Imam Abu Hanifah Strength in Hadith - Imam Al-Adham

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Only those fear Allah, from among His servants, who have knowledge – Al-Fatir, al-Quran 35:28

Imam Abu Hanifah strength in Hadith

Imām Abū Yūsuf mentions, “I have never seen anyone more knowledgeable regarding the commentary of
Hadīth than Abū Hanīfah. He had more insight than me regarding authentic narrations.” [al-Haytamī, al-
Khayrāt al-Hisān, 24,61]

Imām Abū Yūsuf was that personality regarding whom the Imām of al-Jarh wa al-Ta‘dīl and the king of the
Huffāż (expert hadith memorizers) [al-Dhahabī in al-Tadhkirah, 465]

Yahya ibn Ma‘īn said, “Among the Ahl al-Ra’y, I have never seen anyone more reliable in Hadīth, retaining,
and authentic in transmission than Abū Yūsuf.”[Al-Dhahabī, al-Manāqib, 40] It should be noted that Ibn
Ma‘īn never met Abū Hanīfah, so it cannot be said, “Why did he specifically mention Abū Yūsuf and not Abū
Hanīfah?” Imām Abū Yūsuf mentions: Whenever Abū Hanīfah was determined upon a view, I would go to the
scholars of Kūfah in search of a prophetic narration or non-prophetic narration in support of his view.
Sometimes I would find two or three narrations, which I would present to him. Regarding some of those narra-
tions, he would say, “This is unauthentic or unknown.” [Al-Dhahabī, al-Manāqib, 61]

Kūfah was that place where one thousand five hundred Companions se�led and filled with knowledge. Rather,
Ibn Mas‘ūd (Allāh be pleased with him) himself filled it with knowledge according to the testimony of ‘Ali ibn
Abī Tālib (Allāh be pleased with him). [Kawtharī, Fiqh Ahl al-‘Irāq, 40; al-Bannūrī, Ma‘ārif al-Sunan,

When Commander of the Faithful Alī ibn Abu talib (Allāh be pleased with him) arrived in Kūfah, Sayyedina
Abdullah Ibn Mas‘ūd (Allāh be pleased with him) and his students came to receive him such that they covered
the horizon. When ‘Alī (Allāh be pleased with him) saw them, he remarked, “You have filled this city with
knowledge and understanding.” [Al-Sarakhsī, al-Mabsūt, 68:16]

Yahyā ibn Ādam, one of Imām al-Bukhāri’s teacher in his al-Sahīh, says, “Indeed, the Hadīth contain abrogat-
ing narrations and abrogated narrations, like the Qur’ān. Imām Abū Hanīfah gathered all the knowledge of his
townsmen and thus he saw the final practice of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and accepted
that, by virtue of which he was a jurist. [Al-‘Alā’ al-Bukhārī, Kashf al-Asrār, 16:1]

Al-Hasan ibn Sālih, a reliable jurist mentions: ”Abū Hanīfah was particular about searching for the abrogat-
ing narrations (al-nāsikh) and the abrogated narrations (al-mansūkh), so that he may practice upon what is es-
tablished from the Prophet and his Companions. He was well versed with the narrations and fiqh of the people
of Kūfah, and was a staunch adherent of the practice of his townsmen. He also said, “…He knew the final prac-
tice of the Messenger of Allāh (peace and blessings be upon him), upon which he passed away, that reached the
people of his city.” [Al-Saymarī, Akhbār Abī Hanīfah wa Ashābih, 11]

Al-Tufī al-Hanbalī writes: In brief, he [Imām Abū Hanīfah] certainly did not oppose the Sunnah out of stub-
bornness. Whatever he went against was based on ijtihād due to clear proofs and suitable evidences, which are
available to people. Very few of his opponents were just in their assessment. If he erred, he will receive one re-
ward, and if he was correct, he will receive two rewards. Those who criticize him are either jealous or ignorant
concerning the places of ijtihād…The final stance authentically recorded from Imām Ahmad is that he men-
tioned him positively and praised him.” [Al-Tūfī, Sharh Rawdat al-Nāżir, 290:3]

Ibn `Abd al-Barr relates in”Al-Intiqaʹ”: Abd Allah ibn Ahmad al-Dawraqi said: “Ibn Ma’inn was asked about
Abu Hanifah as I was listening, so he said, “He is trustworthy (thiqatun), I never heard that anyone had weak-
ened him.” No less than Shu’ba wrote to him [for narrations], and ordered him to narrate hadith.’

Muhammad Sa‘d al-‘Uwfi said, I heard Yahya ibn Ma‘in say, ‘Abu Hanifah was reliable (thiqah), he did not
narrate a hadith except that which he remembered and did not narrate that which he did not.’’ [Ref – 1)Imam
Dhahabi, Siyar Alam al-Nubala, Volume 6, Page No: 395 Click Here for Scanned Page (194 (h�p://
option=com_content&view=article&id=46&Itemid=29&limitstart=194)) 2) Imam Mizzi, Tahzeeb ul
Kamal, Volume 29, Page No: 424 Click Here for Scanned Page (201 (h�p://
index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=46&Itemid=29&limitstart=201)) 3)Imam Ibn
Hajar al-Asqalani in Tahdhib ut Tahdhib, Volume No.10, Page No. 401 and Volume No. 10, Page No.

Salih bin Muhammad al-Asadi narrates from (Yahya) bin Ma’een who said: Abu Hanifa is “THIQA IN
HADITH” Abu Wahb and Muhammad bin Mazaham said that they heard Imam Ibn al-Mubarak say: Abu
Hanifa is a greater faqih than all people and I have not seen anyone of his match in Fiqh [Imam Ibn Hajar al-
Asqalani in Tahdhib ut Tahdhib, Volume No.10, Page No. 401, Narrator no: 819(Online) and Volume
No. 10, Page No. 450 ]


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