Lesson 2 - Linear Motion

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Linear Motion equations can be used to analytically

characterize the motion of a body:

Horizontal Motion:
 Understand graphical
presentations of position changes
as a function of time
 Calculate the acceleration from
the position - time graph
 Analyze the motion of an object
in free fall

At constant Acceleration:
Kinematics and dynamics can be
used to explain how a body moves. In
kinematics, the characteristics of
location, time, velocity, and acceleration
are used to describe the motion of the
body. It doesn't entail figuring out what
makes the body move. Motion in both
one and more dimensions is a part of
One-dimensional motion, often
known as linear motion, will be
discussed in this topic. Vertical or Vertical Motion at constant acceleration
horizontal motion can both be described (freely falling body):
as linear motion. Motion can be either
equally accelerated or steady. When an
object's velocity is constant, it is
traveling at constant motion, and when it
is travelling at constant acceleration, it is
uniformly accelerating.
Analytical and graphical
descriptions of motion of an object
are both feasible. The position-time
graph can be used to determine velocity
for graphical study of motion, whereas
the velocity-time graph can be used to
determine acceleration. The following

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