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Revised BOQ of DNIT for Water Proofing, Expansion Joint Treatment, Welding, Civil
works and painting in PCA, I.S BINDRA, International Cricket Stadium, Mohali

RequiredAp Ratein
Sl.No. Description Unit prox.Qty Rs. Amount


Thoroughly dismantling/ removing
ofoldarrangements of expansion
jointusingsuitable equipment’s and Tools to
makeitfree from all contamination
foroptimumperformance of the furthersystem.
ii) Repairing and leveling the edgesofjoints
with modifiedmortar.
iii) After repairing, Providing and fixingof
expansion joint system up to anywidth related
with floor/ vertical location asper drawings
and direction ofEngineer- In-Charge. The
joints system will beof extruded aluminum
base members,self-aligning / self-centering
arrangementand support plates etc. The
system shallbesuch that it provides floor to
floor/floor to wall expansion control
systemfor various vertical location inload
application areas thataccommodates multi
directional seismicmovement without stress
to its components.System shall consist of
1 metal profiles witha universal aluminum
basemember designed to
accommodatevarious project conditions and
finishfloor treatments. The cover plate
shallbedesigned of width and
thicknessrequired to satisfy projects
movement andloading requirements and
secured tobase members by utilizing
manufacturer’spre- engineered self-
centeringarrangement that freely rotates /
moves inall directions. The Self –centering
arrangement shall exhibit circularsphere ends
that lock and slide insidethe corresponding
aluminum extrusioncavity to allow freedom of
movementand flexure in all directions
includingvertical displacement. Provision
ofMoisture Barrier Membrane in the Joint
Systemto have watertight joint ismandatory
requirement all as per themanufactures
design and as approved by Engineer–in
This also includes aluminum Patti
(1mm thick) in bottom of the joint.

South Pavilion Terrace

a) 5.44.1 Mtr 94 4142.56 389438.24

Stadia Entry Gates Expansion

b) 5.44.1 Rmt 183 4142.56 758161.68

Thoroughly Cleaning surface
ofthesubstrate using suitable
equipmenttomake it free from all
performance of thefurthersystem.
ii) Applying the dust
2 controllingchemicalafter cleaning the
iii) Repairing of minor cracks
bymaking“V” grooves with
iv) Applying single coat of
bondingagent/waterproof primer along
with 3 coatsofElastic layer chemical
along withfibreglass coated mesh of 45
(v) Final layer consists of 2 layer
ofHardcoating UV resistant
13.90+1 Water Proofing on the
a) chemicalwithrequiredcolour. sqmtr 2075 605.44 1256288.00
3.91 PavilionTerraceSlab
Make: Asian, Berger,(559.09+119
13.90+1 =678.09)
Water Proofing in the
Fixit,Fosroc,Vikani TWI
b) sqmtr 1300 605.44 787072.00
3.91 RoomroofSlab
c) InKitchen sqmtr 40 605.44 24217.60
The scope of work
alsoincludedremoving the old bitumen
tar feltandmaking slope with concrete
13.90+1 Sqmt
d) withcementmotar, after surface 355 605.44 214931.20
3.91 r
preparationandclearing, washing and
scraping allloosematerial/particle in all
respect as perthespecification and
Channelizing ofwaterinto the existing
main waterpipesdirection of the
engineerincharge. Note: 1:2:4 concrete
to be paid separately.
M.S Sheet 2mm thick welding in
3 M.R Kg 300 120 36,000
frontofPavilion lifts both sides to
protectwaterleakage from existing MS
sheets totheconcrete wall/Girder at roof
ofsouthpavilion in AC loungestaircase.
MS sheet 2mm 51’ X 2’ = 19sqmtr
Banquet Hall Ceiling
RepairNearStair case 1C to
Basement:Providing and Fixing ceiling
consistingof12.5mm thick Gypsum
4a) 13.65 Board of anysize Sqm 22.30 1179.4 26301.96
G.I. Cradling hanged from the 6
ceilingbymeans of G.I. hanger complete
alongwithdismantling of existing hangers
etc asperdrawings, specifications and
Basement Banquet
entire satisfaction of engineer-in-charge.
Construction of One Sump size4’X4’X2’
b) M.R and reduction of PCC Floor 8’’ to1’ JoB 1 50000 50,000
approx. 200 sqft area
withpropersloping 6’’ to 12’’ to the
sumpin Basement banquethall
Providing and laying vitrified floor
tilesof different sizes in light
colourshades made using Double
Chargetechnology (thickness to be
c) 14.113 sqmtr 60 935.71 56142.60
specified bythe manufacturer)
with waterabsorption’s less than
0.08% and conforming to IS:
15622 of approved make in
allcolours and shades, laid on
20mm thickcement mortar 1:4 (1
cement: 4 finesand),complete. (
Design ishomogenous throughout
the tile body )size 600x600mm
Make: Johnson, Kataria, Nitco, Somany
Ssupports fortheHoarding’stomake
strengthening with
additionalsupportsStructural steel work
in compoundgirdersor Stanchions built
up from two ormore
R.S. joists or channel section or
plates&angles etc. including cutting and
fixingalllattice bars, stiffeners,
gussetplates,bolts, nuts, rivets, welding
rod,etc.complete with flange plates,
5a) 18.7 Qtl 15.52 6610.71 102598.22
heads,soleplates, angle connections,
etc.withhoisting and erecting in
positionincluding joints of two hoardings
approx.ISMC 75x40x 4.8mm 122 nos X 2’
andBack supports angle 50x 6mm 20 nos
X3’ Approx. Total 1200 Kg for 49 Nosof
hoardings to connect each andBack
supports. The rates quoted for thesupply
and fixing of MS Channel, Angles,Plates
as per the
Cement siterequirements
concrete 1:2:4
10.13 12522.33
b) mixingbymechanical means using Cum 03 4174.11
concretemixer volumetrictype
Painting and Polishingwork
6 Make: Asian, Berger,
Dulux,Nerolac,Vikani orequivalent
Scraping White wash, Paint andcolour
a) 8.31 Sqm 4700.00 6.25 29375.00
Preparation of plastered surfacesfor
distempering including surface,applying
filling with approved qualityfiller
b) 16.6 Sqm 4700.00 54.46 255962.00
consisting of plaster of paris andchalk
mitti including finishing the surfaceto
the required finishcomplete
Finishing walls with acrylicsmooth
exterior paint of required shade withtwo
or more coats applied @1.67
c) 16.59 Sqm 2000.00 81.25 162500.00
litre/10Sqm over and including basecoat
of water proofing Cement Paintapplied
@ 2.20 Kg/10Sqm

Finishing walls with exteriordecorative

cement based paint such assnowcem,
d) 16.13 Sqm 2200.00 49.11 108042.00
robbiacem etc. two or more coats togive
an evenshade

Wall painting with plastic emulsionpaint

f) 16.63 of approved brand and manufacturerto Sqm 500.00 79.46 39730.00
give an even shade (two or morecoats).

Applying priming coat with metalprimer

g) 16.20 on new steel or iron workincluding 2200.00 21.43 47146.00
preparation ofsurface

Painting two or more coatsexcluding

priming coat with synthetic enamelpaint
h) 16.17 in all shades on wood work, metallicor Sqm 2200.00 58.92 129624.00
plastered, concrete surface to givean
Extra rates for External
whitewashing,distempering, painting
and decorativecement-based paints etc Sqm
i) 16.77 for wallsofheight above Third storey
500.00 10.71 5355.00
fromgroundlevel for every additional
height ofsinglestorey or partthereof.

7 MoatWork
Dismantling stonemasonry/Rubble
masonry including stacking ofserviceable Cum 149 613.39 91395.11
a) 8.1
materials and disposal ofunserviceable

Cement concrete 1:2:4

b) mixingbymechanical means using Cum 10 4174.11 41741.10
concretemixer volumetrictype
Providing and laying 80 mm
thickfactorymade cement
concreteinterlockingPaving blocks of M-
40grademanufactured by blockmaking
machine equipped with
steelmouldclamped to a strong vibratory
tablewithhydraulic pressure for
compactionofconcrete as per IRC SP 63 - Sqm 2400.00 1725000.00
8a) 14.139 718.75
2014 andofapproved size and design /
shape laidinOrdinary Grey Colour and
patternoverand including 40 mm
thickcompactedbed of coarse sand, filling
the jointswithfine sand etc, after
necessaryearthleveling work as per site
requirement,allcomplete as per directions
Cement concrete 1:4:8
withstoneaggregate 40mm gauge
mixingbymechanical means
10.11 usingconcretemixer volumetric type
b) Cum 240 3231.25 775500.00
(b)(ii) afternecessaryearth leveling work as
persiterequirement, all complete
asperdirections ofEngineer-in-

Clearing grass and removal of rubbish upto

any distance of outside the periphery ofthe
c) 24.1 area as per technical clause 201 ofMORT&H
Hac 0.24 21696.64 5272.71

d) 24.6 (b) Excavation of extra earth by hydraulic Cum 480.00 141.07 67713.60
means including carrying cutting and
disposal of the same within lead up to 100

TOTAL Rs. 71, 98, 090/-


1. The Water Proofing Chemical to be used Asian, Berser, Dr. Fixit, Fosroc, Vikani orequivalent.
2. The cement to be used ACC, Birla,Ultratec
3. Paint material ASIAN, BERGER andNEROLAC
4. Steel material to be used Tata,Jindal
5. The contractor shall execute all the work including any civil works required as per thesite
and no extra cost will be given. Before quote the rate the contractor will be visit thesite.

6. GSTasapplicablewillbepaidextraaftersubmissionofGSTRreturns(GSTR-1&GSTR-3B)
depictingtheproofofdeposit.TheAssociationwillpayGSTamount,aftercheckingtheGSTin GSTR-
2B of PCA. The GST number of PCA is03AAATP3502C1ZD

7. The agency will quote Percentage (+/-) in figures as well in word as per the above quotedamount i.e., on
Rs. 71,98,090/-.

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