tastes in food,
Understanding Society, Culture and Politics – Quarter 4 11
music, and clothing. The built-in system of social stratification groups people given a preferential treatment over those with lower have no civic
together. This is one of the reasons why it was rare for a royal prince like equality. Moreover, political actors coming from political families had
England’s Prince William to marry a commoner. Symbolic interactionists given preferential treatment to enter politics than those who are not.
also note that people’s appearance reflects their perceived social standing.
Housing, clothing, and transportation indicate social status, as do hairstyles, Symbolic Capital refers to the resources that one possesses which
taste in accessories, and personal style. is a function of honor, prestige or recognition, or any other traits that one
values within a culture. Like also in many other circumstances, rich
YOUR LEARNING OBJECTIVES people had greater opportunities to enter into politics or in any other
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
1. Explain government programs and initiatives in addressing social inequalities e.g.
aspects because of their level in the society.
local, national, global. Government Programs Addressing these Inequalities are:
Social inequality is the state of unequal distribution of valued goods  Conditional Cash Transfer program locally known as Pantawid
and opportunities. All societies today have social inequality. Examining Pamilya Pilipino Program, or 4Ps, is a government program that
social stratification requires a macro sociological perspective in order to provides conditional cash grants to the poorest of the poor in the
view social systems that make inequalities visible, although individuals may Philippines. Households receive cash grants if children stay in school
support or fight inequalities, social stratification is created and supported by and get regular health check-ups, have their growth monitored, and
society as a whole through values and norms and consistently durable receive vaccines. Pregnant women must get pre- natal care, with their
systems of stratification. births attended to by professional health workers. Parents or
guardians are required to participate in monthly community-based
The Meaning of Social Inequality Family Development Sessions to learn about positive child discipline,
Social inequality is the difference in the distribution of social disaster preparedness, and women’s rights.
desirables such as wealth, power, and prestige.  Agrarian reform in the Philippines seeks to solve the centuries- old
It also refers to the unequal opportunities of individuals based on problem of landlessness in rural areas. Through the Comprehensive
their social class or status. Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) initiated in 1987, the government
This explanation is mostly inspired by Karl Marx’s analysis the rise addressed key national goals: the promotion of equity and social
of industrialization. justice, food security and poverty alleviation in the countryside. After
Social inequality results from a society organized by hierarchies of over 14 years of the CARP, however, the program is yet to be
class, race, and gender that unequally distributes access to resources and completed and is currently burdened with major issues - from
rights. It can manifest in a variety of ways, like income and wealth opposition by landlords and lack of support from legislators, to wide
inequality, unequal access to education and cultural resources, and gaps in fund resources.
differential treatment by the police and judicial system, among others. Social  SK Reform Act of 2015 has the provisions that prohibits political
inequality goes hand in hand with social stratification. dynasty. It prohibits any person to run in any Sanggunian Kabataan
Social inequality is characterized by the existence of unequal Office either elected or appointed if it has a relative up to second
opportunities and rewards for different social positions or statuses within a degree in the barangay level to governorship.
group or society. It contains structured and recurrent patterns of unequal The Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act is a law
distributions of goods, wealth, opportunities, rewards, and punishments. that institutionalizes free tuition and exemption from other fees in state
The following are some of the social inequalities and the programs that the universities and colleges (SUCs), local universities and colleges (LUCs) in
government is undertaking to address these inequalities. the Philippines. The law also foresees subsidies also for private higher
1) Inequality in the access to social, political, and symbolic capital education institutions. It is intended to give underprivileged Filipino students
For us to understand well these inequalities, we have to define first a chance to earn a college degree. The law allows financially-able students
these concepts: Social Capital is the ability of a collective to act together to avail of the free higher education provision but also contribute a specific
to pursue a common goal. It refers to the connection of individuals within amount to the higher education institution (HEI). SUCs, LUCs, and TVET
the society. An example of this is your social status. Rich people have providers are required to create a proper system so students can make
preferential treatment than that of poor people. voluntary contributions for their education.
Political Capital refers to the trust, good will, and influence
2) Minority groups are groups composed of less-dominant classifications
possessed by a political actor, such as politician, to mobilize support
toward a preferred policy outcome. Example is that, governor will be in society that experience disproportionately lower opportunities than
their dominant counterparts.
Understanding Society, Culture and Politics – Quarter 4 12
aggregate employment service of at least six (6) months for the last
Below are some relevant issues involving minority groups: twelve (12) months;
a. Gender Inequality 4) Non-discrimination in employment in the field of military, police and
 In some countries women are paid relatively lower than men due to other similar services that include according the same promotional
their sexuality and biological differences. privileges and opportunities as their men counterpart, including pay
 The LGBT community has always been treated indifferently and increases, additional benefits, and awards, based on competency and
discriminatively because they do not fall within a biologically defined quality of performance.
gender group. 5) Provision for equal access and elimination of discrimination in
Programs: education, scholarships, and training. Thus, “expulsion, non-
 The Philippine Plan for Gender-Responsive Development readmission, prohibiting enrollment, and other related discrimination of
(PPGD) rests on a vision of development that is equitable , women students and faculty due to pregnancy out of marriage shall be
sustainable, free from violence, respectful of human rights, outlawed.
supportive of self-determination and the actualization of human 6) Non-discriminatory and non-derogatory portrayal of women in media
potentials, and participatory and empowering . It places people at and film to raise the consciousness of the general public in
the center and aims to make development work for all groups. recognizing the dignity of women and the role and contribution of
However, it recognizes that discrimination exists on the basis of women in family, community, and the society through the strategic use
gender, class and ethnicity. In the light of historical gender of mass media;
inequalities and inequities, it puts greater emphasis on women as a 7) Equal status given to men and women on the titling of the land and
disadvantaged group. It is in here where gender and development issuance of stewardship contracts and patents.
was anchored into. 8) Other Minorities
 The Magna Carta of Women (MCW) is a comprehensive women’s  This may include people with disabilities or people with religions that
human rights law that seeks to eliminate discrimination through the are less prevalent in society.
recognition, protection, fulfillment, and promotion of the rights of  These minorities experience discrimination in work, especially when
Filipino women, especially those belonging in the marginalized the disabled have physical limitations, while the religious have
sectors of the society. It conveys a framework of rights for women practices and beliefs that are greatly disagreed upon by the
based directly on international law. It salient features are: majority.
 Increasing the number of women in third level positions in Programs:
government to achieve a fifty-fifty (50-50) gender balance within the  Republic Act No. 9442, an Act Amending Republic Act No. 7277,
next five years while the composition of women in all levels of Otherwise known as the Magna Carta for Disabled Persons, and
development planning and program implementation will be at least For Other Purposes’ Granting Additional Privileges and Incentives
40 percent; and Prohibitions on Verbal, Non-verbal Ridicule and Vilification
b. Ethnic Minorities Against Persons with Disability. Its objective is to provide persons
 Because some minorities live traditionalistic lives far away from the with disability, the opportunity to participate fully into the mainstream
city and technology, and some may appear differently than usual, of society by granting them at least twenty percent (20%) discount in
they have been consistently labeled and treated as people with all basic services. It is a declared policy of RA 7277 that persons
minimal knowledge and capabilities. with disability are part of Philippine society, and thus the State shall
 Lack of resources easily available for many are not utilized within give full support to the improvement of their total well-being and
their group, and thus receive negative attention from the dominant their integration into the mainstream of society. They have the same
public. rights as other people to take their proper place in society. They
Programs: should be able to live freely and as independently as possible. This
 Republic Act 8371, known as the Indigenous Peoples Rights Act must be the concern of everyone the family, community and all
(IPRA), was enacted in 1997. It has been praised for its support government and non- government organizations. Rights of persons
for the cultural integrity of indigenous peoples, the right to their with disability must never be perceived as welfare services.
lands and the right to self-directed development of these lands. Prohibitions on verbal, non-verbal ridicule and vilification against
Under the Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Act of 1997 (IPRA), self- persons with disability shall always be observed at all times.
3) Leave benefits of two (2) months with full pay based on gross monthly Department of Education has adopted the policy to provide
compensation for women employees who undergo surgery caused by special protection to children who are gravely threatened or
gynecological disorders, provided that they have rendered continuous endangered by circumstances which affect their normal
Understanding Society, Culture and Politics – Quarter 4 13
development and over which they have no delineation shall be the on climate change, so that it can support the needs of the present and
guiding principle in identifying and delineating ancestral domains. future generations.
As such, indigenous cultural communities (ICC) and indigenous c) Prosperity. We are determined to ensure that all human beings can
people (IP) shall have a decisive role in all activities pertinent enjoy prosperous and fulfilling lives and that economic, social and
thereto technological progress occurs in harmony with nature.
d) Peace. We are determined to foster peaceful, just and inclusive
Analyzing Social Inequalities societies which are free from fear and violence. There can be no
The existence of minority groups in functionalist and conflict sustainable development without peace and no peace without
societies are also embedded in each type of society’s principles. sustainable development.
 In a functionalist society, minorities also play social roles that e) Partnership. We are determined to mobilize the means required to
contribute to social balance and equilibrium. However, these roles are implement this Agenda through a revitalized Global Partnership for
bound by limitations and social norms. Sustainable Development, based on a spirit of strengthened global
 In conflict societies, minority groups are seen as lower-class solidarity, focused in particular on the needs of the poorest and most
individuals that will not be able to keep up with the consistent vulnerable and with the participation of all countries, all stakeholders
competition occurring within the environment. and all people.
 In both societies, discrimination against minorities is possible. The interlinkages and integrated nature of the Sustainable
Inequality among minority groups is greatly driven by global Development Goals are of crucial importance in ensuring that the purpose
inequalities significantly coming from the influence of richer, more of the new Agenda is realized. If we realize our ambitions across the full
influential countries. extent of the Agenda, the lives of all will be profoundly improved and our
world will be transformed for the better.
Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development
This Agenda is a plan of action for people, planet and prosperity. Sustainable Development Goals
It also seeks to strengthen universal peace in larger freedom. We  Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere
recognize that eradicating poverty in all its forms and dimensions,  Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and
including extreme poverty, is the greatest global challenge and an promote sustainable agriculture
indispensable requirement for sustainable development. All countries and all  Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership, will implement this plan.  Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote
We are resolved to free the human race from the tyranny of poverty and lifelong learning opportunities for all
want and to heal and secure our planet. We are determined to take the  Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
bold and transformative steps which are urgently needed to shift the world
 Goal 6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and
onto a sustainable and resilient path. As we embark on this collective
sanitation for all.
journey, we pledge that no one will be left behind. The 17 Sustainable
 Goal 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern
Development Goals and 169 targets which we are announcing today
energy for all.
demonstrate the scale and ambition of this new universal Agenda. They
seek to build on the Millennium Development Goals and complete what  Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic
these did not achieve. They seek to realize the human rights of all and to growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
achieve gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls. They  Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable
are integrated and indivisible and balance the three dimensions of industrialization and foster innovation.
sustainable development: the economic, social and environmental.  Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries.
 Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient
The Goals and targets will stimulate action over the next fifteen and sustainable.
years in areas of critical importance for humanity and the planet:  Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.
a) People. We are determined to end poverty and hunger, in all their  Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts*
forms and dimensions, and to ensure that all human beings can fulfil  Goal 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine
their potential in dignity and equality and in a healthy environment. resources for sustainable development.
b) Planet. We are determined to protect the planet from degradation,  Goal 15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial
including through sustainable consumption and production, ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and
sustainably managing its natural resources and taking urgent action halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.
Understanding Society, Culture and Politics – Quarter 4 14
 Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable QUARTER 4 – WEEK 4-5
development, provide access to justice for all and build effective,
accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. WAYS TO ADDRESS SOCIAL INEQUALITIES
 Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the
global partnership for sustainable development. (LOCAL, NATIONAL, AND GLOBAL)
* Acknowledging that the United Nations Framework Convention on YOUR TARGET COMPETENCIES
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
Climate Change is the primary international, intergovernmental forum for 1. Suggest ways to address social inequalities (local, national and global)
negotiating the global response to climate change. 2. Examine human responses to emerging challenges in contemporary societies.

ACTIVITY 1 Ways to Address Local, National, and Global Inequalities

As inspired by Karl Marx’s analysis in the rise of industrialization, he
Directions: Stop Look Listen. Brows social media platforms like Facebook,
defined social inequality as the difference in the distribution of social
Twitter or Instagram and list down 3 topics or issues that has something to
desirables such as wealth, power, and prestige. It also refers to the unequal
do with complaints about injustices or inequalities. Write your answer on a
opportunities of individuals based on their social status.
separate sheet of paper.
1) ___________________________________________ Social Inequality includes:
2) ___________________________________________ 1. Access to social, political, and symbolic capital
3) ___________________________________________  Political inequality. The distance between masses and the decision
makers, the more layers of authority and the decision, the greater
Processing Questions: the political inequality.
1) What group of people is complaining?
 Symbolic Capital. Refers to the resources available to a group or
2) Why do you think these people are bringing their complaints over
individual on the basis of honor, prestige, recognition, and serves as
social media platforms?
the value that holds within a culture.
3) Why do you think such complaints are happening in our society?
2. Gender Inequality
4) Is there some ways on how you can help eradicate these problems?
 In some countries, women are paid relatively lower than men due to
their sexuality and biological differences.
Rubrics for the Output  The LGBT community has always been treated indifferently and
Criteria 5 10 15 discriminatively because they do not fall within a biologically gender
Content The answer is not The answer talks about what The answer directly talks group.
connected to what is is being asked in each item what is being asked in 3. Ethnic Minorities
being asked in each hence there are information each item all information
item. included that are is necessary.  Because some minorities live traditionalistic lives far away from the
unnecessary. city and technology, and some may appear differently than usual,
Clarity The answer The answer provided gives The answer provided they have been consistently labeled and treated as people with
provided does not some clear points. gives clear and exact minimal knowledge and capabilities.
give clear points. points.
Neatness Output is written Output is written legibly but Output is written legibly
4. Other Minorities
illegibly and has a with few erasures. and has no erasures  This may include people with disabilities or people with religions that
lot of erasures, are less prevalent in society.
 Persons with Disability (PWD) are those who have long-term
physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in
interaction with various barriers may hinder their full effective
participation in society on an equal basis with others.
Minority groups are composed of less-dominant
classifications in society that experience disproportionately
lower opportunities than their dominant counterparts.
5. Global inequality

Understanding Society, Culture and Politics – Quarter 4 15

 Relationship between states and non-state actors in the global Comparison of State and Non-State Actors
community Characteristics State Actors Non-State Actors
 Actors are entities that participate in or promote international Type/Form of Civilian/Military/ Typically no
relations. Government Dictatorship government
Two types of actors involved in international relations: Mechanisms of Ambassadors/ Not defined/ no
 State actor is the institution implementing the functions of the Interaction with other Diplomats specific organizational
government. countries hierarchy
 Non-State actor is an individual or organization that has Implemented in Crisis War/conflict Terrorism/insurgency
powerful economic, political, and social power Examples China, North Korea, Islamic.
 As powerful individuals or groups, the non-state actor has the India fundamentalists groups
capability to influence decision-making in any national, or even
international, concern. The state recognizes the value of non-state Human Adaptation on New Challenges in the Physical,
actors in the achievement and implementation of goals in the Social and Cultural Environment
national and global community. A change or the process of change by which an organism or
 Global Stratification is a relevant concept involved in global species becomes better suited to its environment is called adaptation. This
inequality. It is the unequal distribution of social gaps across nations also refers to the action or process of adapting or being adapted or the
that are usually seen on the ratio between number of deaths versus process of changing to suit different conditions. Adaptations enhance the
number of live births per capita as well as life expectancy. fitness and survival of everyone.
Addressing Global Inequalities Adaptation is not always easy and not something simple. An
Because global inequalities are at the macro-level, it is also individual or organism must be physically fit and viable at all stages of its
emphasized that they are focused on the same way. development evolution to be able to survive. All of organisms or even
human should possess adaptation traits and these may be:
Below are methods by which global inequalities may be addressed:
a) Structural adaptations are physical features of an organism such as
 Ownership of properties and inclusiveness of the lower class. shape, body covering, armament; and even the internal organization
 Inclusive partnership across nations that focus on technological (e.g. a penguin has blubbered to protect itself from freezing
advancements and innovations. temperatures).
 Revise taxation plans, ensuring lower taxes for poorer people. b) Behavioral adaptations are composed of inherited behavior chains
 Monitoring and stopping labor abuse through higher wages, less and/or the ability to learn (e.g. bears hibernate in winter to escape the
work hours, bonuses, health benefits, and non-contractualization. cold temperature and preserve energy).
6. International inequality c) Physiological adaptations permit the organism to perform special
 Refers to the idea of inequality between countries. This can be functions like venom (in snakes and the like), secreting slime,
compared to global inequality between people across countries. phototropism; and more general functions such as growth and
 This may refer to economic as well as medical care and education development, temperature regulation and ionic balance. This means
differences between countries. that adaptation is making adjustments to decisions and activities in
order to manage risks and capture potential opportunities brought
Analyzing Social Inequalities about by any changes in the environment such as global warming and
The existence of minority groups in functionalist and conflict climate change.
societies are also embedded in each type of society’s principles. Humans, like any other organisms and animals, try to act more
 In a functionalist society, minorities also play social roles that cautiously if changes in their environment are perceived to have a
contribute to social balance and equilibrium. However, these roles are dangerous impact on their welfare. They may try to work on new ways to
bound by limitations and social norms. meet own goals more effectively. This action is called behavioral adaptation,
 In conflict societies, minority groups are seen as lower-class risk compensation or risk homeostasis, or rebound effect. Behavioral
individuals that will not be able to keep up with the consistent adaptation is defined as the things organisms do to survive. Unlike other
competition occurring within the environment. adaptations, these are not always heritable but are learned. An example of
 In both societies, discrimination against minorities is possible. this is the difference between populations of animals that live in the wild and
Inequality among minority groups is greatly driven by global those that live among humans. Wild birds tend to be scared of people, but
inequalities significantly coming from the influence of richer, more
influential countries.
Understanding Society, Culture and Politics – Quarter 4 16
birds that live in urban areas are often less fearful of people and they even and climate change. These actions seek to lessen the vulnerability of all
see people as source of food. social and biological systems to the current and immediate issue of climate
The ability of humans to be able to rapidly adapt to varying change. But, in reality is, even if emissions are stabilized relatively soon,
environment conditions and changes has made it possible for them to global warming and its effects will definitely still last many years from now.
survive in any regions or places anywhere in the world. They can normally And as human population will increase in number and more people are
adapt to environment changes in several ways such as: living in highly arranged societies, there is a greater impact of global
a) Genetic change is an inherited or acquired modification in organisms warming, the more difficult adaptation will be.
that makes them better suited to survive and a particular environment. Adaptation councils or committees have been formed to oversee the
For instance, people whose ancestors have lived in areas that had various way people can adapt to the changing environment in some
endemic, malaria for thousands of years often inherit some degree of countries. Each councils and committees have duties to ensure that private
immunity to this serious disease. parties should be responsible for managing risks to private assets and
b) Developmental adjustments. One of the more powerful types of incomes, while government entities, on behalf of the community should be
adjustments to environmental stresses is a change in growth patterns responsible primarily for managing risks to public schools and assets
and development. This occurs in childhood and typically results in including the natural environment and to government service delivery, and
anatomical and/or physiological changes that are mostly irreversible in for creating an institutional, market and regulatory environment that support
adulthood. An example of the latter was the now illegal custom in and promotes private adaptation.
China of tightly wrapping or binding the feet of young girls with cloth in Mitigation is another term for adaptation to climate change which is
order to hinder normal growth. While this caused permanent, crippling defined as technological change and substitution that reduces resource
deformities of the foot bones, it also resulted in extremely tiny feet inputs and emissions per unit of output. Several ways of mitigation include
which were considered to be very attractive. Parents crippled their the following:
daughters with good intentions. Small feet would make them more 1. Using efficient energy generation technology.
attractive marriage partners for rich important men and save them 2. Using more efficient energy end user technology.
from a life of drudgery. 3. Replacing fossil fuels with none or low carbon emitting energy
c) Acclimatization and cultural practices. All other forms of generating technology such as renewable energy sources or nuclear
adjustment to environmental stresses are usually reversible whether energy.
they occur in childhood or adulthood. These reversible changes are 4. Adopting a more sustainable natural resource management.
referred to as acclimatization or acclimatory adjustment. It is useful to 5. Harvesting or extraction technologies and practice.
consider the different forms of acclimatization in terms of the length of Adaptation is a broader one than mitigation because adaptation
time over which they can occur. An example of a long term requires a good understanding of the natural environment and the ongoing
acclimatization is people who lose excess body fat and are very effects of climate change within and needs a thorough earth and
slender as a result of mild, long- term undernourishment. If they later environment observation.
increase their diet to a consistent level of excessive calories, they will
very likely retain more body fat and eventually become obese. Transnational Migration and Overseas Filipino Workers
d) Use of technology. Humans do not only interact with their People on earth are also facing adaptation challenges borne by the
environments biologically. People invented technological aids that need for mobility. Life has been moving so fast and people as well as
allowed us to occupy new environments without having to first evolve changing residences as rapidly.
biological adaptations to them. Houses, clothing, and fire permitted us The process of geographic mobility or the change of residence of a
to live in temperate and, ultimately, arctic regions despite the fact we person from one community to another with the intention of settling
still essentially have the bodies of tropical animals. Human made temporarily or permanently is migration. The movement is often over long
technology eliminates the biological adaptive advantages of particular distances and from one country to another, or it can be within the immediate
individuals or groups. People who have thicker layers of fat insulation community. Migration can also be done by individuals, family units or in
under their skin still usually survive better in cold climates, while larger groups. There are three types of mobility or migration namely:
people who are slender do better in hot ones. a) International Migration is the permanent transfer of residence from
one country to another. It is the change of residence over national
Adaptation to Global Warming and Climate Change boundaries. An international migrant is someone who moves to a
Adaptation to global warming and climate change will be needed, different country. International migrants can be further classified as
but it will not be as simple as it seems to be. Global warming is still unsolved legal immigrants, illegal immigrants and refugee. Legal immigrants are
issue. There are different programs implemented to avoid global warming those who moved with the legal permission of the receiver nation.
Understanding Society, Culture and Politics – Quarter 4 17
Illegal immigrants are those who moved without legal permission, and
refugees are those crossed an international boundary to escape
Take A Note. Answer the following questions briefly.
b) Internal Migration is a change in residence within a country and 1) What are the different ways on how humans can adapt to climate
refers to a change of residence within national boundaries, such as
2) What are the adaptation challenges faced by people borne by the
between states, provinces, cities, or municipalities. An internal migrant
need for mobility? How will they respond to these challenges?
is someone who moves to a different administrative territory.
c) Circulation Migration is a temporary movement of a person. The 3) What are the effects of migration to families? Do you agree that both
parents should go abroad to work so they can provide more
change in residence is temporary due to work or study, but the
comfortable living conditions for their children? Justify your answer.
migrant will definitely return in his home community.

Migration is not a one-way street. There are reasons why people

transfer from one residence to another because they just want to.
Sometimes, people relocate to other places or countries in the hope of
finding a greener pasture. Some move from an insecure land to a securer
region or from places without employment opportunities to areas which are
hoped to offer better economic, political, cultural, and social prospects.
Some people move to places even if they do not want t, given the chance,
but because they need to.
A new form of migration is termed as transnational migration. These
are the people who having migrated from one nation-state to another live
their lives across borders, participating simultaneously in social relations
that embed them in more than one nation-state are called transnational
migrants. Not all migrants can be considered as transnational migrants, and
not all who take part in transnational practices do so all the time. Most
migrants are occasional transnational activists. They more focused on their
countries of origin while at others they are more involved in their countries of
Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW) is a person of Filipino origin who
works and lives outside the country. This term applies to Filipinos who are
abroad indefinitely as citizens or as permanent residents of a different
country and to those Filipino citizens who are abroad for a limited, definite
period as workers or as students.
What are the effects on family of migrants? Work migration is
increasing globally. Children of migrant workers have grown up not knowing
both of their parents and have experienced long term absence of parents
which is the reason why there is very little affection between them. Many
family relationships are broken as one parent emigrates which causes a
larger proportion of children growing up with divorced or separated parents.
Some families experiencing these effects on family of migrants want
to avoid getting into this situation; some Filipinos do not have much choice
because of very limited job opportunities in the country. Filipinos believe that
they and their family will have a bigger chance of having a better future if
they work abroad. To keep in touch with their family, OFW can use video
chat, Facebook, Messenger, Instagram, Twitter, and the like to keep in
touch with their family.

Understanding Society, Culture and Politics – Quarter 4 18

Lesson 1


By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
1. Discuss what should one do when faced with a medical emergency situation;
2. Participates in an organized event and safety in the use of facilities and equipment
3. Recognized DRSABCD procedures action plan.

Directions: Arrange the following steps in chronological order. Write
number 1 as the first step, number 2 as second step and so on.
_____________ 1. Ask a conscious victim’s permission to provide

_____________ 2. Check-Call-Care
_____________ 3. Call the local emergency number to activate the
EMS system.
_____________ 4. Check the scene.
_____________ 5. Check the victim.


Panic is the worst enemy of any emergency situation. It even a bad
situations worse, as this spreads to others as well. It does not allow one to
think. In fact, it even hinders or interferes with the rational thinking and
causes confusion. So, the first thing to do in an emergency situation is to
stay calm. Then, try to remember and apply the DRSABC action plan or flow
that is described as follows.
• DANGER - always check first the danger and source of injury. make sure the sorroundings are safe and out of danger,
D otherwise, you will also allow yourself to be a victim.

• RESPONSIVENESS - can the casualty hear your voice? Can they open and close their eyes? Are there any movements? Do
R they respond to touch?

• SEND - send for help or shout for help.

• AIRWAY - is the person's airway clear? If the person is not responding and is unconscious, check airway by opening the
A mouth and having a look inside. Tilting the head back with the chin facing up will clear an airway.

• BREATHING - make sure that the victim is breating by looking at breathing signs, listening to exhales, and feeling air coming
B out of the mouth or nose.

QUARTER 4 (WEEK 1 – 6) • CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) - if an adulth is unconscious, no pulse, and not breathing, perform the CPR until the
C emergency personnel or medics arrive.

How is cardiopulmonary resuscitation administered?

Physical Education and Health 4 – Quarter 4 1

Cardio pulmonary (CPR) is a lifesaving technique that is compressions, then two breaths until help arrives. In administering CPR or
administered when breathing and heartbeat of a person stopped, such as compression, the following must be done:
during a heart attack and drowning. 1. Put the person on his or her back on a firm surface.
CPR involves the CAB process that stands for: 2. Locate hand position for compression by drawing an imaginary line
C – Compression (restoration of blood circulation) from armpit to center chest for hand placement.
A – Airway (clearing of airway) 3. Place heel of one hand on the lower part of the breastbone.
B – Breathing (breathe for the person) 4. Put other hand over the first, interlacing your fingers for support.
5. With straight arms and shoulder positioned over the victim’s chest,
In administering first aid, it is important to know when to use CPR. If push down on the victim’s chest. For adult victims, push it down for at
there is no breathing and no pulse is felt, administer the CPR cycle – 30 least 2 inches or 5 cm deep.
compressions, then two breaths until help arrives. In administering CPR or 6. Give 30 compressions in 18 seconds or less (rate of 100
compression, the following must be done: compressions in one minute) and let chest rise completely between
1. Put the person on his or her back on a firm surface. compressions.
2. Locate hand position for compression by drawing an imaginary line
from armpit to center chest for hand placement.
3. Place heel of one hand on the lower part of the breastbone. ACTIVITY 1: ADMINISTERING FIRST AID
4. Put other hand over the first, interlacing your fingers for support. Scenario: You and your two other friends were hiking and along the trail
5. With straight arms and shoulder positioned over the victim’s chest, you saw a man who is unconscious, with blood oozing from his head. How
push down on the victim’s chest. For adult victims, push it down for at should you deal with this situation?
least 2 inches or 5 cm deep. a. What is the first thing that you should do?
6. Give 30 compressions in 18 seconds or less (rate of 100 ______________________________________________________
compressions in one minute) and let chest rise completely between ___________________________________________________.
b. List everything you think you would need to do as the first persons to
In checking for pulse of the victim, put two fingers on the center of arrive at the scene.
the neck then slide fingers down to the side of the victim’s neck up to the ______________________________________________________
nudge between muscles. When pulse is felt but no signs of breathing, ___________________________________________________.
administer one rescue breathing every five seconds and recheck pulse
every two minutes. In rescue breathing, do the following;
1. Gently tilt the victim’s forehead back with one hand. ACTIVITY 2: PERFORMING THE CPR
2. Tilt the victim’s chin using the other hand; this will open the victim’s Directions: How should the CPR be administered? Sequence the following
airway. procedures by writing numbers 1-10, 1 being the first procedure.
3. Pinch nose close then cover the victim’s mouth with your mouth. Blow
_____________ Completely seal the person’s mouth.
life-giving air to the victim. Watch for the chest rise; if it does not rise
then reposition and perform the rescue breathing all over again. _____________ Use upper body weight to push down or compress the
chest at least two inches.
_____________ Continue cycle.
LET US REMEMBER _____________ Tilt head, lift chin.
Panic is the worst enemy of any emergency situation. It even a bad _____________ Place the heel of one hand over the center of the
situations worse, as this spreads to others as well. It does not allow one to person’s chest, then the other hand on top of the first
think. In fact, it even hinders or interferes with the rational thinking and hand.
causes confusion. So, the first thing to do in an emergency situation is to _____________ Push hard at a rate of 100 compression per minute.
stay calm. _____________ Pinch nose shut.
_____________ Kneel next to the person’s neck and shoulder.
LET US REMEMBER _____________ Put person on his or her back.
In administering first aid, it is important to know when to use CPR. If _____________ Blow in for about 1 second to make the chest clearly
there is no breathing and no pulse is felt, administer the CPR cycle – 30 rise.

Physical Education and Health 4 – Quarter 4 2

Directions: Read each statement and write the letter of your answer on the Lesson 2
space provided before the number.
____ 1. In DRSABC, D stands for:
a. Dance
c. Dangerous By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
____ 2. It refers to a lifesaving technique. 1. Identify common injuries and illness in the outdoors;
a. CPR 2. Be aware on how to treat common injuries and illness in the outdoors;
b. CRP 3. Determine the safety practices in outdoor recreation.
c. CSR
____ 3. In administering first aid, when to use CPR?
a. If there is breathing INITIAL TASK
b. No pulse is felt Directions: Identify the different words on the word pool which are an
c. Pulse is felt example of types of risks factors. Write your answer on the left side behind
____ 4. It is the worst enemy of any emergency situation. each statement.
a. Shouting
b. Crying
a. Cardiopulmonary resucitation
b. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
c. Compression resuscitation

Directions: If you will be administering first aid, what skills should you
possess? Think of three important skills and expound your answer.
1. _______________________________________________________
2. _______________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________


A. Cuts, scrapes, and punctures
Wounds, cuts, and lacerations can be caused anywhere from rock
climbing, cutting self from a knife, and stumbling.
Physical Education and Health 4 – Quarter 4 3
To treat cuts, scrapes, and punctures:  Apply a “horseshoe strip” under the ankle, around the heel, and
 Clean cuts with soap and water then apply antibiotic cream then cover back around to the bottom anchor strip.
with sterile bandage and secure using medical tape.  Continue applying stirrup strips and horseshoe strips in an
 If bleeding, apply direct pressure using clean cloth to injury. overlapping pattern just like a woven basket until ankle is fully
 If wound is on the arm of leg, raise limb above the heart to help slow supported.
down bleeding.
 Do not apply tourniquet unless the bleeding is severe and does not
stop even with direct pressure.
Emergency personnel must be called immediately if:
 Severe bleeding or bleeding does not stop despite pressure.
 You suspect there is internal bleeding (inflammation and severe pain
the area). Figure 10.1 Applying Compression Using Athletic Tape
 There is an abdominal or chest wound. In using the bandage, do the figure-eight pattern (refer to Figure 10.2). Wrap
 Blood spurts out of wound. the bandage diagonally across the top then around the ankle and foot as if
B. Sprains, strains, and fractures making the number eight, moves to the heel then toward the calf. The wrap
Many things can cause a sprain, strain, or fracture while doing covers entire foot and ends several inches above the ankle. Fasten the
an outdoor activity. One may fall or twist an ankle while trekking or bandage with a clip or secure with tape.
miscalculate a movement while rowing a canoe. Most often it is the
ankle, wrist, or finger that suffers from sprain and the hamstring for
strains. Sprains, strains, and fractures are definitely painful and may
bruise or swell.
Sprains are injuries that involve the stretching or tearing of the
ligament. This usually occurs when a joint is overextended from its usual Figure 10.1 Applying Compression Using Bandage
range of motion. Strain is the twisting or pulling of a muscle or tendon.
This usually happens when a muscle is stretched and suddenly C. Concussions. Concussion is a traumatic brain injury that is often
contracts such as when one is running or jumping. Fracture involves the caused by a blow or bump to the head or body. Cuts and bruises may
breaking of a bone. be seen on the head or face. Some lose consciousness or forget what
Doctors usually categorize strains and sprains according to happened before the injury; others do not.
severity. Grade 1 category is mild that involves minor tearing of a
 Treat cuts
ligament or muscle. Grade II classification involves the complete tearing
 Apply ice or compress if no ice is available.
of the ligament or muscle.
Grade I and II categories may be treated with (RICE) Rest, Ice  Rest until symptoms disappear
pack, Compression, and Elevation. This means having the victim;  Watch out for symptoms that need emergency action.
1. rest the injured or painful part, Call immediate medical help if the following occurs:
2. then applying ice pack, compressing or wrapping with bandage  One vomits repeatedly
or athletic tape,  The pupils become unequal
3. and finally elevating the injured area above heart level to  One looks agitated or confused
minimize swelling.  One is unconscious or passes out.
Grade II, however, may need further immobilization to hasten  One feels very drowsy.
the healing process.  There is pain in the neck after the fall or knocked out.
In the sample illustration below, compressing the affected area may be done  There is slurred speech.
using an athletic tape or bandage. In using an athletic tape, make a basket-  One experience seizure.
weave pattern (see Figure 10.1)
D. BLISTERS. Blisters are a result of ill-fitting footwear. It is especially seen
 Apply an “anchor strip” around the back of the calf.
among hikers and trekkers. Blisters can be painful and may cause
 Place another anchor strip under the instep of the foot.
discomfort. Treat blisters with the following:
 Apply the “stirrup strip” down the calf, over the ankle, under the foot,
 Place a piece of adhesive over affected area.
and back around to the top anchor strip.
Physical Education and Health 4 – Quarter 4 4
 Doughnut-shaped moleskin helps when blisters are at the bottom of ACTIVITY 1: Make a Basket-Wave!
Directions: Below are the steps in making basket-wave pattern, sequence
 If blisters have popped, wash area with soap and water then put the following steps by writing numbers 1-5, 1 being the first step.
antibiotic cream.
 If it is absolutely necessary, drain a blister with a sterilized needle Apply the “stirrup strip” down the calf, over the ankle, under
into the side of the blister. Apply with antibacterial solution and ___________ the foot, and back around to the top anchor strip.
cover with gauze dressing and tape. Continue applying stirrup strips and horseshoe strips in an
___________ overlapping pattern just like a woven basket until ankle is
E. BURNS OR SCALDS fully supported.
Burns or scalds are injuries on the skin caused by hot liquid or heat. ___________ Apply an “anchor strip” around the back of the calf.
 If still on fire, stop burning immediately through the “stop, drop, Apply a “horseshoe strip” under the ankle, around the heel,
and roll” method. Then remove the flamed material from the ___________ and back around to the bottom anchor strip.
person. However, if the clothing sticks to the skin, do not pull it out ___________ Place another anchor strip under the instep of the foot.
but cut or tear around it.
 Take off constrictive clothing immediately (belts, jewelry, and tight
clothing) as burns can swell quickly. ACTIVITY 2: TRUE OR FALSE
 If first degree burn (top layer skin affected) Direction: Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement
 Put affected area under running water or immersed in cool is incorrect.
(not ice) water until pain subsides. If no running water is ___________ 1. If blisters have popped, wash area with soap and water
available then apply compress. then put antibiotic cream.
 Cover with sterile, non-adhesive bandage or clean cloth. ___________ 2. To prevent shock, let the person lie flat and elevate feet
 Do not apply butter or ointment, which can cause infection. for about 36 inches high and elevate burn area about
 For second degree burn (affecting top 2 layers of skin) heart level.
 Immerse in cool water for 10-15 minutes; apply compress if ___________ 3. Blister is a traumatic brain injury that is often caused by a
running water is not available. blow or bump to the head or body
 Do not apply ice, it can lower body temperature and may ___________ 4. Burns or scalds are injuries on the skin caused by hot
cause further damage. liquid or heat
 Do not break blister or apply butter of ointment causing ___________ 5. Apply tourniquet unless the bleeding is severe.
 To prevent shock, let the person lie flat and elevate feet for
about 12 inches high and elevate burn area about heart ASSESSMENT 1: MULTIPLE CHOICE
level (if possible) and cover the person with coat or blanket. Directions: Read each statement and write the letter of your answer on the
 Wait for emergency personnel. space provided before the number.
____ 1. It is an injury that involve the stretching or tearing of the ligament.
LET US REMEMBER a. Blister c. Cuts
b. Sprains d. Burns
A. Cuts, scrapes, and punctures. Wounds, cuts, and lacerations can be
____ 2. It is a traumatic brain injury that is often caused by a blow or
caused anywhere from rock climbing, cutting self from a knife, and
bump to the head or body.
a. Concussion c. Cuts
B. Sprains, strains, and fractures. Sprains are injuries that involve the
b. Blister d. Sprains
stretching or tearing of the ligament.
____ 3. These are injuries on the skin caused by hot liquid or heat.
C. Concussions. Concussion is a traumatic brain injury that is often
a. Burns Or Scalds c. Cuts
caused by a blow or bump to the head or body.
b. Blister d. Burns
D. BLISTER. Blisters are a result of ill-fitting footwear. It is especially seen
among hikers and trekkers.
____ 4. These are a result of ill-fitting footwear. It is especially seen
E. BURNS OR SCALDS. Burns or scalds are injuries on the skin caused
among hikers and trekkers.?
by hot liquid or heat.
a. Burns Or Scalds c. Cuts
Physical Education and Health 4 – Quarter 4 5
b. Blister d. Burns QUARTER 4 – WEEK 4
____ 5. It is the twisting or pulling of a muscle or tendon
a. Sprains c. Cuts Lesson 3
b. Wounds d. Punctures AILMENTS OR ILLNESSES
ASSESSMENT 2: PERFORMANCE TASK By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
1. Discuss Ailments or Illnesses;
Direction: 2. Identify the symptoms when a person needs emergency treatment.
1. The class will be divided into 5 groups 3. Be aware on how to give first aid treatment.
2. Each group will be given a common injuries and illnesses in the
3. Each group will be given 10 mins to prepare a role play showing the INITIAL TASK
given situation and how they will react or respond on that certain Directions: Arrange the following steps in chronological order. Write
situation. number 1 as the first step, number 2 as second step and so on.
4. Each group will be given 5 minutes to perform and give their
significant insights about what they have presented.
_____________ Ask a conscious victim’s permission to provide care.
5. Performance will be graded according to the following rubrics. _____________ Check-Call-Care
Exemplary 4 Outstanding 3 Fair 2 Needs _____________ Call the local emergency number to activate the EMS
Improvement 1 system.
Interpretation Has a clear Has a fairly Goals/Final Unclear on the _____________ Check the scene.
interpretation of interpretation of product not goals and how
what they are what they are clearly interpreted the activity task _____________ Check the victim.
trying to explain trying to explain, objectives will be
or describe describe or show met
about the topic
Presentation/ Presentation Presentation Presentation was Presentation
execution was creative, fairly done, using short and lacking was rushed, AILMENTS OR ILLNESSES
excellently some visuals creativity lacked sloppy, and too 1. FEVER. If the temperature is 38°C or 100.4°F or below then it is
done, using and props. of visuals and short, no considered a low grade or no fever and does not require you to do
visuals and props available visual
props tools anything much except to let the person drink lots of fluids and rest.
Effort Student went Students spent Student put a Students works Unless the person feels uncomfortable then an over-the-counter
above and time working to minimal effort has shows less medicine may be given, such as paracetamol and ibuprofen. However,
beyond make sure that few errors and preparation, always check if the patient has allergies to the medicines. Aspirin must
expected the presentation could have added creativity or
outcome was well done. more to effort lots errors not be administered to anyone below 18.
Got help and presentation and sloppy. If the fever is 102°F or 38.8°C or higher. Have the patient take
asked for oral medicines. Give a sponge bath to lower the temperature and
feedback increase fluid intake of the patient.
Score: 12 = Exemplary 9-11 = Outstanding
Emergency should be sought when the person is:
6-8 = Fair 3-5 = Needs Improvement
 Unresponsive;
Generalization  Having difficulty breathing or is wheezing;
At the end of the activity, I learned that….  Has lips turning bluish;
____________________________________________________________  Experiences convulsions or seizures;
____________________________________________________________  Seems confused; and
____________________________________________________________  Observes sudden onset of rashes.
____________________________________________________________ 2. HEADACHE. Headaches are often experienced in trekking or hiking
_________________________________________________________. due to lack of eye protection from the sun’s rays, tension in the neck,
dehydration, swelling of brain tissue due to excessive sweating over a
period of days, and consumption of large amounts of water without
taking salt tablets.
Physical Education and Health 4 – Quarter 4 6
3. ALTITUDE/MOUNTAIN SICKNESS. Altitude sickness happens  Take salt pill with water at the start of specific muscle
because the rate of ascent into higher altitudes outpace the body’s pain.
ability to adjust to those altitudes. It may range from mild to life- b. Heat Exhaustion. When water is not sufficient for the body’s
threatening situations. High Altitude Pulmonary Edema or HAPE and demand in a particular outdoor activity, the body becomes
the High Altitude Cerebral Edema or HACE are life-threatening. In dehydrated and salt-depleted. This results in nausea, faintness, a
HAPE, fluids accumulated in the lungs and make breathing extremely weak rapid pulse and/or cold, and sweaty skin. This case requires
difficult. HACE refers the build up of fluid in the brain causing swelling first aid similar to what is administered in case of heat cramps.
and changes the person’s mental state. He or she loses coordination,
becomes comatose, and the dies. c. Heat Stroke. It is the most serious degree of hyperthermia.
Emergency treatment should be sought when the person has Emergency should be sought when the person:
HAPE and exhibits the following progression of symptoms:  Losses consciousness;
 Shortness of breath at rest or experiences tightness of chest  Becomes disoriented;
 Gurgling or rattling breaths  Pulse rate suddenly becomes fast;
 Cough with frothy or pink sputum  Seizures;
 Lips or fingernails turn bluish or grayish  Has warm, red, dry skin, and body temperature above
 Respiratory failure 103°F; and
 Drowsiness  Reduced sweating.

Onset of HAPE can be gradual or sudden. HAPE typically occurs after Do the following first aid while help is on the way:
more than one day spent at high altitude. High altitude cerebral edema  Remove the person from heat exposure and cool him/her by
(HACE) cane begin with confusion: whatever means available. Fan air to increase cooling.
 A person developing HACE begins having trouble keeping up  Do not give the person anything to drink if the person is not
with the group. alert or is vomiting.
 Walking and coordination become impaired.  Treat the symptoms. If the seizures, keep the person safe
 As the brain continues to swell, lethargy and then comatose will from injury. If vomiting, turn the person on the side to keep
develop. airway open.
First aid for this illness: 5. HYPOTHERMIA. Hypothermia occurs when the body chills faster than
 If symptoms are sever, immediately descend to 1,500 to 2,000 the body’s ability to produce heat due to exposure to cold, wet, and/or
feet with minimal exertion as possible. Keep going down until windy weather. This generally occurs in temperatures of less than 35˚C.
symptoms go away. Symptoms include numbness, uncontrollable shivering that muscles
 If symptoms are mild, the person should not go any higher until begin to stiffen and become uncoordinated, skin turns bluish, pulse and
symptoms are completely gone. respiration slow down, and victim does not respond or becomes
 Treat symptoms, give the person oxygen if available, keep him unconscious.
warm, have him rest, give him plenty of liquids, and give him First aid be administered quickly:
pain relievers.  Move the person to a sheltered area and restore warnth slowly.
4. HYPERTHERMIA. Hyperthermia is a condition where the body  Remove wet clothes and replace with dry clothes.
produces or absorbs heat more than it can dissipate. People suffering  Wrap with blankets or sleeping bag.
from hyperthermia experiences heat cramps, heat stroke, or heat  Exhale warm air near the vicinity of the patient’s mouth and
exhaustion. nose.
a. Heat Cramps. Heat cramps usually happen during heavy activity  Note that rapid warming can cause heart arrhythmia so it is
in hot environments. This happens when the muscles advised to immerse the person in warm water.
accumulate excessive lactic acid or a loss of fuid and electrolyte  Find ways fro the victim to stay conscious.
through perspiration. What must be done?  Begin CPR if necessary and continue until emergency
 Cool down and replenish loss electrolyte through clear personnel arrive.
sports drink. Emergency should be sought when the person:
 Gently stretch and massage affected muscle group.  Shows confusion, memory loss, or slurred speech
 Do not resume the strenuous activity and rest until  Body temperature drops below 35˚C (95˚F);
cramps go away.  Loss of consciousness; and

Physical Education and Health 4 – Quarter 4 7

 Shallow breathing ACTIVITY 1: MULTIPLE CHOICE
6. DIVING- RELATED SICKNESSES Directions: Read each statement and write the letter of your answer on the
a. Barotrauma. It is a serious injury that can occur because of space provided before the number.
pressure differences between the body’s air-filled cavities and the
water. ___ 1. What temperature is considered a low-grade or no fever?
a. 37°C c. 36°C
Emergency should be sought when the person: b. 38°C d. 35°C
 Shows disorientation ___ 2. What medicines must not be administered to anyone below 18?
 Vomits a. Paracetamol c. Ibuprofen
 Hearing loss b. Aspirin d. Biogesic
b. Decompression Sickness. It is a serious deep water diving related ___ 3. HACE stands for?
injury. It happens when divers fail to follow prescribed dive profiles, a. High Latitude Cerebral Edema c. High Altitude Cerebrum
and it can also happen after a rapid ascent. During a dive, nitrogen Edema
bubbles form inside one’s body, including the bloodstream. If the b. High Altitude Cerebral Edema d. High Altitude Cerebral Edeme
bubbles remain, pain and tissue damage can occur. ___ 4. Why altitude sickness happens?
This can be prevented if the diver follows the dive plan and a. Because the rate of ascent into lower altitudes
performs decompression stops designed by the dive master. b. Because the rate of ascent into higher altitudes
Emergency should be sought when the person: c. Because the speed of ascent into lower altitudes
 Unconscious d. Because the speed of ascent into higher altitudes
 Dizziness ___ 5. This occurs where the body produces or absorbs heat more than it
 Trouble breathing can dissipate.
 Abnormal walk or weakness a. Hypothermia c. Fever
b. Hyperthermia d. Headache
1. Fever. If the temperature is 38°C or 100.4°F or below then it is Directions: Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement
considered a low grade or no fever and does not require you to do is incorrect.
anything much except to let the person drink lots of fluids and rest. ___________ 1. Dehydration is one of the reasons of headache.
2. HEADACHE. Headaches are often experienced in trekking or hiking ___________ 2. Overdressing will make temperature go lower.
due to lack of eye protection from the sun’s rays, tension in the neck, ___________ 3. Aspirin must be administered to anyone below 18.
dehydration, swelling of brain tissue due to excessive sweating over a ___________ 4. Altitude sickness may range from mild to life-threatening
period of days, and consumption of large amounts of water without situations.
taking salt tablets. ___________ 5. HADE is not life-threatening.
3. Altitude/Mountain Sickness. Altitude sickness happens because the
rate of ascent into higher altitudes outpace the body’s ability to adjust
to those altitudes. ACTIVITY 3: PERFORMANCE TASK!
4. Hyperthermia. Hyperthermia is a condition where the body produces
Directions: Below are the Ailments/Illnesses, give at least 3 symptoms
or absorbs heat more than it can dissipate.
when to administer first aid treatment.
5. Hypothermia. Hypothermia occurs when the body chills faster than
the body’s ability to produce heat due to exposure to cold, wet, and/or Altitude / Mountain Sickness
windy weather. Hyperthermia
6. Diving- Related Sicknesses
a. Barotrauma Hypothermia
b. Decompression Sickness Decompression Sickness

Physical Education and Health 4 – Quarter 4 8

Directions: Explain and Answer the following questions in at least 5 (five) Lesson 4
1. What are the common illnesses or sickness you’ve experience and
what first aid treatment did you administered? YOUR TARGET COMPETENCIES
_______________________________________________________ By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
1. Identify Aquatic Hazards;
2. Describe several types of Aquatic Hazards; and
_______________________________________________________ 3. Explain what is the significance of first aid knowledge to their day-to-day life.
2. Why it is important to know when to administer first aid and seek emergency
response? INITIAL TASK
Directions: Spot the picture below and identify the aquatic creatures that
may pose some hazards to people.

__________________ __________________

__________________ __________________


1. Jellyfish/Portuguese Man-of-War/Fire Corals. People stung by
Jellyfish/Portuguese Man-of-War/Fire Corals will experience swelling,
burning, and severe pain. When stung, one must:
 Get the person out of the water
 To stop the stinging:
a. Wash the area with seawater (not fresh water) to deactivate
stinging cells.
b. Rinse the area with vinegar for at least 30 seconds. If vinegar is
not available, a solution of baking soda can be used. This will
deactivate the stinging cells.

Physical Education and Health 4 – Quarter 4 9

c. Next, soak the are in hot water for at least 20 minutes if _____________ Get the person first out of the water
possible. Cold packs can be used instead if the area cannot be _____________ Use mild hydrocortisone
soaked in hot water. _____________ Soak the area in hot water
d. To relieve itching and swelling, use mild hydrocortisone cream _____________ Rinse the area with vinegar
or oral antihistamine. Wash area with seawater
Bring to the nearest medical facility if the person exhibits severe
allergic reaction or if the sting covers more than half an arm or leg.
Some 20 to 40 people die from stings by box jellyfish annually in the ASSESSMENT: ESSAY
Philippines alone, according to the US National Science
Directions: Explain and answer the following questions in at least 4 (four)
2. Sea Urchin/Weever Fish
1. How should first aid be administered to victims of Stingray?
 Sea urchin puncture and weever fish stings are treated in a similar
 Remove large spines carefully with tweezers.
 Scrub wound with soap and rinse with fresh water.
 Do not close the wound with tape.
Call for urgent medical attention if severe allergic reactions are 2. What is the significance of first aid knowledge to your day-to-day life?
observed. _______________________________________________________
3. Stingray. You should immediately call a lifeguard and seek speedy _______________________________________________________
medical help as there is no antidote for stingray venom. While waiting _______________________________________________________
for ambulance, do the following first aid: _____________________________________________________
 To control pain, immerse the affected area in hot water (as hot as
can be tolerated without burning skin) for 30-90 minutes.
 Any large spines should be carefully removed from wound using
tweezers (avoid touching the spine with bare hands). Spines
embedded in or near joints or tendons must be assessed and
spines may need to be surgically removed.
 Clean wound using soap and fresh water, do not cover wound.

ACTIVITY 1: True or False

Directions: Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement
is incorrect.
___________ 1. People stung by jellyfish will experience swelling,
burning, and severe pain.
___________ 2. Vinegar can be used to deactivate the jellyfish stinging
___________ 3. Sea Urchin puncture and weever fish stings are treated in
a similar way.
___________ 4. To control pain, immerse the affected area in cold water.
___________ 5. Clean wound using alcohol only.

ACTIVITY 2: Arrange me!

Directions: Below are the first aid for people stung by jellyfish. Arrange the
following steps in chronological order. Write number 1 as the first step,
number 2 as second step and so on.

Physical Education and Health 4 – Quarter 4 10

QUARTER 4 – WEEK 6  Wash exposed area with soap and warm water. Washing it within
10minutes upon contact can significantly reduce chances of
Lesson 5 allergic reaction.
ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS  Remove contaminated clothing, as the oil of the plant can
continue to spread from clothing.
YOUR TARGET COMPETENCIES  Ease the itching discomfort by applying cool compress for 15-30
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
1. Name the different environmental hazards;
2. Practice how to administer first aid when one gets in contact with environmental  Avoid topical antihistamine, anesthetics, and antibiotic ointment—
hazards; and they can make skin more sensitive.
3. Understand environmental threats to people.  Put calamine lotion to alleviate itching.
 If itchiness makes it difficult to sleep, give oral antihistamine.
INITIAL TASK 2. Leeches. Leeches or locally called “limatik” are common sights in the
Directions: Find and encircle the words associated to environmental Philippine Forest. Hikers usually come across a leech already clinging
hazards in the grid. and sucking blood on their skin. Pulling it out is not advisable as it
regurgitates (or “vomit back”) the blood it has ingested or may worsen
V P O I S O N I V Y C H A M the wound. Usually applying alcohol-based solution or flame (through
lighter or match stick) is a faster way for leech to fall off. Washing the
wound, it has left is the only thing to do. The safest way is to let medical
T O G H A I M D S T S L U D personnel remove it.
It can be an emergency case if there is a generalized itching in
O D E O M A T S A L L I A R the whole body for a person bitten by leech. If rashes, sweating,
Q V M Z R X M R Y G T G J O dizziness, fever, and difficult of breathing happen, this means that
the person has an allergic reaction to the leech and medical
L I P O I S O N O A K H O W attention must be sought immediately. Antihistamine may serve
E V D I R U U S T Q I T G N as a first aid.



1. Poison Ivy/Poison Oak/Poison Sumac/ Wood Nettle. These are
plants that can cause an itchy rash upon contact. These plants have a
substance called the urushiol which causes the rash. The rash usually
disappears in one to three weeks. The following are what should be
done when one gets in contact with this rash-causing substance:
 If the plants left some stinging hairs, they have to be removed fast
as this is how the poison enters the body.

Physical Education and Health 4 – Quarter 4 11

3. Snake Bites. The mere sight of snake would likely scare people and  A lightning strike may cause a heart attack so check if the
make them panic. Snakes are part of the natural environment and we victim is breathing or has pulse.
have to learn ways of respecting them. Not all snakes are venomous. In  If the place is cold and wet, put protective layer on the
fact, according to World Health Organization (Venomous snakes, 2010) ground to avoid risk of hypothermia.
of the 3000 species of snake, only 600 are venomous.  Lightning also causes injuries such as burns, shock, and
As a general rule, venomous snakes have a triangular shaped trauma. Treat each of the injuries with first aid until help
heads and elliptical eyes (like the cat’s eye), instead of the rounded arrives.
heads of most non-venomous snakes and around eyes. The first
important thing to notice when one is bitten by a snake is to remember What are the basic things that we carry in our first aid kit?
how the snake looked like.
4. Drowning. According to a report presented in the 2011 World After learning about the things, you should be doing during emergency,
Conference on Drowning Prevention, eight people die every day in the you would have understood by now the importance of the first aid kit.
Philippines due to drowning. UNICEF survey also showed that drowning You also would have realized that the kit will play an important role in
has been ranked as the fourth leading cause of death in the Philippines administering first aid. So, what are the basic things that we should
(Sebellino, 2011). carry in a first aid kit?

How is first aid administered to a drowning victim?

Outdoor activity in the waters also has the risk of drowning. What ACTIVITY 1: CLASSIFY
first aid administered must be done? Directions: Analyze the aquatics activity result and classify the intensity
 Call for help before beginning these important first aid level. Write your answer in the space provided.
emergency measures. Activity Description Intensity Classification
 Turn the drowning person’s head to the side to allow any
water to drain from his or her mouth and nose. Turn the head 1. Greg can perform backstroke, butterfly
back to the center. stroke, breaststroke, and freestyle since
 Check for breathing and pulse. If both are not present, he joined in the different swimming
perform CPR. competition.
 If there is pulse but no breathing, begin mouth-to-mouth 2. Diane’s flutter kick result is 0.5. because it
resuscitation. is her first time to engage in aquatics
 Give two rescue breathe in the mouth of the person as you activity.
pinch his or her nose. This helps air get past any water that
is clogging the breathing passageways and the lungs. After 3. Jane is afraid of water activities. She only
four strong breathes, put your ears near the mouth to listen performed arm stretch during their PE and
and watch the chest for signs of breathing. Health -3 class.
 Check pulse and repeat cycle if there is no pulse until
emergency personnel arrive.
 It is important to bring victim to a hospital even if he/she has ACTIVITY 2: FILL IN THE BLANK
started breathing, there might be complications resulting Directions: Fill in the blank by writing the missing word.
from the water exposure such as pneumonia, infection, etc. 1. To ease the itching discomfort, apply cool compress for __________
What should we do with victims of a lightning strike? minutes.
2. Leeches or locally called __________ are common sights in the
To save the life of a lightning strike victim, do the following: Philippine Forest.
 Call for help. 3. There are ____ people die every day in the Philippines due to drowning.
 While waiting: 4. A lightning strike may cause a ______________.
 Assess situation. If necessary, move the victim to a safer 5. The rashes from poison ivy usually disappears in one to ______ weeks.
and covered location. In some cases, do not move the
patient if there is no risk of aggravating the injury while
waiting for help.

Physical Education and Health 4 – Quarter 4 12

Directions: Arrange the jumbled letters and write your answers in the space
1. These are plants that can cause an itchy rash upon contact.
NOSIOP YIV ________________________
2. It is also called “limatik”.
EELSEHC ________________________
3. This animal spare people and make them panic.
EKSAN ________________________
4. Due to this hazard, eight people die every day in the Philippines.
GINNWORD ________________________
5. It is a giant spark of electricity in the atmosphere between clouds,
the air, or the ground.
THGILGINN ________________________

1. Why do you need to learn basic first aid skills in environment hazards?

2. Why do people experience environmental hazards during outdoor

recreation? Give at least 5 ways to prevent it.

Godbey, G. (2009).Outdoor Recreation, Health, and Wellness: Discussion Paper. Retrieved May 22, 2015 from

Lasco, Gideon (2008). Limatik (Blood Leeches): An overview. Retrieved September 3, 2015 from

Mayo Clinic Staff (2015). Heat Cramps: First Aid. Retrieved September 15, 2015 from
WebMD. (n.d.).First Aid and Emergencies. Retrieved September 15, 2015 from

WebMD. (n.d.).First Aid for Burns and Scalds. Retrieved September 15, 2015 from
World Health Organization. (2010). Venomous Snakes Distribution and Species Risk Categories. Retrieved
September 16, 2015 from products/snakeantivenoms/database/

Physical Education and Health 4 – Quarter 4 13

Lesson 1


By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
1. Describes adequately research design (either quantitative or qualitative), data
gathering instrument, sample, data collection and analysis procedures, prepares data
gathering instrument.

Direction: Identify if the given research title is Quantitative Research or
Qualitative Research. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
1. Instructional climate and students' satisfaction among Chinese

Mandarin classes
2. Correlates of cognitive and affective empathy to the oral proficiency
of Grade 8 students
3. Effectiveness of interactive and printed media towards vocabulary
development among Bagobo students
4. Dilemmas of English teachers with secondary non-readers : a
phenomenological study
5. Blended learning in English instruction and students' English
proficiency level


Research design refers to the overall plan or strategy for conducting
a research study. It outlines the steps to be taken in order to collect and
analyze data to answer a research question or test a hypothesis.
Types of Research Design
Descriptive Research Design: This type of research design aims to
describe and analyze the characteristics of a particular
phenomenon or group of people without manipulating any variables.
It is often used in qualitative research studies.
In a descriptive research, variables are studied, as they exist in
their setting. No experimental variables are manipulated and the
main concerns are to describe the status, profile, incidences or
occurrences of the variables. The lack of control variables in
descriptive designs makes the results unreliable for hypothesis
testing and the results to vary from one setting to another.
QUARTER 4 (WEEK 1 – 6) However, thesis writers commonly resort to descriptive
design because of the ease in gathering data. Once the
instruments are formulated, data can be gathered by any of the
following means: questionnaire, interview, or documentary
analysis. An example of a thesis using descriptive design is
shown on a study on demographic and personal characteristics
Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion – Quarter 4 1
i.e., age, sex, socio-economic status of the family, marriage such is to compare the two groups in terms of the entry behavior or
status of parents, manner of discipline at home, ambition in life, characteristics of the two groups. Another use of the pretest is to help in
expectations of the family on the child, etc. the determination of the gain scores, the difference between the pretest
Correlational Research Design: This type of research design examines and posttest scores. The posttest scores may also be compared to
the relationship between two or more variables. It is often used in differentiate the effect of the treatment (x) from the control condition.
quantitative research studies. The Causal-Comparative Research. Causal-comparative research
Correlational research explores the relationship between or attempts to determine the causes or differences that already exist
among variables. The variables are studied without any attempt to between or among groups or individuals. The design compares two or
control or manipulate them. Correlation research is also sometimes more groups in terms of a difference variable that cannot be
referred to as a form of descriptive research because it describes manipulated, i.e., and high performing group versus low performing
relationship between variables (Fraenkel and Wallen, 1993). The group (Performance in the difference variable). The research may
relationship described, however, differs from other designs because observe that the two groups differ on some variables to determine the
of the degree of relatedness established between or among reasons for their difference. The difference between groups had existed
variables. because it was observable at the time the research was conducted;
In correlational studies, hypotheses concerning the relationship however, causative variables are explored to pinpoint which of them
between or among the variables are so stated. Correlation effect the difference. The statistical treatment employed to compare the
coefficients may describe positive or negative relationship two groups may positively identify significant variables such as: socio-
depending upon the outcome of the study. Positive correlation economic status, educational attainment of parents, expectation at
describes direct relationship; x increases as y increases or as home, social pressure, peer influence, or teacher’s motivation may
variable one goes up; variable two goes up or vice versa. Negative explored. All hypotheses concerning the differences between or among
correlation, on the other hand, is inverse relationship; x increases groups are so stated after the statement of the problem. These
as y decreases, i.e. performance diminishes when one goes old. hypotheses may be proven or disproved by the study.
Experimental Research Design: This type of research design involves
manipulating one or more variables to observe the effect on another Qualitative Approaches to Inquiry/Qualitative Research Design
variable. It is often used in quantitative research studies. Qualitative inquiry is a research method used to explore complex
Of all the research designs, experimental research is the design that phenomena, often by examining individuals' perspectives and
can establish cause-and-effect relationship between the dependent and experiences. The following are some of the qualitative approaches to
independent variable/s. By experiment, variables are manipulated and inquiry:
their effects upon other variables are observed (Campbell and Stanley, Ethnography: This approach involves studying a specific culture or
1963). The variables being manipulated are called experimental community to understand their beliefs, values, and practices.
variables. Conditions that may possibly isolate cause-and-effect Ethnography involves immersive fieldwork, which allows the researcher
relationship are controlled to come up with valid research outcomes. In to gain a deep understanding of the culture under study.
educational research, specific descriptions of how the experiment is Phenomenology: This approach involves examining individuals' subjective
designed and conducted are given. The design is also expressed in experiences of a particular phenomenon. Phenomenology seeks to
diagrammed symbols to show the arrangement of the variables and the understand the meaning that individuals attach to their experiences and
conditions employed in the experiment. how those experiences shape their lives.
The Posttest only control group design is composed of two groups. Grounded theory: This approach involves developing a theory based on
The subjects are randomly selected and assigned to the two groups data collected from the research. Grounded theory is a highly structured
prior to the experiment. The experimental group is given the treatment process that involves identifying concepts, categorizing data, and
(x) while the control group receives the traditional treatment. After the developing a theory that explains the relationships between those
experimental period, the two groups are compared on the treatment concepts.
variable by the results of the posttest. Replication of the experimental Case study: This approach involves studying a particular case in depth to
group may be used to have more than two groups. gain a detailed understanding of a particular phenomenon. Case studies
The Pretest/Posttest control group design. This design is also are often used in the social sciences to examine complex issues that
composed of two groups. Prior to the start of the experiment, the cannot be easily studied through surveys or experiments.
subjects are selected at random and assigned to the experimental and Narrative analysis: This approach involves analyzing stories and narratives
control groups. The Pretest is introduced in this design. The purpose of to understand how individuals construct meaning and make sense of

Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion – Quarter 4 2

their experiences. Narrative analysis is often used to study personal Probability sampling is a type of sampling where each member of
stories, such as autobiographies, to gain insights into individuals' lives the population has an equal chance of being selected for the sample. This
and experiences type of sampling ensures that the sample is representative of the population.
There are several types of probability sampling:
Population and Sampling Design for Quantitative Research
Simple random sampling: In this type of sampling, each member of the
In quantitative research, population and sampling are important
population has an equal chance of being selected for the sample. This is
concepts that help researchers draw conclusions about a larger group of
done by assigning each member of the population a number and using
people or objects based on a smaller subset. The population is the entire
a random number generator to select the sample.
group of people or objects that the researcher is interested in studying, while
The simple random sampling technique is often associated with the
a sample is a subset of that population.
tambiolo selection or fish bowl technique. When the units in the
Population sampling frame can be manageably written in small cards of the same
The population is the entire group of people or objects that the size and color, the cards can be mixed in a container and drawn one at
researcher is interested in studying. It is the group that the researcher wants a time by a “blindfolded” drawer.
to draw conclusions about. The population can be defined in different ways There are other techniques used in random selection. The computer
depending on the research question, but it is important for the researcher to can provide a list of random numbers that are arranged from lowest to
clearly define the population in order to draw accurate conclusions. highest. Another technique that can be used in place of a computer-
For example, if a researcher is interested in studying the eating habits of generated list of random numbers is a table of random numbers. The
people in the United States, the population would be all people in the United table is used in the same way as the computer- generated list
States. However, if the researcher is only interested in studying the eating Systematic sampling: In this type of sampling, the researcher selects
habits of people who live in a specific region of the United States, the every nth member of the population to be included in the sample. For
population would be all people who live in that region. example, if the population is 1000 and the researcher wants a sample of
Sampling 100, the researcher would select every 10th person.
Sampling is the process of selecting a subset of the population to study. In this design, it is necessary that the researcher identify the total
The sample should be representative of the population in order to draw population (N) and the number of sample to be drawn from the
accurate conclusions about the population. There are two main types of population (n). To find the nth interval, N is divided by n. Example, if the
sampling: probability sampling and non-probability sampling. total population consists of 1,000 respondents and the required sample
The purpose of sampling is simply to take a small portion of the number is 100, the interval is 10, (1000/100). The start may be identified
population to represent the whole population. The major reason why using a table of random number. For instance, if the starting number
sampling is done is economy.If the population is too big to manage in terms selected at random is 235, the next sample will proceed by
of cost, time and effort, the sampling is employed. A small segment of the adding/subtracting 10 continuously to/from 235. The person numbered
population provides enough evidence about the characteristics of a 235 is the 1st identified sample, the next is 345, 255, etc
population as a whole to draw conclusive evidences with confidence. Aside Stratified random sampling: In this type of sampling, the population is
from economy, data can be collected and summarized more quickly than a divided into subgroups (or strata) based on some characteristic (e.g.,
census. Thus, a greater scope also is assumed in limited time, and when age, gender, income) and a random sample is selected from each
volumeof work is reduced, the sample may produce more accurate results subgroup. This ensures that the sample is representative of the
population with respect to the characteristic being studied.
Probability Versus Non Probability Sampling. In a stratified sampling the population is divided first into strata,
Probability sampling provides equal chances to every single element of the classification, or groups that are distinct from each other before a
population to be included in the sampling. Samples drawn by any of the random selection happens. The sample strata are most often
probability sampling techniques have statistical properties that allow the demographic characteristics that divide the population into sub-samples.
researcher to make inferences about the population, report confidence An example of a stratified sampling is shown when a population is
intervals and statistical significance. On the other hand, non-probability divided by levels of intelligence.
sampling does not use probability in selecting the samples. The samples
are selected on the basis of convenience, not necessarily by random

Probability Sampling

Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion – Quarter 4 3

Figure 11. Stratification of a Population by Intelligence districts, which are treated as clusters, can be randomly selected. From the
districts, schools canbe picked out at random.
Cluster sampling could be designed as multi-staged. For
Above Average instance, the first stage of the cluster sampling is to use the Districts as
Intelligence clusters. After selecting randomly the district participants to the study, the
next clusters could be the schools per district. At this level, the school can
be selected randomly. Lastly, classes could be drawn in the same way within
Average Intelligence each school and within each class, individual students could be identified.

Non-Probability Sampling
Non-probability sampling is a type of sampling where the probability of
each member of the population being selected for the sample is not known.
Below Average This type of sampling is often used when it is difficult or impossible to obtain
Intelligence a representative sample of the population.
There are several types of non-probability sampling:
Convenience sampling: In this type of sampling, the researcher selects
Figure 12. Stratification of a Population by Sex and Intelligence
individuals who are conveniently available (e.g., people walking by on
the street).
Above Average Snowball sampling: In this type of sampling, the researcher asks
Intelligence participants to recruit other participants.
Quota sampling: In this type of sampling, the researcher selects individuals
to meet specific quotas (e.g., a certain number of males and females).
Quota sampling happens when the sub-groups within the population
Average Intelligence are determined and the samples are drawn to have same number pre-
identified in each subgroup of the population. The samples, therefore,
are not selected at random. The same elements in the subgroups are
reflected in the sample.
Below Average For example on a study involving the Job Satisfaction of SSS
Intelligence Region Office employees, the researcher categorized the population
into administrators, section heads, and rank and file employees. The
number of administrators, section heads and rank and file employees
Under the stratified sampling, each stratum has lesser differences are all taken in the study without any selection required because in each
from within compared to a population. This increases the degree of reliability sub-group, very small number of respondents were observed, just
of results that is a function of the variance of a population. Moreover, from enough to meet the quota.
within a stratum, the sample is homogenous in terms of the variable used for Accidental or Incidental Sampling. In this kind of sampling, the researcher
stratification. does not have the option to select his respondents. In cases where the
A multi-stage-stratified sampling can also be designed. For captive samples are minimal in number, the researcher is forced to take
example, before drawing a random selection, a population may be divided them all without any other choice. For instance at Bulacan State
first into characteristics, sex and intelligence. The sample may be drawn at University a research involving the BS Chemistry students may involve
random from each of the six subgroups shown below. only a small number of students. In this case, no sampling design is
Cluster sampling: In this type of sampling, the population is divided employed because a complete enumeration of the students is very
into clusters (e.g., neighborhoods, schools) and a random sample of much manageable.
clusters is selected. Then, a random sample of individuals is selected from Purposive Sampling. The purpose of the study dictates a very minimal
each cluster. number of samples. Thus, the researcher could easily identify them and
This sampling design is often called geographic sampling. In cluster a complete enumeration of the sampling frame may still be too minimal.
sampling, the population is divided into clusters and these clustersare drawn Purposive sampling can be applied in this research: “Case Study of the
at random. For example, in a study covering the Elementary schools in the withdrawn Behavior of Sexually Abused Children.” Observe that the
Province of Bulacan, it is best to divide the Province into Districts. The subjects are infrequent that a researcher could hardly identify them
Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion – Quarter 4 4
except in controversial or sensational cases. Thus, the purpose of the d. Interview is a face-to-face conversation with the respondent.
study limits the number of respondents to a rarely few victims. In interview the main problem arises when the respondent
deliberately hides information otherwise it is an in-depth
QUANTITATIVE DATA COLLECTION source of information. The interviewer can not only record
Data collection is the process of gathering and measuring the statements the interviewee speaks.
information on variables of interest in an established systematic 2. Secondary data collection refers to data that is collected by
fashion that enables one to answer stated research questions, test investigators from research papers that are already published
hypotheses, and evaluate outcomes. The data collection component online. Secondary data is used by these investigators in a
of research is common to all fields of study including physical and secondary research study (e.g., review of primary research).
social sciences, humanities, business, etc. While methods vary by The following are some examples of collecting secondary data:
discipline, the emphasis on ensuring accurate and honest collection  Books  Data archives
remains the same.  Records  Internet articles
The goal for all data collection is to capture quality  Biographies  Research articles by other
evidence that then translates to rich data analysis and allows the  Newspapers researchers (journals)
building of a convincing and credible answer to questions that have  Published censuses or  Databases, etc.
been posed. Data collection is one of the most important stages in other statistical data
conducting a research. You can have the best research design in the
world but if you cannot collect the required data you will not be able The quantitative data collection methods rely on random
to complete your project. Data collection is a very demanding job sampling and structured data collection instruments that fit diverse
which needs thorough planning, hard work, patience, perseverance experiences into predetermined response categories. They produce
and more to be able to complete the task successfully. Data results that are easy to summarize, compare, and generalize. If the
collection starts with determining what kind of data required intent is to generalize from the research participants to a larger
followed by the selection of a sample from a certain population. After population, the researcher will employ probability sampling to select
that, you need to use a certain instrument to collect the data from the participants.
selected sample. Let us now take a closer look on quantitative
data. There are two main quantitative data collection methods:
Data collection is the process of gathering information on 1. Surveys: Traditionally, surveys were conducted using paper-
variables of interest from a sample of research participants. There based methods and have gradually evolved into online
are two types of data collection: mediums. Closed-ended questions form a major part of these
1. Primary data collection refers to data that is collected from surveys as they are more effective in collecting quantitative
research participants directly by the investigators of a study data. The survey makes include answer options which they
and the data is used for that study. think are the most appropriate for a particular question.
Below are some of the sources of primary data: Surveys are integral in collecting feedback from an audience
a. Experiments require an artificial or natural setting in which to which is larger than the conventional size. A critical factor
perform logical study to collect data. Experiments are more suitable about surveys is that the responses collected should be such
for medicine, psychological studies, nutrition, and for other scientific that they can be generalized to the entire population without
studies. In experiments, the experimenter must keep control over significant discrepancies. On the basis of the time involved in
the influence of any extraneous variable on the results. completing surveys, they are classified into the following –
b. Survey is the most commonly used method in social sciences, a. Longitudinal Studies are types of observational research
management, marketing, and psychology to some extent. Surveys in which the market researcher conducts surveys from a
can be conducted in different methods. specific time period to another (i.e., over a considerable
c. Questionnaire is the most commonly used method in survey. course of time, is called longitudinal survey). This survey
Questionnaires are list of questions either open-ended or close- is often implemented for trend analysis or studies where
ended for which the respondents give answers. Questionnaire can the primary objective is to collect and analyze a pattern
be conducted via telephone, mail, live in a public area, or in an in data.
institute, through electronic mail or through online platforms and b. sectional Studies are types of observational research in
other methods. which the market research conducts surveys at a
particular time period across the target sample is known
Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion – Quarter 4 5
as cross-sectional survey. This survey type implements a While methods and aims may differ between fields, the overall
questionnaire to understand a specific subject from the process of data collection remains largely the same. Before you
sample at a definite time period. begin collecting data, you need to consider:
To administer a survey to collect quantitative data, the  the aim of the research;
below principles are to be followed.  the type of data that you will collect; and
a. Fundamental levels of measurement (nominal, ordinal,  the methods and procedures you will use to collect, store,
interval and ratio scales). There are four measurement and process the data.
scales which are fundamental to creating a multiple-choice
To collect high-quality data that is relevant to your purposes,
question in a survey in collecting quantitative data. They
follow these four steps.
are, nominal, ordinal, interval and ratio measurement
Step 1: Define the aim of your research. Before you start the
scales without the fundamentals of which, no multiple-
process of data collection, you need to identify exactly what
choice questions can be created.
you want to achieve. You can start by writing a problem
b. Use of different question types. To collect quantitative data,
statement: what is the practical or scientific issue that you want
close-ended questions have to be used in a survey. They can
to address and why does it matter?
be a mix of multiple question types including multiple-choice
Step 2: Develop operational definitions and procedures. What are we
questions like semantic differential scale questions, rating
measuring? How will it be measured? Who will measure it?
scale questions etc. that can help collect data that can be
Having clarity in these questions is of utmost importance. Often,
analyzed and made sense of.
we will employ sampling in which case we need to define a
c. Survey distribution and survey data collection. In the
sampling plan.
above, we have seen the process of building a survey along
Step 3: Choose more than one data collection technique. There
with the survey design to collect quantitative data. Survey
is no “best” tool. Do not let the tool drive your work but rather
distribution to collect data is the other important aspect of the
choose the right tool to address the evaluation question.
survey process. There are different ways of survey
Step 4: Begin to collect your data.
distribution. Some of the most commonly used methods
Qualitative Data Collection
 e-mail
Qualitative data collection methods are exploratory in nature and
 sample size
are mainly concerned with gaining insights and understanding on underlying
 embedding a survey
reasons and motivations. Qualitative data collection methods emerged after
 social distribution
it has become known that traditional quantitative data collection methods
d. One-on-one Interviews. This quantitative data collection
were unable to express human feelings and emotions.
method was also traditionally conducted face-to-face but has
It is noted that “qualitative methods are often regarded as
shifted to telephonic and online platforms. Interviews offer a
providing rich data about real life people and situations and being
marketer the opportunity to gather extensive data from the
more able to make sense of behavior and to understand behavior
participants. Quantitative interviews are immensely structured
within its wider context. However, qualitative research is often
and play a key role in collecting information. There are three
criticized for lacking generalizability, being too reliant on the
major sections of these online interviews:
subjective interpretations of researchers and being incapable of
 face-to-face interviews
replication by subsequent researchers.”
 online or telephonic interviews
Popular qualitative data collection methods used in business
 computer assisted personal interview
studies include interviews, focus groups, observations and action
research. Moreover, grounded theory and document analysis can be
Data Collection Procedure
also used as data collection method in qualitative studies. The main
It is a systematic process of gathering observations or
sources and procedures associated with the most popular
measurements. Whether you are performing research for
qualitative methods are presented on the table below as proposed
business, governmental, or academic purposes, data collection
by Yamagata-Lynch (2010).
allows you to gain first-hand knowledge and original insights into
Data collection approaches for qualitative research usually involves:
your research problem.
 direct interaction with individuals on a one-to-one basis;
 or direct interaction with individuals in a group setting.
Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion – Quarter 4 6
Qualitative research data collection methods are time consuming.  A researcher needs to consider whether a questionnaire
Therefore, data is usually collected from a smaller sample than or structured interview is more appropriate.
would be the case for quantitative approaches. This makes
 If the interview schedule is too tightly structured this may not
qualitative research more expensive. The benefits of the
enable the phenomena under investigation to be explored in
qualitative approach are that the information is richer and has a
terms of either breadth or depth.
deeper insight into the phenomenon under study.
Qualitative data collection methods are exploratory, and usually
2. Focus groups. The use of focus groups is sometimes used
more focused on gaining insights and understanding the
when it is better to obtain information from a group rather
underlying reasons by digging deeper. Although quantitative
than individuals.
data cannot be quantified, measuring it or analyzing it might
Group interviews can be used when:
become an issue. Due to the lack of measurability, qualitative
a. Limited resources (time, manpower, finances)
data collection methods are primarily unstructured or
b. The phenomena being researched requires a collective
structured in rare cases in some extent.
discussion in order to understand the circumstances,
Below are the most common methods used for qualitative data
behavior or opinions.
Greater insights may be developed of the group dynamic or
 individual interviews cause and consequence
 focus groups
 observation Characteristics of a focus group:
 Recommended size of the sample group is 6 - 10 people as
smaller groups may limit the potential on the amount of
information collected. It may make it difficult for all
participants to participate and interact and for the
interviewer to be able to make sense of the information
 Several focus groups should be used in order to get a more
objective and macro view of the investigation (i.e. focusing
on one group may give you idiosyncratic results). The use
of several groups will add to the breadth and depth of
information. A minimum of three focus groups is
recommended for best practice approaches.
 Members of the focus group should have something in
common which is important to the investigation.
 Groups can either be put together or existing groups. It is
always useful to be mindful of the group dynamics of
both situations.
The aim of the focus group is to make use of participants'
feelings, perceptions and opinions. This method requires the
researcher to use a range of skills:
 group skills  listening/observing
a. Structured  facilitating  analysis
 The interviewer asks the respondent the same questions in  moderating
the same way. 3. Observation involves may take place in natural settings and
 A tightly structured schedule is used. involves the researcher taking lengthy and descriptive notes of
what is happening. It is argued that there are limits to the
 The questions may be phrased in order that a limited range
situations that can be observed in their 'natural' settings and
of responses may be given(i.e. Do you rate our services as
that the presence of the research may lead to problems with
very good, good or poor?).
Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion – Quarter 4 7
validity. b. Artefacts include objects of significance like memorabilia,
instruments, tools,etc
Limitations with observation include:
4. Documentation
a. Change in people's behavior when they know they are being observed.
a. Any and all kinds of documentation may be used to provide
b. A 'snapshot' view of a whole situation
information like a local paper, information on a notice board,
c. Think big brother... administrative policies and procedures, etc. previous research,
d. The researcher may miss something while they are watching and taking even.
e. The researcher may make judgements of make value statements or Data Collection Procedure
misunderstand what has been observed. The process of data collection follows the identification of the
Strengths of observation: sample. Data collection can take the form of direct data or indirect
a. Can offer a flavor for what is happening data. Direct data include recordable spoken or written words and
b. Can give an insight into the bigger picture observable body language, actions and interactions. Here, the
c. Can demonstrate sub-groups. interactions may be human-to-human or human responses to
inanimate objects such as a hemodialysis machine.
d. Can be used to assist in the design of the rest of the research
Whatever can be observed or communicated are considered to be
Sometimes, the researcher becomes or needs to become potential or actual data. This will occur when considering the thoughts,
a participant observer, where they are taking part in the situation in feelings, experiences, meaning of experience, responses, actions,
order to be accepted and further understand the workings of the interactions, language, and processes of individuals and groups within their
social phenomenon. social and/or cultural setting. It is this type of data that sets the context of
Observation can sometimes obtain more reliable information qualitative studies. Indirect data are generated, in the first instance, by
about certain things. For instance, on how people actually behave someone or something else, such as with documents or photographs
(although it may not find out the reasons for why they behave in reporting an event or an artistic rendition of an event or experience (e.g.
a particular way). novels, songs, paintings, poems, photographs).
Observation can also serve as a technique for verifying of There are skills required and involved in successful
nullifying information provided in face-to-face encounters. People qualitative research approaches which requires careful
or environment can be observed. When environment is researched, consideration and planning.
it can provide valuable background information that may inform Take note that a good quality qualitative research involves:
other aspects of the research.  thought
 preparation
Techniques for collecting data through observation:  the development of the interview schedule
1. Written descriptions  conducting and analysing the interview data with care and
a. The researcher makes written descriptions of the consideration
people, situations or environment.
b. Limitations include:
 Researcher might miss out on an observation as they are taking TASK 1A
Directions: Identify whether the following statements are primary data or
 The researcher may be focused on a particular event or situation. secondary data, Write SD or PD for your answers.
 There is room for subjective interpretation of what is happening. 1. An artifact, document, diary, manuscript, or other source of
2. Video recording information created at the time of study. .
a. Allows the researcher to also record notes. 2. A training record is a .
b. Limitations may include people acting unnaturally towards the 3. A map produced in 2016 showing what land European countries
camera or others avoiding the camera. controlled in the world in the 18th century. .
c. The camera may not always see everything. 4. A professional journal discussing the impact of rust on metal.
3. Photographs and artefacts 5. A source created about an event or time-period by someone who
a. Useful when there is a need to collect observable information or was there
phenomena such as buildings, neighbourhoods, dress and

Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion – Quarter 4 8

TASK 1B c) It may result in a biased sample.
d) It requires a large sample size.
Directions: Reflect on your learnings and answer each question in three or
more sentences. COPY AND ANSWER
1. Discuss the importance of research design in conducting research. TASK 3
What are the key elements of a research design and how do they Directions: On you yellow paper copy the given table and identify
influence the quality of research findings? Provide examples to the data collection method used in the different research questions
illustrate your points. below and state your reason. (15points)
2. What are the main types of sampling designs and what factors Data Collection
influence their selection in research studies? Discuss the Forms of Research Questions Reason
advantages and disadvantages of each sampling design and Example: Interview It helps to
provide examples of studies that have used them What academic achievements do you hope to explain better,
3. What are the main considerations in selecting the appropriate accomplish by the time you graduate? understand
research design for a study? and explore
TASK 2 opinions,
Directions: Read the question carefully. Choose the letter of the correct behavior,
answer. experiences,
1. What is probability sampling? etc.
a) A sampling method that involves selecting participants based on 1. 1. how did the school program prepare the
their availability. students for what they will do after they
b) A sampling method that involves selecting participants based on graduate from High School?
their characteristics. 2. What are the prepared programs of the
c) A sampling method that involves selecting participants randomly. school for their students after they
d) A sampling method that involves selecting participants based on graduated from high school?
their willingness to participate. 3. How does restricting the use of mobile
2. Which of the following is an example of stratified random sampling? phones in school affect the student’s social
a) Selecting every 10th person from a list of names. interaction?
4. How do students define online learning
b) Dividing a population into subgroups based on characteristics and
selecting participants from each subgroup.
c) Choosing participants based on their proximity to the research
d) Selecting participants who are recommended by others.
3. Which of the following is an advantage of cluster sampling? Directions: Prepare an interview schedule for investigating the experiences
a) It allows for the selection of a representative sample. of senior high students amidst pandemic. Give five (5) questions you might
b) It is easy to administer. want to ask to your participants?
c) It is less time-consuming than other sampling methods. Examples:
d) It allows for the selection of specific individuals.  In your opinion, what are the most important characteristics of
4. Which of the following is an example of systematic sampling? distance education adopted during the pandemic?
a) Selecting participants who are willing to participate.  What should be done to improve the efficiency of the distance
b) Selecting participants based on their characteristics. education system adopted during the pandemic?
c) Selecting every 10th person from a list of names.
d) Dividing a population into subgroups based on characteristics and QUESTION 1.
selecting participants from each subgroup.
5. What is the main disadvantage of simple random sampling? QUESTION 2.
a) It is difficult to administer.
b) It does not allow for the selection of a representative sample. QUESTION 3.

Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion – Quarter 4 9

Lesson 2


By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
Directions: Based on your research topic, create a data collection plan. 1. Gathers and analyses data with intellectual honesty using suitable techniques.
Read the questions in the first column and answer the questions by writing
under the “notes” and put a check on the remarks if you are done doing it
on your research paper. INITIAL TASK
Direction: Familiarize yourself with do’s and don’ts in citing sources in
Notes Remarks
research. Then group the words accordingly using the template. Use a
What kinds of data have you separate sheet of paper in answering the activity.
collected? Plagiarism Fabrication Disinformation Selective Reporting
Honesty Transparency Logical fallacies Intellectual Property Rights
Bias Impartiality Proper Citation False analogies
What method have you used to

How have you analyzed the data

in the context of answering your
research question?


In reporting the results, the researcher stays close to the statistical
findings without drawing broader implications or meaning from them.
Further, this section includes summaries of the data rather than the raw
data (e.g., the actual scores for individuals). A results section includes
tables, figures, and detailed explanations about the statistical results.

Before writing this section:

 Rewrite the Chapters 1-3 before or after data analysis and before
writing Chapter 4.
 Rewrite the chapters in past tense, wherever applicable, and
make corrections for actual data collection and data analysis
What is the first thing that comes to mind when we see data? The
first instinct is to find patterns, connections, and relationships. We look at the
data to find meaning in it.
Similarly, in research, once data is collected, the next step is to get
insights from it. For example, if a clothing brand is trying to identify the latest
trends among young women, the brand will first reach out to young women
Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion – Quarter 4 10
and ask them questions relevant to the research objective. After collecting used to analyze responses from interviewees.
this information, the brand will analyze that data to identify patterns — for  Narrative analysis: This method is used to analyze content from
example, it may discover that most young women would like to see more various sources, such as interviews of respondents, observations from
variety of jeans. the field, or surveys. It focuses on using the stories and experiences
Data analysis is how researchers go from a mass of data to shared by people to answer the research questions.
meaningful insights. There are many different data analysis methods,  Framework analysis. This is more advanced method that consists
depending on the type of research. Here are a few methods you can use to of several stages such as familiarization, identifying a thematic
analyze quantitative and qualitative data. framework, coding, charting, mapping and interpretation.
 Discourse analysis: Like narrative analysis, discourse analysis is
Analyzing Qualitative Data used to analyze interactions with people. However, it focuses on
Qualitative data analysis works a little differently from quantitative analyzing the social context in which the communication between the
data, primarily because qualitative data is made up of words, observations, researcher and the respondent occurred. Discourse analysis also
images, and even symbols. Deriving absolute meaning from such data is looks at the respondent’s day-to- day environment and uses that
nearly impossible; hence, it is mostly used for exploratory research. While in information during analysis.
quantitative research there is a clear distinction between the data  Grounded theory: This refers to using qualitative data to explain why a
preparation and data analysis stage, analysis for qualitative research often certain phenomenon happened. It does this by studying a variety of
begins as soon as the data is available. similar cases in different settings and using the data to derive causal
explanations. Researchers may alter the explanations or create new
Data Preparation and Basic Data Analysis ones as they study more cases until they arrive at an explanation that
Analysis and preparation happen in parallel and include the following steps: fits all cases.
1. Getting familiar with the data: Since most qualitative data is These methods are the ones used most commonly. However, other data
just words, the researcher should start by reading the data analysis methods, such as conversational analysis, are also available
several times to get familiar with it and start looking for basic
observations or patterns. This also includes transcribing the Qualitative data analysis can also be conducted through the following three
data. step:
2. Revisiting research objectives: Here, the researcher revisits Step 1: Developing and Applying Codes. Coding can be explained as
the research objective and identifies the questions that can be categorization of data. A ‘code’ can be a word or a short phrase that
answered through the collected data. represents a theme or an idea. All codes need to be assigned
3. Developing a framework: Also known as coding or indexing, meaningful titles. A wide range of non-quantifiable elements such as
here the researcher identifies broad ideas, concepts, events, behaviors, activities, meanings etc. can be coded.
behaviors, or phrases and assigns codes to them. For The following table contains examples of research titles, elements to be
example, coding age, gender, socio- economic status, and coded and identification of relevant codes:
even concepts such as the positive or negative response to a Research Title Elements to be Coded Codes
question. Coding is helpful in structuring and labeling the data. Born or Bred: Revising Leadership practice Born leaders
the Great Man Theory in Made leaders
4. Identifying patterns and connections: Once the data is the 21st Century Leadership Effectiveness
coded, the research can start identifying themes, looking for A Study into Advantages Market entry strategies Wholly owned
the most common responses to questions, identifying data or and Disadvantages of subsidiaries
patterns that can answer research questions, and finding areas various entry strategies to Joint-ventures
that can be explored further. Chinese Market Franchising
Qualitative Data Analysis Methods Licensing
Several methods are available to analyze qualitative data. The most Impacts of CSR programs Activities, phenomenon Philanthropy
commonly used data analysis methods are: and initiative on brand Supporting charitable
image: a case study of courses
 Content analysis: This is one of the most common methods to Coca-Cola Company UK Ethical behavior
analyze qualitative data. It is used to analyze documented information Brand awareness
in the form of texts, media, or even physical items. When to use this Brand value
method depends on the research questions. Content analysis is usually An investigation into the Tactics Viral messages

Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion – Quarter 4 11

ways of customer Customer retention Step 1: Data Validation
relationship management Popularity of social
The purpose of data validation is to find out, as far as possible,
in mobile marketing networking sites
environment whether the data collection was done as per the pre-set standards and
without any bias. It is a four- step process, which includes…
Step 2: Identifying themes, patterns and relationships. Unlike  Fraud, to infer whether each respondent was actually interviewed
quantitative methods, in qualitative data analysis there are no or not.
universally applicable techniques that can be applied to generate  Screening, to make sure that respondents were chosen as per the
findings. Analytical and critical thinking skills of researcher plays research criteria.
significant role in data analysis in qualitative studies. Therefore, no  Procedure, to check whether the data collection procedure was
qualitative study can be repeated to generate the same results. duly followed.
Nevertheless, there is a set of techniques that you can use to  Completeness, to ensure that the interviewer asked the
identify common themes, patterns and relationships within responses of respondent all the questions, rather than just a few required ones.
sample group members in relation to codes that have been specified in
the previous stage. To do this, researchers would need to pick a random sample of
Specifically, the most popular and effective methods of qualitative completed surveys and validate the collected data. (Note that this can be
data interpretation include the following: time-consuming for surveys with lots of responses.) For example, imagine a
 Word and phrase repetitions – scanning primary data for survey with 200 respondents split into 2 cities. The researcher can pick a
words and phrases most commonly used by respondents, as sample of 20 random respondents from each city. After this, the researcher
well as, words and phrases used with unusual emotions; can reach out to them through email or phone and check their responses to
 Primary and secondary data comparisons – comparing the a certain set of questions.
findings of interview/focus group/observation/any other Step 2: Data Editing
qualitative data collection method with the findings of literature Typically, large data sets include errors. For example, respondents
review and discussing differences between them; may fill fields incorrectly or skip them accidentally. To make sure that there
Search for missing information – discussions about which are no such errors, the researcher should conduct basic data checks,
aspects of the issue was not mentioned by respondents, although you check for outliers, and edit the raw research data to identify and clear out
expected them to be previous stage. any data points that may hamper the accuracy of the results.
Specifically, the most popular and effective methods of qualitative For example, an error could be fields that were left empty by
data interpretation include the following: respondents. While editing the data, it is important to make sure to remove
 mentioned; or fill all the empty fields.
 Metaphors and analogues – comparing primary research Step 3: Data Coding
findings to phenomena from a different area and discussing
This is one of the most important steps in data preparation. It refers
similarities and differences.
to grouping and assigning values to responses from the survey.
Step 3: Summarizing the data. At this last stage you need to link research For example, if a researcher has interviewed 1,000 people and now
findings to hypotheses or research aim and objectives. When writing wants to find the average age of the respondents, the researcher will create
data analysis chapter, you can use noteworthy quotations from the age buckets and categorize the age of each of the respondent as per these
transcript in order to highlight major themes within findings and possible codes. (For example, respondents between 13-15 years old would have
contradictions. their age coded as 0, 16-18 as 1, 18-20 as 2, etc.) Then during analysis, the
It is important to note that the process of qualitative data analysis researcher can deal with simplified age brackets, rather than a massive
described above is general and different types of qualitative studies may range of individual ages
require slightly different methods of data analysis.
Quantitative Data Analysis Methods
Analyzing Quantitative Data After these steps, the data is ready for analysis. The two most
Data Preparation commonly used quantitative data analysis methods are descriptive statistics
The first stage of analyzing data is data preparation, where the aim is and inferential statistics.
to convert raw data into something meaningful and readable. It includes four
Descriptive Statistics
Typically descriptive statistics (also known as descriptive analysis)
is the first level of analysis. It helps researchers summarize the data and
Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion – Quarter 4 12
find patterns. A few commonly used descriptive statistics are: assumptions and biases. All of us rely on assumptions when
 Mean: numerical average of a set of values. applying our world view to make sense of the data about the world.
 Median: midpoint of a set of numerical values. And all of us bring various biases to the table.
 Mode: most common value among a set of values. 4. Be willing to publicly acknowledge where your argument is
 Percentage: used to express how a value or group of respondents weak. Almost all arguments have weak spots, but those who are
within the data relates to a larger group of respondents. trying to sell an ideology will have great difficulty with this point and
 Frequency: the number of times a value is would rather obscure or downplay any weak points.
found. 5. Be willing to publicly acknowledge when you are wrong. Those
 Range: the highest and lowest value in a set of values. selling an ideology likewise have great difficulty admitting to being
wrong, as this undercuts the rhetoric and image that is being sold. You
Descriptive statistics provide absolute numbers. However, they do get small points for admitting to being wrong on trivial matters and big
not explain the rationale or reasoning behind those numbers. Before points for admitting to being wrong on substantive points. You lose big
applying descriptive statistics, it’s important to think about which one is best points for failing to admit being wrong on something trivial.
suited for your research question and what you want to show. For example, 6. Demonstrate consistency. A clear sign of intellectual dishonesty is
a percentage is a good way to show the gender distribution of respondents. when someone extensively relies on double standards. Typically, an
Descriptive statistics are most helpful when the research is limited to excessively high standard is applied to the perceived opponent(s),
the sample and does not need to be generalized to a larger population. For while a very low standard is applied to the ideologues’ allies.
example, if you are comparing the percentage of children vaccinated in two 7. Address the argument instead of attacking the person making
different villages, then descriptive statistics is enough. the argument. Ad hominem arguments are a clear sign of intellectual
Since descriptive analysis is mostly used for analyzing single dishonesty. However, often times, the dishonesty is more subtle. For
variable, it is often called univariate analysis. example, someone might make a token effort at debunking an
argument and then turn significant attention to the person making the
Intellectual Honesty in Research argument, relying on stereotypes, guilt-by-association, and innocent-
Intellectual Honesty is an applied method of problem solving, sounding gotcha questions.
characterized by an unbiased, honest attitude, which can be demonstrated 8. When addressing an argument, do not misrepresent it. A common
in a number of different ways including: tactic of the intellectually dishonest is to portray their opponent’s
 Ensuring support for chosen ideologies does not interfere with the argument in straw man terms. In politics, this is called spin. Typically,
pursuit of truth; such tactics eschew quoting the person in context, but instead rely
 Relevant facts and information are not purposefully omitted even heavily on out-of-context quotes, paraphrasing and impression. When
when such things may contradict one's hypothesis; addressing an argument, one should shows signs of having made a
 Facts are presented in an unbiased manner, and not twisted to give serious effort to first understand the argument and then accurately
misleading impressions or to support one view over another; represent it in its strongest form.
 References, or earlier work, are acknowledged where possible, and 9. Show a commitment to critical thinking.
plagiarism is avoided 10. Be willing to publicly acknowledge when a point or criticism is
good. If someone is unable or unwilling to admit when their opponent
Ten Signs of Intellectual Honesty raises a good point or makes a good criticism, it demonstrates an
1. Do not overstate the power of your argument. One’s sense of unwillingness to participate in the give-and-take that characterizes an
conviction should be in proportion to the level of clear evidence honest exchange.
assessable by most. If someone portrays their opponents as being
stupid or dishonest for disagreeing, intellectual dishonesty is probably While no one is perfect, and even those who strive for intellectual honesty
in play. Intellectual honesty is most often associated with humility, not can have a bad day, simply be on the lookout for how many and how often
arrogance. these criteria apply to someone. In the arena of public discourse, it is not
2. Show willingness to publicly acknowledge that reasonable intelligence or knowledge that matters most – it is whether you can trust the
alternative viewpoints exist. The alternative views do not have to be intelligence or knowledge of another. After all, intelligence and knowledge
treated as equally valid or powerful, but rarely is it the case that one can sometimes be the best tools of an intellectually dishonest approach
and only one viewpoint has a complete monopoly on reason and
3. Be willing to publicly acknowledge and question one’s own
Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion – Quarter 4 13
Lesson 3


Directions: Read the statement carefully to make sure you understand it.
Decide if the statement is true or false based on your knowledge or
research. Write TRUE if the statement is Correct and Write FALSE if the
statement is wrong.
1. Quantitative data analysis methods are used to analyze numerical RECOMMENDATIONS
2. Descriptive statistics are used to summarize and describe data. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
3. Inferential statistics are used to make predictions and draw 1. forms logical conclusions makes recommendations based on conclusions
conclusions about a larger population based on a sample of data. writes clear report
4. Regression analysis is used to examine the relationship between a
dependent variable and one or more independent variables. Writing A Summary Of Findings
5. Factor analysis is used to identify underlying dimensions or factors Writing a summary of findings is an important part of any research
that explain patterns in the data. report or paper. The summary of findings is a concise, yet comprehensive
6. Quantitative data analysis methods are typically used in fields such description of the research results, and is typically included in the
as psychology, sociology, economics, and political science. introduction or discussion section of the report. Here are some steps to
7. The use of quantitative data analysis methods requires a large follow when writing a summary of findings:
sample size to ensure accuracy.  Start with a clear statement of the research question or hypothesis:
8. Quantitative data analysis methods are objective and do not involve The summary of findings should begin with a clear statement of the
subjective interpretation of data. research question or hypothesis that was tested in the study. This
9. Quantitative data analysis methods can be used to test hypotheses provides context for the reader and helps them understand the
and support or reject research questions. purpose of the study.
10. The use of quantitative data analysis methods does not require  Summarize the key results: The summary of findings should provide
knowledge of statistical software or programming languages. a concise summary of the key results of the study. This may involve
summarizing the main findings, identifying any patterns or trends in
the data, or highlighting any significant differences or similarities.
TASK 2 This section serves as a brief restatement of the major findings of
Directions: Reflect on your learnings and answer each question .COPY the study. It includes summarized statements for the overall purpose and
AND ANSWER. objective of the study, the type of research used the nature and size of the
1. Why is it important that a researcher must have in-depth sample, the locale of the study, the main and sub-problems, and the major
understanding of the different data analysis methods? (5 points) findings of the research. However, the statements should be straightforward
2. Write in your own words one (1) paragraph description of either but still meaningful
quantitative or qualitative data analysis. Include its relevance in your The following are the findings of a research conducted to Le Thanh
research problem and how it will assist you to qualify the data HienHigh School students in Vietnam on speaking anxiety.
gathered. (5 points) FINDINGS
1. The students were not given enough time to prepare for a speaking task
beforethe task was performed.
TASK 3 2. When the students were asked to work in groups, not all of them were
Directions: Give the differences and similarities of Qualitative and eagerto contribute their opinions in English. Some of them participated
Quantitative data analysis using Venn diagram. Do this on a separate sheet actively but the others spoke very little or not at all.
of paper. 3. They tended to use Vietnamese when they discussed in groups.
Qualitative Quantitative 4. While the students were making performances, the other students in
Analysis Method Analysis Method class did not listen attentively. They even chatted with the people
next to them when theirclassmates were speaking.
5. The students looked very nervous when they spoke in front of the class.
Sometimes, they did not know what to say then kept silent.
Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion – Quarter 4 14
After learning the means to form findings from a given Findings Conclusions
research problem,you are now ready to form logical conclusions on a 1. The students were not givenenough 1. Students spoke very little
given research study. time to prepare for a speaking task ornot at all
A well-written conclusion provides you with important opportunities before the taskwas performed.
to demonstrate to the reader your understanding of the research problem. 2. When the students were asked to 2. Students could not think
According to Bunton (2005), these will include the following: work in groups, not all of them ofanything to say
1. Present the last word on the issues or gaps raised in your paper. were eager to contribute their
Just as the introduction gives a first impression to your reader, the opinions in English. Some of
conclusion offers a chance to leave a lasting impression. You can do them participated actively but the
this by highlighting key points in your analysis or results or by noting others spoke very little or not at
important or unexpected implications applied to practice. all.
2. Summarize your thought and convey the larger significance of 3. They tended to use Vietnamese 3. Students used
your study. The conclusion is an opportunity to concisely answer the when they discussed in groups. Vietnamese instead of
“So What?” question by placing the study within the context of past English when they
research about the topic you’ve investigated. discuss in groups or in
3. Identify how a gap in the literature has been addressed. The pairs.
conclusion can be where you describe how a previously identified gap 4. While the students were making 4. Students’ participation
in the literature has been filled by your research. performances, the other students waslow or uneven.
4. Demonstrate the importance of your ideas. The conclusion offers in class did not listen attentively.
you the opportunity to elaborate on the impact and significance of your They even chatted with the
findings. people next to them when their
5. Introduce possible new or expanded ways of thinking about the classmates were speaking.
researchproblem. This does not refer to introducing new 5. The students looked very 5. Students did not have
information but to offer newinsights and creative approaches for nervous when they spoke in front motivation to express
framing or contextualizing the research problem based on the results of of the class. Sometimes, they did themselves.
your study. not know what to say then kept
In writing the conclusion of your paper, the following general rules are silent.
suggested: The following are the conclusions of a research conducted to Le
a. State your conclusion clearly in simple language. State how your Thanh HienHigh School students in Vietnam on speaking anxiety
findings differor support those others and why. The results of the research from the logical findings and conclusions
b. Do not simply reiterate your results or the discussion of your need to have the corresponding recommendations from the researchers.
results. Provide a synthesis of arguments presented in the paper to This will provide your ideas in writing your recommendations.
show how these convergeto address the research problem and the
overall objectives of your study. RECOMMENDATIONS
c. Indicate opportunities for future research if you haven’t already Based on the findings and conclusions of the study, these serve
done so in the discussion section of your paper. Highlighting the as practical suggestions for future research in similar fields. They are
need for further research provides the reader with evidence that envisioned to further improve the pertinent variables that were the subject
you have an in-depth awareness of theresearch problem. of the investigation undertaken.
Recommendations are expressed in clear and concise terms.
CONCLUSIONS They are relevant to the research problems and feasible for
Essentially, the conclusion contains insights drawn from the findings implementation. The general recommendations may also be stated giving
of each problem. These insights answer the questions presented at the suggested measures to concerned agencies, institutions, or to the
beginning of the research paper. However, the conclusion to be drawn government that may lead towards the betterment of society in general.
should not come from the indirect implications of the study. It should be The researcher’s final recommendation is addressed to other
limited within the information actually yielded by the conducted researchers who may want to pursue similar studies. Moreover,
investigations suggested topics of interest or variables are given. In the case that the
qualitative study is conducted to propose an intervention program, the

Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion – Quarter 4 15

recommendation will be theadaptation of said program.
Formulating the Recommendations of the Study Directions: Write T if the statement is true and F if the statement is false.
In preparing this part of your paper, remember that in making your Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
recommendations, you must show how your results support them. A
________ 1. The results section of the research paper is where you report
recommendation for a preferred alternative should include:
the findings of your study based upon the information
a. specific statements on what should be done, the steps required
gathered as a result of the methodologies you applied.
toimplement the policy, and the resources needed.
________ 2. The results section should simply state the findings, with bias
b. discussion of the benefits to the organization and what
or interpretation, and arranged in a logical sequence.
problemswould be corrected or avoided.
________ 3. In discussing your findings look toward the future but don’t
c. discussion of the feasibility of the proposed policy and
end with it.
d. general statement about the nature and timing of the evaluation
________ 4. In discussing your findings provide context and explain why
plan that would be used to determine the effectiveness of the
people should care, do not simply rehash your results.
proposed policy.
The crafted recommendations of the speaking anxiety study to the ________ 5. Summary of findings must contain each specific question
under the statement of the problem and must be written first
Le ThanhHien High School students in Vietnam on speaking anxiety.
to be followed by the findings that would answer it.
________ 6. The findings should not be textual generalizations, that is, a
The students were not given Students spoke Teachers should first
summary of the important data consisting of text and
enough time to prepare for a verylittle or not at improve the performance
speaking task before the task all conditions by giving their numbers.
wasperformed. students time toprepare for ________ 7. In writing findings point out differences and relationships, and
a speaking task. provide information about them.
When the students were Students could Teachers should help their ________ 8. In experimental study’s findings are written by using text to
asked to work in groups, not not thinkof students to overcome introduce tables and figures and guide the reader through key
all of them were eager to anything to say inhibition and shyness by results.
contributetheir opinions in having friendly, helpful and ________ 9. In presenting quantitative findings the main point to remember
English.Some of them cooperative behaviorsto while presenting quantitative interview data is that the reader
participated actively but the make the students feel should not be bored with the minute details.
others spoke very little or not comfortable when speaking ________ 10. In qualitative findings mention the key points and themes as
at all. in the class. they relate to the research question rather than reporting
They tended to use Students used Teachers should everything that the interviews said.
Vietnamese when they Vietnamese personalize and simplify
discussed in groups instead ofEnglish the topics inthe textbook to
when they makethem easier, more TASK 2.
discuss in groups interesting and relevant to Directions: Reflect on your Learnings. Answer the following question.
or inpairs. their lives.
While the students were Students did not Teachers should create an 1. What is a conclusion?
making performances, the havemotivation to English speaking a. _____________________________________
otherstudents in class did not express environment by b. _____________________________________
listen attentively. They even themselves encouraging the students c. _____________________________________
chatted with the people next to use English in the 2. What is the importance of reporting findings, drawing conclusions,
to them classroom to make ita and making recommendations in research? Explain the role of each
when their classmateswere habit. step and how they contribute to the research process.
speaking. 3. Discuss the challenges and limitations that researchers may face
The students looked very .Students did not Students should first when reporting findings, drawing conclusions, and making
nervous when they spoke in have motivation understand the importance recommendations. How can these challenges be overcome?
front of the class. to express of speaking skills
Sometimes, they did not themselves.
know what to say then kept
Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion – Quarter 4 16
TASK 3. 9. What is the potential impact of biases on the research process and
Directions: Read the questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct a) It can lead to more accurate results
answer. b) It can lead to inaccurate results
1. What is the purpose of reporting findings in research? c) It has no impact on the research process and outcomes
a) To present the data collected in the study d) It can only impact the interpretation of the results, not the results
b) To analyze the data collected in the study themselves
c) To communicate the results of the study to others 10. Is the purpose of discussing and reflecting on research findings,
d) To draw conclusions and make recommendations based on the conclusions, and recommendations with peers?
study a) To validate the results obtained
2. What is the purpose of drawing conclusions in research? b) To identify limitations of the study
a) To present the data collected in the study c) To generate new research ideas
b) To analyze the data collected in the study d) To improve communication of the results to others.
c) To communicate the results of the study to others
d) To make recommendations based on the study
3. What is the purpose of making recommendations in research?
a) To present the data collected in the study
b) To analyze the data collected in the study
c) To communicate the results of the study to others
d) To provide guidance for future action based on the study
4. What is the role of descriptive statistics in reporting research findings?
a) To summarize and describe the characteristics of the data
b) To test hypotheses and draw conclusions
c) To identify patterns and trends in the data
d) To make recommendations for future research immersion.html
5. What is the role of inferential statistics in reporting research findings?
a) To summarize and describe the characteristics of the data surigao-del-sur/teaching-english-in-the-elementary-grades/3is-q2-
b) To test hypotheses and draw conclusions module-2/35706434
c) To identify patterns and trends in the data
d) To make recommendations for future research
6. Is a limitation that researchers may face when drawing conclusions and
making recommendations?
a) Lack of statistical software c. Lack of funding
b) Small sample size d. Lack of expertise
7. How can researchers ensure the accuracy and validity of their
conclusions and recommendations?
a) By relying on intuition and personal experience
b) By using appropriate statistical methods
c) By ignoring data that does not fit with their preconceptions
d) By relying on anecdotal evidence
8. What are some ethical considerations that researchers should keep in
mind when reporting findings, drawing conclusions, and making
a) Avoiding conflicts of interest
b) Fabricating data to support their conclusions
c) Ignoring potential biases in the study
d) Presenting results in a biased manner

Inquiries, Investigations and Immersion – Quarter 4 17



By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
1. Define international trade;
2. Understand the importance of international trade on the economy; and
3. Apply business principles, tools, and techniques in the exports and import business.

International Trade If you walk in a supermarket and find products

of China, the United States, Thailand, Malaysia, South Korea, you're
experiencing the effects of international trade. International trade is the

exchange of goods and services between countries. International trade
allows countries to expand their business in the global arena.
International trade is the key to the rise of the global economy
where supply and demand, and so with the prices, are affected by global
events. Political change in Asia, for example, could increase the cost of
labor, thereby increasing the manufacturing costs for an American sneaker
company based in the Philippines would increase the price charged at the
local mall. A decrease in the cost of labor, on the other hand, would result in
paying less for the new shoes. A product that is sold to the global market is
called export, and a product that is bought from the global market is called
import. Imports and exports are accounted for in the country's current
account in the balance of payments.
Comparative Advantage
Comparative advantage refers to the ability of the economy to
produce goods and services at a lower opportunity cost compared to trade
partners. A comparative advantage gives a company the ability to sell goods
and services at a lower price than its competitors and realize stronger sales
The law of comparative advantage is popularly attributed to an
English political economist, David Ricardo in his book “On the Principles of
Political Economy and Taxation” in 1817, although it is likely that Ricardo's
mentor James Mill originated the analysis.
Global trade allows rich countries to use their resources, whether
labor, technology, or capital, more efficiently. Since countries are endowed
with different assets and resources, some countries may produce the same
goods more efficiently and therefore sell it cheaper than other countries. If a
country cannot efficiently produce a good, it can obtain it by trading with
another country that can produce more, this is known as specialization in
QUARTER 4 (WEEK 1 – 6) international trade.
Let's take a simple example. Country A and Country B both produce
cotton sweaters and wine. Country A produces ten sweaters and six bottles
of wine a year while Country B produces six sweaters and ten bottles of
wine a year. Both can produce a total of 16 units. Country A, however, takes
three hours to produce the ten sweaters and two hours to produce the six
Applied Economics – Quarter 4 1
bottles of wine (total of five hours). Country B, on the other hand, takes one Total imported goods in June 2020, which amounted to USD 6.63
hour to produce ten sweaters and three hours to produce six bottles of wine billion, plunged at an annual rate of 24.5%. In the previous month, the
(a total of four hours). decline was faster at 40.6% while in June 2019, imports decreased by 7.2%
But these two countries realize that they could produce more by annually. The decrement of imported goods in June 2020 was due to the
focusing on those products with which they have a comparative advantage. decrease in seven out of the top 10 major import commodities which were
Country A then begins to produce only wine, and Country B produces only led by transport equipment (-70.5%); mineral fuels, lubricants, and related
cotton sweaters. Each country can now create a specialized output of 20 materials (-56.9%); and iron and steel (-40.9%).
units per year and trade equal proportions of both products. As such, each
country now has access to 20 units of both products.
International Trade in the Philippines The country’s total export
sales in June 2020 amounted to USD 5.33 billion, a decrease of 13.3% from
the USD 6.15 billion total export generated in June 2019. The annual drop in
June 2020 was the fourth month that total exports had consecutive negative
growth. In the previous month, the export value fell at an annual rate of
26.9% while in June 2019, it gained at a rate of 3.9%. (Table A)
Table A. Summary of External Trade Performance (June 2020, May 2020 and June 2019)

1. Social Factors. These include the shared belief and attitudes of the
population. These factors are population growth, age distribution, health
consciousness, career, attitudes and so on.
2. Technological Factors. Technological factors affect the management
and marketing in three ways: new ways of producing goods and
services, new ways of distributing goods and services, and new ways of
communicating with target markets.
Of the top ten major commodity groups in terms of exported value, 3. Environmental Factors. These factors have become important due to
eight had annual decline which was led by metal components (-30.5%); the increasing scarcity of raw materials, pollution targets, doing
coconut oil (-29.7%); and machinery and transport equipment (-26.3%). business as an ethical and sustainable company.
(Tables B) 4. Legal Factors. It includes health and safety, equal opportunities,
advertising standards, consumer rights and laws, product labelling, and
product safety. It is clear that companies need to know what is and what
is not legal in order to trade successfully.

Applied Economics – Quarter 4 2

Directions: Enumerate the effects of the global pandemic on the
international trade and economic performance of the country. Give at least
five (5) effects.
1. _____________________________________________ YOUR TARGET COMPETENCIES
2. _____________________________________________ By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
1. Define e-commerce;
3. _____________________________________________ 2. Enumerate the advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce; and
4. _____________________________________________ 3. Apply business principles, tools, and techniques in e-commerce.
5. _____________________________________________
Electronic Commerce (e-commerce, ecommerce) is the exchange of
ACTIVITY 2: Business Tool information or business transactions using any form of electronic
Directions: From the effects above, identify the business environment of communication. E-commerce operates in all four of the following major
international trade of the country using any of the business tools market segments: (1) business to business; (2) business to consumer; (3)
(Environmental Scanning, SWOT Analysis, or Porter’s Five Forces Model). consumer to consumer; and (4) consumer to business.
Use the space provided below or a separate sheet for your answer. E-commerce is facilitated through the use of electronic devices such
as computers, tablets, and smartphones which may be thought of like a
digital version of mail-order catalog shopping. With e-commerce, businesses
ACTIVITY 3: TRUE OR FALSE may establish a wider market presence by providing cheaper and more
Directions: Read each statement carefully. Write T if the statement is efficient distribution channels for their products or services.
correct, otherwise write F.
Advantages of E-Commerce
____________ 1. International trade is the exchange of goods and 1. Convenience. E-commerce can operate 24 hours a day, seven days a
services between countries. week.
____________ 2. The law of comparative advantage is popularly 2. Increased selection. Many stores offer a wider array of products online
attributed to David Ricardo. than they carry in their brick-and-mortar counterparts.
____________ 3. A comparative advantage gives a company the ability to
sell goods and services at a lower price than its Disadvantages of E-Commerce
competitors and realize stronger sales margins. 1. Limited customer service. If you are going to buy a computer online,
____________ 4. The total exports of the Philippines have been improved you cannot simply ask an employee to demonstrate a particular
in June 2020 model's features in person.
____________ 5. Metal equipment is top gainer in the Philippines Imports 2. Lack of instant gratification. When you buy an item online, you must
in June 2020. wait for it to be shipped to your home or office.
3. Inability to touch the products. Online images do not necessarily
convey the whole story about an item, and so e-commerce purchases
can be unsatisfying when the products received do not match
consumer expectations.

E-Commerce in the Philippines

E-Commerce accounts for USD 1. 3 trillion of the world’s economy.
eCommerce allows local businesses to broaden their markets well beyond
Philippine shores. Personal e-commerce can easily be achieved by Filipinos
through any of the numerous buys and sell sites currently available. While
businesses can set up their e-commerce facility using their websites.
With the global pandemic, there is an increase in the demand for e-
commerce in the Philippines. While the younger population embraced online
shopping, the need for social distancing has pushed the cash-centric and
face to face shopping culture towards a more digital one, and this is
Applied Economics – Quarter 4 3
expected to continue. What is lacking is the proper digital and logistics
infrastructure to truly enable a digital economy. There is a need to upgrade
Directions: Read each statement carefully. Choose the letter of the best
the bandwidth capacity to service the online market.
answer and write it on a separate sheet of paper.
Filipinos are prolific users of social media. Estimates this year show
that there are 76 million active social media users from the Philippines. Of 1. It is the exchange of information or business transactions using any
this number, 75 million are on Facebook, 12 million on Twitter, and 4 million form of electronic communication.
are LinkedIn users There is good reason to be optimistic about e-commerce A. E-Commerce C. Digital Market
growth in the Philippines. B. Online Business D. Online Economy
Kemp and Moey (2019) released a study about e-commerce in the 2. Below are the advantages of online business transactions, EXCEPT:
Philippines. According to their report, Filipinos spent a total of USD 4.7 A. easy to pay C. more product selection
billion on online purchases in 2018, with more than three-quarters of this B. opens 24 hours, 7 days a week D. none of the above
amount – USD 3.5 billion – going to online travel purchases. Online 3. Below are the disadvantages of online business transactions, EXCEPT:
consumer goods purchases totaled just USD 840 million in 2018, with A. customer service C. product check
electronics and physical media accounting for the greatest share within this B. instant satisfaction D. none of the above
total. 4. E-commerce operates in the following market segments, EXCEPT:
The market for digital media products in the Philippines is A. business to business C. consumer to consumer
particularly small, with the country’s internet users spending just USD 286 B. business to consumer D. none of the above
million across video games, video-on-demand services like Netflix, digital 5. It is the top online product spent by Filipinos in 2019.
music streaming and downloads, and subscriptions to digital news and A. fashion and beauty C. food
magazines. B. electronics D. furniture
The average Filipino e-commerce shopper spent USD 18 on online
consumer goods purchases in 2018, although it’s worth stressing that this
figure doesn’t include travel-related purchases or spend on digital media. ACTIVITY 2: ESSAY
Directions: To summarize what you have learned in the lesson, answer the
following questions:
1. What is e-commerce?
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of e-commerce?


Directions: Read each statement carefully. Write T if the statement is
correct, otherwise write F.
____________ 1. The average Filipino e-commerce shopper spent USD
18 on online consumer goods purchases in 2018
____________ 2. E-Commerce accounts for USD3 trillion of the world’s
____________ 3. One of the advantages of e-commerce is inability to
touch the products.
____________ 4. Many stores offer a wider array of products online than
they carry in their brick-and-mortar counterparts.
____________ 5. 5. E-commerce is facilitated through the use of
electronic devices such as computers, tablets, and

Applied Economics – Quarter 4 4

QUARTER 4 – WEEK 1 contribute in exports through a subcontracting arrangement with large
firms, or as suppliers to exporting companies.


1. Barangay Micro Business Enterprise (BMBE) Act or R.A. 9178. It
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
encourages the formation and growth of BMBEs (or micro-enterprises)
1. Define micro, small, and medium enterprises; by granting them incentives and other benefits (i.e., exemption from
2. Understand the importance of micro, small, and medium enterprises on the economy; and income tax, exemption from minimum wage). As defined in the article,
3. A apply business principles, tools, and techniques in the micro, small, and medium enterprises
Barangay Micro Business Enterprise refers to any business entity or
MICRO, SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISES (MSMEs) enterprise engaged in the production, processing or manufacturing of
According to the Magna Carta for MSMEs, micro, small, and products or commodities, including agro-processing, trading, and
medium enterprises are classified based on the worth of the business services, whose total assets including those arising from loans but
assets. The microenterprises have a total asset up to ₱3,000,000. The total exclusive of the land on which the particular business entity's office,
assets for small enterprises should range from ₱3,000,001 – ₱15,000,000. plant and equipment are situated, shall not be more than Three Million
For medium enterprises, the total assets are from ₱15,000,0001 – Pesos (P3,000,000.00). It includes also the enterprise engaged in
₱100,000,000. MSMEs help to promote a competitive economic activity, services, excluding those rendered by anyone, who is duly licensed by
provide employment and it can reduce poverty in the country. the government after having passed a government licensure exam, in
connection with the exercise of one’s profession (e.g., accountant,
NUMBER OF MSMEs IN THE PHILIPPINES lawyer, doctor, etc.)
The 2018 List of Establishments of the Philippine Statistics Authority According to Section 7-8 of the article: “All BMBEs shall be
(PSA) recorded a total of 1,003,111 business enterprises operating in the exempt from tax for income arising from the operations of the
country. Of these, 998,342 (99.52%) are MSMEs and 4,769 (0.48%) are enterprise”. “The BMBEs shall be exempt from the coverage of the
large enterprises. Micro enterprises constitute 88.45% (887,272) of total Minimum Wage Law, provided, that all employees covered under this
MSME establishments, followed by small enterprises at 10.58% (106,175) Act shall be entitled to the same benefits given to any regular
and medium enterprises at 0.49% (4,895). The majority of the MSMEs can employee such as social security and healthcare benefits.”
be found in the National Capital Region (NCR) with 203,312 (20.36%) 2. Go Negosyo Act or R.A. 10644. The law seeks to promote “job
business establishments. generation and inclusive growth through the development of MSMEs”
in the country. It promotes “ease of doing business and facilitates
The top five (5) industry sectors according to the number of MSMEs in 2018 access to services for MSMEs within its jurisdiction” by establishing of
were: Negosyo Centers in all provinces, cities, and municipalities to
1. Wholesale and Retail Trade with 461,765 establishments; promote. Business advisory services through technology transfer,
2. Accommodation and Food Service Activities with 144,535 production and management training, and marketing assistance for
establishments; MSMEs. Business registration assistance through the Philippine
3. Manufacturing with 116,335 establishments; Business Registry Databank under the Department of Trade and
4. Other Service Activities with 66,162 establishments; and Industry (DTI). Go Negosyo Act will provide financial assistance for
5. Financial and Insurance Activities with 46,033 establishments. the development and promotion of MSMEs in priority sectors of the
economy to be sourced from the MSME Development Fund and
1. Employment Opportunities. These MSMEs generated a total of
5,714,262 jobs or 63.19% of the country’s total employment in 2018.
The micro-enterprises produced the biggest share (28.86%) closely ACTIVITY 1: MULTIPLE CHOICE
followed by small enterprises (27.04%) while medium enterprises Directions: Read each statement carefully. Choose the letter of the best
were far behind at 7.29%. Meanwhile, large enterprises generated a answer and write it on a separate sheet of paper.
total of 3,328,801 jobs or 36.81% of the country’s overall employment.
1. It is a business enterprise that has an asset of less than ₱3,000,000.
2. Exports Contribution of MSMEs. MSMEs account for 25% of the
A. Micro-Enterprise C. Medium Enterprise
country’s total export revenue. It is also estimated that 60% of all
B. Small Enterprise D. none of the above
exporters in the country belong to the MSME category. MSMEs can
2. The total assets of the business to be considered as a small enterprise.

Applied Economics – Quarter 4 5

A. less than ₱3,000,000 C. ₱15,000,001 – ₱100,000,000 QUARTER 4 – WEEK 4
B. ₱3,000,000 – ₱15,000,000 D. more than ₱100,000,000
3. The total assets of the business to be considered as a medium SOCIECONOMIC FACTORS AFFECTING BUSINESS
A. less than ₱3,000,000 C. ₱15,000,001 – ₱100,000,000
B. ₱3,000,000 – ₱15,000,000 D. more than ₱100,000,000 YOUR TARGET COMPETENCIES
4. I It encourages the formation and growth of micro-enterprises by By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
1. Understand consumer theory
granting incentives and other benefits. 2. Identify the various socioeconomic factors affecting business and industry in terms of consumers; and
A. Microfinance Act C. Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Act 3. Explain the importance of consumer behavior in business.
B. Go Negosyo Act D. Microbusiness Opportunity Act
5. It promotes ease of doing business and facilitates access to services for CONSUMER THEORY
MSMEs through the Negosyo Centers. Consumer theory is the study of how people decide to spend their
A. Barangay Micro Business Enterprise Act money based on their individual preferences, and budget constraints.
B. Microbusiness Opportunity Act Consumer theory shows how individuals make choices, subject to how
C. Microfinance Act much available income they have to spend, and the prices of products.
D. Go Negosyo Act Consumption refers to the use of goods and services to satisfy human
Individuals have the freedom to choose between different bundles
ACTIVITY 2 of goods and services. Consumer theory seeks to predict their purchasing
Directions: Directions: From the list above, choose one patterns by making the following three basic assumptions about human
(1) MSMEs and identify its business environment and competitiveness behavior:
using any of the business tools 1. Utility maximization - Individuals are said to make calculated
(2) (Environmental Scanning, SWOT Analysis, or Porter’s Five Forces decisions when shopping, purchasing products that bring them the
Model). Use the space provided below or a separate sheet for your greatest benefit known as a maximum utility.
answer. 2. Nonsatiation - People are seldom satisfied with one trip to the shops
and always want to consume more.
3. Decreasing marginal utility - Consumers lose satisfaction in a
ACTIVITY 3: ESSAY WRITING product the more they consume it.
Directions: To summarize what you have learned in the lesson, answer the
following questions. The Utility Function
1. What is micro, small, and medium enterprises? A consumer aims to maximize the satisfaction he/she derives from
2. What is the importance of the MSMEs in the economy? the use of a good or service. The utility is a term in economics that refers to
the total satisfaction received from consuming a good or service. Economic
theories based on rational choice usually assume that consumers will strive
to maximize their utility. The economic utility of a good or service is
important to understand, because it directly influences the demand, and
therefore price, of that good or service. In practice, a consumer's utility is
impossible to measure and quantify. In order easily understand the concept
of utility, we shall assume that it is measurable in units, which is called util.
Util is one unit of satisfaction.
The utility function shows the relationship between utility and
consumption. In the equation form, it is U = f(C), which is simply stated as:
utility is a function of consumption. Also, the utility for the consumption of
goods X and Y can be expressed as U = f(X,Y). The important measures of
utility are Total Utility and Marginal Utility.

Applied Economics – Quarter 4 6

Total Utility refers to the combined utility derived from consuming an The figure represents the data taken from the above table. We have
additional unit of a good. Marginal Utility refers to the additional utility to put the utility on the y-axis and the number of cups of milk tea consumed
derived from consuming an additional unit of a good. per day are on the x-axis. As the figure shows, the curve increases up to the
6th cup of milk tea, and beyond that the curve declines. This indicates that
Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility the utility reaches its maximum satisfaction up to 6th cups, and beyond that,
The Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility states that, as additional the marginal satisfaction declines.
units of goods are consumed, the additional utility derived from each
additional unit tends to diminish. In other words, as a consumer takes more
units of a good, the extra utility or satisfaction that he derives from an extra
unit of the good goes on falling. It should be carefully noted that the
marginal utility, and not the total utility, that declines as the consumption of
good increases. The law of diminishing marginal utility means that the total
utility increases but at a decreasing rate.
The law is based upon the fact that the total wants of humans are
virtually unlimited, each single want is satiable. Therefore, as an individual
consumes more and more units of goods, the intensity of his want for that
goods declines, to the point that he no longer wants to consume more
goods. When the saturation point is reached, the marginal utility of goods
becomes zero. The zero marginal utility of goods implies that the individual
has reached his/her satisfaction.
Cups of Milk Tea Total Utility Marginal utility
Consumption per day
1 12 12
2 22 10
3 30 8
4 36 6
5 40 4
6 41 1
8 34 -5 Directions: As a student-consumer, explain your importance to the
Table 1. Hypothetical Utility Schedule for Milk tea businesses.
1. _______________________________________
Consider Table 1 in which we have presented the total and marginal 2. _______________________________________
utilities derived by a person who consumes milk tea per day. When one cup 3. _______________________________________
of milk tea is taken per day, the total utility derived is 12 units. And because 4. _______________________________________
this is the first cup its marginal utility is also 12 utils. With the consumption of 5. _______________________________________
2nd cup per day, the total utility rises to 22 but the marginal utility falls to 10
utils. It will be seen from the table that as the consumption of milk tea
increases to six cups per day, the marginal utility from the additional cups ACTIVITY 2: BUSINESS TOOL
diminishes (the total utility is increasing at a diminishing rate). Directions: To summarize what you have learned in the lesson, answer the
However, when the cups of tea consumed per day increased to 7, following questions:
then instead of giving positive marginal utility, the 7th cup gives negative 1. What is consumer theory?
marginal utility which is equal to -2. Too many cups of milk tea consumed 2. What are the factors affecting business and industry in terms of
per day (say more than six for an individual) can cause acidity and gas consumers?
trouble. Thus, the extra cups of milk tea beyond 6 cups to a person gives 3. What is the importance of consumer behavior in business?
him disutility, instead of positive satisfaction.

Applied Economics – Quarter 4 7

ACTIVITY 3: TRUE OR FALSE known as Keynesian Economics. This theory states that the government
can influence macroeconomic productivity levels by increasing or
Directions: Read each statement carefully. Write T if the statement is decreasing the tax levels and public spending. This can influence the curbs
correct, otherwise write F. of inflation, increases employment, and maintains a healthy value of money.
________ 1. The law of diminishing marginal utility means that the total Fiscal policy plays a very important role in managing the country’s economy.
utility increases but at a decreasing rate. The enactment of Tax Reform for Acceleration and Inclusion
________ 2. Total Utility is defined as the sum of the satisfaction that a (TRAIN) is one of the examples of fiscal policy. The TRAIN Law aims to
person can receive from the consumption of all units of a make the country’s tax system simpler, fairer, and more efficient to promote
specific product. investments, create jobs, and reduce poverty. The reform includes
________ 3. Consumers lose satisfaction in a product the more they amendments on the personal income tax, passive income for both
consume it. individuals and corporations, estate tax, donor’s tax, value-added tax (VAT),
________ 4. People are seldom satisfied with one trip to the shops and excise tax, documentary stamp tax, and tax administration, among others.
always want to consume more. The idea is to find a balance between tax rates and public spending.
________ 5. Utility function shows how individuals make choices, subject to For example, stimulating a stagnant economy by increasing spending or
how much income they have available to spend, and the prices lowering taxes, also known as expansionary fiscal policy, runs the risk of
of goods and services. causing inflation to rise. This is because an increase in the amount of
money in the economy, followed by an increase in consumer demand, will
result in a decrease in the value of money. It means that it would take more
money to buy something that has not changed in value.
Let's say an economy has slowed down, the unemployment levels
are up, the consumer spending is down, and the businesses are not making
substantial profits. The government may decide to fuel the economy's
engine by decreasing taxation, which signals the consumers to spend more
while the government increases also their spending in the form of buying
QUARTER 4 – WEEK 1 services from the market such as building roads or schools. By paying for


such services, the government creates jobs and wages that LESSON are in turn pumped into the economy. Pumping
BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY: GOVERNMENT money into the economy by decreasing taxes and increasing government
spending is known as pump priming.
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
With more money in the economy and fewer taxes to pay, consumer
1. Discuss the government policies; demand for goods and services increases. This, in turn, rekindles
2. Identify the various socioeconomic factors affecting business and industry in terms of government businesses and turns the cycle from stagnant to active. If there are no reins
policies; and
3. Explain the importance of government policies in the busines on this process, the increase in economic productivity can cross over a very
fine line and lead to too much money in the market. This excess in supply
Since the country runs a mixed economy, government intervention decreases the value of money while pushing up prices (because of the
is needed to achieve the economic goals. The government uses two tools in increase in demand for consumer products). Hence, inflation exceeds the
addressing the economic and social problems in the country, these are reasonable level. For this reason, fine-tuning the economy through fiscal
monetary and fiscal policy. Monetary policy refers to the actions of central policy alone can be a difficult, if not improbable, means to reach economic
banks to achieve macroeconomic policy objectives such as price stability, goals.
full employment, and stable economic growth. Fiscal policy refers to the tax
and spending policies of the government. Fiscal policy decisions are Monetary Policy
determined by the Congress and the Administration; the Banko Sentral ng Monetary policy refers to the actions undertaken by a nation's
Pilipinas plays no role in determining fiscal policy. central bank to control the money supply to achieve macroeconomic goals
that promote sustainable economic growth. Monetary policy consists of the
FISCAL POLICY process of drafting, announcing, and implementing the plan of actions taken
Fiscal policy is a tool by which a government adjusts its spending by the central bank, currency board, or other competent monetary authority
levels and tax rates to monitor and influence the nation's economy. Fiscal of a country that controls the quantity of money in an economy and the
policy is based on the theories of British economist John Maynard Keynes, channels by which new money is supplied. Monetary policy consists of
Applied Economics – Quarter 4 8
management of money supply and interest rates, aimed at achieving boost consumer spending through lower interest rates that make borrowing
macroeconomic objectives such as controlling inflation, consumption, cheaper on everything from credit cards to mortgages. It also helps
growth, and liquidity. These are achieved by actions such as modifying the businesses to lend money for business expansion or additional capital for
interest rate, buying or selling government bonds, regulating foreign business operations.
exchange rates, and changing the amount of money in the banks are
required to maintain as reserves.
Economists, analysts, investors, and financial experts across the ACTIVITY 1: IDENTIFICATION
globe eagerly await the monetary policy reports and outcome of the Directions: Identify the appropriate government policy should implement in
meetings involving monetary policy decision-making. Such developments each economic situation below and discuss its possible effects or results.
have a long-lasting impact on the overall economy, as well as on specific Possible Effects
industry sector or market. Economic Situation Government Policy
or Results
Monetary policy is formulated based on the inputs gathered from
1. Business closure due
various sources. For instance, the monetary authority may look at
to Covid-19
macroeconomic numbers like GDP and inflation, industry/sector-specific
2. Strengthening the
growth rates and associated figures, geopolitical developments in the
international markets (like oil embargo or trade tariffs), concerns raised by
3. Maintain the prices of
groups representing industries and businesses, survey results from
medical supplies and
organizations of repute, and inputs from the government and other credible
equipment related to
Broadly speaking, monetary policies can be categorized as
expansionary or contractionary. If a country is facing a high unemployment 4. Many people were
rate during a slowdown or a recession, the monetary authority can opt for an jobless due to
expansionary policy aimed to increase economic performance and pandemic.
expanding economic activity. As a part of expansionary monetary policy, the
monetary authority often lowers the interest rates through various measures
that make money-saving relatively unfavorable and promotes spending. It ACTIVITY 2: Q and A
leads to increased money supply in the market, with the hope Directions: To summarize what you have learned in the lesson, answer the of boosting investment and consumer spending. following questions.
Lower interest rates mean that businesses and individuals can take loans on 1. What are the government policies?
convenient terms to expand productive activities and spend more on big- 2. What are the factors affecting business and industry in terms of
ticket consumer goods. An example of this expansionary approach is low to government policies?
zero interest rates maintained by many leading economies across the globe 3. What are the importance of government policies in business?
since the 2008 financial crisis.
However, the increased money supply can lead to higher inflation,
raising the cost of living and the cost of doing business. Contractionary
monetary policy, by increasing interest rates and slowing the growth of the Directions: Read each statement carefully. Write T if the statement is
money supply, aims to bring down inflation. This can slow economic growth correct, otherwise write F.
and increase unemployment but is often required to tame inflation. _____ 1. The idea is to find a balance between tax rates and public spending
2. The policy is to build a new bridge so it will give work and more
Significance of the Government Policies in Business and Industry income to hundreds of construction workers.
Both fiscal and monetary policy plays a large role in managing the _____ 3. Lower interest rates mean that businesses and individuals can take
economy and both have direct and indirect impacts on household finances loans on convenient terms to expand productive activities and
and business operation. Fiscal policy involves tax and spending decisions spend more on big-ticket consumer goods.
set by the government and will impact individuals and businesses. If the _____ 4. When a government decides to adjust its spending, its policy may
government wants to spend more, they will hire people and also tap affect only a specific group of people.
businesses to carry out the projects. Moreover, if the government spends _____ 5. Buying and selling of short term bonds on the open market.
more on infrastructure, specifically in paving roads, transportation of goods
can be fast and on time. Monetary policy is set by the central bank and can
Applied Economics – Quarter 4 9
""Your Smile Is Your Logo...": Motivational Quotes for Employees, Retail Quotes, Quotes." Pinterest. Accessed
August 16, 2020.
"Economies of Scale - Definition, Types, Effects of Economies of Scale." Corporate Finance Institute. November 18,
2019. Accessed August 15, 2020
YOUR TARGET COMPETENCIES /economies-of-scale/.
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to: "Environmental Scanning: Explanation, Components and Factors." Toppr. December 09, 2019. Accessed August 13,
1. Define service business; 2020.
2. Understand the importance of the service industry on the economy; and scanning/.
3. Apply business principles, tools, and techniques in the service business
Academy, Professional. "Marketing Theories – PESTEL Analysis." Professional Academy. Accessed August 13,
SERVICE BUSINESS Bloomenthal, Andrew. "Cashing in on Customers." Investopedia. February 05, 2020. Accessed August 13, 2020.
A service business is a company that provides professional support Chappelow, Jim. "Porter's 5 Forces." Investopedia. August 05, 2020. Accessed August 13, 2020.
to its clients. From a business standpoint, service businesses are those that
provide an activity or work with a commercial purpose. This kind of business Dinio, R. and Villalis, G. Applied Economics. Rex Book Store, Inc. Sampaloc, Manila, 2017.
For Establishments with Total Employment of 20 and Over: Preliminary Results. Philippine Statistics Authority.
Accessed August 16, 2020.
ACTIVITY 1: TRUE OR FALSE Government of the Philippines. 2017 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry (ASPBI) - Manufacturing
Sector: Final Results. Philippine Statistics Authority. Accessed August 15, 2020.
Directions: Read each statement carefully. Write T if the statement is
correct, otherwise write F. Government of the Philippines. 2017 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry (ASPBI) - Wholesale and
Retail Trade; Repair of Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles Sector for All Establishments: Final Results.
_____ 1. Social services include services in the sector of education, Philippine Statistics Authority. Accessed August 16, 2020. annual-
sanitation, medical facilities, housing, etc. survey-philippine-business-and-industry-aspbi-wholesale-and-retailtrade-0
_____ 2. Service businesses are also known as tertiary industry or sector. Government of the Philippines. 2017 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry (ASPBI) - Professional,
Scientific, and Technical Activities Sector For All Establishments: Final Results. Philippine Statistics
_____ 3. A total of 6,663 establishments in the formal sector of the economy Authority. Accessed August 16, 2020.
were engaged in human health and social work activities in 2016. businessand-industry-aspbi-professional-scientific-and-0
_____ 4. Personal services indclude catering, hotel and accommodation, Government of the Philippines. 2017 Annual Survey of Philippine Business and Industry (ASPBI) - Administrative and
Support Service Activities Sector
medicine, beauty clinic and spa, and any kind of artistic endeavor. Government of the Philippines. National Accounts. Philippine Statistics Authority. Accessed August 15, 2020.
_____ 5. A service business is a company that provides merchandise to its
customers. Grant, Mitchell. "How SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat) Analysis Works." Investopedia. March
02, 2020. Accessed August 13, 2020.
Lydia Sweatt Https:// "SUCCESS." SUCCESS. July 31, 2018. Accessed
August 13, 2020.
ACTIVITY 2: Q and A Macalinao, Eloisa M. Applied Economics. E-Book Publishing, Metro Manila. 2016.
Team, SucccessToro, and Elizabeth Jackson. "18 Powerful 'Surround Yourself With People Who' Quotes -
Directions: To summarize what you have learned in the lesson, answer the SuccessToro." Success Toro - Your Guide to Success. May 04, 2020. Accessed August 13, 2020.
following questions.
1. What is a service business?
2. What is the importance of the retail trade industry on the economy?

Direction: Enumerate and discuss the typical types of retail trade business.
1. _______________________________________________________.
2. _______________________________________________________.
3. _______________________________________________________.
4. _______________________________________________________.

Applied Economics – Quarter 4 10

Lesson 1

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
1. Identify the factors that affect Consumer Buying Behavior and the types of Buying
2. Differentiate the Buying Behavior and Decision Making of Individual Household

Customer versus the Business (Organizational) Customer.
3. Appreciate the importance of differentiating the Buying Behavior and Decision

Making of Individual Household Customer versus the Business (Organizational)


Consumer Buying Behavior refers to the actions taken (both on
and offline) by consumers before buying a product or service. This process
may include consulting search engines, engaging with social media posts,
or a variety of other actions. It is valuable for businesses to understand this
process because it helps businesses better tailor their marketing initiatives
to the marketing efforts that have successfully influenced consumers to buy
in the past (DJ Team 2020).
Retailers spend billions of dollars every year trying to generate that
feeling in their customers. Web campaigns, video and print ads, social
media campaigns, and branding seem to converge as the consumer finally
feels a connection to a product and makes a purchase. So, what drives that
behavior? And how do you capture and then replicate that lightning-in-a-
bottle moment when a potential customer turns into a buyer?


1. Cultural Factors -Culture is not always defined by a person's
nationality. It can also be defined by their associations, their religious
beliefs or even their location.
2. Social Factors -Elements in a person's environment that impact the
way they see products.
3. Personal Factors -These may include someone's age, marital status,
QUARTER 4 (WEEK 1 – 6) budget, personal beliefs, values, and morals.
4. Psychological Factors -A person's state of mind when they are
approached with a product will often determine how they feel not only
about the item itself but the brand as a whole (DJ Team 2020).


1. The Analytical Buyer -Motivated by logic and information, this buyer
will look at all the data on competing brands and products before
making an informed decision.

Principles of Marketing – Quarter 4 1

2. The Amiable Buyer -Warm and friendly, this buyer just wants Influencing Factors and Motivations
everyone to be happy. That is why they are often paralyzed by big The influences on consumer buying behavior include basic needs,
decisions when there is the perception of a win/lose outcome. membership in groups, family requirements, occupation, age, economic
3. The Driver Buyer -Drivers are most concerned with how others view situation and lifestyle choices. The psychological influences include
them and whether they follow. The trendsetters, Drivers are most perception of certain products and brands, beliefs and attitudes. Influences
concerned with their appearance rather than the relationships that are on business buying behavior include environmental and organizational
formed during a transaction. factors. Competitive pressures, technological evolution and changing
4. The Expressive Buyer -Relationships are key to the Expressive macroeconomic conditions are some of the environmental influences, while
Buyer. They cannot stand feeling isolated or ignored during a corporate objectives, policies and procedures are some of the organizational
transaction. Instead, they want to feel like your most important asset. factors.
Most people will find they are a combination of these types of consumer’s The Buying Process
buying behavior (DJ Team 2020). The consumer buying process consists of five stages: need
Organizational Buyer Behavior recognition, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase
The behavior of an organization shown in buying goods or services decision and post-purchase outcomes. Marketing stimuli can generate need,
is called organizational buying behavior. The organizations buy goods or which leads to a search for information from different sources. Consumers
services for business use, resale, produce other goods or provide services. evaluate alternative products based on brand name, features, quality and
Business and industrial organizations buy goods to use in business or price. Possible post-purchase outcomes include delight, satisfaction and
produce other goods. Resellers buy goods for reselling them at profitable dissatisfaction. Critical success factors in the consumer market include
price. quality, value and customer service.
The business buying process also starts with need recognition,
Consumer Buying Behavior Vs. Business Buying Behavior followed by development of product specifications. The company prepares a
Buying behavior varies greatly between consumers and businesses. request for proposal to elicit expressions of interest or bids from potential
That's because while consumers purchase goods and services for personal suppliers. It selects one or more suppliers, issues purchase orders and
use, businesses buy these things either to manufacture other goods or to monitors the quality of the products supplied. Critical success factors in the
resell them to other businesses or consumers. The participants, business market include customization capabilities, quality, performance,
characteristics, influences and the buying process are different for both ease of use and personal relationships (Basu, C. 2018).
The Number of Participants
Consumer buying is usually limited to one or two participants, ACTIVITY 1
including the final user of the product. For example, one person is usually Direction: Answer the following questions and write your responses on a
involved in buying groceries and basic home supplies. Business buying yellow sheet of paper.
usually involves multiple participants, such as the final users of the product, 1. What is Consumer Buying Behavior?
influencers who establish the need for certain products, gatekeepers who 2. What is Organizational Buyer Behavior?
screen potential suppliers and purchasing managers and senior 3. Name the four (4) factors that affect Consumer Buying Behavior.
management who approve the funds for the purchases. 4. Enumerate the four (4) Types of buyer.
Differing Behavioral Characteristics
The consumer market consists of thousands of customers located in ACTIVITY 2
different geographies and with different buying habits. However, their needs Directions: Read each item carefully. Write TRUE if the statement is true
are usually the same for a particular product — for example, everybody and write FALSE if the statement is false. Write your answers on a yellow
uses washing machines in the same way. The business market usually sheet of paper.
consists of a few large buyers who are often concentrated in specific 1. Expensive buyers are those who cannot stand alone or ignored during
geographic markets. Businesses generally form close and long-term a transaction, instead they want to feel like your most important asset.
relationships with their suppliers. Different businesses might use the same 2. The behavior of an organization are shown in buying goods or
product differently. For example, a retail business might install computers to 3. services.
track its inventory, while a technology company might use them for product 4. Marketers of different brands also think of ways to show how their
research. 5. products would satisfy the needs or wants of their customers.
Principles of Marketing – Quarter 4 2
6. Consumer buying behavior refers to the actions taken (both on 8. Buyers who cannot stand feeling isolated or ignored during a
7. and offline) by consumers before buying a product or services. transaction. Instead, they want to feel like your most important asset.
8. Personal factors are exclusive to individual alone, such as age, 9. Refers to the actions taken (both on and offline) by consumers before
9. lifestyle, occupation, civil status, and personality. buying a product or service
10. A man with a low social status, most likely has a small income and 10. The behavior of an organization shown in buying goods or services.
11. able to afford a car or a house of his own.
12. Social status is often based on how much the individual can earn and
13. Psychological factors are those which are associated with the human
mind and behavior.
14. Decision-making in business markets involve large groups of people
since purchases tend to be expensive or large in quantity.
15. Consumer buying behavior is influenced by cultural, social, personal
and psychological factors.

Directions: Identify what is asked in each item. Choices are found inside
the box. Write only the letter of the correct answer in your notebook/answer
A. Cultural Factor G. Amiable Buyer
B. Driver Buyer H. Social Factor
C. Personal Factor I. Psychological Factor
D. Analytical Buyer J. Expressive Buyer
E. Psychotic Buyer K. Expressive Buyer
F. Consumer Buying Behavior L. Organizational Buying Behavior
1. This factor is not always defined by a person's nationality. It can also
be defined by their associations, their religious beliefs or even their
2. These are elements in a person's environment that impact the way
they see products.
3. These may include someone's age, marital status, budget, personal
beliefs, values, and morals.
4. A person's state of mind when they are approached with a product will
often determine how they feel not only about the item itself but the
brand as a whole.
5. Type of buyer who is motivated by logic and information, this buyer
will look at all the data on competing brands and products before
making an informed decision.
6. Warm and friendly, this buyer just wants everyone to be happy. That
is why they are often paralyzed by big decisions when there is the
perception of a win/lose outcome.
7. Buyers who are most concerned with how others view them and
whether they follow. The trendsetters, Drivers are most concerned
with their appearance rather than the relationships that are formed
during a transaction.

Principles of Marketing – Quarter 4 3

QUARTER 4 – WEEK 3-4 Table 5.1 “Common Ways of Segmenting Buyers” shows some of the
different types of buyer characteristics used to segment markets. Notice that
Lesson 2 the characteristics fall into one of four segmentation
HOW MARKETS ARE SEGMENTED categories: behavioral, demographic, geographic, or psychographic. We’ll
discuss each of these categories in a moment. For now, you can get a
YOUR TARGET COMPETENCIES rough idea of what the categories consist of by looking at them in terms of
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to: how marketing professionals might answer the following questions:
1. Understand and outline the ways in which markets are segmented.
2. Explain why marketers use some segmentation bases versus others.
● Behavioral segmentation. What benefits do customers want, and
how do they use our product?
● Demographic segmentation. How do the ages, races, and ethnic
Sellers can choose to pursue consumer markets, business-to- backgrounds of our customers affect what they buy?
business (B2B) markets, or both. Consequently, one obvious way to begin ● Geographic segmentation. Where are our customers located, and
the segmentation process is to segment markets into these two types of how can we reach them? What products do they buy based on their
groups. locations?
Different factors influence consumers to buy certain things. Many of ● Psychographic segmentation. What do our customers think about
the same factors can also be used to segment customers. A firm will often and value? How do they live their lives?
use multiple segmentation bases, or criteria to classify buyers, to get a fuller
picture of its customers and create real value for them. Each variable adds a Segmenting by Behavior
layer of information. Think of it as being similar to the way in which your Behavioral segmentation divides people and organization into
professor builds up information on a PowerPoint slide to the point at which groups according to how they behave with or act toward products. Benefits
you are able to understand the material being presented. segmentation—segmenting buyers by the benefits they want from
There are all kinds of characteristics you can use to slice and dice a products—is very common.
market. “Big-and-tall” stores cater to the segment of population that’s larger Segmenting by Demographics
sized. What about people with wide or narrow feet, or people with medical Segmenting buyers by personal characteristics such as age,
conditions, or certain hobbies? Next, we look primarily at the ways in which income, ethnicity and nationality, education, occupation, religion, social
consumer markets can be segmented. Later in the chapter, we’ll look at the class, and family size is called demographic segmentation. Demographics
ways in which B2B markets can be segmented. are commonly utilized to segment markets because demographic
information is publicly available in databases around the world.
By By Segmenting by Geography
By Behavior By Geography Before you open the store, you will probably want to do some
Demographics Psychographics
- Benefits sought research to determine which geographical areas have the best potential.
from the product Geographic segmentation divides the market into areas based on location
- How often the and explains why the checkout clerks at stores sometimes ask for your zip
- Age/generation
product is used
- Income - Region code. It’s also why businesses print codes on coupons that correspond to
(usage rate) zip codes. When the coupons are redeemed, the store can find out where its
- Gender (continent,
- Usage situation - Activities customers are located—or not located. Geocoding is a process that takes
- Family life cycle country, state,
(daily use, - Interests
- Ethnicity neighborhood) data such as this and plots it on a map. Geocoding can help businesses see
holiday use, - Opinions
- Family size - Size of city or
- Values
where prospective customers might be clustered and target them with
- Occupation town various ad campaigns, including direct mail. Combining both demographic
- Buyer’s status - Attitudes
- Education - Population and geographic information is referred to as geodemographics or
and loyalty to - Lifestyles
- Nationality density neighborhood geography. The idea is that housing areas in different zip
- Religion - Climate
(nonuser, codes typically attract certain types of buyers with certain income levels.
- Social class
potential user,
first-time users, Segmenting by Psychographics
regular user) If your offering fulfills the needs of a specific demographic group,
Table 5.1 Common Ways of Segmenting Buyers then the demographic can be an important basis for identifying groups of
consumers interested in your product. What if your product crosses several
market segments? For example, the group of potential consumers for cereal
Principles of Marketing – Quarter 4 4
could be “almost” everyone although groups of people may have different to their peers. Because of their busy lives, they are often interested in a
needs with regard to their cereal. Some consumers might be interested in variety of timesaving devices.
the fiber, some consumers (especially children) may be interested in the ● Experiencers. Experiencers are motivated by self-expression. As
prize that comes in the box, other consumers may be interested in the young, enthusiastic, and impulsive consumers, Experiencers quickly
added vitamins, and still other consumers may be interested in the type of become enthusiastic about new possibilities but are equally quick to
grains. Associating these specific needs with consumers in a particular cool. They seek variety and excitement, savoring the new, the offbeat,
demographic group could be difficult. Marketing professionals want to and the risky. Their energy finds an outlet in exercise, sports, outdoor
know why consumers behave the way they do, what is of high priority to recreation, and social activities. Experiencers are avid consumers and
them, or how they rank the importance of specific buying criteria. Think spend a comparatively high proportion of their income on fashion,
about some of your friends who seem a lot like you. Have you ever gone to entertainment, and socializing. Their purchases reflect the emphasis
their homes and been shocked by their lifestyles and how vastly different they place on looking good and having “cool” stuff.
they are from yours? Why are their families so much different from yours? ● Believers. Like Thinkers, Believers are motivated by ideals. They are
Psychographic segmentation can help fill in some of the blanks. conservative, conventional people with concrete beliefs based on
Psychographic information is frequently gathered via extensive surveys that traditional, established codes: family, religion, community, and the
ask people about their activities, interests, opinion, attitudes, values, and nation. Many Believers express moral codes that are deeply rooted and
lifestyles. Consumers were divided up into the following categories, each literally interpreted. They follow established routines, organized in large
characterized by certain buying behaviors. part around home, family, community, and social or religious
● Innovators. Innovators are successful, sophisticated, take-charge organizations to which they belong. As consumers, Believers are
people with high self-esteem. Because they have such abundant predictable; they choose familiar products and established brands.
resources, they exhibit all three primary motivations in varying degrees. They favor American products and are generally loyal customers.
They are change leaders and are the most receptive to new ideas and ● Strivers. Strivers are trendy and fun loving. Because they are
technologies. Innovators are very active consumers, and their motivated by achievement, Strivers are concerned about the opinions
purchases reflect cultivated tastes for upscale, niche products and and approval of others. Money defines success for Strivers, who don’t
services. Image is important to Innovators, not as evidence of status or have enough of it to meet their desires. They favor stylish products that
power but as an expression of their taste, independence, and emulate the purchases of people with greater material wealth. Many
personality. Innovators are among the established and emerging see themselves as having a job rather than a career, and a lack of
leaders in business and government, yet they continue to seek skills and focus often prevents them from moving ahead. Strivers are
challenges. Their lives are characterized by variety. Their possessions active consumers because shopping is both a social activity and an
and recreation reflect a cultivated taste for the finer things in life. opportunity to demonstrate to peers their ability to buy. As consumers,
● Thinkers. Thinkers are motivated by ideals. They are mature, satisfied, they are as impulsive as their financial circumstance will allow.
comfortable, and reflective people who value order, knowledge, and ● Makers. Like Experiencers, Makers are motivated by self-expression.
responsibility. They tend to be well educated and actively seek out They express themselves and experience the world by working on it—
information in the decision-making process. They are well informed building a house, raising children, fixing a car, or canning vegetables—
about world and national events and are alert to opportunities to and have enough skill and energy to carry out their projects
broaden their knowledge. Thinkers have a moderate respect for the successfully. Makers are practical people who have constructive skills
status quo institutions of authority and social decorum but are open to and value self-sufficiency. They live within a traditional context of
consider new ideas. Although their incomes allow them many choices, family, practical work, and physical recreation and have little interest in
Thinkers are conservative, practical consumers; they look for durability, what lies outside that context. Makers are suspicious of new ideas and
functionality, and value in the products they buy. large institutions such as big business. They are respectful of
● Achievers. Motivated by the desire for achievement, Achievers have government authority and organized labor but resentful of government
goal-oriented lifestyles and a deep commitment to career and family. intrusion on individual rights. They are unimpressed by material
Their social lives reflect this focus and are structured around family, possessions other than those with a practical or functional purpose.
their place of worship, and work. Achievers live conventional lives, are Because they prefer value to luxury, they buy basic products.
politically conservative, and respect authority and the status quo. They ● Survivors. Survivors live narrowly focused lives. With few resources
value consensus, predictability, and stability over risk, intimacy, and with which to cope, they often believe that the world is changing too
self-discovery. With many wants and needs, Achievers are active in the quickly. They are comfortable with the familiar and are primarily
consumer marketplace. Image is important to Achievers; they favor concerned with safety and security. Because they must focus on
established, prestige products and services that demonstrate success meeting needs rather than fulfilling desires, Survivors do not show a
Principles of Marketing – Quarter 4 5
strong primary motivation. Survivors are cautious consumers. They ___________ 1. A kind of consumer who live narrowly focused lives.
represent a very modest market for most products and services. They ___________ 2. It is frequently gathered via extensive surveys that ask
are loyal to favorite brands, especially if they can purchase them at a people about their activities, interests, opinion,
discount. attitudes, values, and lifestyles.
Segmentation in B2B Markets ___________ 3. This kind of consumer are motivated by ideals.
Many of the same bases used to segment consumer markets are ___________ 4. A kind of consumer who have goal-oriented lifestyles
also used to segment B2B markets. For example, Goya Foods is a U.S. and a deep commitment to career and family.
food company that sells different ethnic products to grocery stores, ___________ 5. They are motivated by self-expression
depending on the demographic groups the stores serve—Hispanic,
Mexican, or Spanish. Likewise, B2B sellers often divide their customers by ___________ 6. They are very active consumers, and their purchases
geographic areas and tailor their products to them accordingly. Segmenting reflect cultivated tastes for upscale, niche products
by behavior is common as well. B2B sellers frequently divide their and services
customers based on their product usage rates. Customers that order many ___________ 7. These consumers express themselves and experience
goods and services from a seller often receive special deals and are served the world by working on it
by salespeople who call on them in person. By contrast, smaller customers
are more likely to have to rely on a firm’s Web site, customer service people,
___________ 8. It is a process that takes data such as this and plots it
on a map.
and salespeople who call on them by telephone.
According to Harrison, Hague, and Hague, the behavioral, or needs- ___________ 9. Combining both demographic and geographic
based, segments in B2B markets include the following: information
● A price-focused segment is composed of small companies that have ___________ 10. Segmenting buyers by the benefits they want from
low profit margins and regard the good or service being sold as not products
being strategically important to their operations.
● A quality and brand-focused segment is composed of firms that
want the best possible products and are prepared to pay for them.
● A service-focused segment is composed of firms that demand high-
quality products and have top-notch delivery and service requirements.
● A partnership-focused segment is composed of firms that seek trust
and reliability on the part of their suppliers and see them as strategic
partners (Harrison, et. al., 2010).

Write your answers in a yellow sheet of paper.
● In your own words, differentiate the types of segmentation bases.
● Choose two (2) kinds of consumer and explain them in your own

Directions: Choose the answer from the following terms/concepts inside
the box. Write the letter of the correct answer on the space provided before
each number.
A. Psychographic information F. Innovators
B. Achievers G. Experiencers
C. Thinkers H. Survivors
D. Makers I. Geodemographics
E. Geocoding J. Benefits Segmentation
Principles of Marketing – Quarter 4 6
QUARTER 3 – WEEK 5-6 The Flow Model of the Marketing Planning Procedure

Lesson 4


By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
1. To know the Importance of Marketing Plan and Planning
2. Discuss the Planning Process
3. Identify what is Marketing Control


Planning is useful in the performance of the various activities of the The marketing plan is a written statement identifying the target
manager especially marketing managers. As the manager must plan, direct market, specific marketing goals of the firm, the budget and timing for the
and control, he must do them in succession and not simultaneously. marketing program.
Managers make decision to solve problems which consist of two
types: (1) those that can be anticipated and (2) those that come out The Contents of the Marketing Plan
nowhere. The problem solving approach is the concern of planning and a In general marketing plans must, at least, contain the following
number of this type of difficulties is partly solved by the marketing plan. 1. Market review ( or situational analysis);
2. Problems and opportunities;
What is Planning? 3. Marketing objectives; and
Planning in general, refers to the selection and sequential ordering 4. Marketing strategy
of tasks that are required to achieve an organizational goal. It is the process
of determining department (or unit) objectives and selecting a future courses Market Review
of action to accomplish them The market review section presents development in the market
especially those related to the past year.
Depending on the nature of the company and its product the
THE PLANNING PROCESS following will have to be included in the market review section:
The typical planning cycle has five phases. They are the following: 1. A detailed description of the market including forecast of the market
1. Establishment of objectives or goals growth;
2. Development of premises 2. The competitive position of the company;
3. Decision making 3. A detailed description of the consumers including buying habits and
4. Implementation of the chosen course of action; and preferences.
5. Evaluation of result 4. A description of dealers, distributors and brokers;
5. Advertising, history of the company’s brand and the competition; and
MARKETING PLANNING Sales promotion activities of the company and the competition
Marketing planning as distinguished from the overall company Problems and Opportunities
planning as well as planning in the other functional areas, deals with the The market review section once finished will provide clues to the marketing
development of alternative’s program within the scope of the firms product/ problems and opportunities.
market mix. It seeks to provide the following types of information. This section is subdivided into the following parts:
1. A product portfolio; and 1. Marketing problems that need to be corrected
2. The perspectives of different products/ markets included in the 2. Marketing opportunities that can be exploited; and
portfolio. 3. Conclusions.
One of the goals of marketing planning is “the production of the marketing
Marketing Objectives
This section indicates what the firm hopes to achieve in the light of
problems and opportunities presented in the preceding section.
Principles of Marketing – Quarter 4 7
Marketing Strategy is a statement that indicates where the major resources Attitude Tracking
of the company should be directed in order to achieve the objectives. The attitude of customer comprises a very important concern for the
company. If there is an unfavorable change, or even a tendency, it may
What is Marketing Control
seriously affect the marketing performance of the firm.
A marketing plan is expected to be implemented and there is a need
to monitor progress from time to time. Effective monitoring, which is part of Marketing Audit
the control system can identify deficiencies and deviations and this will pave The marketing audit must include an investigation of six separate
the way for corrective action. components which are follows:
The Marketing Control Process 1. Marketing environment
The marketing control process consists of the following steps 2. Marketing Strategy
1. Setting standard; 2. Marketing Organization
2. Measuring performance and reporting deviations; 3. Marketing Systems
3. Doing causal analysis to determine why deviations have 4. Marketing Productivity
occurred; and 5. Marketing Function
4. Taking corrective action.
Setting Standards ACTIVITY 1
Standards are those by which marketing performance will be Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong.
measured. The standard refers to the value used as a point of references for
_______ 1. Marketing goals are best if they are general.
comparing other values such as those that have been achieved by the
_______ 2. Marketing plans are never used to obtain funding from outside
marketing department.
Causal Analysis _______ 3. Marketing plans make it more difficult for a company to track its
These are times when deviations from the planned result occur. progress.
Corrective action _______ 4. Marketing plans formats very from business to business.
_______ 5. The executive summary is the shortest and least important part
Deviations from standard have the potential of causing increasing
of the marketing plan.
damage to the firm as long as they are not corrected.
_______ 6. The situation analysis is often summarizes with a SWOT chart.
Approaches to Marketing Control _______ 7. Every marketing plan must include a section on desired target
There are several approaches to marketing control. These are as follows. market.
1. Sales analysis _______ 8. Marketing strategies and objectives take up very little space in
2. Market share analysis the marketing plan.
2. Sales to expense ratios _______ 9. Marketing plans detailed expected expenses and profits.
3. Attitude tracking _______ 10. An appendix is a place for marketing teams member to include
4. Profitability analysis by product, territory, market segment, trade personal biographies and pictures.
channel, and order size; and
5. Marketing audit
Sales Analysis refers to a detailed breakdown of the company’s sales
record. The actual sales performance is compared with the target sales. Directions: Write the correct letter of the best answer in the space provided.
a. Marketing process g. marketing strategy
Market Share Analysis b. Marketing h. strategic planning
A useful analytical tool to measure competitive performance in c. Customer targets i. marketing review
marketing is market share analysis. A company’s share of the market d. Marketing planning j. marketing analysis
indicates how strong the company is when compared with competitors. e. Marketing control k. market
Sales to Expense Analysis f. Strategic objective
A certain percentage of expense over sales is usually maintained by _____ 1. The process of monitoring the proposed plans.
the firm. If this ration goes up compared with the previous years, it could be _____ 2. A place where similar products grouped together.
an indication of a need for corrective action. _____ 3. It involves setting objective, designing and implementing a
program to achieve the organizations objectives.
Principles of Marketing – Quarter 4 8
_____ 4. A choice and a statement of priority for the enterprise. 8. All of these are pitfalls an organization should avoid in strategic planning
_____ 5. Market segment are based in product or customer characteristics. except.
_____ 6. It consists of specific strategies for target markets. a. Failing to involve key employees in all phases of planning
_____ 7. The process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit. b. Hastily moving from mission development to strategy formulation
_____ 8. Is a form of communicating or promoting the value of a product. c. Using plans as a standard for measuring performance
_____ 9. It is a simplifies assessment of your activities. d. Using strategic planning to gain control over decisions and
_____ 10. A series of steps that allow organizations to identify customer
problem. Analyze market opportunities.
9. The two most critical questions that strategy must address are how a
company will achieve its objectives today, when other firms may be
ACTIVITY 3 computing to satisfy the same customers’ needs and how the firm plans
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter that to compete in the future
correspond to your answer on a separate sheet of paper. a. Business c. Corporate
1. This is a total evaluation program for marketing effort. b. Functional d. operational
a. Marketing Audit c. Marketing Function 10. Which of the following statements regarding strategy formulation and
b. Marketing Organization d. Marketing Strategy strategy implementation is the most accurate?
2. The “advance work” in the strategic management process is comprised of a. Neither strategy formulation, non-strategy implementation can
a. Strategic analysis c. Strategy formulation success without the other.
b. Strategy implementation d. Strategic posturing b. Neither strategy formulation, nor strategy implantation can have a
3. Which of these requires a firm to establish annual objectives, devise, significant impact on firm performance.
policies and allocate resources? c. Strategy formulation is more important that strategy implementation
a. Strategy evaluation c. Strategy formulation d. Strategy implementation is more important than strategy formulation
b. Strategy implementation d. Strategy manipulation
4. The term _____ is used to refer to strategy formulation, implementation
and evaluation with _____ reffering only to strategy formulation.
a. Assessment, Planning
b. Management Cycle; brainstorming
c. Strategic management; strategic planning Principles of Marketing – Open Textbook (
d. Strategic planning ; strategic management Principles of Marketing Module 1-12 Marketing Planning Control - Senior
5. It refers to the selection and sequential ordering of task that are required High School Principles of - Studocu
to achieve an organizational goal.
a. Market review c. Marketing Strategy
b. Planning d. Sales Analysis
6. 6._____ are the individuals who are most responsible for the success or
failure of an organization.
a. Consultants c. Ethics officers
b. Operatives d. strategies
7. A marketing department that promises delivery quicker than the
production department ability to produce is an example of a lack of
understanding of the
a. interrelationship among functional areas and firm strategies
b. need to maintain the reputation of the company
c. organizational culture and leadership
d. synergy of the business units

Principles of Marketing – Quarter 4 9

Lesson 1.2



By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
1. Define the different belief systems
2. Discuss the five major world religions as organized systems of beliefs

3. Give examples of how the major religions affect business practices.

Different kinds of belief systems or worldviews

1. Monism there is no real distinction between god and the universe
2. Polytheism the belief and worship of many gods

3. Monotheism the belief in one supreme god
4. Atheism disbelief or denial of the existence of god
5. Agnosticism god cannot be known

The belief in the existence of one god is called Theism. It is often used
as a synonym to monotheism. Monotheistic religions believe that there is
only one god who designed, created and directed the world. Examples of
monotheistic religions are Judaism, Christianity and Islam. On the other
hand, polytheistic religions recognize many principal gods among whom no
one is supreme. Monism asserts that there is no genuine distinction
between God and the universe. Furthermore, atheists deny the existence of
God and agnostics deny the possibility for man to acquire knowledge of the
existence of god.

Religion may be defined as “an organized system of beliefs,

ceremonies and rules used to worship a god od a group of gods” (Merriam-
Webster Dictionary 2014). The textbook Introduction to World Religions and
Belief Systems discussed the following common characteristics among
a. Belief in a deity
b. Belief in a deity’s relationship with the world
c. Ways of worship a deity
d. Places and people believed to be holy and sacred
e. Rules followed as a result of beliefs.
These rules that people follow based on their beliefs have a great
impact on how they deal with other people and conduct their work.
QUARTER 4 (WEEK 1 – 6) According to the famous German philosopher and sociologist Max Weber
who published an article in 1901 entitled The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit
of Capitalism, “a better understanding of the behavior and attitude of people
can only happen if we will also attempt to understand the people’s worldview
which necessarily includes their religious beliefs and convictions” (Cortez,

Business Ethics and Social Responsibility – Quarter 4 1

It is also important to note that the aim of this lesson is neither to The Eightfold Path consists of Right View, Right Intention,
compare which religion is better or worse nor a certain religion is promoted Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right
or belittled. It is our very purpose to “find possible commonalities that would Mindfulness and Right Concentration. Here, what is related with
be helpful in the conduct of ethics in business, an institution that may not be conducting business is Right Livelihood. For Buddhism, products should
so particular about religious affiliations and orientations”. not be harmful to human beings and the way they are produced should
not compromise the environment or cause unjust treatment of people
1. Hinduism Confucianism is not a religion in a strict sense; rather it is more
Among the major religions of the world, Hinduism is the oldest. of a body of philosophical teachings, an ethical system and a way of life.
It is considered a unique religion because it has no single and specific It has dominated Chinese philosophical and religious thoughts and is
human founder and a definite historical beginning. Also, it does not have widely practiced in China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam and Singapore
a unified body of beliefs, ethical codes, absolute doctrines, religious (Cortez 2019). The founder of Confucianism is Confucius (551-479
rituals and practices. Even if traditionally, it is seen as a polytheistic BCE). This name is a Western translation of the Chinese phrase K’ung
religion, Hindus believe that there is only one God and that everything, Fu-tse, meaning “Master Kung”. Confucius is considered as one of the
including the lesser gods emanates from Brahman, the Supreme Being most influential thinkers in the history of humanity. The most
(Cortez 2019). authoritative text of Confucianism is “The Analects of Confucius” which
The Vedas are at the center of the Hindu teachings. Veda, a is composed of sayings and stories Confucius’ life, compiled by his
Sanskrit word, literally means knowledge; while the Vedas are followers some years after his death.
collections of the religious writings of ancient Hindu Spiritual masters Central to Confucianism is the ideal virtue of Ren, usually
(Ibid.). There are main principles that guide the Hindu businesspersons translated as “humanness or benevolence” and Li which is translated as
in the conduct of business: “propriety”. Cortez noted that “Each person must aspire to attain Ren
a. Hindus have positive outlook towards the business institution because it encompasses other virtues such as kindness,
b. Hindu businessperson must treat business’ stakeholders with trustworthiness, tolerance, courage, propriety, and prudence”. Li, on the
honesty and fairness other hand is “the code of conduct that assures harmony and respect
c. Hinduism’s belief in and tolerance of the caste system. toward each person’s role in the society”. Furthermore, Cortez added
2. Buddhism that “Ren and Li govern human relationships and underline a civil and
Buddhism originated from India, just like Hinduism. It is said that harmonious Chinese society.” Thus, for Confucianism, what is more
Buddhism is a “reaction against the complex rituals and the caste important is the development of a businessperson’s moral character as
systems of Hinduism.” Siddharta Gautama (566-486 BCE) is the he or she conducts business (Ibid.)
founder of Buddhism. He was a rich and young prince who renounced 4. Judaism
royal inheritance to search for the true meaning of life. Gautama The oldest among the major monotheistic religions with its more
became “enlightened” after some days of meditation under a Bodhi tree. than 3,000 years old ethical precepts is Judaism. The two main sources
This is the reason why he is called Buddha or the “enlightened one”. of Judaism are the written Torah, the Jewish Bible and the Talmud,
Buddhists believe in the law of karma, reincarnation, and in the ultimate which is the oral Torah. “The written Torah is record of the faith
goal of attaining liberation and nirvana. Buddhism is the dominant experience of the Jews.” It is the story of their loving relationship with
religion in China today. Yahweh (God) who established a covenant with Israel (Jewish nation)
Buddha’s teachings were not written; rather it was transmitted through their ancestor, Abraham. The Decalogue (The Ten
through oral tradition. The most important in Buddhism are the Four Commandments) sealed this covenant.
Noble Truths: 1) No one can deny that suffering is the condition of all In his book, Cortez (2019) cited Moses Pava (2008), who in an
existence; 2) Suffering and general dissatisfaction come to human article, explored the following prominent themes in Jewish ethics that
beings because they are possessive, greedy and above-all, self- are relevant to business practices:
centered; 3) Egocentrism, possessiveness and greed can, however, be a. Right action - considered more valuable than the grandest
understood, overcome, and rooted out; and 4) This rooting out, this intention.
vanishing, can be brought about by following an Eightfold Path of b. Free Choice - considering the Jewish understanding on
behavior in thought, word and dead. freedom, “the person’s inherent capability to choose his or her

Business Ethics and Social Responsibility – Quarter 4 2

action freely”, would mean that anyone can engage in business creation and the building up of the Kingdom of God on earth.
if he or she wills to or if he or she deemed it beneficial. “The challenge for man the worker is to continue working to
c. Balance – “The businessperson must strike a balance between improve and perfect God’s unfinished creation while at the
the gaining of profit as a manifestation of love toward the self same time avoiding the aspects of human labor that are
and his or her own family, and the sharing of profit as a destructive to the conduct of business.
manifestation of love toward the other members of the society.” c. Notion of private property
d. Covenant – While in Jewish ethics covenant is considered a d. “Private property must always be understood in relation to God
“voluntary agreement among independent but equal agents to and to one’s neighbor. It means that private ownership cannot
create a shared community”, this may be considered be understood apart from the notion of justice, social
businesspersons and nations as a central theme in making responsibility and environmental sustainability.
agreements for the sake of ecological sustainability. It is also important to note that aside from the Bible, Christians,
e. Dialogue – Dialogue would likely result to transparency and particularly the Roman Catholics, consider its long ecclesiastical
accountability. traditions as the source of its teachings regarding the conduct of
5. Christianity business which is famously known as the Catholic Social Encyclicals.
Christianity is the world’s largest religion with many sects and The encyclicals document the Catholic Church’s insights on the dignity
denominations within it including Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, of the human person, the value of human labor, respect for private
Anglicanism, Eastern Orthodox and others. Jesus Christ, a Jewish man property, and the effort to work for the common good and the attainment
born more than 2,000 years ago in Israel is at the center of the Christian of a more just, peaceful and humane society (Compendium of the Social
faith. Christians consider the Bible as their sacred scriptures. It is Doctrine of the Church).
comprised of the Old Testament, the first part of the Christian biblical 6. Islam
canon and is based primarily on the Hebrew Tanakh and the second Islam literally means “submission” and it pertains to “submission
part is the New Testament which records the story of Jesus Christ to God. Islam followers are called Muslims. Muslim means “one who
( It is good to know that “Christ is not a surname but a submits or surrenders”. It was founded in the year 610 when
word that means “The Anointed One” or “Messiah”. As the “Anointed Muhammad, Islam’s Holy Prophet was believed to have received
One”, Jesus is considered as the one expected by the Jews to liberate revelations from Allah (God). Islam’s Holy Book is called Quran, and it
Israel form its oppressors. With this, we see that Christianity has its contains the records of Allah’s revelations to Muhammad. For Muslims,
roots from Judaism (Cortez 2019). Muhammad is the first Muslim, the first who submits to Allah. He was
Christians believe that Jesus Christ is both God and man. “He is also considered by the Muslims as a holy prophet (Cortez 2019).
God Himself – God chose to become a human being, to live among the Islamic Ethics is mainly based on Shariah, the Sacred Law or
people, and to suffer with them as an expression of His infinite and the Islamic legal/social system whose main purpose is the advancement
unconditional love for humanity” (Ibid.). Jesus’ story culminated on His of goodness for humankind and the protection from evil. It consists of
death on the cross but Christians believe that He resurrected from the two major written texts: the Quran (revelation of Allah to Muhammad)
dead three days after His death then He ascended back to His Father in and the Sunnah (Life of the Prophet). Cortez also quoted Mohammed
heaven. (2013) saying, “The general ethical rule of Islam consists of this:
Cortez (2019) cited the biblical scholar Traugott Janichen whatever leads to welfare of the individual or society is morally good
(2013) in discussing the following Biblical themes that are related to and whatever is injurious is morally bad.” He explains further that “Islam
business practices: therefore lives not for itself but for humanity and lays out a clear
a. Love towards one’s neighbor. Matthew 22:9 says “And the guideline for Muslims to be righteous and, thus, socially responsible
second is like it, you shall love your neighbour as yourself” (New through their actions in life” (Ibid.).
American Bible). To love one’s neighbor does not mean to In terms of the conduct of business, Islam teaches the following:
totally neglect one’s personal interest but a reminder that a a. It does not just uphold the value of business and trade rather
Christian should not be ruthless, excessive and greedy in encourages Muslims to participate in business activities since
pursuing economic benefits. Muhammad himself was a tradesman and his wife Khadijah was
b. Value of human labor. As God is an active worker in his also a merchant. However, business and trading should be
creation as shown in the Book of Genesis, Christians are done through fair business.
mandated to be active workers also. Every Christian has the b. It is also important to consider the concepts of halal and haram.
moral obligation to work and participate in God’s work of Halal means lawful, while haram means unlawful. The
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility – Quarter 4 3
lawfulness and unlawfulness develop from the guidelines and 7. What religion considers covenant as an agreement that will be beneficial
principles found in the Shariah. Mentioning Mohammed (2013), in attaining sustainability?
Cortez give the following examples of halal and haram business a. Christianity b. Judaism c. Islam d. Hinduism
practices: 8. Which of the following religions agree that God is a God of Justice and
Examples of halal business practices: legitimate earnings, mercy and that human beings must deal with each other in justice and
trade contract with mutual consent, truthfulness in business fairness?
dealings, trustworthiness in business matters, generosity and a. Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism
leniency in business transactions, honoring business obligations b. Judaism, Christianity, Islam
and fair treatment of workers. c. Buddhism, Confucianism, Judaism
d. Islam, Hinduism, Christianity
Examples of haram business practices: all forms of interest 9. What religion is most vulnerable to criticisms because of its seemingly
(riba), business activities involving prohibited items such as unjust societal hierarchy?
some forms of meat, statues and alcoholic beverages, the sale a. Islam b. Hinduism c. Christianity d. Confucianism
of Al-Gharar (risk, speculation) such as insurance and other 10. Gino followed The Eightfold Path as his life principle. Which of the
financial derivatives, indiscriminate price-fixing, hoarding of following religions does he belong?
basic necessities such as food, exploitation of one’s ignorance a. Hinduism c. Judaism
of market conditions and fraud and trickery in business b. Confucianism d. Buddhism
dealings. 11. Aira’s beliefs are guided by the Vedas. What religion does this sacred
book belong?
a. Hinduism c. Judaism
ACTIVITY 1 b. Confucianism d. Buddhism
Direction: Read and understand each question/statement below and 12. Who is considered as the Supreme Being who created everything as
choose the best answer from the given choices. expressed in the Judaism belief?
1. Which of the following is used alternatively with belief system? a. Buddha b. Confucius c. Jesus d. Yahweh
a. Worldview c. Religion 13. Which of the following is the Holy Book that guides Christians on what is
b. Denomination d. Sect the right thing to be done not only in doing business but in dealing with
2. Which of the following is the purpose of studying the impact of belief other people?
systems in business practices? a. Bible b. Vedas c. Analects d. Torah
a. To promote a particular religion 14. Which of the following settings is done in an ethical way?
b. To find the limitations of the major religions a. Because Gina was cost-cutting her expenses, she made use of pork
c. To compare which religion is better or worse oil in cooking her products even if she has halal certification.
d. To find possible commonalities in conducting ethical business b. Leo made sure that he would gain much from his lending business
3. Which of the following is widely considered as an ethical system and a by way of asking for 12% interest rate every month.
way of life rather than a religion? c. Cheska always make sure that she has a reasonable gain from her
a. Hinduism c. Confucianism online business while ensuring that her workers got their fair share
b. Buddhism d. Christianity of it.
4. Which of the following religions would likely ask the business person, d. None of the above.
“What do you produce?” and “How do you produce it?” 15. A group of international tourists rented Allen’s condo unit at Php
a. Hinduism c. Confucianism 100,000 per month. In their three months of stay, Allen noticed that the
b. Buddhism d. Christianity renters are doing something illegal inside the unit. As an owner, what
5. What religion considers the Social Encyclicals aside from its Sacred should Allen do?
Scripture? a. Just don’t mind their activities anyway they are paying a good price.
a. Christianity c. Islam b. Post his observation on social media so that media practitioners will
b. Judaism d. Hinduism be able to see his story and get famous.
6. What religion considers all forms of interest as unlawful? c. Report if to the police authorities so that they will be able to conduct
a. Buddhism c. Islam their investigation on the matter.
b. Judaism d. Hinduism d. Conduct his own investigation to catch them on the act.

Business Ethics and Social Responsibility – Quarter 4 4

QUARTER 4– WEEK 3-4 Fourth, Filipino values evolved historically and it emanates consciously
in a given situation. Example, bayanihan, when a disaster happens in a
Lesson 2.1
certain place, like what happen to Tacloban when Yolanda typhoon struck
THE INFLUENCE OF FILIPINO VALUE SYSTEM TO the place, we have watched from the television that there a lot of people or
BUSINESS PRACTICES groups who helped the people living there.

By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:  Utang na Loob
1. Know the meaning and values of nature
Utang na loob are often viewed as “norm of reciprocity” which has
2. Identify the different values of Filipinos; and
3. Know the effects of Filipino values in business
equivalent meaning to obligation and responsibility to repay somebody
for owing a favor. This favor is typically unquantifiable debt that goes
into deeper personal internal dimension and oftentimes continues up to
the next generation.
Values as defined by organizational behavior are set of shared
In business, utang na loob can be good or bad depending on a
conception of what is considered good, desirable, proper and worthwhile in
given consideration. It affects the business when the conduct defied with
a culture. For sociologist, values are ideals or beliefs that connotes
ethical issues. Example, when an employee tolerates her co-employee
rightness, goodness or inherent desirability set by the members of a culture.
in doing something wrong such as theft because it saves her when she
Filipino practice values that are good and some are bad. The context of
was in terrible situation.
these values depend on how they are used and it differs for each person.
Example, the meaning of justice for a person may not be the general  Filial Piety
meaning for all – justice can be objective and sometimes subjective. Filial piety is a family-centered values that recognize family as
important structure in a society. Filial son(daughter) needs to be good to
Filipino Value System their parents, obey, takes care, respect and carry out sacrifices during
Filipino values are set of values that most Filipinos have historically their parent`s lifetime. Usually, this values are very common in Chinese
considered important in their lives which is consistent with their ideologies, tradition and considered as a serious business for Chinese people
moral codes, ethical practices, etiquette, cultural and personal values. The (Waldmeir, 2020). And we Filipino people are also practicing it.
sacredness of these values may differ on their upbringing, religions and In business, the practice of filial piety usually transpires when family
other reasons. members are expected to work in their familyowned business. And in
Roots of Filipino Character the event, the management, like President or CEO, are no longer
Most of the Filipino values can be traced from the very own Filipino capacitated to handle the business, retire or die, the benefits, assets,
culture. And it can be explained in fourfold sense: duties and obligation are transferred to their family heir. This is called
First, though people share universal values but there are certain family succession.
values that is distinctly Filipino values. Example of these values are “hindi A deeper appreciation of these family values can lead to positive
labis, hindi kulang, katamtaman lang” which corresponds to the Greek motivation of people in the workplace, obedient to company leader, and
moderation called meden agan. a sustainable and flourishing workplace environment (Kim et al., 2014).
Second, some Filipino values can be traced from other cultures and  Padrino System
value system. Example, God fearing and family solidarity which came from Padrino system in our local word is called “palakasan”. It is a
other country particularly in Asia. It only differs how we rank it based on our common Filipino culture where somebody in a position or authority
priority. intercede, back up or give favors to someone`s endeavors usually
Third, there are universal human values which have distinct because they are family affiliated (nepotism) or friendship (cronyism)
meaning for Filipino people. Examples, pakikisama, kabayanihan and (Ramos, 2018). The system was abused and became a tool for
pagsasarili. These values have distinct meaning for Filipino which we corruption not just in politics and government but as well as in business.
commonly based on the past experiences and our being nationalistic. Some businessman used their connection to get involved in illegal
Example, bahala na, this values can be negative and can also be positive. activities such as bribery.
It became negative, if this value is used by a person in making decision The following are the effects of nepotism and cronyism in the business:
without planning and evaluating or if he pushes an undertaking and become 1. Disruption of the workforce. Workers are low morale, less
helpless or come what may. However, it became positive, if this values are motivated and dissatisfied to perform diligently if they feel that
used by entrepreneur in taking risk and courage to start a business. promotion is undermined by nepotism.
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility – Quarter 4 5
2. Loss of productivity. Usually employees who are promoted "Amor propio" and "Balat sibuyas" traits are not as favorable
because of their relationship with the management are particularly if one is working in the service business.
underqualified that can lead to loss of leadership skills and
eventually leads to inferior output. MORE FILIPINO FAMILY VALUES
 Suki System Hospitality. Filipinos are renowned for its warm and excellent host.
“Suki” means loyal customer. It is a system of patronage system Hospitality refers to friendly and generous reception of welcoming and
wherein a loyal customer, regularly buys goods and services from a entertaining guest or visitors (Quijada, 2019). This trait is definitely
certain seller or company because they offer low prices, quality favorable to business for extra service given.
products/services, and they allow credit sales. Humor, Adaptability and Creativity.
“Suki” are beneficial for both clients and sellers. It follows the Humor is an amusing quality which is a positive coping mechanism of
concept of “you scratch my back, I`ll scratch yours”. Sellers are helped Filipinos to difficult circumstances. (Meriam Dictionary).
by easy and continuous disposal of their product, more profit, given Adaptability is the ability to adapt changes in the environment easily.
protection and even influence. For Buyers, having a “suki” enables them Filipinos have known to have a high tolerance for uncertainty that
to purchased goods and services on credit, availed free delivery and enables them to respond calmly.
discounts and the assurance of quality products. However, it may be Creativity is an ability to create. Filipinos are very innovative and often
bad for business if its confronted with ethical issues. improvise and make use of whatever is available
 Bahala Na Faith and Religiosity. Filipinos are known for their strong faith in God. It
“Bahala na” is already embedded in a Filipino culture. Its definition includes practices of Holy week, praying at any possible times,
may vary depending on a situational setting. For some they used the observing Sunday masses and many more. And in our practice of being
term “bahala na” as “come what may” or “whatever will be, will be” which religious it doesn’t conflict our work life, because we are still
simply means, surrendering to the hands of fate especially if they don’t hardworking and industrious.
like to control a situation. Others, represent this as “luck” which allow
Hard Work and Industry. Filipinos are regarded as hardworking and
things to happen instead of doing something. Originally, the term
industrious. We are known of our determination and perseverance in
“bahala na” came from the word “Bathala Na” or God which is deeply
accomplishing things that we plan to do, we performed well in a very
rooted in the religiosity of Filipino people. It adopts the idea “I have done
demanding task such as physical labor and highly sophisticated jobs.
my part, and let God do the rest”.
These traits are driven by our desire to become economically stable.
The term “Bahala na” is good in the business if it means the attitude
Which makes us to never give up and keep on going to achieved a
of courage. Entrepreneur are known for being a risk taker. And their
desirable end.
determination to do their best in every challenges of their business
endeavors makes them successful. Bribery and Corruption. It has been observed that bribery and corruption
was practice by Filipino people. Some Filipinos are taking advantage of
 Mañana Habit
abusing their power for their personal ambitions and fulfillment.
“Manana” habit is a Spanish word, meaning “tomorrow” which
These traits are unethical business practices.
means procrastination or deferring to do a certain thing that can be
possibly done today. Definitely, this is a bad habit which makes Filipino
General Disregard for Rules.
less efficient in doing task. It allows people in a workplace to make an
There are Filipino who fond of breaking or violating rules. Such as
excuses, panic, worried, no focus and the result is not good and many
jaywalking, loitering and beating the red light. In a workplace, rules are very
missed opportunities.
important to protect from legal claims, maintained orderly and positive work
 Amor Propio environment (Klower, 2020). Rules are not made to be broken!
Amor propio is a Spanish word which means, self-love, self-esteem,
Pagtatakpan. “Pagtatakpan” is also one of a Filipino trait, that covers the
personal worth and sometimes a feeling of excessive pride as superior
wrong doings of other person. These are negative traits which you connive
to others.
one person in doing wrong and it has no place in a workplace.
Hiya or shame is related to Amor propio. Some Filipinos have fear
of being the object of gossip or ridicule. Gossiping. Filipinos has been observed of being found in talking other`s
Balat sibuyas is also related to amor propio in which the person are business. This is unethical in the workplace because it may inflict and
super sensitive to emotional imperatives. destroys reputation of other workers.

Business Ethics and Social Responsibility – Quarter 4 6

Complacency. It was also observed that some Filipinos, though they are b. Pakikisama system d. Suki system
aware of certain issues but choose not to be involved especially if it doesn’t 2. Which of the following statements best describes a hardworking
concern or affect them. This is “walang paki alam” attitude. According to Filipino?
Ruisi (2017) of Coach Zone, complacency is one of the most dangerous a. believes that success is a luck.
threat to any business which caused anybody to be reluctant to change or b. endures suffering just to succeed
performed better. c. leave everything to God
Crab mentality. Is a thinking of “If I can`t have it, neither can you”? d. risk taker
Tendency people pushed somebody down for their own advantage. These 3. What Filipino values are shown when a person is willing to lend money
is undesirable traits which usually happen in a workplace if there is a to his friend just to provide comfort and please his visitors?
competition of position or promotion. a. Hospitality c. Utang na loob
b. Loving and caring d. Pakikisama
4. Which of the following is negative trait of Filipinos in a workplace?
ACTIVITY 1 a. Complacency c. Hospitality
Direction: Fill in the blanks the correct statement being described in each b. Industrious d. Utang na loob
5. Which of the following statements is TRUE about Filial piety?
number. Write your answer on the space provided.
a. It shows gratitude or solidarity
__________1. This value system is rooted primarily in personal alliance b. It reciprocates the goodness of others
systems based on affinity that recognize family as important c. It shows love and care for the family members
social structure. d. It shows affection to a person
6. What Filipino values are reflected, when we celebrate fiestas?
__________2. This value system has been source of many controversial
a. Amor Propio c. Pakikipagkapwa
and corruption where one gains favor, promotion, or political b. Fatalism d. Religiosity
appointment through family affiliation or friendship, as 7. Jane needs to use euphemism language in confronting the mistakes of
opposed to one's merit. her friends because she values____________
__________3. It is a system of patronage wherein a customer become a a. Pakikipagkapwa c. Pagtatakpan
regular buyer of a certain product at a certain seller. b. Pakikisama d. Kagandahang loob
__________4. This value system is very fashionable for Filipino 8. What Filipino traits are shown when somebody blame others for their
failures rather than help them?
characteristics, where one does not fail to remember great
a. Bribery c. Crab mentality
actions done by other people to them. b. Complacency d. Walang Hiya
__________5. This trait pushes successful people down for their own 9. Which of the following statements serves as the BEST example of being
personal gain. industrious?
__________6. This trait shows Filipino as excellent hosts. a. “Never give up”
__________7. This means someone is doing well at the beginning of a job b. “Try and try, until you succeed”
and quickly fades away. c. “No guts, no glory”
d. All of these
__________8. This trait considered success as a gift from above.
10. What trait does a person possess if he still makes a funny gesture
__________9. This trait entrusts the future to fate. despite of a challenging situation?
__________10. It refers to “self-love” a. Creative c. Humorous
b. Innovative d. None of these

Direction: Choose the letter that best corresponds your correct answer.
Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.
1. This is a patronage system where a customer becomes a regular buyer
of a certain product at a certain seller.
a. Bayanihan system c. Padrino system

Business Ethics and Social Responsibility – Quarter 4 7

QUARTER 4 – WEEK 5-6 breach of moral duty and violates the rights of the consumer who may
be injured. The right of the consumer to have a safe product rests on the
Lesson 1.1
need of the consumer to rely on the expertise of the manufacturer.
ENTREPRENEURSHIP This approach advocates that manufacturers have full responsibility
for all the harms that the product may cause the buyer. “The seller of a
product has legal responsibilities to compensate the user of that product
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
for injuries suffered because of defective aspect of the product, even
1. To know the Importance of Marketing Plan and Planning
2. Discuss the Planning Process when the seller has not been negligent in permitting that defect to occur”
3. Identify what is Marketing Control (Brenkert 2009). However, this approach has some limitations since it is
somehow an injustice on the part of the manufacturer because one has
A. Ethics of Consumer Protection a moral responsibility only if the harmful effect is foreseeable and he or
Cortez presented Manuel Velasquez’s discussion as the most standard she did nothing to prevent it. But this is not an assurance that accidents
investigation of the four approaches to consumer protection: the Market will not happen. Manufacturers will be prone to abuses of the
Approach, the Contract View Approach, the Due Care Theory and the consumers who may become complacent and irresponsible thinking that
Social Costs View. they can get back to the manufacturer if something happens to them.
1. Market Approach
B. Some Ethical Issues in Employer-Worker Relations
In this approach, buyers and sellers are free to interact. Sellers are
In this sub topic, let us discuss two major pressing issues: Ethics of
free to produce the goods and services that buyers need and want. On
Labor Contractualization and Just Wage. If you have watched the TV
the other hand, buyers are assured of product safety, quality and
news or have read the newspapers at the beginning of the President
reasonable price because sellers usually work hard to maintain their
Duterte’s term, one of the problems that he faced was labor
market reputation. Unethical practices may give sellers economic
contractualization. Other authors call it fix term employment. It is defined
advantage, but this would be short-lived. Those who are doing unethical
“as a contract of employment for a definite period which terminates by
practices could endanger their reputation, lose their place in the market
its own terms or the end of such period” (Cortez 2019). Quoting the
that would eventually lead to the downfall of the business.
Filipino legislator Satur Ocampo, Cortez added a simpler description:
2. The Contract Approach “hiring workers for short-term, nonregular employment without the
Highlighted in this approach is an implied non-written contract that benefits accorded by the law to regular workers. Employers would likely
both sellers and buyers enter into. In simple terms, it means that the to contractualize since it can reduce business cost and it discourages
seller is bound to deliver a safe and value-for-money products and workers from joining unions. However this becomes ethically
services while the buyer is protected because of the seller’s promise. questionable especially when businesses desire unreasonable big
The buyer agrees to buy products and services based on the revealed profits at the expense of the worker. Workers also are prone to various
information by the seller. That is why manufacturers and businesses abuses since it undermines their basic rights just like security of tenure,
have the following duties: right to other benefits of workers, right to organize and right to join
a. the duty to comply with express and implied claims of reliability, unions among others.
service life, maintainability and safety Another issue under this sub topic is just wage. According to Kagan,
b. duty of disclosure “A justified wage refers to an income level determined by market
c. duty not to misrepresent and duty not to coerce dynamics, work experience, education, and skill. A justified wage is the
3. Due Care Theory wage level that is high enough to attract workers but low enough to
This approach assumes that the seller is more knowledgeable about enable employers to offer employment. The divergence between a
his or her product than the buyer that is why the seller should take all justified wage and the legal minimum wage may depend on several
the necessary precautions so that the buyer will not be harmed by the factors including the state of the economy and level of unemployment.”
product even after the transaction has taken place already. The seller In this definition, the interests of both employer and employee are given
then should ensure that the products being sold are free from defect and attention.
contamination. They should also make it a point that product warning Moreover, Manuel Velasques (2006) identified at least seven
labels and clear instructions are specified. Borrowing the words of determining factors of just and fair wage. For the purpose of this study,
Fleckenstien (2008), Cortez mentioned, “Failure to take ‘due care’ is a let us explore only three major factors using the table below:

Business Ethics and Social Responsibility – Quarter 4 8

SOME DETERMINING FACTORS OF JUST WAGE always patronize his or her products. What if you happen to see
1. Comparative Wage -This factor talks about considering the prevailing unethical practices in your transactions, what will you do? Do you think
wage in the industry and in the area you have the will to make a stand in favor to what is right? Or will you
2. Capability of the Business - Just wage is determined on the capacity of just keep quiet to avoid possible conflicts?
the business. For example, a small business that just started cannot give A prominent line from a movie says, “Great power comes great
a huge salary at once. When the business grows, the workers must be responsibility.” Having been informed of what is the right thing to do, it is
given a higher profit share since they are partly responsible for the your moral obligation to do what is right and just all the time. Below is a
increase of the owner’s profits. guide on how you can make an ethical stand to issues that may
3. Nature of the Job - Jobs that have greater health risks, offer less challenge you.
security, or require more training and experience, impose heavier physical
or emotional burdens or great effort should have higher levels of 5 STEPS TO ETHICAL DECISION MAKING
compensation. 1. Recognize an Ethical Issue
 Could this decision or situation be damaging to someone or to some
C. Some Ethical Issues in Relation to the Government group?
Tax is defined as “a means by which governments finance their  Does this decision involve a choice between a good and bad alternative,
expenditure by imposing charges on citizens and corporate entities” or perhaps between two “goods” or between two “bads”?
(Duska et al. 2008.) The main reason of the imposition of taxes is to  Is this issue about more than what is legal or what is most efficient? If so,
provide and sustain the activities of the government to ensure an orderly how?
and harmonious life in the society (Cortez 2019). The two kinds of 3. Get the Facts
taxation are individual taxation or the taxation directed to the individual  What are the relevant facts of the case? What facts are not known?
citizens who gain income and who consume goods and services, and  Can I learn more about the situation?
business taxation or the taxation directed to the income accumulated by  Do I know enough to make a decision?
the different forms of business establishments such as sole  What individuals and groups have an important stake in the outcome?
proprietorship, partnership and corporations. Are some concerns more important? Why?
When taxpayers fail to make full disclosure to the government just to  What are the options for acting? Have all the relevant persons and
escape the net taxation, they commit tax evasion. On the other hand, the
groups been consulted? Have I identified creative options?
use of lawful tax planning techniques to avoid tax is called tax avoidance.
Tax avoidance is legal but may raise some ethical questions, while tax 4. Evaluate Alternative Actions
evasion is both illegal and unethical. It directly involves an act if fraudulence Evaluate the options by asking the following questions:
on the part of the tax payer. This may be in the form of underreporting of  Which option will produce the most good and do the least harm? (The
income, overstatement of expenses, use of fictitious receipts, keeping Utilitarian Approach)
double sets of books, false or fictitious entries in books, fictitious  Which option best respects the rights of all who have a stake? (The
transactions in the name of dummies, nonrecording of sales and etc. (Ibid). Rights Approach)
Another unethical practice is bribery which is considered as a form  Which option treats people equally or proportionately? (The Justice
of corruption. It is “the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of Approach)
something of value for the purpose of influencing the action of an official  Which option best serves the community as a whole, not just some
in the discharge of his or her public or legal duties (legal- members? (The Common Good Approach)”. Bribery is ethically wrong because it  Which option leads me to act as the sort of person I want to be? (The
violates the fundamental notion of equality and it undermines the vitality Virtue Approach)
of the institutions affected. It may lead to inequality among businesses 4. Make a Decision and Test It
and could seriously hurt the economy of the country.  Considering all these approaches, which option best addresses the
D. Let us Make an Ethical Stand  If I told someone I respect-or told a television audience-which option I
Everyday we are faced with different issues that may challenge us have chosen, what would they say?
to make a moral stand and act in an ethical way. In one way or another, 5. Act and Reflect on the Outcome
we experience the issues mentioned above. We are both buyers and  How can my decision be implemented with the greatest care and
sellers in different ways. You might be a part-time online seller. You attention to the concerns of all stakeholders?
 How did my decision turn out and what have I learned from this specific
order merchandise online and resell it to your classmates and friends.
Or you might be an avid supporter of your friend’s business and you
Business Ethics and Social Responsibility – Quarter 4 9
Directions: Read and understand the following questions. Write your Domocmat, L. (n.d.) Understanding Filipino Values, A Window for Mission.
answer on a separate sheet of paper. Retrieved from:
1. Ethics are the standards of conduct by which one’s actions are judged
as ________. NO_VALUES_A WINDOW_FOR_MISSION. Retrieved on
a. Right or wrong c. Fair or unfair October 17, 2020
b. Honest or dishonest d. All of these Racelis, A.D. (2017). Business Ethics and Social Responsibility. Quezon
2. The proprietorship form of business organization ___________. City: Rex Publishing.
a. Must have at least three owners in most states Wong, P. N., & Lara-De Leon, K. (2018). Padrino System (the Philippines).
b. Represents the largest number of businesses in United States In A. Ledeneva (Ed.), Global Encyclopedia of Informality : Volume 2
c. Combines the records of the business with the personal records (Open Access) (pp. 380-382). [7.10] UCL Press.
of the owner Retrieved from
d. Is characterized by a legal distinction between the business as an
economic unit and the owner the-philippines. Retrieved on Oct. 21, 2020
3. The partnership form of business organization ____________?
a. Is a separate legal entity
b. Is a common form of organization for service-type businesses
c. Enjoys and unlimited life
d. Has a limited liability
4. A business organized as a corporation ________________?
a. Is not separate legal entity in most states
b. Requires the stockholders be personally liable for the debts of the
c. Is owned by its stockholders
d. Terminates when one of its original stockholders dies
5. Which of the following is not an advantage of the corporate form of
business organization?
a. Limited liability of stockholders
b. Transferability of ownership
c. Unlimited personal liability for stockholders
d. Unlimited life

Directions: Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Write a short essay why most large businesses are organized as
2. Write an essay on identifying at least six characteristics of the
corporate form of business organization. Contrast each one with the
partnership form of organization.

Business Ethics and Social Responsibility – Quarter 4 10


By the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
1. simulate/operate a small online business enterprise.

Direction: Answer the following question in three to five sentences.
1. Identify top 5 products which have become in demand
During and after pandemic?
2. Why do you think the products that you have listed became in

3. If given the chance, what strategic plan are you going to do to
market your business?
4. How will you go about the processes of establishing a strategic plan


In the midst of this global pandemic, although difficult, you
still need to experience and be exposed to the real business world.
You and your group must implement your planned business for these
past weeks by still considering the health protocols imposed by our
local government to ensure your safety. The most
suggested means is through online platforms to avoid physical
contact with your prospective customers. This experience may be
challenging but might ignite your passion to start or pursue a
business that you have in mind. Through this, you will realize that
having academic know-how in entrepreneurship is not enough
because the business battlefield is totally different from the real
business setting.
As online business shopping came into existence, it gave big
growth success on the cyberspace businesses. Entrepreneurs only
need some good ideas, start-up capital, and the right timing to start
running a business online. This online business is highly convenient
and may be profitable in the long run.

Direction: Answer the following question in three to five sentences.
1. How will you prepare your business logo and marketing tool
for your business launching and opening.
QUARTER 4 (WEEK 1 – 6) 2. Prepare a Gantt chart for your business that answers the
following questions:
a. What will be done?
Business Enterprise Simulation – Quarter 4 1
b. When will it be done? A would-be-entrepreneur will never know if his or her
c. Who will do it? business plan will lead to success if he or she does not implement or
d. How will it be done? execute it. The aspiring entrepreneur will not know the positives and
3. What do you think are the advantages of implementing a negatives of his or her plan unless he or she applies it in real life.
business plan in the online market. Successful business simulation exercises don’t just teach
4. What do you think are the limitations of implementing a your learners about the scenarios they’re facing, they show them how
business plan online? they can work together and learn from other people’s experiences.
Business simulations seek to put the learner in a realistic scenario
Rubrics: that they will encounter in their work life. Immersing them in an
4 3 2 1 environment that recreates the real world lets them see the effects of
Constructed It gives a very It gives a clear The answer/ It fails to give a their decisions immediately.
Response clear answer/ answer/ explanation is clear answer/
explanation and explanation and partly clear, and explanation but Business Enterprise Simulation crystallizes the key
shows very neat shows neatness there are shows effort. concepts and processes of accounting, business, and management.
work. of work erasures. It includes real-life activities that will guide students in following the
business cycle—business opportunity search, product or service
development, business formation and organization, business
implementation and control, business wind-up, and relevant
management reporting in the context of ethical standards and the
corresponding social responsibility. Business Simulation is a bridge
between classrooms learning and real-life challenges in that you can
learn even more by taking a role outside of your limitation.
Business simulations provide an interactive learning
experience that requires participants to apply what they have learned
in a business training event in a robust, risk-free environment.
Participants build relevant skills, improve conceptual knowledge, and
gain a better appreciation of business strategy and the systems of
QUARTER 4 – WEEK 2 business management in order to build skills and improve
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to: Directions: A business venture needs to make sales. What do you
1. understand how to make use of different promotion strategies or advertising that can think is the best way to motivate yourself and your team as “sales
promote the business venture; and
2. understand the concept of “sales people” and how to improve the sales and financial people” to make more sales and improve the financial performance of
performance of a business. your group business? Minimize your answer into 2 paragraphs with
10 sentences each.
Directions: Answer the following questions into threet o five
1. As you need to attract new customers to make your small
business grow, identify five advertising or promotion
strategies that you can adopt to make sure that customers
come to your store. Be creative and think out-of the-box.
2. What makes a good strategic plan? Provide a picture.

Business Enterprise Simulation – Quarter 4 2

Directions: To evaluate your implementation and income for a week. Fill in
Income Statement for _________________
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to: Statement Cost
1. craft a financial plan, the inputs of which are from the results of the marketing plan
(sales) and operations plan (operating costs), and which will define the financial goals
that will be his/ her target upon eventual execution 1.
All entrepreneurs ought to consistently, and intently, assess 3.
their fiscal reports to best comprehend the wellbeing of business. The Net Worth (Income-expenses
main benefit of examining your organization's budget reports is that
they permit you to settle on essential choices that help development
and long-haul productivity. ACTIVITY 2
The Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Statement of Cash Directions: Based on the activity above, answer the following
Flow, and Statement of Retained profit are important reports that are questions.
basic to seeing how your business is performing. You can assess
office productivity, net revenues, obligation to value proportions, and 1. What have you observed on the financial report that you have
that's just the beginning. On the off chance that you have financial reported for a week?
backers, or are searching for financial backers, this data will drive 2. What interventions will you initiate from the results presented?
their craving to contribute – and decide whether uses are 3. What are the feedbacks of your customers? What will you
commendable speculations that make benefit. improve and retain from the services that you have offered?
You can consider your financial reports a scorecard for your
business. The Balance Sheet uncovers the organization's wellbeing.
The Balance Sheet shows what an organization possesses, how
these resources were paid for, what is as yet owed, and what worth Direction: Answer the following questions.
is left after all obligation has been paid. The Income Statement 1. What is the importance of financial report in business
shows the net gain after costs are deducted from income. The simulation?
Statement of Cash Flow helps entrepreneurs and financial backers 1. What are the things to consider when conducting business
the same see how cash enters and leaves an organization. This endeavors in the community?
money can emerge out of tasks, contributing, and financing. 2. What values should be integrated to business owners when
Sample of an Income Statement delivering and selling services?
3. How the customer’s satisfaction does plays an important role
ABC Sari-sari Store in entrepreneurship?
INCOME STATEMENT 4. If you will improve your services to customers, what will it be?
Sales ₱10,000.00
Less : Operating Expenses
Transportation Expenses ₱500.00
Electric Expenses ₱500.00
Salaries (sales girl) ₱2000.00
Telephone/CP Load ₱500.00
Packaging Expenses ₱300.00
Miscellaneous ₱100.00 ₱3,900.00
Net Profit ₱6,100.00

Business Enterprise Simulation – Quarter 4 3

10 8 5 2
Organization Information is very Information is Information is The information is


organized with well- organized with well- organized, but disorganized.
constructed constructed paragraphs are not
paragraphs and paragraphs. well constructed.
YOUR TARGET COMPETENCIES Paragraph Construction – all Most paragraphs Paragraphs Paragraphing
By the end of this lesson, you will be able to: paragraphs include include introductory included related structure was not
1. Wind up a business enterprise and draw up a culminating report including significant introductory sentence, information but clear and
values learned in the entire business cycle. sentence, explanations or were not sentences were not
explanations or details, and constructed well. typically related
details, and concluding within the
Business reports provide management with valuable concluding sentence. paragraphs.
information such as spending, income, and progress. Reports can sentence.
Organization Information clearly Information clearly Information clearly Information has
provide valuable information that can be used to create future of Information related to the main related to the main related to the main little or nothing to
projections, marketing strategies, budget preparation, and decision- topic. Information it topic. It provides 1- topic. No details do with the main
making. includes several 2 supporting details and/or examples topic.
supporting details and/or examples. are given.
Managers also use business reports to monitor progress and and/or examples.
development, as well as to spot patterns and anomalies that need to Product Idea Idea is realistic, Idea is realistic, Idea is somewhat Idea is not realistic,
well planned, and mostly well realistic, partially is not well-planned,
be investigated further. Business reports, such as those that record each part of the planned, and 1-2 well planned, and and each part of
annual budgets, revenues, events, and organizing plans, help to business plan fully sections of the 3-4 sections of the the business plan is
developed. business plan are business plan. NOT developed.
create an audit trail of business operations in addition to directing NOT fully
important decisions. developed.
Business reporting encourages accountability, and for many TOTAL
public entities, filing an annual report is a legal necessity in order to
offer financial details and ownership information to shareholders, the
government, and others. Furthermore, daily reporting during the
business year helps companies in the same sector to compare and
assess their performance against that of their rivals.
Business Simulation Conference Report
I. Introduction
II. Table of contents
III. Executive summary
IV. Project details
V. Deliverables and milestones
VI. Financial Statements
VII. Conclusion and Recommendation
VIII. Appendix

Directions: Based on the above discussion, use the format above for
the business conference report to be presented, make a 10-15-
minutes video presentation about your business report.
For the paper to be presented, use the following format.
1. Font Style: Times New Roman
2. Font Size: 11
3. Margin: 1 inch (top, bottom, left, and right)
4. Paper size : letter (8.5x11)

Business Enterprise Simulation – Quarter 4 4



ダバオ デルスル テクノロジカル At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
げんごがくいん  to write the numbers in Japanese (hiragana).
カレッジ 言語学院  identify the numbers in Kanji character.
 properly pronounce each word.

Numbers are necessary in everyday life as you need them to express

time, record dates, interpret recipe amounts, count objects, and the list goes
on. Japanese numerical systems have unique features and they are very
different from those in English.
For example, Japanese has a variety of counter words depending on
different factors. Further, large numbers are counted by units of four digits
while the Western system counts by that of three digits, and the differences
only continue for numbers in the Japanese language.
These are the basic Japanese numbers for 0 to 10. You absolutely
need to know these numbers in learning Japanese so that you can use them
to build bigger numbers.
The standard way of reading 0 to 10 is also used in combination with
counter words when you count anything, including actions and events. The
Arabic numerals (0, 1, 2, 3…) are also commonly used in Japanese, but they
often appear in horizontal texts, while the numbers in Kanji are mostly used in
vertical texts, especially in formal writings and in particular situations
Let’s start to learn basic Japanese numbers!
READ WRITE AND SPEAK Note:Please Memorize the following numbers.
1. Counting in Japanese: Numbers 0-9
Sensei 0 零 ぜろ/れい Zero/Rei
先 生 (Teacher):Rhea Fe B. Nayal 1 一 いち Ichi
2 二 に Ni
3 三 さん San
4 四 し/よん Shi/Yon
QUARTER 4 – WEEK 1-6 5 五 ご Go
6 六 ろく Roku
7 七 しち/なな Shichi/Nana
8 八 はち Hachi
niho ngo
9 九 く/きゅう Ku/Kyū In Japanese, these are expressed “two ten” and “three ten.” 21 is “two ten
10 十 じゅう Jū
The Arabic numerals are commonly used and Kanji is also used in
As it’s written in the chart, there are some numbers which can be read some circumstances. However, Hiragana isn’t used to express numbers. Like
two ways: the cases of idiomatic words or a combination of Kanji ( 熟語 じゅ くご
 0 can be ぜ ろ (Zero) or れ い (Rei). Nowadays, “Zero” is more Jukugo), Hiragana can become long to express and hard to decipher.
common to read, and the Kanji 零 is rarely used.
 4 can either be し(Shi) or よん (Yon). 3. Counting in Japanese: Numbers up to 1000
 7 can either be しち(Shichi) or なな (Nana). Literal
漢字 ひらがな
 9 can be either く(Ku) or きゅう (Kyū). Reading reading in
Kanji Hiragana Japanese
In most circumstances, both are acceptable. In general, よん (Yon), なな 100 百 ひゃく hyaku 100
(Nana), and きゅう (Kyū) sound more casual and common. し(Shi), しち
200 二百 にひゃく ni-hyaku 2, 100
(Shichi), and く(Ku) sound more formal.
300 三百 さんびゃく san-byaku 3, 100
2. Counting in Japanese: Numbers 10-99 400 四百 よんひゃく yon-hyaku 4, 100
漢字 ひらがな Literal reading 500 五百 ごひゃく go-hyaku 5, 100
Kanji Hiragana in Japanese 600 六百 ろっぴゃく roppyaku 6, 100
11 十一 じゅういち jū-ichi 10, 1 700 七百 ななひゃく nana-hyaku 7, 100
12 十二 じゅうに jū-ni 10, 2 800 八百 はっぴゃく happyaku 8, 100
13 十三 じゅうさん jū-san 10, 3 900 九百 きゅうひゃく kyū-hyaku 9, 100
14 十四 じゅうし/よん jū-shi/yon 10, 4 1000 千 せん sen 1000
15 十五 じゅうご jū-go 10, 5 1100 千百 せんひゃく sen hyaku 1000, 100
16 十六 じゅうろく jū-roku 10, 6 110 百十 ひゃくじゅう hyaku jū 100, 10
17 十七 じゅうしち/なな jū-shichi/nana 10, 7 111 百十一 ひゃくじゅういち hyaku jū-ichi 100, 10, 1
18 十八 じゅうはち jū-hachi 10, 8 From 100 to 1000, the pattern is basically simple and the same. In Japanese,
19 十九 じゅうく/きゅう jū kyū/ku 10, 9 as you can see in the chart, you can simply put the numbers 1 to 9 and add
20 二十 にじゅう ni-jū 2, 10 100 to express 100 to 900 in Japanese. There are some exceptions for
reading, such as 300, 600, and 800.
21 二十一 にじゅういち ni-jū ichi 2, 10, 1 100 is hyaku, but 300 is read san (3) Byaku (100)
30 三十 さんじゅう san-jū 3, 10 600 is roppyaku instead of “roku hyaku,”
40 四十 よんじゅう yon-jū 4, 10 800 is happyaku instead of hachi hyaku.
3000 is san (3) zen (100)
50 五十 ごじゅう go-jū 5, 10
8000 is hassen instead of hachi sen
60 六十 ろくじゅう roku-jū 6, 10
70 七十 ななじゅう nana-jū 7, 10 4. Counting in Japanese: More than 10,000
80 八十 はちじゅう hachi-jū 8,10 漢字 ひらがな Reading Literal reading in
kyū-jū Kanji Hiragana Japanese
90 九十 きゅうじゅう 9,10
10,000 万 まん man 10000
You can count from 1 to 99 with just ten numbers (0-10). Japanese jū-man
100,000 十万 じゅうまん 10, 10000
numbers are simple and easier to use than English in this respect because
there’s no exception or particular separate words such as “twenty” or “thirty.” 1,000,000 百万 ひゃくまん hyaku- 100, 10000
niho ngo
10,000,000 千万 せんまん sen-man 1000, 10000 Name:__________________________ Section:_________________
10^8 億 おく oku Select the correct definition, Write T if the definition is correct, and write
10^12 兆 ちょう chō F if not. Write your answers in another sheet of paper/yellow pad.
For the large numbers, Japanese numerals are divided into units of Definition
four (as in the four zeros in ten thousand). As you can see in the chart, 万 1. _________59 Yon-juu-go (よんじゅうご)
(man) is 10^4, 億 (oku) is 10^8, and 兆 (chō) is 10^12. One million is
2._________45 Yon-juu-go (よんじゅうご)
expressed as one hundred ten-thousands or 百万 (hyaku-man) in Japanese.
Note that you don’t need to put a 1 for 百 (hyaku) meaning 100 or 千 3._________62 Roku-juu-ni (ろくじゅうに)
(sen) meaning 1000. But for units past 1000, you need to put a 1 in front.
4._________12 Juu-ni (じゅうに)
For example:
 万 ichi-man ( 10^4 ) 5._________17 Juu-nana(じゅうなな)
 億 ichi-oku ( 10^8 )
 兆 ichhō ( 10^12 )
You also read numbers in Japanese in the same pattern as mentioned ACTIVITY 2: MULTIPLE CHOICE
before. You can count by simply chaining the numbers. However, there’s also Select the correct definition. Write the letter of the correct answer.
an exception for the large numbers: 10^12 is 兆 ichhō instead of ichi-chō. 6. _____8324
For the large numbers, the Arabic numerals are used in combination with a. San-byaku roku-juu-ichi (さんびゃくろくじゅういち)
Kanji, such as in 5 万 (go-man), 4 千万 (Yon-sen-man), 100 億 (hyaku-oku), 3 b. Ni-hyaku ni-juu-nana(にひゃくにじゅうなな)
兆 (san-chō), etc. c. Hachi-juu-san (はちじゅうさん)
d. Hassen san-byaku ni-juu-yon (はっせんさんびゃくにじゅうよん)
5. Decimal Fraction / Fraction Numbers in Japanese
1- Decimal Fractions 7.______ 14
a. Juu-ni (じゅうに)
ひらがな Hiragana Reading
b. Juu-yon (じゅうよん)
0.1 れいてんいち rei ten ichi
c. Juu-nana(じゅうなな)
3.03 さんてんれいさん san ten rei san d. Juu-roku(じゅうろく)
0.005 れいてんれいれいご rei ten rei rei go
8. ______77
0 before the decimal point is read rei and 0 after the point can be a. Juu-nana (じゅうなな)
either rei or zero. The decimal point is called ten which literally means
b. Hachi-juu-san(はちじゅうさん)
c. Nana-juu-nana(ななじゅうなな)
2- Fraction Numbers d. Roku-juu-ni (ろくじゅうに)
Japanese writing ひらがな Hiragana Reading
1/2 2 分の 1 にぶんのいち ni bun no ichi a. Go-juu-kyuu (ごじゅうきゅう)
4/7 7分の 4 ななぶんのよん nana bun no yon b. Roku-juu-ni (ろくじゅうに)
3/10 10 分の 3 じゅうぶんのさん jū bun no san c. Nana-juu-nana(ななじゅうなな)
For fraction numbers in Japanese, the number after / is read first. / is d. Hachi-juu-san (はちじゅうさん)
expressed as 分の (bun no). 10._____16
a. Juu-ni (じゅうに)
b. Juu-nana (じゅうなな)
c. Juu-roku (じゅうろく)
niho ngo
d. Juu-yon (じゅうよん) QUARTER 4 – WEEK 3


Match term to definition. Select a definition to match it with its term.
Select from the list below:
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
824 Kyuu-hyaku go-juu-ni(きゅうひゃくごじゅうに)
 to write the counters in Japanese (hiragana).
699 Happyaku ni-juu-yon(はっぴゃくにじゅうよん)
 Use the counters properly.
4/4 Ni-hyaku ni-juu-nana(にひゃくにじゅうなな)  properly pronounce each word.
361 Roppyaku kyuu-juu-kyuu(ろっぴゃくきゅうじゅう きゅう)
1/3 San-byaku roku-juu-ichi(さんびゃくろくじゅういち) JAPANESE COUNTER WORDS
227 San bun no ichi (さんぶんのいち) Whether written or spoken, most languages use the concept
952 Yon bun no yon (よんぶんのよん) of counters. In English, for example, rather than "two dirts," you would use
0.62 Hachi bun no ichi (はちぶんのいち) the phrase "two mounds (or piles) of dirt." "Pile" and "mound" are counters.
2.89 Rei ten roku ni (れいてんろくに) Similarly, YOU'D REFER TO "THREE PIECES OF CHALK" RATHER THAN
1/8 Ni ten hachi kyuu (にてんはちきゅう)
The same concept holds true in Japanese. For example, if you're
counting long cylindrical things, you would do so using 本 (ほん). One of
those long things would be 1本 (いっぽん); ten would be 10本 (じゅっぽ
ん ). But what if you're counting something flat? Rather than 本 , you'd
use 枚 (まい). To count three rugs, you would say 3枚 (さんまい).
Japanese has many counters like these:

Now let us explore other counter words and see how to count various kinds
of things in Japanese.
General counter つ
Counting the number of things or objects generally this counter is used.
一つ [ひとつ]hitotsu = One (thing)
二つ [ふたつ] futatsu = Two (things)
niho ngo
三つ [みっつ] mittsu = Three (things) 2. Counter for Flat and Thin Objects
四つ [よっつ] yotsu = Four (things)
五つ [いつつ] itsusu = Five (things)
六つ [むっつ] muttsu = Six (things)
七つ [ななつ] nanatsu = Seven (things)
八つ [やっつ] yattsu= Eight (things)
九つ [ここのつ] kokonotsu= Nine (things)
十 [とお] too= Ten (things)
いくつ(ikutsu)= How many?
Example:りんごを ふたつ おねがいします。
= Please give me two apples.
[*おねがいします (onegai-shimasu) this phrase used for requesting
something, means please.]
Note: to count from 9 onwards つ counter is not used, instead, often こ
(個) counter for non-living things, ひき (匹) counter for living things or けん
(件) counter for non-physical things is used. For 10 you may use とお or
じゅっこ or じゅっぽん


*NOTE: Please memorize the following counters.
Tips for Japanese counters
Japanese counters may be tedious to memorize every single one, but don’t 3. Counter for Vehicles and Big Equipment
you find it interesting to look at them in various ways? Now, why don’t you
find out how to count what is around you now?
1. Counter for Money

The table beside

shows the counter
for money. Take
note that you
should say よえん
(yoen) for four
yen, not よんえん

niho ngo
4. Counter for Kilometer and Kilogram 6. Counter for Shoes and Socks

The table beside The table beside

shows the counter shows the counter
for kilometer and for shoes and
kilogram. Take note socks. Take note
of the different of the different
pronunciations pronunciations
required for the required for the
highlighted highlighted
numbers. numbers.

7. Counter for Animals

5. Counter for Books

The table beside

The table beside
shows the Japanese
shows the counter
for books. Take counters for animals.
note of the different Different counter
pronunciations words are used for
required for the big and small animals.
highlighted Take note of the
numbers. different
required for the
highlighted numbers.

niho ngo
8. Counter for Long and Round Objects

The table beside

shows the counter
The table beside
for floor. Take note
shows the counter
of the different
for long and round
objects. Take note
required for the
of the different
required for the

11. Counter for People

9. Counter for Drinks

The table beside

shows the counter
The table beside for people. Take
shows the counter note of the
for drinks. Take different
note of the different pronunciations
pronunciations required for the
required for the highlighted
highlighted numbers.
10. Counter for Floor

12. Counter for Small Objects

niho ngo
Name:__________________________ Section:________________
Write the following counters in Japanese (Hiragana).
1. 2 things (general counter)

2. 4 things (general counter)

3. 10 things (general counter)

The table beside
shows the 4. 3 Flat things
Japanese counter
5. 1 person
for small objects.
Take note of the 6. 2 people
pronunciations 7. 4 people
required for the
highlighted 8. 3 small animals
9. 6 small animals

10. 10 small animals

11. 2 long and round objects

As you can see, in many cases you are required to pronounce
differently for number 1, 3, 6, 8, 10 and 100, etc. 12. 1 long and round objects
However the different pronunciations are not always fixed for these
numbers. Therefore you will have to memorize them for different counters. 13. 3rd Floor
After study them for some times, I am sure somehow you will know
which number required different pronunciation for different counters. 14. 5 (vehicles, machines)
However, you probably need to mention the counter somewhere in
15. How many?(general)
other sentences so that people know what you are referring to. Take note of
the different pronunciations for number one to ten.

niho ngo
QUARTER 4 – WEEK 4-5 Examples
1) Today is January 13th, 2019.
nen gatsu nichi
きょう は 2019年 1 月 13 日 です。

LESSON 3 Kyō wa ni-sen jū kyū-nen ichi-gatsu jū-san-nichi desu.

2) I was born on May 1st, 1990.
わたし は 1990 年 5 月 1 日 うまれました。
Watashi wa sen kyū-hyaku kyū-jū-nen go-gatsu tsuitachi umare desu.
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to: 3) The examination is on August 30th, 2019.
 to write the time, year, dates, months, days of the week in しけん は 2019 年 8 月 30 日です。
Japanese. Shiken wa ni-sen jū kyū-nen hachi-gatsu san-jū-nichi desu.
 Read kanji for year, months and dates.
In Japan, keeping the date and time for appointments is very important.
How to say dates in Japanese is very simple. Dates in Japanese Please don’t mix up months and dates!
writing start with the year, then the month, and finally the day. The only
exception is when there’s a particular instruction to write it a different way, 2. How to Say the Years in Japanese
such as on an entry form. A. Gregorian Calendar
The Gregorian calendar is very common in Japan to express the years.
1- How to Write Dates in Japanese Just say the year and then add “nen ( 年 )” which is a year counter
1. April 30, 2019 is written as follows: meaning ‘year’.
2019 年 4 月 30 日 or 2019/04/30 1575 年 : sen go-hyaku nana-jū go-nen
年 (nen) : year 1998 年:sen kyū-hyaku kyū-jū hachi-nen
月 (gatsu) : month 2003 年:ni-sen san-nen
日(nichi) : day
In some cases, numbers can be expressed with the last two digits as a
2. With the days of the week, Tuesday, April 30th, 2019 is written as short version.
follows: For example, 1998 is 98 年 (kyū-jū hachi-nen).
2019 年 4 月 30 日 (火曜) or 2019 年 4 月 30 日 (火)
The days of the week are usually indicated in a round bracket ( ) and B. Japanese Era Calendar
placed after the day. Did you know that there’s also a Japanese calendar?
The Japanese people use 和 暦 (Wareki), or the Japanese
The name of the day is expressed in a short form. era calendar, which is based on the reigns of Japanese emperors. The
Tuesday is 火曜日(ka-yōbi), but when it’s expressed in a written form, it previous era was called 平成 (Heisei), which started on January 8, 1989,
usually becomes 火曜 (ka-yō) or just 火 (ka). when the previous Emperor, Akihito, acceded to the throne following the
death of his father. The current era is called 令和 (Reiwa), which started
How to Read Dates in Japanese on May 1, 2019, when the current Emperor, Naruhito, acceded to the
2019 年 4 月 30 日 (火曜) is read as follows: throne following the abdication of his father.
Ni-sen jū-kyū / nen / shi / gatsu / san-jū / nichi / ka-yō 2019 is the first year of the Reiwa era. It’s written as 令和 1 年 and
Literally translated as: read as Reiwa ichi-nen.
Two-thousand ten nine / year / four / month / three ten / day / Tuesday This traditional Japanese era calendar is often used for official
To listen to the pronunciation of basic Japanese numbers, please occasions and in written form, such as in official documents used for
visit Numbers on our website. public services at a city hall.
C. Vocabulary for Describing Relative Years
今年 ことし (Kotoshi) : This year
niho ngo
去年 きょねん (Kyonen) : Last year 8 August 八月 はちがつ hachi-gatsu
一昨年 おととし (Ototoshi) : The year before last year
9 September 九月 くがつ ku-gatsu
来年 らいねん (Rainen) : Next year
再来年 さらいねん (Sarainen) : The year after next year 10 October 十月 じゅうがつ jū-gatsu
閏年 うるうどし (Urūdoshi) : Leap year 11 November 十一月 じゅういちがつ jū ichi-gatsu
毎年 まいとし (Maitoshi) : Every year
12 December 十二月 じゅうにがつ jū ni-gatsu
D. Examples
1. This year is 2019.
nen 2- Relative Vocabulary for the Month in Japanese
ことし は 2019 年 です。 今月 こんげつ (Kongetsu) : This month
Kotoshi wa ni-sen jū kyū-nen desu. 先月 せんげつ (Sengetsu) : Last month
先々月 せんせんげつ (Sensengetsu) : Month before last month
2. The next year of 2020 is a leap year.
nen 来月 らいげつ (Raigetsu) : Next month
らいねん の 2020年 はうるうどし です。 再来月 さらいげつ (Saraigetsu) : Next next month
Rainen no ni-sen ni-jū-nen wa urūdoshi desu. 毎月 まいつき (Maitsuki) : Every month
3. 2005 was year seventeen of the Heisei era.
2005 年は へいせい 17 年です。 3- Examples
Ni-sen go-nen wa Heisei jū nana-nen desu. 1. I was born in June.
4. I got married in 2012. わたしは 六 月 うまれました。
nen Watashi wa roku-gatsu umare desu.
わたし は 2012 年 に けっこんしました。
Watashi wa ni-sen jū ni-nen ni kekkon shimashita. 2. School starts in April in Japan.
にほん では 四 月 に がっこう が はじまります。
3. How to Say the Months in Japanese
Nihon de wa shi-gatsu ni gakkō ga hajimarimasu.
1- Saying the Month in Japanese: Japanese Months
Using months and dates in Japanese is very simple. It follows this simple 3. My birthday was last month.
pattern, without exception: わたしの たんじょうび は せんげつ でした。
Watashi no tanjōbi wa sengetsu deshita.
Name a number (1-12) of the month, and then just add 月 (gatsu), which
is a month counter meaning “month.” 4. This month is busy with work.
こんげつ は しごとが いそがしい です。
English Kanji Hiragana How to read Kongetsu wa shigoto ga isogashii desu.
1 January 一月 いちがつ ichi-gatsu
4. How to Say the Days in Japanese
2 February 二月 にがつ ni-gatsu 1- Days
How to say the days of the month in Japanese is a bit more
3 March 三月 さんがつ san-gatsu complicated.
4 April 四月 しがつ shi-gatsu The basic pattern for days and dates in Japanese is number + 日
(nichi), which is a day counter meaning “day.”
5 May 五月 ごがつ go-gatsu All the dates are written in this pattern. However, when it comes to
6 June 六月 ろくがつ roku-gatsu reading, there are some exceptions and irregularities, indicated in blue in
the chart below.
7 July 七月 しちがつ shichi-gatsu The days, especially those from one to ten, have a unique reading
which is very different from ordinary Japanese Numbers. After eleven, it’s
niho ngo
basically read with regular numbers and 日 (nichi), except for fourteen, 26th 二十六日 に・じゅう・ろく・にち ni-jū roku-nichi
nineteen, twenty, twenty-four, and twenty-nine.
It’s very common to use Arabic numerals to express dates, together 27th 二十七日 に・じゅう・しち・にち nijū shichi-nichi
with the kanji 日 (nichi). For example: 1 日, 24 日, 30 日, etc. 28th 二十八日 に・じゅう・はち・にち ni-jū hachi-nichi
Dates are also often written in Kanji, especially in official documents
29th 二十九日 に・じゅう・く・にち ni-jū ku-nichi
and vertical writing scripts.
30th 三十日 さん・じゅう・にち san-jū-nichi
English Kanji Hiragana How to read
31st 三十一日 さん・じゅう・いち・にち san-jū ichi-nichi
1st 一日 ついたち tsuitachi
2nd 二日 ふつ・か futsuka 2- Relative Vocabulary for Days
3rd 三日 みっ・か mikka 今日 きょう (Kyō) : Today
昨日 きのう (Kinō) : Yesterday
4th 四日 よっ・か yokka 一昨日 おととい (Ototoi) : The day before yesterday
5th 五日 いつ・か vitsuka 明日 あした (Ashita) : Tomorrow
6th 六日 むい・か muika 明後日 あさって (Asatte) : The day after tomorrow
毎日 まいにち (Mainichi) : Everyday
7th 七日 なの・か nanoka
8th 八日 よう・か yōka 3- Examples
1. 1.Today is June 1st.
9th 九日 ここの・か kokonoka きょうは ろくがつ ついたち です。
10th 十日 とお・か tōka Kyō wa roku-gatsu tsuitachi desu.
11th 十一日 じゅう・いち・にち jū ichi-nichi 2. May 5th is Children’s Day and it is a national holiday.
ごがつ いつかは こどもの ひで、しゅくじつ です。
12th 十二日 じゅう・に・にち jū ni-nichi
Go-gatsu itsuka wa kodomo no hi de, shukujitsu desu.
13th 十三日 じゅう・さん・にち jū san-nichi
3. My birthday is February 20th.
14th 十四日 じゅう・よっ・か jū yokka わたしの たんじょうびは にがつ はつか です。
15th 十五日 じゅう・ご・にち jū go-nichi Watashi no tanjōbi wa ni-gatsu hatsuka desu.

16th 十六日 じゅう・ろく・にち jū roku-nichi 5. How to Say the Days of the Week in Japanese
17th 十七日 じゅう・しち・にち jū shichi-nichi 1- Days of the Week
How to say the days of the week in Japanese is simple. All of them are
18th 十八日 じゅう・はち・にち jū hachi-nichi named after elements and nature, and they all end with 曜日(yōbi) which
19th 十九日 じゅう・く・にち jū ku-nichi denotes a day of the week.
二十日 はつ・か English Kanji Hiragana How to read Meaning
20th hatsuka
Monday 月曜日 げつ ようび gets-yōbi 月 means “moon”
21st 二十一日 に・じゅう・いち・にち ni-jū ichi-nichi
Tuesday 火曜日 か ようび ka-yōbi 火 means “fire”
22nd 二十二日 に・じゅう・に・にち ni-jū ni-nichi
Wednesday 水曜日 すい ようび su- yōbi 水 means “water”
23rd 二十三日 に・じゅう・さん・にち ni-jū san-nichi
Thursday 木曜日 もく ようび moku-yōbi 木 means “wood”
24th 二十四日 に・じゅう・よっ・か ni-jū yokka
Friday 金曜日 きん ようび kin-yōbi 金 means “gold”
25th 二十五日 に・じゅう・ご・にち ni-jū go-nichi
Saturday 土曜日 ど ようび do-yōbi 土 means “earth”

niho ngo
Sunday 日曜日 にち ようび nichi-yōbi 日 means “sun” When speaking, the twelve-hour clock is more commonly used; when
written, either the twelve-hour clock or the twenty-four-hour clock is used for
In order to listen to the pronunciation of the days of the week in Japanese,
telling time in Japanese.
please visit Talking about Days on our website.
When using the twelve-hour clock, add 午前 (gozen) meaning “a.m.” or
2- Relative Vocabularies of Week 午後 (gogo) meaning “p.m.” to clarify.
“Week” in Japanese is 週 (shū).
平日 へいじつ (Heijitsu) : Weekday 1- The Twelve-Hour Clock in Japanese
週末 しゅうまつ (Shūmatsu) : Weekend Add 時 (ji), meaning “hour” or “o’clock,” after the Japanese numbers. Keep in
今週 こんしゅう (Konshū) : This week mind that Arabic numbers are commonly used.
先週 せんしゅう (Senshū) : Last week English Kanji Hiragana Reading
先々週 せんせんしゅう (Sensenshū) : Week before last week 1 o’clock 一時 いちじ ichi-ji
来週 らいしゅう (Raishū) : Next week 2 o’clock 二時 にじ ni-ji
再来週 さらいしゅう (Saraishū) : Next next week
3 o’clock 三時 さんじ san-ji
毎週 まいしゅう (Maishū) : Every week
4 o’clock 四時 よじ yo-ji
3- Examples
5 o’clock 五時 ごじ go-ji
1. February 4th is Monday.
にがつ よっかは げつようび です。 6 o’clock 六時 ろくじ roku-ji
Ni-gatsu yokka wa getsu-yōbi desu 7 o’clock 七時 しちじ shichi-ji
2. Tomorrow is Friday. 8 o’clock 八時 はちじ hachi-ji
あしたは きんようび です。
9 o’clock 九時 くじ ku-ji
Ashita wa kinyoubi desu
10 o’clock 十時 じゅうじ jū-ji
Asking / Answering Questions 11 o’clock 十一時 じゅういちじ jū ichi-ji
Question: What day is it today? 12 o’clock 十二時 じゅうにじ jū ni-ji
きょうは なんようび ですか。
Kyō wa nan-yōbi desu ka. 2- Examples
Answer: Today is Sunday. Question: What time is it now?
きょうは にちようび です。 いま なんじ ですか。
Kyō wa nichi-yōbi desu. ima nan-ji desu ka.
Answer: It is 1 o’clock now.
Question: When is your birthday? いま いちじ です。
あなたの たんじょうびは いつですか。 Ima Ichi ji desu.
Anata no tanjōbi wa itsu desu ka.
Question: Can I talk to you a bit? Do you know the time now?
Answer: My birthday is August 7th.
hachigatsu nano k a ちょっといいですか、なんじか わかりますか。
わたしの たんじょうびは 8 月 7 日です。 Chotto ii desu ka, ima nan-ji ka wakarimasu ka.
Watashi no tanjōbi wa hachi-gatsu nanoka desu.

6. Telling Time in Japanese: Hours

niho ngo
Telling Time in Japanese: Minutes The Hours Divided into Minutes
1- Minutes in Japanese Telling time with minutes in Japanese is quite simple and there are no
Unlike in English, 分 (fun) or (pun) meaning “minute” is always added special terms or phrases to express certain groups of minutes, except for 半
after the numbers when telling minutes in Japanese. (han) meaning “half.”
“Minute(s)” in Japanese is 分 and it’s pronounced To express “thirty minutes past (__) o’clock” in Japanese, just add 半
either fun or pun depending on which number comes before 分. (han), meaning “half,” after “number + 時 (ji).”
Minutes are usually written with Arabic numbers rather than Kanji. There’s no particular word for “quarter” when telling time in Japanese. It‘s
English Kanji Hiragana Reading simply “fifteen minutes”: 15 分 (jū go-fun).
“Five past six,” or 6:05, is 6 時 5 分 (roku-ji go-fun) in Japanese.
1 minute 一分 いっぷん ippun
じ ぷんまえ
2 minutes 二分 にふん ni-fun “Ten to seven” is 7時10 分 前 (shichi-ji juppun mae) in Japanese, which
3 minutes 三分 さんぷん san-pun literally means “Ten minutes before seven o’clock.”

4 minutes 四分 よんぷん yon- pun Examples:

5 minutes 五分 ごふん go-fun 1. The airplane departs at 8:30 in the morning.
6 minutes 六分 ろっぷん roppun ひこうきは あさ 8時 半 に しゅっぱつします。
7 minutes 七分 ななふん nana-fun Hikōki wa asa hachi-ji han ni shuppatsu shimasu.
8 minutes 八分 はっぷん happun 2. Please come to tomorrow’s meeting fifteen minutes before three
9 minutes 九分 きゅうふん kyū-fun o’clock.
じ ふんまえ
10 minutes 十分 じゅっぷん juppun あしたの かいぎは 3時15 分 前 に きてください。
20 minutes 二十分 にじゅっぷん ni-juppun Ashita no kaigi wa san-ji jū go-fun mae ni kite kudasai.
30 minutes 三十分 さんじゅっぷん san-juppun 3. The current time is ten minutes before nine o’clock.
じ ふんまえ
40 minutes 四十分 よんじゅっぷん yon-juppun いまの じかん は 9時10 分 前 です。
50 minutes 五十分 ごじゅっぷん go-juppun Ima no jikan wa ku-ji juppun mae desu.
2- Examples 4. That school opens at 6:30 in the morning
1.The earthquake occurred at 9:24 in the morning. じはん
じしんは あさ 9 じ 24 ぷんに起きました。 あのがっこう は あさ 6時 半 に あきます。
Jishin wa asa ku-ji ni-jū yon- pun ni okimashita. Ano gakkō wa asa roku-ji han ni akimasu.

2. The next train comes at 3:47. 5. General Time Reference of the Day
じ ふん What if you want to give a nonspecific or approximate time in Japanese?
つぎの でんしゃは 3時47 分 に きます。 Here’s some basic vocabulary for describing time in Japanese based on the
Tsugi no densha wa san-ji yon-jū nana-fun ni kimasu. general time of day.
English Kanji Hiragana Reading
3. The current time is 6:18 p.m.
じ ぷん
AM 午前 ごぜん gozen
いまの じかんは ごご 6時18 分 です。 PM 午後 ごご gogo
Ima no jikan wa gogo roku-ji jū happun desu. 朝 あさ
morning asa
early morning 早朝 そうちょう sōchō
sunrise 日の出 ひので hinode
niho ngo
English Kanji Hiragana Reading
noon 正午 しょうご shōgo
midday 日中 にっちゅう nicchū
early evening 夕方 ゆうがた yūgata
sunset 日没 にちぼつ nichibotsu
evening / night 夜 よる yoru
midnight 深夜 しんや shin’ya 17. ______________ 18. ______________

Name:_________________________ Section:_________________
19. _____________ 20. __________
I. Encircle the correct hiragana for the following English words.
かようび にがつ
1. Tuesday 6. January
げつようび いちがつ
どようび しがつ
2. Sunday 7. April
にちようび よんがつ
すいようび しちがつ
3.Wednesday 8. July
もくようび なながつ
かようび きゅうがつ
4. Friday 9.September
きんようび くがつ
にちようび じゅういちがつ
5. Monday 10. December
げつようび じゅうにがつ

II. Match the English word to the hiragana word.

11. 4th day of the month ・ ・ きょう
12. 20th day of the month・ ・ ついたち
13. 1 day of the month ・ ・ らいしゅう
14. Today ・ ・ よっか
15. Next week ・ ・ きょねん
16. Last year ・ ・ はつか

III. Write the following time in HIRAGANA.

niho ngo
JAPANESE なんじ ですか。(ima nanji
- QUARTER 4 desuka.)
P A G E | 14
What time is it now?
QUARTER 4 – WEEK 6 Tenses of linking verb
Positive Negative
desu j a a r i m a s e n

です じゃありません
deshita j a a r i m a s e n d e sh i t a
でした じゃありませんでした

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to: Polite form Casual form
 to write basic sentences in Japanese. desu da
 To create sentences using the basic gammar structure Japanese. です___________だ
 properly pronounce each word. d es hi ta datta
j a a r i m a s e n j a n a i
1. ) Noun1 は Noun2 です。 jaarimasen deshita j a n a k a t t a
Particle は indicates the noun before it (N1) is the topic of the sentence. The じゃありませんでした___じゃなかった
speaker forms a sentence by adding は to what he or she wants to talk about,
and then makes statements about it.(Noun2) Ex.
w at as h iw a s e n s e i d es u
Ex. わたしは せんせい です。
watashi wa Maria desu
1. わたしは マリア です。 I am a teacher.
w at as h iw a s e n s e i j a a r i m as e n
I am Maria. わたしは せんせい じゃありません。
Yamadasan wa k a i s h a i n desu I am not a teacher.
2. やまださんは かいしゃいんです。 w at as h iw a s e n s e i d at t a
Mr. Yamada is a company employee. わたしは せんせい だった。
I was a teacher.
w at as h iw a s e n s e i j a a r i m a s e n
Note:The particle は is read as wa and not ha. Never put “san” when わたしは せんせい じゃありませんでした。
saying your own name but when addressing other’s name ~san or ~sama will I was not a teacher.
be attached after the name of the person your referring to. The linking verb で
す shows politeness towards the listener. It indicates that the sentence is in a d es uk a
positive form. 3. Noun1 は Noun2 ですか。(Question)
The particle か is used to express uncertainty, doubt, etc. on the part
dewa ar im a se n j aarim asen of the speaker. A question can be form by adding か at the end of the
2. Noun1 は Noun2(ではありません)or じゃありません。 sentence. A question usually ends with a rising intonation. Question asking
Dewa arimasen is the polite form of ja arimasen it is the negative form of whether the statement is correct or not will be answered by hai (yes)or iie(no).
J o n sa n w a F i r i p i n j i n j a a r i m a s e n Example:
Ex. 1. ジョンさんは フィリピンじん じゃありません。 J o n s an wa r y u u g ak u s ei d es uk a

Mr. John is not a Filipino. ジョンさんは りゅうがくせい ですか。

T a na k a sa nw a gakusei j aarimasen Is Mr. John a foreign student?
2. たなかさんは がくせい じゃありません。 h a i ryuugak us ei desu
Mr. Tanaka is not a student.
Yes, He is.
i i e r y u u g ak u s ei j a a r i m as e n
j i n
。。。いいえ、りゅうがくせい じゃありません。
Note:The suffix [~じん] is attached after a country’s name to indicate the
No, he is not.
citizenship of the person.

niho ngo
Question will also be form using interrogatives: like nan or nani(what) t o m o u s h i m as u

doko (where) itsu(when) dare or donate(who)doushite or nande (why) 6. Name と もうします。

douyatte or dou(how). Sentences without subjects are very common in To moushimasu is the humble way of introducing oneself.
w at as h iw a Maria to m ous h im as u
Japanese, Japanese speakers tend to omit subjects whenever they think it is (わたしは)マリア と もうします。 I am Maria.
clear to the listener what or who they are referring to. The word “you” anata is
not very commonly used in Japanese. Instead, we use the name and title like kar ak im a shi ta karam a ir im a shita
san and sensei to refer to the person you are talking to. 7.Placeからきました or Placeからまいりました。
an ok at a w a d on at a d es uk a Kara kimashita and kara mairimashita indicates the place where the
あのかたは どなた ですか。 Who is that person? subject came from. The humble form “kara mairimashita”is only used when
w at as h iw a
an ok at a w a J o n s an d es u
the subject is わたしは.
。。。「あのかたは」ジョンさん です。 That’s Mr. John. T an ak as an w a n i h onk ar ak i m as h it a
On am ae w a nandesuka たなかさんは にほんからきました。
おなまえは なんですか。 What is your name? Mr. Tanaka came from Japan.
W at as h in o n am a e w a Yuki d es u watashiwa F i r i p i n k a r a m a i r i m a s h i t a
。。。わたしのなまえは ゆき です。 My name is Yuki. わたしはフィリピンからまいりました。
I came from Philippines.
4. Noun も
However the word hometown or shusshin. (しゅっしん)are often used
Particle も is used when the same thing applies in what stated previously.
J o n sa nwa gakusei desu yukisanm o gakusei desu
among Japanese people.
T a n a k a s a n n o s h u s s h i n w a O o s a k a d es u
ジョンさんは がくせい です。 ゆきさんも がくせい です。 たなかさんの しゅっしんは おおさか です。
Mr. John is a student. Mr. Yuki is also a student. Mr. Tanaka’s hometown is Osaka.
w at as h im o shusshinwa T o u k y o u desu
わたしも me too or me also しゅっしんは とうきょう です。
anat am o My hometown is Tokyo.
あなたも you too or you also

5. Noun1 の Noun2 ACTIVITY 1

When a noun N1 modifies a following Noun2 particle の is used to Name:_________________________ Section:_________________
connect the two nouns. N1 represents an organization or some kind of group Translate the following in Japanese(hiragana):
to which N2 belongs.
J o n sanwa DILTC n o g a k u s e i d es u Remember:
1. ジョンさんは D I L T C のがくせい です。
Mr. John is a student of DILTC.
Grammar pattern (Noun1 は Noun2 です・じゃありません・
w at as h in o d en w ab an g ou
2. わたしの でんわばんごう。 でした・じゃありませんでした。)
My telephone number. 1. She is a Filipino.
nihongono sensei ___________________________________________
3. にほんごの せんせい。 2. He is not a doctor.
Japanese teacher ________________________
anatano kaban 3. I was a student.
4. あなたのかばん。 ___________________________________________
Your bag 4. I was not a student.
F i r i p i n no D a v a o
5. フィリピンのダバオ 5. My hometown is Davao.
Davao,Philippines. __________________________________________
niho ngo

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