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Acoustics & lighting

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"Is a physical wave, a mechanical vibration, a series of pressure
Sound variations, in an elastic medium
20 to 20000 HZ A healthy pair of human ear has a detection range of.
344 m/ sec. Sound travels in air, at sea level, in ____ m/sec.
"The number of times the cycle of compression and rarefaction of
Frequency air makes in a given unit of time.
"Is the persistence of sound after the cause of sound has
Reverberation stopped-a result of repeated reflections.
"Is caused when reflected sound at sufficient intensity reaches a
Echo listener approximately 70 m/ sec. after hear the direct sound.
"Is perceived as a buzzing or clicking sound, and it is comprised of
repeated echoes traversing back and forth between two non-ab-
sorbing parallel surfaces.
Fibrous Materials A device used for sound absorption
This describe the reflection of sound along a curved surface near
the surface
344 m/sec Sound travels only about ___________m/sec.
decibel It is the measurement of the intensity of sound.
40 db It is the limit for comfortable hearing.
"It is the time in seconds that a reflected sound
Reverberation time diminishes for the case by 60db after the original
sound has stopped."
"It is a type of microphone which equally sensitive
omnidirectional mic
sound arriving at it from any direction"
"It has a stimulating effect, conducive to drinking,
induces sleep, best for bars and night club."
"In theory and fundamentals of lighting. It is the
science that deals with measurement of light."
"It refers to the unit of intensity of light of one
standard candle whose light is concentrated at a
candle power
point and the light source is assumed to be placed at
the center of a hollow sphere of one foot radius."
"In physical principles of light, it is the light rays
leaving the source strike through, opaque surface
Diffusion which spreads the light in various directions, in
addition light is broken up while in reflection, the
light bounces back at a different direction."
"It is the unit of luminous flux, amount f light falling
on a surface from the source."
"Mho as used in electrical systems calculation is
the reciprocal of ohm
defined as _______."
"A unit of mechanical power is horsepower.
What is electrical power?"
"In lighting and illumination calculation, what is
1 lumen per sq.m.
the unit for lux?"
"In Inverse Square Law, it states that: "sound
Varies inversely with intensity ______ the square of the distance
from the source.""
Acoustics & lighting
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"Is a logarithmic unit of measurement that expresses the magni-
Decibel tude of a physical quantity (usually power or intensity)
relative to a specified or implied reference level."
"An apparent shift in the frequency occurring when an acoustic
source and listener are in motion relative to each
droppler effect
other, the frequency increasing when the source and the listener
approach each other and decreasing when they move apart"
flutter What is a repetitious reflective sound due to parallel walls?
- delayed sound heard a fraction of a second after the direction of
sound isheard
Noise unpleasant or unwanted sound
psycho acoustics What is the study of reactions of humans to audible sound?
environmental acoustics - study of effects on environment upon audible sound
electro acoustics study of sound generated by equipment
What is the distance between two similar points in succession
waves traveling in one cycle?
frequency - rate of repetition of a periodic phenomenon
"a sensation felt by the brain resulting from the distance of mole-
sound - cules in
the air"
magnitude What is the amount of sound energy produced by the source?
decibel unit of loudness of sound
velocity - at speed of sound normal temperature and pressure
What is the reflected sound that gathers in a central portion of the
sound foci
dead room one characterized by large amounts of absorption
Live room characterized by very small amounts of absorption
What is the persistence of sound after the source of sound has
resonance state existing in a system which is set into oscillation
"simplest kind of sound composed entirely of sound waves of a
pure tone - single
"A type of lighting that provides illumination to special
Specific Lighting
objects like sculptures, flower arrangements, etc."
Phon Unit of loudness level.
"The process of dissipating sound energy by converting
Sound Absorption
it to heat."
Wavelength Distance sound travels during each cycle of vibration.
"The reduction in the intensity or in the sound pressure
Sound Attenuation level of sound which is transmitted from one point to
"Unit of sound absorption equivalent to 1 square foot of
perfectly absorptive material."
"Acoustical phenomenon which causes sound wave to
Sound Diffraction
be bent or scattered around"
"Minimum sound pressure level that is capable of being
Threshold of Audibility
detected by the human ear"
"Fluctuation in pressure, a particle displacement in an
elastic medium."

Acoustics & lighting
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Pure Tone Sound sensation in a single frequency.
Sine Wave Wave produced by a pure tone.
Luminaire Synonymous with a lighting fixture.
Candela The luminous intensity of light is expressed in ___.
"Type of lighting dealing with relatively large area
General Lighting
Luminous Flux The rate of flow of light through a surface.
"The luminous intensity of any surface in a given direction
per unit of projected area."
"A unit of illumination equivalent to 1 lumen per square
"A unit of illumination equivalent to 1 lumen per square
"Type of lighting system where 90-100% of light output is
Indirect Lighting directed to the ceiling and upper
walls of the room"
Cathode The equivalent of filament in a fluorescent lamp.
Sound Intensity The rate of flow of sound energy
"Lighting used primarily to draw attention to particular
Accent Lighting
points of interest."
Fluorescense A means of producing light from gaseous discharge.
High-Pressure-Sodium A type of High-Intensity-Discharge lamp (HID).
"Sound system input device that reacts to and converts
variable sound pressure into variable electrical current."
"Light originating from sources not facing each other, as
Cross Light
from windows in adjacent walls."
Luminaire A lighting unit consisting of one or more electrical lamps.
"A louvered construction divided into cell-like areas and
used for redirecting the light emitted by an overhead source."
"A lamp designed to project and diffuse a uniform level of
illumination over a large area."
"A type of perimeter detector which detects object in heat
Passive Infrared
range of body temperature."
"A type of perimeter detector which detects interruption of
Passive Infrared
light beam."
"A type of perimeter detector which detects change in
sound wave pattern."
"A type of perimeter detector which is subject to false
Microwave alarm from aircraft radar and from movement outside building
through window, wood doors, and the like. It uses radio waves."
"This type of perimeter detector uses both the Passive
Passive Infrared with Ultrasonic (or Microwave)
infrared and Ultrasonic or Microwave system."
"This type of perimeter detector detects a change in
Proximity / Capacitance capacitance of the area covered, caused by intrusion.
Proximity / Capacitance a. Microwave"
"A high intensity discharge lamp in which the light is
Metal Halide Lamp produced by the radiation from a mixture of a metallic vapor,
similar to that of a mercury lamp in construction."
"A type of lamp popular for lighting commercial interiors,
Mercury Lamp uses argon gas to ease starting, it produces light by means of an
electric discharge in mercury vapor."
Acoustics & lighting
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"A type of lamp which produces light by means of the
Tungsten Halogen Lamp reaction of halogen additive in the bulb reacts with chemically
with tungsten."
"A type of lamp generally used for roadways and
High-Pressure-Sodium (HPS)
sidewalks, uses sodium gas."
"The number of cycles per unit time of a wave or
oscillations expressed in hertz of cycles per second."
"Of a partition, the number of decibels by which sound is
reduced in transmission through it; a measure of the sound insu-
Transmission Loss
lation value of the partition, the higher the number, the
greater the insulation value."
"212. The other type of flame detector other than the ultraviolet
Infra Red
"What type of sound absorbent is best for lower band
Porous Absorbents
"The bending of sound wave when traveling forward
changes direction as it passes through different densities."
1 lumen per sq.m. In lighting and illumination calculation, what is the unit for lux?
Magnetic flux Tesla is the unit of____.
"In Inverse Square Law, it states that: "sound intensity ______ the
Varies inversely with
square of the distance from the source.""
"a. Transmission of sound
b. Effect of sound waves Acoustics is a science that concerns with ______.
c. Generation of sound"
Curve surface Creep is the phenomenon whereby sound travels in a ______.
"Sound Transmission Loss (STL) is/are affected by the following
a. Intensity of sound from source
All of the above
b. Material density
c. Medium
d. All of the above"
"Which of the following factors affect/s room acoustics?
a. Shape and proportion of room
All of the above b. Room cavity
c. Seating and other furnishings
d. All of the above"
"A condition characterized as vertically downward directly below
the luminaire. What is that term?"
"It is the product of surface area (sq.ft.) and sound absorption
Sound absorption
coefficient (SAC). It has the unit sabin."
"Wallace Clement Sabine, an American physicist who pioneered
Architectural acoustics
work on sound is said to be the father of ____?"
"When sound impinges on a surface such as walls, floor, ceiling,
Structureborne sound
etc. It is referred to as _____."
"A branch of acoustics that involves the control of noise pollution,
Environmental acoustics environmental noise, which include motor vehicles, aircraft noise,
"This material is so named in honor of a German physicist,
consista of a holllow material with a small hole on one side. This
Hermholtz resonator is
used to detect individual frequency of complex acoustic wave
"A type of resonator made from empty clay vessels of different
Individual resonator
sizes. Their absorption ranges from 100-400 hertz."
Acoustics & lighting
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Threshold of hearing The rustling of leaves in breeze is said to be within the ____.
Farad Unit of capacitance is _____.
"The following statements are true with regards to sound except
a. That sound is an aural sensation
b. That sound is caused by oscillation in an elastic medium
c. That sound travels in a vacuum
That sound travels in a vacuum
d. That sound is caused by the vibration of particles which move
an infinitesimal amount causing particles to impart motion and
energy to them
"The velocity of sound is affected by _____.
a. Temperature
All of the above b. Kind of medium
c. Material density
d. All of the above"
"Transondent facings are those transparent facings with holes.
10% opening
Which facing will reflect more sound?"
"Which of the following sources of sound produces the highest
Cafeteria with people in it
sound pressure level (SPL)?"
HERTZ Unit of frequency equal to one cycle per seconds
PHON Unit of loudness of level
REVERBERATION Prolongation of sound as a result of succesive reflection
WAVELENGTH Distance sounds travels during each cycles of vibration
Acoustical phenomenon which causes sound wave to bend or
scattered around
SOUND Fluctuation in pressure, a particle displaceent in elastic medium
PURE TONE Sound sensation in a single frequency
A luminous intensity of light expressed in candela; Unit of luminous
LUMINAIRE A lighting fixture
LAMBERT Unit of luminance equal to 1 candela per square meter
LUX Unit of illmination equal to one lumen per square meter
FOOT CANDLE Unit of illumination equal to one square foot
LUMINOUS FLUX Rate of flow of light through a surface
IMPEDANCE Resistance in AC system
CONDUCTANCE Reciprocal of resistance
SOUND INTENSITY Rate of flow of sound energy
Lighting used primarily to draw attention to particular point of
HPS LAMP A type of HID lamp
ULTRASONIC Higher than 20,000 Hertz
Unit of acoustic absorption equivalent ot absorption by one square
root of a perfect absorber
First defense method from external noise by site selection and site
planning for quiet internal acoustic environment
INSTALL ABSORBENT MATERIALS WITHIN THE WALL OF THE The effective method can be employed to reduce direct noise,
ENCLOSURE which is transmitted airborne, for noise reduction within a space
7,380 fps Sound with a wavelength of 1.50 m at Frequency 1,500 Hz

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Perceptual characteristic of sound which is the average rate of
INTENSITY flow of energy per unit area perpendicular to the direction of
The physical behavior of sound when travelling forward in a
REFRACTION straight path changes in direction as it passes through different
densities and causes the sound waves to bend
Sound Absorption The process of dissipating sound energy by converting it to heat.
The reduction in the intensity or in the sound pressure level of
Sound Attenuation
sound which is transmitted from one point to another.
Unit of sound absorption equivalent to 1 square foot of perfectly
absorptive material.
Acoustical phenomenon which causes sound wave to be bent or
Sound Diffraction
scattered around.
Minimum sound pressure level that is capable of being detected
Threshold of Audibility
by the human ear.
Fluctuation in pressure, a particle displacement in an elastic medi-
General Lighting Type of lighting dealing with relatively large area lighting.
The luminous intensity of any surface in a given direction per unit
of projected area.
Foot-Candle A unit of illumination equivalent to 1 lumen per square foot.
Lux A unit of illumination equivalent to 1 lumen per square meter.
Type of lighting system where 90-100% of light output is directed
Indirect Lighting
to the ceiling and upper walls of the room.
Tungsten The material used for filament in an incandescent bulb.
Lighting used primarily to draw attention to particular points of
Accent Lighting
High-Pressure-Sodium (HPS) A type of High-Intensity-Discharge lamp (HID).
Light originating from sources not facing each other, as from
Cross Light
windows in adjacent walls.
A louvered construction divided into cell-like areas and used for
redirecting the light emitted by an overhead source.
A lamp designed to project and diffuse a uniform level of illumina-
tion over a large area.
Porous Absorbents What type of sound absorbent is best for lower band frequencies.
The bending of sound wave when traveling forward changes di-
rection as it passes through different densities.
The number of cycles per unit time of a wave or oscillations
expressed in hertz of cycles per second.
Of a partition, the number of decibels by which sound is reduced
in transmission through it; a measure of the sound insulation value
Transmission Loss
of the partition, the higher the number, the greater the insulation


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