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The Journal of Systems & Software 174 (2021) 110891

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A systematic literature review of blockchain and smart contract

development: Techniques, tools, and open challenges✩

Anna Vacca , Andrea Di Sorbo, Corrado A. Visaggio, Gerardo Canfora
Department of Engineering, University of Sannio, Italy

article info a b s t r a c t

Article history: Blockchain platforms and languages for writing smart contracts are becoming increasingly popular.
Received 21 August 2020 However, smart contracts and blockchain applications are developed through non-standard software
Received in revised form 21 November 2020 life-cycles, in which, for instance, delivered applications can hardly be updated or bugs resolved
Accepted 22 December 2020
by releasing a new version of the software. Therefore, this systematic literature review oriented to
Available online 28 December 2020
software engineering aims at highlighting current problems and possible solutions concerning smart
Keywords: contracts and blockchain applications development. In this paper, we analyze 96 articles (written from
Software engineering for blockchain 2016 to 2020) presenting solutions to tackle software engineering-specific challenges related to the
technologies development, test, and security assessment of blockchain-oriented software. In particular, we review
Software quality papers (that appeared in international journals and conferences) relating to six specific topics: smart
Software metrics
contract testing, smart contract code analysis, smart contract metrics, smart contract security, Dapp
Empirical study
performance, and blockchain applications. Beyond the systematic review of the techniques, tools, and
Smart contract approaches that have been proposed in the literature to address the issues posed by the development
of blockchain-based software, for each of the six aforementioned topics, we identify open challenges
that require further research.
© 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction algorithms are typically used (e.g., the Proof of Work and the
Proof of Stake algorithms Bach et al., 2018).
The Bitcoin whitepaper (Nakamoto, 2008) was published in Blockchain applications and smart contracts can be used in
2008, and the related blockchain was started in 2009. Since then, various fields: from insurance refunds to financial transactions,
blockchain technology has continued to show several advantages from corporate operations to the traceability of goods and the
(e.g., decentralization, trust, immutability, transparency Golosova protection of intellectual property. Thus, the number of compa-
and Romanovs, 2018) and different areas of applicability. One nies using blockchain and smart contract applications continues
of the most relevant applications of blockchain is smart con- to grow. However, for satisfying high performance, scalability,
tracts (i.e., self-executing contracts containing the terms of the and security requirements, blockchain applications need to be
agreement between the parts). Smart contracts allow trusted well-designed and thoroughly tested. This is especially true if
transactions and agreements to be carried out among different we consider that smart contracts are developed through non-
anonymous parties. standard software life-cycles, in which delivered applications can
The result of a smart contract execution on the nodes of a hardly be updated or bugs resolved by releasing a new version of
blockchain corresponds to a change of status in the blockchain it-
the software (Destefanis et al., 2018). In general, the development
self. Such a change of status is triggered by a transaction posted to
of smart contracts is very different from traditional software
the blockchain. Transactions are aggregated in blocks, and nodes
development, raising new problems and challenges (Marchesi
must reach a consensus to add a new block to the blockchain. In
et al., 2020). For instance, on the one hand, (i) developers must
particular, due to the absence of a central authority, blockchain
ensure code security for smart contracts due to the immutability
technologies make use of consensus algorithms to validate and
of blockchain and the sensitiveness of digital information often
verify the transactions. To reach such consensus, well-known
managed, on the other hand (ii) they must pay special atten-
tion to gas consumption, as the execution of smart contracts
✩ Editor: [BURAK TURHAN].
∗ Corresponding author. in blockchain platforms like Ethereum is implemented through
the gas mechanism (Zou et al., 2019). It should be considered
E-mail addresses: avacca@unisannio.it (A. Vacca), disorbo@unisannio.it
(A. Di Sorbo), visaggio@unisannio.it (C.A. Visaggio), canfora@unisannio.it that the blockchain technology requires specific constraints and
(G. Canfora). characteristics of the applications that will run on it, the product

0164-1212/© 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A. Vacca, A. Di Sorbo, C.A. Visaggio et al. The Journal of Systems & Software 174 (2021) 110891

lifecycle and the development software process of smart con- defects or vulnerabilities, which, if exploited, in the case of
tracts and blockchain-based applications. All these changes to blockchains, smart contracts, and virtual currencies, can lead to fi-
the software product and process must be identified and stud- nancial losses. Thus, we consider both techniques and tools aimed
ied in order to develop a comprehensive body of knowledge of at identifying fraudulent behaviors and security flaws in smart
blockchain based software engineering. contracts (e.g., TEETHER Krupp and Rossow, 2018, MAIAN Nikolić
Although the increasing popularity of smart contracts and et al., 2018, Oyente Luu et al., 2016).
the research efforts that have been posed to tackle some of We also discuss solutions aimed at measuring Dapp (decen-
these issues, the approaches proposed are still far from being tralized application) performance. In particular, benchmarks for
consolidated. For these reasons, it urges to identify the software performing such evaluations are analyzed.
engineering tools, techniques, best practices, as well as testing ap- In addition, to better understand the specific applications that
proaches, specially designed to address the novel features intro- use the blockchain beyond cryptocurrency, we also consider the
duced by decentralized programming on the blockchain Dapps, which have been created by developers for being used
(Chakraborty et al., 2018). To fill this gap and have a clearer pic- in a plethora of different scenarios (e.g., social platforms, casino,
ture of the research efforts that have been carried out to improve and financial exchange, etc.). In particular, analyzing such appli-
the implementation, the security, and the reliability of this kind of cations, we are interested in better comprehending which specific
applications, in this paper we perform a systematic review of the problems are addressed through the adoption of the blockchain
literature concerning the software engineering tools, techniques, technology.
and practices envisioned for dealing with the peculiarities posed Results of our literature review highlight that most of the
by smart contracts and blockchain development. Moreover, we techniques investigated and tools/frameworks implemented have
also try to identify possible future research directions and open a focus on the Ethereum platform, with few exceptions as Bit-
issues that need to be addressed. In particular, we pose the coin and Hyperledger. However, many of these techniques and
following general research question: tools only deal with specific aspects and issues of blockchain-
What is the current state of the art in research and which are oriented software engineering. For these reasons, further research
the main challenges faced in the development, testing, and quality is needed for more comprehensively targeting the different con-
assessment of blockchain-oriented software? straints and challenges posed by blockchain-based software de-
In particular, this research question aims at reviewing the spe- velopment, testing, and quality assessment.
cific methods, techniques, and tools proposed for improving the In summary, the contribution of the current paper is twofold:
design, construction, testing, maintenance, and quality of smart
contracts and decentralized apps. Additionally, our goal is to also • we provide the community with a common knowledge base
identify the specific challenges of blockchain-oriented software enumerating the approaches for improving smart contract
engineering that are still open and need further research. To and blockchain application development that have been
answer our research question, several aspects of software en- proposed so far; and
gineering have been considered, such as testing, security, and • we identify the specific blockchain software engineering
source code quality of blockchain-based applications. challenges that are still open and need further research.
During the life cycle of software, the testing phase is useful
Paper structure. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2
to verify if the software produced corresponds to the expected
compares existing literature review in the field of blockchain and
specifications and, above all, if it does not present bugs, errors,
our proposal regarding software engineering. Section 3 presents
or other defects. Concerning software testing, we specifically
the research methodology used. Section 4 discusses the findings
analyze (i) approaches and frameworks for generating test cases
of our literature review, while Section 5 highlights future research
(such as Zeus Kalra et al., 2018), (ii) approaches to identify code
directions and open issues that have emerged from the analysis
smells present in the source code (Chen et al., 2020b), and (iii)
of the collected papers. Section 6 deals with the main threats
tools based on fuzz testing (such as Fuse Chan and Jiang, 2018,
that could affect our findings and, finally, Section 7 concludes the
Contractfuzzer Jiang et al., 2018, Evmfuzz Fu et al., 2019 and
ReGuard Liu et al., 2018).
Another aspect to consider in software engineering is the anal-
ysis of the source code with the aim of evaluating its quality. For 2. Related work
this purpose, we discuss the existing solutions aimed at detecting
problems in the code, (e.g., Smartcheck Tikhomirov et al., 2018, The interest of the research community towards issues con-
Slither Feist et al., 2019, KEVM Hildenbrandt et al., 2018). In cerning applications based on the blockchain technology is in-
particular, we analyze the proposed solutions to identify which creasingly growing. Unfortunately, a literature review system-
of them is more useful for identifying specific problems. atically examining the specific aspects of Software Engineering
Software metrics are useful measurement units for quanti- is still lacking. In fact, the literature reviews realized till now
fying, measuring, and evaluating the different aspects of soft- regards mainly the application of the blockchain technology to
ware development. Such metrics can be divided into different specific domains such as security, biomedical, intellectual prop-
categories according to their use, including metrics related to erty.
software products, metrics related to software development pro- Among the topics covered in the identified literature reviews,
cesses, metrics related to software quality, Object-oriented met- Taylor et al. (2019) deal with blockchain cyber security. By iden-
rics. We analyze the literature concerning the adoption/ tifying peer-reviewed literature, they feature applications that
proposition of metrics to deal with issues specifically posed by have used blockchain security, such as Internet of Things (IoT),
blockchain-oriented development. using Personally Identifier Information (PII), public key cryp-
Another very important aspect is the security of the source tography, machine visualization. In their study, they pose three
code. Since the most popular and successful applications of smart research questions related to the latest applications that focus on
contracts are tokens and decentralized exchanges (i.e., peer- security, how much blockchain is used to improve cyber security
to-peer trading of cryptocurrencies) moving money for tens of and what are the methods used. Regarding blockchains for Iot
billions of dollars (Oliva et al., 2020), there is a need for improved security, the analysis shows that blockchain technology is useful
security practices. Source code might contain critical security even if there are no guidelines on how to integrate it. Regarding
A. Vacca, A. Di Sorbo, C.A. Visaggio et al. The Journal of Systems & Software 174 (2021) 110891

blockchains for AI data security, blockchain is useful to reduce the 3. Research methodology
risks related to transaction and financial fraud.
Conoscenti et al. (2016) aimed at understanding how Our systematic literature review on blockchain based Soft-
blockchain and peer-to-peer approaches can be used in applica- ware Engineering has been carried out following the guidelines
tions with decentralized and intensive data, guaranteeing the user of Kitchenham and Charters (2007). In this section we will intro-
privacy. Based on the examined literature, the study found in- duce how the examined papers have been selected, prepared for
tegrity problems (only pseudonymity can be guaranteed), the analysis and an overview of the produced research (who are
anonymity and adaptability, which depend on the implementa- the main authors, how the papers are distributed over time and
tion of proof of work and miners. on the types of publication).
Instead, Casino et al. (2019) analyzed the current state of
blockchain technology and its applications. They propose a tax- 3.1. Selection of primary study
onomy to classify blockchain-based applications into finance, in-
tegrity verification, governance (including citizen and user ser- To search for primary studies, we have identified the following
vices, public sector, voting), IoT, healthcare management, privacy keywords:
and security, business and industry (which includes supply chain (‘‘Blockchain’’ OR ‘‘smart contract’’ OR ‘‘Ethereum’’)
management and energy sector), education, data management, and set as a filter the years from 2016 to 2020.
and finally miscellaneous. This analysis highlights limitations of The platforms used for the search were Google Scholar,2 IEEE
blockchain technology and usability in different application do- Xplore Digital Library,3 ACM Digital Library,4 Science Direct.5
mains. For each paper found, the title was analyzed, then abstract,
While the previous study focuses on blockchain applications, introduction, and conclusions to determine whether it pertained
Porru et al. (2017) highlight the state of the art of Blockchain- to the established inclusion criteria. Then we went on to analyze
oriented software (BOS) development by identifying current the rest of each document to find significant contributions and
open issues.
problems and new directions to be taken. For this purpose,
they examined around 1000 repositories on GitHub.1 Then, they
3.2. Inclusion and exclusion criteria
extracted information such as programming language, age, pop-
ularity, number of contributors. The most popular projects are
Papers published in scientific international journals and pro-
Bitcoin and Ethereum, the average age of the projects is four years
ceedings of international conferences were considered. All other
and there are several open issues. By comparing the software
kinds of work like books, technical reports or master theses were
systems, the authors suggest increasing testing, collaborations,
not included. Papers dealing with topics not belonging to the cor-
improving testing and debugging for a specific programming
pus of knowledge of Software Engineering have been excluded,
language and creating tools for smart contracts.
like: mining algorithm, cryptography, ICO (Initial Coin Offer), and
Drosatos and Kaldoudi (2019) carried out a review of the sci-
architectural issues of platforms enabling Distributed Ledgers. In
entific literature related to blockchain applications in the biomed-
addition, articles not written in English and articles not indexed
ical field. The purpose is to identify for which biomedical prob-
were not taken into account.
lems blockchain technology is used, what is the maturity level
of the respective approaches, which types of biomedical data are 3.3. Selection results
considered and which blockchain features and functionalities are
used. The study shows that the field is still in its early stages. Considering the keywords, the following results have been
In fact, most of the studies are in the conceptual or architectural obtained, divided by platform:
design phase. Research focuses mainly on health access integra-
tion, integrity and control records and relative patient data, while • Google Scholar: 130,000 results.
a smaller part of applications concern medical research, clinical
trials, supply chain of medicines and medical insurance. • IEEE Xplore Digital Library: 5810 results.
Wang et al. (2019a) investigated the blockchain applications
• ACM Digital Library: 33,187 results.
in the field of intellectual property.
Crowdfunding sources are collected for new businesses and • Science Direct: 12,835 results.
innovative projects by several supportive people using online
platforms. Hartmann et al. (2019) provided a comparison be- Subsequently, the duplicated studies were removed. Then the
tween traditional crowdfunding and blockchain-based crowd- papers concerning the exclusion criteria were removed. Finally,
funding which is still at the beginning. The success factors charac- 96 papers remained on which analysis was conducted.
terizing traditional crowdfunding are different from the
blockchain-based one. Understanding success factors is useful to 3.4. Quality assessment
facilitate potential investors to look for suitable projects to invest
in. Regulatory frameworks should reinterpret the requirements to In addition to the inclusion/exclusion criteria, the quality of
allow effective enforcement of regulations. For this, they analyzed the studies found was subsequently checked. The studies were
existing publications on traditional and blockchain-based crowd- divided into the following six categories:
funding to better understand similarities and differences between • Smart contract testing: it includes the approaches to verify
the two. and validate diverse aspects of blockchain, the automatizing
It emerges a clear lack of a systematic literature review con- of the testing process.
cerning the software engineering issues in the designing, devel-
opment, maintenance, and testing of applications based on the
2 https://scholar.google.com/ - last access: 28th July 2020.
blockchain technology, which motivates our analysis. 3 https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/home.jsp - last access: 28th July 2020.
4 https://dl.acm.org/ - last access: 28th July 2020.
1 https://github.com/ 5 https://www.sciencedirect.com/ - last access: 28th July 2020.

A. Vacca, A. Di Sorbo, C.A. Visaggio et al. The Journal of Systems & Software 174 (2021) 110891

Table 1 Table 2
Summary of articles by years. Summary of articles by publication type.
Year #Articles %Article Sites #Articles %Article
2016 4 4.16% Conference 49 51.04%
2017 11 11.46% Workshop 21 21.87%
2018 41 42.71% Journal 18 18.75%
2019 25 26.04% Preprint 8 8.34%
2020 15 15.63%

Table 3
Top 10 blockchain authors for software engineering.
• Smart contract code analysis: it comprehends frameworks, Surname, Name Affiliation #Article
methods and tools for static analysis. Bartoletti, Massimo University of Cagliari, Italy 5
Marchesi, Michele University of Cagliari, Italy 4
• Smart contract code metrics: it gathers measurement tools
Tonelli, Roberto University of Cagliari, Italy 4
and metrics bunch for evaluating structural properties of
Chen, Ting Center for Cybersecurity, 4
smart contracts.
University of Electronic Science
and Technology of China, China
• Smart contract security: it includes the techniques and the
Destefanis, Giuseppe Brunel University London, 4
approaches to enhance security of smart contracts. England

• Dapp performance measurement: it comprehends the mea- Rocha, Henrique Inria Lille - Nord Europe 4
Villeneuve D’ascq, France
surement of a Dapp efficiency, which is a critical issue for
Chen, Jiachi Monash University, Australia 3
blockchain based applications.
Ducasse, Stéphane Inria Lille - Nord Europe 3
• Blockchain Application: it includes papers investigating the Villeneuve D’ascq, France
application of the Blockchain technology to different do- Li, Xiaoqi Department of Computing, The 3
mains. Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, China
Luo, Xiapu Department of Computing, The 3
3.5. Data extraction and analysis Hong Kong Polytechnic
University, China
For each paper that passed the quality assessment, we ex-
amined the following further aspects: the motivations for which
it was written, which contributions it gave to research, which
4.1. Smart contract testing
results it has achieved and which challenges it posed for the
Research in this area mainly focused on: test generation
Finally, a spreadsheet was filled in with the following in-
(Wang et al., 2019b; Chepurnoy and Rathee, 2018; Fu et al., 2019;
formation for each paper: (i) Article Name; (ii) Type of study;
Jiang et al., 2018; Liu et al., 2018; Chan and Jiang, 2018; Liu et al.,
(iii) Classifications Study; (iv)item Keyword; (v) Case study; (vi)
2018), contract defects identification (Chen et al., 2020b), and
Experimentation; (vii) Type of experimentation; (viii) Qualita-
approaches to verify and validate diverse aspects of blockchain
tive/quantitative study; (ix) Experimental samples sizes; (x) Anal-
(Kalra et al., 2018; Ellul and Pace, 2018; Wu et al., 2020). In
ysis method; (xi) Software sample/replication package availabil-
this section most of the literature uses Ethereum technology,
ity; (xii) Number of citations over time; (xiii) Empirical evidence.
only (Chepurnoy and Rathee, 2018) refers to Bitcoin technology.
This information was useful to structure the relevant aspects
Unlike traditional software, Ethereum Smart Contracts (ESCs)
of each paper necessary to our systematic literature review.
are gas-driven programs: the choices of developers are condi-
tioned by the aim of keeping the levels of gas consumption
4. Results under acceptable thresholds. For these reasons, it is necessary to
have test suites that maximize effectiveness while minimizing the
The different studies have been classified into six categories. running costs. To this aim, Wang et al. (2019b) considered ESC
The first four concern smart contracts and consider the aspects of test generation as a Pareto minimization problem, to minimize
testing, security, analysis and metrics relating to the source code. (i) uncovered branch coverage, (ii) time cost, and (iii) gas cost.
The rest concerns Dapps and blockchain applications. Table 1 The proposed approach demonstrates to reduce time and gas
reports the distribution of analyzed articles by year, while in costs while maintaining the ability to cover branches. Instead,
Table 2 the considered papers are divided by publication types. Zhang et al. (2020) propose a new approach to generating test
Based on the 96 papers considered, Table 3 indicates the 10 case called ADF-GA (All-uses Data Flow criterion based test case
authors who authored (or co-authored) the largest number of generation using Genetic Algorithm) for smart contracts written
them. Instead, considering the collected data (see Section 3.5), to in Solidity language. The test cases generated in this way are able
provide a complete overview of the inspected articles, in Tables 4, to have wide coverage and a reduced number of iterations using
5, 6, and 7, we report information about the (i) tools implemented genetic algorithms.
(see Table 4), as well as (ii) the empirical validations (see Table 5), A topic that received a great interest in the literature is the
(iii) the case studies (see Table 6), and (iv) the surveys (see detection of bugs occurring in smart contracts. The bugs in a
Table 7) carried out. The fields in each table are sorted according smart contract are difficult to fix after it has been deployed and
to the technology considered. It is worth pointing out that in this could cause a loss of money. The Zeus (Kalra et al., 2018)
the blockchain landscape there is a high percentage of smart framework was proposed to check the correctness and confirm
contracts that are very similar to each other or are multiple the fairness of smart contracts. By correctness authors mean
versions of the same contract (Kondo et al., 2020). For this reason, using secure programming practices, instead fairness indicates
the findings reported in Table 4 should be taken with caution. compliance with high-level business logic. ZEUS simultaneously
A. Vacca, A. Di Sorbo, C.A. Visaggio et al. The Journal of Systems & Software 174 (2021) 110891

Table 4
Tools and features.
Tool/Framework Technology Technique Description Experimental Dataset Findings
CONTRACTLA- Ethereum Standard A tool for runtime verification Parity Multisig Wallet smart Useful to ensure that smart
RVA (Ellul and techniques for of smart contracts to ensure contracts. contracts have certain
Pace, 2018) runtime safety. specifications.
KEVM (Hilden- Ethereum Formal analysis. A formal specification Official Ethereum test suite. KEVM is complete, performing
brandt et al., executable EVM’s bytecode and can be used in an
2018) stack-based language. environment of continuous
SmartCheck Ethereum Static code Static analysis tool to detect 4,600 verified smart contracts. The tool identified 99.9%
(Tikhomirov et al., analysis. code issue related to security, contracts with issues, 63.2%
2018) operations, development and contracts with vulnerability.
MadMax (Grech Ethereum Static code Static analysis program to 91,800 smart contracts. 81% of the samples considered
et al., 2018) analysis. detect gas-vulnerabilities. present warnings.
RA (Re-entrancy Ethereum Static code A static analysis tool to find Known re-entrancy The tool precisely identifies
Analyzer) (Chinen analysis. re-entrancy attacks. vulnerabilities. vulnerable smart contracts.
et al., 2020)
Samreen & Ethereum Combination of A framework to detect 5 modified smart contracts. The combination of the two
Alalfi (Samreen static and dynamic Re-entrancy vulnerabilities. techniques improves the
and Alalfi, 2020) analysis. performance and decreases the
false positives.
SolMet (Hegedűs, Ethereum Code parsing, A tool to measures static OO 10,206 Solidity source code file The tool is immature at the
2019) static code metrics in Solidity smart with nearly 45,000 smart current state.
analysis. contracts. contracts.
PASO (Pierro and Ethereum Code parsing, A web-based parser for Solidity No validation has been Calculate metrics of smart
Tonelli, 2020) static code language analysis. provided. contract and can be used with
analysis. different versions of the
Solidity language.
VerX (Permenev Ethereum Abstraction and A symbolic execution engine to 12 real world Ethereum Verx is practical and useful to
et al., 2020) symbolic find functional properties of projects. verify functional properties of
execution engine. Ethereum smart contracts. smart contracts.
Gasper (Chen Ethereum Symbolic A tool to locate gas-costly 4,240 smart contracts. 93.5%, 90.1% and 80% smart
et al., 2017) execution. programming pattern (Dead contracts suffer from three
Code, Opaque different gas-costly pattern
Predicates,Expensive patterns.
Operations in a Loop).
GasChecker (Chen Ethereum Symbolic A tool for automatic 1,500 representative smart Most real contracts contain
et al., 2020a) execution. identification of inefficient contracts from 599,934 inefficient code.
code for gas consumption in contracts.
smart contracts.
MAIAN (Nikolić Ethereum Symbolic A tool to trace properties of 970,898 smart contracts. Most of the smart contracts
et al., 2018) execution. smart contracts to find exploit. identified by the tool are true
SmartEmbed (Gao Ethereum Code parsing. A prototype to identify code More than 22,000 smart The tool identified 90% of the
et al., 2020) clones. contracts. clones.
SIF (Peng et al., Ethereum Code A framework for monitoring, 51 smart contracts. The tool can analyze the AST,
2019) instrumentation instrumenting, and generating retrieve information and
and analysis. code. generating Solidity code.
Oyente (Luu et al., Ethereum Symbolic An analysis tool for smart 19,366 Ethereum contracts The tool identifies vulnerable
2016) execution. contracts to detect security smart contracts.
TEETHER (Krupp Ethereum Symbolic The tool creates exploits for 38,757 Ethereum contracts. The tool finds exploits for 815
and Rossow, 2018) execution. contracts given its binary on 38,757 smart contracts.
Slither (Feist et al., Ethereum Static code A tool to find vulnerabilities, 1,000 smart contracts. The tool is better than other in
2019) analysis. code optimization, code terms of speed, robustness and
review, bug detection. false positives.
Securify (Tsankov Ethereum Symbolic analysis. Security analyzer for Ethereum 18,000 smart contracts. The tool demonstrates the
et al., 2018) smart contracts. correctness of smart contracts
and discovers violations.
Contract- Ethereum Static code A fuzzer to test Ethereum 6,991 smart contracts. The tool detects 459
fuzzer (Jiang et al., analysis, fuzz smart contracts for security vulnerabilities on 6,991 smart
2018) testing. vulnerabilities. contracts tested.
EVMFuzz (Fu Ethereum Static code Differential fuzz testing to 36,295 smart contracts. Most of the smart contracts
et al., 2019) analysis, detect vulnerabilities of EVMs. generated have different
differential fuzz performance.

(continued on next page)

A. Vacca, A. Di Sorbo, C.A. Visaggio et al. The Journal of Systems & Software 174 (2021) 110891

Table 4 (continued).
Tool/Framework Technology Technique Description Experimental Dataset Findings
ReGuard (Liu Ethereum Code parsing, fuzz A fuzzing-based analyzer to 5 modified smart contracts. The tool detects re-entrancy
et al., 2018) testing. detect re-entrancy bugs in vulnerabilities dynamically.
smart contracts.
Kaya (Wu et al., Ethereum Test cases A testing framework to write Two case study. The framework is useful in
2020) specification. and execute test cases. testing Dapps.
SmartInspect (Bra- Ethereum Code parsing, Inspector of smart contracts An example of a smart Reflective approach allows
gagnolo et al., static code written in Solidity focusing on contract written in Solidity. users to see the content of
2018a) analysis, debugging properties. contracts without redeploy
decompilation them.
FSolidityM (Mavri- Ethereum Finite state A framework to create safer A smart contract with several They provide a graphical editor
dou and Laszka, machine based smart contracts, enhancing the functions. and a set of plugins to help
2018) model. security and functionality of developers.
Zeus (Kalra et al., Ethereum, Abstract A framework to verify 22,400 smart contracts 94.6% contracts are vulnerable.
2018) Hyperledger interpretation, correctness of smart contracts.
Fabric symbolic model
Blockbench (Dinh Ethereum, Benchmarking. A benchmarking framework for Platforms: Ethereum, Parity Different design compromises
et al., 2018, 2017) Parity and private blockchain systems. and Hyperledger Fabric. and performance gaps between
Hyperledger blockchain and database
Fabric. systems.

uses abstract interpretation, the symbolic model checking and the (BTO) and Multi-Version Time protocols stamp Ordering (MVTO)
horn clauses (with semantic rules, then translate into assertion) for SMT and propose a library to generate block graphs (BG).
to speedily check the security of smart contracts. Zeus has been Using a concurrent validator and BG, miners can efficiently re-
tested on over 22,000 smart contracts and it has shown that execute smart contract transactions in order to satisfy the correct-
around 94.6% of them are vulnerable. ness criterion. However, no real implementations of this strategy
For runtime verification of smart contracts, standard tech- are provided.
niques can be used, including a novel stake-based instrumenta- Mavridou and Laszka (2018) proposed FSolidM, a framework
tion technique to ensure that the participating parties comply for secure creation of smart contracts. This framework is rooted in
with the contracts. A proof-of-concept tool CONTRACTLARVA (El- rigorous semantics for the design of contracts such as finite state
lul and Pace, 2018) implements this technique. CONTRACTLARVA machines (FSM) to help developers create safer smart contracts
receives the combination of smart contract and its specifications and for enhancing the security and functionality of contracts.
as input and automatically transforms it into a safe contract with Based on this FSM-based model, they implemented a graphic
the same behaviors as the original. The approach could be used to editor for contract design and automatic code generation. Then
ensure that smart contracts adhere to a particular specification. they implemented a set of plugins that developers can add to
For example, if the smart contract has bugs that can lead to their contracts. Among these plugins, two of them, locking and
financial losses, these specifications can avoid it. transition counter, implement security features to prevent com-
With regards to the problem of correcting flawed programs, mon vulnerabilities (i.e. return was unpredictable). The other
the problem of identifying contract defects has been faced. Chen
two plugins, automatic timed transitions and access control, imple-
et al. (2020b) proposed an empirical study to describe contract
ment common design models for facilitating the development of
defects. From their analysis, they identified 20 contract defects
correct contracts with complex functionalities.
related to security, architecture, and usability problems, and val-
Since also protocols must be validated, testing techniques
idated the emerging contract defects through an online survey
have been developed for dealing with this problem. Chepurnoy
aimed at collecting opinions from real-world smart contract de-
and Rathee (2018) aimed to improve the quality of blockchain
velopers. Considering the existing tools (such as Oyente Luu et al.,
protocol implementations. They tested abstract properties to
2016, Zeus Kalra et al., 2018 and Contractfuzzer Jiang et al., 2018),
check if a blockchain system respects certain properties that
they also showed that it is possible to detect only 7 of the defined
code smells, while 13 of them are not covered by the existing each blockchain system should respect. They test history, min-
tools, highlighting the need of developing techniques aimed at imal state and memory pool components separately generating
detecting such smells. random samples. The suite is composed of 59 tests that check
Another issue felt by the developers community is how to the different properties of a blockchain system. To run the suite
improve transactions to add a block in the blockchain. A block on a concrete blockchain protocol client, developers generate
of the chain consists of multiple transactions of smart contracts random objects used by the protocol. The test suite then checks
that are added by a miner. Specifically, the miner firstly executes the satisfaction of the properties over many random cases.
these transactions sequentially. To guarantee that a correct block Other studies have proposed fuzz testing, to detect software
is added to the blockchain, the validators serially re-execute the errors or security flaws, offering tools such as EVMFuzz (Fu et al.,
same transactions. The block can be added to the blockchain 2019), ContractFuzzer (Jiang et al., 2018), ReGuard (Liu et al.,
only if the validators agree with the final state of the block as 2018) and Fuse (Chan and Jiang, 2018). The differential fuzz test
recorded by the miner. Performing smart contract transactions continuously provides invalid, unexpected or random data as
in series implies low performance. Instead, adding concurrency input for different programs with the same functions. These pro-
to smart contract execution can increase efficiency. Anjana et al. grams are then monitored intercepting different behaviors from
(2019) proposed a new way of performing smart contract transac- the usual defined as ‘‘different act’’ on some inputs, in this case,
tions concurrently using Software Transactional Memory systems they could find some program bugs. EVMFuzz (Fu et al., 2019)
(STM). To achieve this, they use the Basic Time stamp Ordering aims at detecting vulnerabilities of EVMs with differential fuzz
A. Vacca, A. Di Sorbo, C.A. Visaggio et al. The Journal of Systems & Software 174 (2021) 110891

Table 5
Empirical validations.
Author Technology Description Dataset components Findings
Hegedűs (2019) Ethereum Usage of static OO metrics to the smart More than 45,000 contracts from Smart contracts are short,
contracts written in the Solidity 10,206 Solidity smart contract source uncomplicated and little commented.
contract-oriented language. code files.
Aldweesh et al. Ethereum Benchmark approach to assess the CPU EVM opcodes are classified into This study provides some interesting
(2018a) usage required per EVM opcode; eleven categories. insights about reward for invested
comparison with the set gas cost. CPU resources, with respect to
opcodes and computer platform.
Aldweesh et al. Ethereum Benchmarking approach to assess 80 smart contracts. There are discrepancies result in
(2018b) whether the fees miners receive from misaligned incentives that impact the
creating and executing smart contracts dependable operation of the
is proportional to the cost as expressed blockchain.
in terms of CPU usage.
Wang et al. Ethereum Generate cost-effective test-suites using 8 Dapps. The proposed approach could reduce
(2019b) two multi-objective test generation the gas and time cost while retaining
approaches. the ability to cover branches.
Tonelli et al. Ethereum Evaluate if there are statistical 12,000 smart contracts. Smart contracts metrics have ranges
(2018) differences between metrics for smart more restricted than the
contract and traditional ones. corresponding metrics in traditional
software systems.
Anjana et al. Ethereum Efficient framework for concurrent A set of benchmarks generated for The proposed protocols are faster
(2019) execution of smart contracts. Ballot, Simple Auction, and Coin than the previous solution in series.
Bez et al. (2019) Ethereum To assess the current implementation of Thousands of Ethereum nodes. Ethereum is safe, decentralized but
blockchain and the associated not very scalable.
improvement proposals.
Wohrer and Zdun Ethereum Security patterns in Solidity. Data from different sources. Six design patterns related to
(2018) security issues in the code.
Norvill et al. Ethereum A framework for grouping similar 998 smart contracts. Identification of the purpose of a
(2017) contracts. contract with clustering .
Ye et al. (2019) Ethereum Analysis of the different tools to detect 1,010 smart contracts in 200 files. Most smart contracts lack security.
bugs in smart contracts.
Chen et al. Ethereum Identify the main Ethereum activities 28,502,131 external transaction and Results help to better understand
(2018b) through graph analysis. 19,759,821 internal transaction. Ethereum.
Tian et al. (2020) Ethereum Smart Contract Classification With a 15,213 smart contracts. The proposed approach is effective.
Bi-LSTM Based Approach.
Chen et al. (2019) Ethereum Detecting Ponzi Scheme in smart 3,000 smart contracts. The proposed model works better
contracts. than the traditional ones.
Marchesi et al. Ethereum Pattern to optimize gas consumption. 24 design pattern divided in 5 Applying these patterns, the gas
(2020) categories. consumption can be mitigated.
Chepurnoy and Bitcoin Exhaustive testing of an abstract Random samples. Test suite checks the satisfaction of
Rathee (2018) blockchain protocol implementation. certain blockchain properties.
Ortu et al. (2019) Bitcoin-core, Detecting differences between the two 5 C++ open source Metrics analysis could identify
Ethereum- categories of projects, and in the blockchain-oriented and 5 traditional differences in programming and
go, Monero, statistical distribution of 10 software java software systems. revealing meaningful differences
Dodgecoi, metrics. between the two projects domain.
Wessling et al. Hybrid Impact of design patterns in smart Cost comparison to perform Creating a hybrid application with
(2019) software ar- contracts on transaction costs. transactions by simulating three the right balance of the elements is
chitectures. usage scenarios. still difficult.
Thakkar et al. Hyperledger Performance and optimization of Variation of configurable parameters Six guidelines on configuring
(2018) Fabric Hyperledger Fabric. like block size, channels, resource parameters and identified
allocation. performance bottlenecks.

testing. The idea behind EVMFuzz consists in continuously gener- input fuzzing is generated according to ABI specifications of smart
ating seed contracts for several EVM executions to find inconsis- contracts and then they are defined test oracles to detect security
tencies between possible results, even with cross references. They vulnerabilities. Later, logs are produced with the vulnerabilities
defined a EVM fuzz testing with two metrics (gasUsed and opcode
identified. By considering 6991 smart contracts, the tool reported
sequence), implemented in different programming languages to
more than 459 vulnerabilities with high accuracy, especially those
evaluate the differences between the different EVM platforms.
They have mutated 36,295 smart contracts in the real world of ‘‘The DAO’’ bug6 and the Parity Wallet bug7 leading to millions
and generated 253,153 smart contracts. Based on the results, of dollars in losses.
66.2% showed differential performance, including 1596 variant
contracts showed inconsistent output. Five unknown security
bugs were found and have been included in the CVE (Common 6 DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) operates as support for an
Vulnerabilities and Exposures) database. organization through rules defined in smart contract. ‘‘The DAO’’ consists of
ContractFuzzer (Jiang et al., 2018) is a fuzzer to test Ethereum complex smart contracts running on the Ethereum blockchain.
smart contracts for security vulnerability. During its execution, 7 The Parity wallet is used to integrate tokens and manage Ether transfers.

A. Vacca, A. Di Sorbo, C.A. Visaggio et al. The Journal of Systems & Software 174 (2021) 110891

Table 6
Case studies.
Author Technology Subject Description Findings
Aung and Ethereum Smart home case study using The authors show how to apply Home owner can: check transaction
Tantidham (2017) blockchain. Ethereum private blockchain for history done, set up the policies for
Smart home System (SHS). handling transactions.
Manzoor et al. Ethereum A Cash-less payment scheme using The scheme uses private Ethereum Demonstration of the feasibility of
(2018) blockchain. blockchain for transaction processing the system design with a prototype
within the remote village. implementation.
Hinckeldeyn and Ethereum Smart Storage Container for a A prototype of smart storage Smart storage containers and smart
Jochen (2018) blockchain-based Supply Chain containers to assess risks and contracts could be coupled.
Application. maturity of blockchain and Internet Developments are needed in order to
of Things for logistical processes. make it a use case.
Zinca and Negrean Ethereum A road tax payment application using The development of a road tax The proposed solution has low costs,
(2018) the Ethereum platform. payment application using the processing speed and safety.
Ethereum platform.
Chan and Jiang Ethereum Fuse, a fuzz testing service. Architecture for Smart Contract Fuzz The techniques are able to detect
(2018) Testing Service. about 96% of security problems.
Marchesi et al. Ethereum BOSE application. Agile practices for the software Software engineering practices in
(2018) development process. blockchain applications can be
helpful to have better results.
Zhang et al. (2020) Ethereum ADF-GA (All-uses Data Flow criterion Test case generation approach for Ability to generate test case with
based test case generation using Solidity. wide coverage.
Genetic Algorithm).
Rouhani and Ethereum Transaction in Parity and Geth. Ethereum transactions performance With the same configuration,
Deters (2017) using Ethereum blockchain and two transactions are faster by 89.8% in
clients, Parity and Geth, separately. Parity client than Geth client.
Zhang et al. (2017) Ethereum Metrics for assessing Metrics to evaluate Dapps in terms Initial guide for creating future apps
blockchain-based healthcare apps. of feasibility, intended capability, and in this domain.
compliance in the healthcare domain.
Delgado-Mohatar Ethereum Biometric Template Storage with In the analysis were analyzed costs Integration between biometric system
et al. (2019) blockchain. and performance for a biometric and public blockchain is possible.
system based on blockchain.
Nizamuddin et al. Ethereum Document sharing and version A blockchain-based solution and The system is decentralized, secure,
(2019) control based on blockchain. framework for document sharing and and resilient.
version control.
Ranganthan et al. Ethereum Marketplace Application. Simulation of Marketplace Newly emerging field.
(2018) Application on The Ethereum
Payette et al. Ethereum Ethereum address space. Segmentation of the Ethereum Identify cluster characteristics and
(2017) address space into distinct behavior behavior.
Chen et al. (2018a) Ethereum Ponzi Schemes identification in Using data mining and machine The approach is accurate.
blockchain. learning to identify Ponzi schemes.
Huang (2018) Ethereum Potential attacks in smart contracts. Optimize parameters, network The proposed system assesses safety
structure and analysis tools with with little effort.
convolutional neural network (CNN).
Martens and Ethereum ReviewChain, a decentralized review To resolve the problem of central Through the application, users can
Maalej (2018) approach. authorities by using the public access reviews on the blockchain in a
Ethereum blockchain. usable way.
Hukkinen et al. Ethereum Ethereum Transaction Costs. Reducing Ethereum Transaction Costs Useful guidelines to optimize smart
(2019) in a Blockchain Electricity Market contract efficiency for Ethereum.
Wöhrer and Zdun Ethereum Domain-specific smart contract Language based on a high level of Useful to reduce complexity and
(2020) language. abstraction. increase comprehensibility.
Bragagnolo et al. Ethereum Ethereum Query Language. Facilitate the way the data extracted Useful for users who need to search
(2018b) from the blockchain database are for information in the database.
recovered, formatted and presented.
Tonelli et al. Ethereum Microservices System. Microservices-based system using a It is possible to realize such
(2019) set of Smart Contracts written in application maintaining the same
Solidity. functionalities.
Kfoury and Khoury Ethereum Voice over Long Term Evolution Approach for securing End-to-End Solution has little impact on existing
(2018) (VoLTE) technology. (e2e) VoLTE media based the IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem)
Ethereum Blockchain network.
Destefanis et al. Parity Bug discovered in a Parity smart Parity source code and library Library vulnerability due to negligent
(2018) contract library. analysis. programming.
Atzei et al. (2019) Bitcoin BitML, a domain-specific language for Toolchain for developing and BitML has advantages and limitations.
and Bartoletti and smart contracts. verifying smart contracts executed on
Zunino (2018) Bitcoin

(continued on next page)

A. Vacca, A. Di Sorbo, C.A. Visaggio et al. The Journal of Systems & Software 174 (2021) 110891

Table 6 (continued).
Author Technology Subject Description Findings
Gencer et al. Bitcoin, Bitcoin and Ethereum Networks. Measurement study on Bitcoin has a larger capacity network
(2018) Ethereum decentralization metrics. than Ethereum, but with more
cluster nodes in the data centers.
Pongnumkul et al. Hyperledger Performance analysis of Hyperledger Evaluate the performance and limits Varying the workload, Hyperledger
(2017) Fabric, Fabric and Ethereum. of the two platforms varying number fabric has a higher throughput and
Ethereum. of transactions. lower latency than Ethereum.
Coblenz et al. Hyperledger Obsidian, a new blockchain The language should improve safety, Useful to take into account the needs
(2019) Fabric programming language. security, and developer effectiveness. of users, to ensure security and
detect bugs.
Chang et al. (2019) Blockchain- Smart contract based tracking Conceptual guidelines for practical Paying using digital currency is
based process. business system design and possible and saves time.
process implementation.
Yasaweerasinghe- Blockchain- Predicting Latency of Use of consolidated tools and Use architectural performance
lage et al. based Blockchain-Based Systems. techniques but also analysis of modeling and simulation tools to
(2017) systems. possible new problems. predict blockchain latency is feasible.
Rocha and Blockchain- Steps Towards Modeling Blockchain Deal with specialized blockchain The study highlights a lack of
Ducasse (2018) oriented Oriented Software (BOS). modeling notations. modeling notation for BOS systems.
software (BOS)
Amoordon and Tendermint Tendermint, an application-based Advantages and disadvantages of Tendermint is a solid project.
Rocha (2019) blockchain. Tendermint platform compared to
other platforms.
Xu et al. (2019) OriginChain OriginChain, a blockchain-based The application restructures the The structural design of the smart
traceability system. current system by replacing the contract affects the quality of the
central database with the blockchain. system.
Meng and Qian DelivChain DelivChain, blockchain Application in Metric for Predictive Delivery Potential benefits in using the tool.
(2018a,b) Supply Chain Management. Performance in Supply Chain
Suankaewmanee MobiChain MobiChain, m-commerce application The application ensures secure Mining processes can be performed
et al. (2018) using blockchain. transactions in m-commerce. on an Android mobile device.
Pradeepkumar Blockchain To measure the digitizability Modeling approach that supports the Help developers measure document
et al. (2018) Application complexity of a regulation document. automated analysis of readability.
Design. human-readable regulation.
Liu (2018) Blockchain ChainTutor, java application for Creating a tool with compact Users can change the parameters in
concepts. learning basic blockchain concepts. GUI-based learning useful to teachers the blockchain to better understand
and students. how it works.
Shrivas et al. Any kind of Hybrid security framework. Reference model for identifying Usable with any blockchain platform.
(2020) blockchain security treats in blockchain.
Clack et al. (2016) Axoni Core, Smart Contract Templates. Support for the life cycle Useful to financial service industry.
Corda, Digital management of a smart contract in
Asset Platform, the legal field.
Jiang et al. (2019) Ethereum A Privacy-Preserving E-Commerce Implementation of a corporate The proposed model is feasible.
Quorum and System. protocol to preserve privacy through
SERO. smart contracts in the negotiation
Hamida et al. Multi- Enterprise Blockchain. Analysis of technological components Taxonomy of applications, use cases.
(2017) chain,Quorum, and applications.
Fabric Open-
Zhang et al. (2019) Hybrid-storage GEMˆ2-Tree, Authenticated data Design of an authenticated data Useful to support authenticated
blockchain structure (ADS) gas efficient. structure that can be adequately queries.
managed by the blockchain.

Fuse (Chan and Jiang, 2018) is a fuzz testing service. Compared observing that the framework was able to detect the vulnerabil-
to ContractFuzzer, it found about 50% less true positive cases in ities introduced in the code.
the experiment. Because Dapps are exposed to serious vulnerabilities, Wu et al.
ReGuard (Liu et al., 2018) uses the fuzz testing to detect (2020) proposed a framework called Kaya. Kaya provides a de-
re-entrancy bugs into Ethereum smart contracts. scriptive Dapp behavior language (DBDL) to help write test cases,
Beyond such tools, Samreen and Alalfi (2020) have proposed which are then executed automatically. In addition, Kaya modifies
a framework that combines static analysis to detect re-entrancy incomprehensible addresses into readable variables to help in
vulnerabilities and dynamic analysis to confirm such vulnerabil- understanding. These functions are useful to test Dapp more
ities. To test the framework, authors modified 5 smart contracts, easily.
A. Vacca, A. Di Sorbo, C.A. Visaggio et al. The Journal of Systems & Software 174 (2021) 110891

Table 7
Author Technology Subject Quantitative Description Findings
Zou et al. (2019) Ethereum Challenges and Interviews with 20 developers and Identified different limits in the
opportunities in the survey on 232 practitioners to programming language and available
development of smart validate the findings from the tools.
contract. interviews.
Atzei et al. (2016) Ethereum Attacks which exploit Analyze the security vulnerabilities of The difficulty of detecting
vulnerabilities. Ethereum smart contracts and mismatches between intended
common programming pitfalls behavior and the actual one.
Chen et al. Ethereum Contract defects in Online survey to validate contract Help developers decide defects
(2020b) Smart Contracts. defects identified by the study. removal priority.
Ranganthan et al. Ethereum Marketplace applications Analysis of the most popular startups There is no mature application for a
(2018) on the Ethereum in the field of Marketplace decentralized marketplace yet.
blockchain. Applications.
Di Angelo and Ethereum Tools for smart contract Analysis of existing tools through Five tools are particularly useful
Salzer (2019) analysis. installation and testing. (FSolidM, KEVM,
Bartoletti et al. Ethereum Ponzi schemes detection. Behavior and impact of the Ponzi 10% of the 1384 verified contracts
(2020) scheme on Ethereum. are Ponzi schemes.
Bartoletti and Bitcoin, Ethereum Concept of smart They quantify the usage of smart Useful information for developers to
Pompianu (2017) contract in Bitcoin and contracts in relation to their develop a new language for smart
Ethereum. application domain. contracts.
Wang et al. Bitcoin, Ethereum Internet of Things Analysis of existing blockchains with To integrate Iot and blockchain,
(2019c) Applications. a focus on those based on IoT blockchain should improve
applications. blockchain capacity, security, and
Yamashita et al. Hyperledger Fabric Risks of Hyperledger Risks related with chaincodes using 13 potential risks.
(2019) Fabric Smart Contracts. Go language.
Dinh et al. (2018) Ethereum, Parity, and Blockchain technologies. State of the art analysis and Comparison of findings found in each
Hyperledger Fabric blockchain classification based on area of analysis.
distributed ledger, cryptography,
consensus protocol and smart
Sayeed et al. Ethereum, Rootstock (RSK), Smart contract security Review regarding the integration of Complex smart contracts does not
(2020) EOS, The Real-time vulnerabilities. artificial intelligence techniques to lessen privacy and security issues.
Operating system Nucleus maintain privacy in smart contracts.
(TRON), Steller, Hyperledger
Fabric, Cardano, and Corda
Wessling et al. Blockchain technologies Building hybrid Dapp A possible approach to assess in Lack of a holistic engineering
(2018) architectures. which elements of an ’application approach to creating hybrid systems.
architecture’ blockchain technology
could be used.

Open challenges in Smart Contract Testing: investigating how XML-based representation and then compares it with XPath mod-
traditional testing techniques, like unit and integration testing, els. The tool has been tested on 4600 verified smart contracts
mutation testing, test case generation, and regression testing, downloaded from Etherscan.8 SmartCheck is able to detect se-
must be adapted to the development process and structure of a curity, functionality, operational and development problems that
smart contract, also considering the immutability of blockchain can make the code difficult to understand. Analysis shows that
and the need to test smart contracts on testnets, before actually 99.9% of contracts have issues, 63.2% of contracts have critical
deploying them. vulnerabilities. Securify (Tsankov et al., 2018) aims at verifying
secure/unsafe contractual behavior with respect to certain prop-
erties. For example, a property states that writing to owner field
is limited, so not all users can do a transaction that writes in this
4.2. Smart contract code analysis field.
Another tool proposed in literature is Slither (Feist et al.,
Research in this area mainly focused on: static analysis frame- 2019). It provides detailed information on smart contracts written
work (Hildenbrandt et al., 2018), gas-costly bytecodes (Aldweesh in Solidity by converting them into an intermediate representa-
et al., 2018a,b; Chen et al., 2017, 2020a; Marchesi et al., 2020), tion called SlithIR which preserves the semantic information that
tools for smart contract analysis (Di Angelo and Salzer, 2019; Ye would instead be lost using the bytecode. This tool is used to
et al., 2019; Tikhomirov et al., 2018; Tsankov et al., 2018; Feist detect automatically vulnerabilities, identify ways to optimize the
et al., 2019; Permenev et al., 2020), tools for clone detection (Gao code, improve understanding of smart contracts and assist in code
et al., 2020). review.
SmartInspect (Bragagnolo et al., 2018a) uses decompilation
4.2.1. Tools for smart contract analysis techniques for visualizing the current state of a smart contract
In this first subsection, static and dynamic analysis tools for instance without redeploying it nor developing additional code
Ethereum smart contracts are examined.
An extensible static analysis tool is Smartcheck (Tikhomirov 8 https://etherscan.io/ - Etherscan is a Block Explorer, Search, API and
et al., 2018). It translates the source code into an intermediate Analytics Platform for Ethereum.

A. Vacca, A. Di Sorbo, C.A. Visaggio et al. The Journal of Systems & Software 174 (2021) 110891

for decoding. Since the status of a deployed contract is read-only expressed in Bitcoin but not in BitML. BitML could be extended to
and opaque, SmartInspect can be used to introspect the contents express contingent payments contracts, where participants solve
of any deployed contract, with the aim of identifying defects, a class of NP problems.
such as incomplete or inconsistent specifications. Another way to Another problem concerns the presence of bugs after the code
understand the characteristics of smart contracts is proposed by has been released. Destefanis et al. (2018) highlight the need for a
SmartEmbed (Gao et al., 2020). Understanding the features can be discipline of blockchain software engineering that addresses such
useful for detecting clones and bugs in the code. Smart contracts problems. They analyze an attack to Parity, a wallet application,
are converted to word stream with structural information, then due to a bug discovered in a smart contract library. Bad pro-
converted to Vectors and compared with others. The results show gramming practices allowed an anonymous user to accidentally
that the tool is able to detect 90% of the clones present. freeze around 500 K Ether ($ 150 million in November 2017). This
KEVM (Hildenbrandt et al., 2018) was developed for support- vulnerability in the library was caused by negligent programming
ing program analysis and verification. It is a formal executable rather than a problem in the Solidity language. This is also due to
specification of the language based on the stack bytecode of the existing approaches to software development of smart contracts
Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) built with the K Framework that are insufficient.
used for formal analysis. Besides technologies like Ethereum and Bitcoin, Hyperledger
Another tool to automatically verify functional properties of Fabric is increasingly established as a blockchain platform. Hyper-
smart contracts is VERX (Permenev et al., 2020). This tool is based ledger Fabric (Yamashita et al., 2019) is a permissioned
on a combination of three techniques: (i) reduction of time prop- blockchain framework that uses generic programming languages,
like Go and Java, to implement smart contracts (called chaincode).
erty verification to reachability control, (ii) a symbolic execution
These languages have advantages and disadvantages. Among the
engine for the precise and efficient Ethereum Virtual Machine,
disadvantages, there may be risks that developers did not need
and (iii) the abstraction of the delayed predicate which uses
to consider in traditional systems since these languages were not
symbolic execution during transactions and abstraction at the
originally created to write smart contracts. For this reason, the
borders of transactions. An experimental evaluation conducted on
authors analyzed the Go language and its tools. Analyzing the
83 temporal properties and 12 real world projects demonstrated
risks associated with chaincodes, they highlighted 14 potential
the effectiveness of the tool.
risks. Then they analyzed how many of them can be covered by
On the contrary, other authors proposed support tools for the existing tools. The results show that some risks are not covered.
development of Solidity smart contracts as SIF (Solidity Instru- They have implemented a static analysis tool to cover these risks
mentation Framework) (Peng et al., 2019). SIF provides a way and have evaluated their usefulness. This study could be extended
to query the AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) of the code; to insert, to other programming languages.
modify and delete nodes in the AST; to generate code from
AST which reflects the changes done by the user. SIF aims to 4.2.2. Smart contract classification
monitor, analyze, optimize and generate Solidity code. The tests Concerning smart contract classification the majority of re-
were carried out on 51 real smart contracts to check assertions search efforts targeted Ethereum, Bitcoin and blockchain tech-
and mutation tests by inserting errors. The empirical evaluation nologies in general. Sometimes it is difficult to communicate
shows that SIF is capable of automatically analyzing the AST and without errors between developers and stakeholders. To reduce
representing it using C++ classes, provides a user interface to this gap, Wöhrer and Zdun (2020) have created a programming
retrieve information and make changes to the AST and generate language for smart contract with higher abstraction level that can
Solidity code from the instrumented AST. be automatically transformed into an implementation. Such lan-
To evaluate the quality of the different tools in the literature, guage is closer to the natural one and can reduce the complexity
authors in Di Angelo and Salzer (2019) and Ye et al. (2019) of the project to make it more understandable and less prone to
have compared existing tools, including Slither, Smartcheck, to errors. Instead, Norvill et al. (2017) create a framework to group
guide developers in analyzing already deployed code. 27 tools similar contracts within the Ethereum network using the publicly
for the analysis of Ethereum smart contracts have been analyzed compiled codes available for contracts. The clustering techniques
considering availability, maturity, methods used and the degree used were: Affinity Propagation and K-medoids. The results con-
of security. Finally, authors suggest using 5 tools they deem firmed that clusters based on bytecode hash similarity can be
most useful: FSolidM to generate source code from specifica- created to identify the purpose of a contract by adding a label to
tions, KEVM for formal verification; Securify regarding formal each cluster. However, clusters with similar purposes have been
guarantees; MAIAN for finding vulnerabilities and Mythril for identified. In order to avoid this, in the future, supervised learning
analyzing contracts interactively. Zou et al. (2019) proposed a methods that allow grouping them could be used.
survey to highlight the challenges still open in the development of Another way to group and classify smart contract is by using
smart contracts in Ethereum. The main emerged issues were: it is Bi-LSTM model and Gaussian LDA (Tian et al., 2020). Information
difficult to ensure the safety for smart contracts, the existing tools such as source code, comments, and tags are used as input for
are at a basic level, the programming language and the online the template. Then Bi-LSTM captures grammatical rules, while
resources are not enough mature. Gaussian LDA generates comments. The results show that the
Unlike previous work mainly targeting Ethereum, some re- model has good performance.
searchers focused on the Bitcoin platform,9 which does not have While previous studies have analyzed smart contracts for a
a high-level contract language, nor related development and ver- given platform, such as Ethereum, other studies have compared
smart contracts across different platforms. Bartoletti and Pom-
ification tools. In Atzei et al. (2019) and Bartoletti and Zunino
pianu (2017) have examined a dataset of 6 platforms for smart
(2018), the authors propose a toolchain for the development
contracts, showing technical differences between them. For the
and verification of smart contracts that can be executed on Bit-
two most popular ones, Bitcoin and Ethereum, they examined
coin platform. The toolchain is based on BitML, a recent domain
a sample of 834 contracts, classifying them according to their
specific language for smart contracts with a computationally in-
application domain and measuring the relevance of each of these
tegrated sound in Bitcoin. BitML has several limitations, including
categories. This study can provide valuable information to de-
the fact that is not complete. Indeed, some smart contracts can be
velopers new domain specific languages for smart contracts. In
addition, measuring the most common use cases is useful to
9 https://bitcoin.org understand which domains deserve more investment.
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4.2.3. Gas consumption and Ducasse, 2018) proposed software development processes,
In addition to the analysis of the source code, other authors based on agile methods and UML diagrams that take into account
have dealt with the gas consumption for smart contracts execu- the specific peculiarities of this type of software. This allows
tion. This issue is specific to Ethereum, and other blockchains us- blockchain companies and ICO startups to benefit from software
ing the gas concept. Indeed, In this third subsection the Ethereum engineering best practices. However, both studies highlighted the
platform is mainly considered. need for conceiving tools for BOS modeling to help developers
There is a cost in terms of gas for each operation code (op- writing high-quality code.
code) associated with smart contracts. The authors try to as- To take full advantage of blockchain technologies, it is also
sess whether the commissions that miners receive from the cre- important to understand the structure and the behavior of BOS
ation and execution of smart contracts are proportional to the systems, and how they differ from traditional software systems.
cost expressed in terms of CPU usage (Aldweesh et al., 2018a) In this context, Ortu et al. (2019) provided a statistical charac-
and whether the CPU required is proportional to the gas re- terization of BOS, by comparing blockchain-oriented and tradi-
quired (Aldweesh et al., 2018b). Based on the results, the gas used tional Java software systems, relying on 10 software metrics. They
is not proportional to the computational effort for the creation found that significant differences between the two sets can be
and execution of smart contracts. Payette et al. (2017) group to- observed in the distributions of Average Cyclomatic, Ration Com-
gether the Ethereum address space into clusters using algorithms ment To Code, and Number Of Statements metrics, highlighting
like k-means. Then, they report the quantitative characteristics differences in programming practices.
of each group and make qualitative inferences on the behavioral From an architectural perspective, blockchain-based applica-
traits of the clusters. tions have centralized elements, such as Web servers, connected
Another aspect of the gas to be analyzed is how it can be re- to decentralized elements such as smart contracts. Finding the
duced. In 2017, Chen et al. (2017) propose to replace source code right balance between the different elements is a challenge and
with a more efficient code to optimize gas consumption. They this has an impact on quality aspects of software such as safety,
implement GASPER to automatically discover gas-costly program- maintainability, performance, or cost. The study by Wessling
ming patterns from the bytecode of smart contracts. They identify et al. (2019) tackled the problem of analyzing the architectural
2 categories: Useless Code Related Patterns and Loop Related blockchain tactics. In particular, the authors showed that common
Patterns. In this categories, they identified 7 gas-costly patterns. software design patterns could be not always beneficial and
GASPER manages to identify 3 types of gas-costly patterns: Dead that the expected usage scenarios have a strong impact on the
Code, Opaque Predicates and Expensive Operations in a Loop. operational costs, claiming the need for further research to allow
Analyzing a dataset of 4240 smart contracts, the tool identified developers to make more informed architectural design decisions.
93.5%, 90.1% and 80% respectively of smart contracts that present Few measurements concern the level of decentralization that is
these patterns. obtained in practice. Gencer et al. (2018) proposed a measure-
Subsequently, the same authors, in 2020, proposed a tool ment research on different metrics of decentralization related to
called GasChecker (Chen et al., 2020a) that allows to automati- Bitcoin and Ethereum. They estimated the network resources of
cally find inefficient gas code in smart contracts. This tool, using nodes building a Falcon relay network10 and the interconnection
a Mapreduce programming model, is scalable and produces few among them, the protocol requirements influencing the operation
false positives. of nodes, and the robustness of the two systems against attacks.
Finally, Marchesi et al. (2020) have identified 24 design pat- By using existing Internet measurement techniques, they con-
terns that can affect gas consumption. These patterns have been cluded that neither Bitcoin nor Ethereum has rigorously better
divided into 5 categories: external transaction, storage, saving properties than the other.
space, operations and miscellaneous. For each of them they iden-
tified the problem and a possible solution. 4.3.2. Smart contract-specific metrics
While the first part of this section refers to several blockchain
Open challenges in Smart Contract Analysis: identify expen- applications, subsequent studies refer to the Ethereum technol-
sive pattern and optimization mechanisms for smart contracts; ogy. In addition to studies that have been focused on calculating
develop smart contracts specific metrics for evaluating code prop- blockchain-specific metrics, other cases have focused on smart
erties related to quality; produce code analysis methods that are contract-specific metrics.
independent from the development language or that could cover Smart contracts are programs executed on the blockchain.
other languages besides Solidity and Go. Since such smart contracts handle money, it is useful to have
few failures and vulnerabilities, so it is important to provide
developers with useful tools to measure the quality of smart
4.3. Smart contract code metrics contracts. Object-oriented (OO) metrics have been proposed for
addressing this problem.
Researchers investigated similarities and differences between For instance, Hegedűs (2019) used OO metrics for estimat-
traditional software and blockchain-oriented software (BOS) from ing properties of the smart contracts written in Solidity. More
different perspectives (Marchesi et al., 2018; Ortu et al., 2019; specifically, a prototype tool called SolMet to measure OO metrics
Rocha and Ducasse, 2018) and software metrics, collected on on Solidity source code files is implemented. Besides, SolMet
Solidity smart contracts, represent the premier means to explore has been used to characterize the complexity and size of 10,000
BOS peculiarities (Hegedűs, 2019; Tonelli et al., 2018; Gencer Solidity smart contracts, finding that smart contracts are usu-
et al., 2018; Pierro and Tonelli, 2020). ally short, uncomplicated and present few comments. As many
libraries defined in Solidity files present similar functionalities,
4.3.1. Blockchain-oriented software (BOS) the author suggests exploiting external libraries and dependency
As blockchain technologies become increasingly popular, also management mechanisms for enabling code reuse. In a simi-
blockchain-oriented software (BOS) continues growing uncon- lar effort, Tonelli et al. (2018) compared the software metrics
trollably, without taking into account the quality of produced measured on Smart contracts (SC) and metrics extracted from
software and the basic concepts of software engineering. To tackle
this problem, researchers in Marchesi et al. (2018) and (Rocha 10 https://www.falcon-net.org/

A. Vacca, A. Di Sorbo, C.A. Visaggio et al. The Journal of Systems & Software 174 (2021) 110891

traditional software systems. They implemented a code parser to through smart contracts. For instance, Bartoletti et al. (2020)
compute metrics like total lines of code to a specific blockchain proposed a complete survey of Ponzi schemes on Ethereum to
address, the number of smart contracts inside a single address evaluate behaviors and impacts from several perspectives. The
code, blank lines, the comment lines, the number of static calls analysis shows that the economic impact of the Ponzi schemes in
to events, the number of modifiers, the number of functions, smart contracts is limited, as only a small part of transactions is
number of payable functions, the cyclomatic complexity as the involved. However, the authors suggest a set of recommendations
simplest McCabe definition, the number of mappings to addresses for users, such as advertisement checks, or contract’s code and
for the dataset considered. Then they compare metrics that can transaction logs inspection.
also be calculated in traditional software like total lines of code, By collecting samples from real applications, Chen et al.
blank lines, comments and LOC. The authors found that smart (2019, 2018a) proposed an approach based on machine learning
contract lines of code is the metric that is closest at the statistical methods to detect smart contracts implementing Ponzi schemes
distribution of the corresponding metric in traditional software (i.e., smart Ponzi schemes) deployed on the blockchain. In an
system. Also Pierro and Tonelli (2020) implement a parser called analysis conducted on over 3000 smart contracts of Ethereum,
PASO to calculate metrics measuring properties of smart con- they found 200 smart Ponzi schemes.
tracts. However, the metrics are Solidity language-specific, such Given that smart contracts manage and transfer valuable as-
as count of mapping, events, contracts, addresses. The advantage sets, strong research efforts have been posed on investigating
of this tool compared to the previous ones is that it does not vulnerability problems in smart contracts (Krupp and Rossow,
require to install any additional software as it is web based and 2018; Wohrer and Zdun, 2018; Atzei et al., 2016; Nikolić et al.,
it is resilient to the updates of the Solidity language. 2018; Luu et al., 2016). In this context, Atzei et al. (2016) sur-
In addition to the source code metrics, in other cases, met- veyed the security vulnerabilities of Ethereum smart contracts
rics of blockchain applications have been calculated. Blockchain and provided a taxonomy of common programming pitfalls lead-
could also be used in the health field to solve problems such as ing to vulnerabilities. By using Grounded Theory, Wohrer and
delayed communications, inefficient delivery of clinical reports Zdun (2018) identified six design patterns to address the security
and fragmented medical records. In existing literature, there are issues of Solidity smart contracts. An example is the Checks-
few guidelines for creating blockchain-based health apps. For Effects-Interaction pattern, which describes how a function code
this reason, Zhang et al. (2017) described a series of evaluation should be structured to avoid side effects and unwanted execu-
parameters from a technical point of view to address healthcare tion behavior. Other patterns deal with problems related to lack
interoperability issues. Examples of metrics are scalability over of control of the smart contract after it has been distributed in
large populations, interoperability, authentication. Ethereum.
Defining metrics is important both in the case of blockchain Shrivas et al. (2020) proposed a hybrid framework that pro-
platforms and in the case of smart contracts. In particular, soft- tect against different threat types such as blockchain runtime
ware metrics have been leveraged in software engineering re- environment, communication protocol, smart contract, consensus
search to compare blockchain and traditional systems, from dif- protocol. This framework can be applied to any type of blockchain
ferent perspectives. Moreover, OO metrics have been computed platform.
on smart contracts to identify similarities and differences from Other researchers proposed tools aimed at identifying vul-
more traditional programming languages. As the languages for nerable Ethereum smart contracts, such as TEETHER (Krupp and
writing smart contracts are new and constantly updated, there Rossow, 2018), MAIAN (Nikolić et al., 2018), Oyente (Luu et al.,
is still much to analyze. 2016), MadMax (Grech et al., 2018). Bugs occurrence can cause
even huge monetary losses, so it is important to find and fix
Open challenges in Smart Contract Code Metrics: guidelines them. TEETHER automatically creates exploits for a contract by
for software developers;use of agile methods to develop software; inspecting its binary bytecode. An analysis performed on 38,757
a unique tool to calculate different metrics; identifying new unique Ethereum contracts, allowed researchers to find 815 vul-
language-specific metrics for writing smart contracts. nerable contracts. MAIAN support the specification of properties
to be traced, and leverages interprocedural symbolic analysis and
concrete validator to exhibit real exploits. Analyzing nearly one
4.4. Smart contract security million contracts, MAIAN flagged thousands of contracts vulner-
able at a high true positive rate. Similarly, Oyente is a symbolic
The aspects of the security that have been dealt with so far execution tool for finding potential security bugs. Among nearly
are: static analysis of smart contract code (Chinen et al., 2020), 20,000 existing Ethereum contracts, Oyente flagged 8833 of them
testing techniques for finding security flaws (Wohrer and Zdun, as vulnerable.
2018; Atzei et al., 2016), and tools for identifying vulnerable Instead, MadMax uses static programming techniques to auto-
smart contracts (Krupp and Rossow, 2018; Nikolić et al., 2018; matically detect gas-based vulnerabilities. Gas-based vulnerabil-
Luu et al., 2016; Grech et al., 2018). ities exploit the unwanted behavior that occurs when a contract
The identification of Ponzi schemes is a recurring topic in terminates the gas available to run. The results show that 81% of
many analyzed papers (Bartoletti et al., 2020; Chen et al., 2019, the samples analyzed have vulnerabilities.
2018a) concerning the Ethereum technology. Ponzi schemes are Considering the increasing diffusion of Ethereum and the in-
not security issues related to smart contract implementation, creasing value of capitalization, very little is known about the
but they are deliberate frauds made by scammers. The term relationship between users and smart contracts. To fill this gap,
Ponzi scheme indicates a form of financial fraud where, behind Chen et al. (2018b) analyzed three main activities on Ethereum:
the promise of high profits, users deposit their money. Thus, the transfer of money, the creation of smart contracts, and the
victims believe that profits come from product sales or other invocation of smart contracts, by using a graphical analysis. They
financial revenue, while the source of funds is other victims. Thus, proposed a new approach based on cross-graph analysis to ad-
the business stands as long as new investors contribute with dress security problems, like attack forensics and anomaly detec-
new funds. This pattern was invented by Charles Ponzi about a tion.
hundred years ago. Smart contract platforms like Ethereum offer While techniques based on static or dynamic analysis are
new opportunities to scammers who can create ‘‘reliable’’ fraud usually applied to find security bugs in smart contracts, Huang
A. Vacca, A. Di Sorbo, C.A. Visaggio et al. The Journal of Systems & Software 174 (2021) 110891

(2018) proposed a solution aimed at reducing the labor costs of higher throughput and lower latency than Ethereum when work-
the experts by exploiting image recognition for Ethereum smart loads increase in terms of transactions. These differences get
contract. stronger when the number of transactions grows.
Another type of attack is re-entrancy, which has the objective Instead, Thakkar et al. (2018) performed an empirical study
of stealing Ether, cryptocurrency used by Ethereum. Chinen et al. to characterize the performance of Hyperledger Fabric and find
(2020) propose RA (Re-entrancy Analyzer), a static analysis tool bottlenecks. They proposed guidelines for the configuration of
that combines symbolic execution and equivalence control to the parameters analyzed and identified the main performance
analyze smart contract vulnerable to re-entrancy attacks. bottlenecks.
Considering the different techniques of blockchain exploita- While in previous studies in this section reference is made to
tion, Sayeed et al. (2020) classify them into 4 categories according specific blockchain technologies, in the following two reference
to the logic of attack (consensus protocols, bugs in the smart con- is made to generic blockchain platforms.
tract, malware running in the operating system and fraudulent Adding a blockchain in existing systems raises several issues.
users). Then they analyze the vulnerabilities of smart contracts to Wessling et al. (2018) proposed an approach to determine which
determine the real impact. Analysis shows that the most frequent architectural or system elements can benefit from the use of
attacks are: DAO attack, Parity attack, king of Ether Trone, Govern blockchain technology. After identifying participants, relation-
Mental, and Dynamic libraries. The most used testing tools are: ships of trust and interactions, they propose a hybrid architecture,
Fuse, Bug framework, Goatx Casino, Truffle framework, Mitx, which uses blockchain in existing software systems.
Oyente framework. Using blockchain instead of traditional databases or proto-
Security is always an important issue to consider. In this cols is an architectural choice that creates trade-offs in non-
section several aspects have been seen as possible fraud through functional requirements. Yasaweerasinghelage et al. (2017) an-
the Ponzi scheme but also how to detect some of the most famous alyzed the latency of blockchain-based systems using model-
bugs such as Parity bug and DAO bug. In addition, recurring vul- ing and simulation of architectural performance. The approaches
nerabilities and patterns have been identified in smart contracts, used help to understand the differences between the cost model
as well as methods to create and prevent exploits. However, there per blockchain compared to conventional systems.
are still vulnerabilities that can cause monetary losses.
Open challenges in Dapp Performance Measurement: com-
Open challenges in Smart Contract Security: patterns to de- prehensive frameworks to identify advantages and possible bot-
tect specific attacks; consolidate a taxonomy of smart contract tlenecks in different blockchain technologies and architectures;
vulnerabilities, searching for new ones; effective processes of benchmarks to evaluate scalability, error tolerance, and impact
security testing. of different consensus algorithms; approaches to estimate the
impact of adopting blockchain-based technologies on functional
and non-functional requirements.

4.5. Dapp performance measurement

The definition of benchmarks for Dapp (Dinh et al., 2018, 4.6. Blockchain application
2017) and performances analysis (Rouhani and Deters, 2017;
Pongnumkul et al., 2017; Thakkar et al., 2018) have been among With regard to blockchain-based applications, a number of
the main topics of Dapp performance measurement. issues have been addressed in different fields such as economics
It is assumed that recent private blockchain systems have (Meng and Qian, 2018a,b; Suankaewmanee et al., 2018; Ran-
ganthan et al., 2018; Clack et al., 2016; Jiang et al., 2019), pay-
been designed with greater attention to safety and performance.
ment systems (Manzoor et al., 2018; Zinca and Negrean, 2018),
However, a framework that can analyze and compare the differ-
health (Delgado-Mohatar et al., 2019), blockchain system
ent systems to identify advantages and possible bottlenecks to
(Hamida et al., 2017; Amoordon and Rocha, 2019; Bez et al.,
solve is still missing. Dinh et al. (2018, 2017) developed a bench-
2019), query and database (Xu et al., 2019), and IoT applica-
marking framework, called BLOCKBENCH, for the comparison of
tions (Hinckeldeyn and Jochen, 2018; Wang et al., 2019c).
blockchain systems such as Ethereum, Parity and Hyperledger
Applications have been proposed to bring innovation in busi-
in terms of data processing performance and workloads. BLOCK-
ness operations, corporate logistics, but also financial services
BENCH can be integrated via API into private blockchains and
and m-commerce applications. In this section, most of the work
measures presentations in terms of throughput, latency, scalabil-
refers to applications that can use blockchain technology in gen-
ity and tolerance to errors.
eral (Meng and Qian, 2018a,b; Suankaewmanee et al., 2018; Jiang
Rouhani and Deters (2017) compared the performances in
et al., 2019; Chang et al., 2019; Pradeepkumar et al., 2018; Clack
Ethereum when using two clients, Parity11 and Geth12 Geth is
et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2019c; Liu, 2018; Zhang et al., 2019;
one of the first Ethereum client implemented in Go language,
Xu et al., 2019; Martens and Maalej, 2018), only a part is related
instead Parity is newer, written in the Rust language and is
to Ethereum (Nizamuddin et al., 2019; Ranganthan et al., 2018;
focused on efficiency. The results showed that, by using the same
Aung and Tantidham, 2017; Manzoor et al., 2018; Zinca and
configuration, the Parity client is 89.8% faster than Geth. The
Negrean, 2018; Delgado-Mohatar et al., 2019; Hukkinen et al.,
reason is that Geth uses a diverse implementation approaches
2019; Hinckeldeyn and Jochen, 2018; Kfoury and Khoury, 2018;
based on stack.
Bez et al., 2019; Bragagnolo et al., 2018b; McConaghy et al., 2016)
As opposed to public blockchains such as Ethereum, Hyper-
and enterprise blockchain (Hamida et al., 2017).
ledger Fabric13 is established as permissioned blockchain.
For example, Meng and Qian (2018a,b) analyzed projects in
Pongnumkul et al. (2017) analyzed the performance and limits
the business sector and propose an evaluation framework called
of Hyperledger Fabric and Ethereum: Hyperledger Fabric achieves
DelivChain. It is useful to increase real-time predictive delivery
performance in supply chain management and accuracy. Niza-
11 https://www.parity.io/ muddin et al. (2019) proposed a blockchain-based solution and a
12 https://geth.ethereum.org/ framework for document sharing and version control to facilitate
13 https://www.hyperledger.org/use/fabric multi-user collaboration and track changes.
A. Vacca, A. Di Sorbo, C.A. Visaggio et al. The Journal of Systems & Software 174 (2021) 110891

Suankaewmanee et al. (2018) proposed MobiChain, a mo- provided a taxonomy of applications and use cases. They sug-
bile application that uses blockchain technology to protect e- gested to improve real time analysis, data privacy, security, and
commerce transactions. Mining processes are performed on mo- scalability. Another type of blockchain is Tendermint, a Byzantine
bile devices through an Android module. Jiang et al. (2019) Fault Tolerant (BFT) application-based blockchain (Amoordon and
have designed a corporate protocol to preserve private informa- Rocha, 2019). Unlike Ethereum, that allows to run several het-
tion, such as identity, address and phone number, using smart erogeneous smart contracts on the same blockchain, Tendermint
contracts in the e-commerce trading phase. In a similar way, uses one application per blockchain.
Ranganthan et al. (2018) proposed an application that uses the A different context from the previous ones is that which re-
blockchain to provide support platforms for online purchases, gards the use of the databases and the associated queries. It is im-
such as eBay. This application could be used to block merchants, portant to have search methods to directly access the blocks, that
pay commissions, sell a product, and preserve the privacy of continue to grow over time. To this aim, Bragagnolo et al. (2018b)
user data. Instead, Chang et al. (2019) showed the advantages of presented the Ethereum Query Language (EQL), a query language
using blockchain for monitoring the logistics status in real-time for retrieving information from the blockchain with queries sim-
and reducing the costs associated with cash backlogs in practical ilar to SQL. Considering the databases, BigchainDB (McConaghy
business system design. et al., 2016) is a large-scale decentralized blockchain database.
In order to promote the adoption of blockchain in digitization The characteristics of BigchainDB are: 1 million writes per second
processes, it is necessary to understand which rules, mechanisms throughput, storing petabytes of data, sub-second latency, user-
and specifications of the regulations are best suited. To fill this friendly and efficient queries, authorization system for public and
gap, Pradeepkumar et al. (2018) proposed a modeling approach private blockchains. Other researchers have studied the problem
that supports automated analysis of human-readable regulatory of authenticating range queries for databases stored in the hybrid
representations. In order to support the financial services in adop- storage blockchain (Zhang et al., 2019).
tion of legally-enforceable smart contracts, Clack et al. (2016) Another application is originChain, a blockchain-based trace-
analyzed potential formats for the archiving and transmission of ability system that restructures the current system by replacing
intelligent legal agreements. the central database with blockchain (Xu et al., 2019).
Aung and Tantidham (2017) applied the blockchain technol- To solve the problem of central authorities, which can influ-
ogy for checking each transaction history and set the policies for ence review processes, Martens and Maalej (2018) presented Re-
managing the transactions of a smart home system. viewChain, a decentralized review approach that (i) uses
Within the context of payment systems, Manzoor et al. (2018) blockchain technologies, decentralized apps and storage and (ii)
proposed a cashless payment scheme for remote villages based on allows users to send and retrieve reviews that have not been
keeping a log of transactions verifiable in a distributed way. Sim- tampered with.
ilarly, Zinca and Negrean (2018) developed a road tax payment
application using the Ethereum platform. Open challenges in Blockchain Application: integration be-
Instead, Delgado-Mohatar et al. (2019) studied the feasibil- tween blockchain and existing systems; approaches for assessing
ity of blockchain-based biometric systems with the storage of costs and benefits of blockchain integration.
biometric models.
Another important area to take into account is the Internet of
Things (IoT). Wang et al. (2019c) proposed a comprehensive sur-
vey of IoT-oriented Blockchain technologies. Instead, Hinckeldeyn 5. Discussion
and Jochen (2018) presented an intelligent storage container that
uses Ethereum-based smart contract. By analyzing the current literature on blockchain-oriented
Similarly, Hukkinen et al. (2019) proposed a blockchain-based software engineering, it emerges that most of the research fo-
application designed to conduct electricity microtransactions in a cuses on the Ethereum platform with a few exceptions as Bitcoin
nanogrid environment. and Hyperledger. Consequently, while there is a large conver-
Blockchain technologies can also be leveraged for enabling gence of results concerning this specific platform, replications and
more secure services over the network. For instance, Voice over new studies on the other platforms are necessary for generalizing
Long Term Evolution (Volte) technology provides standards for the results. The size of datasets used in the experiments varies
real-time services such as voice and video on LTE mobile network. in a wide interval, spanning from a few units up to hundreds
The security implementation in VoLTE is End-to-Access (e2a), of thousands of smart contracts, with a strong prevalence of
which means that the sessions are only encrypted between the studies using very huge datasets. This gives greater external va-
mobile terminals and the IP Media Subsystem (IMS) network. lidity to the results of the papers and put large datasets at the
Kfoury and Khoury (2018), to achieve End-to-End (e2e) protection community’s disposal.
of Volte media, proposed to create public and private key pairs More specifically, the research community paid a lot of atten-
for Volte user equipment and store public keys in the Ethereum tion to the testing of smart contracts, but the main purpose of the
blockchain. The authors show that this solution has minimal existing literature is to find bugs and vulnerabilities. Surprisingly,
impact on the IMS network and the setup time is negligible approaches for conducting specific kinds of tests, like integration
compared to the original VoLTE setup time. and regression, are almost completely unexplored. In particular,
In addition to such applications, another study has tried to it would be interesting to understand how to adapt the existing
help beginners understanding key blockchain concepts. Liu (2018) testing techniques to a smart contract or a Dapp. Moreover, while
proposes ChainTutor, a Java application that uses a graphical fuzz testing has been largely studied, other techniques related to
interface instead of long text descriptions in which users can gen- test-case generation and mutation testing are still poorly inves-
erate keys, hashes, transactions, blocks, wallets, and add blocks. tigated. For building a complete body of knowledge of Software
This application can be used by instructors in classroom environ- Engineering in this area, these steps are inescapable.
ments when they introduce blockchain notions. Existing studies on smart contract code analysis head to (i)
Bez et al. (2019) evaluated the current implementation of the locate security and quality problems, (ii) detect clones, for deal-
blockchain application and the related improvement proposals. ing with reuse and the protection of intellectual property, and
Instead, Hamida et al. (2017) analyzed enterprise blockchains fo- (iii) identify cost-effective code. Since on specific blockchain ar-
cusing on main components, technologies and applications. They chitectures (e.g., Ethereum) Dapp execution is related to gas
A. Vacca, A. Di Sorbo, C.A. Visaggio et al. The Journal of Systems & Software 174 (2021) 110891

consumption, it would be helpful to have techniques for identify- search but had to be included in the analysis. Considering that the
ing patterns of code that may affect the gas consumption, jointly topic is quite new, we believe that the number of relevant articles
with automated approaches for making the code cost-effective. which have possibly been missed could be sufficiently small and,
Furthermore, code measurement is a fundamental component for thus, would only marginally influence the findings of our study.
gathering quantitative characterization of the code, which could Another threat to validity can be related to the bias of authors
lead to more precise planning, prediction, and projections of the when selecting the articles. To cope with this threat and reduce
overall software lifecycle. This area needs further developments the bias while filtering the papers, we defined a selection protocol
concerning smart contracts and Dapp. In particular, the examined with clear inclusion and exclusion criteria. For avoiding the misin-
methods of code analysis are mainly designed for Solidity and Go, terpretations in the titles or abstracts of the retrieved documents
with the need of posing efforts towards a stronger generalization. that could cause the exclusion of relevant papers, before deciding
Much work has been devoted to the security of smart con- whether a specific document was relevant or not, introduction
tracts, resulting in defining specific vulnerabilities for smart con- and conclusion sections were carefully examined. Besides, re-
tracts and tools for finding vulnerabilities in smart contracts. trieved documents were discussed by authors and included in the
However, smart contract security is still at the beginning and review only after achieving the consensus.
many other issues deserve attention. Even if many researchers
7. Conclusions
identified vulnerabilities, a reference taxonomy that organizes
and collects vulnerabilities according to criteria like impact,
Given the growing spread of blockchain platforms and the
scope, effect, cost of exploitation, and fix is still missing. Similarly,
use of smart contracts in different sectors, it is essential to have
we still lack a comprehensive catalog of attack patterns to smart
a picture of the current state of the technology and analyze in
contracts. Consequently, paramount is to systematize the process which areas that technology is bringing innovation. From the
of smart contract security testing, including the practices, the analysis carried out, we observed that the review of existing
tools, and the procedures to be followed. literature is focused only on specific themes, such as security
As previously remarked, the performances of a blockchain or blockchain applications. However, this technology can be im-
are a widely acknowledged problem, especially by industry: till proved by introducing software engineering practices. Based on
now research produced benchmarks and analysis frameworks for these motivations, we carried out a software engineering oriented
measuring performances. We should make headway in producing literature review, to better understand the techniques, practices,
comprehensive frameworks to identify possible bottlenecks in and tools specifically conceived to address the issues posed by
different blockchain technologies and architectures. Scalability the development of blockchain-based software and identify the
and availability are two key factors for the success of a Dapp: challenges that are still open.
more complete benchmarks are necessary for helping developers To carry out this analysis, after inspecting the different papers
to (i) evaluate (and improve) error tolerance, (ii) avoid perfor- identified, on the basis of the defined inclusion and exclusion
mance degradation when the number of transactions increases, criteria, 96 papers were selected. Six topics of interest have been
and (iii) measure how the different consensus algorithms affect defined (i.e., smart contract testing, smart contract code analysis,
the responsiveness of a Dapp. smart contract metrics, smart contract security, Dapp perfor-
The blockchain is becoming an enabling technology and soft- mance, and blockchain application). For each of these topics, we
ware architects could choose whether to adopt it or not. For this also identified open challenges needing further research.
reason, methods for assessing how a blockchain could modify The analysis highlighted that further investigation is needed
the system requirements and properties are needed to drive to understand how to apply traditional testing techniques to
the architectural choices. Literature reports many experiences of blockchain-oriented software, but also methods to measure spe-
using blockchain in software systems. It should be interesting to cific code metrics enabling code optimization. In addition, guide-
investigate which issues are raised when integrating blockchain lines are needed for developers or even the development of a new
in existing systems, and consequently provide approaches that programming language to simplify the creation and understand-
could support such an integration and measure costs and risks. ing of smart contracts. As for security, patterns could be identified
An effort is necessary for making such methods independent from to detect specific attacks but also create a taxonomy with the
the specific technology the blockchain is implemented in. most common attacks to help developers prevent them. Con-
sidering the different blockchain platforms, a framework would
6. Threats to validity also be needed to compare them. This comparison, based on the
advantages offered by each platform, would be useful to help
There are several threats to validity that may arise while select the one that is most suitable when dealing with specific
conducting a systematic literature review (Zhou et al., 2016). A scenarios.
common threat could be represented by an ineffective strategy
CRediT authorship contribution statement
for searching relevant studies or selecting sources of information.
To mitigate this concern and retrieve as many relevant docu-
Anna Vacca: Methodology, Investigation, Validation, Visual-
ments as possible, we used simple search strings and queried
ization, Data curation, Writing - original draft, Writing - re-
four different digital libraries. In particular, we avoided restrict- view & editing. Andrea Di Sorbo: Conceptualization, Methodol-
ing the sources of information to certain publishers, journals, ogy, Investigation, Writing - original draft, Writing - review &
or conferences with the specific aim of adequately covering the editing. Corrado A. Visaggio: Conceptualization, Methodology,
breadth of the investigated research field. We also cross-checked Investigation, Visualization, Writing - original draft, Writing -
the completeness of searches and validated the suitability of each review & editing. Gerardo Canfora: Writing - review & editing,
study for inclusion. Supervision.
Although we tried to minimize the possibility of missing im-
portant studies, it could have happened that the title, abstract, Declaration of competing interest
or keywords of some relevant studies did not match with the
search strings used for querying the digital libraries. To alleviate The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
this issue, we manually inspected the references of the extracted cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared
studies to identify papers that were missed during the initial to influence the work reported in this paper.
A. Vacca, A. Di Sorbo, C.A. Visaggio et al. The Journal of Systems & Software 174 (2021) 110891

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A. Vacca, A. Di Sorbo, C.A. Visaggio et al. The Journal of Systems & Software 174 (2021) 110891

Wu, Z., Zhang, J., Gao, J., Li, Y., Li, Q., Guan, Z., Chen, Z., 2020. Kaya: A testing Andrea Di Sorbo is a research fellow at the Univer-
framework for blockchain-based decentralized applications. arXiv preprint sity of Sannio, Italy. He received the Ph.D. degree in
arXiv:2006.01476. information technology from the University of San-
Xu, X., Lu, Q., Liu, Y., Zhu, L., Yao, H., Vasilakos, A.V., 2019. Designing blockchain- nio, in 2018. His research interests include software
based applications a case study for imported product traceability. Future maintenance and evolution, mining software reposito-
Gener. Comput. Syst. 92, 399–406. ries, empirical software engineering, text analysis and
Yamashita, K., Nomura, Y., Zhou, E., Pi, B., Jun, S., 2019. Potential risks of software security and privacy. He coauthored several
hyperledger fabric smart contracts. In: 2019 IEEE International Workshop papers appeared in flagship international conferences
on Blockchain Oriented Software Engineering. IWBOSE, IEEE, pp. 1–10. (ICSE, FSE, ASE) and journals (TSE, JSS, IST, JSEP). He
Yasaweerasinghelage, R., Staples, M., Weber, I., 2017. Predicting latency of serves and has served as review editor and guest
blockchain-based systems using architectural modelling and simulation. In: associate editor for Frontiers in Big Data, guest editor
2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture. ICSA, IEEE, pp. for the Information and Software Technology journal, and reviewer for several
253–256. journals in the field of software engineering, as Transactions on Software
Ye, J., Ma, M., Peng, T., Peng, Y., Xue, Y., 2019. Towards automated generation of Engineering, edited by IEEE, Journal of Software: Evolution and Processes edited
bug benchmark for smart contracts. In: 2019 IEEE International Conference by Wiley, and the Empirical Software Engineering journal edited by Springer. He
on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops. ICSTW, IEEE, pp. is also a program committee member of some international conferences (ARES,
184–187. MOBILESoft, SEAA).
Zhang, P., Walker, M.A., White, J., Schmidt, D.C., Lenz, G., 2017. Metrics for
assessing blockchain-based healthcare decentralized apps. In: 2017 IEEE 19th
International Conference on E-Health Networking, Applications and Services. Corrado Aaron Visaggio is an associate professor of
Healthcom, IEEE, pp. 1–4. CyberSecurity at the Department of Engineering of Uni-
Zhang, C., Xu, C., Xu, J., Tang, Y., Choi, B., 2019. GEMˆ 2-Tree: A gas-efficient versity of Sannio. He is chair of the node of University
structure for authenticated range queries in blockchain. In: 2019 IEEE 35th of Sannio for the CINI National Cyber Security Lab. He is
International Conference on Data Engineering. ICDE, IEEE, pp. 842–853. the scientific coordinator of several projects funded by
Zhang, P., Yu, J., Ji, S., 2020. ADF-GA: Data flow criterion based test case firms operating in CyberSecurity, concerning malware
generation for Ethereum smart contracts. analysis, vulnerability assessment, and data protection.
Zhou, X., Jin, Y., Zhang, H., Li, S., Huang, X., 2016. A map of threats to He is also among the founders of the academic spin-
validity of systematic literature reviews in software engineering. In: 23rd off SER&Practice. He serves in the Editorial Board of
Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference. APSEC 2016, Hamilton, New the International Journal of Computer Virology and
Zealand, December 6–9, 2016, pp. 153–160. Hacking techniques (Springer), as associate editor in
Zinca, D., Negrean, V.-A., 2018. Development of a road tax payment applica- Frontiers in Big Data, and in several Program Committees (MALWARE, ARES,
tion using the Ethereum platform. In: 2018 International Symposium on SECRYPT, SEKE, ITASEC, FoRSE, DATA, Hufo, MobiSys, WETSOM, ISSRE); he was
Electronics and Telecommunications. ISETC, IEEE, pp. 1–4. also the workshop chair of WETSOM and WMA. His main research interests
Zou, W., Lo, D., Kochhar, P.S., Le, X.-B.D., Xia, X., Feng, Y., Chen, Z., Xu, B., are: malware analysis, data privacy and protection, software security, empirical
2019. Smart contract development: Challenges and opportunities. IEEE Trans. software engineering.
Softw. Eng..
Gerardo Canfora is a professor of computer science
at the School of Engineering of the University of San-
Anna Vacca is a Ph.D. student in Software Engineering nio, Italy. He serves on the program and organizing
at the Department of Engineering of the University of committees of a number of international conferences.
Sannio, Italy. She obtained B.Sc. in Computer Engineer- He was general chair of WCRE06 and CSMR03, and
ing from the University of Sannio, Italy, in 2014, while, program cochair of ICSE15, WETSoM12 and 10, ICSM01
in 2017, she received M.Sc. in Computer Engineering and 07, IWPSE05, CSMR04 and IWPC97. He is co-editor
from the same university. Her research interests in- of the Journal of Software: Evolution and Processes.
clude blockchain applications, software maintenance, Canfora authored 200 research papers; his research
and software security. interests include software maintenance and evolution,
security and privacy, empirical software engineering,
and service-oriented computing.


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