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1)Name of the Repondant:

5)Monthly income:
4.50001 -60000
5.More than above
6)Which of the following is a primary objective of implementing supply chain
management system standards?
a) Reducing costs
b) Increasing customer satisfaction
c) Enhancing product quality
d) All of the above

7) Which international standard is widely used for supply chain management?

a) ISO 9001
b) ISO 14001
c) ISO 22000
d) ISO 28000

8)What does the abbreviation "SCM" stand for in the context of supply chain
management system standards?
a) Supply Chain Model
b) System Control Measure
c) Supply Chain Management
d) Strategic Cost Management

9)Which of the following is NOT a benefit of standardized supply chain management

a) Improved communication
b) Enhanced risk management
c) Increased complexity
d) Greater efficiency
10)What role does technology play in optimizing supply chain management system
a) Technology enables real-time tracking of inventory
b) Technology reduces the need for standardized processes
c) Technology increases manual work
d) Technology has no impact on supply chain management efficiency

11)Which aspect of supply chain management is most directly affected by the

implementation of standardized systems?
a) Transportation logistics
b) Inventory management
c) Procurement processes
d) Customer relationship management

12)How can supply chain management system standards contribute to sustainability

a) By reducing waste and emissions
b) By increasing resource consumption
c) By promoting unethical practices
d) By ignoring environmental concerns

13)What challenges might organizations face when implementing supply chain

management system standards?
a) Resistance to change
b) Lack of resources
c) Cultural barriers
d) All of the above

14)Which factor is crucial for the successful implementation of supply chain

management system standards?
a) Top management commitment
b) Minimizing employee involvement
c) Avoiding training programs
d) Ignoring customer feedback

15)Which industry sectors benefit the most from standardized supply chain
management systems?
a) Manufacturing
b) Healthcare
c) Retail
d) All of the above

16)How do supply chain management system standards contribute to regulatory

a) By ensuring adherence to industry-specific regulations
b) By circumventing regulatory requirements
c) By ignoring legal standards
d) By imposing unnecessary restrictions
17)Which aspect of supply chain management system standards is essential for
maintaining product quality?
a) Traceability
b) Cost reduction
c) Speed of delivery
d) Supplier diversity

18)How can supply chain management system standards help organizations mitigate
a) By improving supply chain visibility
b) By increasing dependence on a single supplier
c) By neglecting quality control measures
d) By disregarding potential disruptions

19)What role does collaboration play in optimizing supply chain management system
a) Collaboration fosters innovation and process improvement
b) Collaboration leads to increased competition
c) Collaboration slows down decision-making processes
d) Collaboration is irrelevant to supply chain management

20)Which performance indicators are commonly used to evaluate the effectiveness of

supply chain management system standards?
a) On-time delivery rate
b) Inventory turnover
c) Customer satisfaction
d) All of the above

21)How do supply chain management system standards impact the overall

competitiveness of an organization?
a) By increasing costs
b) By reducing efficiency
c) By improving responsiveness to market demands
d) By hindering technological advancements

22)What are the potential consequences of non-compliance with supply chain

management system standards?
a) Loss of market credibility.
b) Increased customer satisfaction
c) Improved supplier relationships
d) Enhanced brand reputation

23)How can organizations ensure continuous improvement in their supply chain

management system standards?
a) Through regular audits and evaluations
b) By ignoring feedback from stakeholders
c) By maintaining the status quo
d) By avoiding changes to existing processes
24)Which factors should organizations consider when selecting supply chain
management system standards?
a) Industry requirements
b) Organizational goals
c) Available resources
d) All of the above

25)How do supply chain management system standards support lean principles?

a) By increasing waste
b) By reducing efficiency
c) By promoting continuous improvement
d) By ignoring process optimization

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