1 Manifest Destiny

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Manifest Destiny


John O’Sullivan (columnist),

the first to coin the term
Manifest Destiny
Why is America destined to expand
 It’s a _____________________ destiny

for America to expand

 We are _____________people and need to

civilize the Native Americans

 Should spread our ___________, institutions and ideals of _________

Achieving Manifest Destiny


Texas: Oregon: Southwest US: Mexican-
Becomes independent Oregon Treaty (1846) American War, Treaty of
then annexed by the U.S. Guadalupe-Hidalgo
(1845) (1848)


Texas had been a state in Mexico since 1821. The United States had offered to buy the territory
at the time, but the new Mexican government refused to sell. However, Mexico immediately
began to invite immigration from the north by offering land grants to American settlers. They
needed to increase the population of the area and to produce revenue for their infant
government. The Americans responded in great numbers, and by 1835 approximately 35,000
“gringos” were homesteading on the Texas land.
The Mexican officials saw their
power base eroding as the
thousands of American settlers
and their slaves flooded in, and
so they moved to tighten
control, through restrictions of
new immigration, and through
tax increases. American settlers
now had to obey Mexican law
which also included converting
to Catholicism, prohibiting
slavery, and pledging allegiance
to Mexico. Mexico begins to
crack down on American
settlers who ignore Mexican
authority and refuse to
conform. (Texas was becoming
too “American.”)

In 1835 Texans begin to rebel against Mexican rule and in 1836 Texans responded by
proclaiming independence and establishing a new republic. The ensuing war was short lived.
Texas wins it independence and becomes a republic. Sam Houston immediately asks the
American government for recognition and annexation.

Should the United States annex Texas?


“But let us admit Texas, and we shall place the balance of power in the hands of the Texans
themselves. They, with the Southern states, will control the policy and the destiny of this nation;
our tariff will then be held at the will of the Texan advocates of free trade. Are our friends of the
North prepared to deliver over this great national policy to the people of Texas?” – Henry Clay

 What is Henry Clay’s point of view/position on Texas?

YES, annex Texas. No, do not annex Texas.

 ___________________________  Could lead to


 ___________________, Southern
economy supports Texas  Upset _____________________________
Annexation of
 President John Tyler made the
annexation of Texas a priority,
and in the closing days of his
presidency, Congress voted to
make Texas a state.

 Texas admitted to the Union

as the 28th state on the last
day of Tyler’s presidency with
a joint resolution in 1845
(majority vote in Congress)


 Lured West: lush valleys, rich forests, mild climate attracts settlers

 Oregon Trail: stretched 2,000 miles from St. Louis to Portland (5 month journey)

 Thousands of settlers flood to Oregon

 Oregon had been…

 Democrats in the Election of 1844 push for __________________________ of Oregon

Election of 1844

 Whigs nominate Henry Clay, Democrats nominate _________________________

 Polk is an _____________________________: supported Texas

annexation, wanted the entire Oregon territory, and had his eyes set on
and the Southwest and California.

Polk tapped into the public mood and

realized that manifest destiny was the very
issue that could lead him to victory.

The northern boundary of Oregon was the

latitude line of 54 degrees, 40 minutes.
the popular slogan that led Polk to victory
against all odds.

Think about it!

What does "FIFTY-FOUR FORTY OR FIGHT!" mean?

 Polk wins the Election of 1844.

“There is a new spirit in the land, young, restless, vigorous and omnipotent… It was felt in the
triumphant election of James K. Polk… It is Young America, awakened to a sense of her own
intellectual greatness but her soaring spirit… It demands the immediate annexation of Texas at
any hazard. It will plant its right foot upon the northern verge of Oregon, and it left upon the
Atlantic crag waving the stars and stripes.”
–United States Journal, May 3, 1845
What does this quote tell you about America in the mid 1800s?

Oregon Treaty (1846)

While originally calling for “54° 40’ or fight!”
Polk was willing to compromise

Polk pressures Britain to negotiate the rights

to Oregon

Oregon Treaty of 1846: The United States

and Britain compromise on border at the

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