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Francisco Bissett


Paleontology or palaeontology is the written report of prehistoric lifespan configuration on
dry land through the examination of plant and animal fossils .This includes the study of
body fossil , tracks ( ichnites ) , burrows , cast-off parts , fossilised feces ( coprolites ) ,
palynomorphs and chemical residues .Because mankind have encountered dodo for
millennium , fossilology has a long history both before and after becoming formalized as a
science .This article records significant discoveries and events related to paleontology that
occurred or were published in the year 1882 .== Diapsids == === Newly named
choristoderes === === Newly named ichthyosaurs === === Newly named dinosaurs === ==
synapsid reptile == === Non-mammalian === == Paleontologists == The fossil aggregation
of the recently deceased Reverend William Fox , which contained over 500 specimens , was
bought by the trustee of the British Museum of Natural story .== References ==

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