50 Phrases Utiles Dans Une Conversation

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50 phrases utiles à utiliser dans une conversation en anglais

Dites pas (toujours) I agree, hello, how are you

1. How are you?

What’s up?
What’s new?
How is it going?
How is everything?
How are things
How is life?

In a more formal situation, there are 2 other options:

How’s life been treating you?

What have you been up to recently?

2. I'm fine
Pretty good!
Same old really!
Not so great really!
I’m OK / good / great
Can’t complain!

3. Thank you
I really appreciate that/ it
I’m really grateful
That’s so kind of you
I owe you one

4. You're welcome
You are most welcome!
No worries!
My pleasure! / Pleasure!
Any time.

5. Do you know…?
Do you have any clues/ ideas….?
You wouldn’t happen to know …, would you?
I don’t suppose you know…?
6. I don't know
I have no idea / I haven’t got any idea.
I haven’t got a clue
Sorry I can’t help you there
I’m not really/ so sure
Actually I’ve been wondering the same thing

7. I agree
That’s so true!
That’s so right! / You’re so right/ You’re right.
I 100% agree
I couldn’t agree more

8. I don't agree
I’m not so sure about that.
That’s not how I see it? /
Not necessarily…
I can’t agree with you there

9. Bye
Well it was lovely chatting with you? / It was nice talking with you!
Right I’d better be going /
I need to get going.
I must be off
Speak (to you) soon!
Send my love to your family
Take care
Bye bye/ Goodbye
Talk to you later

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