Important Parts of Business Letter

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1. Sender's Information: This includes your name, address, email address, and phone
number. It is usually placed at the top of the letter.
2. Date: The date on which the letter is written is placed below the sender's information.
3. Recipient's Information: This includes the name, title, company name, and address of
the person or organization receiving the letter. It is placed below the date.
4. Salutation: The greeting at the beginning of the letter, such as "Dear [Recipient's
5. Body: The main content of the letter where you convey your message, provide
information, or make a request. It is typically divided into paragraphs.
6. Closing: A closing phrase such as "Sincerely," "Best regards," or "Yours faithfully,"
followed by your name.
7. Signature: Your handwritten signature if the letter is being sent by mail. In digital letters,
you can include a scanned signature or simply type your name.
8. Enclosures: If you are enclosing any additional documents with the letter, you can
mention them at the end.
9. CC: If you are sending a copy of the letter to other individuals, you can include "CC"
followed by their names at the end of the letter.


1. Resignation Letter:
 Date of the letter
 Statement of resignation
 Last working day
 Appreciation for the opportunity
 Offer to assist with the transition
2. Recommendation Letter:
 Introduction of the recommender and their relationship to the candidate
 Description of the candidate's skills, qualities, and achievements
 Specific examples of the candidate's performance
 Recommendation for the position or opportunity
3. Application Letter:
 Introduction and purpose of the letter
 Explanation of qualifications and experience
 Statement of interest in the position
 Request for consideration for the job
4. Quotation Letter:
 Date of the letter
 Details of the products or services being quoted
 Price and payment terms
 Validity period of the quotation
5. Order Letter:
 Date of the letter
 Details of the products or services being ordered
 Quantity, price, and payment terms
 Delivery instructions
6. Apology Letter:
 Acknowledgment of the mistake or offense
 Explanation of what happened
 Apology and expression of regret
 Steps taken to prevent a recurrence
7. Announcement Letter:
 Date of the letter
 Purpose of the announcement
 Details of the event or news being announced
 Next steps or actions required
8. Thank You Letter:
 Date of the letter
 Specific reason for gratitude
 Expression of appreciation
 Closing remarks
9. Congratulations Letter:
 Date of the letter
 Reason for congratulations
 Expression of joy and pride
 Best wishes for the future
10. Sales Letter:
 Attention-grabbing opening
 Description of the product or service
 Benefits and features of the offering
 Call to action
11. Inquiry Letter:
 Date of the letter
 Purpose of the inquiry
 Specific questions or requests for information
 Contact information for a response
12. Complaint Letter:
 Date of the letter
 Description of the issue or complaint
 Details of the incident
 Request for resolution or action
13. Cover Letter:
 Introduction and purpose of the letter
 Explanation of qualifications and experience
 Connection to the job or company
 Request for consideration for the job

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