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Chapter 1 Introduction to ICT Set by Bekalu


Chapter one
Introduction to ICT
ICT is stands for Information, communication and technology that used to access information.
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) is a broader term for Information
Technology (IT), which refers to all communication technologies, including the internet, wireless
networks, cell phones, computers, software, middleware, video-conferencing, social networking,
and other media applications and services.
Information and Communication Technology or “ICT,” includes products that store, process,
transmit, convert, duplicate, or receive electronic information, Electronic textbooks, instructional
software, email, chat, and distance learning programs.
No Meaning of information Meaning of data
1 It is collection of data It is figures and facts
2 It is organized data It is not organized data
3 It is processed data It is not processed data
Recorded data It is not have meaning:- e.g
numbers, images, words, letters,
and sound
4 E,g Abebe is a students e.g Abebe, is, a, students

Communication: it is the exchange of message among devices under the control of protocol
It is transfer of idea and message among
 Person:- the user of technology
 System: - A system is a group of interacting or interrelated entities that form a unified
whole. A system, surrounded and influenced by its environment, is described by its
boundaries, structure and purpose and expressed in its functioning.
 Devices:- A device is a unit of physical hardware or equipment that provides one or more
computing functions within a computer system. It can provide input to the computer, accept
Chapter 1 Introduction to ICT Set by Bekalu

output or both. A device can be any electronic element with some computing ability that
supports the installation of firmware or third-party software
 Media such as
 Computer
 Internet
 Cell phone: - A mobile phone (also known as a hand phone, cell phone,
or cellular telephone) is a small portable radio telephone. The mobile
phone can be used to communicate over long distances without wires.
Now, more people are using Smartphone’s than the old kind of mobile
phone, which are called feature phones
 Telephone
 Television
 Radio
Technology: -
 It is the system or knowledge how to use the technology.
 It is the system of organizing and using information.
 It is the system of managing information system.
 It is making, modification, adaptation and usage of tools, techniques, systems or
machine in order to solve problems.

ICT is: - .
 It is the technology used to provide or access of information using different
 It is an umbrella that includes all technology for communicate information.
 TV
 Radio
 Cellular phone
 Computer
 network hardware
 Software
 Satellite system.

 It refers to a form of technology that are used to create information, processing,

storage, retrieve, communication and sharing of information.
Role of ICT for society
 Education
 Business
 Training
 Health
 Environment
 Employment or government etc
Chapter 1 Introduction to ICT Set by Bekalu

Application of ICT
 Computer
 Internet
 Cell phone
Advantage ICT for society
 Online sale and purchase
 Sources of entertainment
 Software and document downloading
 Document sharing with each other by using internet
 Searching information using varies search engine
 People can communicate using social networking
Uses of ICT for education
 It is the mode of education that uses information and communications technology to
support, enhance, and optimize the delivery of information.
ICT can
 It enable teaching and learning very well
 Teach well, learning well and present well
 Used to work efficiently
 Share ideas easily among each other
 Gain precision and knowledge
 Achieve goals in less time period
 Class room teaching with multimedia
ICT helps learners
 Develop understanding
 Speed and automatic functions of ICT can enable teachers to
demonstrate, explore or explain aspects of their teaching, and students
learning, more effectively e.g. use of a spread sheet to perform
calculations in order that patterns can be concentrated on rather than
the calculating.
 Extend access to sources
 the capacity and range of ICT can enable teachers and students to gain
access to historical, recent or immediate information, though, for
example, accessing information on CD-ROM or the Internet
 Enhance enquiry skills
 search for and compare information from different sources
 Enhance the communication of ideas
Chapter 1 Introduction to ICT Set by Bekalu

 communicate with other people, locally and over distances, easily and
 Present information in ways which are accessible in different forms for
different audiences.
Characteristics of information
All information not useful for making decision in organization. The following term are used to
measure the quality of information.
1. Accurate: the information must be free from an error. Accuracy is important. As an
example, if government statistics based on the last census wrongly show an increase in
births within an area, plans may be made to build schools and construction companies
may invest in new housing developments. In these cases any investment may not be
2. Complete: the information must contain all important facts about the data. For example,
an investment report that does not include all important costs is not complete.
3. Economical:-Information should also be relatively economical to produce. Decision
makers must always balance the value of information with the cost of producing it.
4. Update: the information must be current and recent. It must be delivered at the right
time, place and person. Information is delivered when it is needed. Having a Mobile
application shows last week's weather conditions will not help when trying to decide
what coat to wear today.
5. Accessible: Information should be easily accessible by authorized users so they can
obtain it in the right format and at the right time to meet their needs.
6. Flexible : the information must be used more than one purpose
7. Simple: the information must be simple to produce or find and understand by everyone.
Information should be simple, not overly complex. Sophisticated and detailed
information might not be needed. In fact, too much information can cause information
overload, whereby a decision maker has too much information and is unable to determine
what is really important.
8. Relevant: the information must be important to make a decision
9. Verifiable and Reliable: the information must be checked whether it is true or false
sources. Information can be depended on. In many cases, the reliability of the information
depends on the reliability of the data-collection method. In other instances, reliability
depends on the source of the information. Compare that to finding information on the
Internet where anybody can write unedited and unverified material and 'publish' it on the
web. Unless you know who the author is, or a reputable university or government agency
backs up the research, then you cannot be sure that the information is reliable.
10.Secure: - Information should be secure from access by unauthorized users.

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