Week 4 Ojt

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My Teaching Journey for the Day 1 Date: February 05,2024

1. What preparations did you do for your class today?

Today, I prepared myself with gratitude and enthusiasm because it was the day we would
meet again with my CT and learners. I prepared a notebook to record what my CT was
doing. She introduced me to the students, explaining my name and why I was teaching them.

2. How did you start your lesson? How did you motivate the students?

First and foremost, a greeting. I'll greet them (kamustahan). After that, I'll ask who will lead
the prayer. Every day, I will assign one of them to lead the prayer, and after the prayer, the
students will give and explain a verse they want to share with their classmates. What is the
verse about, and how will I inspire my students? I will provide feedback so that they may
comprehend and appreciate the verse that fellow students have shared.

3. What are the teaching strategies did you apply? Are they effective for engaging
the Students in learning?

The teaching strategy that I apply is to begin the class with an intriguing fact since it is the
most effective way to catch the students' attention.

4. Did you encounter any problem with the students? How did you handle the
students’ behavior?

If I ever have to confront with children who is behaving badly, the first thing I will do is get to
the root of the problem. Behaviour is a type of communication, therefore examine what
causes the disruptive behaviour. Determining the cause can help teachers in proactively
addressing student needs while maintaining in control and avoiding unintentionally rewarding
negative behaviour.

5. What are the things you need to improve for the next day?

Make goals with your learners. As teachers, we should be able to create examples for our
learners to follow. Students must see you as a source of motivation.

Submitted by:

Jessica A.Montil
Name of PST
Date: February 05, 2024 Date: February 06, 2024

Date: February 07, 2024 Date: February 08, 2024


My Teaching Journey for the Day 2 Date: February 06,2024

1. What preparations did you do for your class today?

Before I begin my lesson, I must prepare my materials so that when I begin to discuss them,
I can do successfully. And, before the lesson begins, there is a prayer, which is important.
As teachers, we must be role models for our learners, teaching them to be Christ-centered
and that God is always there for us, no matter what the circumstances are. And attendance
to ensure that our students are complete; if there is an absence, I will consider it as long as
there is a strong reason, and last, I will begin my lecture.

2. How did you start your lesson? How did you motivate the students?

Prepare my lesson, and before I begin my formal lesson, I will give my students by doing an
energizer, so that they will be motivated and energized in order to participate in my class.

3. What are the teaching strategies did you apply? Are they effective for engaging the

Students in learning? Turn lessons into stories. Storytelling is another highly engaging
strategy in the classroom. Engages both the emotional and rational parts of the brain. With
several parts of the brain activated, the listener is better equipped to interact with and recall
the information hidden in the story. And as a teacher, we must be innovative in order to grab
the students' attention and make our class effective.

4. Did you encounter any problem with the students? How did you handle the
students’ behavior?

No, but in order to manage student behavior, particularly among high school students, I will
remain calm first and determine why, as teachers, we should show that we are a comfortable
person with whom they can talk about and express their worries.

5. What are the things you need to improve for the next day?

Adaptability. Teachers in the modern age of technology must be adaptable and ready to take
on anything comes their way. As teachers, we must adapt to the needs of our students in
order for them to engage and comprehend our lessons.

Submitted by:

Jessica A.Montil
Name of PST


My Teaching Journey for the Day 3 Date: February 07,2024

1. What preparations did you do for your class today?

Today I prepare my resources because I will be continuing my lesson, so I prepare my PPT

in my classroom.

2. How did you start your lesson? How did you motivate the students?

I start my class by asking my students questions about what we covered yesterday and
asking them to share what they learnt or knew about the previous topic. After my students
have shared their thoughts on the topic we discussed yesterday, I will present or recap the
previous discussion. I will motivate my students by awarding points for their participation.

3. What are the teaching strategies did you apply? Are they effective for engaging the

Students in learning?

Yes. Today's teaching strategy is to tell them a lesson-by-story that connects to the topic of
discussion from yesterday. Because our focus for the entire quarter is history a story about
heroes. And this is how I strategize my lessons to grab their attention.

4. Did you encounter any problem with the students? How did you handle the
students’ behavior?

So at this point none. Because they are all focused on learning to listen when the teacher is
talking in front.

5. What are the things you need to improve for the next day?

More improvement in teaching strategies since I understand that some students are not
interested in reading stories, therefore as a teacher, it is important to find a solution that
students will like reading.

Submitted by:

Jessica A.Montil
Name of PST

My Teaching Journey for the Day 4 Date: February 08,2024

1. What preparations did you do for your class today?

I prepare my resources and a PowerPoint presentation for my students so that they can
remembered what we discussed yesterday.

2. How did you start your lesson? How did you motivate the students?

First is prayer. It is important for the students that each of them lead the prayer and
encourage them to pray what they want to pray, and to teach them that there is no
incorrect or lovely prayer. Also, praying is one of the most effective ways to inspire

3. What are the teaching strategies did you apply? Are they effective for engaging
the Students in learning?

Yes. The strategy I use today is a surprising quiz. I will have a long quiz on the topic we
discussed or tackled the previous time. But I will give them ten (10) minutes. To study again,
and then we'll start the quiz.

4. Did you encounter any problem with the students? How did you handle the
students’ behavior?


5. What are the things you need to improve for the next day?

Be clear. Even if the subject is difficult, keep your message simple and easy to understand.
Remember that learners are unfamiliar with these ideas and concepts. As teachers, we must
offer simple yet understandable or clear instruction to our students in order for them to grasp
what we are talking about.

Submitted by:
Jessica A.Montil
Name of PST


My Teaching Journey for the Day 5 Date: February 09,2024

1. What preparations did you do for your class today?


2. How did you start your lesson? How did you motivate the students?

3. What are the teaching strategies did you apply? Are they effective for engaging the

Students in learning?

4. Did you encounter any problem with the students? How did you handle the
students’ behavior?

5. What are the things you need to improve for the next day?

Submitted by:

Jessica A.Montil
Name of PST
My Weekly Reflection Week 04: February 05 - 09, 2024
Notes for the Week: Teacher Preparation for Lesson

• Gratitude and enthusiasm for meeting with CT and learners.

• Preparation of a notebook to record CT's activities.
• Introduction to students, explaining name and purpose of teaching.
• Preparation of materials for successful discussion.
• Prayer before lesson begins, emphasizing role modeling and Christ-centered teaching.
• Attendance to ensure student completion.
• Consideration of absences with strong reasons.
• Commencement of lecture.
• Preparation of resources and PowerPoint presentation for continuation of lesson.

My Goal for this Week

My goal for the next week is to follow what my CT is doing. I observe that my CT is following
the lesson plan, which is also what I should do. My plan for the following week is to meet and
get to know my students, then begin discussions for two days. On the second day, I will ask
them individually what they learned about the topic I discussed yesterday. And the day I'll
give them a quiz. This is what I want for my students.

1. What worked really well this week?

As a pre-service teacher, what really helped this week was getting to know my student's
attitudes and how they listen when the instructor is lecturing. It's a pleasure to share
knowledge and interact with them.

2. What could have gone better/more effective? What was missing or needed?
To learn more about teaching in front of my students, the most effective method is for them
to feel comfortable sharing and talking with you as a teacher. For this week, I'm glad to know

3. What is my verse for the week that will motivate me to reach my goal?

1 Corinthians 15:58
“Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give
yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not
in vain.”

There’s no bigger motivator than God Himself. Let God be the one to inspire you to try your

Submitted by:
Jessica A.Montil
Name of PST

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