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Assignment Brief Template 23/24 – 5IB006 – Contemporary Issues in

International Business
Topic Detail
Academic year / semester 2023/24 / Semester 1
Module code and title 5IB006 – Contemporary Issues in International Business
Module Leader Mohammad Alzbaidi
Assignment name Individual Report
Assignment type Report
Assignment weighting and size (100%) 3,000 words excluding references and appendices (- or + 10%)
Assessment unpacking video location Assessment Information & Support Topic, on the Assessment
Information and Support Page
‘What’s my assignment?’ unpacking Week 1 – w.c. 22/1/2024
date (if applicable)
Formative submission date (if See Canvas front page
Formative submission method (if Upload to Canvas – see Assignment Tab in Canvas for details
Formative feedback date (if To be discussed in class
Summative (i.e., final) submission date 6th May 2024 at 2pm
Summative submission method Online in Canvas
Assignment requirements This assessment requires you to write a market entry strategy in a
report for a company of your choice through only a list of companies
provided to enter a country of your choice through only a list of
countries provided.
This assessment requires you to write a market entry strategy for ONE of these companies: Dyson, Robinhood
Markets Inc., Southwest Airlines, Specsavers or Whole Foods Market to enter ONE of the following countries:
▪ Afghanistan ▪ Venezuela ▪ South Sudan ▪ Cuba ▪ Russia ▪ Myanmar ▪ Belarus ▪ Zimbabwe ▪ Lebanon.

Note: The intended market entry strategy must involve in-country production/operations. The presentation of
your work should follow this structure and format:

1. Cover page
2. Table of contents
3. Introduction: An overview of your company and country of entry [250 words]
4. The Political Environment. Analysis of: • The current political system and structure • Government stability •
Political risks • Bribery and corruption index [500 words]
5. The Economic and Business Environment. Analysis of:
• The current economic system and structure
• Per capita income and wealth distribution
• Notable domestic firms and possible trade partners
• Ease of doing Business and Trade Regulations
• Currency exchange rate (versus £ or $) and level of inflation
• Literacy level and availability of skilled labour.
• Legal system for intellectual property rights and contract enforcement
• Competitor analysis (using the template provided by your tutor) [800 words]

Topic Detail
6. The Social Environment. Analysis of:
• Local beliefs, value system, customs and traditions
• Religious, ethnic and language make-up
• Demographics (population, population growth rate, age distribution, rural versus urban
• Per capita income and wealth distribution [500 words]
7. Market Entry Mode: Comparison and rationalisation of licensing, franchising, joint venture
or wholly owned subsidiary operations. [500 words]
8. Market Opportunity Analysis. An explanation of:
• Total market size
• Potential for market share (suitability of demographics)
• Potential for product success (high, moderate or low) [200 words]
9. Conclusion: A summary of the highlights of the report. [250 words]

Although not itemised in the structure, marks will be awarded for the application of relevant theories.
and concepts in all sections of your presentation.
Learning outcomes LO1 To understand important aspects of the contemporary business
LO2 To analyse the strategic context of business operations.
LO3 To demonstrate critical analytical skills.
LO4 To attain effective business communication skills.
Assessment criteria Introduction 5%
(see rubric below for performance The Political Environment 10%
criteria) The Economic and Business Environment 20%
The Social Environment 10%
Market Entry Mode 15%
Market Opportunity Analysis 15%
Conclusion 5%
Presentation and Coherence 5%
Application of Theory 15%
Characteristics of a good submission This assessment requires you to write the market entry strategy in a
report as explained (assignment requirement). The intended market
entry strategy must involve in-country production/operations. The
presentation of your work should follow the structure and format
provided above.
Additional instructions All submissions must be uploaded via Canvas; paper and email
submissions will NOT be marked.
Appendices and the reference list are NOT included in this word limit.
Please ensure you keep a copy of your work and a file of working
papers; there may be circumstances where it is difficult to arrive at a
mark for your work. If this is the case, you may be asked to submit
your file and possibly meet with your tutor to answer questions on
your submission.
Professional Body requirements N/A
University regulations University’s Academic Regulations
Academic Integrity Policy
Level and Mark Descriptors

Topic Detail
Support Student Support and Wellbeing
Study Guides
Skills for Learning – Introduction to Academic Study Skills
Academic English Language Skills
You should also refer to your Course and Module Guides
Date by which feedback will be In line with current University guidelines
Feedback format Written feedback on Canvas.
Resit details Re-sit opportunities are available for students who are unable to take
the first sit opportunity, or who need.
to retake any component.
Refer to the VLE topic for contact details of your module leader /
tutor, tutorial inputs, recommended reading and other sources, etc.
Resit details will also appear on the VLE module topic.
The University’s Learning Information Services offer support and
guidance to help you with your studies.
and develop your academic skills

Assessment Rubric
Criteria Scales

Exceptional Outstanding Excellent Very Good Good Average Pass Poor Very Poor N/A

1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.00

Introduction An exhaustive An in-depth An excellent A very good A good A satisfactory A less than A weak Does not satisfy Not provided
and especially and engaging and engaging overview of overview of the overview of satisfactory overview of the marking ornot as
(5 marks) engaging overview of the overview of the chosen chosen the chosen overview of the the chosen criteria. There is required.
overview of the chosen the chosen company and company and company and chosen company and no overview of the Please
chosen company company and company and country, with country, with country, with company and country, with chosen company consult the
and country, with country, with country, with verifiable verifiable some country, with no verifiable and country, nor assignment
verifiable citations verifiable verifiable citations used citations used verifiable little or no citations used verifiable citations brief.
used tosupport citations used citations used to support the to support the citations used verifiable to support the to support the
the facts to support the to support the facts facts to support the citations used facts factspresented.
presented. The facts facts presented. presented. facts to support the presented. There is also no
introduction also presented. presented. The The introduction presented. facts There is no specification of
specifies the The The introduction mostly specifies The presented. specification the objectives nor
objectives and introduction introduction also specifies the objectives introduction There are of the structure of the
structure of the also specifies also specifies the objectives and structure of somewhat limitations in the objectives nor market entry
market entry the objectives the objectives and structure themarket entry specifies the specification of structureof the strategy.
strategy. and structure of and structure of the market strategy. objectives and the objectives marketentry
the market of the market entry strategy. structureof the and structure of strategy.
entry strategy. entry strategy. marketentry the market entry
strategy. strategy.

Political An exhaustive An in-depth and An excellent A very good A good analysis A satisfactory A less than A weak Does not satisfy Not provided
Environment and especially engaging and analysis of the of thecurrent analysis of the satisfactory analysis of the the marking ornot as
engaging analysis of the engaging current political system current analysis of the current criteria. There is required.
(10 marks) analysis of the current political analysis of political in the chosen political current political political no analysis of the Please
current political system in the the current system in the country, as system in the system in the system in the current political consult the
system in the chosen political chosen chosen chosen chosen system assignment
chosen country, system in the country, as country, as country, as in the chosen

as well as a country, as well chosen well as a well as a cogent well as an country, as well well as an country, as well as brief.
cogent indication as a cogent country, as cogent indication of acceptable as a deficient insufficient any indication of
of government indication of well as a indication of government indication of indication of indication of government
stability, political government cogent government stability, political government government government stability, political
risks, bribery and stability, political indication of stability, risks, bribery and stability, political stability, political stability, risks, bribery and
corruption/ risks, bribery and government political risks, corruption/ risks, bribery risks, bribery and political risks, corruption/
transparency corruption/ stability, bribery and transparency and corruption/ corruption/ bribery and transparency
ranking. There transparency political risks, corruption/ ranking. There transparency transparency corruption/ ranking. There are
are verifiable ranking. There bribery and transparency are verifiable ranking. ranking. There transparency no verifiable
citations to are verifiable corruption/ ranking. citations to There are some are only a few or ranking. citations to support
support the facts citations to transparency There are support the facts verifiable no verifiable There are no the facts
presented. support the facts ranking. There verifiable presented. citations to citations to verifiable presented.
presented. are verifiable citations to support the support the facts citations to
citations to support the facts presented. presented. support the
support the facts presented. facts
facts presented.
An exhaustive An in-depth and An excellent A very good A good analysis A satisfactory A less than A weak Does not satisfy Not provided or
Economic &
and especially engaging and engaging analysis of the of the economic analysis of the satisfactory analysis of the the marking not as required.
engaging analysis analysis of the analysis of the economic and and business economic and analysis of the economic and criteria. There is Please consult
of the economic economic and economic and business environment in business economic and business no analysis of the the assignment
and business business business environment in the chosen environment in business environment in economic and brief.
(20 marks) environment in environment in environment in the chosen country, as well the chosen environment in the chosen business
the chosen the chosen the chosen country, as well as a cogent country, as well the chosen country, as well environment in the
country, as well country, as well country, as as a cogent indication of per as an country, as well as an chosen country, as
as a cogent as a cogent well as a indication of per capita income, acceptable as a deficient insufficient well as any
indication of per indication of per cogent capita income, local indication of per indication of per indication of per indication of per
capita income, capita income, indication of local competitors/ capita income, capita income, capita income, capita income,
local competitors/ local per capita competitors/ potential local local local local competitors/
potential partners, competitors/ income, local potential partners, ease competitors/ competitors/ competitors/ potential partners,
ease of doing potential competitors/ partners, of doing potential potential potential ease of doing
partners, ease potential ease of doing partners, partners, ease partners,
ease of doing ease of doing

business, of doing partners, ease business, business, business, of doing business, business,
regulations, business, of doing regulations, regulations, regulations, business, regulations, regulations,
currency regulations, business, currency currency currency regulations, currency currency
exchange rate, currency regulations, exchange exchange rate, exchange currency exchange exchange rate,
literacy level, exchange rate, currency rate, literacy literacy level, rate, literacy exchange rate, rate, literacy literacy level,
availability of literacy level, exchange level, availability of level, literacy level, level, availability of
skilled labour, availability of rate, literacy availability of skilled labour, availability of availability of availability of skilled labour,
legal system and skilled labour, level, skilled labour, legal system skilled labour, skilled labour, skilled labour, legal system and
competitor legal system availability of legalsystem and competitor legalsystem legal system legalsystem competitor
analysis. There and competitor skilled labour, and analysis. and and competitor and analysis. There
are verifiable analysis. legal system competitor There are competitor analysis. competitor are no verifiable
citations to There are and analysis. verifiable analysis. There are few analysis. citations to
support the facts verifiable competitor There are citations to There are or no verifiable There are no support the facts
presented. citations to analysis. verifiable support the some citations to verifiable presented.
support the There are citations to facts verifiable support the citations to
facts verifiable support the presented. citations to facts presented. support the
presented. citations to facts support the facts
support the presented. facts presented.
facts presented.

Social An exhaustive An in-depth and An excellent A very good A good analysis A satisfactory A less than A weak Does not satisfy Not
Environment and especially engaging and engaging analysis of the of thesocial analysis of the satisfactory analysis of the the marking provided or
engaging analysis of the analysis of the social environment in social analysis of the social criteria. There is not as
(10 marks) analysis of the social social environment in the chosen environment in social environment in no analysis of the required.
social environment in environment the chosen country, as well the chosen environment in the chosen social Please
environment in the chosen in the chosen country, as as a cogent country, as the chosen country, as environment in consult the
the chosen country, as well country, as well as a indication of the well as an country, as well well as an the chosen assignment
country, as well as a cogent well as a cogent local beliefs, acceptable as a deficient insufficient country, as wellas brief.
as a cogent indication of the cogent indication of value systems, indication of indication of the indication of any indication of
indication of the local beliefs, indication of the local customs and the local local beliefs, the local thelocal beliefs,
local beliefs, value systems, the local beliefs, value traditions, beliefs, value value systems, beliefs, value value systems,
value systems, customs and beliefs, value systems, systems, customs and systems, customs and
customs and systems, customs and customs and customs and traditions,
traditions, traditions, traditions, traditions,

religious, ethnic traditions, customs and religious, religious, religious, traditions, religious, religious, ethnic
and language religion, ethnic traditions, ethnic and ethnic and ethnic and religious, ethnic ethnic and and language
make-up and and language religious, language language language and language language make-up and
demographics. make-up and ethnic and make-up and make-up and make-up and make-up and make-up and demographics.
There are demographics. language demographic demographics. demographic demographics. demographic There are no
verifiable citations There are make-up and s. There are There are s. There are There are few s. There are verifiable citations
to support the verifiable demographic verifiable verifiable some or no verifiable no verifiable to support the
factspresented. citations to s. There are citations to citations to verifiable citations to citations to factspresented.
support the verifiable support the support the citations to support the support the
facts citations to facts facts support the facts presented. facts
presented. support the presented. presented. facts presented.
facts presented.

Market Entry An exhaustive An in-depth and An excellent A very good A good A satisfactory A less than A weak Does not satisfy Not
Mode and especially engaging and engaging comparison comparison and comparison satisfactory comparison the marking provided or
engaging comparison and comparison and rationalisation of and comparison and and criteria. There is not as
(15 marks) comparison and rationalisation of and rationalisation licensing, rationalisatio n rationalisation of rationalisation no comparison required.
rationalisation of licensing, rationalisation of licensing, franchising, joint of licensing, licensing, of licensing, and rationalisation Please
licensing, franchising, joint of licensing, franchising, venture orwholly franchising, franchising, joint franchising, oflicensing, consult the
franchising, joint venture orwholly franchising, joint ventureor owned joint venture venture orwholly joint ventureor franchising, joint assignment
venture or wholly owned joint ventureor wholly- owned subsidiary or wholly- owned wholly- owned venture or wholly brief.
owned subsidiary subsidiary wholly- owned subsidiary operations in owned subsidiary subsidiary owned subsidiary
operations in the operations in subsidiary operations in the chosen subsidiary operations in operations in operations in the
chosen country. the chosen operations in the chosen country. operations in the chosen the chosen chosen country.
country. the chosen country. the chosen country. country.
country. country.

Market Faultless Near faultless Excellent Very good Good Satisfactory Less than Very weak Does not satisfy Not
Opportunity description of the description of description of description of description of description of satisfactory description of the marking provided or
Analysis total marketsize, the total the total the total the total the total description of the total criteria. There is not as
(15 marks) potential market size, market size, market size, market size, market size, the total market size, no description of required.
market share potential potential potential potential potential market size, potential the total market Please

and potential for market share market share market share market share market share potential market market share size, potential consult the
product/service and potential for and potential for and potential for and potential for and potential for share and and potential for market share and assignment
success. product/service product/service product/service product/service product/service potential for product/service potential for brief.
success. success. success. success. success. product/service success. product/service
success. success.
A thorough and An engaging An excellent A very good A good Satisfactory Less than Very weak Does not satisfy Not provided or
engaging summary of the summary of the summary of the summary of the summary of the satisfactory summary of the the marking not as required.
summary of the highlights of the highlights of the highlights of the highlights of the highlights of the summary of the highlights of the criteria. There is no Please
(5 marks) highlights of the report. report. report. report. report. highlights of the report. summary of the consult the
report. report. highlights of the assignment
report. brief.

Presentation Faultless logical Near faultless and Clear logical Logical Mostly logical Satisfactory Lacking logical Weak structure, No structure, Not provided or
and structure, logical structure, structure, structure, structure, logical structure, structure, sections, sections, not as required.
Coherence sections, sections, sections, sections, sections, sections, sections, subsections, subsections, tables Please
subsections, subsections, tables subsections, subsections, subsections, subsections, subsections, tables and and figures are not consult the
(5 marks) tables and figures and figures are tables and tables and tables and tables and tables and figures are not sequenced nor assignment
are clearly clearly sequenced, figures are figures are figures are figures are figures are sequenced nor labelled and there brief.
sequenced, labelled and clearly sequenced, sequenced and sequenced and somewhat labelled and is no flow from the
labelled and flowing from the sequenced, labelled and labelled with labelled with sequenced and there is no flow introduction.
flowing from the introduction. There labelled and flowing from some flow from some flow from labelled with from the Proofreading is
introduction. are no grammatical flowing from the introduction. the introduction. the introduction. little flow from introduction. needed to
nor typing errors. introduction. There are no or Proofreading is the introduction. Proofreading is eliminate errors in
There are no Proofreading is
There are no or very few needed to needed to grammar and
grammatical nor needed to Proofreading is
negligible grammatical or eliminate errors eliminate errors typing.
typing errors. eliminate errors needed to
grammatical or typing errors. in grammar and in grammar and
in grammar and eliminate errors in
typing errors. typing. typing.
typing. grammar and

Application An exhaustive and A thorough and An excellent A very good A good level of A satisfactory Less than Very weak Does not satisfythe Not provided
of Theory systematic level of cogent level of level of level of synthesis with level of satisfactory synthesis with marking criteria. ornot as
synthesis with synthesis with synthesis with synthesis with relevant theoryand synthesis with synthesis with relevanttheory There isno real nor required.
(15 marks) relevant theory and relevant theoryand relevanttheory relevanttheory concepts. There is relevant theory relevant theoryand and concepts. convincing evidence Please
concepts. There is concepts. There is and concepts. and concepts. evidence that and concepts. concepts. There is There is that additional consult the
evidence that evidence that There is There is additional There is some unconvincing unconvincing research outside assignment
additional research additional evidence that evidence that research outside evidence that evidence that evidence that seminars has been brief.
outsideseminars has research outside additional additional seminars has additional additional additional undertaken. No
been undertaken. seminars has research outside research outside been undertaken. research outside research outside research outside theories are drawn
Theory is drawn been undertaken. seminars has seminars has Theory is drawn seminars has seminars has seminars has from sources
from a wide range of Theory is drawn been been from a wide range been been undertaken. been (textbooks, journals,
sources(textbooks, from a wide range undertaken. undertaken. of sources undertaken. Theory is scarcely undertaken. news items etc.).
journals, news items of sources Theory is drawn Theory is drawn (textbooks, Theory is drawn drawnfrom a Theory is Theories havenot
etc.). (textbooks, from awide from awide journals, news from an range of sources scarcely drawn been developed
Theories have been journals, news range ofsources range ofsources items etc.). adequate range (textbooks, from arange of norconcepts
developedand/or items etc.). (textbooks, (textbooks, Theories have of sources journals, news sources integrated to
conceptsintegrated Theories have journals, news journals, news been developed (textbooks, etc.). Theories (textbooks, show
to show been developed items etc.). items etc.). and/or concepts journals, news have not been journals, news understanding.
understanding. and/or concepts Theories have Theories have integrated to items etc.). developed nor etc.).
integrated to been been show Theories have concepts Theories have
show developed developed understanding. not been fully integrated to show not been
understanding. and/or and/or developed nor understanding. developed nor
concepts concepts concepts concepts
integrated to integrated to persuasively integrated to
show show integrated to show
understanding. understanding. show understanding.

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