Golden Advice of Imam Abu Hanifah For Ramadan Notes On Al-Imam Al-A'zam

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Notes on al-Imam al-A'zam

JUN 19 2012

Golden Advice of Imam Abu Hanifah for Ramadan

Al-Khatib al-Baghdadi narrates:

Al-Jawhari reported to us: He said: Muhammad ibn ‘Abd Allah ibn al-Abhari reported to us: He said: Abu ‘Arubah
al-Harrani narrated to us: He said: Sulayman ibn Sayf narrated to us: He said: I heard Abu ‘Asim al-Nabil say:

“A man said to Abu Hanifah: ‘When is eating prohibited for a fasting person?’ He said: ‘When dawn comes.’ Then
the questioner said to him: ‘And if the middle of the night comes?’ Thereupon, Abu Hanifah said to him: ‘Stand up
[in prayer] O lame one!’” (Tarikh Baghdad 15:481-2)

Dr. Bashshar ‘Awwad Ma‘ruf comments: “Its isnad is sahih.”

Tahajjud (the night-prayer) is a highly recommended Salah, particularly in the month of Ramadan. It is described as
“the way of the righteous” in hadith and as an expiation for sins and a safeguard against wrongdoing. Since
Muslims should generally be awake for the pre-dawn meal (suhur), there should be no difficulty in praying a
minimum of two rak’ahs of Tahajjud Salah during the nights of Ramadan. We should all, insha Allah, make a resolve
to act on this golden advice of Imam Abu Hanifah for the coming Ramadan, and ask Allah to make it easy for us.

By muhammadunali • Posted in Imam Abu Hanifah and Fiqh, Imam Abu Hanifah and Spirituality

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